Dynamics of motor control in basketball free-throw Jorge Ibáñez-Gijón (jorge.ibanez-gijon@univ-amu.fr) Laboratory «Comportements Perceptivo-Moteurs» (UMR CNRS 7287) Institut des Sciences du Mouvement, Aix-Marseille Université. France Mart Buekers (martinus.buekers@kuleuven.be) Laboratory «Movement Control & Neuroplasticity», Department of Kinesiology, Faculty of Kinesiology and Rehabilitation Sciences, KU Leuven. Remy Casanova (remy.casanova@univ-amu.fr) Laboratory «Comportements Perceptivo-Moteurs» (UMR CNRS 7287) Institut des Sciences du Mouvement, Aix-Marseille Université. France Marvin Dufrenne (marvin.dufrenne@univ-amu.fr) Laboratory «Performance Motrice et Modélisation» (UMR CNRS 7287) Institut des Sciences du Mouvement, Aix-Marseille Université. France Antoine Morice (antoine.morice@univ-amu.fr) Laboratory «Comportements Perceptivo-Moteurs» (UMR CNRS 7287) Institut des Sciences du Mouvement, Aix-Marseille Université. France Guillaume Rao (guillaume.rao@univ-amu.fr) Laboratory «Performance Motrice et Modélisation» (UMR CNRS 7287) Institut des Sciences du Mouvement, Aix-Marseille Université. France Gilles Montagne (gilles.montagne@univ-amu.fr) Laboratory «Comportements Perceptivo-Moteurs» (UMR CNRS 7287) Institut des Sciences du Mouvement, Aix-Marseille Université. France Expertise in sport remains largely as an open scientific question. It has been argued that interdisciplinary and situated approaches are key elements to address this quest (Phillips, Davids, Renshaw, & Portus 2010; Buekers et al., submitted). In this talk we present a wide perspective of a decisive sport skill: basketball shooting. It is an example of long distance precision throwing tasks, that are typically performed at less than maximal speed and that require very little physical effort. These relaxed bioenergetical constraints leave lots of redundancy in the available space of successful actions. This redundancy can accommodate multiple additional constraints to the control of movements, as demonstrated by the great diversity of successful shooting styles. As a consequence, basketball shooting constitutes an appropriate task to study the multiple factors that affect dexterity and that shape expert performance in sport. Previous research in basketball shooting essentially focused on defining the informational requirements of jump shots and free throws. This line of research led to the initial recognition by Vickers (1996) of a “quiet eye effect” in lowstyle free-throw shooters, interpreted as the pre- configuration of the motor program. Later studies found that despite the common use of a period of preparation before the shot, on-line visual information was also used to control the unfolding of the movement (De Oliveira, Oudejans, & Beek, 2006; De Oliveira, Huys, Oudejans, van de Langenberg, & Beek, 2007). Even though this type of information-based control mechanism appears to be more salient for jump shots, it is nevertheless present in all inspected shot types and styles (De Oliveira, Oudejans, & Beek, 2008). Despite the interest elicited by the perceptual control of movements in this task, there is very little direct evidence of the motor changes that go together with different availabilities of visual information during the shot. Here, we present some preliminary results of an ongoing research project that aims to shed light on how perception and movement control are brought together in basketball shooting. During this first experiment we examined how visual conditions (i.e., full vision vs. occlusion of the last part of the shot) influenced the basketball free throws produced by both experts and novices. More precisely, we analyzed the behavioral consequences of these perceptual manipulations through a close inspection of kinetic, kinematic, and electromyographic variables. We then developed a 3D kinematic model of the shooter that allows us to analyze the dynamical stability under the different experimental conditions with respect to different task relevant variables using the uncontrolled manifold (UCM) methodology (Scholz & Schöner, 1999). Acknowledgments This work has been carried out thanks to the support of the A*MIDEX project (n° ANR-11-IDEX-0001-02) funded by the «Investissements d’Avenir» French Government program, managed by the French National Research Agency (ANR) References Buekers, M., Ibáñez-Gijón, J., Morice, A., Rao, G., Mascret, N., Laurin, J., & Montagne, G. (submitted). Interdisciplinary research and expertise in sports: from theoretical insights to experimental practice. International Journal of Sport Psychology. De Oliveira, R. F., Oudejans, R. R., & Beek, P. J. (2006). Late information pick-up is preferred in basketball jump shooting. Journal of Sports Sciences, 24(9), 933-940. De Oliveira, R., Huys, R., Oudejans, R. R. D., van de Langenberg, R., & Beek, P. J. (2007). Basketball jump shooting is controlled online by vision. Experimental Psychology, 54(3), 180. De Oliveira, R. F., Oudejans, R. R., & Beek, P. J. (2008). Gaze behavior in basketball shooting: Further evidence for online visual control. Research quarterly for exercise and sport, 79(3), 399-404. Phillips, E., Davids, K., Renshaw, I., & Portus, M. (2010). Expert performance in sport and the dynamics of talent development. Current Opinion, 40, 271-283. Scholz, J. P., & Schöner, G. (1999). The uncontrolled manifold concept: identifying control variables for a functional task. Experimental brain research, 126(3), 289-306. Vickers, J. N. (1996). Visual control when aiming at a far target. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 22(2), 342.