DOC - Europa

Brussels, 1 April 2009
Questions and Answers on the White Paper on
climate change adaptation
What is the aim of the White Paper?
The White Paper presented by the European Commission proposes an EU
framework on adaptation to strengthen the EU's resilience to cope with the impacts
of a changing climate. It builds on the wide-ranging consultation launched in 2007 by
the Green Paper on Adapting to Climate Change in Europe.1
The framework will evolve as further evidence becomes available. It will complement
actions by Member States and support wider international efforts to adapt to climate
What is adaptation?
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPPC) defines adaptation as "any
adjustment in natural or human systems in response to actual or expected climatic
stimuli or their effects which moderates harm or exploits beneficial opportunities".
Adaptation, along with mitigation, is an essential part of addressing the challenges
and opportunities associated with climate change. Mitigation refers to our efforts to
limit the man-made causes of climate change. Adaptation involves taking action so
that we can be more resilient to our current climate, less susceptible to the impacts
of future climate change and in a position to take advantage of opportunities.
Irrespective of the success of mitigation efforts, there will still be some degree of
unavoidable climate change. This stems from our historic greenhouse gas emissions
and the persistence of these gases in the atmosphere, as well as the slow warming
of the oceans. This delayed response of the oceans will result in temperatures and
sea-level continuing to increase for several decades regardless of any present-day
emissions reductions.
Effective measures directed at enhancing our capacity to adapt and at minimising,
adjusting to and taking advantage of the consequences of climatic change
(delivering adaptation actions) are required.
Adaptation measures can be taken at national, regional and local levels and include
using scarce water more efficiently, adapting building codes to future climate
conditions and extreme weather events, building flood defences and raising the
levels of dykes, developing drought-tolerant crops, choosing tree species and
forestry practices less vulnerable to storms and fires, and setting aside land corridors
to help species migrate.
1COM (2007) 354 final.
What are the key elements in the framework?
The White Paper establishes a framework for action focusing on four key pillars:
 Building a stronger knowledge base – while in recent decades the
availability of observed and projected data and information on climate change
impacts across Europe has improved, many weaknesses still exist. Information
availability differs considerably across regions, European-wide monitoring
programmes and spatially detailed information including climate change impact
scenarios are lacking. A better understanding of the socio-economic aspects,
the costs and benefits of different adaptation options and information on good
practices are also required.
 Taking climate change impacts into consideration in key EU policies –
there are a number of sectors with strong EU policy involvement where climate
risk and adaptation measures will need to be considered. The mainstreaming
of adaptation into sectoral policies at European level is important in order to
reduce, in the long-term the vulnerability of sectors such as: agriculture,
forests, bio-diversity, fisheries, energy, transport, water and health.
Mainstreaming adaptation means using or creating mechanisms that allow
decision makers to integrate further climate risks into all relevant policy
 Financing – combining different policy measures to the best effect – the
Stern Review2 identified financial constraints as one of the main barriers to
adaptation. Climate change is one of the priorities for the EU's current multiannual financial framework (2007-2013) and it is important to ensure that the
available funds are used to reflect this priority. In addition, optimising the use of
insurance and other financial services products could also be explored.
Consideration should also be given to the role of specialised Market Based
Instruments. The possibility of using revenue generated from auctioning
allowances under the Community greenhouse gas emission allowance trading
system (the EU ETS) for adaptation purposes should be utilised. The revised
Directive governing the scheme from 20133 provides that at least 50% of the
revenue generated from auctioning allowances should be used, inter alia for
adaptation in Member States and developing countries. This additional
revenue will be crucial for sharing adaptation costs between the public and
private sector.
 Supporting wider international efforts on adaptation - many countries are
already enduring the impact of climate change. There is an urgent need to
improve their resilience and capacity to adapt to adverse effects. EU external
cooperation should make a significant contribution to promoting adaptation in
partner countries; particularly neighbouring countries. Bilateral and regional
financial assistance programmes will aim to integrate adaptation
considerations into all relevant sectors.
The EU's framework adopts a phased approach. The intention is that phase 1 (20092012) will take forward the work identified under the four pillars leading to the
elaboration of a comprehensive adaptation strategy for the EU which will be
implemented during phase 2 commencing in 2012.
