
Brody School of Medicine
Program Courses
The courses indicated by an asterisk are required of all candidates. Some courses carry variable
hours of credit.
ANAT: Anatomy And Cell Biology
6290, 6291, 6292. Current Topics in Anatomy and Cell Biology (1,2,3)
May be repeated more than once. P: Admission to a BSOM graduate program or
cConsent of chair. Read and discuss literature in selected fields relevant to anatomy.
Format and subject matter may be tailored to needs of individual student or small group
of students at discretion of chair, student’s advisory committee, and faculty member
willing to direct readings.
7200. Gross Anatomy and Embryology (8)
P: Admission to the Anatomy and Cell Biology graduate program or cConsent of chair.
Human anatomy based on systematic dissection of human body with emphasis on
structure-function relationships. Pertinent human embryology and radiologic anatomy
integrated topically with area of body being dissected. Relevance of different areas of
anatomy and embryology to clinical procedures and/or disease processes presented by
practicing clinicians.
7202. Molecular Cell Biology (4) Same as MCBI 7410
P: Admission to a BSOM graduate program or cConsent of course director. Foundation
cornerstone course for students interested in contemporary research career. Principles of
modern molecular biology as applied to study of cell structure and function.
Fundamentals of molecular and cellular biology of both prokaryotes and eukaryotes, and
techniques used to study these problems included. Emphasis on critical analysis of
experimental data and the experimental basis of current knowledge of cellular processes.
7210. Histology and Cell Biology (4)
P: Admission to a BSOM graduate program or cConsent of chair. Emphasis on light
microscopic features of cells, tissue, and organs. Electron microscopic features of cell
organelles studied to highlight functions basic to all cells. Both histological and cell
biological features integrated with physiological function, pathological abnormalities, and
pharmacological treatment.
7215. Medical Neuroscience (5) Same as PHLY 7730
P: Admission to a BSOM graduate program or cConsent of chair. Comprehensive survey
and function of human nervous system, including introduction to clinical neuroscience.
Lab sessions include dissection of human brain and study of prospected specimens.
7230. Developmental Biology (2-4) Not offered every year.
P: Admission to a BSOM graduate program or cConsent of chair. Discuss contemporary
concepts in developmental biology. Human embryological formation clearly traced to
various cell and molecular biological mechanisms for clear understanding of their role,
which is crucial in understanding normal, abnormal, and oncogenic development in
7240. Research Problems in Cell Biology* (1-3)
P: Admission to the Anatomy and Cell Biology graduate program or cConsent of chair.
Register for course for 3 semesters. Allow student to begin research activity and explore
thesis research topics under guidance of scientist with ongoing research project. Student
carefully guided to formulate hypothesis, design experiments, collect data, analyze data,
and make conclusions so that research efforts will have high likelihood for seminar
presentation, abstract/poster presentation at a national meeting, or journal publication.
7250. Seminar in Cell Biology* (1)
P: Admission into the Anatomy and Cell Biology graduate program or cConsent of chair.
Register for course for 4 semesters. Student will attend dept seminar series comprised of
well-respect scientists describing their recent methodology and research results in current
and exciting cell biological problems as related to clinical issues. Students present formal
seminar in chosen cell biological area under guidance of faculty. Faculty will instruct
students in scientific content, proper slide preparation, organization, basic public
speaking skills, handling of audience questions, audience awareness, and stage presence.
7345. Cell Motility (2) Same as BIOC 7345; BIOL 7345
P: General chemistry, organic chemistry, general biology, and general physics; or consent
of instructor. Multidisciplinary exploration of mechanism, structure, and function of
motile systems essential for eukaryotic life.
9000. Dissertation* (3-12)
May be repeated. May count maximum of 18 s.h.
9001. Dissertation: Summer Research (1)
May be repeated. No credit may count toward degree. Students conducting dissertation
research may only register for this course during the summer.
BIOC: Biochemistry
7300. Medical Biochemistry (6)
P: General chemistry; organic chemistry; general biology; calculus; consent of chair.
