Seasonal Dynamics of Water Quality in the Plum Creek Tributary of the Black River in NE Ohio as a Function of Land Use Practices Mercedes Allen, Ryan King, Garrison Loope, Cheryl Wolfe-Cragin Fall 2007, ENVS316 ABSTRACT In 1985, the Black River was on a list of the most polluted and degraded problem areas in the Great Lakes Watershed due to poor water quality. Plum Creek, a tributary of the West Branch of the Black River, is considered an area of transition from the urban/suburban portions of Lorain County to the highly agricultural areas found upstream. It is important to understand the effects of seasonal nutrient loading due to land-use in a stream during the course of an entire year in order to effectively manage the watershed and maximize stream water quality. We expected elevated nutrient levels in the spring due to high rainfall and subsequent runoff from spring fertilization in upstream agricultural fields and during the fall due to application of manure and fall plowing. We sampled Plum Creek at four sites, a point downstream from the town of Oberlin, one point in the town, and two points upstream. The points upstream were, directly downstream from a golf course and the other, above the course, representing the flow from land that is primarily agricultural. Water samples were collected weekly from the sites during spring, summer, and fall of 2007. They were analyzed for NO3 and PO4 concentrations, along with BOD, and turbidity. Depth was determined using a gauge height measure [?], and precipitation data was collected from a local rain gauge. There was no nutrient peak found corresponding to spring fertilization, but the concentrations of NO3 and PO4 show distinct seasonal variation with varying degrees of correlation with precipitation. [A sentence with management and/or future study conclusions would be useful] [Nice abstract, much improved!] INTRODUCTION Land use activities within a watershed have important influence on stream water quality and can affect both spatial patterns and temporal patterns (Dodds and Oaks 2006). High levels of nutrients are often introduced into agricultural streams from surrounding lands through the runoff of nutrients and erosion by precipitation within the watershed. Excessive levels of nutrients can lead to the eutrophication of stream waters and the lakes into which they drain, depleting the water of oxygen and thereby impairing biological processes (Dodds and Oaks 2006). Plum Creek is considered an area of transition from the highly agricultural areas of Lorain County to the Urban/Suburban regions. Plum Creek enters the West Branch of the Black River which then flows north through highly residential and industrial areas to Lake Erie at the city of Lorain. It [Plum Creek or Black River? If Plum Creek, this comment seems in contrast to statement about it being “transitional”] is an agricultural watershed with conventionally planted corn, soybeans, and winter wheat dominating the crops. A few beef and dairy cattle operations are located in the very southern and western portions of the watershed. The City of Oberlin with a golf course, forested park, and storm water inputs make land use patterns in this agricultural watershed a little different from those described in the literature for Black River [? Cite reference – specifically what literature?]. Since most regulations governing land use in this region are made at the local level, an understanding of the impacts of nonpoint pollution is crucial in order to identify and implement best management practices (BMPs) in the agricultural community and effective zoning practices by local officials [very useful statement as justification for your research]. Previous studies on Plum Creek have focused on the fall, however it is important to understand the effects of seasonal nutrient loading in a stream during the course of an entire year in order to effectively manage the watershed and maximize stream water quality. [Good development of gap in knowledge. As part of creating this gap, it would be useful for you to describe (citing literature) typical patterns of seasonal water quality in agricultural watersheds, and then indicate what these patterns might or might not apply to this particular watershed (i.e. why it is important to directly measure).] In 1985 the Water Quality Board of the International Joint Commission placed the Black River on a list of 43 of the most polluted and degraded Areas of Concern (AOC) in the Great Lakes Watershed and prescribed a Remedial