January 30, 2006 C#04-06 Page 1 COUNCIL - C#04

COUNCIL - C#04-06
Monday, January 30, 2006
7:30 p.m.
Council Chambers
Richmond Hill Town Hall
225 East Beaver Creek Road
Richmond Hill, Ontario
Acting Mayor Brenda Hogg
A meeting of the Council of the Town of Richmond Hill was held on Monday, January 30, 2006
at 7:40 p.m. in the Council Chambers. The meeting was preceded by a Question and Answer
Period at which the following member of the public addressed Council:
Prisca Kenel, 22 Fairview Avenue, regarding request for a temporary parking permit to park a
Special Needs School Bus in her driveway.
The following Members of Council were present:
Acting Mayor Hogg
Councillor Spatafora
Councillor Warner
Councillor Cohen
Councillor Foster
Councillor Di Iorio
Councillor Di Paola
The following members of Staff were present:
J. Anderton, Chief Administrative Officer
R. Miller, Assistant Town Solicitor
J. Babcock, Commissioner of Planning and Development
S. Baker, Commissioner of Fire and Emergency Services (Fire Chief)
I. Brutto, Acting Commissioner of Engineering and Public Works
D. Elliott, Commissioner of Finance and Treasurer
L. Friedberg, Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and Culture
D. Luker, Commissioner of Corporate Services
C. Pitcher, Communications Officer
R.C. Prowse, Town Clerk
G. Collier, Assistant Clerk
Moved by:
Councillor Foster
Seconded by: Councillor Spatafora
That the agenda be adopted as circulated by the Clerk, with the following additions:
SRPRC.06.16 (Agenda Item No. 3.0);
Correspondence from Prisca Kenel, 22 Fairview Avenue, dated January 17, 2006
submitted during this evening’s Question and Answer Period.
Carried Unanimously
January 30, 2006
Page 2
Moved by:
Councillor Foster
Seconded by: Councillor Spatafora
That the request for a temporary parking permit as outlined in the January 17, 2006
correspondence submitted by Prisca Kenel, 22 Fairview Avenue, during this evening’s
Question and Answer Period, be referred to staff for consideration.
Carried Unanimously
There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest by Members of Council under the Municipal
Conflict of Interest Act.
Special Council Meeting C#01-06
January 11, 2006
Moved by:
Councillor Foster
Seconded by: Councillor Cohen
That the minutes of Special Council Meeting C#01-06 held on January 11, 2006 be
Carried Unanimously
Council Public Meeting C#02-06
January 11, 2006
Moved by:
Councillor Cohen
Seconded by: Councillor Spatafora
That the minutes of Council Public Meeting C#02-06 held on January 11, 2006 be
Carried Unanimously
Council Meeting C#03-06
January 16, 2006
Moved by:
Councillor Spatafora
Seconded by: Councillor Foster
That the minutes of Council Meeting C#03-06 held on January 16, 2006 be adopted.
Carried Unanimously
Moved by:
Councillor Cohen
Seconded by: Councillor Spatafora
That the following Items be approved and that the various officials of the Corporation be
hereby authorized and directed to take such action as may be necessary to give effect to
the recommendations contained therein:
January 30, 2006
Page 3
Minutes – Audit Committee meeting A#01-06 of January 16, 2006
That the minutes of the Audit Committee meeting A#01-06 held on January 16, 2006 be
adopted as circulated and the following recommendation be approved:
Rec. 1
Capital Process Review – Consultant’s Final Report – (SRFIN.06.007)
That the Audit Committee receive the Final Report on the Town’s Capital
Program Review attached to SRFIN.06.007, prepared and presented by
MHPM Project Managers Inc., and endorse the five (5) items outlined in
the January 3, 2006 Management Response to this report, as follows:
development of a 10 year capital forecasting plan that includes all
capital projects and identifies funding sources for those projects to
be presented to Council by June 2006;
the recommendation of the consultant’s report that all facility and
parks related capital projects be managed within one entity be
referred to the Chief Administrative Officer for her consideration;
address the report’s overall theme of strengthening accountability
by moving forward in this direction with the development of work
plans which include capital projects;
review and consideration of a number of process improvements
identified in the report, especially the recommendation that a risk
management process be developed and included as part of the
capital management life cycle at the Town;
establish the new Financial Information System as a pilot project
using recommended accountability tools as appropriate to model
the new capital project management approach at the Town.
