Electronic Supplementary Material – Seo et al. Species distribution models (SDMs) have a number of advantages and disadvantages that require a thorough understanding of their operation for correct use (Heikkinen et al. 2006). To date, SDM assessments have focused on comparing model performance criteria (Fielding & Bell 1997). Widely used metrics in such assessments include area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve (AUC) (Pearce & Ferrier. 2000), and the Kappa statistic (Monserud. & Leemans 1992; Elith et al. 2006). However, these indices can be uninformative, because with sufficient samples, many SDMs will indicate similar levels of performance (Stockwell & Peterson 2002), while they may have weighted predictor variables differently. There is a critical need to quantify the bias introduced by coarse-scale predictor variables (such as global climate models outputs) because these may cause SDMs to over-predict, area for species’ ranges even while performance metrics such as AUC are high. In turn, over-predicted species’ ranges could be problematic for conservation planners, because areas predicted as suitable under climate change may not be. Landscape ecologists grappling with scale effects have called for using a multi-criteria approach to assessing how scale impacts pattern and process (Qi & Wu 1996). In species distribution modeling, there is a need to identify what scales are best suited to accurately capturing actual distribution of a species, which could be a guide to what scale is appropriate for running SDMs at in the first place (Meyer & Thuiller 2006). This study conducted tests of scale effect on species distribution models that used a framework in which comparison of model outputs was possible. Our assumption was that smaller grid size models would produce range predictions with greater fidelity to what a species’ range actually is, and that there is a decay in accuracy that could be quantified as model grid size increases. Figure 1 (a) shows the methods used in developing the framework. SDM response variables (species presence and absence) were resampled as shown along the top of the boxes, with the original survey points used to define a species’ presence or absence at each of seven spatial scales. Predictor variables were selected from the WorldClim data set which has a native resolution of 1 km2. These data were resampled as shown in the arrows along the bottom of the boxes in figure 1 (a), into the other six spatial scales used in the model. The number of presence and absence points and cells for each species, and the number of presence and absence grid cells used for running the SDMs at each grid size is shown in table 1.The distribution of species’ presence and absence points used here represents the best available data for use in our study system, the contributed efforts of multiple government agencies, herbaria, and scientific researchers. The maps species presence and absence used (figure 2) illustrate the extensive geographic coverage available in California. It is debatable whether the use of real absences is better or worse than the use of randomly selected absences that some algorithms employ (e.g. Maxent, GARP). We considered the use of registered absence points an advance over studies that have used only presence data, such as herbarium records, and randomly assigned absences for model development. However, this study was not able to test that assumption. We used a simple resampling approach to test the scale sensitivity of SDMs developed with climate data. Resampling of predictive variables Worldclim data to larger grid size was done by averaging the smaller grid cells found in each larger grid cell (following Guisan et. al, 2007). The original data of Worldclim were at a 30 second resolution, the other 3 data (2.5, 5 and 10 minutes) have been derived through the aggregation (http://www.worldclim.org/format.htm). Predictor variables were resampled to each of the six other grid sizes by using the mean value of 1 km2 grid cells found within each other grid size (e.g. 4x4 km) to produce a predictor variable value in each grid cell for each grid size. Resampling of predictor variables was conducted in ArcGIS (ESRI 2007) following the methods outlined in Guisan et al (2007), wherein continuous data were resampled to coarser grid size with the “aggregate” command with the mean function. The SDM results are meant to be