CV_Completo_2_files/CVMancuso_Andrea,_MD_0109 2

Andrea Mancuso Petricca, MD
DOB: 26/04/1972
POB: Rome – Italy
Marital status: Married
Oncologist Physician, Specific Research Area: Translational and Clinical Research, Medical
Oncology Dept. directed by Cora N. Sternberg, MD, FACP, San Camillo/Forlanini Hospital,
Rome, Italy, July 2005-Present
Via Ostiense, 224, 00146 Roma, Italy
Telephone: +39-06-5940974; mobile: +39-349-1848283 or +39-393-4572121
Medical Oncology Dept San Camillo/Forlanini Hospital, Rome, Italy.
00152, Circonvallazione Gianicolense, 87
Telephone: +39-06-58704339 or +39-06-58704580
Fax: +39-06-58704317 or 39-06-58704581
Degree-Granting Education
University “La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy (M.D. with honours), 1998
Scientific Liceum “Teresa Gullace Talotta”, Rome, Italy (High School Diploma) 1992
Postgraduate Training
ESMO Second Masterclass for Young Medical Oncologists: “Guidelines to publish high
quality papers”, 4-5 June 2005, Budapest, Hungary
Ligue Suisse contre le cancer course: « Physician-Patient communication in cancer care »
Certification with honors, March 2005 - July 2005
Fellowship, Medical Oncology, University “La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy, Oncology
Certification with honors, November 1998 - November 2003
Medical Oncology Course, National Academy of Medicine, S. Eugenio Hospital, Rome,
Italy, Certification with honors, November 1997 - July 1998
Training Specific Courses
Master in Gastrointestinal Cancers: Standard treatments and biologic approaches,
Beth Israel Medical Centre, New York, December, 2006
Methods in Clinical Cancer Research, 7th Intensive Workshop for European Junior
Clinical Oncologists, Federation of European Cancer Societies (FECS), American
Association for Cancer Research (AACR), American Society of Clinical Oncology
(ASCO), June 18-24, 2005, Flims, Switzerland
New drugs in Oncology: from laboratory to clinic trial. Certification of European
School of Oncology, February 16-18, 2005, Bellinzona, Switzerland
The Biological Bases of new target therapies in medical oncology. Rome, National
Academy of Medicine, March 26-27, 2004
Change from laboratory to clinic trial: The Swedish (Karolinska Hospital) and Italian
experience. University of Turin, Le Molinette Hospital, May 19-23, 2003
High School GISCAD on Colorectal Cancer, Verona, October, 2010
Oncologist Physician, Specific Research Area: Translational and Clinical Research, Medical
Oncology Dept. directed by Cora N. Sternberg, MD, FACP, San Camillo/Forlanini Hospital,
Rome, Italy, July 2005-Present
Attending as Oncologist Physician, Specific Research Area: Translational and Clinical
Research, Medical Oncology Dept. directed by Franco Cavalli, MD, Istituto Oncologico
della Svizzera Italiana (IOSI). Grant: European School of Oncology Foundation -ESOF-,
September 2004 – July 2005
Attending as Oncologist Physician, Medical Oncology Dept. directed by Cora N. Sternberg,
MD, FACP, San Camillo/Forlanini Hospital, Rome, March 2004 – September 2004
Consultant Medical Oncology “Madre Giuseppina Vannini” Hospital February 2004 –
March 2004
Attending Medical Doctor of 5th Pneumo-Oncology Unit Department of Respiratory
Diseases, San Camillo/Forlanini Hospital, Rome, Italy, February 2003 – February 2004
Attending Medical Observer of the Thoracic Head and Neck Medical Oncology Dpt of MD
Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, USA, November 2002 – February 2003
Second Lieutenant Medical Officer attached to the First Aid Station of the First level
infirmary of the 46° Air Brigate, Pisa Military Airport, January 2000 – March 2001
Medical Oncology Fellow, Department of Experimental Medicine and Pathology, University
“La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy, November 1998 - November 2003
Attending Medical Student of the Oncology Dpt, Ospedale S.Eugenio, Rome, Italy, January
1998 – July 1998
Attending Medical Student of the Oncology Dpt, Policlinico Umberto I, University “La
Sapienza”, Rome, Italy, November 1996 – July 1998
Attending Medical Student of the Medical Emergency Department of Policlinico Umberto I,
University of Rome "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy, November 1994 – November 1996
Attending Medical Student of Department of General Pathology of Policlinico Umberto I,
University “La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy, April 1994 – November 1994
- Grant (1000 €) to take part in EORTC-NCI-ASCO meeting (ENASCO, 2007)
- Grant (25.000 $) – American-Italian Cancer Foundation, International Fellowship Program
to develop a Phase Ib Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Trial with SUTENT
(SU11248) and Capecitabine in Cytokine Refractory Renal Cell Carcinoma, February 2006
- Grant (24.000 €) - scholarship - for 1 year to work in the field of methodology of biologic
clinical trials in Bellinzona, Switzerland, Istituto Oncologico della Svizzera Italiana (IOSI),
European School of Oncology Foundation -ESOF-, September 2004 – July 2005
- Grant (1000 €) to take part in 7th Intensive Workshop for European Junior Clinical
Oncologists, Methods in Clinical Cancer Research, Federation of European Cancer Societies
(FECS), American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), American Society of Clinical
Oncology (ASCO), June 18-24, 2005, Flims, Switzerland
- Travel grant (1000 €) to take part in EORTC Groups Annual Meeting (EGAM), March
2005, Bruxelles, Belgium
- Grant (600 €) as young oncologist (under 35 years old) to have published during 2004 a
paper as first name on a high impact factor international oncological journal, “Fondazione
Federico Calabresi”, December 2004, Genova, Italy
