MasterPlanTemplate Health Sciences

Academic Planning Summary Sheet
Evaluator: __David Petering_________________________________________
Department or
Health Sciences
– 5 year plan
Health Sciences
– 10 year plan
Impact Item
New research initiatives in translational biomedical informatics- information standards, representational schemes
and systems ( collaboration with the new School of Public Health)
Research in nutrition, and the growing area of complementary and alternative medicine.
Research in autoimmune diseases--environmental factors that influence the immune system
Research on biomarkers and assays that predict disease progression.
Healthcare Administration component plans to emphasize healthcare economics.
Healthcare Informatics component will expand into clinical decision support research.
Global health problems (e.g. caused by water resources, environmental degradation, infectious disease)
Health disparities
Realignment of research interest towards international problems.
Nutrition, complementary and alternative medicine and autoimmune will coalesce.
Bioinformatics will increase in importance and complexity.
Undergraduate Programs
Department or
Health Sciences
– 5 year plan
Impact Item
Distance education major factor in undergraduate education – conversion of many courses to the on-line format.
Diagnostic Imaging (radiologic technology and sonography) program accreditation.
Program to train non-degree Rad Tech and Medical Laboratory Technician (MLT) personnel to finish their
Bachelor s degree.
Increased undergraduate course selections in complementary and alternative medicine and in nutrition and an
undergraduate major in nutrition and dietetics (collaboration with Human Movement Sciences)
Health Sciences
– 10 year plan
New major in Population and Environmental Health based on clinical laboratory sciences, healthcare
administration and healthcare informatics
New Long-Term Care administration sub-major.
Global partnership for international students.
Graduate Programs
Department or
Health Sciences
– 5 year plan
Health Sciences
– 10 year plan
Impact Item
Establish a National Library of Medicine (NLM) funded graduate and postdoctoral research training program in
Biomedical Informatics (collaboration with the UWM-Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW) interdisciplinary
medical informatics PhD program).
M.S. or MHA in Healthcare Management.
M.S. in Biomedical Sciences
Doctoral program in Health Services Research jointly with the SPH
Doctoral program in Biomedical Sciences to complement our growing research capacity in laboratory sciences,
nutrition, and complementary and alternative medicine.
M.S. in public health nutrition, working collaboratively with the SPH
Doctorate in Clinical Laboratory Sciences to meet demand for expertise in the area of clinical diagnosis
Department or
Health Sciences – 5
year plan
Health Sciences – 10
year plan
Department, Center, Discipline, Partner (List Separately) (I = Internal; E = External)
Translational biomedical informatics - Collaboration with the new School of Public Health (I)
Biomedical Informatics - Collaboration with the UWM-Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW)
interdisciplinary medical informatics PhD program
Research and undergraduate major in nutrition and dietetics - Collaboration with Human Movement
Sciences (I)
Health informatics, complementary and alternative medicine, and health administration – Substantial
collaborations with the College of Letters & Sciences, Lubar School of Business, College of Nursing, and
other departments within the College of Health Sciences (I)
Active collaborations (research and teaching) with the School of Public Health.
Develop new links with the SPH and with Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Engineering, Nursing,
Information Studies and Business. This requires either working in proximity to these units or the
development of the infrastructure required to support distance collaborations (e.g. videoconferencing
Doctoral program in Health Services Research jointly with the SPH
M.S. in public health nutrition, working collaboratively with the SPH
Development and expansion of collaborations with the SPH and Biological Sciences, Chemistry,
Engineering, Nursing, Information Studies and Business.
Collaborations with the new SPH are vital. We favor a location near to the SPH. Co-location with the
College of Nursing would be a plus.
Space & Resources
Human Resources
Department or
Health Sciences
– 5 year plan
Health Sciences
– 10 year plan
Resource Requirement (Indicate timeline)
Hire new research faculty in the area of nutrition, and the growing area of complementary and alternative
Hire new faculty in the area of autoimmune diseases--environmental factors that influence the immune system
Hire new faculty in the area of biomarkers and assays that predict disease progression.
