INSET PLANNING Staff meeting content and LTM dates AUTUMN TERM 14-15 8 weeks first half term /7 weeks second half term 1st September to the 19th December Date Staff meeting items SMT items Support staff CPD MONDAY MONDAY 1/9 Mon INSET Tour new classroom. 9:00 - Safeguarding display and changes in staffroom. 9:15 – 10:15 Evidence gather of what makes our school great – big books out. 10:30 - School focus diagram and action planning – key priorities for the year and Trio focus areas. 11:00 -Teaching and Learning policy and marking policy – updates and agreed approaches from now on. Key stage meetings. Classroom prep time. 8/9 Mon Staff meeting – general team meetings prep for the year. 9/9 Tue INSET day Alan Peat training £995 9:00 – 3:00 booked. Twilight for Tuesday 29th July 2015 Writing and Reading Helen G and Sandra Twilight - follow on from Aman Peat – begin complete action plans in teams on writing and its assessment. 15/9 Mon 22/9 Mon Team action plan writing, parental liaison and team meetings for the year. 3:30– Hand out new action plans and new SIP to see the links to whole school development. OFSTED KEY POINTS – NEXT STEPS 4:00 – 5:30 £500 per team to spend this year. Write KS action plans for the year. EYFS, KS1, LKS2, UKS2 How will we develop approaches to Writing, Grammar and Punctuation in light of Alan Peat INSET? How will we allow every child to know what EXACTLY they need to do to improve their writing? How can we enhance differentiation further through methods like the chilli peppers? What other targets are pertinent SMT 2:30 Half hour diary meeting and prep for term re SIP themes. Sue Atkins Gill and Sandra to lead a meeting with KS1 SERI support team. Nina / Carol / team leaders to meet support staff 1:1 and set targets for year. Nina Sue Karen Bd and Carol to meet with Mid Day support team and plan lunchtime activities and clubs for the year Mark to support AM7 data entry by support staff. Denise and Karen to meet with support staff and re data entry to Venn Diagrams 29/09 Mon Sat to our key stage in light of Alan Peat INSET? From pupil progress meetings what impact do you hope to achieve from having more indepth meetings with target family children? How can we make links between subjects in our key stages to provide creative opportunities for learning. How will we further develop problem solving approaches to Maths? Twilight Twilight for Tuesday 29th July 2015 ESPRESSO Training CODING!!!! Confirmed??? Meet as a governing body and SMT on a SATURDAY for forward planning. 9-12. 06/10 Mon Toil for 22/09 13/10 Mon 10 minutes – general meeting updates etc in staff room. Work on Key stage action plans. Prepare for Trio Lesson studies to take place next half term paired observations. Focus: Developing approaches to writing in light of Alan Peat training and monitoring this impact on pupil progress and pupil engagement. Check intervention files and update. Update IEP and IBPs 20/10 27th Oct – 31st Oct 03/11 Mon SMTmonitor policy in practise and book and planning scrutiny in years 1, 2/1, 2 Half Trip risk assessments??? 10 minutes – general meeting updates etc in staff room. Trio Taking Stock Twilight: Staff to share findings so far. Review lessons and its impact on the pupils Share videos/photos/pupil feedback What are our next steps? What do we need to change, maintain? What will we need to do / buy / make to help us achieve this? UPDATE KS Action plans and update presentations to govs. Then – look at the long term subject leader action plans for next year and SMT monitor policy in practise and book and planning scrutiny in Y3, Y4 and 4/3 Term 10/11 Mon 17/11 Mon 24/11 Mon 01/12 Mon 08/12 Mon 15/12 Mon begin to map out the spring term curriculum 2014. Information governance training. Ict suite. CONFIRMED!!!! 3:20 -4:20 Simon Oldfield 0161 4744048 Twilight PDM: (in lieu of Monday 28 July Inset) Maths – Helen P – effective strategies to develop times tables and number teaching in line with curriculum 2014. Problem solving approaches in maths - Maths curriculum new expectations. Sally Trowse ADHD trining for all staff especially those support staff working with ADHD issues. 