األبحاث المنشورة Dr. Bahaa A. Abalkhail 1. Abalkhail BA. Adolescent pregnancy: Are there biological barriers for pregnancy outcomes. Journal of the Egyptian Public Health Association 1995;Vol.LXX (5,6): 609-625. )(باحث منفرد 2. Abalkhail BA, Bahnassy AA, Al-Abasi H. Maternal Knowledge Attitudes, and Practices as Predictors of Diarrhoeal Diseases in Saudi Children < 3 years of age. Journal of Egyptian Public Health Association 1995;Vol.LXX (5,6): 559-577. )(باحث مشارك رئيسي 3. El-Gamal FM, Abalkhail BA. Effects of Life-time smoking on lung function of Asymptomatic Smoking Workers. Bulletin of Alexandria, Faculty of Medicine 1995;Vol.XXX1 (2): 441-452. (باحث مشارك )ثانوي 4. Madani KA, Nasrat HA, Al-Nowaisser AA, Khashoggi RH, Abalkhail BA. Low Birth Weight in Taif Region, Saudi Arabia. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal 1995;Vol.1 (1): 47-54. )(باحث مشارك ثانوي 5. Al-Zahrani HA, Rawas M, Maimani A, Gasab M, Abalkhail B. Screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm in the Jeddah area, Western 92. Saudi Arabia. Cardiovascular Surgery 1996;Vol. 4 (1): 87- (باحث مشارك )ثانوي 6. Milaat WA, Al-bar HS, Ghabrah TM, Abalkhail BA. Factors affecting knowledge and practices of female school students in reproductive life issues in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Saudi Medical Journal 1996; Vol. 17 (6): 704-708. (باحث مشارك )ثانوي 7. Nasrat HA, Ardawi MS, Abalkhail BA. The Diagnosis of ‘Pathological Hyperglycaemia’ in Gestational Diabetes in a High Risk Obstetric Population. Diabetic Medicine 1996;Vol.13: 861867. )(باحث مشارك ثانوي 7. Nasrat H, Faseeh W, Abalkhail B, Yamani T, Ardawi MS. Determinates of pregnancy outcome in patients with gestational diabetes. International Journal of Gynaecology & Obstetrics 1996; 53: 117-123. )(باحث مشارك ثانوي 9. Al-Zahrani HA, Rawas M, Maimani A, Gasab M, Abalkhail B. The Normal Measurements of Abdominal Aortic Diameters in the Saudi Population. Saudi Medical Journal 1995;Vol.16 (3): 261-63. )(باحث مشارك ثانوي 10. Nasrat H, Abalkhail B, Fageeh W, Shabat A, El-Etaiby F. Anthropometric measurement of Newborns of Gestational Diabetic Mothers. Does it Indicate Disproportionate Fetal Growth. The Journal of Maternal-Fetal Medicine 1997; Vol. 6: 291-295. )(باحث مشارك ثانوي 11. Abalkhail BA, Ghabrah TM, Al-bar HM. Cardio-Vascular disease Health Risk Ap 12. Abalkhail BA, Kordy MN, Milaat WA. Prevalence of Hyperuricemia in King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah. Journal of King Abdulaziz University Medical Sciences 1998; Vol. 6: 3138. )(باحث مشارك رئيسي 13. Abalkhail BA. Hypercholesterolemia and susceptibility to Cardiovascular diseases among white and blue collars in Jeddah. Saudi Medical Journal 1998; Vol. 19 (2): 123-129. )(باحث منفرد 14. Yamani T, Nasarat H, Abalkhail B. Management of Rupture of Membranes at Term in Low- Risk Obstetric Population. Journal of King Abdulaziz University Medical Sciences 1999 A.D./ 1419 A.H.; Vol. 7 (1): 49-55. )(باحث مشارك ثانوي 15. Abalkhail BA, Bahnassy AA, Ghabrah TM. Low back pain among Saudi School Workers in Jeddah. Saudi Medical Journal 1998; Vol.19 (4): 491-495. )(باحث مشارك رئيسي 16. Ghabrah TM, Bahnassy AA, Abalkhail BA, Al-Bar HM, Milaat WA. The prevalence of Cardiovascular risk factors among school students in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Journal of Family & Community Medicine 1997; Vol. 4(2): 55-63. )(باحث مشارك ثانوي 17. Ghabrah TM, Bahnassy AA, Abalkhail BA, Soliman NK, Milaat WA. The prevalence of Cardiovascular risk factors among School Teachers in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Journal of Saudi Heart Association 1998; Vol.10 (3): 189-196. )(باحث مشارك ثانوي 18. Hijazi NA, Abalkhail BA, Seaton A. Asthma and respiratory symptoms in urban and rural Saudi Arabia. The European Respiratory Journal 