Publications - Behavioural and Clinical Neuroscience Institute

BCNI Publications 2003 – date
Link to Publication
Arana FS, Parkinson JA, Hinton E, Holland AJ, Owen AM, Roberts AC
(2003) Dissociable contributions of the human amygdala and
orbitofrontal cortex to incentive motivation and goal selection. J
Neurosci 23: 9632-8
Aron AR, Dowson JH, Sahakian BJ, Robbins TW (2003a)
Methylphenidate improves response inhibition in adults with
attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Biol Psychiatry 54: 1465-8
Aron AR, Fletcher PC, Bullmore ET, Sahakian BJ, Robbins TW (2003b)
Stop-signal inhibition disrupted by damage to right inferior frontal
gyrus in humans. Nat Neurosci 6: 115-6
Aron AR, Sahakian BJ, Robbins TW (2003c) Distractibility during
selection-for-action: differential deficits in Huntington's disease and
following frontal lobe damage. Neuropsychologia 41: 1137-47
Aron AR, Schlaghecken F, Fletcher PC, Bullmore ET, Eimer M, Barker
R, Sahakian BJ, Robbins TW (2003d) Inhibition of subliminally primed
responses is mediated by the caudate and thalamus: evidence from
functional MRI and Huntington's disease. Brain 126: 713-23
Aron AR, Watkins L, Sahakian BJ, Monsell S, Barker RA, Robbins TW
(2003e) Task-set switching deficits in early-stage Huntington's
disease: implications for basal ganglia function. J Cogn Neurosci 15:
Brasted PJ, Bussey TJ, Murray EA, Wise SP (2003) Role of the
hippocampal system in associative learning beyond the spatial
domain. Brain 126: 1202-23
Bullmore E, Fadili J, Breakspear M, Salvador R, Suckling J, Brammer
M (2003a) Wavelets and statistical analysis of functional magnetic
resonance images of the human brain. Stat Methods Med Res 12:
Bullmore E, Fletcher P (2003) The eye's mind: brain mapping and
psychiatry. Br J Psychiatry 182: 381-4
Bullmore E, Suckling J, Zelaya F, Long C, Honey G, Reed L, Routledge
C, Ng V, Fletcher P, Brown J, Williams SC (2003b) Practice and
difficulty evoke anatomically and pharmacologically dissociable
brain activation dynamics. Cereb Cortex 13: 144-54
Bussey TJ, Saksida LM, Murray EA (2003) Impairments in visual
discrimination after perirhinal cortex lesions: testing 'declarative' vs.
'perceptual-mnemonic' views of perirhinal cortex function. Eur J
Neurosci 17: 649-60
Cardinal RN, Parkinson JA, Marbini HD, Toner AJ, Bussey TJ, Robbins
TW, Everitt BJ (2003a) Role of the anterior cingulate cortex in the
control over behavior by Pavlovian conditioned stimuli in rats. Behav
Neurosci 117: 566-87
Cardinal RN, Robbins TW, Everitt BJ (2003b) Choosing delayed
rewards: perspectives from learning theory, neurochemistry and
neuoanatomy. Chapter 6 (and reply to commentary) of. In:
Vuchinich R, Heather N (eds) Choice, behavioural economics and
addiction. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 183-213 and 217-218
Cazalis F, Valabregue R, Pelegrini-Issac M, Asloun S, Robbins TW,
Granon S (2003) Individual differences in prefrontal cortical
activation on the Tower of London planning task: implication for
effortful processing. Eur J Neurosci 17: 2219-25
Chudasama Y, Baunez C, Robbins TW (2003a) Functional
disconnection of the medial prefrontal cortex and subthalamic
nucleus in attentional performance: evidence for corticosubthalamic
interaction. J Neurosci 23: 5477-85
Chudasama Y, Passetti F, Rhodes SE, Lopian D, Desai A, Robbins TW
(2003b) Dissociable aspects of performance on the 5-choice serial
reaction time task following lesions of the dorsal anterior cingulated,
infralimbic and orbitofrontal cortex in the rat: differential effects on
selectivity, impulsivity and compulsivity. Behav. Brain Res. 146: 10519
Chudasama Y, Robbins TW (2003) Dissociable contributions of the
orbitofrontal and infralimbic cortex to pavlovian autoshaping and
discrimination reversal learning: further evidence for the functional
heterogeneity of the rodent frontal cortex. J Neurosci 23: 8771-80
Clark L, Manes F, Antoun N, Sahakian BJ, Robbins TW (2003) The
contributions of lesion laterality and lesion volume to decisionmaking
Neuropsychologia 41: 1474-83
Clayton NS, Bussey TJ, Dickinson A (2003a) Can animals recall the
past and plan for the future? Nat Rev Neurosci 4: 685-91
Clayton NS, Bussey TJ, Emery NJ, Dickinson A (2003b) Prometheus to
Proust: the case for behavioural criteria for 'mental time travel'.
