116108109 A study of Soil Erosion and Water Balance on Vertisols of the Eastern Darling Downs. * Location: Greenmount (south of Toowoomba) Starting Date: 1976 Proposed Completion Date: 2076 Project Leaders: David Freebairn Graeme Wockner Background: On June 5 1827 the explorer Allan Cunningham first glimpsed the Darling Downs which he named in honour of Governor Darling. Despite Cunningham's glowing description of the new country it was 13 years (Cunningham died in 1839) before the first wave of settlement, headed by Patrick Leslie swept north to the rich fertile plains. Leslie was after fresh pastures and a few months after his initial journey arrived with 6000 sheep. The land around Greenmount was well and truly used for grazing by 1860. Around 1900 as the population increased intensive dairying was commenced along the main highways near Toowoomba and Warwick to supply milk to those cities and Brisbane. The Greenmount property was a dairy farm until 1987. It is now used for cropping (wheat, barley, sorghum) and improved pastures for beef cattle The trial site at Greenmount was probably first cultivated sometime after World War II for fodder crops such as oats and was not protected by contour banks until the trial was commenced in 1976. Introduction: Soil erosion is a severe problem on the black soils of the eastern Darling Downs in south-east Queensland. The underlying cause is the combination of high intensity storms, the large areas of unprotected fallow and the highly erodible nature of the soils. Surveys after two major storms on the Darling Downs in 1980 & 1981 pictorially documented the damage done to croplands both in the uplands and floodplains (QDPI, 1980; 1981). In extreme cases where soil was devoid of cover and no contour banks had been constructed, up to 300 t /ha of soil movement was measured. Fig 1 Aerial view of five contour bays at Greenmount site As part of on-going efforts by the Queensland Department of Natural Resources to minimise soil erosion, a research program was started in 1976 to measure the rates of soil erosion on the Darling Downs and to determine how effective differing soil management options were in reducing erosion and improving water storage. Water stress frequently limits crop yield and the obvious solution to these problems is to promote infiltration into the soil profile. A sloping (5-7%) black earth at Greenmount on the eastern Darling Downs was chosen for the original work and results for the years 1976-1984 were presented by Freebairn and Wockner (1986 a,b). The soil at the Greenmount site (Irving clay Ug5.15) was derived from basalt. It has a relatively high water holding capacity with 300 mm of plantavailable water able to be stored in the top 1.5 m of soil. The infiltration rate is very high when the soil is dry and cracked. However, closure of the cracks through swelling and formation of surface seals due to instability of the soil under rainfall reduces infiltration rates. Mean annual rainfall at Greenmount is 724 mm with 66% falling in the period October-March inclusive. Summer rainfall is characterised by high-intensity summer storms and less intense depression rainfall. The coefficient of variation of annual rainfall is 20% and the average rainfall intensity is 11 mm per wet day. Eighty-eight percent of the annual rainfall energy, as estimated by Wischmeier and Smith's (1978) erosion index (EI30), occurs in the October-March period (Rosenthal and White, 1980).. Annual soil movement t/ha 80-380 Innisfail 40-227 1-148 1-53 1-36 Mackay Nambour Greenwood Greenmount 0.03-7 0.2-2 Gunnedah Wagga Wagga Fig 2 Increasing soil erosion risk as we travel north into the high intensity summer storm environment Cropping systems often include regular periods of fallow for soil water storage to provide a buffer against dry periods during crop growth. After a winter crop, soil is commonly dry and cracked. During the summer fallow, soil moisture increases and so does the susceptibility to runoff and soil movement, especially from February to May. Average annual evaporation (Class A pan) is 1870 mm with daily evaporation reaching 12 mm on some summer days. The mean summer maximum temperature is 29.5o C (January) and the winter minimum is 3.3o C (July). Frosts occur from May to October and their occurrence determines planting dates of winter cereals . Experimental Format: The aim of the project is to determine the effects of soil surface conditions on runoff and soil erosion. Soil movement, runoff and moisture accumulation were measured within each of five contour bay catchments. The rate of runoff was measured through flumes or weirs to determine water loss into the grassed waterway. Contour bays between graded banks were chosen as units of study because, over much of the region, graded banks have been constructed for erosion and runoff control. Treatments 1 to 4 were applied after wheat harvest in Nov-Dec: 1. Bare fallow 2. Stubble incorporation 3. Stubble mulch 4. Zero tillage 5. Summer crop On 8-10-86 a pasture was established at Greenmount to quantify the differences in runoff and soil loss between cultivated fallow practices and a permanent pasture. This treatment replaced the summer crop. Treatments were annually rotated to different bays in order to minimise the possibility of catchment differences being interpreted as management effects. These treatments provided a range of soil surface conditions during the summer when high intensity storms are common. Results: 74 mm Bare 56 mm Incorporated Mulch 53 mm 61 mm No-Till Summer Crop 50 mm 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Since the trial was established at Greenmount 14 years ago, runoff has been