Emphasis on human biochemistry in chemistry and function of enzymes and other
proteins; mechanisms of energy transduction; metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, amino
acids, and proteins; biochemistry of gene and gene expression; tissues and organ
metabolism; regulation of metabolism; biochemical aspects of nutrition; and metabolism
of abnormal cells.
7301. Biochemistry I* (4)
P: General chemistry; organic chemistry; Admission to a BSOM graduate program or
consent of chair. Explores relationship of structure, chemical, and physical properties of
biomolecules to their biological function. Includes introduction to intermediary
metabolism and role of thermodynamics and kinetics in biological systems.
7310. Molecular Biochemistry* (3)
P: General chemistry; organic chemistry; general biology; Admission to a BSOM
graduate program or consent of chair. Replication, translation, and expression of genetic
information and its regulation.
7330. Introduction to Research (1-6)
May be repeated. May count a maximum of 12 s.h. P: Admission to a BSOM graduate
program or cConsent of instructor. Assignment to faculty preceptor. May work with more
than one preceptor. Design experimental protocols and collaborate in some aspect of the
preceptor’s research program.
7335. Seminar in Biochemistry* (1)
Registration for fall and spring semesters required. P: Admission to a BSOM graduate
program or cConsent of chair. Formal seminars and student critiques of current literature
in biochemistry, concentrating on one topic each semester.
7345. Cell Motility (2)
P: General chemistry, organic chemistry, general biology, and general physics; or consent
of instructor. Multidisciplinary exploration of mechanism, structure, and function of
motile systems essential for eukaryotic life.
7355. Current Topics (1-3)
May be repeated with change of topic. P: Admission to a BSOM graduate program or
cConsent of chair. Topics of current importance not covered thoroughly in other courses.
Lectures, special reports, or lab work.
8305. Physical Biochemistry (2)
P: BIOC 7301; calculus; Admission to a BSOM graduate program or consent of chair.
Applies thermodynamics and kinetics to biochemical systems.
8320. Biochemistry II* (4)
P: BIOC 7301 and consent of chair. Regulation of metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids,
nucleic acids, and amino acids. Focuses on integration of metabolism and its regulations
in humans.
8333, 8336. Research (3,6)
May be repeated. P: Admission to the Ph.D. graduate program in Biochemistry &
Molecular Biology or cConsent of chair. Design of experimental protocols and
participation in preceptor’s research program.
9000. Dissertation* (3-12)
May be repeated. May count for a maximum of 18 s.h.
9001. Dissertation: Summer Research (1)
May be repeated. No credit may count toward degree. Students conducting dissertation
research may only register for this course during the summer.
BIOC Banked Courses
6350. Biochemistry of Disease (2)
BISC: Biological Sciences
8810. Methods and Techniques in Experimental Biological Sciences (3)
May be repeated. P: Admission to IDPBS graduate program or cConsent of course
director. One semester rotation through research laboratories supervised by program
faculty members.
8815. Seminar in Biological Sciences (1)
May be repeated for credit. P: Admission to IDPBS graduate program or cConsent of
course director. Presentations on research or critical review of current literature topics by
students in IDPBS program. Seminar presentation.
8820. Current Topics in Biomedical Research (2)
May be repeated. P: Admission to IDPBS graduate program or cConsent of course
director. Topics reflect new scientific developments.
8830. Introduction to Research (5)
May be repeated. P: Admission to IDPBS graduate program or cConsent of course
director. Assignment to faculty preceptor during second year of graduate school. Design
of experimental protocols and participation in preceptor’s research program.
MCBI: Microbiology and Immunology
7400. Medical Microbiology and Immunology I (4)
P: BIOC 73001 or equivalent; Admission to a BSOM graduate program or consent of
chair. Basic concepts and principles of immunology, genetics, and virology as they
pertain to medical microbiology and medicine. Introduction to cellular and humoral
aspects of the immune system and to mechanisms of host resistance to infectious disease.