Trends Cogn Sci 7: 436-7; author reply 437-8
Cools R, Barker RA, Sahakian BJ, Robbins TW (2003) L-Dopa
medication remediates cognitive inflexibility, but increases
impulsivity in patients with Parkinson's disease. Neuropsychologia
41: 1431-41
Cromwell HC, Schultz W (2003) Effects of expectations for different
reward magnitudes on neuronal activity in primate striatum. J
Neurophysiol 89: 2823-38
Di Ciano P, Everitt BJ (2003a) Differential control over drug-seeking
behavior by drug-associated conditioned reinforcers and
discriminative stimuli predictive of drug availability. Behav Neurosci
117: 952-60
Di Ciano P, Everitt BJ (2003b) The GABA(B) receptor agonist baclofen
attenuates cocaine- and heroin-seeking behavior by rats.
Neuropsychopharmacology 28: 510-8
Di Ciano P, Underwood RJ, Hagan JJ, Everitt BJ (2003) Attenuation of
cue-controlled cocaine-seeking by a selective D3 dopamine receptor
antagonist SB-277011-A. Neuropsychopharmacology 28: 329-38
Eagle DM, Robbins TW (2003a) Inhibitory control in rats performing
a stop-signal reaction-time task: effects of lesions of the medial
striatum and d-amphetamine. Behav Neurosci 117: 1302-17
Eagle DM, Robbins TW (2003b) Lesions of the medial prefrontal
cortex or nucleus accumbens core do not impair inhibitory control in
rats performing a stop-signal reaction time task. Behav Brain Res
146: 131-44
Everitt BJ, Cardinal RN, Parkinson JA, Robbins TW (2003) Appetitive
behavior: impact of amygdala-dependent mechanisms of emotional
learning. Ann N Y Acad Sci 985: 233-50
Fiorillo CD, Tobler PN, Schultz W (2003) Discrete coding of reward
probability and uncertainty by dopamine neurons. Science 299:
Fletcher PC, Stephenson CM, Carpenter TA, Donovan T, Bullmore ET
(2003) Regional brain activations predicting subsequent memory
success: an event-related fMRI study of the influence of encoding
tasks. Cortex 39: 1009-26
Harvey PD, Geyer MA, Robbins TW, Krystal JH (2003) Cognition in
schizophrenia: from basic science to clinical treatment.