- AIOM travel grant (500 €) for the best abstract published at VII° National AIOM Congress,
Milan, November 18-21, 2006
- AIOM Travel grant (1000 €) to take part in ESMO Conference (Lugano, Switzerland, July,
5/8, 2007) as young investigator selected for oral presentation
- ESMO Travel grant (1000 €) to take part in ESMO Conference (Lugano, Switzerland, July,
3/6, 2008) as young oncologist chair in genitourinary session
Janssen-Cilag, SpA (2004-2005)
Astellas Pharma Europe Ltd (2008-Present)
Mundipharma Pharmaceutica, July, 2008
Merck Serono, January, 2010
Annals of Oncology
British Journal Urology
Future Drugs
Lung Cancer
Funded Protocols
Co-investigator, “Clinical randomized phase II study UFT/LV per os vs 5FU/LV in the
treatment of metastatic colo-rectal cancer” Bristol Myers-Squibb SPA, File:UFT/99-99.001
Co-investigator, “ The International Tirazone Triple Trial (i3T): A Phase III, Randomized
Efficacy and Safety Study of the Combination Chemotherapy with Tirapazamine + Cisplatin +
Vinorelbine versus Cisplatin + Vinorelbine in Subjects with Inoperable, Previously Untreated,
NSCLC” Sanofi-Synthelabo i3T EFC 3675, University “La Sapienza”, Rome, 2001
Co-investigator, “A Multistep Randomized Phase II/III Trial Comparing Oxaliplatin-5Fluorouracil (5-FU) to Vinorelbine-5-FU in Patients with Advanced/Metastatic Breast Cancer
(MBC) after Taxane/Anthracycline-Failure” DEB-99-OXA-02, University “La Sapienza”,
Rome, 2002-2003
Co-investigator, "Hemoglobin levels and quality of life in patients with solid tumors treated
with chemotherapy and Epoetin alfa 40K (40000 IU) once a week”. Ortho Biotech,
File:OBI/EPO-ITA-01/1, University “La Sapienza”, Rome, 2002-2003
Co-investigator, “Induction treatment with Epoetin alfa 40K (40000 IU) in anemic patients
treated with chemotherapy”. F.A.S.T. study (Fast Anemia Solution Treatment), Ortho Biotech,
File:OBI/EPO-ITA-02/3, San Camillo/Forlanini Hospitals, University “La Sapienza”, Rome,
Co-investigator, “A randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled, phase III study of
Oxaliplatin/5-Fluorouracil/Leucovorin with PTK787/ZK 222584 or placebo in patients with
previously treated metastatic adenocarcinoma of the colon or rectum” Novartis/Schering,
Protocol N° CPTK787 0133/304946, San Camillo/Forlanini Hospitals, Rome, 2004
Co-investigator, “A Phase III Randomized multicenter study of Oxaliplatin plus Pemetrexed
every three weeks as first line treatment in patients with advanced and measurable Gastric
cancer”, San Camillo/Forlanini Hospitals, Rome, 2004
Co-investigator, “Randomized phase III comparing immediate versus deferred chemotherapy
after radical Cystectomy with pT3, pT4 and/or N+M0 transitional Carcinoma (TCC) of the
bladder”, San Camillo/Forlanini Hospitals, Rome, 2004
Funded Protocols with Translational Research
A Phase III Randomized, Open-Label, Multicenter Study of Taxotere every three weeks
versus Taxotere plus Oblimersen one week infusion every three weeks as first line treatment in
patients with Hormone Refractory prostate cancer” (EORTC 30021), San Camillo/Forlanini
Hospitals, Rome, 2004
Co-investigator, “A multi-center, non-randomized, open label dose finding phase I Study with
AVE8062 administered as a 30 minute intravenous infusion every 3 weeks in patients with
advanced solid tumors”. (AVE8062A/1002), Ospedale San Giovanni, IOSI, Bellinzona, 2005
Co-investigator, “A Phase Ib pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic study to define the
Optimal Dose for Combining the mTor Inhibitor AP23573 with Capecitabine (CAPE)”.
(AP23573-04-105, S045AP2302), Ospedale San Giovanni, IOSI, Bellinzona, 2005
Co-investigator, “A Phase Ib pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic study to define the
Optimal Dose for Combining the mTor Inhibitor AP23573 with Paclitaxel (PTX)”. (AP2357304-104, S045AP2301), Ospedale San Giovanni, IOSI, Bellinzona, 2005
Co-investigator, “Dose finding, safety, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic study of the
vascular targeting agent ExherinTM administered once weekly by intravenous infusion in
patients with incurable solid tumors”. (AHX-01-004/SENDO Protocol S045EXHE01),
Ospedale San Giovanni, IOSI, Bellinzona, 2005
Co-investigator, “Open, uncontrolled, multicenter, phase II study of ErbituxTM (Cetuximab)
in combination with Irinotecan in patients with metastatic colorectal carcinoma expressing the
epidermal growth factor receptor and having progressed on a defined Irinotecan-based
regimen as most recent treatment” (Mabel Study, EMR 62202-501), Ospedale San Giovanni,
IOSI, Bellinzona, 2004/2005
Co-investigator, “A Phase III Randomized, Open-Label, Multicenter Study of Irinotecan and
Cetuximab vs Irinotecan as Second-Line Treatment in Patients with Metastatic, EGFRPositive Colorectal Carcinoma”. (EMR 62 202-025), Ospedale San Giovanni, IOSI,
Bellinzona, 2005
Co-investigator, “A Randomized, Three Arm Multinational Phase III Study to Investigate
Bevacizumab (q3w or q2w) in Combination with Either Intermittent Capecitabine Plus
Oxaliplatin (Xelox) (q3w) or Fluorouracil/Leucovorin With Oxaliplatin (Folfox-4) versus
Folfox-4 Regimen Alone as Adjuvant Chemotherapy in Colon Carcinoma”. (Protocol
AVANT, BO17920), Ospedale San Giovanni, IOSI, Bellinzona, 2005
Co-investigator Protocol SAKK 41/04: “Capecitabine and Oxaliplatin alone or in combination
with Cetuximab as first-line treatment for metastatic EGFR-positive colorectal cancer: A
Randomized multicenter phase II trial”, Ospedale San Giovanni, IOSI, Bellinzona, 2005
Co-investigator, A Phase III Randomized, multicenter study of Interferon alfa versus SU11248
as First line treatment in patients with advanced renal cancer, San Camillo/Forlanini Hospitals,