Survey of medically important viruses. Emphasis on biochemical anatomy, mechanisms
of pathogenesis, lab diagnosis, and methods of control and prevention of infection.
7401. Medical Microbiology and Immunology II (4)
P: BIOC 730 or equivalent; MCBI 7400; Admission to a BSOM graduate program or
consent of chair. Basic principles of medical bacteriology, mycology, and parasitology.
Emphasis on mechanisms of pathogenesis, methods of laboratory diagnosis, and methods
of control and prevention of diseases caused by these organisms. Content includes
anatomy, physiology and genetics of medically important species of bacteria, fungi,
animal parasites, and lab exercises.
7410. Molecular Cell Biology (4) Same as ANAT 7202
P: Admission to a BSOM graduate program or cConsent of course director. Foundational
cornerstone for students interested in a contemporary research career. Principles of
modern molecular biology as applied to study of cell structure and function. Includes
fundamentals of molecular and cellular biology of both prokaryotes and eukaryotes, and
techniques used to study these problems. Emphasis on critical analysis of experimental
data and experimental basis of current knowledge of cellular processes.
7420. Physiology and Ultrastructure of Microorganisms I (4)
P: General microbiology and general biochemistry MCBI 7400 or consent of instructor.
Advanced topics in molecular genetics and biochemical and physical organization of
prokaryotic organism. Focuses on relationships of structure to function, growth, and
metabolism and genetic mechanisms that regulate these activities in environment.
Offered in spring semester of odd-numbered years.
7430. Cytometric Technologies (3) Same as PATH 7430
The principles, instrumentation and methodologies of cytometry, with emphasis on flow
cytometry and confocal microscopy.
7440. Advanced Molecular Genetics (4)
P: MCBI 7410 or consent of course director. Detailed, critical presentation of molecular
structure-function relationship in stability, dynamics, and expression of genetic
information of both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. State-of-the-art analytical and
synthetic approaches to molecular genetic problems.
7450. Immunology (4)
P: BIOC 7300 or equivalent; MCBI 7400 or equivalent; consent of course director.
Concise presentation of immunology, immunity, and immunopathology. Immunology
includes principles of induction and expression of specific immune responses.
Immunochemical and cellular principles of immune responses. Immunity includes role of
immune reactions in infections and cancer. Immunopathology emphasizes roles of
immune system in tissue damage and disease.
7460. Advanced Virology (3)
P: MCBI 7401 or consent of course director. Topics covered include basic viral structure
and classification, replication, genetics, pathogenesis, viral vectors, emerging viruses, and
antiviral strategies and vaccines. Current and emerging issues in virology covered by
reading and discussing most recent scientific literature.
7480. Seminars in Microbiology and Immunology* (1)
May be repeated. May count maximum of 5 s.h. Microbiology and immunology students
required to register each fall and spring semester while pre-candidates. P: Admission to a
BSOM graduate program or cConsent of course director. Program of formal seminars and
student journal club presentations focused on current topics in microbiology and
7490. Topics in Microbiology and Immunology (1-4)
May be repeated. May count maximum of 5 s.h. P: MCBI 7400 or equivalent; Admission
to the Microbiology and Immunology graduate program or consent of chair. Critical
presentation of topics of current importance in microbiology and immunology and
focusing on a particular subdiscipline, problem, or group of organisms.
7498. Problems in Microbiology and Immunology* (1-8)
May be repeated. May count maximum of 12 s.h. P: Admission to the Microbiology and
Immunology graduate program or cConsent of chair. Supervised nondissertation research
in microbiology or immunology. For the first two semesters registered, the student
ordinarily is assigned to a different faculty preceptor. Two preceptorships will ordinarily
be required of each doctoral student.
9000. Dissertation* (3-12)
May be repeated. May count maximum of 18 s.h.
9001. Dissertation: Summer Research (1)
May be repeated. No credit may count toward degree. Students conducting dissertation
research may only register for this course during the summer.