Action Plan process (RAP) due to loss of habitat, persistent toxins in sediments, and other impairments found in the mainstem (Hartig and Zarull, 1992). The RAP efforts have been successful at cleaning up point sources of pollution in the watershed, but to date have been rather ineffective in attempts to curtail agricultural and construction nonpoint impacts on the watershed (Conlin, October 2007). Additionally, the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) document for the Black River as required by the Clean Water Act is currently being drafted by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (OEPA) and will serve to prioritize nonpoint source remediations and preventative actions in the watershed (Conlin, September 2007). However, the nutrient, turbidity, and Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) information in the draft report was obtained from just one OEPA sampling site on the Plum Creek located near its confluence with the West Branch (Conlin, September 2007). In order to specify effective local BMPs and zoning practices, more specific information is needed from additional sampling locations on Plum Creek that may help to distinguish land use impacts. [This paragraph is not well integrated with prior paragraph] Three previous studies have addressed nutrient dynamics of the Plum Creek. In 2000, Fessenden et al. established that during low flow conditions, the headwaters and the surrounding agricultural lands contribute high levels of sedimentation and nutrients (specifically NH4+, PO43-, and NO32-) to the creek. In 2004, a study by Cummings et al. examined the impact of urban runoff from the City of Oberlin on nutrient concentrations before, during, and after a storm event. Their report concludes that nutrient concentrations and turbidity tend to increase with increased flow rate. They also observed that the City of Oberlin tends to increase nutrient concentration and turbidity during low flow periods and decrease them during high flow periods (Cummings et al. 2004). In the third Plum Creek study in 2006, fluctuations in ion concentrations were found by Feeser et al. with high concentrations associated with storm-drain inputs within the City. They found that while there are numerous increases in nutrient concentrations throughout the City, Oberlin has an overall diluting effect on both phosphate and nitrogen ion concentrations (Feeser, et al. 2006). [Nice summary of previous work] These previous studies of nutrient dynamics have been limited to the fall. While we, too, sample Plum Creek during the fall, we also analyze data collected in the spring and summer of 2007 by Feeser and Soong to determine if there are any seasonal variations in nutrient concentrations. Our objective was to compare the water quality at four Plum Creek sites in different seasons to determine seasonal variability in nutrient levels. Each site is directly downstream from a different land use: Because streams are always flowing and are influenced by the immediate surroundings, in situ processes, and upstream dynamics, biological processing and nutrient inputs and outputs are difficult to quantify. The water quality at a given sampling point in the river is a function of the water entering the stream at the next sampling point upstream, plus whatever is added through pipe outfalls and through runoff between sampling points and also of any biogeochemical transformations that may have taken place in the stream between these points (Petersen, 2006). By studying nutrient concentrations in Plum Creek throughout a year we intend to relate different types of seasonal land use and the resulting nutrient concentrations in the creek. [Last sentence does not necessarily follow from preceding sentences – biogeochemical processes in streams will be a function of temperature as well as land use activities]. HYPOTHESIS Our objective was to compare the water quality at four Plum Creek sites in different seasons.. Each site is directly downstream from a different land use: #1 City of Oberlin, #2 Forested Park, #3 Golf Course, #4 Agricultural Fields. (See figure 1.) Analogous studies of NE Ohio agricultural ecosystems have found that nitrogen levels are low in the summer, while nitrogen levels are high in winter due to high flow and loading combined with low removal rates (Birgand, year?) [anything available on spring runoff or on P?]