Foster Contract for Pet Owned by Military Personnel

This agreement is made by and between:
OWNER: _____________________________
Military ID Number, if any: ________________________
Address: __________________________________
City/ST/ZIP: __________________________________
Name of Cat: ______________________________
and the following foster person:
Name: ______________________________
Address: ___________________________________
City/ST/ZIP: ________________________________
Phone (day): ___________________________
Phone (evening): ___________________
The owner named above maintains ownership of any and all animals
placed in foster and confirms that they will contact the foster home
and resume possession within two weeks after they return from the
duty posting that is requiring this foster arrangement.
The owner shall provide a carrier and shall be responsible for cost of
(circle as apply and initial):
[Veterinary expenses]
[grooming expenses]
Medical care of the fostered cat is authorized by the fosterer with the
full authority of the owner.
The owner assumes no responsibility for Veterinary expenses which
the Veterinarian does not concur are reasonable and necessary. The
owner authorizes the fosterer to obtain Veterinary care and services
for the cat that are reasonable and necessary in the opinion of the
following Veterinarian, or, if that Veterinarian is unavailable, a
qualified Veterinarian. Every attempt will be made to use this
Veterinarian for Veterinary care:
Veterinarian name: ____________________________
Veterinarian Street Address:
Veterinarian City, State, Zip:
Veterinarian Telephone number: _________________________
Arrangements for payment for Veterinary services [have] [ have not]
been made by the owner with this Veterinarian.
In an emergency when attempting to reach this Veterinarian rather
than another may jeopardize the cat's life, the foster person should
seek immediate Veterinary care. With proper documentation, the
foster person will be reimbursed for that care by the owner.
Veterinary Care Insurance [has] [has not] been arranged for by the
owner to cover part of the veterinary expenses.
Medical care required for a cat due to neglect of the cat or disregard
of this contract shall be the responsibility of the foster person.
Neglect is defined as:
"Pet care that contradicts reasonable Veterinary standards."
Included but not limited to:
* Any cat left unattended for more than 24 hours, deprived of a supply of food
or water to their detriment;
* Allowing a female pet cat to be bred, as applies;
* Allowing the cat access to hazardous and/or harmful materials;
* Declawing the cat if not already declawed;
* Or to in any way care for the cat in a manner deemed neglectful by either
state or local ordinances and regulations.
The owner will cover the expense of a spay or neuter of the pet cat
and the foster may take the cat to a spay/neuter clinic with full
permission to spay or neuter the cat if not already altered.
In such case that the foster home cannot continue to care for the cat
or cats until the owner returns, the CFA Purebred Rescue, Inc. Rescue
Coordinator or a recognized 501(C)3 rescue shall be contacted and
arrangements will be made to place the animal in another foster home
using a contract that supports the provisions outlined in this contract.
Such placement shall be made through CFA Purebred Rescue, Inc.
resources or the resources of a recognized 501(C)3 rescue
organization. CFA Purebred Rescue, Inc. is available through the
information below.
CFA Purebred Rescue, Inc. DBA Purebred Cat Breed Rescue
90 B West Terra Cotta Avenue #160
Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014
Phone for this purpose ONLY: (888) 303-9454
Both parties to this contract agree to hold CFA Purebred Rescue, Inc.
harmless with regard to this agreement, the placement of the cat in
foster care, or any other matter, fully recognizing that that network is
made up of unpaid volunteers with the best of intentions. CFA
Purebred Rescue, Inc. is not a party to this agreement, and had made
no representations to either party of any type whatsoever.
The Owner is providing the fosterer with two contacts in case of
emergency and for 60 day updates on the cat:
Closest Relative
Name: __________________________________________
Street Address: ___________________________________
City, State, Zipcode_________________________________
Phone: ____________________________________
Contact #2:
Name: ____________________________________________
Street Address: ____________________________________
City, State, Zipcode: _________________________________
Phone: ____________________________________
Should the owner fail to claim the cat within a month after the end of
their term of duty, (CHECK AS APPLY):
[ ] Fosterer will agree to keep the animal and shall legally
assume ownership.
[ ] Fosterer will contact The CFA Purebred Rescue, Inc.
Rescue Coordinator or a reputable 501(c)3 rescue group in
their area to arrange for placement in a home or rescue as
mutually agreed to.
[ ] Foster will contact closest relative of owner who will
assumed ownership responsibility.
The owner assumes no responsibility or liability for damages incurred,
including but not limited to personal liability or damages to personal
property including, but not limited to, home furnishings damaged by
the foster cat or cats. The foster home shall have homeowner or
renters insurance which shall include personal liability insurance to
cover same.
This agreement is the entire agreement between the parties, and any
modification shall be in writing. The person providing the foster home
agrees that:
The foster cat shall be kept as an indoor family pet
The foster cat shall be allowed to free feed or be fed at least
twice daily and in amounts to maintain proper body weight. or
as recommended by the Veterinarian.
The foster cat shall have access to fresh water at all times.
The foster cat shall receive care and personal attention to
maintain social skills as deemed necessary for a pet cat.
A litterbox with litter will be available except when the cat is in
a carrier being transported between locations, such as a trip to
the Veterinarian. The litterbox will be scooped daily and should
clay litter be used, the litter replaced fully at least twice week.
The foster cat shall be supervised while interacting with any and
all other animals not owned by the fosterer and for an adequate
period with the animals of the fosterer after initial placement
with the fosterer to assure that the other animals will not cause
harm to the cat.
The foster cat shall be supervised while initially interacting with
any and all children. After the initial period of supervised
interaction, unsupervised interaction may be allowed if the
safety of both the cat and the child appears reasonably assured.
The foster cat shall be kept in a safe and clean environment with
adequate room to exercise and protected from conditions,
experiences, and substances unsafe for any pet.
The foster cat shall not reside in a location other than that
which is stated on this agreement without the express written
approval of the owner unless:
* There is danger to the cat's health or life;
* The location becomes uninhabitable and another foster is
found and a contract reflecting of the provisions of this
contract is signed;
* The owner does not return to claim the animal within a
month after the end of their term of duty;
* Serious circumstances require the foster person to place the
animal for the well being of the animal or the foster family. In
such case, another foster home must found and a contract
reflecting of the provisions of this contract is signed.
* The foster person moves. Should the foster person move, the
fosterer will notify the owner immediately of their new
The foster person shall immediately attempt to notify the owner
of any heath or behavior concern pertinent to the foster cat.
The foster person shall immediately notify the owner should the
foster cat become lost or stolen.
The foster person may not transfer the cat to any other person
without the express written consent from a owner.
_______________________________ ________________________
Foster Person Signature
_______________________________ ________________________
Cat Owner Signature