The Economics of Climate Change – The Stern Review, N. Stern, Cambridge University
Press, 2007.
To be adopted in 2009
Good cooperation between the EU, national, regional and local authorities will be a
prerequisite for a successful phase 1. To support cooperation on adaptation and
with a view to taking this framework forward, the Commission will set up a process
involving the EU Member States. Otherwise known as an Impacts and Adaptation
Steering Group (IASG) the group will play a role in developing the four pillars.
What will be the role of the Clearing House Mechanism?
The White Paper proposes establishing a Clearing House Mechanism on climate
change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation. This would serve as a web based
platform for the exchange of information and would also make information widely
available to potential users across Europe. It is intended that this IT tool and data
base once operational will improve access to information/data and thus support
national, regional and local assessments of the impacts of climate change. The
Clearing House could provide for example information on climate change scenarios
for essential climate variables (temperature, precipitation etc.) for the next decades,
the impacts on different sectors (agriculture, tourism.) as well as regional
vulnerability across Europe, indicators, tools for impact assessments and good
practice adaptation measures.
The Clearing House Mechanism would contribute to the Shared Environmental
Information System, the collaborative initiative by the European Commission and the
European Environment Agency (EEA) to establish with the Member States an
integrated and shared EU-wide environmental information system. The Clearing
House Mechanism would also rely on geographical information provided by the
Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES).
The Clearing House Mechanism should be operational by 2011.
What is the role of ecosystems in building resilience to climate
Ecosystems play a key role in regulating climate. Changes in ecosystem
composition, and especially in ecosystem structure, in many cases have important
implications for the interactions between the biosphere and the climate system, as
well as for ecosystem services on which society depends including the provision of
fresh water, food and medicine.
Terrestrial and marine ecosystems currently absorb roughly half of the
anthropogenic CO2 emissions. This is an important 'free' ecosystem service.
However, growing evidence suggests that the capacity of the Earth's carbon sinks is
weakening due to the continuous degradation of ecosystems. If the loss of
biodiversity continues - or accelerates - the achievement of the climate change goals
could be compromised. Urgent action now to halt the further loss and degradation of
biodiversity will help to build resilience and maintain the provision of ecosystem
services thus providing future options for reducing the impact of climate change.
Ecosystem based adaptation is often the best and most cost-effective as it provides
multiple services and promotes synergies. Europe has built up a vast network of over
26,000 protected areas covering all the Member States representing more than 20%
of total EU territory. These sites, known as the Natura 2000 network is the largest
network of protected areas in the world.
The ecological coherence of the Natura 2000 network, as well as habitat quality, is
essential for the long-term survival of many species and habitats. The impacts of
climate change on biodiversity and ecosystems present new challenges for nature
conservation. Adaptation measures to maintain diversity and increase connectivity
will be necessary to ensure the achievement of nature conservation objectives under
changing climatic conditions. At the same time, nature conservation contributes to
increase resilience and maintain healthy ecosystems essential for any adaptation
and mitigation strategy.
How does the White Paper address the needs of countries outside the
The White Paper elaborates an Adaptation framework for the European Union. It is
thus largely EU focused. However because adaptation is a trans-boundary issue,
countries bordering the EU will also be considered and adaptation will be integrated
in all relevant external policies: the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP), bilateral
and regional forums, trade and development.
The international aspects of adaptation are addressed in a recently prepared policy
paper "Towards a Comprehensive Climate Change Agreement in Copenhagen". For
further details see:
The White Paper recognises the role of the Global Climate Change Alliance as an
example of good cooperation with developing countries that have the least capacity
to deal with climate change. Through the Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA),
the EU provides substantial resources to address climate change in these countries.
The EU is also committed to working with countries through its various bilateral cooperation agreements to ensure that climate change adaptation is properly
In the UNFCCC, the EU has made ambitious proposals to foster adaptation in a
post-2012 global agreement, notably via the comprehensive Framework for Action
on Adaptation (FAA).
What is necessary to ensure effective adaptation to climate change by
all countries and to support the poorest and most vulnerable
developing countries?
The Copenhagen agreement should provide a framework for action on adaptation.
Adaptation is a challenge for all countries and especially those that are most
vulnerable to climate change. These include the least developed countries, small
island developing states and African countries that are prone to extreme weather
events such as drought, storms, floods and desertification.
