Twinning Project for the Agency of Land Relations and Cadastre (ALRC) - Organization, Streamlining and Computerization Process in Mapping in the Republic of Moldova 1 of 41 Abbreviations ALRC CIB DCFTA EC ENP ENPI EuropeAid EU EUD GIS GoM IOS LIS MoU MS MSPL MRDC NGIS NIP 2011 - 2013 NSDI PAO PCA PPA PPP RTA SE STE TNA ToR TTSIB Agency of Land Relations and Cadastre Comprehensive Institution Building Programme Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area European Commission European Neighbourhood Policy European Neighbourhood Policy Instrument European Commission Aid Programme European Union Delegation of the European Union to Moldova Geographic Information System Government of Moldova International Organization for Standardization Land Information System Memorandum of Understanding Member State Member State Project Leader Ministry of Regional Development and Construction (of Moldova) National Geographic Information System National Indicative Programme 2011 - 2013 National Spatial Data Infrastructure Programme Administration Office Partnership and Cooperation Agreement Public Property Agency Public Private Partnership Resident Twinning Adviser State Enterprise Short - Term Experts Training Needs Analysis Terms of Reference Twinning, TAIEX, SIGMA, Institution Building 2 of 41 1 Basic Information 1.1 1.2 Programme : ENP National Action Programme 2011 Twinning Number: MD/13/ENP/OT/15 1.3 Title: "Twinning Project for the Agency of Land Relations and Cadastre (ALRC) Organization, Streamlining and Computerization Process in Mapping in the Republic of Moldova”. 1.4 Location: Chisinau, Moldova 1.5 Sector: Regional Development 1.6 Beneficiary Country: Republic of Moldova 1.7 Duration: 24 months 2 Objectives 2.1 Overall Objective The overall objective is increased public investment in the national and local infrastructure and improved business climate, as emphasized in the National Development Strategy for the Republic of Moldova for 2020 through improved management of geographical data. 2.2 Project Purpose The purpose is an improved mapping system in line with the EU standards and best international practices of management of geographical data. 2.3 Contribution to National Development Plan/Cooperation agreement/Association Agreement/Action Plan Moldova is now engaged in a far-reaching economic reform programme, both in terms of domestic policy and international relations, more particularly with the EU. In line with the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA) between the Republic of Moldova and the EU, the mapping system appears to be an indispensable tool for implementing and enforcing at least four groups of policy issues: fighting the deterioration of the environment, transport, regional development, and tourism (art. 61, 62, 67 and 69 of the PCA1). In line with these provisions, the country has built since 2006 a track record of intense activity to harmonize its laws and regulation with the EU Acquis. The main assistance projects, which 1 Document reference: 98/401/EC, ECSC, Euratom, available in: http://eur- 3 of 41 have played or are going to play a major source of commitment at this stage, are in addition to the afore mentioned PCA, the EU - Moldova Action Plan, which is still in the process of implementation (it is a seven-year Action Plan covering the years 2007 - 2013). Furthermore, negotiations on an EU - Moldova Association Agreement were launched on January 12, 2010. This agreement will supersede the PCA. It will significantly deepen Moldova’s political association and economic integration with the EU, relying on a strong degree of regulatory approximation. Negotiations for a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA) were launched and the negotiations, its seventh round took place during the month of June 2013. In order to cope with the challenges derived from DCFTA an improved management of geographical data is required. The Republic of Moldova is now seeking to implement its programme of economic development based on its National Development Strategy. The Government's Programme for 2011-2014 has referred to the e-governance as priority area towards economic integration with the European Union. Out of 7 priorities, as laid down by this Strategy, two of them at least have an obvious linkage with the mapping system; namely: (i) Priority 2. Increasing public investment in the national and local road infrastructure, in order to reduce transportation costs and increase the speed of access. (ii) Priority 4. Improving the business climate by streamlining the regulatory framework and applying information technologies in public services for businesses and citizens. 3 3.1 Description Background and Justification The Agency of Land Relations and Cadastre (ALRC) is a public authority carrying out execution, control, supervising, and other functions in the field of land relations, geodesy, mapping, cadastre and Geographic Information System (GIS) activities, and to some extent Land Information System (LIS) activities also, both of them building up the structure of the socalled National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) of the country. The ARLC contributes to implementing the provisions of the on-going Government Programme 2011-2014 that includes: (i) Implementing a shared platform across Government to consolidate the existing data centres; (ii) Transforming Government processes to increase public administration efficiency through the use of Information and Communication Technology; (iii) Developing electronic services for citizens and business; and (iv) Adopting an e-Governance regulatory framework according to international best practices, including opening governmental data to its citizens and business. 4 of 41 Functions and role assigned to ALRC When it comes to land relations, the corresponding group of tasks of ALRC includes land management with special reference to updating of land records, proper recording of land rights and speedy resolution of conflicts and disputes relating to land. The concept of land relations is therefore closely linked to land cadastre. The latter tool includes cartographic details of the ownership, the tenure, the precise location, the dimensions the cultivation (if rural), and the rule of individual parcel of land. The types of activities that the ALRC carries out take place at the level either of the Republic of Moldova in whole, at the level or Raion (region) or at the level of Localitate (local government). Those are composed (by virtue of the law on territorial administration No 764, dated 27.12.2001 of 32 Raioni, 3 Municipii2 (municipalities), of comunei (communes), of sectoru (small towns) and of 1.548 Satii (villages). All these localitate build up the territory of the country. To carry out its tasks, ALRC has the following organisation. Administrative organization of ALRC Three main Departments in ALRC play the most important role in terms of management, of production and of updating of geographical data in addition to other units specializing in business administration. They do not have a large number of staff (approximately 40 employees) contrary to their four implementing State Enterprises. The three main Departments are as follows. - Land Relations and Soil Protection Department. Among its tasks relating to GIS , one should note that it ensures executive projects development activities, degraded land rehabilitation, rehabilitation, planting and management of forest shelterbelts. It also reviews the development of projects of agricultural land consolidation., and it monitors the subordinated enterprises activity in the files of degraded land development. - Geodesy, Mapping and Geo-informatics Department. Its functions are to coordinate , geodetic and mapping activities, ensuring implementation of state policy in the field of geodesy, mapping, photogrammetric surveys, GIS and engineering survey. - The Real Estate Cadastre Department. It has the responsibility of coordination, collection, storage of land cadastre and real estate cadastre information and promotion of the state policy and strategy in the field of land cadastre and real estate cadastre, as well as action plan development. The decisions and policies of these Departments are implemented by four State Enterprises, which are the following. 2 Chisinau, Tiraspol, Balti. 5 of 41 - State Enterprise “Cadastru”. This State Enterprise was founded on April 1st, 2006 and it has approximately 1083 employees working in 39 territorial subdivisions. Its main activities are the creation and the maintenance of the cadastre of real estate property, the implementation of the State Programme for valuation of real estate property objects for fiscal purposes, and the maintenance and administration of real property central data base. - State Enterprise Institute “INGEOCAD”. It was founded in 1978 and is the leading enterprise of survey, geological engineering survey and mapping with approximately its 97 employees. The Institute’s main activities include: geodetic and engineering geodetic activities; mapping and photogrammetric work for provision of users with different scale maps, having various thematic purposes; cadastral work, state frontier delimitation; etc. In terms of mapping, the following achievements have been realized: Chisinau city electronic maps, 1:200,000 scale digital topographic map of Moldova; Moldova administrative map; outlines of the towns Chisinau, Balti, Orhei, Comrat, road map of Moldova 1;250,000 etc. In cooperation with European Association of Mapping the Cadastre Agencies, EuroGeographics, and through ALRC, S.E. INGEOCAD takes part in the development and update of certain European digital maps. - State Enterprise Planning Institute of Land Management “IPOT”. Founded in 1961, it is the oldest enterprise in the branch with approximately 142 employees. Today, IPOT is the leading organization in the Moldova in the field of land management. Its revised status dates back to the Governmental Regulation No 166 of February 24, 1997. In the area of planning, IPOT carries out i.a. the following activities: agricultural land consolidation schemes; public property land delimitation means; identification, inventory of state property agricultural land stocktaking for registration purposes; public property land delimitation and their registration in the register of real estate property; etc. - State Enterprise “Soil Protection and Land Improvement”. Founded on June 23 , 1997, working in 12 state territorial units with a total staff of around 228 employees, this state enterprise aims at organizing and coordinating works in the field of soil protection and restoration, and their production increase. Each of the 12 state territorial subordinated bodies has its own equipment, machines and special mechanisms, which are necessary for the construction of the hydro technical tools that are needed for the construction of erosion-preventive places. Current shortcomings that make it difficult for ALRC to efficiently carry out its tasks Although ALRC has been making special efforts to administer generation, updating, and distribution of spatial information, there still exist issues such as unclear data sharing policy, redundancy of spatial data, and lack of spatial data for decision support and crisis management, and lower awareness of spatial information. 