Lipka 1 Sheldan Lipka English 1020 Professor Muecke 8 February

Lipka 1
Sheldan Lipka
English 1020
Professor Muecke
13 February 2016
Pure Michigan Commercials
“Your trip begins at” (Pure Michigan). This is the iconic line used at the
end of all Pure Michigan commercials reminding viewers that their next vacation begins with a
single step. But, before the viewers decide to take that first step, they must first be convinced that
Michigan is their next vacation spot. In order to persuade future vacationers to spending their
time in Michigan, the Pure Michigan commercials appeal to viewers in many different ways. The
Pure Michigan commercials lure tourists into vacationing in Michigan by elegantly describing
scenery, presenting beautiful scenery, and providing interesting information.
In the Pure Michigan commercials, vacationers are attracted to Michigan because of the
way the narrator beautifully describes Michigan. For the beginning of the commercial to the end
of the commercial, viewers are stunned by the voice Tim Allen. Tim Allen has lived in Michigan
since he was eleven years old (Bush). Having grown up in Michigan and experienced firsthand
the awe of Michigan, Tim Allen speaks from the heart about Michigan. Tim Allen’s passion for
Michigan translates into the Pure Michigan commercials by his enthusiasm and his lure to have
people vacation in Michigan. Furthermore, having someone who has lived in Michigan and
understood its beauty, vacationers are more attracted to visiting in Michigan. As for people who
currently live in Michigan, it challenges them to rediscover their state by visiting different
regions than the one they reside in.
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Besides the person who does the voiceover for the Pure Michigan commercials, it is how
Tim Allen presents what is being said about Michigan. Tim Allen presents the material in the
Pure Michigan commercials in a way that is soothing and comforting to hear. In an interview,
Tim Allen said, “I have done voice-overs, but never like this, where I clearly just used the best
parts of my pipes” (Bush). By using what Tim Allen considers the best part of his vocal cords,
the viewer is serenaded into the beauty of Michigan. Tim Allen being able to do this makes
viewers feel relaxed and exceptive of what they hear, making the Pure Michigan commercials
very effective.
Other than the narrator’s pleasing voice, the Pure Michigan commercials use beautiful
scenery to captivate vacationers. In the Pure Michigan commercials, the audience views beautiful
beaches, forests, and city squares. These images are crystal clear, simple and perfect. The images
of Michigan that are shown captivate vacationers and Michiganders alike. These images get to
the core of human emotions, and that is why the Pure Michigan ads are acclaimed to be one of
the top campaigns for tourism (Alexander).
Another technique used in the Pure Michigan commercials that help attract vacationers is
that the commercials are generally in slow motion. The reason to show scenery and landmarks in
slow motion is so the viewer can absorb the content that is placed before them. Furthermore,
showing the viewer beautiful scenery in slow motion really allows future tourists to take in
possible vacationing destinations. For those that live in Michigan, the scenes displayed in the
Pure Michigan commercials really pull at their heartstrings (Alexander). Overall, the display
shown in the Pure Michigan commercials rise many loving emotions into people that aren’t felt
by any other vacationing advertisement.
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Besides using captivating scenery, the Pure Michigan commercials use compelling
information to persuade vacationers to visit Michigan. One important thing for future vacationers
is to learn more about activities they can participate in before they actually go and do it. Every
likes to have a sense of security when it comes to spending hard earned money. That is why
some of the Pure Michigan commercials contain information to help ease the discomfort some
vacationers may have against spending their time in Michigan. One interesting fact that is used in
a Pure Michigan commercial is, “the light from over 100 lighthouses and beckoning us back to
the real and true” (Pure Michigan). This simple statement helps to provide vacationers with
information while at the same time appealing to their emotions. These factual statements help to
provide vacationers with the information that lighthouses are wonderful tourist destinations.
The Pure Michigan commercials also provide information about other activities that can
be enjoyed, such as golf. In one of the Pure Michigan commercials the narrator says, “Over 800
pristine courses make for the perfect tee time” (Pure Michigan). Golf can be enjoyed by both
vacationers and individuals who already live in Michigan. In the United States alone, there are
26.2 million golfers ( This Pure Michigan commercial appeals to
many individuals who have a passion to play golf and enjoy spending time on the course.
Furthermore, this commercial isn’t just for individuals who play golf, but for those who like to
enjoy the outdoors and still have the luxuries of a great hotel.
Ultimately, the Pure Michigan commercials are important to the economic stability of Michigan.
In an article by Dave Alexander, he says that, “In Michigan, tourism is the third-largest
economic sector” (Alexander). For Michigan, tourism is one of the largest forms of generating
revenue. But, to generate that kind of revenue, Michigan must produce a commercial that attracts
a vast array of people to vacation in Michigan. The Pure Michigan commercials help fuel
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Michigan’s economy by fueling the tourist industry. The former governor of Michigan said,
“The funding allows us to advertise Michigan’s wealth of winter activities to potential visitors”
(“Pure Michigan Ad Campaign”). Incoming visitors are very important to Michigan’s economy
because the tourism industry creates jobs and revenue for Michigan. In the article by Dave
Alexander, he states that Michigan “generates more than 18 billion of annual activity, while
employing more than 140,000 people” (Alexander). As the evidence shows, the tourism industry
is very important to Michigan’s economy. If the Pure Michigan commercials were to cease,
Michigan’s economy would plummet due to the loss of revenue generated by tourism. Former
governor of Michigan said, “For each dollar invested in Pure Michigan advertising, the state got
back $2.94 in new, incremental taxes paid by these out-of-state visitors” (“Pure Michigan Ad
Campaign”). In the grand scheme of things, that is a detrimental loss if the Pure Michigan
commercials were to stop. The Pure Michigan commercials have done nothing but help the state
of Michigan.
Overall, the Pure Michigan commercials use elegantly described scenery, beautiful
scenery, and interesting facts to persuade vacationers to visit Michigan. The wonderful voice of
Tim Allen captivates and soothes audiences and persuades them to vacation in Michigan. With
Tim Allen’s experience from living in Michigan, the audience can really feel the emotion
coming from his statements. Also, the beautiful scenery is very compelling. The imagery of
beautiful landscapes and pretty colors stick into the viewers minds. Furthermore, the Pure
Michigan commercials provide information to inform future tourist. But, the most important
thing of all is how the Pure Michigan commercials help support Michigan economy. Without the
Pure Michigan commercials, Michigan economy would suffer. The Pure Michigan commercials
are a powerful tool used to better the state of Michigan.
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Works Cited
Alexander, Dave. “Michigan Legislators hear of ‘Pure Michigan’ success from testimony at
Muskegon.” 3 Feb. 2011. Web. Feb, 2011.
Bush, Michael. “Tim Allen Counts Ad Campaign Among His Best Work.” 9 July
2009. Web. Feb. 2011.
“How many golfers are in the U.S.?.” 2011. Web. Feb. 2011.
“Pure Michigan.” 2011. Web. Feb. 2011.
“Pure Michigan Ad Campaign Receives Additional $10 Million.” 16th
December 2010. Web. Feb. 2011.