Oakalo Bay Part 2: Struggles [SCENE 1: PRIVATE TIM AND CAPTAIN AKWATA ARE BEING FIRED ON] Private Tim: Captain we can’t hold them off for long! Captain Akwata: Tim get out of here I’m finished! My blood level is critical I won’t survive. P T: Captain I can’t leave you here….. C A: Tim that’s a order! P T: okay I’ll come back for you! [TIM RUNS OUT OF VIEW CAPTAIN AKWATA STANDS UP AND STRAPS GRENADES TO HIS BODY AND RUNS FROM COVER TO COVER UNTILL HE IS CLOSE TO THE TINHEADS. HE PULLS THE PINN. TIM HEARS A BOOM AND STOPS AND LOOKS BEHIND HIM.] P T: ouch. [SCENE 8: LEAD TINHEAD AND HIS TEAM ARE RUNNING OVER TO THE BASE] [TINHEADS ARE RUNNING AHEAD AND FAST.THEN COME THE HUMANS. transition: SHOWING HUMAN AND ROBOT FILM MIXED. THEME MUSIC PLAYS.SHOW TIM IN TRANSITION ADD MAKEUP TO MAKE HIM SICK.HE IS LOOKING INTO SPACE. HE COLAPPSES.SHOW BACK WITH NO TRANSITION CAPTAIN SAVEL AND HIS TEAM WALKING DOWN STREET.] Private Alex: were halfway through the village and we’ve had no contact with humans or tinheads. [SLOW MO SHOT: SOLDIER GET’S SHOT. HE FALLS IN AGONY.] Captain Savel: Ambush get cover!!! [THEY ALL RUN ABOUT TRYING TO FIND COVER. FIERCE BATTLE STARTS. MANY SHOTS OF PEOPLE FIRING.] Private Alex: were are they? Captain Savel: come on….come on…. [HE LOOKS AND CAN’T FIND THEM. SOLIDIER DIES NEXT TO HIM. CAPTAN S’S POINT OF VIEW: HE LOOKS AROUND PASTS A FIGURE AND THEN GOES BACK TO HIM. IT’S A TINHEAD!] Captain Savel: private cover me! [HE RUNS TOWARDS THE TINHEAD. HE DODGES AND GOES TO COVER STOPS THERE TO CATCH HIS BREATH GETS UP AND GETS HIT BY GRENADE. HE GETS BLOWN OFF HIS FEET. HE PULLS OUT GRENADE AND CHUCKS IT BACK TO THE PEOPLE WHO ATTACKED HIM. THE TINHEAD GETS HAMMERD BY THE SHRAPNLE.] Captain Savel: pelt them with grenades!!! [THEY CHUCK GRENADES AT THE TINHEADS. HEAPS OF DUST IS FLYING AT THE TINHEADS.] Lead Tinhead: fall back. [THE TINHEAD FORCES RETREAT.] Captain Savel: they’ll be back. Private Delta 40: Captain I found something I think it’s a mine! Captain Savel: Don’t touch it[.MINE EXPLODES PRIVATE ALEX THROWN OFF FEET.HE IS BADLY INJURED AND MIGHT DIE.EVERBODY RUNS TOWARDS HIM.] C S: does anybody have medical experience? P J: move out of the way I have a med kit![HE WALKS TOWARDS HIM CHECKS HIS PULSE AND ANALYZE HIS CONDITION.] he has 3rd degree burns and 3 broken limbs. He ha brain damage andC S: That’s enough. Doctor come talk with me. [HE WALKS AWAY FROM PRIVATE ALEX WITH PRIVATE JOHN.] will he survive? P J: Only for a few hours. If I had a proper med team I might be able to save him but by the time we get to the base he will be long gone. C S: Do you have a lethal injection? [HE GIVES A NEEDLE TO HIM WITH SADDNESS. CAPTAIN SAVEL WALKS TOWARDS PRIVATE ALEX TRYING TO KEEP A SMILE.] C S: Hey. We’ve just found the base! Every things going to be fine. Here’s something for the pain… P A: Thankss captainnnnnnn[HE PASSES AWAY PEACEFULLY.CAPTAIN SAVEL WALKS AWAY FROM THE CORPSE LOOKING EVERYBODY IN THE EYE.] C S: his death will not be in vain. Move out! [THEY ALL WALK SLOWLY AWAY.CAMERA HAS CLOSE UP ON CORPSE.] [SCENE 9: SOHMA BASE IS JUST AHEAD WITH THE GROUP OF PILOTS WALKING TOWARDS IT.] P J: Wait a second this is just a house! C S: That’s were your mistaken! P J: But they couldn’t fit a MMTS in there! C S: That’s because they don’t. P J: Then how are we going to train? [CAPTAIN SAVEL LOOKS AT HER WITH CONFUSION] C S: But your meant to be trained already…….. P J: were not…. [CAPTAIN SAVEL KICKS THE GROUND WITH ANGER AND SCREAMS WITH FRUSTRATION] C S: ARRGG!! HOW ARE WE GONNA’ SURVIVE WERE ALL DEAD WERE