The Copenhagen Communication proposes that all countries developed and
developing alike, should be required to draft comprehensive national adaptation
strategies to ensure that costly and recurring climate impacts can be prevented as
far as possible.
In many cases, successful adaptation by developing countries can be achieved only
if climate change impacts are taken into account in development cooperation
projects. This needs to be done more systematically to prevent climate change
impacts from jeopardising development assistance efforts.
Better tools and know-how to design and implement adaptation strategies need to be
developed. National institutions and international cooperation should be
strengthened to disseminate knowledge and technologies for adaptation and climate
resilient development. To pool experience, the EU should recommend that a
technical panel on adaptation be set up under the UNFCCC.
Financial and technological support should be provided to the most vulnerable
developing countries. Kyoto’s Adaptation Fund can play an important role but will be
insufficient to support adaptation in all developing countries, so innovative additional
sources of financing will be needed. The UNFCCC Secretariat has estimated that
total adaptation costs in developing countries could range from €23 to €54 billion per
year in 2030.
As with mitigation, financing options need to be tailored to the actual investment
needed. A large number of early measures will even generate a net benefit to the
economy, for instance measures to improve water use efficiency in areas that will
suffer from water shortages.
A multilateral insurance pool to cover disaster losses should be explored to
complement existing funding mechanisms in case of climate-related natural
How can the necessary resources be made available?
Developed countries will contribute to assistance for developing countries through
public funding as well as the use of carbon crediting mechanisms. The financial
contribution of each developed country should be comparable and based on the
polluter pays principle – in other words, its allowed level of greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions - and ability to pay. The scale of contributions should be negotiated as
part of the Copenhagen agreement.
Two principal options for creating an innovative international source of additional
funding have been identified.
Under the first option, developed countries would commit to providing a certain
amount of funding through bilateral and multilateral channels, calculated for each
country on the basis of its allowed emissions and its income levels. The higher the
country’s income levels and the more it emits, the more it would need to contribute.
This would provide certainty about the total amount of funding available.
The second option would be to set apart a certain percentage of emission rights that
each developed country would receive to cover their emissions, and auction these
rights to governments at international level. The percentage could increase
progressively in line with the country’s per capita income. This option would give
developed countries that cannot cover all their emissions the option to buy emission
rights from these international auctions. Unlike the first option, however, it would not
necessarily generate predictable levels of funding since governments could choose
to buy Clean Development Mechanism credits instead.
In either case, the timely provision and effective use of the resources to be made
available will need to be verified under a new agreement to ensure its effectiveness.
It should be explored how developing countries, except the least developed and
small island developing states, could contribute over time in line with their financial
For the EU, significant additional public revenue will be generated through the
auctioning of emission allowances under the emissions trading system from 2013.
Member States could use some of this revenue to honour their international funding
commitments under the Copenhagen agreement.
How could resources be generated to support early action by
developing countries?
The EU should explore the possibility of developing a ‘front-loading’ mechanism to
deliver substantial funding in the short term for the poorest and most vulnerable
developing countries.
Based on the issuance of bonds, this proposed Global Climate Financing
Mechanism (GCFM) would allow early spending on priority climate-related actions.
These funds would in particular facilitate an immediate reaction to urgent adaptation
needs with a high return such as disaster risk reduction. A share of the funds raised
could also support emission mitigation activities, in particular those that generate
synergies between mitigation and adaptation, such as reducing emissions from
The GCFM aims at raising around €1 billion per year for the period 2010-2014. After
the initial phase of increased funding, the mechanism would start to pay back the
funds raised.
Where can further information be obtained on the science behind
The definitive source of information about climate science is the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The IPCC's role is to assess on a comprehensive,
objective, open and transparent basis the scientific, technical and socio-economic
information relevant to climate change, its potential impacts and options for
adaptation and mitigation. The fourth and latest IPCC Assessment Report, AR4, was
published in 2007.
What are the next steps?
The public at large is not yet fully aware of the scale of the adverse impacts of global
warming, and how it will affect each of us, our economies and societies. Europe
needs to prepare effectively for a changing climate. This is why the Commission has
come forward with its White Paper and in building a good working partnership with
Member States intends to meet the challenges posed by a changing climate.