6 of 41 A national GIS committee, a coordination mechanism to improve the communication between the institutions involved in geographic information system and NSDI was established in 2002. However, its activities are very limited, and this is probably due to the lack of awareness for both the users and providers to share their own data. Accessibility to spatial data for users across the government, international donors and supporting agencies is inadequate. There are no concrete national policies or standards for the use, production and management of spatial data. Despite the situation, many users need spatial data in areas including agriculture, land administration, land management, land use planning, forestry and water resource management. Ministries, donor agencies and NGOs are eager to use aerial photos, orthophotos, topographic maps and existing thematic maps for these purposes. ALRC has started Geo-Portal in a way which is consistent with the objectives laid down i.a. in the EU INSPIRE strategy based on the EU Inspire Directive 2007/23 (see and the Decree No 731 dated August 5, 1997). However the Moldovan Geoportal does not function yet as a common database for the storage and dissemination of all national base themes of spatial data such as roads, administration boundaries, geographical names, land use, cadastre and topography, although most agencies have unofficially obtained copies of these data4. On the contrary, the users of geographic data, either professional or casual, would expect the Moldovan Geoportal, or its NSDI, to search and access the data they need. The data, which is produced in the framework of Geoportal, must be produced by the users themselves and put at the disposal of other possible groups of users of geographical data, which is not the case. This situation prevents Moldova from relying upon a tool that can avoid duplicated efforts in geographical data, inconsistencies, delays, confusion and wasted resources. To put it in a nutshell, there is no national policy for coordinate system adaption, thus different agencies manage their data in different reference system. ALRC is positioned as a national coordinating organization of spatial data use, production, and management. Unfortunately, it is difficult to say that ALRC manages well with other spatial information users on the present use of the spatial data. Multiple agencies are using unauthorized spatial data through mutual data sharing. Accordingly, the credibility of the spatial data becomes much less reliable than ALRC expects. Appropriate distribution system of the spatial data is not constructed between Ministries, even among departments within the same Ministries. It is no doubt that many agencies do not have high expertise in GIS&LIS and are lacking also human resources. As described above, the Government of Moldova has the following difficulties concerning construction of GIS & LIS and its implementation: 3 INSPIRE is an EU initiative, originally based on the EU Directive 2007 / 2 of establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the EU (INSPIRE) with a view to ensuring an infrastructure for spatial information that helps make spatial or geographical data more accessible and interoperable for a wide range of purposes supporting economic development. 4 See for Geoportal the following decree: Hotarire Nr 731 din 5.8.1997 cu privire la aprobrea Regulamentului Fondului Caryografo-Geodezic de Stat al Republicii Moldova (published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Moldova No 66, dated 9 October 1997. 7 of 41 Lack of data sharing among governmental, academic, and the related organizations; Lack of function of coordination body for a national GIS; Lack of human resources; Lack of standards of spatial data; Lack of budget for development and/or maintenance of spatial information; Lack of communication between private and government sectors on spatial information; Inexperience of management and operation of web-services, such as geo-portal. Justification for the Twinning project The Government of Moldova is aware that the above listed difficulties should be overcome. This is particularly true when it comes to catch up with other members of EuroGeographics, in order to ensure reliability and usefulness on spatial information. Therefore, it has recently acknowledged on many occasions that the spatial information is essential to facilitate the public services and to support economic and social development. The Twining project should provide support to ALRC so that it may construct, manage and update a mapping system at a large, medium and small scale that is secure, unitary, integrated and cost efficient. These fourfold expected characteristics of the mapping system of the country are very close to the methods used within the EU by the well-known mapping system based on the “INSPIRE” system for spatial information. Although Moldova is not a candidate country for EU accession, the INSPIRE mechanism is considered by the ALRC as an appealing instrument for ensuring sound and cost efficient conditions of management and dissemination of geographic data nationwide. Its methods may facilitate establishing in the country a cost-efficient and user driven national Geographical Information System (GIS) at small or medium cartographic scale and a set of regional Land Information System (LIS) at a larger scale. 3.2 Linked activities in connection with external international and domestic initiatives In its strong desire to embark upon the completion of a Geoportal and of a NSDI complying with European best practices as recommended in the EU INSPIRE strategy, the Government of Moldova and more particularly the ARLC have benefited or are about to benefit of the assistance of the following assistance projects. Any overlap with on-going actions will be avoided. Not only Norway and Japan have provided assistance to ARLC, but also, although at a smaller scale other countries and international professional organisations: - It is worth to firstly mention that the First Cadastre Project has been implemented in Moldova between 1998 and 2009. Thanks to the cooperation with the World Bank and of other international donors, the Republic of Moldova is now fitted with a unified system of real estate registration. The project was also sustained by a number of grants given by bilateral donors, such as Japan (1996-1997), Sweden (1998-2009), Norway (1998; 2007-2008), Switzerland (1997-2002) and USAID (1997-2002). 8 of 41 - The ARLC has also cooperated with the International Federation of Surveyors< International Institution for the History of Surveying and Measurement and geodetic services of Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Belarus and Ukraine in the framework of "Struve Geodetic Arc – UNESCO World Heritage" project. As a consequence of this cooperation in 2005 "RUDY" geodetic station of Struve Arc was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List5. - ALRC is also in a process of cooperation with Norway and the Norwegian Mapping and Cadastre Agency "Statens Kartverk". Moldova and its ALRC produced orthophotos and line maps in the overall framework of the grant given in 2009 for the project "Moldova – Line Maps for Development" that aims at (i) Providing access to reliable and up-todate line maps for public and private sector, and (ii) Establishment of a system for costeffective utilisation of satellite based GPS. As a result of this cooperation, there were performed the aerial photography of the national territory and created orthophoto maps that serve as up-to-date cartographic base for national economy branches development. The orthophotos that were produced to date (for approximately 5,000 km², i.e. 20 % of the national territory) represent an excellent cartographic basis for production of cadastral maps and for improving quality in cadastre. Norway is likely to resume its assistance after October 2012 in order to cover the whole territory of Moldova with orthophotos. Taking care of the recent floods, ALRC has asked Norway for modification of its project in order to create elevation model (10 cm accuracy) via aerial laser scanning for flooded territories. - Since 2000, Moldova through the ALRC is a full members of the following international organisations in the field of cartography: (i) Global Spatial Data Infrastructure (GSDI), which financed the technical for GSDI / Global Mapping Project; (ii) European Association of national Mapping and Cadastre Agencies Eurographics, which financed the technical assistance for the first Permanent Station in the Republic of Moldova Igeo Chisinau. - As regards Japan, it signed in 2010 an agreement with ALRC. Its assistance goal is to create a digital base mapping for all the territory of Moldova at the scale of 1:50,000. It will help the creation of a national GIS with 10 layers representing administrative boundaries, geographical names, elevation, transport network, hydrographical networks and river basins, elevation, etc. With the financial backing of the World Bank, Moldova has embarked upon three projects in the field of environmental protection and hence with thematic mapping information. Those are as follows. - 5 Development and protection of municipal forests (“Proiectul dezvoltarea sectorului forestier communal în Moldova”) for an amount of 13,61 Million US $ for the period 26 May 2009 – 31 December 2014. 