MCBI Banked Courses
6405. Contemporary Problems in Microbiology and Immunology (2)
6421. Physiology and Ultrastructure of Microorganisms II (4)
6425. Microbial Systematics (3)
6426. Anaerobic Bacteriology (1-3)
6451. Immunological Techniques (3)
6452. The Lymphocyte (3)
6453. Hybridoma Technology (2)
6461. Diagnostic Virology (2)
6462. Molecular Virology Laboratory (3-5)
6470. Internships in Microbiology and Immunology (2-6)
PATH: Pathology
8805. Contemporary Pathobiology (2)May be repeated.
P/C: PATH 8800; consent of instructor. Disease processes from ultrastructural,
developmental, immunological, cellular, and molecular points of view. Illustrative
examples of experimental models and molecular aspects of disease processes.
8815. Seminar in Pathology (1)
May be repeated. May count a maximum of 6 s.h. P: Admission to a BSOM graduate
program or cConsent of course director. Critique of current literature in pathology,
concentrating on one topic each semester. Seminar presentation.
9000. Dissertation (3-12)
May be repeated. May count for a maximum of 18 s.h.
9001. Dissertation: Summer Research (1)
May be repeated. No credit may count toward degree. Students conducting dissertation
research may only register for this course during the summer.
PHAR: Pharmacology
7601. Medical Pharmacology for Health Sciences I (3)
Lectures only. P: Bachelor’s or master’s degree in science or health profession; or
consent of chair. Survey of pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, adverse effects, and
pharmacotherapeutic principles of drugs affecting autonomic, cardiovascular, respiratory,
renal, and central nervous systems.
7602. Medical Pharmacology for Health Sciences II (3)
Lectures only. P: Bachelor’s or master’s degree in science or health profession; or
consent of chair. Survey of pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, adverse effects, and
pharmacotherapeutic principles of anesthetic, antimicrobial, antineoplastic, endocrine,
and other therapeutic agents. Includes toxicology and treatment of poisonings.
7603. Pharmacology for Health Sciences (4)
P: Bachelor’s or master’s degree in science or health professions or consent of chair.
Survey of pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics and adverse effects of drugs in various
7604. Pharmacology for Health-Related Sciences (5)
P: Bachelor’s or master’s degree in science or health professions or consent of chair.
Survey of pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics and clinical aspects of drugs including
clinical case conferences.
7605. Seminar (1) Formerly PHAR 6605
May be repeated. P: Admission to a BSOM graduate program or cConsent of chair.
Formal presentation and exchange of research ideas and scientific journal articles by
faculty, distinguished guest speakers, and students will also be periodically critiqued.
7609. Introduction to Pharmacology (3) Formerly PHAR 6609
P: Previous admission to graduate program in biomedical sciences in Brody School of
Medicine and concurrent registration in graduate biochemistry; PHLY 7702 or BIOC
7301 or consent of chair. History and scope of pharmacology; pharmacokinetics
including the quantitative principles of uptake, distribution, biotransformation and
elimination of drugs; and pharmacodynamics including dose-response relationships, and
cellular mechanisms of drug actions.
7610. Basic Mechanisms of Drug Action (3) Formerly PHAR 6610
P: PHAR 7609; BIOL 5800 or BIOC 7301 or equivalent; PHLY 7702; or equivalent; or
consent of chair. Fundamental mechanisms by which drugs affect physiology and
biochemistry of living systems at macromolecular, cellular, organ, systemic, and
multisystemic levels related to the pharmacotherapeutic actions of drugs.
7614. Research Procedures I (2)
P: Consent of chair; aAdmission to graduate program in the Department of Pharmacology
and Toxicology or consent of chair. Scheduled, fixed time assignment of new graduate
students to the research laboratories of various department faculty members. Introduces
new students to research programs of each department faculty member, prepares them for
selection of an appropriate dissertation advisor and also develops and assesses basic
research skills.