. We expected elevated nutrient levels in the spring due to runoff from spring planting in upstream agricultural fields and during the fall due to application of manure and fall plowing. Also, based on previous studies we expected the City of Oberlin to dilute inorganic nutrients downstream (Feeser et al. 2006). Based on previous studies, we expected that during high stream discharge in the spring there would be elevated nutrient levels at site #4 due to the application of fertilizers associated with agricultural planting and site #3 due to turf planting/maintenance at the golf course. (See Fig. 1) We also expected elevated nutrient levels in the fall especially at site #4, associated with the observed application of manure on fields, fall tillage, and the planting of winter wheat, but did not expect the levels to be as high as in the spring. We expected turbidity to follow a similar pattern due to the runoff carrying particulates from tilled agricultural fields and the increased flow of water disturbing the stream sediments (Dodds and Oaks 2006). We also expected nutrient concentrations to progressively decrease downstream during high flows in all seasons due to a dilution effect of Oberlin’s stormwater system. Site #1 should show what is contributed by the City of Oberlin and we expect it to reflect an increase in nutrients during low flow times (summer) and a decrease in nutrients during the higher flow times based on Fesser et al. We expected the levels of nutrients in all seasons to decrease slightly throughout the arboretum due to uptake through biological processes in the stream and the data associated with the samples collected at site #2 should reflect that [would you expect biological processes to vary seasonally?]. We predict that biological activity would have little effect on nutrient concentrations , especially during high flow periods, due to the constant flow and short residence time of water within streams (Dodds and Oaks, 2006). [This last sentence appears to contradict the sentence before. Do you think biological activity in the stream is important or not? Will this vary with flow?] MATERIALS AND METHODS Data on PO4, NO3 [subscripts], turbidity, pH, BOD, and distance from bridge to water surface were collected weekly from four sites on Plum Creek in the watershed of the West Branch of the Black River by Feeser, Lauterbur, Soong in the fall 2006, by Soong and Feeser in the spring of 2007 and Braziunas during the summer of 2007 (Braziunas, 2007). The sampling sites are located in the City of Oberlin at the bridge on Hamilton Street (site #4), the border between the golf course and the arboretum (site #3), the bridge on Professor Street (site #2), and the bridge on 511 (site #1). We continued sampling from these sites at the same frequency using identical methods in order to facilitate data comparison. In keeping with Ohio EPA protocol, we took samples starting at the farthest downstream location (#1) and moved upstream to site #4 (Nichols, 2007). We took samples from bridges using a sampling pole and bottle to reach the middle of the creek in order to prevent contamination with debris from the bed. Samples taken at bridges were upstream of the bridge. Distance from bridge to water surface was measured to determine relative flow. We defined “high flow” as a distance greater than 130 inches from the Professor Street bridge. Samples were taken weekly on Wednesday afternoons or as close as possible. Turbidity, pH, and BOD (with two duplicates) measurements were taken on the samples using protocols from Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater (Clesceri, 1989). BOD measurements were diluted based on the relative turbidity of samples and appropriate calculations from Peterson 2007 were used to find the oxygen demand. Two small samples from each site were filtered and frozen for later analysis using the ion chromatograph to determine levels of PO4 and NO3. Neither were diluted as we are dealing with a natural water body. Additionally, the ion data collected over the past year was examined as well as the stream depth, turbidity, pH, and BOD for those samples. Hourly stream height information was also obtained from a datalogger placed in Plum Creek at site #2 [this is inconsistent with what you write in your abstract]. Detailed information regarding precipitation was obtained from the AJ Lewis Center Data Monitoring Information System. We defined the seasons as follows: March-May = spring, June-August = summer, September-November = fall, and December-February = winter. [Perhaps say something about why NH4 was not measured – found to be very