Call 911 if life threatening. Do not attempt to get to the ER in private vehicle. It is better to use
a “land locked” phone when calling 911, as the number/address can be traced. If no land locked
phone available, use cell phone.
Abdominal Pain-notify MD if pain occurs frequently.
Asthma Attack-Make comfortable in a sitting (criss-cross applesauce) position. Keep room well
ventilated. Stay calm. Administer inhaler or nebulizer. If no relief/distressed-call 911.
Bleeding-wear gloves. Apply direct pressure over wound with sterile gauze or clean cloth.
Apply pressure bandage/dressing. Elevate, if an extremity is involved. If bleeding continues, call
911/seek medical attention. DO NOT disturb blood clots, remove dressing, apply tourniquet,
give anything by mouth.
Burns-Do not apply anything to burn other than cool water (or what is prescribed by MD).
Thermal 1st degree: redness…apply cool water applications (NO ICE), apply dry dressing if
2nd degree: blister (DO NOT break blister). Immerse burn in cool water or apply cool/wet
applications. Blot dry and apply sterile dressing. If arms/legs involved, elevate. Seek medical
attention as needed.
3rd degree: charred. Call 911. Cover burns with thick sterile gauze or clean cloths. Elevate
involved limbs. Do not removed charred clothing that is adhered. Do not immerse or apply
water/ice. Do not apply ointment, etc.
Seizures-prevent victim form harm. Loosen constrictive clothing. If able, assist to side lying
position. Call 911 or seek medical attention. Allow to rest after seizure. If stops breathing,
administer rescue breathing . DO NOT force blunt object into mouth. Do NOT restrain. DO
NOT give anything by mouth unless completely awake.
DiabetesInsulin shock/hypoglycemia (very low blood sugar-too much insulin): pale face, moist
skin,weakness, trembling, headache, faint, confusion, nausea, dizziness, drowsiness. If
unconscious, call 911. If awake, give fruit juice, regular soft drink (1/2-1/3 cup), or ¼-1/3 candy
bar, or 2 packets (2 tsp) sugar. Will need coaxing to eat.
Diabetic Coma/hyperglycemia (Very high blood sugar-too little insulin): sweet, fruity odor of
breath, flushed face, dry skin, labored breathing, increased thirst, frequent urination,
nausea/vomiting. May be unconscious. Medical attention ASAP-911.
Dislocation- splint and immobilize affected joint in position which was found (can splint with
magazine/soft cover book, tape together with any type tape). Take to MD. DO NOT attempt to
put back in place.
Fracture/suspected fractureOpen fracture-(bone through skin), call 911, if able splint in position found/apply dry sterile
Closed fracture-(bone does not penetrate skin), if able splint in position found, elevate extremity,
apply cold pack, seek medical attention
Eye injuriesForeign body in eye-flush eye with tepid water for several minutes, cover with gauze if unable to
flush out, medical attention if necessary
Injury of eyelid-stop bleeding, clean with water, apply sterile dressing, prevent swelling with cold
application, call 911 or to MD ASAP
Penetrating eye injury-keep victim flat, avoid side to side head movement, call 911, apply sterile
Headache-rest; the following requires immediate medical attention-headache with vomiting,
and/or high fever, and/or convulsions, and/or loss of consciousness, and/or if headache follows a
head injury
Nosebleed-sitting position, press nostrils together and lean forward/bend head down, may need to
apply pressure for 10 minutes, can apply cold compresses to nose/face
Puncture Wounds-rinse wound/wash with soap-water, blot with sterile pad apply sterile
dressing, seek medical attention-may need tetanus shot. If deeply penetrated by an object-do not
remove object (make comfortable/call 911).
Shock-skin is pale/bluish, cool to touch, skin moist to touch/clammy, may have weakness, rapid
pulse, rapid breathing, dilated pupils. Give urgent first aid (ie stop bleeding), keep lying down
flat, call 911. DO NOT give anything by mouth, don’t move if suspect severe fracture or spinal
Spinal Injury-call 911, do not move unless in immediate danger. If needed, give urgent first
aid. Rule of thumb: if fell and distance is that of victim’s height, need to call 911.
Heat Cramps-exert firm pressure on cramped muscle with hands or massage area gently; allow
to cool off/cool water to sip.
Heat Exhaustion-skin pale, clammy; accompanied by fatigue, faintness, nausea, headache,
sweating profusely, muscle spasms common. Air conditioned room if possible, lie down, raise
feet, loosen clothing, sips of water (if vomits, do not give water), call 911.
Heat Stroke-skin is red, hot, dry, may be unconscious, extremely high fever, disoriented,
twitching, seizures. Call 911. Put in air conditioned room if possible. Sponge with
water/apply cold pads. If able, offer sips of water. If vomits, do not give water.
Snake Bite-snakebite (or suspected snakebite) needs medical attention (regardless if poisonous or
nonpoisonous). Keep from moving around, keep calm, prefer to have victim in lying down
position, , immobilize site, keep it at or below level of heart, call 911, observe for shock, urgent
first aid if necessary, wash wound with soap/water, try to kill snake to take to hospital (for
identification), do not give anything by mouth.
Stings/Insect BitesMinor-remove stinger if present, wash site with soap/water, apply cold application, do not give
Severe reaction (may have swelling/hives, difficulty breathing, may complain of tongue /throat
itching or tingling or tickling)-give epi pen injection if available, call 911. Follow instructions for
minor sting, but do not give anything by mouth.
Toothache-advise to take to dentist
Broken Tooth-if tooth knocked out; rinse tooth in cool water or milk, rinse mouth with cool
water. If able, put tooth back in socket until adjacent with other teeth. Adhere with chewing
gum, dental wax, etc. To dentist immediately. (If unable to reinsert tooth, place tooth in cup of
cool water or milk). DO NOT give anything by mouth. DO NOT put aspirin on site to relieve
BitesHuman-clean area with soap/water, and seek medical attention if needed.
Animal-if able, flush bitten area with water, cover with sterile dressing, avoid movement of
affected area, seek medical attention at once, 911 if needed. Also, notify police (have animal