7615. Research Procedures II (2) Formerly PHAR 6615
May be repeated. P: PHAR 7614; Admission to the graduate program in the Department
of Pharmacology and Toxicology or consent of chair. Directed research in the laboratory
of the faculty member assigned for direction of preliminary studies for dissertation
7640. Pharmacology of the Central Nervous System (3) Formerly PHAR 6640
P: BIOC 7301 or BIOL 5800; PHLY 7702; or consent of chair. Basic
neuropharmacological principles. Theories dealing with mechanisms of action of CNS
drugs. Causes and treatment of major psychiatric and neurological disorders and basis of
drug abuse taught through directed literature readings and class presentations and
7660. Cardiovascular Pharmacology (3) Formerly PHAR 6660
P: Admission to the graduate program in any of the basic science departments PHLY
7702 or BIOC 7301 or consent of chair. Pathophysiology and pharmacotherapeutics of
cardiovascular diseases through directed literature readings, class presentations and
7665. Pedagogy in Pharmacology (2)
P: Successful completion of doctoral candidacy exam in the Department of
Pharmacology and Toxicology; consent of chair. Instruction, mentoring, and supervision
in teaching of topics in pharmacology to health science, doctoral, and/or medical
7670. Advanced Research Techniques (3) Formerly PHAR 6670 P: PHAR 67609; PHAR 7610
or consent of chair equivalent; or consent of course director. Advanced lab techniques in
biomedical research. Molecular cloning, protein methods, equilibrium binding analysis,
enzyme assays, microscopy, isolated tissue preparations, anesthesia, stereotaxic surgery,
and behavioral paradigms.
7680. Toxicology (3)
P: PHLY 6700; BIOL 58007702 or BIOC 7301 or equivalent; consent of chair. Principles
of toxicology and the mechanisms that underlie toxic effects from the subcellular to the
organism level will be discovered. In addition, patterns of toxicity of specific chemicals
will be discussed, as well as how those results can be employed in risk assessment.
7777. Practical Problems in Biometry (3)
P: College algebra; Admission to a BSOM graduate program or consent of chair or
course director. Provides working knowledge of experimental design, analysis of
variance, and other techniques.
8601. Medical Pharmacology I* (5)
Lectures, small-group conferences, and computerassisted labs. P: BIOC 73001; PHLY
7702; or consent of chair. Survey of pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, adverse
effects, and pharmacotherapeutic principles of drugs affecting autonomic, cardiovascular,
respiratory, renal, and central nervous systems.
8602. Medical Pharmacology II (5)
Lectures, small-group conferences, and clinical practicum. P: PHAR 8601BIOC 7300;
PHLY 7702; consent of chair. Survey of pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, adverse
effects, and pharmacotherapeutic principles of anesthetic, antimicrobial, antineoplastic,
endocrine, and other therapeutic agents. Includes toxicology and treatment of poisonings.
9000. Dissertation (3-12)
May be repeated. May count maximum of 18 s.h.
9001. Dissertation: Summer Research (1)
May be repeated. No credit may count toward degree. Students conducting dissertation
research may only register for this course during the summer.
PHAR Banked Courses
6650. Advanced Topics in Pharmacology (2)
6655. Pharmacological Regulation and Identification of Receptors (3)
PHLY: Physiology
6330. Human Physiology (5)
P: BIOL 1050, 1051; CHEM 1120. Physiological principles fundamental to living tissue.
All body systems studied as they relate to normal and pathological conditions in humans.
6700. Medical Physiology* (8)
P: Consent of chair. Foundation in principles of normal function of human body.
Emphasis on human physiology. Basic physiological processes in health covered through
lectures, conferences, demonstrations, and experimental lab sessions, with special
emphasis to integrated nature of organ system function.
6725. Membrane Transport Processes (2)
P: Calculus; physical chemistry; Admission to a BSOM graduate program or consent of
chair. Current theories of electrolyte and non-electrolyte transport processes at cellular
and organ levels.