recorded on 81 days, indicating that rainfall often exceeds the capacity of the soil to absorb water. Soil surface cover, either in the form of crop residue or growing crop, reduces runoff. Runoff (mm) Fig 3 Mean annual runoff for five management options during the summer fallow period at Greenmount (mean of 11 years 1978-89) The annual soil movement for five surface management treatments shows that surface cover has a profound effect on soil Fig 4 Mean annual soil movement for five management options during the summer fallow period at Greenmount (mean of 11 years 1978-89) erosion. With little surface cover, soil loss rates average 30 to 50 t /ha/y. This is equivalent to an annual loss of 3 to 5mm of topsoil. Stubble mulching using primarily sweep or blade tillage and to a lesser extent chisel cultivation reduced the average annual soil movement by greater than 80% compared to bare fallow. Summer crops provided little surface cover early in the summer storm period when the soil profile often approached field capacity causing considerable erosion before the crop canopy covered the soil. Most of the soil moved in an event is retained in the contour bank channel. A portion of material deposited in the channel is re-entrained by channel flow and deposited further along the channel while the smaller and lighter suspended material is carried into the waterway. Evaporation from the soil accounted for 44-88% of rainfall during summer fallows. We found that stubble did not reduce evaporation over the fallow period . Fig 5 Water balance for a tillage treatment during the summer fallow period The average of eight years runoff and soil water data demonstrated that both zero tillage and stubble mulch were the most efficient means of storing fallow rainfall with similar fallow efficiencies in both treatments. Yields were similar for the bare, incorporated and zero tillage treatments while the stubble mulch treatment yielded 6% more grain. Future Direction: If this trial had been carried out for a typical funding period of four years, erosion rates of 14 t/ha/y would have been measured in one period and 78 t/ha/y in another. These results underscore the need for long term experimentation when erosion events are episodic. Fig 6 Annual soil movement at Greenmount.. Means for the period 1976-91 (measured) and 1915-85 (predicted) using the PERFECT model are also shown Soil properties of Irving clay at Greenmount experimental site Depth (cm) pH 0_10 10_30 30_60 60_90 90_120 7.97 8.17 8.40 8.60 8.65 Electrical Conductivity ms/cm 0.15 0.13 0.18 0.19 0.30 0.31 Cation exch Particle size distribution (% of total) capacity Coarse Fine Silt Clay (m.e./100g) sand sand 68.5 65.5 63.0 60.0 59.5 3.5 5.2 6.5 8.0 7.3 12.8 12.8 12.3 13.3 14.0 20.7 18.5 17.2 19.2 19.3 62.2 62.2 63.7 59.8 60.0 Moisture holding capacity (% g/g) min max 12.5 29.6 29.1 28.1 27.1 Bulk density (g/cm3) 49.7 50.7 47.8 44.7 41.1 1.00 1.17 1.26 1.31 1.34 REFERENCES Freebairn, D.M., and Wockner, G.H., (1986a). A study of soil erosion on vertisols of the eastern Darling Downs, Queensland. 1. Effect of surface conditions on soil movement within contour bay catchments. Aust. J. Soil Res., 24, 135-158. Freebairn, D.M., and Wockner, G.H., (1986b). A study of soil erosion on vertisols of the eastern Darling Downs, Queensland.11. The effect of soil, rainfall and flow conditions on suspended sediment losses. Aust.J.Soil Res., 24, 159-172. Freebairn, D.M., Hancock, N.H., and Lott, S.C., (1987). Soil evaporation studies using shallow weighing lysimeters : Techniques and preliminary results. Trans. Mech. Engn., Australia, Vol ME12, 67 - 72. Littleboy, M., Silburn, D.M., Freebairn, D.M., Woodruff, D.R., and Hammer, G.L., (1989). PERFECT. A computer simulation model of Productivity Erosion Runoff Functions to Evaluate Conservation Techniques. Queensland Department of Primary Industries Bulletin QB89005., pp.119. Northcote, K.J., (1979). A factual key for the recognition of Australian soils. Rellim Tech. Pub, Glenside, S.A. McCalla, T.M., and Army, T.J., (1961). Stubble Mulch Farming. Adv. Agron. 13, 125-196. Queensland Department Primary Industries Soil Conservation Branch, (1980). Darling Downs Storm Pictorial. Queensland Govt Printer. Queensland Department Primary Industries Soil Conservation Branch, (1981). Darling Downs Flood Pictorial. Queensland Govt. Printer. Rosenthal, K.M., and White, B.J., (1980). Distribution of a rainfall erosion index in Queensland. Division of Land Utilisation Report 80/8, Queensland Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane, pp. 29. Smith, G.D., Yule, D.F., and Coughlan, K.J., (1984). Research on soil physical factors in crop production on vertisols in Queensland, Australia. In: Proc. ACIAR International Workshop on Soils Research in the Tropics, 12-16 September 1983, Townsville, Qld., pp. 87-104. Thompson, C.H.,and Beckmann, G.G., (1959). Soils and land use in the Toowoomba area, Darling Downs, Queensland. Soils Land Use Ser. 28. CSIRO. Wildermuth, G.B., Freebairn, D.M.,and McNamara, R.B., (1984). Influence of tillage on crown rot of wheat. Biennial report 1982-84. Qld. Wheat Research Institute, Toowoomba. Wischmeier, W.H.,and Smith, D.D., (1978). Predicting rainfall erosion losses - a guide to conservation planning. USDA Handbook 537, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC. Wockner, G.H. and D.M. Freebairn, 1991, Water balance and erosion studies on the eastern Darling Downs - an update, Australian J. Soil and Water Conservation. Woodruff, D.R., (1987). WHEATMAN; Queensland Department of Primary Industries project report Q087014. Wylie, P., (1987). Conservation Tillage for Profit. Owen Art and Publishing. Brisbane.