1998; Vol. 12: 41-44. )(باحث مشارك ثانوي 19. Abalkhail BA. Characteristics, Nutritional and Health Status of Addicts Hospitalised for Detoxification. Saudi Medical Journal 1999; Vol. 20 (7): 536-540. )(باحث منفرد 20. Shawky Sh, Abalkhail BA, Ghabrah TM, Soliman N. Hepatitic C infection among Drug Addicts. Saudi Medical Journal 1999; Vol. 20 (11): 877-881. )(باحث مشارك ثانوي 21. Abalkhail BA, Gamal F. Prevalence of food allergy in asthmatic patients. Saudi Medical Journal 2000; Vol. 21 (1): 81-87. )(باحث مشارك رئيسي 22. Milaat WA, Al-Bar HS, Ghabrah TM, Abalkhial BA, Suliman N.K. Preventive practices and Non healthy Behaviors among female University employees in Saudi Arabia. Bahrain Medical Bulletin 1999; Vol.21 (3): 75-79. ) (باحث مشارك ثانوي 23. Abalkail BA, Shawky S, Ghabrah T, Milaat W. Hyper cholesterolemia and 5-year risk of Development of Coronary Heart Disease among University and School Workers in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Preventive Medicine 2000; Vol. 31: 390-395. ) (باحث مشارك رئيسي 24. Hijazi N, Abalkhail B, Seaton A. Diet and child hood asthma in a Society in transition: a study in urban and rural Saudi Arabia. Thorax 2000; Vol.55 (9): 775-779. ) (باحث مشارك ثانوي 25. Milaat W, Ghabrah T, AL-Bar H, Abalkhail B, Kordy M. Populationbased survey of childhood disability in Eastern Jeddah using the ten questions tool. Disability and Rehabilitation 2001; Vol. 23 (5): 199203. ) (باحث مشارك ثانوي 26. Shawky S ,Milaat W,Abalkhail B, Soliman N. Effect of maternal education on the rate of Childhood handicap. Saudi Medical Journal 2001; Vol. 22 (1): 39-43. ) (باحث مشارك ثانوي 27. Abalkhail BA. Comparison of the social status, health status and therapy response between herion and non-herion addicts. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal 2001; Vol. 7 (3): 465-472. )(باحث منفرد 28. Shawky S, Abalkhail BA, Suliman NK, Kordi MN. A noncomparative descriptive study of the risk factors for childhood disability, and the rehabilitation services in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Journal of Family & Community Medicine 2001; Vol. 8 (2): 35-44. (باحث مشارك ثانوي ) 29. Abalkhail B, Shawky Sh, Suliman N. Validity of self-reported weight and height among Saudi School Children and Adolescents. Saudi Medical Journal 2002; Vol. 23 (7): 831-837. )(باحث مشارك رئيسي 30. Shawky S, Abalkhail B, Suliman N. An epidemiological study of childhood disability in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology 2002; Vol. 16 (1): 61-66. (باحث مشارك ثانوي ) 31. Abalkhail B, Shawky Sh. Prevalence of daily breakfast, iron deficiency anaemia and awareness of being anaemic among Saudi School Students. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition 2002; Vol. 53 (6): 519-528. )(باحث مشارك رئيسي 32. Abalkhail B. Overweight and Obesity among Saudi Children and Adolescents between the years 1994 and 2000. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal 2002; Vol. 8, Nos 4/5: 470-479. )(باحث منفرد 33. Abalkhail B, Shawky Sh, Ghabrah T. Perception of body weight among Saudi School Children. Journal of Family & Community Medicine 2002; Vol. 9 (3): 35-49. )(باحث مشارك رئيسي 34. Abalkhail B, Shawky Sh. Comparison between body mass index, triceps skin fold thickness and mid arm muscle circumference in Saudi Adolescents. Annals of Saudi Medicine 2002; Vol. 22 (5-6): 324-328. (باحث مشارك )رئيسي 35. Shawky Sh, Abalkhail B. Maternal factors associated with the duration of breast feeding in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology 2003; Vol. 17 (1): 91-96. (باحث مشارك )رئيسي 36. Ibrahim N, Abalkhail B. An educational program on dengue fever prevention and control for females in Jeddah high schools. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal 2007 (Accepted for publication). WHO / EMHJ (باحث مشارك )رئيسي