Rome, 2005/2006
Co-investigator, A Phase III Randomized study of SU11248 in patients with previously treated
renal cancer, San Camillo/Forlanini Hospitals, Rome, 2006
Co-investigator, A Phase II Randomized, Double-blinded, multicenter Study of Satraplatin
plus Prednisone, versus Placebo plus Prednisone as second line treatment in patients with
Hormone Refracotry Prostate Cancer, San Camillo/Forlanini Hospitals, Rome, 2005/2006
Co-Principal Investigator Protocol SAT1-05-01: “A phase I open-label study of Gemcitabine
in combination with Satraplatin in Patients with Advanced Solid Tumors” San
Camillo/Forlanini Hospitals, Rome, 2006/2007
Co-Principal Investigator Protocol: “Phase II Study of Sorafenib (BAY 43-9006) in Patients
with Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC) who have been Previously Treated with Anti-Angiogenic
Treatment”, San Camillo/Forlanini Hospitals, Rome, 2007-2010
Co-Investigator, Protocollo TAILORaifa, (Tarceva Italian Lung Optimization tRial) –
Optimization of erlotinib for the treatment of patient with advanced non-small cell lung
cancer: an italian randomized trial, 2008-Present
Principal investigator, GISCAD Randomized Trial, Folfox-4 (3 versus 6 months) as adjuvant
chemotherapy in high risk colon cancer patients, 2008-Present
Other Research Activities
Co-investigator, “Study on adiuvant treatment of operable high risk breast carcinoma with
Epirubicin, Docetaxel and high doses chemotherapy”, University “La Sapienza”, Rome, 1998
Co-investigator, “Drug utilization review team in Oncology, D.U.R.T.O.” Breast Cancer Care
Project, University “La Sapienza”, Rome, 1999
Co-investigator, “Study on chemo-hormonal therapy of low-medium risk breast carcinoma
with 0-3 metastatic lymphonodes. (Studio Impact B01), University “La Sapienza”, Rome,
Co-investigator, “Controlled clinical phase III study Mig-5 (Mammella Intergruppo-5):
Epirubicin + Paclitaxel vs standard chemotherapy with Cyclophosphamide, Epirubicin and 5Fluorouracile (CEF) in adiuvant treatment of breast cancer patients with metastatic axillary
lymphnodes”, University “La Sapienza”, Rome, 1999-2000
Co-investigator, ”Intermittence chemotherapy vs continuative chemotherapy in first line
treatment of advanced colorectal cancer: a G.I.S.C.A.D (Gruppo Italiano per lo Studio dei
carcinomi dell’Apparato Digerente) Pragmatic Phase III Study”, University “La Sapienza”,
Rome, 2001-2003
Co-investigator, “Phase I/II Study of Gemcitabine and Carboplatin in Stage IIIB-IV Non–
Small-Cell Lung Cancer: The Feasibility of a New Biweekly Schedule”, San
Camillo/Forlanini Hospitals, University “La Sapienza”, Rome, 2003
Co-investigator, “Locally Advanced Gastric Cancer: Neoadjuvant chemotherapy with
Docetaxel and Oxaliplatin in a multidisciplinary radio/surgical approach”, University “La
Sapienza”, Rome, 2002
Co-investigator, “Impact of Third Line ZD 1839 therapy on Patients with advanced non-small
cell lung cancer (NSCLC) who had failed prior platinum and/or docetaxel-based regimens”
(Astra Zeneca Expanded Access Programme), University “La Sapienza”, Rome, 2003
Co-investigator, “Prevention of Oxaliplatin-induced peripheral sensory neuropathy by means
of Epoetin alfa in patients with advanced colorectal cancer: an observational study”,
University “La Sapienza”, Rome, 2003
1. Cortesi E, Nelli F, Mancuso A, Menichini M: “Il dolore oncologico: limiti e prospettive”
Giornale Italiano di Oncologia, Vol XX-N°3/2000 page 6, CIC Edizioni Internazionali.
2. Mancuso A, Cecere FL, Cortesi E et al: “Trattamento dei pazienti con PS >2” On Oncology
News N°1/2001 Pages 20-31
3. Palma M, Mancuso A, Grifalchi F, Lugini A, Pizzardi N, Cortesi E: “Case report: Atrial
fibrillation during adjuvant therapy with Docetaxel”, Tumori, 88: 527-529, 2002
4. Mancuso A, Giuliani R, Palma M, Cecere FL, Cortesi E et al: ”Hepatic Arterial Continuous
Infusion (HACI) of Oxaliplatin in Patients with unresectable Liver Metastases from
Colorectal Cancer”, Anticancer Research 23:1917-1922, 2003
5. Cortesi E, Mancuso A et al: “I criteri di scelta per le linee successive alla prima”
Educational AIOM Book Turin 28 September – 1 October 2002, pages 196-201
6. Cortesi E, Mancuso A, De Pasquale Ceratti A, De Marinis F, Beccaglia P, Bertelletti D,:
“Effectiveness and Safety of a Induction therapy with Epoetin alfa in Anemic Patients
Receiving Concomitant Chemotherapy”, The Oncologist, Vol 9, N°4, August 2004
7. De Marinis F, Martelli O, Mancuso A,: ”Combined Chemotherapy and Radiation in Locally
Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer”, Tumori, Vol.2, No 4: S99-S102, 2003
8. Cortesi E, Grifalchi F, Ramponi S, Padovani A, Mancuso A, et al.: Weekly Paclitaxel and 5Fluorouracil in Pretreated Patients with Metastatic Breast Cancer: A Phase I Study”,
Anticancer Research 23: 1961-1966, 2003
9. Ariganello O, Mancuso A, Di Molfetta M, Diana F, Beccaglia P, Cortesi E & De Marinis F:
“A New Induction Schedule of Epoetin Alfa 40.000 IU in Advanced Lung Cancer Patients
Treated with New Regimens Platinum Based and Suffering from Moderate to Severe
Anemia”, Lung Cancer, 2004 Oct; 46(1):119-24
10. De Marinis F, Migliorino MR, Martelli O, Mancuso A,: “Update on Treatment Strategies in
Advanced NSCLC” Spanish Lung Cancer Group, Fifth Congress on Lung Cancer,
Barcelona, November 20-21, 2003, Educational book, pages 87-91
11. De Marinis F, Migliorino MR, Mancuso A, De Petris L, Belli R: “Neoadjuvant Strategies for
Non Small Cell Lung Cancer” Tumori Vol. 3, No 2: S49-S51, 2004
12. Mancuso A, Sternberg CN: “Colorectal Cancer and Antiangiogenic Therapy:
What can be expected in clinical practice?”, Crit Rev Oncol Hematol. 2005 Jul;55(1):67-81