comparative between operational scales, and would not differ greatly if a different set of predictor variables were used. We felt WorldClim was appropriate to use because these are several 1000 meteorological stations in California that were available for development of the weather surfaces (Figure 3). Note that the paper published on WorldClim indicates an increase in resolution of about 400 times other weather surfaces when it was published (Hijmans et al 2005. Analyses of SDM model results were conducted; a comparison of model performance statistics, a cross-scale locational accuracy assessment, termed a congruence analysis, that used derived AUC values, and a comparison of total area selected between operational scales (described in the methods section) as shown in figure 1 (b) Figure 1. (a) The flow of data resampling to derive the grid sizes used for SDM modeling in the paper is shown, with response variable resampling along the top, and predictor variable resampling along the bottom; (b) the spatial congruence analysis of AUC values was conducted that compared SDM spatial outputs between all the scales analyzed. We selected nine vascular plant species for modeling, all of which are endemic or near endemic tree species of California. These species were classed into three range size categories, using species range maps developed from independent data (Viers et al. 2006) to assess range size. The modeled trees size classes were narrow- (<20,000 km2), intermediate- (20,000-90,000 km2), or broad range-size (> 90,000 km2) species. Figure 2 shows the distribution of presences and absences in the original data for each species used in the modeling. The tree species we selected are all large, easily recognized species. Therefore, if these species were not reported in a vegetation plot, they were listed as absent, within the boundaries of the plot. Presence and absence records from vegetation plot data were sampled into the 1km2 and other grid sizes (Article Table 1). The methods used for determining presence and absence on the landscape fall within the standard methods of many SDM papers (See list at end of supplemental materials). Presence Absence Original Number from Plot and Herbarium Records 1,089 31,464 Broad Presence Absence 1,228 31,325 1,057 810 1,620 676 1,352 568 1,136 428 856 238 476 110 220 45 54 Quercus wislizenii Broad Intermediate Pinus coulteri Intermediate Quercus agrifolia Intermediate 1,499 31,054 2,097 30,456 317 32,236 1,389 31,164 162 Abies magnifica Presence Absence Presence Absence Presence Absence Presence Absence 1,119 2,238 1,666 3,332 204 408 827 1,654 944 1,888 1,293 2,586 152 304 669 1,338 742 1,484 852 1,704 114 228 497 994 534 1,068 449 898 81 162 347 694 318 636 207 414 54 108 198 396 125 251 84 168 37 74 83 166 61 38 32 64 22 44 32 64 Juglans californica hindsii Narrow Presence Absence 79 32,474 14 55 110 42 84 33 66 27 54 19 38 13 26 11 22 Quercus engelmannii Narrow Presence Absence 123 32,430 23 112 224 101 202 87 174 58 116 35 70 16 32 8 16 Sequoiadendron giganteum Narrow Presence Absence 105 32,448 13 87 174 75 150 57 114 42 84 28 56 18 36 10 20 Species Pinus sabiniana Range Class Broad Quercus douglasii Herbarium Records 39 18 0 192 1x1 km 702 1,404 2x2 km 545 1,090 4x4 km 422 844 8x8 km 320 640 16x16 km 202 404 32x32 km 97 194 64x64 km 43 56 Table 1. Number of presence and absence values used for species distribution model development at each grid size. The vegetation plots used to identify presence and absence of species are a compilation of the majority of surveys conducted in California, totaling over 32,000 survey points. Figure 2. The distribution of presence (black) and absence (grey) points for the nine species used to test bias of operational scale in species distribution models. Broadrange size species in first row, intermediate-range size species in second row, narrow-range size species in bottom row. To derive binary range maps for each model run from the probability range maps, the AUC cutoff value indicating maximum sensitivity and specificity was used. Table 2 presents the AUC cutoff values used. Species Pinus sabiniana Model Type Operational Scale in km 1x1 2x2 4x4 8x8 16x16 32*32 64x64 GLM GAM CTA ANN 0.366 0.374 0.384 0.405 0.353 0.346 0.377 0.347 0.378 0.385 0.235 0.393 0.394 0.393 0.777 0.330 0.388 0.374 0.399 0.412 0.373 0.374 0.242 0.373 0.489 0.531 0.400 0.658 GLM GAM CTA ANN 0.414 0.445 0.399 0.454 0.395 0.443 