Adaptation will be a long and continuous process. It will operate at all levels and
require close coordination with stakeholders. The EU will support international and
national adaptation efforts ensuring that there are adequate resources for efficient
and cost-effective adaptation action so as to provide a sustainable and sound
economic basis for future generations. The Commission will review progress
regularly in implementing the actions identified in this White Paper with a view to
developing further adaptation measures.
What evidence is there that climate change is happening?
Most climate scientists agree that the world is going to get warmer. The
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a key scientific
intergovernmental body was set-up in 1988 by the World Meteorological
Organisation (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to
assess scientific and socio-economic information on climate change and its impacts
and to advise the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
In 2007, the IPCC's Fourth Assessment Report states that the likely range of global
average warming by the end of this century is between 1.1 and 6.4°C, relative to
The IPCC also reports:
 Since 1850, and the start of a global surface temperature record, eleven of
the twelve warmest years have occurred from 1995 to 2006.
 The ocean is becoming more acidic, due to increasing atmospheric carbon
dioxide, and is expected to have negative impacts on marine shell-forming
organisms and their dependent species
 As a result of emissions from human activities, carbon dioxide concentrations
are now 387ppm, far exceeding the natural range from the last 650,000 years
(of about 180 to 300ppm).
 To avoid major irreversible impacts on society and ecosystems, and achieve
the EU target of a maximum 2°C increase above pre-industrial levels, urgent
action is needed.
In October 2008 the European Environment Agency (EEA), in conjunction with the
European Commission's Joint Research Centre and the World Health Organisation
(WHO), released an indicator report on climate change impacts. The report based on
40 indicators presented further evidence on climate trends in Europe, many of which
are projected to continue.
 There were observed increases in the number of hot and cold extremes, and
the intensity and variability of precipitation extremes.
 Rapid melting of the European glaciers and sea ice
 A significant change in the fluvial system and distribution across Northern
and Southern Europe.
 Sea level rise.
In March 2009 the International Scientific Congress Climate Change: Global Risks,
Challenges and Decisions in Copenhagen concluded that the worst-case IPCC
scenario trajectories (or even worse) are being realised. For many key parameters,
the climate system is already moving beyond the patterns of natural variability within
which society and economy have developed and thrived. These parameters include
global mean surface temperature, sea-level rise, ocean and ice sheet dynamics,
ocean acidification, and extreme climatic events. There is a significant risk that many
of the trends will accelerate, leading to an increasing risk of abrupt or irreversible
climatic shifts.
How will climate change impact on Europe?
Increasing temperatures, changing precipitation, rising sea level, more intense and
frequent extreme weather events and melting glaciers, ice sheets and Arctic sea ice
are some of the challenges for Europe already triggered by global climate change.
These are predicted to intensify in the coming decades.
Vulnerability to climate change varies widely across regions and sectors in Europe.
Particularly vulnerable regions include: Southern Europe and Mediterranean basin
(due to heat and droughts), the Alps (due to rapid melting of snow and ice), coastal
zones, deltas and floodplains (due to sea level rise, intense rainfall, floods and
storms) and Europe's far north, the Arctic and Outermost regions (due to increased
global warming).
Economic sectors that rely strongly on certain temperatures and precipitation – from
agriculture to forestry, fisheries, energy to tourism – will be affected. Climate change
is also expected to provoke significant changes in the quality and availability of water
resources. Limited water availability already poses a problem in many parts of
Europe and predictions demonstrate further deterioration due to climate change with
Europe's high water stress regions expected to increase from 19% today to 35% by
the 2070s. Water quantity will also be influenced by climate change. High water
temperature, low water flows and water dilution of pollutants may affect aquatic
Climate change also exacerbates the impacts of already existing factors including
pollution, land-use changes and the over-exploitation of resources.
While society at large is expected to be affected, the vulnerable (elderly, disabled
and low-income households) are likely to be more susceptible to climate impacts.
Why are some regions and sectors more vulnerable to climate change
than others?
Climate change will affect all natural and man-made systems to some extent.