Professional grant writer and coordinator, as well as competent post-award support.
Normal growth in faculty and staff as outlined above should be sufficient to grow all of our programs as planned.
Other Resources
Department or
Health Sciences
– 5 year plan
Resource Requirement (Indicate timeline)
Renovation and upgrading of laboratory facilities to be competitive in obtaining extramural funding: For the
biomedical researchers this includes shared equipment purchases
Renovation and upgrading of laboratory facilities to be competitive in obtaining extramural funding: For
biomedical informatics.This includes state of the art computing facilities and IT support.
Renovation and upgrading of laboratory facilities to be competitive in obtaining extramural funding: Teaching
laboratories need to be upgraded to accommodate computer workstations.
Renovation and upgrading of laboratory facilities to be competitive in obtaining extramural funding: A
centralized depository of grant-related material is needed to lessen the burden of producing multiple grants.
Specifically, we need an institutional memory of information that is useful and strategies that have worked for
various government funding agencies. We suggest an expertise database - a yellow pages of people and skills.
A means of giving appropriate credit and of splitting revenues must be decided upon at a campus level.
A separate food lab (required for the Registered Dietetics program) that is capable of seating 20 students.
An Informatics research lab and a separate Informatics teaching lab are urgently needed. The research lab will be
required to support approximately 5 10 servers, as well as 5 10 desktop computing stations and associated
peripheral (e.g. scanners and printers). The teaching lab will be required to support approximately 35 students at
any given time with desktop computing stations. An Informatics teaching lab would be approximately 800 ASF.
Need to double our teaching space
Graduate training programs require at least minimal office space for all graduate students,
Office space is needed for support staff and for postdoctoral associates
A new building is urgently needed. Sharing the present building with two other colleges is no longer an acceptable
option. It is a major impediment to growth and collaboration.
Questions for Department or Center
Department or
Health Sciences
– 5 year plan
Health Sciences
– 10 year plan
What is an MS in Biomedical Sciences? A generalist degree?
Concentration on international agencies such as NATO and WHO for funding: what sort of major funding
opportunities are available through these agencies?
Other Items of Importance
Department or
Health Sciences
– 5 year plan
Health Sciences
– 10 year plan
Projected sources of new research funding in next 5 years:
$1M for new areas of research $5M for the department as a whole per year (?)
Undergraduate enrollment projection: increase by 25% within 5 years (major factor: emphasis on nutrition and
complementary and alternative medicine)
We project an increase in graduate enrollment by 30% within 5 years.
Departmental teaching growth severely restricted by space.
We need a streamlined organizational structure to support IT and post-award grant management.
Coordinator for distance education program
Concentration on international agencies such as NATO and WHO for funding.
Undergraduate enrollment projection: 25% increase in enrollment in years 5-10 that is over and above the level
reached at 5 years.
Comment: We need a College of Pharmacy, which we would grow with and help to prosper.
Expand programs to cover other geographical areas in Wisconsin, requiring use of distance education and
dedicated personnel in other locations to manage the programs and advise the students.
A new building is urgently needed. Sharing the present building with two other colleges is no longer an acceptable
option. It is a major impediment to growth and collaboration.
Communications technology is critical in the development of multiple campuses and should be a very high priority
in the growth plan.
Department Codes:
CE: Civil Engineering and Mechanics
CS: Computer Science
EE: Electrical Engineering
IE: Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
MT: Materials
ME: Mechanical Engineering
B: Biological Sciences
C: Chemistry
G: Geosciences
M: Mathematical Sciences
P: Physics
GLWI: Great Lakes Water Institute
CAF: Center for Alternative Fuels
DSAIC: Decision Systems and Artificial Intelligence
MSL: Multimedia Software Laboratory
CUTS: Center for Transportation Studies
CBU: Center for Byproducts Utilization