Psychopharmacology (Berl) 169: 213-4
Ho AK, Manly T, Nestor PJ, Sahakian BJ, Bak TH, Robbins TW, Rosser
AE, Barker RA (2003a) A case of unilateral neglect in Huntington's
disease. Neurocase 9: 261-73
Ho AK, Sahakian BJ, Brown RG, Barker RA, Hodges JR, Ané MN,
Snowden J, Thompson J, Esmonde T, Gentry R, Moore JW, Bodner T,
NEST-HD Consortium (2003b) Profile of cognitive progression in early
Huntington's disease. Neurology 61: 1702-6
Honey GD, Sharma T, Suckling J, Giampietro V, Soni W, Williams SC,
Bullmore ET (2003a) The functional neuroanatomy of schizophrenic
subsyndromes. Psychol Med 33: 1007-18
Honey GD, Suckling J, Zelaya F, Long C, Routledge C, Jackson S, Ng V,
Fletcher PC, Williams SC, Brown J, Bullmore ET (2003b)
Dopaminergic drug effects on physiological connectivity in a human
cortico-striato-thalamic system. Brain 126: 1767-81
Honey RA, Turner DC, Honey GD, Sharar SR, Kumaran D, PomarolClotet E, McKenna P, Sahakian BJ, Robbins TW, Fletcher PC (2003c)
Subdissociative dose ketamine produces a deficit in manipulation
but not maintenance of the contents of working memory.
Neuropsychopharmacology 28: 2037-44
Hutcheson DM, Everitt BJ (2003) The effects of selective
orbitofrontal cortex lesions on the acquisition and performance of
cue-controlled cocaine seeking in rats. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1003: 410-1
Iddon JL, Morgan DJ, Ahmed R, Loveday C, Sahakian BJ, Pickard JD
(2003) Memory and learning in young adults with hydrocephalus
and spina bifida: specific cognitive profiles. Eur J Pediatr Surg 13
Suppl 1: S32-5
Kolb B, Robbins T (2003) The rodent prefrontal cortex. Behav Brain
Res 146: 1-2
Lawrence AD, Dowson J, Foxall GL, Summerfield R, Robbins TW,
Sahakian BJ (2003) Impaired visual discrimination learning in
anorexia nervosa. Appetite 40: 85-9
Lee AC, Rahman S, Hodges JR, Sahakian BJ, Graham KS (2003)
Associative and recognition memory for novel objects in dementia:
implications for diagnosis. Eur J Neurosci 18: 1660-70
Lewis SJ, Cools R, Robbins TW, Dove A, Barker RA, Owen AM (2003a)
Using executive heterogeneity to explore the nature of working
memory deficits in Parkinson's disease. Neuropsychologia 41: 645-54
Lewis SJ, Dove A, Robbins TW, Barker RA, Owen AM (2003b)
Cognitive impairments in early Parkinson's disease are accompanied
by reductions in activity in frontostriatal neural circuitry. J Neurosci
23: 6351-6
Marcelis M, Myin-Germeys I, Suckling J, Woodruff P, Hofman P,
Bullmore E, Delespaul P, van Os J (2003a) Cerebral tissue alterations
and daily life stress experience in psychosis. Acta Psychiatr Scand
107: 54-9
Marcelis M, Suckling J, Woodruff P, Hofman P, Bullmore E, van Os J
(2003b) Searching for a structural endophenotype in psychosis using
computational morphometry. Psychiatry Res 122: 153-67
Martin-Soelch C, Missimer J, Leenders KL, Schultz W (2003) Neural
activity related to the processing of increasing monetary reward in
smokers and nonsmokers. Eur J Neurosci 18: 680-8
Matthews K, Robbins TW (2003) Early experience as a determinant
of adult behavioural responses to reward: the effects of repeated
maternal separation in the rat. Neurosci Biobehav Rev 27: 45-55
Miles FJ, Everitt BJ, Dickinson A (2003) Oral cocaine seeking by rats:
action or habit? Behav Neurosci 117: 927-38
Murphy FC, Michael A, Robbins TW, Sahakian BJ (2003)
Neuropsychological impairment in patients with major depressive
disorder: the effects of feedback on task performance. Psychol Med
33: 455-67
Pantelis C, Velakoulis D, McGorry PD, Wood SJ, Suckling J, Phillips LJ,
Yung AR, Bullmore ET, Brewer W, Soulsby B, Desmond P, McGuire PK
(2003) Neuroanatomical abnormalities before and after onset of
psychosis: a cross-sectional and longitudinal MRI comparison. Lancet
361: 281-8
Passetti F, Dalley JW, Robbins TW (2003a) Double dissociation of
serotonergic and dopaminergic mechanisms on attentional
performance using a rodent five-choice reaction time task.
