Course Outline & Gradesheet

Web Technologies (C510) 1 Credit
Name ________________________
Grades: 10 - 12
Prerequisite: Recommended, Business Information Management
Through the study of web technologies and design, students will learn to make informed decisions and
apply the decisions to the field of information technology. Units and topics include Web Design and
Development, Basics of HTML, Orientation, Skills and Project Lessons using Dreamweaver with
Fireworks (version CS5). Students implement personal and interpersonal skills to prepare for a rapidly
evolving workplace environment. The knowledge and skills acquired and practiced will enable students to
successfully perform and interact in a technology-driven society. Students enhance reading, writing,
computing, communication, and critical thinking and apply them to the information technology
This is your official grade sheet. Please do not remove it from class, keep it in your class folder.
If it is lost, you will need to start the class over from the beginning.
N1 Introduction to Computers (Required for all Technology classes)
All of the materials for this unit can be found on my website, (see Introduction to Computers)
 _____ AUP Assignment (See teacher for worksheet and instructions)
 _____ Computer History (PowerPoint and worksheet)
 _____ Getting to Know Today’s Computer (Edulaunch Unit 1 – Section 1)
 Login to (Online Coursework for High School Tech Students)
 Username is goclc and password is hum87clc
 ____Computer Devices – Read this section*, when done, ask for the quiz.
*Reading is not optional. You must read the material in order to learn. If you do not
read the material, it is likely that you will not pass the quiz.
 ____Computer Components – Read this section*, when done, ask for the quiz.
 ____Computer Accessories – Read this section*, when done, ask for the quiz.
 _____ The Internet and the World Wide Web (Edulaunch Unit 1 – Section 2)
Login to (Online Coursework for High School Tech Students)
Username is goclc and password is hum87clc
____The Internet – Read this section*, when done, ask for the quiz.
*Reading is not optional. You must read the material in order to learn. If you do not read the
material, it is likely that you will not pass the quiz.
____Services on the Internet – Read this section*, when done, ask for the quiz.
____How the World Wide Web Works – Read this section*, ask for the quiz.
____Searching the Web – Read this section*, ask for the quiz.
____Web Reliability and Security – Read this section*, ask for the quiz.
_____ Netiquette (worksheet)
_____ Computer Crime & Security (worksheet)
_____ Computer Threats (worksheet)
_____ Copyright Issues (worksheet)
_____ Computer Ethics (poster)
Web Design and Development (Edulaunch Unit 1 – Section 3)
Part 1 – Web Professions
 Read this section* Reading is required
 _____ Complete Study Guide (required)
 _____ Take the Mastery Quiz
Part 2 – 7 Steps in Building a Web Site
 Read the section*
 _____ Complete Study Guide
 _____ Take the Mastery Quiz
Part 3 – Web Design Principles
 Read the section
 _____ Complete Study Guide
 _____ Take the Mastery Quiz
Part 4 – Critiquing Web Sites
 Read the section
 _____ Complete Study Guide
 _____ Take the Mastery Quiz
Module Completion Grade _______
N1 (1st Nine Weeks)
N2 HTML - (Edulaunch Unit 1 – Section 4)
 _____ Orientation Lesson 1 - Web Pages and HTML
 _____ Orientation Lesson 2 - Foundation HTML
 _____ Orientation Lesson 3 - Basic HTML Components
 _____ Project Lesson 1 - Home Page
 _____ Project Lesson 2 - Profile Page
 _____ Project Lesson 3 - Photos Page
 _____ Project Lesson 4 - Horse Show Results Page
 _____ Project Lesson 5 - Placing Links in your Site
 _____ Project Lesson 6 - Preparing Your Page for Search Engines
 _____ Project Lesson 7 - Improving your Site Through a Final Review
Car Dealership Project
 _____ Car Dealership Home Page
 _____ Car Dealership Inventory Page
 _____ Car Dealership Information Page
 _____ Internet Special Page
 _____ Parts and Service Page
 _____ Dealership Location Page
Module Completion Grade _______
N2 (1st Nine Weeks)
N3 Fireworks CS5 (Edulaunch Unit 2 – Dreamweaver with Fireworks CS5)
_____ FW Lesson 1
_____ FW Lesson 2
_____ FW Lesson 3
_____ FW Lesson 4
_____ FW Lesson 5
_____ FW Lesson 6
_____ FW Lesson 7
Module Completion Grade _______
N3 (3rd Nine Weeks)
N4 Dreamweaver CS5 (Edulaunch Unit 2 – Dreamweaver with Fireworks CS5)
_____ DW
_____ DW
_____ DW
_____ DW
_____ DW
_____ DW
_____ DW
_____ DW
_____ DW
_____ DW
_____ DW
_____ DW
_____ DW
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
Lesson 6
Lesson 7
Lesson 8
Lesson 9
Lesson 10
Lesson 11
Lesson 12
Lesson 13
Module Completion Grade _______
N4 (4th Nine Weeks)