Promotion to Clinical Associate Professor

Ballot for Promotion to Clinical Associate Professor for Dr. xxx
Department of XXX
Rating in Teaching (based on Clinical Associate criteria) (omit if abstaining)
_____ Excellent
_____ Meritorious (Appreciably Better than Satisfactory)
_____ Satisfactory
_____ Unsatisfactory
Rating in Service (based on Clinical Associate criteria) (omit if abstaining)
_____ Excellent
_____ Meritorious (Appreciably Better than Satisfactory)
_____ Satisfactory
_____ Unsatisfactory
Overall Rating [A positive recommendation promotion to the rank of Clinical Associate
Professor should be given only when you have rated the candidate as: 1) Excellent in one area
and at least Satisfactory in the other area, or 2) Meritorious/Appreciably Better than Satisfactory
in both areas.]
_____ Grant promotion to rank of Clinical Associate Professor
_____ Do not grant promotion to the rank of Clinical Associate Professor
_____ Abstain (please select reason)
_____ I serve on the School Promotion and Tenure Committee
_____ I serve on the Campus Promotion and Tenure Committee
_____ Other (please explain)