However, the impacts on individual sectors or regions will vary depending on the
sensitivity of the system and its adaptive capacity. Sensitivity of a system is the
extent to which changes in climate will affect the system in its current form, while the
adaptive capacity of the system is its capacity to change in a way that makes it better
equipped to deal with external influences. Both the sensitivity and adaptive capacity
of a system will contribute to how vulnerable the system is to changes in climate.
Vulnerability is the degree of susceptibility to, or inability to cope with, adverse effects
of climate change, including climate variability and extremes
The degree to which a region is susceptible to, and unable to cope with, adverse
effects of climate change, including climate variability and extremes will also depend
on its geographical location, socio-economic developments (population growth,
energy demand, industrial, agricultural productivity and water availability) and
adaptive capacity.
The most vulnerable regions in Europe as cited above include: Southern Europe, the
Mediterranean basin, the Alps, coastal zones, deltas and floodplains and Europe's
far north, the Arctic and Outermost regions.
Climate change will impact on many economic sectors. The sectors most vulnerable
include: agriculture, energy, transport, health, water and tourism. Climate change will
increasingly drive ecosystems including marine ecosystems and biodiversity loss,
affecting both individual species and significantly impacting ecosystems and their
related services, on which society depends.
How will climate change impact on agriculture in Europe?
Climate change is one of the main drivers that shape European agriculture and rural
areas. Even if EU agriculture is technologically advanced, its capacity to produce
food and to contribute to providing ecosystem services is directly dependent on
climatic conditions. Although forecasts of climate change impacts on agricultural
productivity and prices are uncertain, an increase in extreme weather events is
expected to trigger greater variability in agricultural production, food prices and farm
The variability of crop yields has increased since the beginning of the century as a
consequence of extreme climatic events, such as the drought and summer heat of
2003 and the spring drought of 2007. Europe's 2003 heat wave is estimated to have
led to €10 billion in economic loses to farming, livestock and forestry from the
combined effects of drought heat stress and fire.4 It must however be recognised that
the ultimate impacts on farm income depend on many factors including the global
market and policy support.
Rural areas are exposed to a wide range of impacts from climatic variations, beyond
those directly affecting agriculture. Forest ecosystems and forestry are important in
many rural areas. Climatic changes will lead to increased risk of disturbances
through storms, fire, and outbreaks of pests and diseases with implications for forest
growth and production. This will affect the economic viability of forestry, mainly in
southern areas, and the capacity of forests to provide environmental services,
including the carbon sink function.
The European Commission has adopted a policy paper on the challenge of climate
change for European agriculture and rural areas. The paper examines adaptation
needs, and explores possible orientations within the agricultural sector for future
action. Enhancing the sustainable use of natural resources such as water and soils,
improving the adaptive capacity of farmers, facilitating co-operation between
Member States, and enhancing climate and agricultural research are deemed as
necessary early action. Its main purpose is to further involve Member States and
the farming community in the debate on how the farm sector can overcome the
challenges of climate change, and on how the Common Agricultural Policy can help.
For further information: Commission webpage on agriculture and climate change
How will climate change impact on health?
Climate change can have significant effects on the health of humans, animals and
Increased temperatures and extreme heat can lead to a rise in mortality. In EU
countries, mortality is estimated to increase by 1-4% for each one-degree rise in
temperature, meaning that heat related mortality could rise by 30 000 deaths per
year by the 2030s and 50 000 to 110 000 deaths per year by the 2080s (PESETA
In addition, temperature sensitive infectious diseases such as vector-borne
(transmitted infections by e.g. ticks or mosquitoes) diseases could
increase. Changing frequency and intensity of precipitation and temperature may
result in outbreaks of water-related issues such as contaminated drinking water or
water used for recreation purposes. A warmer climate may also have important
effects on air quality in Europe, in terms of concentrations and dispersion of air
pollutants. Allergic disorders may be worsened by changed and prolonged pollen
seasonality. Climate change has also contributed to an increase in ozone
concentration in central and south-western Europe.
EEA/JRC/WHO 2008 Report – Impacts of Europe's Changing Climate – Indicator-based
Animal health will also be affected. Vector transmitted diseases such as Bluetongue
and West Nile Fever are influenced by changes in climate. Wildlife is very
susceptible to climatic and environmental changes and plays an important role in
animal disease transmission such as avian influenza and rabies. Alterations in
wildlife ecology may influence the occurrence of animal diseases that are currently
confined to specific territories or natural "niches". Some of these diseases are
subject to EU and international veterinary legislation and can endanger the country's
official animal health status. Changes to the animals' living conditions can also lead
to nutritional disorders, parasitic diseases, sun stroke and dehydration which affect
animal health and well being and thus the economic situation of farmers.
