in MS Word format - Druid Hills High School Class of 1975


Favorite Memories from Classmates

Mary Lynn Asbury - Great teachers! Saga staff, float meetings, Junior year prom, drill team practices,

"Lorilynn's" shrimp scampi with Lori Webb, Abbe Miller singing with her guitar (Stoney End-Barbra

Streisand), chorus class with Mr. Eads, Senior Soul Review, beating Ms. Lang in ping pong in 8th grade!, my "condemned" Karmen Ghia, singing the Alma Mater as the drill team bus pulled into the parking lot after football games-""Binds us brother as to brother, binds us closely to each other; Hail to thee ,O Druid Hills,"

Ann Bauman - Only one? I remember . . . Riding to school in Mary Lynn's light blue Karmann-Ghia, Mr.

Morgan's government class, Homecoming, banner meetings at the Tanners's, Tom, laughing with Pat

Kelly in Mrs. Davis' English class, heart-to-heart talks with Susan McCann, singing Delta Dawn, Keith

Perdue's style, swim team, Mrs. Lafitte's Batik, band practice and Mr. Johnson, having a great high school experience.

Mary Bell - There are so many wonderful memories, it is hard to narrow it down to a favorite one: football games, win or loss, just the companionship of good friends. Classes with special teachers and coaches in our lives teaching us things for the building blocks in oru lives. High school was a very special time in my life with very special people (friends) and with a huge place in my heart!!

Kevin Belle Isle - Driving in the car with Ray Kuniansky in the back seat. My mom had a silly little umbrella that only mothers carry. Ray opended it in the car and satrted spouting some nonsense. Also dialing for dollars on afternoon TV at Ray Kuniansky's house when his parents went out of town for the last month of our senior year.

Julie Bode - I have really great memories of my high school years. Float parties at Mary Helen's, drill team rides on the bus to away games, stunt night, spend the night parties, Furman road trip, foosball at PJ

Haley's, 'super-sizing' all my friends french fries while working at McDonald's!, parties at Sherry

McCain's, football games, 'cruising' with friends. Best of all...many good friendships.

Wade Buser - Friends

Sam Causey - Sorry, I got a case of C.R.S…….("can't remember sh__")

Melissa Chandler - Being on the drill team, flag corp and participating in the bank; special friends that I shared all my high school ups and down with; having crushes on guys that usually had no idea how I felt.

Clay Chappelle - Running from Doyle Oran (Assistant Principal) trying to get back into class after skipping lunch or a pep rally.

Greg Crochet - Friday (or Saturday) night football games and Senior Class Trip to Bahamas.

Debby Daniel - My favorite high school memory is all of the French Club Cabarets combined into one hodge-podge memory of singing, dancing, and fine dining; accompanied by dear friends Diann

Sanders Baker and Tommy Fountain.

Barbara Davis - Nelson

Jane Duffy - Football games; basketball games; Pep Rallies and having the spirit booster drop me; picking up cigarette butts during detention; Jay Hughes hanging out of the 3rd floor window of English class; peach daiquiris; Candler Park; Medlock Park; Homecoming; Bill Masengill streaking during an assembly; getting placed on top of the hall lockers and not being able to get down; the name "donut"; the name "whale tail"; spending the night at Sherry McCain's; playing with mercury during chemistry class; watching all of the cute soccer players; the high school band; the church parking lot; mistaking the church of the school on my first day of 8th grade; car bashings; concerts; parties; more parties; spending five years of my life with some wonderful people.

Favorite Memories from Classmates

John Eve - Unfortunately, I didn't participate much. Guess I was a bit of a hippie. Like to skip school and pep rallies and head down the tracks to Dairy Queen when I could. My loss. Wish everyone the best.

Richard Fears/Reese - Sports, friends, dating my high school sweetheart who is now my wife

Lisa Fivars - Going to Underground with Sherry & friends, having lied to my mother about where I was, spending time at Sherry's father's house since her Dad wasn't home much!

Tommy Fountain - Spirit Booster, Stunt Nights, building homecoming floats, String Quartet workshops sponsored by the University of Georgia and held at Rock Eagle, performing with the Georgia All-State

Orchestra and the Atlanta Symphony.