Psychopharmacology (Berl) 165: 136-45
Passetti F, Levita L, Robbins TW (2003b) Sulpiride alleviates the
attentional impairments of rats with medial prefrontal cortex
lesions. Behav Brain Res 138: 59-69
Pavese N, Andrews TC, Brooks DJ, Ho AK, Rosser AE, Barker RA,
Robbins TW, Sahakian BJ, Dunnett SB, Piccini P (2003) Progressive
striatal and cortical dopamine receptor dysfunction in Huntington's
disease: a PET study. Brain 126: 1127-35
Pears A, Parkinson JA, Hopewell L, Everitt BJ, Roberts AC (2003)
Lesions of the orbitofrontal but not medial prefrontal cortex disrupt
conditioned reinforcement in primates. J Neurosci 23: 11189-201
Phillips ML, Gregory LJ, Cullen S, Coen S, Ng V, Andrew C, Giampietro
V, Bullmore E, Zelaya F, Amaro E, Thompson DG, Hobson AR,
Williams SC, Brammer M, Aziz Q (2003) The effect of negative
emotional context on neural and behavioural responses to
oesophageal stimulation. Brain 126: 669-84
Plaisted K, Saksida L, Alcantara J, Weisblatt E (2003) Towards an
understanding of the mechanisms of weak central coherence effects:
experiments in visual configural learning and auditory perception.
Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 358: 375-86
Robbins TW (2003a) Animal models of psychois. In: Charney D,
Nestler E (eds) The neurobiology of mental illness. Oxford University
Press, New York, pp 263-286
Robbins TW (2003b) Dopamine and cognition. Curr Opin Neurol 16
Suppl 2: S1-2
Robbins TW, Everitt BJ (2003) Motivation and Reward. In: Squire L
(ed) Fundamental Neuroscience. Academic Press (Elsevier), San
Diego, pp 1127-1146
Rogers R, Robbins TW (2003a) The neuropsychology of drug abuse.
In: Ron M, W. RT (eds) Disorders of the Brain and Mind. Cambridge
University Press, pp 447-467
Rogers RD, Robbins TW (2003b) The Neuropsychology of Drug
Abuse. In: Ron M, Robbins TW (ed) Disorders of Brain and Mind.
Cambridge University Press, pp 447-467
Rogers RD, Tunbridge EM, Bhagwagar Z, Drevets WC, Sahakian BJ,
Carter CS (2003) Tryptophan depletion alters the decision-making of
healthy volunteers through altered processing of reward cues.
Neuropsychopharmacology 28: 153-62
Ron M, Robbins TW (2003) Disorders of Mind and Brain 2.
Cambridge University Press, pp 462
Schultz W, Tremblay L, Hollerman JR (2003) Changes in behavior-
related neuronal activity in the striatum during learning. Trends
Neurosci 26: 321-8
Stephenson CM, Suckling J, Dirckx SG, Ooi C, McKenna PJ, Bisbrown-
Chippendale R, Kerwin RW, Pickard JD, Bullmore ET (2003)
GABAergic inhibitory mechanisms for repetition-adaptivity in largescale brain systems. Neuroimage 19: 1578-88
Taylor Tavares JV, Drevets WC, Sahakian BJ (2003) Cognition in
mania and depression. Psychol Med 33: 959-67
Thomas KL, Arroyo M, Everitt BJ (2003) Induction of the learning and
plasticity-associated gene Zif268 following exposure to a discrete
cocaine-associated stimulus. Eur J Neurosci 17: 1964-72
Tobler PN, Dickinson A, Schultz W (2003) Coding of predicted reward
omission by dopamine neurons in a conditioned inhibition paradigm.