low relative to NO3 in prior studies and therefore not analyzed] [Need to describe depth measures – use of tape measure and the particular automated depth gauge used. Also you need to describe relationship between depth and flow – mention that you don’t have a rating curve and so can’t directly related variables to flow] Figure 1: Flow 3 1 2 4 Figure 1. Map of sampling locations along plum creek. Site 1 = 511, Site 2 = Professor St., Site 3 = Ladies Grove, and Site 4 = Hamilton Street. Samples were taken from downstream to upstream. Flow of stream is indicated on map. RESULTS Figure 2: 6 Nitrate Seasonal Change Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 Site 4 5 Nitrate (mg/l) 4 3 2 1 0 28-Nov 21-Nov 13-Nov 7-Nov 31-Oct 24-Oct 22-Aug 16-Aug 10-Aug Sample dates 4-Aug 28-Jul 14-Jul 7-Jul 30-Jun 23-Jun 12-May 5-May 27-Apr 20-Apr 14-Apr 5-Apr 23-Mar 17-Mar 10-Mar 3-Mar -1 Figure 3: [figure legend? Units on y axis?] 5-day precipitation prior to sampling Precipitation (in) 5 4 3 2 1 0 PO4 concentration (mg/l) 0.7 Site Site Site Site 0.6 0.5 1 2 3 4 Phosphate Seasonal Change 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 28-Nov 21-Nov 13-Nov 7-Nov 31-Oct 24-Oct 22-Aug 4-Aug 28-Jul 14-Jul 7-Jul 30-Jun 23-Jun 12-May 5-May 27-Apr 20-Apr 14-Apr 5-Apr 23-Mar 17-Mar 10-Mar 3-Mar Sampling Date Figure 4. Notice how peaks in precipitation do correlate with peaks in nutrients above, but the large discrepancies make clear that precipitation and runoff are only one factor controlling nutrient concentrations in Plum Creek. [It is not clear whether you intend for this text to serve as a legend or not. A figure legend in a paper should guide the reader in how to read the graph, but should not draw conclusions or inferences about the significance of the graph] Figures 2 and 4 show graphs of Plum Creek nitrate and phosphorous data including each sample date and each sample site. Both nitrate and phosphate graphs show distinct seasonal variation. Both nutrients are stable at low concentrations from March to early August and show very little fluctuation with changing precipitation (figure 3). Nitrate is 28-Nov Figure 4: [Figure legend? Units? ] 21-Nov 13-Nov 7-Nov 31-Oct 24-Oct 16-Aug 22-Aug 10-Aug 10-Aug 16-Aug 4-Aug 28-Jul 14-Jul 7-Jul 30-Jun 23-Jun 12-May 5-May 27-Apr 20-Apr 14-Apr 5-Apr 23-Mar 17-Mar 10-Mar 3-Mar sampling dates higher and much more variable from late August through November. Also in this period nitrate concentration appears to be strongly influenced by relative precipitation [refer to figure. Phosphate is also higher and more variable from late August through November, but it isn’t correlated to precipitation like nitrate is. It must also be noted that because phosphate levels were so low. [Are the data in the graphs that follow for all sites or only for one of the sites? The reader does not know this unless you specify] Average Nitrate (mg/l) Figure 5: These are interesting graphs. Legend? Units? Text is too small to read. Did you try a regression?] Nitrate vs gauge depth 5 4 3 2 1 Spring Summer 20Fall 0 0 5 10 15 Gauge water depth at Professor St. Figure 6: Average Phosphate (mg/l) Phosphate vs gague depth 0.6 0.5 0.4 Spring 0.3 Summer Fall 0.2 0.1 0.0 0 5 10 15 20 Gauge depth at Professor St. Figures 5 and 6 show nutrient concentrations graphed against water depth measured by the gauge at Professor St which can be thought of as a proxy for relative flow. There is a positive relationship between nitrate and gauge depth but the relationship is weaker in the phosphate graph. [Regression coefficients for these two would have allowed you to make this point quantitatively rather than qualitatively.] Figure 7: depth v depth Distance between bridge and water surface at Professor St (in) 130 140 150 160 Figure 8: [Units?] BOD vs Turbidity 16 14 BOD (mg/ml) 12 10 Spring Summer Fall 8 6 4 2 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Turbidity Figure 7 plots two our two types of depth measurements against one another [which axis is which? It would be instructive to see also a relationship between your 5 day precipitation and depth]. There is a relationship, but we think that the gauge is more reliable because it always samples exactly the same place. Figure 8 shows that there is a weak relationship between BOD and turbidity through all seasons. This suggests that the debris that makes the water turbid has a lot of organic carbon [results should describe but not interpret findings. Discussion section is where data are interpreted. Again, a