ALL DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PRIVATE JESSICA SLAPS HIM AS HARD AS SHE CAN.] C S: thanks I really needed that. They’re teasing us. Until we go insane with anger. [PRIVATE TIM IS WALKING NEAR THEM LOOKING AS SICK AS A DOG.HE COLLAPSES IN FRONT OF THEM.] C S: get a med team! Tell the base! [THEY ARE IN THE BASE WITH THE BASES COMMANDER. COMMANDER CHARLIE.] C C: looks like he’s got flu and massive dehydration influenza and hasn’t eaten anything for days! Who is he? P J: he’s one of the pilots. His name’s Tim. C S: can I talk to him? [COMMANDER CHARLIE NODS HIS HEAD.] Tim this is Captain Savel of the first division. Were is Captain Akwata? Private Tim: He’s……Dead……..shot in leg……..by tin head………. Captain Savel: I’m sorry to hear that. Anything else I should know about? Private Tim: I saw….cybo’s…….coming this………way……. [BOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!] Commander Charlie: Every body battle stations! [THEY ALL RUN OUT AND FIRE LIKE MADMEN. MANY SHOTS OF PEOPLE BEING SHOT.CAPTAIN SAVEL GETS A MESSAGE.] Messenger: Captain Savel a robot MMTS is coming! Captain Savel: oh dang… [THEY RUN BACK AND SEE IT ON THE COMPUTER.] do we have a MMTS in the vicinity? C C: yeah but…… C S: get it working do we have a pilot that’s trained? C C: yeah we have heaps Private John PrivateC S: There not actually trained the cybo’s intercepted the trainsmission and changed it. Is Tim well enough? C C: yeah but the MMTS that we have has a mind of it’s own it’s known to be suicidal…… C S: it’s our only hope get it working! I’ll get the pilot! [PRIVATE TIM GET’S IN THE COCKPIT. IT’S VERY DARK AND STUFFY.] C C: put the headset on and think about connecting with the MMTS. Computer Voice: Psychological connection established. C C: now Tim your going to get a shock onceP T: ARRGHHH!!!![HE GOES CRAZY IN AGONY. HE CLOSES HIS EYES AND OPEN’S THEM. HE’S IN HIS HOUSE! Flashback: TIM’S WITH CAPTAIN AKWATA WHEN HE ASKES HIM TO JOIN THE ARMY. end flashback: C C: ok Tim good work you’ll look like your in a place were you spent most of your life. Now you’ll se a object like a doll or a punch bag. That is your opponent. Beat it with hell!!!! [THE MMTS IS NEAR THE ENEMY. THE ENEMY MMTS CHARGES AT OUR MMTS. IT HITS WITH EXTREME FORCE] P T: AAARRG! How can I feel what the MMTS feeling? C C: the psychological link? P T: oh dang! [A FIERCE BATTLE STARTS. TIM IS GETTING HAMMERD. ONE CRIPPLING BLOW SENDS TIM OF HIS FEET AND LYING DOWN IN AGONY.] ARRRGGHHH! Computer voice: Psychological link destabilized. C C: oh damn! No No No!! [ HE FIDDLES WITH THE KEYBOARD LIKE MAD. TIM IS THRASHING AROUND AND HAVING MUSSLE SPASMS. HIS MIND IS BEING PULLED APART!] oh no the MMTS is taking over his mind! Feeding of his neural energy till his mind explodes with anger!!!! [TIM’S EYES,MOUTH,EARS AND NOSE IS BLEEDING THROUHLY. HE CRASHES HIS HEAD ON THE CONTROLS VILONTLY.HE FINALLY STOPS AND RESTS FOREVER.] C C: we lost him. C S: whats the MMTS doing? C C: it’s…..self destrucing….it’ll kill all the tinheads! C S: it’s finally doing something for us! [THE MMTS EXPLODES LIKE A VOLCANO. A SHOCKWAVE RIPPLES THROUGH THE AREA WITH ANOURMOUS STRENTH. EVERYTHING GETS OBLORATED IN ITS WAKE.A SHOCKWAVE HITS THE BATTLE OUTSIDE AND DEYSTOYES ALL THE TINHEADS. THE SOILDERS LOOK UP AND START CHEERING!! EVERYBODY EXECPT CAPTAIN SAVEL IS CHEERING.] C C: why aren’t you cheering? C S: because look what’s coming on the radar! C C: 1002 MMTS are coming! What are we gonna do?!! C S: the only thing we can do. Fight till we can’t fight no more. THE END OF PART 2