Susan Froelich - My last gymnastics meet as a senior in May of 1975. The University of Georgia coach was judging the meet and after the meet was over, she came up to me and offered me a gymnastics scholarship!.

Gail Garner - Going to Panama City, Homecoming dance, Prom

Beverly Gerber/Higgins - My friendship with Yvonne Pendelton.

Carol Giordano - Independent study my senior year at Fernbank Science Center.

Candy Gober - Cheerleader banner meetings, riding the bus with the drill team to football games, spendthe-night parties at Sherry McCain's, sneaking out at Lorrie Webb's house to roll houses, road trip to

Furman to see tommy (Sharon's car), sleeping in the church - I loved being with my friends!

Patty Guy - It is hard to list favorite highschool memories, because there are so many that I remember and many that I don't until someone reminds me of them! I remember different teachers like, Mr. Turner, and borrowing current events from the class ahead of me, Mrs. Carr,and her plastic flowers,

Mrs.Eyles, and her field trips and life lessons, Mr. Morgan and all those court cases, and sneaking out of home ec through the window, when Mrs. Hobbs wasn't looking. I am sure we could go on forever and am looking forward to everyone elses memories.

Jim Heard - too many to list. I really loved it. Here are a few: getting nabbed by Mr. Glover on the front law for skipping with Jay Hughes; playing piano for Miss Druid Hills, government class with Mr.

Morgan, Jr/Sr my junior year in an awful blue tux.

Laurie Huff - Our assistant principal

Jay Hughes - Asking "Why?"…

Gus Jordan - First, my worst high school memory: making the 8th grade float for homecoming; what was that thing? Best memory: cross country meets and long discussions about everything with good friends.

Pat Kelley - Football and baseball

Kathy Kinlaw - Yearbook staff dressing in costumes and going downtown (Jack B made a particularly lovely mermaid); backpacking trips with Mary Eyles, Mary and Dan Reed, and classmates;Close Up trip to D.C.; football games; amazing teachers; "Happy trails to you"; deep thoughtful conversations with great friends, many of whom continue to be life-long friends

Ray Kuniansky - There are many including arguing with Mr. Turner that the Holocaust really did happen;

Student Government with Tom, Lisa and Erin; parties at my house when my parents were away particularly the last three weeks of senior year; daquari days; and skipping school under Mr. Oran's nose just to recall a few.

Favorite Memories from Classmates

Steve Lazzara - Fall days with the classroom windows open in the main building.

Renee Lee - Can hardly remember that long ago, but I really had fun going to all the basketball games with

Melissa, Becky, Crystal, and Eileen (Becky was our driver)

Margaret Litchfield - Senior Year

Barbara Lovejoy - Chandler Parties, Jay Hughes pretending to jump out of the window in Mrs. Crawford's

English class, football games, never winning Homecomming or Stunt Nights, Eighth Grade.

Bob Manross - Establishing a long and enduring friendship with John Smith,at a time when most didn't get within arms reach of me.Today I call him my brother and without hesitation will give flesh and blood for his concerns.

Sylvia Mansour - Giggling with Missy Schiltz in Mr. Morgan's class.

Greg Maxey - As the speck in the rearview know as Druid Hills High School grows smaller, at 30 years out, it seems natural to turn nostalgic about the years between '70 and '75. When comparing my vicarious return to high school via my twin sons, who are seniors at Walton H S, I am left with one compelling memory: "Druid Hills was a time of unrestrained freedom, with a fraction of the rules and regulations of today!" … A freedom that could never be rekindled…This thought is sustained by mental snapshots and images real or imagined of: - Chemistry students experimenting sans gloves and safety glasses with truly noxious chemicals … sulfuric acid … benzene … lethal and toxic and posion … oh my! -

Seatbeltless muscle cars roaring to life at 3:15, testing their prowess on a greased parking lot ramp and the right-of ways beyond … - Student smoking sanctioned on campus with the ever popular

"smoking pass". Just provide a parental note … signature verification optional … was that just cigarette smoke I smelled? - With a drinking age of 18, intoxication was not just a trip to Dad's liquor cabinet. The "Good ol Days" were enjoyed by "Everybody" brazen enough to order at the Emory