J Neurosci 23: 10402-10
Turner DC, Robbins TW, Clark L, Aron AR, Dowson J, Sahakian BJ
(2003a) Cognitive enhancing effects of modafinil in healthy
volunteers. Psychopharmacology (Berl) 165: 260-9
Turner DC, Robbins TW, Clark L, Aron AR, Dowson J, Sahakian BJ
(2003b) Relative lack of cognitive effects of methylphenidate in
elderly male volunteers. Psychopharmacology (Berl) 168: 455-64
Williamson AT, Fletcher PC, Dawson KA (2003) Complementary and
alternative medicine. Use in an older population. J Gerontol Nurs 29:
Winstanley CA, Chudasama Y, Dalley JW, Theobald DE, Glennon JC,
Robbins TW (2003a) Intra-prefrontal 8-OH-DPAT and M100907
improve visuospatial attention and decrease impulsivity on the fivechoice serial reaction time task in rats. Psychopharmacology (Berl)
167: 304-14
Winstanley CA, Dalley JW, Theobald DE, Robbins TW (2003b) Global
5-HT depletion attenuates the ability of amphetamine to decrease
impulsive choice on a delay-discounting task in rats.
Psychopharmacology (Berl) 170: 320-31
Aron AR, Monsell S, Sahakian BJ, Robbins TW (2004a) A
componential analysis of task-switching deficits associated with
lesions of left and right frontal cortex. Brain 127: 1561-73
Aron AR, Robbins TW, Poldrack RA (2004b) Inhibition and the right
inferior frontal cortex. Trends Cogn Sci 8: 170-7
Arthurs OJ, Stephenson CM, Rice K, Lupson VC, Spiegelhalter DJ,
Boniface SJ, Bullmore ET (2004) Dopaminergic effects on
electrophysiological and functional MRI measures of human cortical
stimulus-response power laws. Neuroimage 21: 540-6
Bernard FA, Bullmore ET, Graham KS, Thompson SA, Hodges JR,
Fletcher PC (2004) The hippocampal region is involved in successful
recognition of both remote and recent famous faces. Neuroimage
22: 1704-14
Bishop S, Duncan J, Brett M, Lawrence AD (2004a) Prefrontal cortical
function and anxiety: controlling attention to threat-related stimuli.
Nat Neurosci 7: 184-8
Bishop SJ, Dalgleish T, Yule W (2004b) Memory for emotional stories
in high and low depressed children. Memory 12: 214-30
Bishop SJ, Duncan J, Lawrence AD (2004c) State anxiety modulation
of the amygdala response to unattended threat-related stimuli. J
Neurosci 24: 10364-8
Blackwell AD, Sahakian BJ, Vesey R, Semple JM, Robbins TW, Hodges
JR (2004) Detecting dementia: novel neuropsychological markers of
preclinical Alzheimer's disease. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord 17: 42-8
Breakspear M, Brammer MJ, Bullmore ET, Das P, Williams LM (2004)
Spatiotemporal wavelet resampling for functional neuroimaging
data. Hum Brain Mapp 23: 1-25
Bussey TJ (2004) Multiple memory systems: Fact or fiction?