9 of 41 - Prevention of natural disasters and consequences of climate change (“Proiectul managementul dezastrelor si riscurilor climatice în Moldova”). This is a project that started on 10 November 2010 and will terminate on 30 September 2014 for a total amount of 10 million US $. - Conservation and rehabilitation of soil quality in Moldova (“Proiectul de conservare a solului din Moldova”). This project has a budget of 5,44 million US $ and is covering the period 16 June 2009 up to 31 December 2015. - World Bank funded project in the field of public administration reform (“Proiectul de at refoMoldovaa administratiei publice din Moldova”). This project began on July 11, 2006 and ended on 31 December 2012. With financial backing of the European Union: - EU supported Twinning project “Capacity building in regional development”. This project involving France (as the lead EU Twinning partner country) and Romania has officially began in May 2012 and will end up on January 2014. Its main beneficiary is the Moldovan Ministry of Regional Development and Construction (MRDC). This project has three components, all three having a very probable link with GIS as their will deal with the operational procedures of the National Fund for Regional Development (component 1), with the preparation of a programme of a regional development planning system (component 2) and with the development of an activity plan for the elaboration of the National Strategy for Regional Development 2013 – 2015 (component 3). - As regards the construction of its National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NDSI) on should note that the ARLC is cooperating with the TAIEX assistance programme. Several exchange of data with some EU Member States have taken place. The most recent one is the study visit on Planning Management of National Mapping and Surveying that took place in Finland in February 2012 or the scheduled workshop on Spatial Data Infrastructure for Economic Development that took place in Chisinau 24/25 October 2013. The approximation towards the EU INSPIRE directive already started and the Twinning project is aimed at contributing to the previous efforts in this direction. 3.3. Expected Results There will be four mandatory results. 3.3.1 Result 1 – Geographic data umbrella law is drafted in line with the EU INSPIRE requirements - Rationale The concept of "umbrella law" aims at facilitating sustainable management, free dissemination and smooth update of geo-referenced data to all users and providers of spatial data. 10 of 41 - Characteristics of Result 1 For the recent past few years, the Moldovan Government has shown its keen interest for the ways and means on how the EU is managing geographical dada with the view to establishing a mapping system in each EU Member State that is secure, unitary, integrated and cost-efficient. This is why the Government of Moldova and the ALRC are considering approximating towards the INSPIRE organisation for the management of geo-referenced data, as originally based on the EU Directive 2007 / 2 of the European parliament and of the Council. The fact is that, as already previously underlined, Moldova has a mere piecemeal or even poor regulatory approach for the use, the supply, the dissemination and the update of geographical data in favour of organisations or institutions which need specific geographical “data” in order to transforming them into their own “information”. Therefore, a general draft or a draft “umbrella legislation” has to be prepared and enacted for clarifying and regulating the management, the use and the updating of geographical data. This general piece of legislative work shall aim at approximating towards the EU INSPIRE system, and therefore towards the E-Government, which is now an official objective pursued by Moldovan public authorities. 3.3.2 Result 2: An effective regional GIS with several groups of participants is set up in line with EU best practices - Rationale Regional GIS should reinforce the implementation of the National GIS. - Characteristics of result 2 A large component of the NSDI deals with the availability of a National GIS at a small scale (i.e. between 1:50,000 and 1: 1,000,000), which will be in a position to facilitate the sharing of geo-referenced data, with a view to preserving the environmental protection and to improving the conditions of rural and agricultural development. The result 2 to be achieved will therefore aim at creating digital base maps for national GIS and at setting up a mechanism whereby a certain number of users and providers of spatial data will share their data on a mutual basis. To date, the following ministries or state entities have entered into certain agreements (“accords” in Rumanian) with the ALRC in order to benefit of mapping services. These organisations will therefore become the first users of the national GIS to be established; they are the following: (i) Ministry of environment (“Miisiterul Mediului”); (ii) Ministry of Transport and Road Infrastructure (“Ministerul Transporturilor si Infrastructurii Drumurilor Republicii Moldova”); (iii) Civilian Rescue Organization (“Serviciu Protectiei Civile”); (iv) Academy of science (“Academia de Stinte”); 11 of 41 (v) Civil status administration (“Serviciu Stare Civile”); (vi) Office of statistics (“Biroul National de Statistica”); (vii) Service of Hydrometeorology; (viii) Ministry of Regional Development and Construction (“Ministerul Dezvoltarii Regionale si Cosntructiilor”); (ix) Agency for Inspection and Restoration of Historical Monuments (Agentia de Inspectare si Restaurare Monumentelor”). The National GIS to be constructed will not be based on bilateral agreements, as it is now the case between these organisations and ALRC, but there will be a unique regulation, established by reference to the afore mentioned umbrella law, in order to “mutualise” all available geographical and spatial data. A general draft GIS regulation shall have to be established so that it becomes a binding regulation. This regulation shall make it possible to create a national digital map for development of NSDI in Moldova. The NSDI shall have to be progressive and, accordingly the spatial data schemes will have to be selected according to different levels of priority. Based on the three groups of geographic “themes” that the European INSPIRE Directive 2007 / 2 has mentioned, the GIS themes to be taken in consideration by ALRC for being subject to data sharing shall be the following: (i) Coordinate reference systems (Systems for uniquely referencing spatial information in space as a set of coordinates (x, y, z) and/or latitude and longitude and height, based on a geodetic horizontal and vertical datum). (ii) Geographical grid systems (Harmonised multi-resolution grid with a common point of origin and standardised location and size of grid cells). (iii) Geographical names (names of regions, and municipalities and of any geographical or topographical feature of public or historical interest). (iv) Cadastral parcels (Areas defined by cadastral registers or equivalent). (v) Transport networks (Road, rail, air and water transport networks and related infrastructure). (vi) Hydrography. As a conclusion, the result 2 will see the completion of a regional GIS , with 10 groups of participants, having shown interest to work with ALRC, and having thus gained the status of GIS Partners. For the achievement of the mandatory result 2, a region will be selected (out of a current total of 32) to host a NGIS providing and managing the 6 above listed of GIS themes. The rule of functioning of this regional GIS shall be subject of a draft NGIS regulation complying with the afore mentioned geographic data umbrella law and will be implemented by the end of the project. 3.3.3 Result 3: A Land Information System (LIS) for Pilot Areas developed - Rationale 12 of 41 The creation of an adequate LIS needs to be designed and tested before rolling out as part of the NSDI. - Characteristics of Result 3 The result 3 shall deal with a mapping system as a part of the future NSDI, at a rather large scale, namely between 1:2,000 and 1:5,000. This means that the said result shall aim at embarking upon a LIS that has a limited number of objectives, namely urban development and land consolidation. In both domains, the mandatory result will aim at facilitating urban and / or agricultural development objectives. The final mandatory result to be achieved by ALRC shall take place in six (6) different units of localitate (local government) to be selected right after the start of the Twinning project (3 units featuring urban characteristics and 3 rural characteristics). In all 6 localitate a LIS pilot programme, managed by ALRC in its position as a “hub” for the collection, the updating and the dissemination of spatial data will be taking place in order to succeed in completing the construction of a LIS that shall be useful for the economic development of the given municipalities or rural areas. In localitate with visible urban characteristics, the objectives to be reached will be to establish an urban LIS that shall result in the increase of municipal financial resources for funding municipal public infrastructure such as water, sanitation, transport infrastructure, electricity. The main users and providers of spatial data will be the LIS partners, namely: the concerned municipality, state or private companies providing urban public services or facilities, and the State Enterprise “Cadastru”. The agreement between all these institutions, once it is signed, will be considered as a twinning mandatory result. In rural settlements, where the objectives are of agricultural and environmental