Village speakeasies. - Physical Education included pyrotechnics from student placed torpedos on rail tracks. - curfew? we don't need no stinking curfew - Fortunately, with all this going on, the freedom of school prayer was also still possible. How did the Class of '75 survive? … and seemimgly with little or no consequencies! Some may argue that the consequenses came later … but not to the invincible high school student! While most of these things were only observed by myself, as Yogi Berra has said, "You can see a lot by observing". I certainly observed enough to know I would be terrified to let my own kids attend Timewarp DHHS class of '75. As another soothsayer, Jimmy Buffett, noted "We are the people our parents warned us about." Why were indulgences of the 70's possible? Maybe it was the "High Noon" of the Age of Aquarius, Maybe it was the blind eye of the guilt ridden society gifting war to each graduating class for 20 years, or possibly I watched one too many episodes of the

"Wonder Years" and have it all wrong. Regardless, 30 years have passed, and what Kurt Vonnegut

Jr, terms "your worst nightmare" is on the threshold of reality: "You wake up one morning and your high school class is running the country!" … I'm OK with that.

Keith Maxey - Homecomings building floats at Mary Helen Tanner's house and eating the cinnamon bisquits.

Sherry McCain - Being a student aid and singing sitcom theme songs; Mrs. Eyles biology class with brains

& eggs the day before disecting our fetal pig brain (yuk!); drill team spend-the-nights and sneaking out without my father knowing to go to the Krispy Kreme downtown; Dennis “Issac Hayes”

Susan McCann - The meetings at homes to build Homecoming Floats The challenge of skipping lunch and not getting caught by "Doyle" coming back to school, Drill Team, The many different friends I had fun with..

Favorite Memories from Classmates

Abbe Miller - I enjoyed my four years as a member of the Drill Team. We had fun at practice and performing our routines at football and basketball games. My friends were terrific -- we had great parties and fond memories!

Skip Moore - Winning regional basketball tournament and going to State finals in 1974 and playing at

Alexander Memorial. Going from club to club on picture day to see if I could get my picture in the

Saga more.

Bobby Moore - Being convinced by Gus Jordan that it was a good idea to skip the rest of the day to go swimming and that we wouldn't get caught! Our Jr. year Gus and I were "marshals" or something like that, leading in the seniors for their graduation. On the day of graduation practice we were excused from class to participate in the practice. When it was over we were told to return to class, but by tradition all the senior were free to go, so we drove out as they were leaving and went swimming.

Wayne Moore - I really enjoyed the relationships and experiences I had by being involved in band.

Pat Murphy - My favorite high school memories are not related to school itself. My favorite memories are of the events that took place during my high school years. Things like learning to drive a car, first date, first kiss, first beer and voting for the first time. This was, and still is, a big transitional period for nearly every teen. Of course the people that I shared those experiences with are also part of the memories. When I think back on those days it always brings a big grin to my face or causes me to laugh out loud.

Karen Murray - Drill team with sequinned uniforms; farrell's Ice Cream Parlor; chorus and playing the piano for them my senior year

Becky Norton - Being "The End" of the drill team

Mike O'Brien - I enjoyed playing saxophone in the band. I enjoyed math classes with Mrs. Simmons. I benefitted personally from attending high school at DHHS, where the unspoken expectation seemed to be that we would go on to complete at least one degree, see the world, and contribute to society in our careers. I can't say that those expectations drove me along my path in life, but they had some influence. The best part of high school was hanging out with Gary Anderson, Ken Berg, David Boles,

Mary Ellen Burgoon, Walter Brown, Richard Hallman, Donald Herr, Pete Peteet and Molly Unfug, both during and after high school. I still count these folks among my friends, although we do not see one another very often.

Greg Olmsted - Two character ballets: Carmen Suite and Le Lac des Cygnes. But especially Wednesday,

June 4, 1975, 8:00 p.m., Druid Hills Gymnasium

Bruce Parsons - I have a lot of great memories of band activities, including the extra curricular goings on, but I have to admit, with some regrets, that I mostly checked out (literally and figuratively) my senior year of high school.

Yvonne Pendleton - Mr. Morgan's class trip to Washington, our senior class trip to the Bahamas, anything

Drill Team, and painting The Lion senior year.

Keith Perdue - Generally an overall happy memory, my attorney recommended not to commit specific details to paper.