That staff consider all comments provided at the January 16, 2006 Audit
Committee meeting as the recommendations in the report are
Minutes - Committee of the Whole meeting CW#02-06 of January 23, 2006
That the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting CW#02-06 held on January 23,
2006 be adopted as circulated and the following recommendations be approved:
Rec. 1
Rec. 2
GeoSmart Program Funding Update – (SRCSD.06.03) - (Item No. 7)
That information on the current status of the provincial GeoSmart funding
program and the Town’s GeoSmart application be received;
That Town funds for the 2005 capital items associated with the GeoSmart
funding application be returned to their source account.
All-Way Stop Request – ‘T’ Intersection of Pearson Avenue and Scott Drive
– File No. T06-S-T – (SRE.06.013) - (Item No. 9)
That the implementation of an all-way stop control at the ‘T’-intersection
of Pearson Avenue and Scott Drive be approved;
That Chapter 1128, Schedule ‘A’ (Stop Sign – Location) of the Municipal
Code be amended by adding the following:
Column 1
Highway 1
Column 2
Highway 2
Column 3
Traffic Travelling
Pearson Avenue
Scott Drive
All directions
January 30, 2006
Page 4
Rec. 3
Rec. 4
That Bayview Avenue from approximately 21.6m north of Newman
Avenue to approximately 156m north of Newman Avenue be constructed
as a Local Improvement under the provision of Ontario Regulation 119/03
Local Improvement Charges – Priority Lien Status;
That By-law No. 14-06 for the reconstruction of Bayview Avenue from
approximately 21.5m north of Newman Avenue to approximately 156m
north of Newman Avenue under Ontario Regulation 119/03 Local
Improvement Charges – Priority Lien Status be enacted.
Engineer’s Report on Local Improvement Works Road Reconstruction Bayview Avenue from approximately 33m north of North Lake Road to
approximately 432m north of North Lake Road – (SRE.06.024) - (Item No.
That Bayview Avenue from approximately 33m north of North Lake Road to
approximately 432m north of North Lake Road not be constructed as a Local
Improvement under the provision of Ontario Regulation 119/03 Local
Improvement Charges – Priority Lien Status as a result of this project being
sufficiently petitioned against.
Rec. 5
Bayview Hill Community Centre Addition Architects Agreement –
(SRPROP.06.02) - (Item No. 15)
That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary agreements for
the Bayview Hill Community Centre Addition Project, upon the written
recommendation of the Commissioner of Engineering and Public Works.
Rec. 6
Rec. 7
Engineer’s Report on Local Improvement Works Road Reconstruction Bayview Avenue from approximately 21.5m north of Newman Avenue to
approximately 156m north of Newman Avenue – (SRE.06.023) - (Item No.
Duke of Richmond Park Project Steering Committee Formation –
(SRPRC.06.02) - (Item No. 1)
That a Duke of Richmond Park Project Steering Committee be formed as
per the Town’s Capital Budget Policy, subject to approval of the project as
part of the 2006 Capital Budget review process;
That the Duke of Richmond Park Steering Committee consist of the
Mayor, Ward 1 Councillor, Ward 4 Councillor, Chief Administrative
Officer, Commissioner of Finance, Commissioner of Parks, Recreation
and Culture and Director of Parks Development and Design, and the
Clerk’s Office provide staff assistance to organize the Steering Committee
meetings, take minutes and circulate agendas.
Bond Lake Park Project Steering Committee Formation – (SRPRC.06.06) (Item No. 3)
That a Bond Lake Park Project Steering Committee be formed as per the
Town’s Capital Budget Policy, subject to approval of the project as part of
the 2006 Capital Budget review process;
That the Bond Lake Park Project Steering Committee consist of the
Mayor, Ward 1 Councillor, Chief Administrative Officer, Commissioner
of Finance, Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and Culture and Director
of Parks Development and Design, and the Clerk’s Office provide staff
assistance to organize the Steering Committee meetings, take minutes and
circulate agendas.