regression would allow you to quantitativey describe the relationship, (which looks pretty Figure strong9:to me)]. Turbidity vs Flow 140 120 Turbidity 100 80 Spring Summer Fall 60 40 20 0 0 5 10 Gauge Depth 15 20 Figure 10: BOD vs Nitrate Spring Summer Fall 16 BOD (mg/ml) 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Nitrate (mg/l) Figure 9 shows that there is a relationship between turbidity and relative flow mainly during the spring and fall [Would be interesting to have seperate regressions for each season]. Something else is causing turbidity during the summer low flow period. Figure 10 shows that there is no relationship between nitrate and BOD. This suggests that nitrate and labile carbon in the stream have different sources. Figure 11: Nutrient Concentrations at sampling sites for High Flow 10-Mar 5-Apr 14-Apr 20-Apr 5-May 12-May 30-Jun 7-Jul 14-Jul 28-Jul 4-Aug 10-Aug 16-Aug 7-Nov 13-Nov 28-Nov NO3 Site 1 PO4 Site 1 NO3 Site 2 PO4 Site 2 NO3 0.42 0.01 0.46 0.01 0.10 0.05 -0.03 0.01 0.75 0.06 0.87 0.06 0.29 0.05 0.29 0.05 0.29 0.05 0.35 0.05 0.42 0.09 0.45 0.10 0.56 0.0629 0.38235 0.07085 0.3958 0.0794 0.42495 0.06815 0.5252 0.08895 0.4889 0.1374 0.7166 0.0788 0.61235 0.0787 2.36725 0.3101 1.53465 0.45685 NA 1.0249 0.1365 0.8264 0.1535 0.8601 0.1411 0.83 0.1483 0.32245 0.2043 0.32345 0.1721 2.01675 0.44255 2.81285 0.5085 2.3485 0.0616 2.96185 0.0856 Site 3 PO4 Site 3 NO3 Site 4 PO4 Site 4 0.45 0.03 -0.03 0.00 0.12 0.01 0.86 0.05 0.95 0.06 0.29 0.05 0.29 0.05 0.30 0.05 0.31 0.06 0.21 0.06 0.42 0.08 0.31235 0.06075 0.2823 0 0.2873 0.0596 0.2833 0 0.37015 0.0926 0.35635 0 0.79355 0.10455 0.59135 0.0726 NA 0 0 0.94785 0.1509 0.8975 0.136 0.84185 0.1488 0.76085 0.1379 0.3226 0.2078 0.34475 0.1215 2.8403 0.53 4.627 0.6503 3.16745 0.08425 3.86225 0.0849 Figure 12: Nutrient Concentrations at sampling sites for Low Flow 3-Mar 17-Mar 23-Mar 27-Apr 23-Jun 22-Aug 24-Oct 31-Oct 21-Nov NO3 Site 1 PO4 Site 1 NO3 Site 2 PO4 Site 2 NO3 Site 3 PO4 Site 3 NO3 Site 4 PO4 Site 4 0.15 0.05 0.37 0.09 0.05 0.09 0.20 1.58 0.59 0.02 0.46 0.02 0.71 0.00 0.42 0.02 0.32 0.01 0.37 0.01 0.37 0.01 0.44 -0.02 0.74 0.06 1.10 0.08 1.16 0.06 1.27 0.09 0.48795 0.05455 0.4105 0.05645 0.318 0 0.2919 0.0519 2.51295 0.17395 6.82795 0.21985 5.87065 0.2096 5.59835 0.2132 1.3806 0.21295 3.69445 0.27855 3.2979 0.266 3.7286 0.29695 3.08845 0.18295 0.5914 0.13885 0.5934 0.15505 0.6133 0.13925 0.86425 0.03975 0.9306 0.0472 0.95675 0.0533 0.9189 0.0414 Figures 11 and 12 show a tabular presentation of the nutrient concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorous on each sampling date [these are redundant to graphs]. The data shows no relationship between flow and nutrient concentration in Plum Creek. DISCUSSION In this section, we will discuss and analyze our findings, provide potential mechanisms and causes, connect our data with other analogous studies within NE Ohio, and suggest further research. But first it is especially important to address limitations and modifications we encountered in our experiment design. [This is what you should do, but no need to so explicitly state this] First of all, we were unable to make any correlations between the flow rates [do you mean depth or precipitation? Neither are actually flow, but can be thought of as related to flow] of the stream with inorganic nutrient concentrations [but the relationships look reasonable in the graphs and below graph 7 you write, “There is a positive relationship between nitrate and gauge depth”. Your explanation needs to be consistent]. We expected the stream at low flow to receive minimal input from the watershed while, during a post-storm period (high flow), precipitation from the storm event would likely carry nutrients into the stream from the area. However, it was clear that this was not the case (Fig. 11 & 12). This frustrating yet important discovery reallocated our attention to focus more on spatial and temporal patterns in inorganic nutrients in Plum Creek as a function of land use practices rather than directly studying the affects of low flow and high flow on nutrient loading. [OK, good, but is it possible that the approach you took simply was not sufficient to capture a relationship that might have actually been evident. For example, the sample regime that has been employed this year has not been designed to actually capture nutrient data at peak flow periods. To what extent might this influence your interpretation of the data?] We also observed high variability in the months of