PUBLICATIONS PUBLICATIONS: PAPERS (peer-reviewed) Kenny, R., 2003. The Legacy of mining in Grand Canyon: Uranium-contaminated waste rock. Park Science, v 22, n 1, p 46-50 & p 58. Kenny, R. and Knauth, L. Paul, 2001. Stable Isotope variations in the Neoproterozoic Beck Spring and Mesoproterozoic Mescal paleokarst: implications for life on land in the Precambrian. Geological Society of America Bulletin, v 113, n 5, p. 650-658. Dueñas-Parshley, B. and Kenny, R., 2001. Reconnaissance investigation of equivalent uranium in soil: Grants, New Mexico. New Mexico Journal of Science, v. 40, p. 1-11. Pendall, E., Markgraf, V., White, J.W.C., Dreier, M., and Kenny, R., 2001. A multi-proxy record of Pleistocene-Holocene climate and vegetation changes from a peat bog in Patagonia. Quaternary Research, v 55, p. 168-178. Kenny, R., 2000. Late Proterozoic paleoclimate, and land-based, microbial organism survival: a discussion. Karst Research Foundation Annual Report, p 131-133. Kenny, R., Markgraf, V., and White, J.W.C., 1999. Paleotemperature estimates for the last 14,000 (radiocarbon) years BP from D/H Isotopes in peat in southern South America. Modern Geology, v. 21, p. 365-378. Kenny, R., 1999. The Hydrologic Cycle. in, The Encyclopedia of Geochemistry, R. Fairbridge, and C. Marshall, eds., p. 330-331. Kenny, R. and Krinsley, D.H., 1998. Electron microscopy of silicified micropeloid structures from late Proterozoic karst horizons in the Mescal Limestone (northcentral Arizona). Mountain Geologist, p. 45-54. Kenny, R., 1998. Paleoclimate during the Redwall, Karst Event, Grand Canyon National Park. Park Science, v. 18, n. 1, p.21-23. Markgraf, V. and Kenny, R., 1997. Character of rapid vegetation and climate change during the late-Glacial in southernmost South America: in, Past and Future Rapid Environmental Changes: Spatial and Evolutionary Responses to terrestrial Biota, B. Huntley, ed., NATO ASI Series, v. I47, (Springer-Verlag), p. 81-90. Markgraf,V., Figge,R., Kenny,R. & White, J.W.C., 1996, Patterns and causes of high paleoenvironmental variability in southern South America: Late Glacial versus Late Holocene: 11th Pacific Climate workshop, Paclim 94 Proceedings, Asilomar, Ca. Markgraf, V. & Kenny, R., 1996, Character of rapid vegetation and climate change during the late-glacial in southernmost S. Am. NATO Workshop Proceedings. Shapiro, R.S., Aalto, K.R., Dill, R.F., & Kenny, R., 1995. Stratigraphic setting of a subtidal stromatolite field, Iguana Cay, Exumas, Bahamas: GSA Special Paper 300, p 139-155. Figge, R., White, J.W.C., Markgraf, V., Ciais, P. & Kenny, R., 1995, A High resolution atmospheric CO2 record from carbon isotopes in a peat core from Harberton, Argentina. In: El Cuaternario de America de Sur, J. Argollo & P. Mougiart, eds., p. 327-344. White, J.W.C., Ciais, P., Kenny, R., Figge, R., and Markgraf, V., 1994. Climate in the Pleistocene: discussion and reply. Nature, v. 371, p. 111-112. White, J.W.C., Ciais, P., Figge, R, Kenny, R., & Markgraf, V., 1994. A highresolution record of atmospheric CO2 content from carbon isotopes in peat: Nature 367, 153-156. Kenny, R. & Neet, K.E., 1993, Upper Pennyslvanian-Permian (Naco Group) paleosols (north-central Arizona): field and isotopic evidence: Geoderma 58, 131-148. Kenny, R. & Krinsley, D.H., 1992, Silicified Mississippian paleosol microstructures: Evidence for ancient microbial-soil associations: Scanning Microscopy International, v.6, 359-366. Kenny, R., 1992, Origin of disconformity dedolomite in the Martin Formation (Late Devonian, northern Arizona): Sedimentary Geology, v. 78, 137-146. Kenny, R. & Knauth, L.P., 1992, Continental paleoclimates from D and 18O of secondary silica in paleokarst chert lags: Geology, v. 20, p. 219-222. Kenny, R., 1990, Isotopic and micropaleontologic study of the Proterozoic Beck Spring (Ca) & Mescal (Az.) Formations: evidence for Precambrian land-based photosynthetic communities: Cave Research, p. 50-53. Kenny, R., 1990, Hydrogeomorphic flood hazard evaluation for semiarid environments: Quarterly J. Engineering Geol., v 23, p. 333-336. Kenny, R., 1989, Variation in C and O geochemistry and petrography of the Mississippian Redwall Fm.,north-central Arizona: implications for extricating the diagenetic history of paleokarst carbonate and evidence for microcodium microfossils: Cave Research., p. 16-18. Kenny, R., 1989, Flooding: in, Reynolds, S.J. & Jenny, J.P., eds., Geologic evolution of Arizona: University of Arizona Press, Tucson, p. 848-852. 