PRE SURGICAL INSTRUCTIONS A) Week Before Surgery: 1. Fill your prescriptions. 2. Arrange for someone to drive you to & from this appointment. 3. Prepare your post surgical diet (see diet sheet) B) Day Before Surgery: 1. Get a good night’s sleep. If you feel you will have trouble sleeping, please let us know and we will prescribe a sedative. C) Day of Surgery: 1. If an antibiotic is prescribed, begin taking it as directed. 2. We suggest that you eat a light meal at least one hour before your appointment (ie…toast, half bowl of cereal, etc) UNLESS YOU ARE BEING SEDATED! If you are going to be sedated for this appointment, please DO NOT eat anything after midnight. 3. Wear loose clothing & make sure that your sleeves can be raised to your shoulder because we will be taking your blood pressure. 4. DO NOT DRINK COFFEE, ORANGE JUICE OR TEA PRIOR TO YOUR APPOINTMENT. POST SURGICAL INSTRUCTIONS A) Medications: If you have been prescribed medications, please have them filled and take them as directed. B) Discomfort: The average patient does experience moderate discomfort after surgery. If you have been given prescription for this discomfort, be sure to take it as directed. If no medication has been prescribed you may take two Advil or Extra Strength Tylenol with a large glass of water every 3 to 5 hours. C) Swelling: It is not unusual to have some swelling and or discoloration at the surgical site. Applying an ice pack to the area as soon as possible and holding it there for 15minutes, and then removing it for 15minutes in repetition will be beneficial. This procedure should be repeated as often as possible for the first day. For the following day if swelling is still present, moist heat should be applied. Swelling may be present for 2-3 days, then should subside. If surgery was performed on your lower jaw, you may notice a sore throat. This is not unusual, and is nothing to be concerned about. D) Bleeding: Please do not be alarmed if you notice traces of blood in your saliva for the first day after the procedure has been completed. This is normal. Use the gauze that has been given to you to bite down on, and keep it in place for 30 minutes. You may have to repeat this for some time during the first post-operative day. If you discover active bleeding, a moist tea bag over the site and gentle pressure to the area for about 45 minutes to one hour should help. If this does not stop the bleeding, please call the office. E) Rinsing: We ask that you DO NOT rinse your mouth on the day of your surgery. The day after the procedure you may rinse with warm salt water (and 8oz cup of warm water and 1/4tsp of salt). Rinse every 2 hours for 2 days after your surgery. After these 2 days, continue to rinse after every meal and before bed until the sutures are removed (approximately one week after the procedure). This will help to keep the surgical site clean, thus increasing your healing rate. F) Oral Hygiene: We suggest that you maintain a high level of oral hygiene (as always!) during this time on the areas that were not operated on. You can clean the biting surfaces of the teeth in the surgical area with a soft brush. G) Diet: On the day of your surgery we recommend cool liquids and soft foods. Do not eat or drink anything hot. The diet should be expanded each day according to your comfort level. Do not miss meals. A list of suggestions for appropriate foods is attached. H) Activity: We ask that you refrain from any physical activity the day of the surgical procedure. It would be preferable to have a “light day” the first day after surgery. After the first post-surgical day, let good judgment be your guide. Rent movies or read a good book! Post Surgical Dietary Suggestions A good diet will favorably affect both healing in the area of the surgery and the way that you feel after the surgery. We suggest that you maintain a high protein diet. We also recommend that you drink at least 64ounces of water per day for the first two days following the surgery. Here are some suggestions: Milk: Plain whole milk, low-fat milk, skim milk, buttermilk, yogurt, eggnog, ice cream. Soup: Any soup, including vegetable soups, milk-based soups, and boullion. Remember, luke-warm or cool. NOT HOT! Eggs: In any form, especially soft boiled, scrambled, poached, omletes, quiches, etc. Meats: Ground round, finely minced, broth (pureed meat in boullion is good), and casseroles. Also baked or roasted chicken is good. Fish: Tuna, salmon, shellfish. Vegetables: Mashed potatoes, cooked veggies or vegetable juices Fruits: Bananas and other soft fruits. Fruit juices are an excellent idea as well, however it may be a good idea to avoid citrus or acidic juices (tomato, orange, grapefruit etc.) if your teeth are sensitive. Our office phone number (804-717-5100) is answered 24 hours a day, either by staff or an answering service. Please do not hesitate to call us with any questions or concerns!