13. Mancuso A, Sternberg CN: “New Treatments for Metastatic Kidney Cancer”, Can J Urol.
2005 Feb;12 Suppl 1:66-70
14. Mancuso A, Sternberg CN: “What’s are the news in Metastatic Kidney Cancer?”, BJU Int.
2005 Jun;95(9):1171-80
15. Mancuso A, Calabrò F, Sternberg CN, Current Therapies and Progresses in the Treatment of
Pancreatic Cancer, Crit Rev Oncol Hematol., 2006 Jun;58(3):231-41
16. Mancuso A, Migliorino M, De Santis S, Saponiero A, De Marinis F, Correlation Between
Anemia and Functional/Cognitive Capacity in Elderly Lung Cancer Patients Treated with
Chemotherapy, Annals of Oncology, Ann Oncol. 2006 Jan;17(1):146-50
17. De Petris L, Migliorino MR, Ceribelli A, Martelli O, Di Molfetta M, Mancuso A, De Santis
S, Di Salvia R and De Marinis F, Docetaxel Administered Every Two Weeks as Second-line
Chemotherapy for Advanced Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: A Phase II Study, Anticancer
Res 25(6C): 4713-4718, 2005
18. Mancuso A, Colorectal cancers and GISTs: News and Treatments, ECCO13, Continuing
Education in Oncologia, ECCO 13, Vol 3 (S1), June 2006
19. Mancuso A, Sternberg CN, New Treatment Approaches in Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma
(RCC), Curr opinion in Urology, 2006 Sep;16(5):337-41
20. Tiseo M, Martelli O, Mancuso A, Sormani MP, Bruzzi P, Di Salvia R, De Marinis F,
Ardizzoni A, Short hydration regimen and nephrotoxicity of intermediate-high dose
cisplatin-based chemotherapy for outpatient treatment in lung cancer and mesothelioma,
Tumori, 2007 Mar-Apr;93(2):138-44
21. Mancuso A, Oudard S and Sternberg CN, Effective Chemotherapy for Hormone-Refractory
Prostate Cancer (HRPC): Present Status and Perspectives with Treatments Taxanes-based,
Crit Rev Oncol Hematol., 2007 Feb;61(2):176-85
22. Martelli O, Sacchetta S, Zivi A, Cerbone L, Garassino MA and Mancuso A, Darbepoetin
Alfa Administered Every Three Weeks (Q3W) in Anemic Cancer Patients Receiving
Chemotherapy (CT), Anticancer Res. 2008 May-Jun;28(3B):1767-71.
23. Perotti A, Sessa C, Noberasco C, Mancuso A, Cresta S, Carcangiu ML, Braghetti A,
Scaramuzza D, Passera K, Miani M, Vigano L, Capri G, Peters B and Gianni L, An Enriched
Clinical and Pharmacological Phase I evaluation of Exerin (ADH-1), A Selective Anti NCadherin Peptide, Ann Oncol. 2009 Apr;20(4):741-5. Epub 2009 Feb 3
24. Garassino MC, Borgonovo K, Rossi A, Mancuso A, Martelli O, Tinazzi A, Di Cosimo S, La
Verde N, Sburlati P, Bianchi C, Farina G, Torri V, Biological and clinical features in predicting
efficacy of epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors: a systematic review and
meta-analysis, Anticancer Res. 2009 Jul;29(7):2691-701. Review
25. Leone A, Graziano P, Gasbarra R, Paone G, Cardillo G, Mancuso A, De Marinis F, Ricciardi S,
Portalone L, Pisa R, Identification of EGFR mutations in lung sarcomatoid carcinoma, Int J
Cancer. 2010 Mar 22. [Epub ahead of print]
26. Mancuso A, Sollami R, Recine F, Cerbone L, Macciomei MC, Leone A, Patient With Colorectal
Cancer With Heterogeneous KRAS Molecular Status Responding to Cetuximab-Based
Chemotherapy, J Clin Oncol. 2010 Sep 20. [Epub ahead of print]
27. Garassino MC, Torri V, Michetti G, Lo Dico M, La Verde N, Aglione S, Mancuso A, Gallerani E,
Galetta D, Martelli O, Collovà E, Fatigoni S, Ghidini A, Saggia C, Bareggi C, Rossi A, Farina G,
Thatcher N, Blackhall F, Lorigan P, Califano R, Outcomes of small-cell lung cancer patients
treated with second-line chemotherapy: A multi-institutional retrospective analysis, Lung Cancer.
2010 Oct 13. [Epub ahead of print]
28. Mancuso A, Sacchetta S, Saletti PC, Tronconi C, Milesi L, Garassino M, Martelli O, Leone A,
Zivi A, Cerbone L, Recine F, Sollami R, Labianca R, Cavalli F, Sternberg CN, Clinical and
molecular determinants of survival in pancreatic cancer patients treated with second-line
chemotherapy: results of an Italian/Swiss multicenter survey, Anticancer Res. 2010
29. Mancuso A., Donato De Paola E., Leone A., Catalano A., Calabrò F., Cerbone L., Zivi A.,
Messina C., Alonso S.,Vigna L., Caristo R. and Sternberg C.N, Translational Phase II Study of
Sorafenib in Patients with Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma who have been Previously Treated
with Anti-Angiogenic Treatment, BJU, in press, 2010
30. Graziano P, Cardillo G, Mancuso A, Paone G, Gasbarra R, De Marinis F, Leone A, Long-term
disease-free survival of a patient with synchronous bilateral lung adenocarcinoma, displaying
EGFR and C-MYC molecular heterogeneity, Chest, in press, 2010
1. Cavalli F, Cognetti F, Orecchia , Costa A, “Textbook on Medical Oncology”, Chapter XX,
Sessa C, Mancuso A, Principles and Methods in Clinical Trials, 2006
2. De La Rosette J, Van Poppel H, Sternberg C, “Renal Cell Cancer”, Chapter 11.c, Sternberg
C, Mancuso A, Signal Transduction Inhibitors in Renal Cell Carcinoma, 2006
3. Mancuso A, Martelli O, “Cetuximab Skin Toxicity, Handbook for patients”, On behalf
AIOM Foundation and Federico Calabresi Foundation, 2006
4. Mancuso A, Sacchetta S, “Urinary Incontinence and Urinay Acute Obstruction”, On behalf
AIOM Foundation, Mundipharma, 2006
5. Martelli O, Mancuso A, “skin toxicity and chemotherapy”, On behalf AIOM Foundation,
Oncoform, 2008
6. Mancuso A, Vavalà T, “Sorafenib, new perspectives”, Cancer and Aging, Vol 6, Number 3,
Suppl. 1(S1-S26), December 2008
7. Mancuso A, Recine F, Sollami R, Colorectal Cancer: Drug Therapy for Locally Advanced
Disease, AIOM Guidelines, 2010
1. (Oncoforum Faculty)
2. Research Organization Models in Oncology, Objective and strategies, MAISON Progect Il
Sole 24 ore, Sanità, May 2010
1. Martelli O, Padovani A, Mancuso A, Cortesi E et al: “Intraperitoneal Paclitaxel (IP), with
paracenthesis tecnique, plus carboplatin intravenous (IV) in pretreated and non-pretreated
Stage III and IV ovarian cancer patients“, Tumori, 84, (S1), N° 5 September/October 1998
2. Giuliani R, Mancuso A, Accettura C et al: “Colon Cancer post Adjuvant Therapy
worthwhile”, Digestive Surgery, 17 (1): 100-101, 2000.
