We provide a range of specialist clinics as part of your health care

We provide a range of specialist clinics as part of your health care. Please ask our receptionist for details of when
the following services are available.
Moderate amounts of alcohol – between 14 and 21 units a week, will not generally damage your health. One unit
is 10 grams of alcohol and is found in:
half a pint of beer or less, if a stronger export beer, lager or strong cider
a small glass of wine
a small sherry
a single ‘pub’ measure of spirits
If you are concerned about your alcohol consumption or would like advice, please speak to a doctor, practice
nurse or health visitor.
The practice midwives run weekly antenatal clinics at both surgeries. Parent Craft classes are held regularly in the
Watchet surgery. Posters giving details are displayed in both surgeries and further information is available directly
from the Midwives on Williton 632701, or direct line 634977.
Our specially trained nurses, under the supervision of the doctors, run these clinics at each surgery. Patients who
have been diagnosed with one or more of the above contitions will be contacted and offered the opportunity to
attend the appropriate clinic on an annual basis.
Contraception Clinics for both men and women are run weekly at Williton and alternate weeks at Watchet in
conjunction with Women’s Health, when both a specialist doctor and nurse are available for family planning advice
and to discuss sexual health problems. Teenagers are welcome to attend.
If you prefer not to use a dedicated clinic, all the doctors are available to give advice about family planning and
prescribe oral contraceptives and contraceptive injections. Some doctors offer additional services including coil
fitting and vasectomy.
Oral Contraceptive
Make an appointment at the nurse/doctor led Contraception Clinic or with any doctor. After the initial consultation,
you will be asked to attend for a check up after 3 months and annually thereafter.
Contraceptive Injections
Make an appointment at the nurse/doctor led Contraception Clinic or with any doctor. Following the initial
consultation, one of the Practice Nurses provides repeat injections every 3 months.
Discuss this initially at the nurse/doctor led Contraception Clinic or with any doctor. You will then be asked to
make a special appointment, at either surgery, for the insertion of the coil.
Cap / Diaphragm
Discuss this initially at the nurse/doctor led Contraception Clinic or with any doctor. You will then be asked to
make a special appointment, at either surgery, with a female doctor for cap fitting.
Dr Pascall is specially qualified to perform vasectomy and this can be carried out at the operating theatre in
Watchet Surgery. Interested patients should first make an ordinary appointment to see Dr Pascall, along with their
partner, for counselling.
Emergency Contraception
After unprotected intercourse, pregnancy can be avoided either by taking the Morning After Pill within 3 days or by
having a coil fitted within 5 days. Please make an appointment at the nurse/doctor led Contraception Clinic or ask
to see any doctor or the triage nurse.
These are run by Dr Pascall at Williton Surgery and Dr Davies at Williton Hospital for the management of certain
skin conditions, usually those related to chronic sun exposure.
For treatment of warts and verrucae, please see under Common Ailments.
Dr Davies specialises in dermatology and provides a clinic at Williton Community Hospital for a variety of common
skin complaints. Referrals to the clinic will be via your doctor.
Full check-ups are regularly offered to our diabetic patients and invitations are sent out via our computerised recall
system. The checks are carried out by the nurse and followed up by an appointment with the doctor.
’Flu vaccinations are available for all patients each year and are particularly recommended for older patients and
those with chronic illness. Clinic dates will be publicised in the surgery. Immunisation with pneumococcal vaccine
(Pneumovax), which is a one off vaccination, is also available and currently recommended for the over 65s and
those with chronic illness. This can be done at the same time as the ’flu vaccination.
All patients are encouraged to keep their tetanus immunity up to date; after the initial course of 5 tetanus
vaccinations has been given, no further vaccination should be required unless there has been a major injury or
travel to a remote area with limited access to medical facilities is planned. Single dose tetanus is no longer
available – it is now a combination shot called Revaxis which combines tetanus, diphtheria and polio.
Adults at risk should make an appointment with the practice nurse for other immunisations such as hepatitis A
and B and meningococcus A and C.
If you are going abroad, please refer to the Travel Clinic section. For childhood immunisations please refer to the
Child Health section.
Dr R Rivett specialises in Rheumatological Medicine and provides a joint injection clinic for a variety of musculoskeletal conditions.
Dr Dayani provides a migraine clinic for patients suffering from migraine. Please ask the receptionist for details of
available appointment times.