essence, the main outcome is land consolidation. A specific rural LIS, run by ALRC will be useful for carrying out land consolidation schemes. Therefore, the rural LIS to be carried out will be based on a cooperation agreement to be signed by the representatives of the Ministry of agriculture, of the concerned municipalities, by the State Enterprise “Cadastru” within ALRC and by the existing farmers association. The agreement, once it is signed, will be considered as a twinning mandatory result. A second group of specific, measurable, available, relevant and timely indicators shall consist of statement issued by each concerned localitate describing the conditions of achievement of the programme of construction or of improvements of facilities or amenities that the concerned localitate has been able to realize on the basis of the local LIS. 3.3.4 Result 4: Networks services in the field of data sharing are set up under the responsibility of ALRC. 13 of 41 - Rationale The public users of GIS and LIS develop a satisfactory level of communication with ALRC. Sharing of experience and needs is ensured. - Characteristics of Result 4 When it comes to GIS & LIS and more generally to the concept of Geoportal, networks services aim at facilitating the sharing of data among users and providers of geographical data. The EU INSPIRE Directive 2007 / 2 has listed as follows the objectives to be pursued by the administration which has received mission to ensure the organization of network services. The realization of these objectives will be equivalent to the 4th group of mandatory results. Therefore the result 4 will be considered as fulfilled if ALRC succeeds to establish the following services: - Establishment of discovery services making it possible to search for spatial data sets and services on the basis of the content of the corresponding metadata and to display the content of the metadata; - View services making it possible, as a minimum, to display, navigate, zoom in/out, pan, or overlay viewable spatial data sets and to display legend information and any relevant content of metadata; - Download services, enabling copies of spatial data sets, or parts of such sets, to be downloaded and, where practicable, accessed directly; - Transformation services, enabling spatial “data sets” to be transformed into “information” with a view to achieving interoperability; - Services allowing spatial data services to be invoked. The result 4 will be considered as being completed if ALRC has achieved in establishing, in three pilot regions, a system of services networks for a minimum of 10 users / providers of georeferenced data. 3.4. Activities The Twinning Project will undertake the following activities6: 3.4.1 Component 0: Kick-off, Closure of Project, Steering Committee Meetings This activity will include the presentation of the project to ALRC staff and representatives of all possible administrative units working in the domain of GIS / LIS, including representatives of international organisations, all public stakeholders of the land management sector within Moldova, including the relevant government departments, and representatives of the media and NGO’s where relevant. Note: The listed activities and the proposed means for achieving the activities and results are indicative can be revised in the framework of the preparation of the contract between twinned institutions. 6 14 of 41 The first month of the project will be used to allow the installation of the Resident Twinning Adviser (RTA) in Moldova. The RTA will have to be installed in his/her office within the beneficiary. She/he will be introduced to the BC stakeholders of the project and to his/her counterparts and staff. He/She will also hire one or two assistants through an appropriate selection procedure. On a quarterly basis regular Steering Committee meetings will be held to promote the effective management and monitoring of project activities as describe in the Twinning Manual (subsection 6.3). - Activity 0.1 Kick off meeting A one-day kick off meeting will be organized in the first month of the project, aiming at launching and presenting the project to the stakeholders, the media and the public at large. In order to guarantee large public information and visibility about the start of the project, the meeting will be concluded with a press conference and a press release. Benchmarks: Stakeholders, media and public informed about the start and content of the project by start of month 2. Resources: RTA, PL, translation, interpretation. - Activity 0.2 Closing event A closing event will involve not only the key MS and ALRC officials, but also other experts and official representatives that will raise awareness about the results achieved thanks to the project, the state of play of the sector and the challenges ahead. The audience of this event is not only the stakeholders of the project, also Civil Society Organisations and the broader public through the Media. Benchmarks: Closing conference organized. Recommendations and lessons learned formulated and discussed. Stakeholders, media and public informed about the results of the project at its end. Resources: RTA, PL, translation, interpretation. 3.4.2 Component 1: Geographic data umbrella law is drafted in line with the EU INSPIRE requirements There will be two sub-groups of activities in the project result 1. The first group will deal with the dissemination of the INSPIRE system based on the EU Directive 2007 / 2 of March 14, 2007 in order to firmly fix the concept of NSDI within the state machinery while raising awareness of all main users and providers of geographical data. As regards the second group of activities towards the Result 1 it will strive to achieve a high degree of approximation towards certain components of the EU INSPIRE system. - Activity 1.1 Dissemination of the “INSPIRE vision” to become part of the mapping system of Moldova Tasks 15 of 41 The needed dissemination of the “INSPIRE” approach in terms of data sharing of spatial and geographical data shall firstly require the establishment of a training programme with a view to disseminate a number of principles contained in the “INSPIRE” system. The “dissemination programme” of NSDI related tools will mainly focus on the following issues: - The need of network services for sharing spatial data. Several network services should make it possible to discover, transform, view and download spatial data and to invoke spatial data and e-commerce services. The services of the network should work in accordance with commonly agreed specifications and minimum performance criteria in order to ensure the interoperability of the mapping infrastructures. The network of services should also include the technical possibility to enable public authorities to make their spatial data sets and services available. - The need to establish a cost-efficient mapping system owing to the technique of digital mapping. Where a public authority supplies another public authority with spatial data sets and services required for the fulfilment of its specific obligations, a specific mechanism for sharing spatial data sets and services between ALRC and other public administrations and natural or legal persons is advisable and shall have to be put in place electronically. - The usefulness to build up a mapping system free of charge as a rule. It will also be important, for the successful implementation of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure of Moldovan that a minimum number of services be made available to the public free of charge. Short terms expert missions will be mobilized, in order to draft a fact-finding report showing the needed technical adjustments or refurbishments of the legal framework on land market as a whole. This fact-finding report, which will be edited under the logo of ALRC will therefore give details about how the NSDI should work and covering the following items: - interoperability of spatial data sets and services; - metadata registry and International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards as some of them are to be integrated with the international standard ISO/TC21 of geographic information; networks services (ALRC shall have to be officially recognized as the main “hub” for collecting geographic data at large, medium or small scale, include them in its data base, update them in relationship with the GIS / LIS partner institutions, and put them at the disposal of users); data-sharing with a view to shifting from raw geo-referenced data to the needed information for the users of GIS or LIS; concept of umbrella law and its legal relationship with subordinated regulations in view of facilitating “horizontal” relationships between administrative units needing to have access to the same types of geographical data. - - 16 of 41 Benchmark: Fact finding report drafted, and discussed in two roundtable discussions with representatives of stakeholders. Resources: STE input 90man/days (3 experts x 6 missions of 5 days), translation 200 pages. - Activity 1.2 Preparation of the draft umbrella law based on the referent of EU INSPIRE Directive 2007/2 Tasks This activity will mainly consist of taking the INSPIRE Directive 2007/2 as a possible model for a revised national legislation applied to the sector of land relations, geodesy, mapping, real estate cadastre and soil protection. Based on the fact finding report and the discussions held the law will be drafted with the intention to align Moldovan legislation towards the EU-Acquis to the extent possible. It is too early to give an insight into the contents of the draft law, but one recommends that it is based on the principles which have inspired the entry into force of the EU Directive INSPIRE 2007 / 2 and that it takes in consideration the specific characteristics of the public administration of Moldova. This should lead to address the following issues: creation of digital base map for development of national spatial data infrastructure at large, medium and small scale for both local LIS and national GIS, environmental protection, location of public service utilities or commodities (education, public health…) infrastructure transport network etc.. Benchmark: Umbrella law drafted, and discussed in two roundtable discussions with representatives of stakeholders. Resources: STE 40 man/days (2 experts, 4 missions of 5 days each) 3.4.3 Component 2: Expanding the mapping areas and implement National Geographic Information System (NGIS) in order to meet users demand for digital maps swiftly and efficiently. - Activity 2.1 - Production of 1:10,000 topographic and land use maps of the pilot zone to be selected, the area of it being not more than 1,500 km² Tasks: This activity shall have to be carried out in compliance with the National Geodetic Network under current preparation. It will have to be subject to integration with the International standard (ISO/TC21) of geographic information. Initially the pilot zone will be identified. In a second step the map will be produced in compliance with the mentions standard Benchmark: Map of pilot zone produced Resources: STE 20 mand/days (2 experts, 2 missions each, 5 days each) 17 of 41 - Activity 2.2 - Completion of Training Needs Analysis for assessing the degree of understanding and commitments of ALRC staff and ALRC implementing agencies to the rules of functioning of NGIS Tasks: A detailed analysis of the current situation with regard to training needs within the ALRC and its four implementing agencies must be the starting point. It is indeed needed to clarify the degree of professional expertise of ALRC staff when dealing with NSDI related issues. In order to assess the training needs properly and also taking into account previous training initiatives of donors, a thorough TNA should be conducted. Based on questionnaires and structured interviews, the TNA should assess separate the needs of the staff of ALRC at central level and in its four implementing agencies (SE Cadastru, SE Soil Protection, SE Institute GEOCAD, SE Project Institute for Land Management). Based on the TNA, a detailed training plan for the different categories of target groups of ALRC staff including its four executing agencies will be drafted so that they become familiar with the functioning of NGIS. The TNA will also address the issue as to how training, provided within the twinning project, can be sustainable and which measures should be implemented to ensure sustainability due to the possible turnover of staff. Benchmark: TNA conducted and corresponding report drafted. Training plan drafted discussed and agreed Resources: STE 20 man/days (2 experts, 2 missions each, 5 days each) - Activity 2.3 – Preparation of training material and provision of training Tasks: Based on the results of activity 2.2 comprehensive training material will be drafted. The training material will be used in at least 10 two days training sessions for staff of ALRC and related institutions on the identified topics. Each training seminar will be evaluated. Participants will receive a certificate and the training materials will be disseminated in the most appropriate way. Benchmark: Training material prepared, training conducted; at least 100 staff of ALRC and related institutions trained Resources: STE 50 man/days (5 experts, 2 missions each for 5 days each), translation 100 pages - Activity 2.4 - Installation of NGIS Working Group based on a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Tasks In order to assist a certain number of users of geo-referenced “data” with the data they need for creating their own “information”, the NGIS group of users of geo-referenced data will be established with a view to facilitating data sharing and to identifying the types of GIS layers to produce . The group should be made up of the following authorities: Agency “Apele Moldovei” (water supply); Agency of Silviculture “Moldsiva”; National Bureau of Statistics, Moldovan Academy of Sciences; Ministry of Transport and Road Management; Ministry of Transport and 18 of 41 Road Management; Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure; Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry. A MoU will be enacted and signed by all of them and will be open for accession to other public and private potential users or providers of spatial data. The MoU in question will set out the rules of functioning of the NGIS to create, emphasizing the conditions through which data are handed to ALRC, included in the data base and put at the disposal of the users of the NGIS. Benchmark: MoU drafted discussed and agreed by the members of the working group Resources: STE 40 man/days (4 experts, 2 missions each, 5 days each) - Activity 2.5 - Study Visit to the EU MS on preparation and implementation of NGIS Tasks: Selected staff of ALRC will gain first-hand experience on best practices regarding the conditions through which an EU MS is addressing the preparation and the implementation of a NGIS. The number of participants in the study visit should be 7 and the duration 5 days. A member of the Twinning team and a translator shall accompany the group of ALRC participants on the occasion of the study visit. After the study visit, the ALRC staff having participated in this study visit shall prepare a report explaining the possible pros and cons of considering the experience of the visited EU partner country as an example to follow, when it comes to the preparation of the NGIS architecture. Benchmark: Study tour implemented, report by participants drafted Resources: 7 BC officials, 5 days mission, interpretation - Activity 2.6– Assessment, in a pilot Region of Moldova of the conditions of functioning of NGIS in compliance with the principles laid down by the draft umbrella law Tasks: A raion of the country will be selected where ALRC, with the assistance of the Twinning team of experts, will monitor and evaluate the conditions of functioning of the NGIS. The decision to select a specific raion will be taken by the General Director of ALRC in close coordination with the afore mentioned NGIS working group. Several short monitoring and evaluation reports will be completed to assess the outcomes of the NGIS when applied, within the territory of the selected region to address the following issues: (i) conditions of management of environmental protection, (ii) agriculture, (iii) transport, (iv) education, (v) water supply and irrigation, and (vi) public health. 19 of 41 Benchmark: Assessment report on functioning of the NGIS in the selected pilot region with a detailed assessment of the six issues listed above. Resources: STE 60 man/days (4 experts, 3 missions each, 5 days each) 3.4.3 Component 3: A Land Information System (LIS) for Pilot Areas developed - Activity 3.1 Setting up of LIS in six selected municipalities Tasks: The rationale of this activity is to establish the base maps needed for facilitating the implementation of municipal policies for ensuring optimal conditions of economic developments of six selected localitate. The given localitate will be selected by the Twinning Project Leader of Moldova. Once this selection is done, a municipal LIS working group is established, made up of representatives of all regional authorities competent in land development, agriculture development, legal cadastre and authorities in charge of land use planning. With the assistance of short term Twinning experts specializing in management of local public services (water and sanitation, irrigation transport, rural development, and land consolidation), they will help ALRC construct a local LIS under the form of a multipurpose cadastre. Benchmark: LIS of 6 selected localitate (local government) is set up Resources: STE 60 man/days (4 experts, 3 missions each, 5 days each) - Activity 3.2 Construction of multipurpose cadastre in six selected municipalities Tasks: This activity shall be very similar to that carried out with the support of Japan, as its purpose is to superpose a certain number of layers on a base map. The architecture of each LIS that will have to be constructed for each of the six selected municipalities and it should be similar for all multi-purpose cadastres of these municipalities. Therefore, there will be at least 7 to 8 LIS layers, in addition to the base maps, which shall show the basic parcels. The multi-purpose cadastre to be constructed in each pilot municipality will be firstly concerned with the physical attributes associated with each land parcel, including manmade objects, such as buildings, pipelines, and structures, and natural features such as the vegetation, water or geology. This multi-purpose cadastre will also be concerned with abstractions, such as property and administrative boundaries, land value and land use. It may also contain data about surveying and mapping, including measurements and cartographic data. Not all of these items will be included initially within the cadastre; some may never be incorporated and others may be added only in the distant future. The multipurpose to construct in each of the six pilot localitate shall have to identify what is necessary to know for the purpose of planning and land administration. 