2 PUBLICATIONS: EDUCATIONAL ARTICLES & WWW & RELATED Kenny, R., 2003, Willis Creek, UT, Earth Science Week Brochures, cover photo. Kenny, R., 2001, Mule Deer, New Mexico Journal of Science, cover photo (v. 40) Kenny, R., 1998, DoE TQP Internet Minicourse. Basic Environmental Ground water Geohydrology. internet address (URL): (has been deleted from web page) Kenny, R., 1998, DoE TQP Internet Minicourse. Basic Surface water Geohydrology. internet address URL): (has been deleted from the web page) Kenny, R., 1996, San Rafael Glacier ice bergs, Geological Sciences Newsletter, California State University, Long Beach, cover photo (December 1996) Kenny, R. 1993, Sculpted ice bergs from Chilean Glacier, San Rafael: Journal of Geological Education 41, cover photo. Kenny, R., 1993, The only one they call the Grand (Grand Canyon Geology): Earth, May issue, p. 42-49. Kenny, R., 1992, Fissures: legacy of a drought: Earth, May issue, p. 34-41 PUBLICATIONS: TECHNICAL REPORTS AND MAPS Kenny, R., 2002. Management Report: Assessment of radionuclides in breccia pipe mine spoils, Grand Canyon National Park, AZ: Phase III: Copper Mountain Mine. 48 p. Kenny, R., 2002. Management Report: Assessment of radionuclides in breccia pipe mine spoils, Grand Canyon National Park, AZ: Phase II: Little Chicken Mine. 47 p. Kenny, R., 2001. Management Report: Assessment of heavy metals and radionuclides in breccia pipe mine spoils, Grand Canyon National Park, AZ: Phase I: Grand View Mine: Part 2: Lower mine area. 45 p. Kenny, R., 2001. Management Report: Assessment of heavy metals and radionuclides in breccia pipe mine spoils, Grand Canyon National Park, AZ: Phase I: Grand View Mine: Part 1: Upper mine area. 38 p. Kenny, R., 2000. The Geology of Autograph Rock, Cimarron County, Oklahoma. Unpublished Consultants Report, 53 p. 3 Kenny, R. Markgraf, V. & White, J.W.C., 1995. Past changes in CO2 & Climates in Terrestrial records from Southern South America. 1994 Annual Report, National Institute for Global Environmental Change, DoE, p. 172-174. Kenny, R., 1995. Reconnaissance Environmental Geology of the Oro Tract, Upper Moreno Valley, Colfax County, NM. Unpublished Consultants Report, 75 p. Péwé, T.L., Kenny, R. & Bales, J.T., 1994, Reconnaissance Environmental Geology of the Tonto Foothills, Scottsdale, Maricopa County, Arizona. 1. Geology: Text & map (1:24,000) 2. Geologic Hazards: Text & map (1:24,000) 3. Waste Disposal: Text & map (1:24,000) 4. Flooding: Text & map (1:24,000) Arizona Geological Survey CR-94-S. Kenny, R., 1990, Site and background geology and geohydrology report for Bingham Cienega: Report to the Nature Conservancy, Tucson, Az., 32 p. Knauth, L.P., Kenny, R. and Kitts, R., 1987, Methodology for analysis of fluid inclusions in LSA - 4 Halite: Part I: Procedure for extraction of fluids: Department of Energy Research Milestone Report, Work Package 314-012-2- - CH, Contract E51208100, 11 p. Péwé, T.L., Kenny, R. and Bales, J.T., 1985, Reconnaissance environmental geology of the Tonto Foothills, Scottsdale, Arizona: in, Tonto Foothills Background Report: Scottsdale Community Planning Department: Scottsdale, Arizona, 41 p. ABSTRACTS Kenny, R., 2003. Radionuclide contaminated waste rock at the Happy Jack Mine, White Canyon District, San Juan County, UT. DoE Meeting, Washington, DC. Sept. 2003 Kenny, R., 2003. Field Gamma-ray Spectrometry of Radionuclide contaminated soil and mine spoils: Northern AZ & Southeastern UT. DoE Meeting, Washington, DC. March 2003 Kenny, R., Krochenski, A.W., & Ninnemann, J. L., 2003. Using photography as an educational tool for teaching geology to undergraduate students (GSA Rocky Mountain Section Meeting; Durango, CO.) Frechette, J., Gonzales, D., Kenny, R. and Thompson, B., 2003. Evidence for a connection between wildfires, erosion, and