August-November with nutrient concentrations, which might have been due to inconsistencies with our sampling procedures [be specific]. We measured the height of the water column from the bridge on Site 2 and plotted our data against the automatic sensor readings during our sampling dates. We found a strong relationship between the measurements (Fig. 7), suggesting that the variability was not due to instrumental or human error. The large variability made it extremely difficult to average the nitrogen and phosphorous concentrations monthly and correlate nutrient patterns between the sites in a given month. Despite these adjustments, we can boldly [?] offer several conclusions about our results regarding the seasonal patterns of inorganic nutrients in Plum Creek through different land covers. The results of our study indicate that there is seasonal variation in nitrogen and phosphorous concentrations in Plum Creek. We also concluded that land use practices do affect the water quality of the stream and account for the seasonal fluctuations in inorganic nutrients as they move downstream. [Be specific, what do you think is going on and what mechanisms might account for this?]. The changes in inorganic nutrient concentrations between seasons may be associated with the application of manure and tilling of agricultural fields in the fall season. The land use practices by the agricultural fields upstream affects the downstream inorganic concentrations. In a study conducted by Cummings, et al (2004), it was found that higher concentrations of nitrogen are being washed out of agricultural land upstream of Oberlin than the urban/residential portion of Oberlin adds in its own run-off. We found that nutrient runoff from agricultural fields upstream is in fact the highest [greatest source of nitrogen] and it is diluted by urban/suburban runoff as it moves downstream (Fig. 2 & 4). [It is very reasonable to draw this inference from the data, but you can’t really state that you know this since what you measured was nutrient concentration in the stream water and not the actual movement of nutrients from the fields. There is a way of finessing your wording so that you make clear to the reader what you know and what you are inferring. For example, “The fact that nutrient concentrations were highest at xxx leads us to conclude that …. is likely.] Furthermore, our data suggest that there are patterns within seasons, as demonstrated by of the large variability between August-November. This phenomenon may be attributable to biological activity in the stream [earlier you indicated that you do not feel this is important]. Although the nitrogen and phosphorous data did not correlate with precipitation information (Fig. 3), higher turbidity levels would result in increased erosion of mineral sediment into the stream, as caused by the precipitation during a storm event. Fesser, et al (2006) concluded that high turbidity would lead to high BOD, as organic material within the water column is the primary fuel source of most organisms performing respiration. They also concluded that effects of in-stream biological activity on nutrient concentrations vary with changes in flow conditions. We found a weak relationship between BOD and turbidity through all seasons (Fig. 8). This suggests that the debris that makes the water turbid has a lot of organic carbon and that other microbial and chemical processes were consuming oxygen. Also, the weak relationship between turbidity and flow during the summer indicates that something else is causing turbidity during the summer low flow period [good]. It is possible that seasonal storm patterns and the accompanying increase in day length may affect the role of biological processing on nutrient concentrations during different seasons. This was in agreement with our original prediction that biological activity would have little effect on nutrient concentrations, especially during high flow periods, due to the constant flow and short residence time of water within the stream. Our results are not consistent with a few of our hypotheses. First, increases in nutrient concentrations occurring within the arboretum contradict this trend of dilution and are contrary to what we expected to find in this area. This is in agreement with Fesser et al (2006) and this might be the result of inputs from the storm drainage system. Secondly, we hypothesized elevated nutrient levels in the spring due to runoff from spring planting and fertilizer use in upstream