6730. Cellular Neurophysiology* (3)
P: Calculus; physical chemistry; Admission to a BSOM graduate program or consent of
chair. Development of theoretical and experimental evidence underlying modern
concepts of bioelectric phenomena. Current concepts of membrane structure, metabolism,
resting and action potentials, ionic fluxes, and techniques used in electrophysiological
research. Seminars with emphasis on critical evaluation of pertinent original research
6735. Renal, Acid-Base Physiology (2)
P: BIOC 7301; PHLY 6700; or 7701, 7702; Admission to a BSOM graduate program or
consent of chair. Selected topics.
6738. Special Topics in Endocrinology (2)
May be repeated. P: BIOC 7301; PHLY 6700, 7701, 7702; Admission to a BSOM
graduate program or consent of chair Selected topics may include adrenal, reproductive,
pituitary or thyroid physiology. Lectures and formal seminar presentation.
7701. Graduate Cellular Physiology (3)
P: BIOC 7301;or equivalent; PHLY 7702 or equivalent. Advanced study of eukaryotic
cell function. Emphasis on membrane biophysics, signal transduction, and control of
proliferation and differentiation.
7702. Graduate Organ Systems Physiology* (5)
P: BIOC 7301;or equivalent; or consent of chair. Advanced survey of physiological
principles underlying cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, and endocrine systems.
7703. Graduate Neuroscience* (4)
P: BIOC 7301, ANAT 7202/MCBI 7410; or consent of chair. Principles of neuroscience
including current research at the system, cellular, molecular, and genetic levels.
7704. Physiological Proteogenomics (4)
P: ANAT 7202 or MCBI 7410; BIOC 73001; PHLY 7701, 7702; or equivalent level
course; or consent of course director. Advanced study of Proteogenomics as tool for
elucidating functional mechanisms in whole organism. Bioinformatics as an approach to
understanding genome/proteome data, and animal models for testing hypotheses on
functions of specific gene products. State-of-the-art analytical and synthetic approaches
to biomedical problems presented.
7705. Translational Physiology* (3)
P: PHLY 6700; or 7701, 7702; or consent of chair. Translational research bridges gap
from research laboratory to clinic. Physiological basis of diseases of cardiovascular,
respiratory, and renal systems. Examines integrated function of organ systems and how
current research hopes to delay or completely prevent the progression of disease.
7710. Advanced Topics in Physiology* (3) May be repeated.
P: PHLY 7702; or consent of chair. Selected research topics.
7715. Seminar in Physiology* (1) May be repeated.
P: PHLY 7701, 7702; Admission to a BSOM graduate program or consent of chair.
Selected topics of current interest.
7730. Medical Neuroscience (5) Same as ANAT 7215
P: Admission to a BSOM graduate program or cConsent of chair. Comprehensive survey
of structure and function of human nervous system, including introduction to clinical
neuroscience. Lab includes dissection of human brain and study of prosected specimens.
7733. Sensory Systems Neurophysiology (3)
P: PHLY 6700; or 7701, 7702; or consent of chair. Basic principles of functional
organization of somatic and special sensory systems. Emphasis on synaptic processing of
sensory information.
7740. Introduction to Research* (3)
May be repeated. P: Admission to graduate program in Physiology or cConsent of chair.
Collaborative or independent research in variety of physiology specialty areas, including
research in preparation for doctoral dissertation.
8710. Advanced Topics in Physiology (2)
May be repeated. P: PHLY 7702; or consent of chair. Selected research topics.
8720. Respiratory Physiology (2)
P: PHLY 7701, 7702, 7704, 7705; or consent of chair. Selected topics in lung mechanics,
pulmonary function testing, pathophysiology, and pathogenesis.
9000. Dissertation* (3-12)
May be repeated. May count maximum of 18 s.h.
9001. Dissertation: Summer Research (1)
May be repeated. No credit may count toward degree. Students conducting dissertation
research may only register for this course during the summer.
PHLY Banked Courses
6050. Human Physiology for Advanced Nursing Practice (3)