March 20, 2015 RE: The Family Place Partners 2015 Youth Service Award Scholarship Dear Be Project High School Senior, For your hard work and leadership as part of the Be Project, we would like to invite you to participate in The Family Place Partners 2015 Youth Scholarship Awards. The Family Place Partners will award two $1500 scholarships to Be Project Students who are seniors in high school and recognized as leaders in the Be Project as well as their school and community. To participate in the scholarship opportunity, completed applications must be postmarked by Thursday, April 23, 2014. There are three easy steps to apply: 1. Obtain an application from your Be Project Counselor, or the Be Project website 2. Obtain two (2) references from adults who can talk about your Be Project and/or leadership experience – e.g., teachers, youth ministers, guidance counselor, etc. 3. Submit completed application, resume, sealed transcript and references (2) by Thursday, April 23, 2014 Important Dates: 4. Applications must be postmarked by Thursday, April 23, 2014 Finalists will be contacted by Friday, April 24, 2014. Finalist Interviews will be held the weeks of April 27th and May 1st . Scholarship winners will be announced by Friday, May 22rd Please contact your Be Project Counselor or email with any questions. Thank you for all that you’ve accomplished in the Be Project. Best of luck with your application! 1 THE FAMILY PLACE PARTNERS YOUTH SERVICE AWARD AND SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION Deadline for submission – Thursday, April 23, 2015 PART I: Nominee Information – Only High School Seniors May Apply (Please type or print neatly. All questions must be answered. Missing or incomplete information will disqualify an application.) You may use additional pages if needed. Name:__________________________________________Home Phone:____________ Cell Phone:____________ Address:________________________________________________ Social Security Number:_________________ City:_____________________ Zip:________________ Gender:___________ Date of Birth:______________ School:__________________________________________ Grade Level:_12___________ GPA:______________ Parent/Guardian Name:________________________________ Telephone:_______________________________ Address if different from student: _________________________________________________________________ Describe your experience with the Be Project: How will you use what you have learned in the Be Project as you go on to college? I certify that the information contained in this application is true to the best of my knowledge. _____________________________________________________________________ Nominee Signature Date 2 THE FAMILY PLACE PARTNERS YOUTH SERVICE AWARD AND SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION Deadline for submission – Thursday, April 23, 2015 PART II: Recommendations – please submit two (2) references with your application Nominee _________________________ Reference Name ____________________________________ Reference Occupation/Title:_____________________________________________________________ Relationship to Nominee: __________________________________ Years Acquainted _____________ About The Family Place: In 1978, a group of community volunteers organized The Family Place as one of the first family violence service organizations in the state with a mission to eliminate family violence through intervention and proactive prevention, extensive community education, advocacy and assistance for victims and their families. Today we are still a grassroots organization supported by dedicated volunteers as well as the Dallas area’s leading organization delivering proven programs that address emotional and physical abuse and incest. In 35 years, we have counseled more than 180,000 clients, provided lifesaving shelter to more than 19,000 women, children and men, and answered more than 475,000 calls for help. We have helped more than 15,000 batterers learn how to change their abusive behavior and reach approximately 6,000 students each year through our youth education programs. About Be Project: Be Project is a program of The Family Place focused on empowering youth to be part of the solution to ending relationship violence - including bullying, dating violence and sexual violence - and promoting healthy relationships. Be Project provides age and culturally appropriate classroom and therapeutic groups to children and youth in 3rd-12th grades and college students. About this Award: Every year, The Family Place honors two outstanding students for their participation in Be Project and leadership in their school and community. Winners receive a $1500 scholarship for college. Please answer each question as thoroughly as possible. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Describe any activities that you are aware of that the candidate is involved in related to the field of family violence, bullying and/or dating violence. 3 THE FAMILY PLACE PARTNERS YOUTH SERVICE AWARD AND SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION Deadline for submission – Thursday, April 23, 2015 PART II: Recommendations, cont’d What specific leadership attributes does the candidate possess that would make him/her an outstanding candidate for The Family Place Partners Youth Service Scholarship Award? Provide any additional comments about the candidate. _____________________________________________________________ Signature Date Please return the completed form to the student in a sealed envelope with your signature over the seal. References may also be emailed directly to – please include “Reference: [insert candidate’s name]” in the subject line. 4 THE FAMILY PLACE PARTNERS YOUTH SERVICE AWARD AND SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION Deadline for submission – Thursday, April 23, 2015 PART III: Resume Please include an updated copy of your resume. Be sure to include volunteer organizations, extracurricular activities, honors, awards, offices and/or recognition during high school. PART IV: Transcript Please include a transcript in a sealed envelope. INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTING YOUR COMPLETED APPLICATION, RESUME & TRANSCRIPT: Completed applications, resumes & transcripts are to be POSTMARKED NO LATER THAN THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 2015 and mailed to: Be Project P.O. Box 7999 Dallas, TX 75209 5