agricultural fields. However, our data indicates no significant trend in nutrient peaks that correspond to spring planting and fertilization (Fig. 2 & 4). It is possible that high flow in the stream limits the effects of biological activity, so a lull in storm activities in the spring could account for less nutrient loading into Plum Creek upstream and that in-stream processing of nitrogen occurs during low flow, thereby decreasing the amount of nitrogen in Plum Creek during the spring. The results of our study indicate that there are general temporal trends in nutrient concentrations in Plum Creek, and that the effects of land use practices upstream affects nutrient concentrations downstream. What this study did not accomplish is finding a strong correlation between nutrient concentrations in Plum Creek and flow conditions. A study of Plum Creek should be conducted over the course of a full year to establish a baseline understanding [further explore? Doesn’t this study in part accomplish what you are suggesting?] of Plum Creek’s nutrient concentrations as a function of flow rate [Do you mean flow rate here or surrogates for flow such as depth and precipitation?]. This information would allow us to link our finding of seasonal patterns with meteorological data, thereby analyzing upstream agricultural practices during different seasons and its affect on downstream nutrient concentrations. Also, including the months of December, January, and February at the four sample sites into the annual data would lead to a greater confidence in the data for future research. Plum Creek serves as a canvas [? Intended meaning not clear here. Example? Model? Test case?] for determining potential anthropological courses of action to address the issue of eutrophication in Lake Erie. Real management implications of our results and conclusions include a strong attempt to make local management officials responsible for making farmers aware of their land use practices and their affect downstream [is awareness the key?]. Officials should also consider reducing [do you mean requiring reductions?] the application of fertilizers and manure in the fall season. This will result in lower levels of inorganic nutrients in Black River and ultimately in Lake Erie [I like your idea of focusing attention on the season that you found greatest nutrient concentration]. Furthermore, the Black River watershed is mostly agricultural, so implementing best management practices in the agricultural community can develop into a larger regional change in land use practices. Continuing this study for multiple years would aid in interpreting the role of agriculture on nutrient loading into Lake Erie and help management officials draft changes in BMPs. [This seems important as well. Your data suggest that this was a dry spring and this may well explain the low nutrient concentrations that you observed] LITERATURE CITED Braziunas, K. September 2007. Personal communication. Birgand, F. Nitrogen Removal in Streams of Agricultural Catchments Clesceri, S. Lenore. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 17th edition 1989. Conlin, T. September 2007. TMDL Development for the Black River Watershed, Ohio, Revised Agency Review Draft, (Version 3, 10-23-2007). Prepared for Ohio Environmental Protection Agency by Tetra Tech, Inc. Conlin, T. October 2007. Personal communication. Cummings, J., T. Reed, K. Weinberger. 2004. The city of Oberlin’s effect on the Plum Creek watershed during a storm event: variation in upstream and downstream water quality during and after storm water run-off as a function of urban land cover. Report for Oberlin College ENVS 316. Dodds, W.K., and R. M. Oakes. 2006. Controls on nutrients across a prairie stream watershed: land use and riparian cover effects. Environmental Management 37:634-646. Feeser et al. [include complete list of authors] 2006. Nutrient Concentrations Along an Agricultural/Urban Stream During Low Flow and Post-Storm Periods as a Function of Varying Land-Use and Biological Processing. Fessenden et al. [include complete author list] 2000. Plum Creek Water Quality. Report for Oberlin College ENVS 316. Hartig J. and Zarull M. 1992. Under RAPs Toward Grassroots Ecological Democracy in the Great Lakes Basin. Pp.5-49. Nichols, M. 2007. “What? Chemicals in the Water? An Introduction to Chemical Water Quality Monitoring”, Lecture, Department of Chemistry, John Carroll University. Petersen, J. 2006. “Methods for Analyzing Aquatic Ecosystems”. Oberlin College. Petersen, J. December 