Visitor Research

Visitor Research
Quarter ending
31 December 2002
Land and Life Watkins Tapsell Collection
1 Oct – 6 Oct
The 2002 Archibald Prize
12 Oct – 10 Nov
Hermanns Art Award
12 Oct – 1 Dec
One Step Ahead
16 Nov – 1 Dec
Southern Sydney Primary Schools
Waterviews: Howard Hinton Collection
7 Dec – 31 Dec
Rhapsody From Kirrawee to Chianti
7 Dec – 31 Dec
Hazelhurst Regional Gallery & Arts Centre
Visitor Research
Quarter ending 31 December 2002
This report documents the findings of the visitor research undertaken during the months of
October, November and December 2002. During the quarter visitors viewed six exhibitions
(as detailed on the front cover). The analysis reflects visitor profiles and media habits, views
on exhibitions, motivations for visiting Hazelhurst, frequency of visits and levels of
satisfaction with Hazelhurst facilities generally.
Visitors complete a questionnaire available from the two reception areas (Regional Gallery
Foyer and Art Centre) and deposit in a box located in each area.
The number of questionnaires completed this quarter totalled 157 (1.5 % response rate).
Research Summary
During this quarter, it is estimated there were 10,241 visitors to Hazelhurst Regional Gallery
to view the exhibitions, of which 50% visited during the period of the 2002 Archibald Prize
exhibition showing. This is the highest attendance figure attained over the past twelve
months and represents a 15 % increase in attendance since last quarter. This includes visits
by community groups and schools. However, it must be highlighted, that the estimation of
visitor numbers is not definitive, and is a conservative estimation, as precise calculation of
visitor numbers is impossible with the current system of volunteers manually recording
numbers on a calendar daily. As there are occasions, when volunteer desk staff may be busy
- assisting with visitor enquiries, merchandise, purchases, conducting guided tours etc, visits
may go by unrecorded, thereby reducing reliability of data collected.
Total visitors to Hazelhurst Regional Gallery & Arts Centre for the quarter was 42,630. A
detailed breakdown of visitor numbers is attached (Refer Attachment A).
Visitors’ comments regarding the exhibitions are predominantly favourable, praising the work
and the artists. The Archibald Prize exhibition, One Step Ahead and the Community Gallery
Photography exhibition were particularly popular. Many comments illustrate visitors’ pleasure
at being able to view the Archibald Prize on home territory “in the Shire”.
“Great to get the “big” Archibald locally – no hassle to go into the city”.
“I was thrilled to see the Archibald selections in such a peaceful relaxed setting – bravo!”
The complete list of comments provided by visitors is appended (Attachment B).
On a more general note, visitors continue to be delighted and impressed with Hazelhurst,
complementing its ambience, design, programs, service and amenity.
“Hazelhurst is great for our Shire – we have plenty of sporting venues but nothing else like
this – it offers so much for all members of the Shire.”
This positive response is continued through high satisfaction ratings for the exhibitions
presented in the Community Gallery – particularly the Sutherland Shire National Exhibition of
Photography and Scenes of the Royal National Park : Daniel Hutchings.
Service provided by the two Information Desks rates highly with 95% of respondents saying
they were satisfied/very satisfied with the Regional Gallery reception desk service, and 84%
saying the same for the Art Centre Information desk.
Service received by respondents in the Café also rates well with 76% of respondents saying
they were satisfied/very satisfied. However, the remaining responses must also be
considered and highlight need for improvement - 18% rated the service ‘fair’, 3% were
‘unsatisfied’ and 3% were ‘very unsatisfied’. Higher results have been obtained for rating the
Gallery Café food with 87% of customers saying they were ‘satisfied/very satisfied’ with the
food. Only 2% stated they were ‘very unsatisfied’.
Audience Profile
As with previous surveys, the audience remains predominantly female (81%) and aged over
35 years (71%). We have been able to sustain the higher percentage of visitors aged under
25 (at 14%) evidenced last quarter compared to previous quarters. The highest level of
visitation was by those aged between 35 to 55 years (36%), closely followed by the over 55
years age group (35%).
The majority of visitors (56%) are employed in either full time or part time work and have
completed tertiary education (66%). Homemakers comprise 13% of the audience, with
retirees constituting 23%. Students total 4%.
