2/18/15 X DATE REQUIRED COURSE ELECTIVE COURSE Humanities X DIVISION NEW COURSE REVISION LAKE LAND COLLEGE Course Information Form COURSE NUMBER SEM CR HRS PHI 270 3 TITLE LT HRS Introduction to Philosophy 3 LAB HRS (IAI: H4 900) ECH SOE HRS (Assigned by Administration) COURSE PCS# Prerequisites: Catalog Description (40 Word Limit): An introduction to philosophical questioning and reasoning. This course will include an historical survey of western philosophy focusing on the development of specific branches within the field, including epistemology, metaphysics, ethics, philosophy of science, and social/political philosophy. List the Major Course Segments (Units) Lt Hrs Introduction to Philosophical Investigation Epistemology Metaphysics Philosophy of Science Ethics Social/Political Philosophy Religion Exams Projects Lab Hrs 4 6 8 8 6 8 5 EVALUATION: Quizzes Lab Work Textbook: Title: Philosophy: The Power of Ideas Author: Brooke Noel Moore and Kenneth Bruder Publisher: McGraw-Hill Volume/Edition: 8th Copyright Date: 2011 X Oral Pres Comp Final X Companion Website: www.mhhe.com/powerofideas5 Papers Other X Major Course Segment Hours Learning Outcomes Students will be able to: Introduction 4 - demonstrate their understanding of through presentations, writing assignments, and/or quizzes/exams. Epistemology 6 - demonstrate a basic understanding of theories of knowledge through presentations, writing assignments, and/or quizzes/exams. Metaphysics 8 - demonstrate an understanding of the basic metaphysical positions through presentations, writing assignments, and/or quizzes/exams. Philosophy of Science 8 - demonstrate an understanding of the basic context of science in the modern world and how it relates to philosophy through presentations, writing assignments, and/or quizzes/exams. Ethics 6 - demonstrate a basic understanding of various ethical theories through presentations, writing assignments, and/or quizzes/exams. Social/Political Philosophy 8 - demonstrate a basic understanding of social and political systems and how they relate to philosophy their understanding through presentations, writing assignments, and/or quizzes/exams. Religion 5 - demonstrate the relationship between philosophy and faith/theology through presentations, writing assignments, and/or quizzes/exams. PHI 270 General Education Goals: Critical Thinking: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to apply critical thinking skills through c. Analyzing data and arguments and through transferring insights to new contexts Foundational Knowledge: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate foundational knowledge in philosophy. Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: Understand of the impact of values and beliefs on societal dynamics Understand key concepts in philosophy To apply philosophical concepts Method: Faculty will evaluate using a common rubric with a four-part scale: Beginning (1), Developing (2), Proficient (3), and Exemplary (4)