January 30, 2006
Page 5
Rec. 8
Construction of Beaver Woodland Trail Phase 1 – (SRPRC.06.08) - (Item
No. 4)
That construction of Phase I of the Beaver Woodland Trail be endorsed and that
staff be instructed to proceed to tender the capital construction works on condition
that Phase II of the project be brought forward to Committee of the Whole for
Rec. 9
Rec. 10
Silver Pines Public School Traffic Concerns – (SRE.06.003) - (Item No. 8)
That a School Crossing Guard be approved at the intersection of
Shaftsbury Avenue and Stave Crescent (South Leg) including pavement
markings and signage commencing in the spring of 2006;
That the 2006 Engineering and Public Works draft budget (Account No.
611-101130) be increased by $6,500 for this position to accommodate this
That the existing sidewalk on the west side of Stave Crescent be extended
south to Waterhouse Way and the estimated construction cost of $7,200 be
funded from the Sidewalk Reserve and included with the balance of other
capital sidewalks projects proposed for 2006;
That Chapter 1116, Schedule ‘B’ (Stopping Prohibited-Signs-Displayed)
of the Municipal Code be amended by adding the following:
From and To
Prohibited Times of Day
Stave Crescent
On the northerly leg
from the west limit to
Shaftsbury Avenue
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday
July & August exempt
Assumption of Municipal Services - 19T-86100 Ballymore Development
(Bayview) Corp. - Plan 65M-3496 – File No. D03-86100 Phase 1 –
(SRE.06.018) - (Item No. 10)
That the assumption of the internal aboveground and belowground
services (excluding the stormwater management facility and parks services
within Block 81 of Plan 65M-3496) within Plan 65M-3496, for lands
known as Nantucket Drive, Bel Canto Crescent and Lacona Crescent, for
lands known as subdivision file 19T-86100 from Ballymore Developments
(Bayview) Corp. be approved;
That the assumption of the external belowground services within an
easement described as Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 17 of Plan 65R-23526,
associated with subdivision file 19T-86100 from Ballymore Developments
(Bayview) Corp. be approved;
That those lands more particularly described as Nantucket Drive, Bel
Canto Crescent and Lacona Crescent, within the limits of Plan 65M-3496,
be assumed as public highway;
That the following reserve Blocks within Plan 65M-3496 be established as
public highway:
Blocks 83 and 84 to form part of Nantucket Drive;
Block 85 to form part of Bel Canto Crescent.
January 30, 2006
Page 6
Rec. 11
Rec. 12
167 Coon’s Road, Pina and Roger Rotilio – Land Conveyance and
Acquisition – (SRE.06.019) - (Item No. 11)
That the Town acquire lands described as Part 3 on Plan 65R-28133;
That the Town lands described as Parts 1 and 2 on Plan 65R-28133 be
declared surplus;
That the Commissioner of Finance be directed to place the necessary
advertisements and obtain the necessary appraisal to facilitate the disposal
of Parts 1 and 2 on Plan 65R-28133 in accordance with the Municipal Act,
That the arrangements with respect to the disposal of Parts 1 and 2 on Plan
65R-28133 include the requirement that an easement on Part 1 be reserved
by the Town for the purpose of operation and maintenance of storm
Engineer’s Report on Local Improvement Works Road Reconstruction Birch Avenue from Avenue Road to the end - (SRE.06.022) - (Item No. 12)
That Birch Avenue from Avenue Road to the end be constructed as a
Local Improvement under the provision of Ontario Regulation 119/03
Local Improvement Charges – Priority Lien Status;
That By-law No. 15-06 for the reconstruction of Birch Avenue from
Avenue Road to the end, under the Ontario Regulation 119/03 Local
Improvement Charges – Priority Lien Status be enacted.
Bayview Hill Community Centre Expansion Project - (New Business Item)
(Rec. 13 was withdrawn in accordance with Recommendation a) of SRPRC.06.16
as approved in Agenda Item No. 3.0)
Rec. 14
Gridlock Task Force meeting held on January 18, 2006 – Recommendation
relating to the 16th Avenue Environmental Assessment Study - (New Business
That Richmond Hill Town Council request the Region of York to provide
representation at any public meetings that are held by Local Councillors to
provide information to residents on the Environmental Assessment Study for the
16th Avenue Widening (Yonge Street to McCowan Road).
Formation of Project Steering Committee - Bayview Hill Expansion Project –
That Recommendation 13 of the Committee of the Whole meeting held on
January 23, 2006 with respect to the Bayview Hill Expansion Project be
That the formation of the Bayview Hill Expansion Project Steering Committee be
approved and be comprised of the Mayor, Ward Councillor, Chief Administrative
Officer, Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and Culture, Commissioner of
Finance, Director of Recreation and Culture, Director of Asset Management, and
the Clerk’s Office provide staff assistance to organize the Steering Committee
meetings, take minutes and circulate agendas.