20 of 41 Benchmark: Multipurpose cadastre set up in 6 pilot areas Resources: STE 100 man/days (5 experts, 4 missions each and 5 days each) - Activity 3.3 - Study Visit to a municipality of EU MS for improving knowledge with an urban LIS Tasks: Selected staff of ALRC will also gain first-hand experience on best practices regarding the conditions through which one selected municipality of EU MS is coping with urban LIS and multipurpose cadastre. also with the conditions through which land consolidation is taking place in this country. A mission of a duration of 5 days for 8 participants seems reasonable. Benchmark: Study tour implemented, report by participants drafted Resources: 8 BC officials, 5 days mission, interpretation 3.4.4 Component 4: Networks services in the field of data sharing are set up under the responsibility of ALRC The ALRC will remain the agency responsible for policy formulation in terms of data sharing and for day to day operations in the mapping sector. What is important is that there is a need for a body responsible for co-ordination in the field of production, utilisation and updates of maps all scales from 1:1,000,000 to 1:2,000. One has to avoid the duplication of data recoding. This amongst other things, makes the maintenance and update of the records extremely complex. The problems that beset reform are as much administrative as technical. This is why the main groups of activities in Result 4 will be to set up a revised status of ALRC with a view to strengthening the role of ALRC in the mapping system of Moldova. The components of this reform will need to carry out the following activities. - Activity 4.1 Strengthening the current institutional positioning of ALRC Tasks: Experience so far in the field of GIS / LIS has suggested that any central co-ordination of geographic and land information is best undertaken by an autonomous body responsible directly, as it is the case now, to the highest government authority (in the present case, the Prime Minister’s Office). Different models used in EU member states for the status of the cadastre office will be explored and discussed with a selected audience. Benchmark: Report on the status of cadastre offices drafted and discussed with selected audience Resources: STE 20 man/days (2 experts, 2 missions each, 5 days each) - Activity 4.2 Establishing a distance – learning scheme for the personnel of ALRC’s implementing agencies 21 of 41 Tasks: In order to ensure also sustainability of the project's activities the training material developed in activity 2.3 will be used as the basis for the development of a distance learning module in order to disseminate the knowhow also to branches of the ALRC outside of Chisinau. At least 10 training sessions will be implemented for the staff working in the raioni. Each participant will be provided with relevant training materials. Some of the training sessions will also use distance learning material. Each training session will be evaluated and the evaluation will be used to redefine future training to meet the needs of the participants. The distance learning scheme should be developed within the ARLC. Benchmark: distance learning modules developed Resources: STE 40 man/days (2 experts, 4 missions each, 5 days each) - Activity 4.3 Data standards and exchange Tasks: Although administrative mechanism exist in Moldova for the exchange of land / geography related data between governments departments (see more particularly the Decree on Geoportal), they may not operate effectively.7 A technical level, national standards for the exchange of data at large scale (LIS) or small scale (NGIS) will almost certainly need to be established. It will be therefore needed to review the existing Decree No 731 of August 5, 1997 to assess whether or not it is in line with the vision of the NSDI as influence by the EU INSPIRE Directive. The review will also suggest proposals in order to ensure compliance with the mentioned EU Directive Benchmark: Review report with suggestion for alignment with the EU-INSPIRE Directive. Resources: STE 30 man/days (3 experts, 2 missions, 5 days each) - Activity 4.4: provider Study visit to EU MS for addressing the function of networks service Tasks: A number of five officials of ALRC will be invited to see how a MS is addressing the function of networks service provider. Once these specialists are back to ARLC, they will present a report about this issue to the relevant audience. Benchmark: Study tour implemented, report by participants drafted Ressources: 5 BC Officials, 5 days mission, interpretation 7 Decree on Geoportal No 731, dated August 5, 1997 : Hotarire Nr 731 din 05.08 1997 cu privire la aprobarea Regulamentului Fondului Cartografo-Geodezic de Stat al Republicii Moldova. 22 of 41 3.5. Means / Inputs from EU Member State Administration 3.5.1. Profile and Tasks of the Member State Project Leader Project Leader profile - University level education in Geodesy, Mapping and Cadastre or directly related field. - Civil servant or equivalent with professional experience of minimum 7 years and preferably 10 years in the field of GIS & LIS and cadastral related issues; - Senior civil servant or equivalent staff of a MS institution in a position that could let him/her fulfil the tasks associated to the Project Leader role; - Professional qualification in surveying engineering will be an asset. - Sound knowledge of best practices regarding land relations, land consolidation, geodesy, mapping and geo-informatics, and soil protection and land improvement; - Experienced project manager, demonstrating good record in organisational leadership, staff motivation and communication; - Excellent team-working skills; - Strong analytical skills; - Excellent English language skills, both spoken and written. - Command of Rumanian and / or Russian language would be an asset; - Computer literacy; - Good inter-personal skills. Expected Inputs The Member State Project Leader (PL) will be expected to devote a minimum of three days per month to the project in his home country. He / she will participate as representative of the MS partner in the quarterly Steering Committee meetings and bear - together with the Beneficiary Country Project Leader - the final responsibility for an efficient and effective implementation of the Twinning project. The main responsibilities of the PL are to ensure: 23 of 41 - Overall coordination, guidance and monitoring of the project; - Preparation of project progress reports with support of RTA; - Timely achievement of the project results; - Co-chairing of project steering committees; 3.5.2. Profile and Tasks of the Resident Twinning Advisor (RTA) and of his/her Assistants RTA Profile - University level education or equivalent professional qualification in Geodesy, Mapping and Cadastre or directly related field. - At least 5 years of professional experience in a EU MS Public Administration or equivalent in the field of Geodesy, Mapping and Cadastre. - Have an excellent command of written and spoken English; - A good command of Rumanian and / or Russian would be an asset; - Have good inter-personal skills; - Proven experience in project management; - Computer literacy. - Sound knowledge of cadastral issues, LIS, and / or GIS related issues. - Sound knowledge of best practices regarding the management, the use, supply and update of geo-referenced data and their dissemination to users. - Experience in implementing similar or related assistance and co-operation projects will be an asset. Expected Inputs Moldova; To manage the day-to-day coordination and progress of activities of the project in To liaise with the Member State Project Leader, Beneficiary Country Project Leader and RTA counterpart; The proposed RTA must comply with the minimum requirements established in the Twinning Manual. In his/her daily work in Moldova, the RTA will be supported by an RTA Assistant as well as by a permanent interpreter / translator in case that possibility is seen as cost-effective efficient in the light of the global interpretation/translation costs. Both, RTA Assistant and potentially RTA Language Assistant are to be recruited and funded by the project. 24 of 41 3.5.3. Profile and Tasks of Short - Term Experts (STE) The successful implementation of the twinning project activities will to a large extent depend on the input from STE. Therefore, the STEs shall have: University degree or equivalent professional experience in the relevant fields according to the activity to be performed. A minimum of 3 years of experience in their respective field; A working level of written and spoken English. To achieve the results and carry out the activities planned, STE’s profiles will be needed to cover the following areas, inter alia: land information, land registration, multipurpose cadastre, frameworks for spatial referencing, surveys and mapping, digital mapping, data management & institutional arrangements in information societies. 4 Institutional Framework The beneficiary will be the Agency of Land Relations and Cadastre (ALRC). Its statute was approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Moldova No 230 of July 27, 1994. This status warrants the absorption capacity for welcoming the Twinning assistance project. It takes part in forecasting country’s socio-economic development, coordinate actions of central authorities and local authorities in the field of land development and promotion of national programme and plans. ALRC is also promoting economic-organizing reforms in its activity domains, which is as a rule the management of geographical data in all its compartments (economic, legal and multipurpose cadastre, soil protection, land use planning based on soil quality, etc.). It administrates state property of subordinated enterprises with fully or partly State-owned authorized capital, bears responsibility for subordinated State enterprises functioning, as well as for the results of their financial and economic activity, founds and wind up State enterprises in its field in compliance with law. Besides, ALRC coordinates education, professional development, training and certification of specialists in the corresponding field. Four State Enterprises (SE) report to it in the following sectors: (i) legal cadastre, (ii) geodesy, mapping and GIS; (iii) land management; (iv) soil protection and land improvement. As regards now the departments within the ALRC which will be more particularly involved in the conduct and leadership of Twinning project, the larger bulk of responsibilities of the Twinning will be on the side of the central ALRC departments more than on the side of its four subordinated state enterprises (State Enterprise "Cadastru", State Enterprise "INGEOCAD", State Enterprise "IPOT" and State Enterprise "Soil Protection and Land Improvement"). The future leading role in ARLC are to be played by: - The Geodesy, Mapping and Geoinformatics Direction - The Land Relations and Soil Protection Direction 25 of 41 - The Real Estate Cadastre Direction - The State Inspectorate for Geodesic Supervision of ARLC - The National Spatial Data Centre The Geodesy, Mapping and Geoinformatics will play a coordinating role in the future Twinning project. 