Quarterley Journal of Experimental Psychology 57: 89-94
Cardinal RN, Everitt BJ (2004) Neural and psychological mechanisms
underlying appetitive learning: links to drug addiction. Curr Opin
Neurobiol 14: 156-62
Cardinal RN, Winstanley CA, Robbins TW, Everitt BJ (2004) Limbic
corticostriatal systems and delayed reinforcement. Ann N Y Acad Sci
1021: 33-50
Chamberlain SR, Sahakian BJ (2004) Cognition in mania and
depression: psychological models and clinical implications. Curr
Psychiatry Rep 6: 451-8
Christakou A, Robbins TW, Everitt BJ (2004) Prefrontal corticalventral striatal interactions involved in affective modulation of
attentional performance: implications for corticostriatal circuit
function. J Neurosci 24: 773-80
Chudasama Y, Dalley JW, Nathwani F, Bouger P, Robbins TW (2004)
Cholinergic modulation of visual attention and working memory:
dissociable effects of basal forebrain 192-IgG-saporin lesions and
intraprefrontal infusions of scopolamine. Learn Mem 11: 78-86
Chudasama Y, Robbins TW (2004a) Dopaminergic modulation of
visual attention and working memory in the rodent prefrontal
cortex. Neuropsychopharmacology 29: 1628-36
Chudasama Y, Robbins TW (2004b) Psychopharmacological
approaches to modulating attention in the five-choice serial reaction
time task: implications for schizophrenia. Psychopharmacology (Berl)
174: 86-98
Clark L, Cools R, Robbins TW (2004) The neuropsychology of ventral
prefrontal cortex: decision-making and reversal learning. Brain Cogn
55: 41-53
Clarke HF, Dalley JW, Crofts HS, Robbins TW, Roberts AC (2004)
Cognitive inflexibility after prefrontal serotonin depletion. Science
304: 878-80
Cools R, Clark L, Robbins TW (2004) Differential responses in human
striatum and prefrontal cortex to changes in object and rule
relevance. J Neurosci 24: 1129-35
Cools R, Robbins TW (2004) Chemistry of the adaptive mind. Philos
Transact A Math Phys Eng Sci 362: 2871-88
Corlett PR, Aitken MR, Dickinson A, Shanks DR, Honey GD, Honey RA,
Robbins TW, Bullmore ET, Fletcher PC (2004) Prediction error during
retrospective revaluation of causal associations in humans: fMRI
evidence in favor of an associative model of learning. Neuron 44:
Dalley JW, Cardinal RN, Robbins TW (2004a) Prefrontal executive
and cognitive functions in rodents: neural and neurochemical
substrates. Neurosci Biobehav Rev 28: 771-84
Dalley JW, Theobald DE, Bouger P, Chudasama Y, Cardinal RN,
Robbins TW (2004b) Cortical cholinergic function and deficits in
visual attentional performance in rats following 192 IgG-saporininduced lesions of the medial prefrontal cortex. Cereb Cortex 14:
Deakin J, Aitken M, Robbins TW, Sahakian BJ (2004a) Risk taking
during decision-making in normal volunteers changes with age. J Int
Neuropsychol Soc 10: 590-8
Deakin JB, Aitken MR, Dowson JH, Robbins TW, Sahakian BJ (2004b)
Diazepam produces disinhibitory cognitive effects in male
volunteers. Psychopharmacology (Berl) 173: 88-97
Deakin JB, Rahman S, Nestor PJ, Hodges JR, Sahakian BJ (2004c)
Paroxetine does not improve symptoms and impairs cognition in
frontotemporal dementia: a double-blind randomized controlled
trial. Psychopharmacology (Berl) 172: 400-8
Di Ciano P, Everitt BJ (2004a) Conditioned reinforcing properties of
stimuli paired with self-administered cocaine, heroin or sucrose:
implications for the persistence of addictive behaviour.
Neuropharmacology 47 Suppl 1: 202-13
Di Ciano P, Everitt BJ (2004b) Contribution of the ventral tegmental
area to cocaine-seeking maintained by a drug-paired conditioned
stimulus in rats. Eur J Neurosci 19: 1661-7
Di Ciano P, Everitt BJ (2004c) Direct interactions between the
basolateral amygdala and nucleus accumbens core underlie cocaineseeking behavior by rats. J Neurosci 24: 7167-73
Dowson J, Bazanis E, Rogers R, Prevost A, Taylor P, Meux C, Staley C,
Nevison-Andrews D, Taylor C, Robbins TW, Sahakian B (2004a)
Impulsivity in patients with borderline personality disorder. Compr
Psychiatry 45: 29-36
Dowson JH, McLean A, Bazanis E, Toone B, Young S, Robbins TW,
Sahakian B (2004b) The specificity of clinical characteristics in adults
with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a comparison with
patients with borderline personality disorder. Eur Psychiatry 19: 72-8
Dowson JH, McLean A, Bazanis E, Toone B, Young S, Robbins TW,
Sahakian BJ (2004c) Impaired spatial working memory in adults with
performance in adults with borderline personality disorder and in
control subjects. Acta Psychiatr Scand 110: 45-54
Elliott R, Ogilvie A, Rubinsztein JS, Calderon G, Dolan RJ, Sahakian BJ
(2004) Abnormal ventral frontal response during performance of an
affective go/no go task in patients with mania. Biol Psychiatry 55:
Fadili MJ, Bullmore ET (2004) A comparative evaluation of waveletbased methods for hypothesis testing of brain activation maps.