3. Martelli O, Padovani A, Mancuso A, Palma M, Cortesi E: “Intraperitoneal paclitaxel, with
paracenthesis technique, plus carboplatin intravenous in pretreated and non-pretreated stage
III and IV ovarian cancer patients”, Annals of Oncology, 11, (S2): 32, 2000.
4. Saltarelli R, Nelli F, Moscetti L, Mancuso A, Accettura C, Lugini A, D’Auria G, De
Pasquale Ceratti A, Palma M and Cortesi E: “A phase I study of Vinorelbine (V) and
Docetaxel (D) as second line therapy for advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)
patients resistant to platinum/paclitaxel/gemcitabine based regimens”, III° Interregional
AIOM Congress, Roma 5/7 Aprile, Abstract book, page 96
5. Moscetti L, Mancuso A, E. Cortesi et al: “A phase I study of Vinorelbine (V) and Docetaxel
(D) as second line therapy for advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) patients
resistant to platinum/paclitaxel/gemcitabine based regimens”, Annals of Oncology, 12, 2001
Suppl. 4 Ab F28
6. Cortesi E, Giuliani R, Mancuso A et al: “A feasibility study of Hepatic Arterial Infusion
(HAI) with Oxaliplatin in Patients with Unresectable Liver Metastases from Colorectal
Cancer (CRC)”, Annals of Oncology,12, 2001 (S4) Ab A40
7. Cortesi E, Giuliani R, Mancuso A et al: “A feasibility study of Hepatic Arterial Infusion
(HAI) with Oxaliplatin in Patients with Unresectable Liver Metastases from Colorectal
Cancer (CRC)”, Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol, 2001, Ab 2217
8. Cortesi E, Giuliani R, Mancuso A: “A feasibility study of Hepatic Arterial Infusion (HAI)
with Oxaliplatin in Patients with Unresectable Liver Metastases from Colorectal Cancer
(CRC)”, Roma III° Interregional AIOM Congress, Rome 5-7 April 2001, Poster Session
Abstract book, page 100
9. Mancuso A, Moscetti L, Cortesi E, Palma M et al: “High incidence of thrombosis using GCSF in the treatment of chemotherapy-induced neutropenia”, 13th International Symposium
MASCC /ISOO Supportive Care in Cancer Abstract and oral presentation N° 1, 2001
10. Cortesi E, Mancuso A, Moscetti L, Saltarelli R, Palma M: “High incidence of thrombosis
using G-CSF in the treatment of chemotherapy-induced neutropenia”. International
Conference on Thrombosis and Haemostasis Issues in Cancer, Bergamo, 2-4 November
11. Cortesi E, Mancuso A, Moscetti L, Saltarelli R, Palma M: “High incidence of thrombosis
using G-CSF in the treatment of chemotherapy-induced neutropenia”. ECCO 11, Lisbon, 2026 October 2001, Ab 361.
12. Cortesi E, Mancuso A, Palma M, Nelli F, Cecere F: “High incidence of thrombosis using GCSF in the treatment of chemotherapy-induced neutropenia”. Proceedings of the Annual
Meeting of American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) 2002, Vol.21, Ab 1481.
13. Moscetti L, Mancuso A, Cortesi E et al: “A phase II study of Vinorelbine (V) and Docetaxel
(D) as second line therapy for advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) patients
resistant to platinum/paclitaxel/gemcitabine based regimens”. Oslo 18th UICC, International
Journal of Cancer S 13 pag 438-439 Ab N° 968
14. Mancuso A, Palma M, Cortesi E et al: ”Impact of Third Line 5-Fluorouracil-based
Chemotherapy on Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer”, Fourth International
Conference “Perspectives in Colorectal Cancer” Barcelona June 20-22, 2002 Abstract and
oral presentation N° 47
15. Mancuso A, Palma M, Cortesi E et al: ”Effects of treatment with Zoledronic Acid and
Pamidronate in Normocalcemic and Metastatic bone lesions patients”, Torino AIOM
Nazionale Poster G18, Annals of Oncology (S) 2002
16. Mancuso A, Palma M, Cortesi E et al: “Effects of Treatment with Zoledronic Acid in
Normocalcemic and Metastatic Bone Lesions Patients”, 6° National Congress GOIM, Oral
Session, Educational Book.
17. Cortesi E, Giuliani R, Mancuso A, Palma M: “A feasibility study of Hepatic Arterial
Infusion (HAI) with Oxaliplatin in Patients with Unresectable Liver Metastases from
Colorectal Cancer (CRC)”. Milano 4-5 Aprile 2002 Eloxatin Meeting, Abstract book,
Poster/Oral Session
18. Mancuso A, Palma M, Grifalchi F, Cortesi E et al: “Early Oxaliplatin Related Neuropathy in
Anemic Patients”. Oslo 18th UICC International Journal of Cancer S 13 pag 481 Ab N°
19. Mancuso A, De Pasquale Ceratti A, De Marinis F, Beccaglia P, Bertelletti D, Cortesi E:
“Effectiveness and Safety of a Induction therapy with Epoetin alfa in Anemic Patients
Receiving Concomitant Chemotherapy” Blood Vol 100 N° 11 November 16,2002 pag. 3527
20. De Marinis F, Martelli O, Mancuso A, “Combined Chemotherapy and Radiation in locally
advanced non-small cell lung cancer”, VII AIOM Congress, Messina May 11-14, 2003
21. Cortesi E, Grifalchi F, Mancuso A et al.: “A phase I study of weekly Paclitaxel combined
with protracted continuous infusion of 5-Fluorouracil in patients with advanced breast cancer
pretreated with Anthracyclines containing regimens”, Paclitaxel: present and future
perspectives, Naples March 21-22, Abstract book, page 25
22. Mancuso A, Martelli O, Migliorino MR, Di Salvia R, De Marinis F: ”Impact of Third Line
ZD 1839 therapy on Patient with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) who had
failed prior platinum and/or docetaxel-based regimens (Astra Zeneca Expanded Access
Programme), Abstract book, Astra Zeneca Meeting, Madrid, June 27-28, 2003
23. De Marinis F, Mancuso A, Martelli O, Migliorino MR, Di Salvia R, “Impact of fifth-line
Gefitinib (‘Iressa’, ZD1839) therapy on a pretreated patient with advanced non-small-cell
lung cancer”, (Astra Zeneca Expanded Access Programme), Astra Zeneca Meeting, Madrid,
June 27-28, 2003, Abstract book, abstr. 4
