Game-theoretical model of service quality indicators choice: Mobile service market Margarita A. Gladkova and Nikolay A. Zenkevich Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg State University, Volkhovsky Per. 3 St. Petersburg, 199004, Russia Keywords: quality evaluation, quality measurement, consumer's taste for quality, quality choice, two-stage game, Nash equilibrium, Stakelberg equilibrium, Pareto-optimal solution, optimal quality differentiation, index of consumers’ satisfaction. In the paper a game-theoretical model of quality choice under competition is suggested. The game-theoretical model is presented as a two-stage game where companies compete on an industrial market and consumer's taste to quality is non-uniformly distributed. From a practical perspective, the aim of the paper is to check the validity of the suggested game-theoretical model. Thus, two firms are assumed to produce homogeneous service differentiated by quality on some industrial market. The game consists of the following two stages: 1. At the first stage companies simultaneously define quality level; 2. At the second stage they choose service prices. At this stage both simultaneous and sequential choices are analyzed. Each consumer buys at most one unit of the service. Consumers differ in their willingness to pay for quality level s, which is described by the parameter 0, b. This parameter is called “taste for quality”. The utility of a consumer with a willingness to pay for quality when buying a service of quality s at a price p is equal to: s p, U ( p) 0, p s p s . The investigated industrial market is considered to be partially covered. Besides, in our model the case when taste for quality parameter is non-uniformly distributed over the interval 0, b, namely the triangular distribution is investigated. The payoff function of the firm i which produces the service of quality s i , where si [s, s] , is the following: Ri ( p1 , p2 , s1 , s 2 ) pi ( s1 , s 2 ) Di ( p1 , p2 , s1 , s 2 ) , i 1,2 , where Di ( p1 , p 2 , s1 , s 2 ) the demand function for the service of quality s i , which is specified. The Nash equilibrium in the investigated game was obtained in the explicit form which allowed us to evaluate prices, companies’ demand and revenues in the equilibrium. The paper includes a case study for the market of mobile operators in Saint-Petersburg which was used to approve the suggested game-theoretical approach to quality choice. Processing an empirical data which was obtained from consumer survey let us evaluate mobile service quality and using the model we can show the ways of performance improvement to production companies. References: 1. Aoki R., Pursa T. J. (1996). Sequential versus simultaneous choice with endogenous quality. Intenational Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol. 15, pp. 103–121. 2. Benassi C., Chirco A., Colombo C. (2006). Vertical differentiation and distribution of income. Bulletin of Economic Research: 58(4), pp. 345-367. 3. Donnenfeld S., Weber S. (1992) Vertical product differentiation with entry. International Journal of Industrial Organization 10, pp. 449-472. 4. Gladkova M.A., Zenkevich N.A. (2007).Game-theoretical model ”quality-price” under competition on the industry market. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Management Series. Issue 4. pp. 3-31. (in Russian). 5. Gladkova M., Zenkevich N. (2009). Quality Competition: Uniform vs. Non-uniform Consumer Distribution.Contributions to Game Theory and Management. Vol II. Collected papers presented on the Second International Conference ”Game Theory and Management”/ Editors Leon A. Petrosjan, Nikolay A. Zenkevich - SPb, Graduate School of Management, SPbU, pp. 111-124. 6. Hovanov K.N., Hovanov N.V. (1996).DSSS ”ASPID-3W”. Decision Support System’s Shell ”Analysis and Synthesis of Parameters under Information Deficiency - 3rd modification for Windows”. ”ASPID-3W” registered by Federal Agency for Computer Programs Coryright Protection (Russian Federation, Num. 960087). 7. Hovanov N., Yudaeva M., Hovanov K. (2009). Multicriteria estimation of probabilities on basis of expert non-numeric, non-exact and non-complete knowledge. European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 195, pp. 857-863. 8. Motta M. (1993). Endogenous quality choice: price vs. Quantity competition. The journal of industrial economics, Vol. XLI, No. 2, pp. 113–131. 9. Noh Y.-H., Moschini G. (2006). Vertical product differentiation, entry-deterrence strategies, and entry qualities. Review of Industrial Organization, Vol. 29, pp. 227–252. 10. Petrosyan L.A., Zenkevich N.A., Semina E.A. (1998).Game Theory: University textbook. Vyssh, shkola. Knizhniy dom ”Universitet”. Moscow. (in Russian). 11. Tirole J. (1988). The theory of industrial organization. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.