Neuroimage 23: 1112-28
Farah MJ, Illes J, Cook-Deegan R, Gardner H, Kandel E, King P, Parens
E, Sahakian B, Wolpe PR (2004) Neurocognitive enhancement: what
can we do and what should we do? Nat Rev Neurosci 5: 421-5
Fletcher PC (2004a) Functional neuroimaging of psychiatric
disorders: exploring hidden behaviour. Psychol Med 34: 577-81
Fletcher PC (2004b) Functional neuroimaging of schizophrenia: from
a genetic predisposition to the emergence of symptoms. Brain 127:
Foltynie T, Brayne CE, Robbins TW, Barker RA (2004a) The cognitive
ability of an incident cohort of Parkinson's patients in the UK. The
CamPaIGN study. Brain 127: 550-60
Foltynie T, Goldberg TE, Lewis SG, Blackwell AD, Kolachana BS,
Weinberger DR, Robbins TW, Barker RA (2004b) Planning ability in
Parkinson's disease is influenced by the COMT val158met
polymorphism. Mov Disord 19: 885-91
Fu CH, Williams SC, Cleare AJ, Brammer MJ, Walsh ND, Kim J,
Andrew CM, Pich EM, Williams PM, Reed LJ, Mitterschiffthaler MT,
Suckling J, Bullmore ET (2004) Attenuation of the neural response to
sad faces in major depression by antidepressant treatment: a
prospective, event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging
study. Arch Gen Psychiatry 61: 877-89
Hinton EC, Parkinson JA, Holland AJ, Arana FS, Roberts AC, Owen AM
(2004) Neural contributions to the motivational control of appetite
in humans. Eur J Neurosci 20: 1411-8
Ho AK, Nestor PJ, Williams GB, Bradshaw JL, Sahakian BJ, Robbins
TW, Barker RA (2004a) Pseudo-neglect in Huntington's disease
correlates with decreased angular gyrus density. Neuroreport 15:
Ho AK, Sahakian BJ, Robbins TW, Barker RA (2004c) Random number
generation in patients with symptomatic and presymptomatic
Huntington's disease. Cogn Behav Neurol 17: 208-12
Honey G, Bullmore E (2004) Human pharmacological MRI. Trends
Pharmacol Sci 25: 366-74
Honey RA, Honey GD, O'Loughlin C, Sharar SR, Kumaran D, Bullmore
ET, Menon DK, Donovan T, Lupson VC, Bisbrown-Chippendale R,
Fletcher PC (2004) Acute ketamine administration alters the brain
responses to executive demands in a verbal working memory task:
an FMRI study. Neuropsychopharmacology 29: 1203-14
Hutton SB, Huddy V, Barnes TR, Robbins TW, Crawford TJ, Kennard
C, Joyce EM (2004) The relationship between antisaccades, smooth
pursuit, and executive dysfunction in first-episode schizophrenia. Biol
Psychiatry 56: 553-9
Iddon JL, Morgan DJ, Loveday C, Sahakian BJ, Pickard JD (2004)
Neuropsychological profile of young adults with spina bifida with or
without hydrocephalus. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 75: 1112-8
Ito R, Robbins TW, Everitt BJ (2004) Differential control over cocaineseeking behavior by nucleus accumbens core and shell. Nat Neurosci
7: 389-97
Lee JL, Everitt BJ, Thomas KL (2004) Independent cellular processes
for hippocampal memory consolidation and reconsolidation. Science
304: 839-43
Lennox BR, Jacob R, Calder AJ, Lupson V, Bullmore ET (2004)
Behavioural and neurocognitive responses to sad facial affect are
attenuated in patients with mania. Psychol Med 34: 795-802
Lewis SJ, Dove A, Robbins TW, Barker RA, Owen AM (2004) Striatal
contributions to working memory: a functional magnetic resonance
imaging study in humans. Eur J Neurosci 19: 755-60
Liu YP, Wilkinson LS, Robbins TW (2004) Effects of acute and chronic
buspirone on impulsive choice and efflux of 5-HT and dopamine in
hippocampus, nucleus accumbens and prefrontal cortex.