24. De Marinis, F, Mancuso A, Martelli O, Migliorino MR, Di Salvia R: ”Impact of Third Line
ZD 1839 therapy on Patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) who had
failed prior platinum and/or docetaxel-based regimens (Astra Zeneca Expanded Access
Programme), European Journal Cancer Vol I N°5 pag S240: Abstr. 798
25. De Marinis, F, Martelli O, Mancuso A: “Chemotherapy in the elderly patient with
metastatic NSCLC”, INRCA/GIOGer, I stage di Oncologia Geiatrica, Hotel Villa Dominique
September 16-19, 2003
26. Mancuso A, Beccaglia P, De Marinis F: “Radiochemotherapy-Associated Anemia and
Survival: an Analysis of Published Studies”, Annals of Oncology Vol 14, (S4) pag iv59
abstr. E42, 2003
27. Ariganello O, Di Molfetta M, Diana F, Mancuso A, Beccaglia P, De Marinis F,:
”Effectiveness and Safety of an induction therapy With Epoetin Alfa in Lung cancer Patients
Suffering From Moderate-Severe Anemia Undergoing Chemotherapy”, Annals of Oncology
Vol 14, (S4) pag iv59 abstr. E43, 2003
28. Martelli O, Migliorino MR, Mancuso A, Di Salvia R and De Marinis F: ”Impact of third line
Getifinib (Iressa, ZD 1839) therapy on a pretreated patient with advanced non-small cell
lung cancer (NSCLC), (Astra Zeneca Expanded Access Programme), Astra Zeneca Meeting,
Madrid, June 27-28, 2003, Abstract book, abstr. 2
29. Martelli O, Mancuso A, Migliorino MR, Di Salvia R & De Marinis F,: ”Impact of Third
Line ZD 1839 therapy on Patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) who
had failed prior platinum and/or docetaxel-based regimens” (Astra Zeneca Expanded Access
Programme) Annals of Oncology Vol 14, (S4) pag iv19 abstr. B18, 2003
30. Migliorino MR, Paoluzzi L, Martelli O, Mancuso A, De Marinis F, et al., “Docetaxel (TXT)
Given Ever 2 Weeks in Patients with Pretreated NSCLC” Annals of Oncology Vol 14, (S4)
pag iv20 abstr. B20, 2003
31. De Marinis, F, Martelli O, Mancuso A: “NSCLC: Risposte che contano” Simposi AIOM,
Lilly Abstract book, V° National AIOM Congress, Rome October 21-24, 2003
32. Mancuso A, Migliorino MR, Martelli O et al., “A new biweekly schedule of carboplatin and
gemcitabine: phase I feasibility trial in patients with advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
(NSCLC)” Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of American Society of Clinical Oncology
(ASCO) 2004, Vol.23, Ab 7245, pag 674
33. Migliorino MR, De Petris L, Martelli O, Mancuso A, Di Salvia R & De Marinis F,
Hemoglobin increase in advanced/metastatic lung cancer patients receiving multicycle
chemotherapy and darbepoetin alfa every week: An Initial Ongoing Experience, Proceedings
of the Annual Meeting of American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) 2004, Vol.23, Ab
8250, pag 787
34. De Petris L, Mancuso A, Migliorino MR, Martelli O, Di Salvia R and De Marinis F,
Efficacy of Iressa as Third Line Treatment in NSCLC Patients. Case Series from the “Iressa
Expanded Access Programme, Astra Zeneca Meeting, 2004
35. Mancuso A, Ariganello O, Di Molfetta M, Diana F, Beccaglia P, Di Salvia R, Cortesi E, De
Marinis F. “Epoetin Alfa 40.000 IU in advanced/metastatic lung cancer patients suffering
from moderate-severe anemia undergoing chemotherapy: A new induction schedule”,
Tumori, Volume 3, N°4: S18-S20, 2004
36. Mancuso A, Migliorino MR, Martelli O, Belli R, Di Molfetta M, De Petris L, Di Salvia R,
De Marinis F, “Phase I feasibility trial on a biweekly schedule of carboplatin and
gemcitabine as first line chemotherapy in patients with metastatic non-small cell lung
cancer”, Annals of Oncology (S), 2004
37. De Petris L, Migliorino MR, Ceribelli A, Martelli O, Mancuso A, Di Salvia R, Di Molfetta
M, Cipri A, Ariganello O, De Marinis F, “Phase II study on biweekly docetaxel as second
line chemotherapy for NSCLC patients”, Annals of Oncology (S), 2004
38. Migliorino MR, De Petris L, Martelli O, Mancuso A, Di Salvia R, De Marinis F,
“Hematopoietic response in Anemic Lung Cancer Patients Receiving Weekly Darbepoetin
Alfa”, Annals of Oncology Vol 15 (S2): pag ii118, Abstr N75, 2004
39. Mancuso A, Beccaglia P, De Marinis F, Correlation Between Anemia and
Functional/Cognitive Capacity in Elderly Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Patients
Treated with Chemotherapy (CT), 29th ESMO Congress, Annals of Oncology Vol 15 (S3):
iii122 Abstr. 458, 2004
40. Mancuso A, Beccaglia P, Migliorino MR, De Santis S, Saponiero A, De Marinis F, Impact
of Chemotherapy (CT) related Anemia on Functional/Cognitive Capacity in Elderly NSCLC
Patients, J. Clin. Oncol., 2005:23(16S):772s, Abstr. 8176
41. Mancuso A, Impact of Anemia and Fatigue in cancer patients treated with chemotherapy,
VII° Interregional AIOM Congress, Vasto 27-28 May 2005, AIOM Abstract book
42. Mancuso A, Beccaglia P, Migliorino MR, De Santis S, Saponiero A, De Marinis F, Impact
of Chemotherapy (CT) related Anemia on Functional/Cognitive Capacity in Elderly NSCLC
Patients, 11th World Conference on Lung Cancer, Barcelona, Spain, Abstr. 723
43. Mancuso A, Saletti PC, Sacchetta S, Romagnani E, Cavalli F, Sternberg CN, Treatment
outcomes with first and second line chemotherapy in advanced and metastatic pancreatic
cancer patients, J. Clin. Oncol., 2006:24, Abstr. 14107
44. Mancuso A, Saletti PC, Sacchetta S, Romagnani E, Aprile G, Fatigoni S, Garassino M,
Saggese M, Cavalli F, Sternberg CN, The Efficacy of Fluoropyrimidine-based Second Line
Chemotherapy in Advanced and Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer: Results of an Ongoing
Retrospective Multicenter Study, World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer, Barcellona,
Annals of Oncology Vol 17 (S6), pag D61, Abstr. 123, 2006
