OLNEY INFANT ACADEMY SHORT TERM PLANNING SHEET YEAR 1 AUTUMN TERM 2 KEY LEARNING INTENTIONS DAY 1 Children should learn: To understand how different faiths celebrate SUCCESS CRITERIA Children will be able to: Know about the story of Rama and Sita Know that Diwali is important to Hindus. Know that Diwali is celebrated in different ways i.e. foods, presents, lights etc Literacy /RE/Art DAY 2 Children should learn: To understand features of instructions Children will be able to: Say a set of instructions Understand instructions have numbers, bossy verbs, adverbs and a heading WEEK 2 Topic Let’s Celebrate MAIN TEACHING ACTIVITY/PUPIL ACTIVITY WITH DIFFERENTIATION Introduction Explain to the children that they will be learning about festivals from other faiths. Using IBoard (link on DB) children to listen to story of Rama and Sita. Show clip from You Tube – Diwali-Festival of Lights – National Geographic. KEY QUESTIONS / PLENARY RESOURCE S Look at examples of work. Compare with Christian celebrations. Do we celebrate in a similar way? How? I Board Template – grid Wordmat Discuss important features i.e. heading, bossy verbs, numbers, adverbs Talk the text Photos of making divas Independent Children illustrate and label different ways how Hindus celebrate Diwali i.e. fireworks, foods, divas, mendhi, rangoli etc. HA/MA – To work independently LA – Supported by an adult/visual reminders Introduction Teach ‘talk the text’ instructions using making diva lamps discuss i.e. heading, how to make, bossy verbs, adverbs Independent Children go away in mixed ability pairs to talk the text to each other. Choose a number of children to perform to the class. DAY 3 Children should learn: To write instructions Children will be able to: Use numbers Use bossy verbs Sequence correctly Add an adverb Introduction Discuss with the children how they made their divas yesterday and explain that we are going to write instruction to explain to other people how to make one too. Remind children of features of instructions and model first/second part of instructions. Peer assess according to success criteria Instructions template x2 Look at some of the patterns the children have created. Mendhi hands Independent HA/MA – write instructions independently. Encourage use of adverbs. LA – complete the instructions (first two provided as a writing frame). Provide some bossy verbs to support DAY 4 Children should learn: To understand how different faiths celebrate Children will be able to: Design and draw a mendhi hand To understand the purpose of a mendhi Introduction Introduce Mendhi patterns (Mendhi powerpoint – Resources – Year 1 – RE) Explain to children that they will be creating their own patterns. Independent Mixed ability groups - mendhi hands (black handwriting pens) Handwriting pens Children will learn: Topic Art (NB) To be able to select and use a range of tools Music (JL) To be able to learn to sing and use their voices ICT (AT) Be able to write and test a simple programme THURSDAY To understand we celebrate different festivals using light Children will be able to: Select appropriate equipment to create a clay diva Use the equipment effectively Manipulate the clay Recall words to a song Sing as a group Remember the melody of the song Design and sequence a firework display Choose a colour Choose a speed Choose a time Choose an angle Children will be able to: Recognise sources of light Name different sources of light Name festivals that use different types of light (fireworks,birthdays, Halloween, Christmas, Diwali) Introduction Recap on the learning from Rama and Sita. Discuss the light source that the people from the village used to welcome them home. Explain that the children will be making their own divas today. They must follow instructions carefully. Independent Children work in small groups to create their clay divas using appropriate tools and manipulating the clay accordingly. To begin to learn the words for the Christmas play. Input Show the children programme on TES iboard – ICT – Controlling and modelling – Firework designer Independent In mixed ability pairs children decide what colour, speed, time and angle they want to write their own firework programme. Introduction Brainstorm with children ‘When do we use light to celebrate? What are the sources of light that are used?’ List children’s ideas. Show powerpoint. Did the children think of all of the ideas shown? Question children’s understanding of when lights should be used and why. Explain and model one idea on how to complete their template. HA– Label and draw four festivals. Write the sentence; My favourite festival is _____ because ________. MA – Label and draw four festivals. Write the sentence’ My favourite festival is _______. LA – Label and draw four festivals. Watch their programme. What went well? How could you improve your display? Look at children’s ideas and discuss. Can we think of other occasions when light is used? TES iboard Light powerpoint Template PSHE PPA Children will learn: To understand the importance of Remberance Day Understand why we wear poppies Why it is important to remember those who fought/continue to fight in wars Use Espresso to discuss the significance of R. Day. Children will learn: Perform dance using simple movement patterns Friday P.E. Children will be able to: Wed To form and orientate letters correctly and match lower case and capital letters Learn the movements Listen to instructions Move to the music Sit correctly Hold pencil correctly Start/finish in correct place Fireworks - Dance Handwriting Play Practice