Psychopharmacology (Berl) 173: 175-85
McDonald C, Bullmore ET, Sham PC, Chitnis X, Wickham H, Bramon
E, Murray RM (2004) Association of genetic risks for schizophrenia
and bipolar disorder with specific and generic brain structural
endophenotypes. Arch Gen Psychiatry 61: 974-84
McLean A, Dowson J, Toone B, Young S, Bazanis E, Robbins TW,
Sahakian BJ (2004a) Characteristic neurocognitive profile associated
with adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Psychol Med 34:
McLean A, Rubinsztein JS, Robbins TW, Sahakian BJ (2004b) The
effects of tyrosine depletion in normal healthy volunteers:
implications for unipolar depression. Psychopharmacology (Berl)
171: 286-97
Mehta MA, Goodyer IM, Sahakian BJ (2004a) Methylphenidate
improves working memory and set-shifting in AD/HD: relationships
to baseline memory capacity. J Child Psychol Psychiatry 45: 293-305
Mehta MA, Manes FF, Magnolfi G, Sahakian BJ, Robbins TW (2004b)
Impaired set-shifting and dissociable effects on tests of spatial
working memory following the dopamine D2 receptor antagonist
sulpiride in human volunteers. Psychopharmacology (Berl) 176: 33142
Miles FJ, Everitt BJ, Dalley JW, Dickinson A (2004) Conditioned
activity and instrumental reinforcement following long-term oral
consumption of cocaine by rats. Behav Neurosci 118: 1331-9
Pantelis C, Harvey CA, Plant G, Fossey E, Maruff P, Stuart GW,
Brewer WJ, Nelson HE, Robbins TW, Barnes TR (2004) Relationship of
behavioural and symptomatic syndromes in schizophrenia to spatial
working memory and attentional set-shifting ability. Psychol Med
34: 693-703
Preece MA, Dalley JW, Theobald DE, Robbins TW, Reynolds GP
(2004) Region specific changes in forebrain 5-hydroxytryptamine1A
and 5-hydroxytryptamine2A receptors in isolation-reared rats: an in
vitro autoradiography study. Neuroscience 123: 725-32
Ridler K, Suckling J, Higgins N, Bolton P, Bullmore E (2004)
Standardized whole brain mapping of tubers and subependymal
nodules in tuberous sclerosis complex. J Child Neurol 19: 658-65
Roiser JP, Sahakian BJ (2004) Relationship between ecstasy use and
Psychopharmacology (Berl) 173: 411-7
Schultz W (2004) Neural coding of basic reward terms of animal
learning theory, game theory, microeconomics and behavioural
ecology. Curr Opin Neurobiol 14: 139-47
Suckling J, Bullmore E (2004) Permutation tests for factorially
designed neuroimaging experiments. Hum Brain Mapp 22: 193-205
Turner DC, Aitken MR, Shanks DR, Sahakian BJ, Robbins TW,
Schwarzbauer C, Fletcher PC (2004a) The role of the lateral frontal
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