All doctors undertake minor surgery procedures for their patients, including aspiration and excision of cysts,
excision of skin lesions, injection of joints and tendons, incision of abscesses and removal of foreign bodies.
Many of these procedures will be carried out in the consulting room or the nurses’ treatment room; however, there
is a purpose built operating theatre in the Watchet Surgery for more complex procedures and patients of both
surgeries may be asked to attend there.
Dr Pascall has additional surgical qualifications and hospital experience and is available to perform other surgical
procedures. They include the excision of skin lesions from the face, treatment of ingrowing toenails, piles and
vasectomy. These are usually carried out during his weekly Advanced Minor Surgery Clinic at Watchet. Dr
Pascall also operates at Musgrove Park and Minehead Hospitals for the Taunton & Somerset NHS Trust. For
certain procedures, including varicose vein surgery and hernia repair, he may be able to offer surgery without the
need to attend hospital outpatients and so reduce waiting times.
Our specially trained nurses, under the supervision of the doctors, run asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease clinics at each surgery. Referrals to the clinic will be via your doctor.
Even people who enjoy smoking usually want to quit the habit but often cannot manage to successfully give up.
Regular smoking cessation clinics are run by our trained practice nurse. Ask to speak to a doctor or practice
nurse who can help you. Some of the risks are:
Heart & arterial disease – heart attack, stroke and amputation
All kinds of cancer but especially cancer of the lung
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease – a cough with phlegm every day
Health benefits begin the minute you stop smoking. We actively encourage and support patients in their efforts to
‘quit the habit’ and can offer advice to help.
Our doctors and nurses offer appointments in confidence to discuss any health issue, such as:
Skin problems
Puberty and periods
Family problems
Eating problems
Bullying and loneliness
Alcohol / drugs / smoking
Dependent upon the country you intend to visit, you may require travel vaccinations or a booster of injections you
have had before for protection. In some cases you may also need medication to protect against malaria. We are
also a designated Yellow Fever centre.
The practice nurses are fully qualified to advise you on all aspects of travel medicine. A travel clinic appointment
should be made at least 8 – 10 weeks before you travel. You will be asked to complete a travel questionnaire to
enable the nurse to work out a schedule for your vaccinations.
Healthy eating does not mean you should be on a permanent diet. You should have a balanced diet. Aim to eat
lean meat, with little or no fat and plenty of vegetables of a mixed variety. Snack eating is not good for you and
you should try to have 3 or even 4 small meals at regular times during the day.
Exercise, which is sufficient to get you out of breath, for 20 minutes, 2 – 3 times a week, is beneficial and research
has shown that regular exercise helps you to fight illness. However, like over eating, abusing your body with
excesses of exercise is not beneficial. If you are very overweight or unfit discuss your condition with a doctor or
nurse before embarking on an exercise programme.
Please contact the surgery for details of the practice weight loss sessions. Whether you are male or female, if
you have a family history of stroke or heart disease in your close relatives, you should contact us for advice.
Combined Contraception and Women’s Health Clinics are run weekly at Williton and alternate weeks at Watchet,
when both a specialist doctor and nurse are available working alongside each other.
We provide a full range of services for all ages from teens to the menopause and beyond. Patients should feel
free to make an appointment at the dedicated clinic or, if they prefer, consult with any of the doctors, practice
nurses or health visitors for advice, education and care in any of the following areas: puberty and adolescence,
pre-pregnancy counselling, breast care, parenting problems, menstrual problems, continence advice,
contraception, menopause, relationship problems and general health and fitness.
Dr S Gover, Dr A Rivett and Dr L Bethune, our female doctors, have a specific interest in this area. Patients
should make an appointment at the Women’s Health Clinic with either Dr. Gover or Dr. Rivett, or make a routine
appointment with a doctor of their choice.
Cervical Smears
Women between the ages of 25 and 65 will receive reminders for regular smears. Appointments can be made
with the practice nurse or our female doctors.
Women aged 50 – 70 will receive postal invitations every 3 years to attend the Mobile Breast Screening Service
which is run by Somerset Breast Screening. If you wish to have a mammogram and are over the age for automatic
screening, you may telephone 01823 342425 to make your own appointment. Women who are worried about
their breasts or who wish to be instructed on self-examination should make an appointment at the Women’s Health
Clinic or with a doctor of their choice, or see the practice nurse.