0.222 0.434 0.404 0.432 0.384 0.395 0.428 0.465 0.389 0.503 0.453 0.435 0.571 0.526 0.595 0.440 0.250 0.319 0.445 0.598 0.714 0.714 GLM GAM CTA ANN 0.386 0.397 0.531 0.470 0.373 0.388 0.613 0.448 0.391 0.361 0.356 0.393 0.396 0.403 0.391 0.443 0.444 0.431 0.463 0.432 0.521 0.520 0.587 0.622 0.738 0.640 0.919 0.802 Abies magnifica GLM GAM CTA ANN 0.419 0.492 0.552 0.480 0.411 0.459 0.368 0.450 0.409 0.463 0.489 0.464 0.390 0.449 0.423 0.466 0.434 0.490 0.299 0.432 0.417 0.450 0.499 0.432 0.363 0.404 0.599 0.742 Pinus coulteri GLM GAM CTA ANN 0.415 0.470 0.249 0.479 0.410 0.453 0.466 0.526 0.502 0.563 0.499 0.540 0.368 0.463 0.787 0.459 0.453 0.538 0.800 0.545 0.400 0.622 0.893 0.814 0.299 0.398 0.333 0.636 GLM GAM CTA ANN 0.436 0.454 0.566 0.503 0.433 0.433 0.374 0.500 0.423 0.458 0.667 0.517 0.425 0.517 0.669 0.531 0.368 0.419 0.399 0.433 0.346 0.395 0.857 0.521 0.407 0.453 0.699 0.285 GLM GAM CTA ANN 0.602 0.535 0.950 0.522 0.369 0.559 0.666 0.351 0.512 0.729 0.941 0.627 0.574 0.672 0.600 0.331 0.420 0.764 0.731 0.750 0.425 0.490 0.519 0.679 0.307 0.462 0.500 0.665 GLM GAM CTA ANN 0.583 0.536 0.285 0.715 0.553 0.622 0.787 0.549 0.658 0.643 0.666 0.593 0.542 0.600 0.722 0.537 0.368 0.862 0.599 0.729 0.482 0.997 0.599 0.955 0.999 0.859 0.999 0.928 GLM GAM CTA ANN 0.436 0.373 0.250 0.418 0.355 0.445 0.333 0.449 0.453 0.509 0.333 0.433 0.494 0.394 0.700 0.431 0.582 0.602 0.806 0.547 0.316 0.637 0.817 0.866 0.441 0.999 0.692 0.458 Quercus douglasii Quercus wislizenii Quercus agrifolia Juglans californica hindsii Quercus englemannii Sequoiadendron giganteum Table 2. AUC cutoff values used in creating binary range maps from continuous probability SDM outputs. We conducted a five fold cross-validation test of model performance in which each data set was partitioned into five sets and one set used as a test data set in each of five iterations of the model to derive individual model performance (Guisan et al. 2006; Mathy et al. 2006). Resulting AUC values varied from 0.97 to 0.56, while Kappa statistics ranged from 0.86 to 0.23. Lower Kappa scores were recorded with the larger grid sizes, and with Classification and Regression Tree models. Large grid size-based, models had lower scores in this study due to the small sample size of presence and absence points available within the bounds of the study area at the coarser grid sizes. Complete results from the SDM analyses are included in the attached Excel spreadsheet supplemental table. The spreadsheet contains: The AUC values derived from the five fold cross-validation; Kappa statistics from the five fold cross-validation; the spatial congruence AUC values; and the area selected as range for each model/species combination. All results for each model type are in a single row, with the different model types following one below the other, identified as GAM (General Additive Model), GLM (General Linear Model), CTA (Classification Tree Analysis, and ANN (Artificial Neural Net). Finally, we developed a summary chart (Figure 4) that shows sum total of all models’ cross validation AUC, spatial congruence AUC, and area selected. The threshold for trade offs between increasing grid size and model fidelity to the 1x1 km grid size can be seen to be around 8x8 km. The subject of our paper addresses one aspect of the bias introduced by using large grid sizes, there are other analyses that could be done. The main finding of this study is that large cells (coarse grid size) can produce different spatial output from that of small cells (fine grid size) and tend to overestimate predicted area. It is possible that our result here means that the populations of the selected species were nearly sufficiently sampled for full geographic representation. Figure 3. Networked weather stations likely used for creation of WorldClim in California. Figure 4. Cross-validation AUC (CV-AUC), spatial congruence AUC (SC-AUC), and area selected (Area) for all model types ranked across grid size. Area increases, spatial accuracy and performance statistics decline as grid size increases. REFERENCES Elith, J., C. H. Graham, R. P. Anderson, M. Dudik, S. Ferrier, A. Guisan, R. J. Hijmans, F. Huettmann, J. R. Leathwick, A. Lehmann, et al. 2006. Novel methods improve prediction of species’ distributions from occurrence data. Ecography 29, 129-151. ESRI. 2007. ArcGIS software. Redlands, CA. Fielding, A. H. & J. F. 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