2006. Editing remarks in Feeser et al. 2006. APPENDICES Appendix A: Division of Labor Allen, Mercedes S.: Sampler Setup, Filtering, BOD reader, Abstract, Revisions to final poster and report. King, Ryan: Sampler setup, pH and turbidity analysis, Nutrient Graphs, Revisions to final poster and report, Discussion, Maintenance of sampling instruments Loope, Garrison: Sampler setup, Methods and Procedure supervisor, Nutrient-Ion Concentration Analysis, Peak Corrector on IC, Data Organization, BOD reader, Revisions to final poster and report Wolfe-Craigin, Cheryl: Sampler setup, Introduction, Hypothesis, BOD reader and setup, Public Communications, Map, Revisions to final poster and report, Transportation to sampling sites 1. Title >Clearly indicates what you did and ideally what you found. Y 2. Abstract (250 word max) >Summarizes what you did, how you did it, what you found, and why it is important. Y, noticeably improved over proposal 3. Introduction/Background >Sets context by describing the overall problem that research addresses and appropriately situates this in larger ecological and societal context. Y, also a great improvement over proposal >Cites relevant primary and secondary literature to support arguments (minimum of four citations). Y, but see comments >Problem statement establishes gap in knowledge, need for research, and describes how your research fills gap. Y >Clearly states mechanistic hypotheses explaining what you expected to observe and why. Y 4. Methods (revised from proposal) >Describes what you did in sufficient detail that someone could repeat your experiment. >Answers what, where, when, and how you made your measurements. See comments, further explanation of methods and caveats regarding relationship between depth, precipitation and flow is necessary. >Includes diagrams, maps of sampling, tables, timelines as appropriate (only if appropriate). OK >References literature where appropriate (who’s procedure did you follow?). 5. Results: >Includes text, tables, graphs & figures that describe but do not explain results. N, see comments >Explains calculations. OK >Indicates statistical significance. See comments, would be useful to include regression analysis >Does not present same data in both tables and graphs. N 6. Analysis & Discussion: >Interprets and critically analyzes your findings. See extensive comments >Explores connections between your findings and those of other studies (agreement, disagreement, relevance). Further explanation necessary >Addresses the usefulness and limitations of the methods you used. Y >Addresses limitations of findings and suggests further research that might extend or more conclusively addresses your initial hypotheses and findings. Y 7. Literature cited: >Uses format of the journals Ecology or American Naturalist. OK, see comments >Does not use footnotes. Y 8. Figures and figure legends: (tables, graphs, conceptual models, etc. that appear in introduction, results, and analysis & discussion sections) >Text legend below each figure describes content in sufficient detail that reader can understand what the figure represents without reference to text in manuscript . N, see comments >Symbol legend within the frame of each graphic indicates what different color bars, lines or shapes represent. Y, but Fig 5 and 6 too small to easily see >Figures are numbered sequentially in the order in which they appear in the paper. Y >Every figure that appears in paper is directly referenced within the paper. Y >Units are indicated either within the figures (often in the x and y axis labels) or in the text legend. N! 9. Appendix 1: Division of labor: >Describes role of each group member in developing and implementing the project. Y 10. General comments: Mercedes, Ryan, Garrison and Cheryl: It is clear that productive work went into revising the abstract and introduction sections. The gap in knowledge is clear as is the general context for understanding the importance of your study. See extensive notes in methods, results and discussion sections. Some of what you write appears to be contradictory and in general these sections would benefit from clearer and tighter organization. Layout of poster was nice, though map is a bit noisy with details (hard to see creek).Your poster presentation was generally clear. With a bit more rehearsal, you could have reduced redundancy and shortened length of presentation. The conclusions you stated in your poster presentation were tighter than what I see here in the report.