45. Sessa C, Perotti C, Mancuso A, Maur M, Fasolo A, Scaramuzza D, Braghetti A, Marsoni S,
Malik R, Peters WP, and Gianni L., An enriched phase I, pharmacokinetic and
pharmacodynamic study of the N-cadherin (N-cad) cyclic competitive binder ExherinTM
(ADH-1) in patients with solid tumors, First International Meeting on "Targeted Therapies in
Cancer: Myth or Reality?", Nerviano Medical Sciences, Abstract Book, September 2006
46. Mancuso A, Saletti P, Tronconi MC, Aprile G, Milesi L, Aglione S, Fatigoni S, Garassino
M, Labianca R, Sternberg CN, The Efficacy of Fluoropyrimidine-based Second Line
Chemotherapy in Advanced and Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer: Results of an ongoing
Italian/Swiss Multicenter Survey, 31st ESMO Congress, Annals of Oncology Vol 17 (9), pag
ix323, Abstr. 1131P, 2006
47. Garassino MC, Bettini A, Rossello R, Saggia C, Aglione S, Paleari D, Martelli O, Collovà E,
Maggese M, Cazzaniga M and Mancuso A, Histopathological presentation of breast cancer
(BC) in male patients (pts): a multicenter retrospective study, 31st ESMO Congress, Annals
of Oncology Vol 17 (9), pag ix104-105, Abstr. 285P, 2006
48. Sacchetta S, Mancuso A, Calabrò F, Sternberg C.N., "Effects of Darbepoetin α
administered every three weeks (Q 3 wks) on hemoglobin and fatigue in cancer patients
receiving chemotherapy", VIII AIOM National Congress, Annals of Oncology Vol 17 (S11),
pag xi68, Abstr. H15, 2006
49. Mancuso A, Sacchetta S, Tronconi C, Aprile G, Aglione S, Fatigoni S, Garassino MC,
Saggese M, Martelli O, Saggia C, Sternberg C.N., The Efficacy of Fluoropyrimidine-based
Second Line Chemotherapy in Advanced and Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer: Results of an
ongoing Italian Multicenter Survey, VIII AIOM National Congress, Annals of Oncology Vol
17 (11), pag xi51, Abstr. E9, 2006
50. Ghidini A, Cazzaniga ME, Adamo B, Mancuso A, Bettini AC, Martelli O, Carta AM,
Garassino M, Collovà E, Aglione S, Saggese M, Tumour characteristics and adjuvant
treatment in young women (<35 years) with early breast cancer (EBC): A multicenter
retrospective study, Annals of Oncology Vol 17 (11), VIII AIOM National Congress, pag
xi7, Abstr. A11, 2006
51. Garassino MC, Bettini A, Rossello R, Saggia C, Aglione S, Paleari D, Martelli O, Collovà E,
Maggese M, Cazzaniga M and Mancuso A, Histopathological presentation of breast cancer
(BC) in male patients (pts): a multicenter retrospective study, VIII AIOM National Congress,
Annals of Oncology Vol 17 (11), pag xi6, Abstr. A7, 2006
52. Aglione S, Cinquini M, Mancuso A, Borgonovo K, Petrelli F, Sergi C, Paleari D, Fatigoni S,
Sdrobolini A, Martelli O, The Efficacy of Second Line Chemotherapy (CHT) in PlatinumSensitive Advanced/Metastatic small cell lung cancer (SCLC) patients: Results of on
Ongoing Italian Multicenter Survey, J. Clin. Oncol., ASCO, 2007
53. Mancuso A, Sacchetta S, Saletti P.C, Tronconi C, Milesi, L, Garassino MC, Martelli O,
Labianca R, Cavalli F, Sternberg C.N, Clinical and molecular determinants of survival in
pancreatic cancer patients treated with second line chemotherapy: Results of an Italian/Swiss
Multicenter Survey, J. Clin. Oncol., ASCO 2007
54. Perotti A, Mancuso A, Maur M, Fasolo A, Scaramuzza D, Braghetti A, Marsoni S, Malik R,
Peters WP, Gianni L, Final results of the phase Ib/II study of the N-cadherin (N-cad)
antagonist ADH-1 in patients with solid tumors, 5th International Symposium on Targeted
Anticancer therapies, 2007, selected for oral presentation, Abstr number 41, abstract code
55. Mancuso A, Sacchetta S, Sternberg CN, DNA repair by ERCC1 in pancreatic cancer and
platinum salts-based salvage chemotherapy, 5th International Symposium on Targeted
Anticancer therapies, 2007, Abstr. number 29, abstract code P705
56. Mancuso A, Saletti PC, Tronconi C., Milesi, L., Garassino MC., Labianca R., Cavalli F,
Sternberg C.N, DNA repair by ERCC1 in pancreatic cancer and platinum salts-based salvage
chemotherapy, Molecular Mechanism Implemented in Clinical Practice Session, Abstr No
98 PD, ECLU conference, Lugano, 2007
57. Mancuso A., Leone A., Vigna L., Calabrò F., Giuliani R., De Marco S., D’Alessio A.,
Gasbarra R., Pisa R. and Sternberg CN, EGFR, DCC and K-RAS mutations as predictive
factors for cetuximab sensitivity in metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC), J. Clin. Oncol.,
ASCO 2008
58. Martelli O , Farina G, Garassino MC, Mancuso A, Gambacorta M, Gherardi G, Bianchi F,
Floriani I, Torri V, Scanni A, Role of k-ras mutations in patients affected with NSCLC and
treated with tyrosine kinase inhibitors (tkis): results of a pooled analysis, J. Clin. Oncol.,
ASCO 2008
59. Mancuso A, Leone A, Sacchetta S, Cerbone L, Garassino MC, Martelli O, Molecular
Profiling in Responding and Long Survivor NSCLC Patients Treated with Second-Line
Pemetrexed, First Lung Conference, ESMO, 2008
60. Mancuso A, Leone A, cerbone l, Zivi A, Squilloni E, Bertagnolio F, Caristo R, Gasbarra R,
Pisa R, Sternberg C, Role of EGFR, DCC and K-RAS mutations in metastatic colorectal
cancer (mCRC) patients treated with Cetuximab, TAT 2008
61. M. C. Garassino, G. Michetti, M. Lo Dico, R. Califano, S. Aglione, K. Borgonovo, A.
Mancuso, D. Galetta, E. Gallerani, E. Collovà, V. Torri, Outcomes of Small Cell Lung
Cancer (SCLC) patients treated with second-line chemotherapy (SL): a retrospective analysis
of 166 patients, ASCO 2009
62. A. P. Mancuso, E. Donato De Paola, A. Catalano, F. Calabrò, C. Messina, A. Zivi, L.
Cerbone, L. Vigna, R. Caristo, C. N. Sternberg, Phase II dose escalation study of sorafenib in
patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC) who have had prior treatment with
