BCB 570. Bioinformatics IV (Computational Functional Genomics and Systems Biology). (Cross-listed with COM S, GDCB, STAT, CPR E.) (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: BCB 567, Biol 315, Com S 311 and either 208 or 228, Gen 411, Stat 430. Algorithmic and statistical approaches in computational functional genomics and systems biology. Elements of experiment design. Analysis of high throughput gene expression, proteomics, and other datasets obtained using system-wide measurements. Topological analysis, module discovery, and comparative analysis of gene and protein networks. Modeling, analysis, simulation and inference of transcriptional regulatory modules and networks, protein-protein interaction networks, metabolic networks, cells and systems: Dynamic systems, Boolean, and probabilistic models. Multi-scale, multigranularity models. Ontology-driven, network based, and probabilistic approaches to information integration. Instructor Contact Information Dr. Julie Dickerson: 3123 Coover Hall/2624 Howe Hall, julied@iastate.edu, 294-7705 Text: Systems Biology in Practice. Concepts, Implementation and Application., E. Klipp, R. Herwig, A. Kowald, C. Wierling, H. Lehrach, Wiley, 2005. Course Description Algorithmic and statistical approaches in computational functional genomics and systems biology; Biological Information Integration – Knowledge (ontology) driven and statistical approaches; Qualitative, probabilistic, and dynamic network models; Modeling, analysis, simulation and inference of transcriptional regulatory modules and networks, protein-protein interaction networks; metabolic networks; cells and systems. Syllabus What is systems biology? From parts to interactions to wholes; Data integration, predictive model construction, simulation and model-based prediction, model-driven experimentation, bridging levels of abstraction. What is a (mathematical or computational) model? What are models good for? How can we construct models? How can we evaluate models? Modeling metabolism: (JD) Metabolomics, metabolic flux BN Data and standards Differential, difference, and stochastic equations Enzyme Kinetics and thermodynamics Metabolic networks Metabolic control analysis Steady-state models Dynamic models Feedback control. Modeling Signal Transduction: Intracellular communication Receptor-ligand interaction Structural components of signaling pathways Example pathways – MAP-Kinase, JAK-Stat Dynamic regulatory features Data and Standards Pathway Databases and Pathway Models Modeling and analysis. Modeling Gene Expression and Gene expression data analysis: Gene expression data acquisition Data and Standards Transgenic animals, knockouts, and RNA-i Tests for differential expression, multiple testing Cluster analysis – hierarchical clustering, SOM, k-means, PCA, NNMF Modules of gene expression (network motifs) Classification based on gene expression Models of genetic networks: Differential equations Influence networks Boolean networks and temporal Boolean networks Bayesian networks, and temporal Bayesian Networks Stochastic equations Fuzzy models Modeling and analysis of protein-protein (and possibly protein-DNA, and protein-RNA interaction networks) Protein-protein interaction data acquisition Data and Standards Association networks, correlation networks, hypergraph models Analysis – module identification (spectral clustering), comparative analysis Integrating gene and protein networks Integrative and multi-scale modelling What and why? Data integration Sources Model (ontology)-driven integration – ontologies, mappings, database federation Graph-theoretic methods Probabilistic methods Fuzzy methods Multi-scale modeling Case studies from the literature Grading: (Preliminary) Homework Assignments Projects in Modeling Case Studies from literature Modeling/Computational/Visualization Tools: Matlab R Cytoscape BCB Program/Orientation/2011/BCB570-Description.doc