Janice Phillips - Banner meetings and Homecoming float building

Sherrie Pirhalla - My favorite high school memory has to be the innocence that we all experienced at one time or another. Like the time that I tried to portray myself as Kay Kelley, Pat's mom, trying anxiously to check him out of school. To my demise, it was Mr. Oran on the other end telling me that he would be waiting for me in detention that afternoon.

Favorite Memories from Classmates

David Pitman - Playing in state playoffs in basketball and baseball at GA Tech

Sharon Prybylowski - Drill Team/Cheerleader spend the night parties, Stunt Nights, working on

Homecoming floats, painting banners, Spring Breaks in Florida , late night roadtrip to Furman, first love, the Ponce de Leon haunted house, Boston Creme Pie, summers spent at Druid Hills Country

Club, bike rides with my bestest "guy" friend, painting the rock on Fraternity Row, cruising

McDonald's, and hanging out at Joker's Palace are but a few precious high school memories.

Perry Reaves - I think I got to know some of you best through the store where I was working in high school.

I met some of your parents and you got to know me better.

David Rice - All the beautiful girls at DHHS

Jim Roof - In tenth grade I was in Mrs. Strong's chemistry class and while everyone else ended up with one lab partner, I had three… Sophia Weatherby, Nancy Davis and Lisa Adamson. I have no idea how that came to pass and I probably couldn't pull that off again if my life hung in the balance. The favorite memory was the time that I convinced the three of them that I was drinking straight hydrochloric acid. It's too complicated to get into in the space here, just let me say that the setup was fairly elaborate and psychologically effective. At 48, do I still do these kinds of things? You betcha.

Diann Sanders - Can't say I have a particular favorite high school memory, but I will fond memories of waiting in the hallway for English class as that is where I met my best friend for life, Debby Daniel.

Missy Schiltz - My best friend is still Sylvia Mansour (Naguib).

Kendall Sherrill - I really have a lot of great memories from Druid Hills. Football is near the top (but mainly when we were juniors). Stunt Night as seniors. Basketball games. Building homecoming floats at the Tanner's. Mrs. Eyles, Mr. Morgan, Mrs. Clements, Mr. Hampton. All the great guys from

Scotdale - Dennis, Dwayne, Richard, Robert, Waddell. As 8th graders Jack Branscomb, Geri

Thompson and I wearing our "cool" white dress shoes on the same day. (I still cannot believe we did that! Isn't youthful naivety a great thing?) Working on the Saga staff. Growing and "maturing" under the tutelage the class of '74- Randy, Tommy, Stuart and others. I feel really blessed to have had a great high school experience which created many wonderful memories! My thanks to each of you who made it special.

John Smith - The first day of eighth grade, we had to assemble in the locker room with the big, bad ninthgraders for P.E. One of those ninth-graders ordered me to give him my seat on the bench and I made the mistake of ignoring him. A minute later I was sitting there minding my own business when I noticed my backside was getting a "little warm." It turned out the ninth-grader was using his cigarette lighter to char-grill my posterior. Talk about a hot seat! Needless to say, I quickly relinquished my place on the bench! So much for the first day of P.E. The first day of high school adventure was not over just yet, though. That afternoon, I was waiting to get on the bus to go home (survived the first day, yippee!) when a guy behind me sneaked his hand around me and pinched the girl in front of me on the..., you guessed it, the posterior. She turned around and slapped my face right off my head. It was like a scene from one of those really bad high school movies from the 1980's, except it took a couple days for my swollen face to return to normal. All in all, my first day as an eighth grader was an excellent argument for the middle school system most locales now have, but I would not trade those memories.

Beth Steenberg - One of my favorite unofficial high school classes, learning to drive in a variety of stick shift

VW's borrowed from friends who were brave enough to let me try; spending time at Mrs. Eyles house either practising the piano during the day or visiting her in the evenings; road trips with Rebekah in her convertible Bonneville; and laughing hysterically with Laurie Huff about anything and everything.

Favorite Memories from Classmates

Nelson Stewart - Class Night 75 when given the stage to honor celebrities including Mary Eyles, Maude

Hollingsworth, and Ray Dickenson

Angie Stowe - My fondest memories of high school were the football and basketball games.