5 Budget The total budget amounts to maximum € 1,200,000. 6 Implementation Arrangements The persons in charge of this project from the Contracting Authority is: Ms Speranta OLARU Project Manager Delegation of the EU to the Republic of Moldova 12, Kogalniceanu Str; MD 2001 Chisinau, Moldova Tel. + 373 22 505210 Fax +373 22 545421 Speranta.olaru@eeas.europa. eu The Programme Administration Office (PAO) will support the Twinning project implementation process together with the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova. The contact person is: Mr. Ion GUMENE Director of Policy coordination and strategic planning State Chancellery Piata Marii Adunari Nationale, 1 MD-2033 Chisinau Tel: +373 22 250 215 Fax: +373 22 250 259 E-mail: 6.2 Main counterparts in Moldova 6.2.1 Main Twinning Beneficiary: Agency for Land Relations and Cadastre Address: 47 Puskin str. Chisinau, MD 2005 General Director: Mr. Anatolie GHILAŞ Contact Person Ms. Maria OVDII, Head of the Department of Geodesy, Mapping&GIS 26 of 41 Tel. No.: Fax No.: E-Mail: Web-Site +373-22-881255 +373-22-226373 6.2.2 Project Leader - Moldova: Mr. Anatolie GHILAŞ General Director of ALRC 47 Pushkin Str. Chisinau, MD 2005 Phone: +373 228 81 255 Fax: +373 222 29 805 Email: 6.2.3 RTA - Counterpart Dr. Maria OVDII Chief of the Geodesy, Mapping and GIS Department of ALRC 47 Pushkin Str. Chisinau, MD 2005 Phone: +373 228 81 270 Fax: +373 222 26 373 Email: 6.2.4 Steering Committee Every three months, the Steering Committee will assess the progress of the project, monitor the achievements of the outputs and mandatory results and discuss any other issue which might affect the smooth implementation of the project. The exact composition of the Steering Committee is to be defined in the Twinning Contract in line with the requirements stated in the Twinning Manual (subsection 6.3). The following persons or entities are members: Project Leader for Moldova, MS Project Leader, BC Project Leader, RTA, RTA counterpart, representatives of the EUD and PAO. Representatives of other donors and relevant projects may be invited to participate as observers in the Steering Committee meetings. Beyond this coordination mechanism, informal contacts with other projects and donors, for exchange of information on respective work programmes, etc. are encouraged with a view to ensuring sustainable synergy. The RTA will prepare and organise the Steering Committee meetings, draft the invitations and the agenda, will assist the Project Leaders in the preparation of the interim and final reports and he/she will draft and distribute minutes from the meetings. 6.3 Contracts Only one Twinning contract is foreseen for this project. 27 of 41 7 Implementation Schedule (indicative) 7.1. Launching of the call for proposal: 4th quarter 2013 7.2. Start of project activities: 3th quarter 2014 7.3. Project completion: 3th quarter 2016 7.4. Duration of the implementation period (number of months): 24 months. 8 Sustainability 8.1 Institutional sustainability As training and mentoring project, the twinning should help equip the ALRC to undertake its tasks for the foreseeable future. In the longer-term, the twinning project is likely to have positive impacts, including: Establishment of a firmer legal basis for GIS & LIS and more generally NSDI; Provision of support to improved information management of spatial / geographical data owing to trainings (on the job and distance training schemes); Increased of public agencies to cooperate among themselves and with relevant institutions in EU countries for best supporting the economic development of the country by providing the units of the Government of Moldova with the basic georeferenced data they need to produce thair own geo-referenced information Managerial and analytical skills are developed and retained at the ALRC. The training materials produced within the project might also be used for the training of futures staff of ALRC after the end of the project. 8.2 Financial sustainability The Twinning assistance will be efficient and sustainable provided the ALRC have enough financial resources for funding the mapping tools that are needed for the proposed pilot activities. 8.3 Risk management The risk of the difficult achievements of the Twinning project may arise from the reluctance of certain key "GIS/LIS subscribers" to share their data and be really interested in obtaining the data from the ALRC, which they need for constructing and managing their own information as it must be the case in all sustainable GIS or LIS. Three groups of possible constraints may be of three types: - Technical risks: A standard set of base maps is required both as reference for cadastral information and for efficiently integrating environment and other needed data. The base maps must be large enough to depict all relevant needed characteristics of soils when it comes to GIS and property information in the case of LIS. If the base mapping does not meet the expectations of GIS/LIS participants, there will be the risk that the objectives of 28 of 41 the mapping system are not achieved. A similar area of risk can arise if no provisions are made in order to ensure the compatibility of data from different sources within the system. - Organizational risks: GIS and LIS arrangements might not work in the event that an organisational structure (based on a Memorandum of Understanding between ALRC and the GIS/LIS participants) would not be able to coordinate user input, technology acquisition, development of common standards and procedures, and other system related decision making. - Institutional risks: Many professionals, public authorities and associations will be directly involved in the collection and use of data in GIS and parcel-based LIS, including lawyers, land surveyors and planners. Their active support should be obtained by ensuring that the activities take into consideration the standards and procedures of these groups. In any case, the political support is needed in order to ensure the success of the reforms. 9 Crosscutting Issues By providing information that enables realistic decisions to be made on the informative technology that best needs their needs, the Twinning project in favour of the ALRC should succeed in setting a mapping system that is secure, unitary, integrated and cost-efficient. Achieving the objective of sustainability in the management of geographic and land data is a far-reaching crosscutting challenge. The expected results of the Twinning project is favour of ALRC should bring about the four following groups of positive results. Relevant laws and regulations reviewed, recommendations and amendments given; standards for spatial data management harmonized. Methodologies are identified according to adopted standards. Software for NSDI infrastructure is designed using the harmonized standards and methodologies identified . Geospatial information data sets are available according to ISO and other international standards issued mainly by the EU (i.e. the INSPIRE system). Enhanced capacity to generate, manage and disseminate accurate spatial planning across Moldova at different scales, from 1:2,000 to 1:1,000,000. Enhanced capacity of ALRC to actively participate in European institutions. Internet web portal (national Geoportal) for the institutional cooperation and public access to geospatial data sets established. 10 Conditionality and Sequencing Full commitment and support is required from ALRC and the Government, including their readiness to establish and take active part in a Steering Committee that will coordinate the implementation of the twinning project. The ALRC should in particular: nominate the counterpart personnel, nominate the relevant staff to participate in regulatory drafting, capacity 29 of 41 building and training activities in accordance with the approved twinning programme, provide appropriate premises, facilities and work space. A minimum of mapping equipment will be provided by ALRC. This mapping equipment shall be composed of at least a set of base maps showing the administrative boundaries of all concerned localitate, which will be subject of the pilot project of GIS and LIS. This conditionality makes it an obligation for the ALRC to select prior to the kick off conference, the raion that will be the site of the pilot GIS and the 6 localitate which will welcome the LIS experimentation. The ALRC will also be well-inspired to put at the disposal of the Twinning team, before the kick-off conference the comprehensive list of all laws and regulation that build up the legal framework for the mapping system of Moldova. The list shall include all corresponding legislation about the organisation of local government in the Republic of Moldova as well as all regulations in the sector of environment, land use planning, agriculture and transport restructureure. 30 of 41 Annexes to the Twinning Fiche Annex A Logical Framework Matrix Name and Project Number: Twinning Project for the Agency of Land Relations and Programme Name and Number: ENPI annual programme 2011 Cadastre (ALRC) - Organization, Streamlining and Computerization Process in Mapping in the Republic of Moldova TOTAL BUDGET: 1.200.000 EURO Overall Objective To accelerate the development of the Information Society services in Moldova in connection with the E-Governance programme, as established by the Government of Moldova in August 2010 to ensure transparent governance by using and promoting information technologies in the public sector. Objectively verifiable Indicators An improved cadastre and mapping system d in Moldova at the end of the implementation period. Improved public services. Sources of Verification GIS & LIS from Moldova; Project Purpose To improve mapping system in line with the EU standards and best international practices of management of geographical data. Objectively verifiable Indicators The Mapping and cadastre system of the Republic of Moldova complies with the standards of the EU-INSPIRE Directive. Positive EC opinion about progress in areas of cadastre. Improved websites at Geoportal Sources of Verification EC Regular Report on progress by the Republic of Moldova in implementation of the ENP Action Plan priorities (and National Indicative Programmes beyond 2013) Twinning project review mission report Twinning Final Report Registries and Annual reports of ACLR activities Geoportal Assumptions Continued commitment from the Moldovan Government to support ACLR in Moldova . Sources of Verification Assumptions Results Objectively verifiable Indicators Annual Report of the ALCR Opinion polls from citizens of Moldova Sufficient funding available to ensure that the ACLR and related enterprises can do their work. Public entities are willing to cooperate with ACLR . The Agency can stand up to vested interests. 