Carried Unanimously
January 30, 2006
Page 7
Janet Babcock, Commissioner of Planning and Development, Chair for the Town’s 2005 United
Way Campaign, announced that the Town of Richmond Hill was the recipient of an award
plaque from the United Way of York Region for winning the Municipal Challenge Award in the
Municipalities with More Than 300 Employees category.
By-law No. 14-06, A By-law to Authorize the Reconstruction of Bayview Avenue from
approximately 21.5m North of Newman Avenue to approximately 156m North of Newman
Avenue in the Town of Richmond Hill to urban standards as a local improvement under the
provisions of Ontario Regulation 119/03 – Local Improvement Charges Priority Lien Status
made under the Municipal Act, 2001
Moved by:
Councillor Warner
Seconded by: Councillor Foster
That By-law No. 14-06 be taken as read a first and second time.
Carried Unanimously
Moved by:
Councillor Warner
Seconded by: Councillor Foster
That By-law No. 14-06 be taken as read a third time and finally passed and the Mayor
and Clerk be authorized to sign same and have the seal of the Corporation attached
Carried Unanimously
By-law No. 15-06, A By-law to Authorize the Reconstruction of Birch Avenue from Avenue
Road to the End in the Town of Richmond Hill to urban standards as a local improvement under
the provisions of Ontario Regulation 119/03 – Local Improvement Charges Priority Lien Status
made under the Municipal Act, 2001
Moved by:
Councillor Warner
Seconded by: Councillor Foster
That By-law No. 15-06 be taken as read a first and second time.
Carried Unanimously
Moved by:
Councillor Warner
Seconded by: Councillor Foster
That By-law No. 15-06 be taken as read a third time and finally passed and the Mayor
and Clerk be authorized to sign same and have the seal of the Corporation attached
Carried Unanimously
By-law No. 23-06, A By-law to Amend Chapter 1116, Schedule ‘B’ of the Town of Richmond
Hill Municipal Code respecting Stopping and Chapter 1128, Schedule ‘A’ of the Town of
Richmond Hill Municipal Code respecting Stop Sign - Location
Moved by:
Councillor Warner
Seconded by: Councillor Foster
That By-law No. 23-06 be taken as read a first and second time.
Carried Unanimously
January 30, 2006
Page 8
Moved by:
Councillor Warner
Seconded by: Councillor Foster
That By-law No. 23-06 be taken as read a third time and finally passed and the Mayor
and Clerk be authorized to sign same and have the seal of the Corporation attached
Carried Unanimously
By-law No. 24-06, A By-law to assume internal aboveground and belowground services and to
assume and establish certain lands as public highway
Moved by:
Councillor Warner
Seconded by: Councillor Foster
That By-law No. 24-06 be taken as read a first and second time.
Carried Unanimously
Moved by:
Councillor Warner
Seconded by: Councillor Foster
That By-law No. 24-06 be taken as read a third time and finally passed and the Mayor
and Clerk be authorized to sign same and have the seal of the Corporation attached
Carried Unanimously
February 20, 2006 Budget Committee of the Whole Meeting – Proposed New Start Time
Moved by:
Councillor Warner
Seconded by: Councillor Cohen
That the Budget Committee of the Whole meeting to be held on February 20, 2006 be
rescheduled to commence at 10:00 a.m., and that public notice of the revised start time of
the meeting be provided accordingly.
Carried Unanimously
By-law No. 25-06, A By-law to confirm the proceedings of Council at this meeting
Moved by:
Councillor Di Paola
Seconded by: Councillor Spatafora
That By-law No. 25-06 be taken as read a first and second time.
Carried Unanimously
Moved by:
Councillor Di Paola
Seconded by: Councillor Spatafora
That By-law No. 25-06 be taken as read a third time and finally passed and the Mayor
and Clerk be authorized to sign same and have the seal of the Corporation attached
Carried Unanimously
January 30, 2006
Page 9
Moved by:
Councillor Spatafora
Seconded by: Councillor Di Iorio
That the meeting be adjourned.
Carried Unanimously
The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Acting Mayor
Town Clerk