Climate change could affect cropping systems, plant breeding and natural vegetation
such as forests and woodland. It is also likely to affect both the incidence and
severity of plant diseases.
The European Commission has adopted a policy paper on the impacts of climate
change on Human, Animal and Plant Health, for further information: Commission
webpage on health:
Is there an economic case for a strategic approach to adaptation?
The EEA (2007) and OECD (2008) reports recently reviewed the economic impacts
of climate change in Europe. The reports reveal that there is still little quantified
information on the costs and benefits of adaptation and that most studies are
constrained to a few sectors and only take account of a limited sub-set of climate
change effects.
However, emerging literature in Europe and more comprehensive estimates are
appearing. The results of the European Commission's Framework Programme
ADAM project6 will be publicly available during 2009. Some advanced findings
indicate that the benefits of adaptation are large, and significantly reduce the costs of
inaction. In most cases, the costs of inaction in the early period (2010 to 2040) are
When discussing costs and benefits of adaptation, it is important to define exactly
what is included in the different estimates (Figure 1). It is also necessary to consider
the effect of socio-economic change, as this defines the actual future baseline to
compare costs and benefits against. In many cases, this is not made explicit.
ADAM (Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies: supporting European climate policy) is an
integrated research project running from 2006 to 2009 that will lead to a better
understanding of the trade-offs and conflicts that exist between adaptation and mitigation
Figure 1 - Costs and benefits of adaptation (Source: Boyd and Hunt, 20067)
The Impact Assessment accompanying the White Paper on Adaptation provides
further information on the estimated costs/benefits of adaptation including by sector.
For further details see:
What is an Adaptation Strategy?
An Adaptation Strategy aims to increase society’s resilience. It is a framework for
managing future climate risk and offers the potential of reducing future economic,
environmental and social costs.
Over the past decade or more the predominant focus has been on strategies to
reduce greenhouse gas emissions. However as the IPPC findings emerged and it
became clearer that some level of climate change was inevitable irrespective of
emission reduction strategies, the need to prepare an adaptation strategy to
complement mitigation efforts became more apparent.
For an Adaptation Strategy to be effective, it must result in climate risk being
considered as a normal part of decision-making. In this context, adaptation strategies
will fail if they continue in the long run to be seen separate from other aspects of
strategic planning and risk management. To reach this point, more new knowledge is
required on climate impacts, particularly on regional impacts as well as on the
economic costs of action/inaction.
Any climate change adaptation strategy must be flexible and continue changing as
new impacts are seen. A number of EU Member States have already prepared
national adaptation strategies.
Boyd, R. and Hunt, A., 2006. Climate Change Cost Assessments using the UKCIP Costing
Methodology. July 2006. Report for Stern Review, UK HMT.
Why do we need an EU Approach?
Due to the varying regional severity and nature of climate impacts most adaptation
initiatives will be taken at national, regional or local levels. However the ability to
cope and adapt differs across population, economic sectors and regions within
A European approach complementing EU Member State activities can support
action at national, regional and local level through, for instance, enhanced
coordination and information sharing and by ensuring that adaptation considerations
are addressed in all relevant EU policies.
The EU’s role will be particularly relevant when climate change impacts transcend
the boundaries of individual states (e.g. river basins) and when impacts vary
considerably across regions. The EU can enhance solidarity among Member States
to ensure that disadvantaged regions and regions most affected by climate change
will be capable of taking the necessary measures to adapt.
In addition for certain sectors (e.g. agriculture, water, biodiversity, fisheries etc.) that
are largely integrated at EU level through the single market and common policies,
co-ordinated EU action will be necessary.
European legislation influences decisions right down to the local level. This is
particularly the case for environmental legislation and for the common policy areas
such as agriculture and fisheries. These are also areas where climate change will
have a strong impact. The EU regional and cohesion funds can be used to give
direct support to adaptation projects.
Further information