VEGFR-TKI anti-angiogenic treatment, ASCO 2009
63. M. C. Garassino, G. Michetti, M. Lo Dico, R. Califano, S. Aglione, K. Borgonovo, A.
Mancuso, D. Galetta, E. Gallerani, E. Collovà, V. Torri, Outcomes of Small Cell Lung
Cancer (SCLC) patients treated with second-line chemotherapy (SL): a retrospective analysis
of 166 patients, ECMTO, 2009
64. A. Passaro, I. Pavese, G. Lanzetta, C. Di Fonzo, A. Mancuso, W. Gianni, G.P. Spinelli, R.
Madaio, A. Lembo, O. Martelli, Cancer Pain Management in Oncological Setting. The Role
of Oxycodone: A New Option Starting Strategy Therapy?, ESMO 2010, Annals of Oncology
21 (Supplement 8): viii363–viii367, 2010 doi:10.1093/annonc/mdq532
65. Lanzetta G, Passaro A, Mazzoli M, Pavese I, Restuccia MR, Di Fonzo C, Pacetti U, Recine
F, Mancuso A, Gianni W, Spinelli GP, Madaio R., Lembo A, Cristina G, Martelli O, Cancer
Pain Management in Oncological Setting: The role of Oxycodone: A New Option Starting
Strategy Therapy, Tumori, Vol 10, N°1 October 2010
66. Pavese I, Satta F, Fabbri MA, Burattini E, Todi F, Coiro G, Palombo B, Alimonti A,
Mancuso A, Capuano G, Di Palma M, Telemedicine Monitoring of Oral Chemotherapy
Treatment in Cancer Patients, Tumori, Vol 10, N°1 October 2010
67. Rulli E, MArabese M, Copreni E, Garassino MC, Martelli O, Broggini M, Gherardi G,
Veronese S, Floriani I, Longo F, Pavese I, Labianca R, Moscetti L, Bertolini A, Cortesi E,
Mancuso A, Farina G, Scanni A, on behalf of the TAILOR investigators, Different K-RAS
Mutations Confer Different Drug Sensitivity in Non-Small-Cell-Lung Cancer (NSCLC),
Tumori, Vol 10, N°1 October 2010
68. Pavese I, Satta F, Fabbri MA, Burattini E, Todi F, Coiro G, Palombo B, Alimonti A,
Mancuso A, Capuano G, Di Palma M, Etoposide, Estramustine and PSA Response in
previously treated Hormone Refractory Prostate Cancer Patients (HRPC), Tumori, Vol 10,
N°1 October 2010
- Invitation to serve as Guest Speaker at the International ‘Iressa’ Clinical Experience Meeting,
Madrid, June 27-28, 2003
- Invitation to serve as Guest Speaker at “AIOM Giovani” conference on ASCO news NSCLC
Stage III, Viterbo July 4-5, 2003
- Invitation to serve as Guest Speaker at First Educational Meeting AIOM LAZIO 2004:
“Neoadjuvant and Adjuvant treatment of Gastric Cancer”, Rome, March 12, 2004
- Invitation to serve as Guest Speaker at VI Interregional Meeting AIOM, Perugia May 6-7,
- Invitation as Speaker in the Poster Symposium “Geiatric Oncology and Supportive Care” at
29th ESMO Congress, Vienna, November 1, 2004
- Invitation to serve as Guest Speaker at VII Interregional Meeting AIOM, Vasto May 27-28,
- Invitation to serve as Guest Speaker at Young Oncologist First Educational Course (AIOM),
”Iressa Clinical and Molecular Impact in the treatment of NSCLC”, Roma, November 18,
- Invitation to serve as Guest Speaker at OBI-EPO-ITA-01/1 Investigator Meeting, Napoli,
December 02, 2005
- Invitation to serve as Guest Speaker at 31st ESMO Congress “The Efficacy of
Fluoropyrimidine-based Second Line Chemotherapy in Advanced and Metastatic Pancreatic
Cancer: Results of an ongoing Italian/Swiss Multicenter Survey”, 29 September – 3 October
2006, Istambul, Turkey
- Invitation to serve as Guest Speaker at 9th World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer, New
trial designs with targeted therapies, June 2007, Barcelona, Spain,
- Invitation to serve as Guest Speaker at ESMO Meeting (ECLU, Lugano, 2007), DNA repair
by ERCC1 in pancreatic cancer and platinum salts-based salvage chemotherapy
- Invitation to serve as Guest Speaker at ESMO Meeting (ECLU, Lugano, 2008), Highlights
in genitourinary tumors
- Invitation to serve as Guest Speaker at Best of Year, regional AIOM, 2009
- Invitation to serve as Guest Speaker at SIURO International Meeting, Rome, May 2010
- Invitation to serve as Guest Speaker at Best of Year, regional AIOM meeting, Rome, 2010
- Invitation to serve as Guest Speaker at Lung cancer Regional Meeting, Predictive and
Prognostic Factors during a therapy with Docetaxel Rome, 2010
- Invitation to serve as Guest Speaker at “Giornate Oncologiche dei Castelli Romani”,
regional meeting, Frascati, November, 2010
- Chair during the session “Prognostic factors in colorectal cancer”, VIII° National AIOM Congress,
Milan, November 17-21, 2006
- Chair during the gastrointestinal session “Comments on ASCO 2007, AIOM young regional
meeting”, Rome, July 6, 2007
- Chair during ESMO Meeting (ECLU, Lugano, 2008), Highlights in genitourinary tumors, Lugano,
3-6 July 2008
- Chair during the lung cancer session “Comments on ASCO 2008, AIOM young regional meeting”,
Rome, July 13, 2008
- Highlights kidney cancer, Amsterdam, October, 2010
- MDV3100 in prostate cancer, Advisory Board meeting ESMO, Milan, October 2010
- EGFR inhibitors and ideal combination platforms, Rome, November 2008
- mTor inhibitors and synergistic molecular Platforms, Rome, November 2009
- Translational Medicine in Clinical Practice, Rome, April, 2011
Board Member of ASSOMEDICO, Fondazione ONLUS, Previasme,,
September, 2010-present
National and International
Member of Thoracic Oncology Association, 2007- present
Member of American Chemical Society, 2007-present
Member of MaiS.O.N. Working group, 2007-present
Active Member of American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), 2005-present
Active Member of New York Academy of Sciences, 2005-present
Member of European Society Medical Oncology (ESMO), 2003-present
Active Member of American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO, Associate), 2003-present
Member of European School of Oncology, 2003-present
Member of Italian Association of Medical Oncology, 2002-present
Member of Italian North West Oncology Group (GONO), 2001-present
Member og GISCAD Group, 2001-present
Roma 20/11/2010