3:20. Toil for twilight 03/11 SMT monitor policy in KS2 Christmas production this week! practise and book and planning scrutiny in Y5 Y6/5 and Y6 Chris Trevor in for day KS meetings all day in prep for next term. Key stage teams work on spring term curriculum for each year group with key stage projects and themes. Timetables and letters to parents written. Objectives for the term worked out and then handed back to the subject leaders. Toil for twilight 08/12 SMT General meeting and discuss data findings CHRISTMAS 22nd Dec – 2nd Jan SPRING – 2015 6 weeks first half term 6 weeks second half term Monday 5th Jan to Thursday 2nd April Date Staff meeting items Leadership items Monday Monday 05/01 Mon Sandra and Helen G writing twilight 12/01 Mon Toil for twilight 05/01 19/01 Mon Parents eve 26/01 Mon TOIL for parents eve xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 02/02 Mon Toil for 23/2 SMTmonitor policy in practise and book and planning scrutiny in years 1, 2/1 and 2 SMTmonitor policy in practise and book and planning scrutiny in year R Parents eve SURVEY DOTS Support staff CPD 09/02 General Key stage meetings on action Mon planning and curriculum development. Half term 16th Feb - Friday 20th Feb 23/02 Twilight – RM ipads training on use of Mon ipads in school. Emily Vogan Team Mark to support AM7 data entry and analysis with support staff Leader RM Education t +44 (0)161 921 2810 m +44 (0)7817 339 944 02/03 Mon Toil for twilight 9/3 09/03 Mon 16/03 Celebration Twilight: Trios presenting to Governors/staff Toil for twilight 23/3 23/03 Chris Trevor in all day KS meetings with teams all day… Twilight – Steve Delaney – writing in character. IEP and IBP writing 30/03 SMTmonitor policy in practise and book and planning scrutiny in year 3 4/3 and 4 Monitoring of action plans and SIP SUMMER 2015 5 weeks first half term /7 weeks second half term 20th April – 28th July Date Staff meeting items Leadership items Monday Monday 20/04 Key stage teams work on Summer term curriculum for each year group with key stage projects and themes. Timetables and letters to parents written. 27/04 Mon 04/05 Mon 11/05 Mon School Nurse training – confirmed? 18/05 Mon 08/06 Mon Denise and Karen liaise with support staff to enter data into venn diagrams Support staff CPD Toil for twilight 11/5 APP Writing Books – Moderating the levels Moderation exercise using APP Writing Books Spread out 10 APP writing books per class in the hall. Moderate level judgements. Taking stock of the Marking policy Curriculum 2014 – in key stage teams begin to evaluate the medium term plans for the year and the successfulness of joined up key stage projects – what have we learnt and what needs to change / stay same for next year? 25th May – 5th June Half INSET – Full day report writing. PPA to still take place this week. Moderation Meetings Term Carol / Nina / KS team leaders to complete performance review of annual targets with support staff. 22/06 Mon Evaluate and tweak medium term plans for curriculum 2014. Subject leaders – Everyone hand subject leaders their mid term plans for the year for each subject. Class teachers to highlight and write on where the gaps in resources are. Subject leaders to begin to order resources to plug gaps. 3:20 – 5:20 SNAP Twilight in lieu of Mon 28th July. 30/06 Mon Complete HML grids years 1 – 6 EYFS assessment completion. 06/07 Mon Review IEP and IBP targets and share with new class teacher. Classes for next year - transition conversations. Use of data for judgements about classes. Open evening 15/06 Mon 13/07 Mon 20/07 SMTmonitor policy in practise and book and planning scrutiny in year 5, 6/5 and 6 SMT morning out of class one day this week. Focus on long term overview of curriculum 2014 maps. Making links and resourcing KS team meetings to review and evaluate the KS action plans. Email to James at end of meeting. SUMMER HOLIDAYS SATURDAY 25th July.