landscape development over the past 3500 years in Southwestern CO (GSA Rocky Mountain Section Meeting; Durango, CO.) 4 Helgeson, B. and Kenny, R., 2003. Hydrogeologic characterization of the Moving Mountain Spring, Durango, CO (GSA Rocky Mountain Section Meeting; Durango, CO.) Russo, J.J., Kenny, R. & Blair, Jr., R.W., 2003. Speleogenesis and safety assessment of Surprise Cave, San Juan Mountains, CO (GSA Rocky Mountain Section Meeting; Durango, CO.) Thurston, B. and Kenny, R., 2003. Evaluation of rapid, post-fire, stream channel variation, Durango, CO (GSA Rocky Mountain Section Meeting; Durango, CO.) Krochenski, A.W. and Kenny, R., 2003. Engineering properties and site characterization of the Helen’s Store Landslide, Durango, CO (GSA Rocky Mountain Section Meeting; Durango, CO.) Kenny, R. and Lancour, H., 2001. The Geology of Autograph Rock (GSA Rocky Mountain Section Meeting; Albuquerque, NM). Kenny, R. and Diaz, T., 2000. Radionuclide contaminated soil and waste rock at the Grand View Mine, Arizona. GSA Rocky Mountain Section Meeting. Kenny, R. and Vigil, C., 1999. Heavy metal and radionuclide contaminated soil and potential plant uptake from breccia pipe soils and drill spoils, northern Arizona. GSA South Central Section Mtg. Kenny, R., Neet, K.E. & Gutierrez, A., 1997. Isotopic analysis of obscure Paleoexposure surfaces on marine platform carbonates: implications for understanding stable isotopic excursions on ancient marine carbonate. GSA Cordilleran Section Mtg. Markgraf, V., Figge, R., Kenny, R., & White, J.W.C., 1994, Patterns and causes of high palaeoenvironmental variability in southern South America: Late Glacial versus late Holocene: 11th Pacific Climate Workshop. White, J.W.C., Figge, R., Kenny, R. & Markgraf, V., 1994, Synchroneity in large temperature changes between southern South America and the North Atlantic Region during the Glacial-Interglacial transition: AGU 1994 Fall Meeting. Kenny, R., Markgraf, V. & White, J.W.C., 1993, Paleoclimate from Hydrogen isotopes & pollen in peat from southern South America: AGU 1993 Fall Meeting. Kenny, R., White, J.W.C., & Markgraf, V., 1993, High resolution records of paleoclimate from hydrogen isotopes in peat from southern South America: 3rd Global Change & Environmental Quality Symposium, U. of Colorado,Boulder. White, J.W.C., Ciais, P., Kenny, R., Figge, R. & Markgraf, V., 1993, Evidence for large, rapid changes in atmospheric CO2 from carbon isotopes in peats: 3rd Global Change & Environmental Quality Symposium, U. of Colorado,Boulder. 5 Markgraf, V., White, J.W.C., Kenny, R., Figge, R., & Anderson, L. 1992, Paleoclimate and carbon dioxide concentrations from pollen and stable isotopes in peat in southern South America: AGU 1992 Fall Meeting , p 260. Kenny, R., Aalto, K.R., and Dill, R.F., 1991, Isotope geochemistry of carbonate from a modern subtidal stromatolite: Late Holocene sea level fluctuations: G.S.A. Abst. w/ Prog., v.23, p A51. Aalto, K.R., Dill, R.F., Shapiro, R, and Kenny, R., 1991, Geology of the Iguana Cay subtidal stromatolite field, Exumas, Bahamas: G.S.A. Abstracts with Programs, v.23, p A1. Kenny, R., Knauth, L.P. & Horodyski, R.J., 1990, Isotopic, field & micropaleontologic study of the Proterozoic Beck Spring (Ca.) and Mescal (Az.) Formations: evidence for Precambrian terrestrial photosynthetic communities: GSA, Abst. w/ Prog., v.22, p. A191. Kenny, R., 1989, Stable isotopic investigation of carbonate from the Naco Formation, north-central, Arizona: evidence for subaerial exposure & implications for quantifying paleosol carbonate features: 42nd Annual Symposium of Southwestern Geology & Paleontology, p. 16. Kenny, R., 1986, Environmental geology of the Tonto Foothills, Scottsdale, Arizona (abst): Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v 18, n 5. Kenny, R., 1986, Chemical analyses and stress direction of Tertiary Basaltic-Andesite dikes in West-Central New Mexico (abst): Journal of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Sciences, v 21. Kenny, R., 1986, Environmental geology of the Tonto Foothills, Scottsdale, Arizona (abst): Journal of the Arizona- Nevada Academy of Sciences, v 21. 6