31 of 41 Result 1: Geographic data umbrella law is Primary and secondary legislation in EC Regular Report drafted in line with the EU INSPIRE compliance with EU standards by end of Project progress report requirements 2015; Assessment reports Comprehensive Assessment Report regarding the legal basis for mapping and cadastre prepared by the MS experts Annual reports of the ALRC and the MoE Comprehensive Review Report Result 2: An effective regional GIS with Increased administrative capacities in several groups of participants is set up in line place by the end of the project, NGIS providing and managing the 6 with EU best practices. above listed of GIS themes implemented in a pilot region The rule of functioning of this regional GIS shall be subject of a draft NGIS regulation complying with the afore mentioned geographic data umbrella law and will be implemented by the end of the project. At least 100 staff of the ALRC network trained by the end of the project. Training materials for ALRC developed. Continuous cooperation among the stakeholders Appropriate expertise and necessary documentations available Strong involvement of the MoE ALCR is willing to take on new areas. Political will to improve alignment of legislation continues. Twining Progress Reports Beneficiary institutions ensure staff and trainees Assessment Reports of the pilot available; NGIS Pilot NGIS operational List of participants of workshops and seminars Result 3: A Land Information System (LIS) for For 6 pilot municipalities agreements Twining Progress Reports Pilot Areas developed. passed by all LIS and GIS partners with Agreements concluded where a pilot project of LIS is taking place either for the sake of urban development or for facilitating the preparation of land consolidation schemes by the end of the project Beneficiary institutions ensure staff available; LIS and GIS partners are willing to cooperate 32 of 41 Result 4: Networks services in the field of data In three pilot regions a system of services Twining Progress Reports sharing are set up under the responsibility of networks for a minimum of 10 users / Geoportal ALRC providers of geo-referenced data are established by the end of the project. Distance learning modules developed by the end of the project Beneficiary institutions ensure staff available; LIS and GIS partners are willing to cooperate Activities Assumptions Means Component 1 Activity 1.1: Dissemination of the “INSPIRE vision” to become part of the mapping system of Moldova Legislation is available The recommendations will be accepted by beneficiary and supported by the Government and Parliament Activity 1.2: Preparation of the draft umbrella law based on the referent of EU INSPIRE Directive 2007/2 Legislation is available The recommendations will be accepted by beneficiary and supported by the Government and Parliament Component 2 Activity 2.1: Production of 1:10,000 topographic and land use maps of the pilot zone to be selected, the area of it being not more ALRC is materials . willing to provide basic mapping 33 of 41 than 1,500 km² Activity 2.2: Completion of Training Needs Analysis for assessing the degree of understanding and commitments of ALRC staff and ALRC implementing agencies to the rules of functioning of NGIS ALRC is willing to take on new areas. Activity 2.3: Preparation of training material and provision of training Beneficiary institutions ensure staff participation Activity 2.4: Installation of NGIS Working Group based on a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) ALRC is willing to take on new areas. Activity 2.5: Study Visit to the EU MS on preparation and implementation of NGIS Beneficiary institutions ensure staff participation Activity 2.6: Assessment, in a pilot Region of Moldova of the conditions of functioning of NGIS in compliance with the principles laid down by the draft umbrella law pilot projects are in place The recommendations beneficiary will be accepted by Cooperation between all stakeholders 34 of 41 Component 3 Activity 3.1: Setting up of LIS in six selected municipalities ALRC is materials . Activity 3.2: Construction of multipurpose cadastre in six selected municipalities Municipalities and other stakeholders are willing to cooperate Activity 3.3: Study Visit to a municipality of EU MS for improving knowledge with an urban LIS Beneficiary institutions ensure staff participation willing to provide basic mapping Component 4 Activity 4.1: Strengthening the current institutional positioning of ALRC ALRC is willing to take on new areas. Cooperation between all stakeholders Activity 4.2: Establishing a distance – learning scheme for the personnel of ALRC’s implementing agencies IT-Technology for distance learning is in place Activity 4.3: Data standards and exchange ALRC is willing to take on new areas. Cooperation between all stakeholders Activity 4.4: Study visit to EU MS for addressing the function of networks service Beneficiary institutions ensure staff participation 35 of 41 provider 36 of 41 Annex B Indicative Implementation Chart Months Component / Activity 1 2 3 0.1 Kick off conference X 0.2 Steering committee Meetings X 0.3 Monthly Meetings x 0.4 Closing conference x 4 x 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 X x x x X x x X x x x X x x x X x x x X x x x X x x x X Component 1 1.1. 1.2. Dissemination of the “INSPIRE vision” to become part of the mapping system of Moldova Preparation of the draft umbrella law on Information Society inspired by the EU “INSPIRE” Directive to become part of the mapping system of Moldova x x x x x x Component 2 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. Production of 1:10,000 topographic and land use maps of the pilot zone to be selected, the area of it being not more than 1,500 km² Completion of Training Needs Analysis for assessing the degree of understanding and commitments of ALRC staff and ALRC implementing agencies to the rules of functioning of NGIS Preparation of training material and provision of training x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 37 of 41 Component / Activity 2.4. Months 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Installation of NGIS Working Group based on a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) 2.5. Study Visit to the Twinning Partner Country 2.6. Assessment, in a pilot Region of Moldova of the conditions of functioning of NGIS in compliance with the principles laid down by the draft umbrella law 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Component 3 3.1. Production of 1:5,000 topographic and land use maps in six selected municipalities 3.2 Construction of multipurpose cadastre in six selected municipalities 3.3. x x x Study Visit to a municipality of the Twinning partner country for improving knowledge with an urban LIS x x Component 4 4.1. Strengthening the current institutional positioning of ALRC, topic of a specific report to complete about this issue 38 of 41 Component / Activity 4.2. Months 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Establishing a distance – learning scheme for the personnel of ALRC’s implementing agencies which is working outside of the Headquarters in Chisinau 4.3. Data standards and exchange 4.4. Study Visit to the Twinning Partner Country x x x x x x x x x x x x 39 of 41 Annex C List of selected laws and regulations and of legal / institutional pamphlets Law of Land Code (“Legea Codului Funciar”) Nr 828 of 25 December 1991 Law of Real Estate Cadastre (“Legea Cadastrului bunurilor immobile”), 1994 Law of Geodesy and Mapping (“Legea cu privire la geodeyie si cartografie), 2002 Statutes of Agency for Land Relations and Cadastre (“Regulamentul Agentiei Relatii Funciare si Cadatru a Republicii Moldova”), No 230, dated 27 July 1994 Decree on approval of land consolidation (“Hotarire cu privire la aprobarea Regumantului privind consolidarea terenurilor agricole”) No 1075, dated 1st October 2007 Pamphlet of presentation of the Agency for Land Relations and Cadastre (“Agentia Relatii Funciare si Cadatru a Republicii Moldova”), 2011, Pamphlet of State Enterprise CADASTRU, Chisinau, 2009, ISBN 987-9975-67-639-7, 97 pages. Statutes of State Enterprise INGEOCAD (“Statutul Înterprinderii de Stat Institutul de Geodezie, Prospectiuni Tehnice si Cadatru INGEOCAD”), as approved on March 24, 2008 Pamphlet of State Enterprise “Planning Institute and Land Management” (IPOT), 1961 – 2011 (53 pages) 40 of 41 ANNEX D Organization Chart of ALRC (As of 2011) General Director of ALRC Cabinet (1 unit) Vice General Director Deputy General Director General General Land Relations and Land Consolidation Direction (1 unit) General Mapping & Geoinformatics General Director Human (2 unit) Land and real (1 unit) Evaluation of estate Direction real estate Direction (5 units) (nitunit) resources unit Legal(1office unit) (5 unit) (7 unit) (2 unit ) Monitoring and Fondul Naţional de date Geospaţiale State Inspectorate for Geodesic (GEOPORTAL) works Serviciul administrativ (1 unit) Association for soil State Enterprise State Enterprise protection Institute INGEOCAD „Cadastru” (Planning Institute) (autogestiune) (3 unit) Filialel of the OCT filiale association for soil Î.S. IPOT protection (1 unit) Service(4 unit)of (2unit) (autogestiune) ( Subordinate agency officeServiciul de analiză, monitorizare, Economic & Financial evaluare a politicilor Section (cu statut de serviciu) State enterprise IPOT evaluation ÎS „Cadastru” internal audit intern Administrative serviceservice(3 unit) (1 unit) 41 of 41