Charles Strauss - The honor of being President of the Class of 1975. Banner parties at Mary Helen

Tanner's house, homecoming floats, stunt night (Happy Trails). Skipping classes allegedly to take care of class or Spotlight business. Playing soccer (including John Harsch and I speaking German on the field to fool the other team--it never worked, though). Senior trip to the Bahamas. Sloe gin fizz and bacardi cocktail parties at my house when my mom went out of town (shh--she still doesn't know). Mary Lynn Asbury giving me a ride to school every day in her Karman Ghia. Close Up.

Moe's and Joe's. The positive impact that my friendship with John Harsch has had on my life. The

Four Musketeers (Kathy Kinlaw, Gus Jordan, Bob Moore and me). Mary Reed, Mary Eyles, John

Hampton and Noreen Green.

Robert Sybers - There are so many good memories. My high school years were very rich and intense ones. All of my favorite memories involve good friends, so in an effort to "protect the innocent" I'll keep my mouth shut!

Geri Thompson - Basketball and football games, Senior Stunt Night - Happy Trails!

Lewis Thorp - Barbara Davis and I had Ms. Simmons for Algebra, and she shopped Neiman Marcus. She had a hairbrus with Neiman Marcus on it we thought was so cool!

Rodney Walker - Car Bashing fund raisers

Lynne Walling - I always enjoyed Mr. Morgan's classes, but my favorite memory is getting to drive my mom's car (1968 Volkswagen Fastback) to school during my senior year. The old man at the church next door would monitor where we parked and then my 2 brothers, friend Quinne Fokes and I would run to make homeroom on time. For open campus, I went home for lunch. Quinne and my brothers would try to pass me in the hall to see if I had the car in the afternoon and would pass the news to each other if I did. In the Spring, I think I drove that care more than my Mom did! My worst memory was dissecting that frog in Mrs. Eyles biology class. I still have nightmares about it!

Biff Walls - Morning basketball games in the gym and going to Hortons Deli for lunch everyday

Lorrie Webb - Candy Gober, Julie Bode, Dennis Yarborough, Laurie Guess, Candy's parents and her dog

Hans, Sherry's house across the street, drinking in Sharon Prybolowski's green mustang, happy hour with Susan McCann and Tim, Drill Team and the sequins

Mike Webb - Favorite Memory? What Memory!

Peter White - Throwing frisbees outside during physics.

Megan Williams - Listenign to Jim Roof play piano; Okeefeenokee trip with Peter White; hanging out with my best friends - Jewel, Linda and JoAnn

Christel Wunderlich - Chorus trips

Betty Yancey - Pep rallies and dances, art class

Dennis Yarbrough - Seeing Dwayne’s athleticism, the Stubbs’ graciousness, P.E.’s basketball, Manwaring coaching, Tom Stubbs’ rebelliousness, 9-1 football season, Morgan’s, Faulkner’s and Davis’ classes, participation in the senior play, Hollye Putney singing “I honestly Love you” at the showcase of

Anthology of music in the U.S. held at our theatre, Black History celebration and seeing Mr. Dixon dance to some Motown sound, Robert Hall being the best wrestler in the county, getting my lunch

Favorite Memories from Classmates card from my homeroom teachers each week, drinking with Chuck Sayre, riding the school bus from

Scottdale to Druid Hills, the Close-Up trip to Washington, D.C., which allowed us to meet President

Ford in the White House, being a class clown with Charles Strauss and Tripp Childs in Mr. Faulkner’s class, football, relationships, Richard Fears, Johnny McCree, Crump, Pat Rary, Waddell Britton, Keith

Perdue, Ward Gober, Greg Crochet, Peter Zubay, Howard Friedberg, Walter Yancey, Scott Langford,

Jack Kurt, Bible fellowship on Monday nights, Kendall Sherrill, B-Team baseball, my mother being very proud of Dwayne and me and finally, considered a role model for underclassmen…

Sharon Young - Batchelor of Ugliness contest 1975

David Zion - Of course - Graduation. Favorite memories include skipping lunch to walk to DQ. Long afternoons in Candler. The start of friendships that last until today. Ray Kuniansky and I have remained close - we both were the best man at each others weddings, and as we still manage to have lunch together several times a month. It is funny - now I am reliving some of my own high school watching my kids, so much has changed and yet so much is the same!