Visitors to Hazelhurst are predominantly Australian born (84%) and of Australian parentage
(68%). The remaining visitors sited their country of origin as England (6%), New Zealand
(1%) and the USA (1%). There were also visitors who stated their country of origin to be
Poland, Czech Republic, Egypt, India, Namibia, France and Latvia.
The main types of entertainment that respondents cited undertaking in the past year ranged
from attending the movies (91%), visiting a public art gallery (65%), visiting a commercial
public gallery (44%), a museum (54%), attending traditional theatre (39%) and sporting
events (36%).
As with the last two reports, the main reason given by respondents for visiting Hazelhurst
was to view the latest exhibitions (63%). However this quarter saw a 21% rise in visitors
citing this reason, which can be attributed to the popularity of the Archibald Prize exhibition.
This was followed by “visiting the Café” (18%) and “recommendations by friends and family”
(16%). Other reasons given were showing a visiting friend/relative around (6%) and
advertising (6%).
Geographic Profile
The geographic profile of visitors to the exhibitions reflects the continuing local patronage.
This quarter there was a 6% increase in visitors drawn from within the Sutherland Shire
(68%). Visitors from the St George area comprised 12% of the audience (-1%), whilst 20% of
visitors came from elsewhere in NSW / Australia (-5%).
Media Habits
The profile of visitor media habits remains consistent with art gallery visitors and the
“culturally aware” with a clear skew to watching mainly ABC TV (47%) and listening to ABC
Classic FM (19%) and 702 ABC (13%). Other radio stations proving popular are 2DAYFM
(14%) and 2BL (10%). However, in relation to print media, and in line with the geographic
profile of the audience, it is not surprising the high number of visitors, who rated The St
George and Sutherland Shire Leader (67%) as their main newspaper. The next most popular
read is the Saturday edition of the Sydney Morning Herald (39%), followed by the Sun
Herald (34%), the Sunday Telegraph (34%) and the weekday edition of the Sydney Morning
Herald (33%).
In addition to newspaper advertising, visitors also cited cinema advertising, information
obtained from libraries, banners, school newsletters, letterbox drops and the Council web
page as sources of information on Hazelhurst and its activities.
As with previous quarters, there is still a fair proportion of new and seldom art gallery visitors
(18%) being attracted to Hazelhurst, although the decline evidenced last quarter has been
maintained. Results last quarter indicated a substantial decrease (by 15%) since the
previous quarter and figures this quarter have not risen. This coupled with the 20% of visitors
(a decrease of 5% since last quarter) enjoying Hazelhurst for the first time, suggests growth
may be slowing. The majority of visitors had said they had visited Hazelhurst more than 5
times (44%), highlighting our success in maintaining interest in the facilities and ability to
retain and develop loyal patronage.
The nature of the visit continues to be a relaxed one with the majority of visitors staying over
an hour (71%). The visitation times for these exhibitions were fairly consistent throughout day
- 26% attending between 10am – 12 noon, peak attendance between 12 noon and 2pm at
44% and 34% between 2pm and 5pm.
Merchandise preferences from those who responded is for ceramics (37%), jewellery (36%),
pottery (35%), art picture/instruction books (35%), children’s art books (30%), postcards &
greeting cards (28%), postcards/greeting cards (28%), posters/prints (23%) and calendars
(23%).The less popular merchandise items are handbags, keyrings, wallets, coin purses,
hats and beach towels.
Future Events
Of the suggested future events that respondents may be interested in attending, the most
popular choices were art markets (56%), outdoor cinema (50%), music concerts (42%) and
art appreciation talks (36%), which is consistent with previous survey results. The results
indicate an opportunity to develop and expand current programming to include such events
in future and attract further audiences.
Overall, the feedback from the questionnaires continues to be very encouraging and
suggests a very receptive audience to services and programs. The high attendance figures
evidenced this quarter illustrate the positive impact of presenting a well known and topical
show such as the Archibald Prize.
Hazelhurst continues to foster a growing segment of loyal return customers, whilst still
successfully attracting the new visitor, although the level has slowed over the past two
quarters and seems to be stagnating. Subsequent reports will determine whether this level
will continue to be maintained or improve again.
Visitation by those residing outside the Sutherland Shire has been maintained suggesting
continuing awareness of and interest in Hazelhurst and confirming the effectiveness of
marketing strategies and positive publicity.
Movements in audience profiles since the previous research conducted are illustrated in the
comparative table attached (refer Attachment C).
Andrea Merlak
Marketing Coordinator
January 2003