Algebra One Policies and Procedures Mr. Olson Room 915, (858) 454-3081 ext 4915, Class Description: Algebra I is a year-long college preparatory course. The class will take advantage of the self-paced, interactive, on-line ALEKS program. ALEKS uses Artificial Intelligence (AI), reacting in real time to each answer: the content and pace is customized for each and every student. This allows for much more individualized instruction. I then can teach one-on-one and also give assistance in small groups. The course is aligned with the CA State Content Standards, which are at Classroom Computer Equipment: There are scarce replacement computers and keyboards for this class. It is extremely important to treat the equipment as if it was yours. If a student damages or sabotages the operation of the resources provided for them, a referral will be issued and they will be held responsible. Students are to inspect the equipment and sign a checklist before logging on. Any discrepancies need to be reported to the teacher immediately or they will be assumed to have happened during the incoming student’s class time. NO FOOD OR DRINKS OR PENS are allowed in the classroom; unfortunately, this includes H2O. TEACHER & STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES: 1) Respect the rights, property, safety, and learning opportunities of everyone. 2) Exhibit a positive attitude, and be ready to learn from each other. 3) Students take responsibility for their own education, actively participating in all aspects of the learning environment. Classroom Procedure: It is expected that the students will come to class everyday, log onto ALEKS, and work diligently, to include taking notes. Tests will also be via ALEKS in the classroom. At the end of each semester, the student will take a paper-and-pencil final. ALEKS assessments will generally be given every 3rd Tuesday. The student has two class periods to complete it. If the student is not finished by then, they will have to press the “I don’t know” button until exited from the assessment. Just like any other test, incomplete or lack of understanding will lower your grade, by reducing the number of concepts mastered within ALEKS, aka as lowering my ‘pie’. (Your pie number is shown visually as a pie chart.) The pie number resulting from these tests comprises 50% of your grade. During an assessment, a student may see ‘new’ problems, in which case incorrect answers or hitting the “I don’t know” button DOES NOT affect a student’s pie. Fortunately, answering ‘new’ problems correctly can increase the pie number. When a student is doing well on a test ALEKS looks for ways to add to a student’s pie, by asking content not previously covered material, to see if they already know it. Homework: Class time is too limited to provide students the practice required to master the material. Individual practice and study at home is imperative. Approximately 45 minutes each evening on ALEKS, either from home or on the school’s computers, is expected. “Hours per week” is a number that is clearly tracked on ALEKS. Less than 8 “Hours per week” earns a low grade in Homework, and may be indicative of future sub-standard performance on the tests. Student’s Responsibilities: Daily - Bring Math Notebook (3-ring binder), pencils, erasers, highlighters (h2o based) take organized notes, ask questions after using the ALEKS tutorial, and work conscientiously. Don’t slack and try to cram a month’s worth of work into a weekend!!! I will confiscate anything on a student’s desk that is inappropriate and/or distracting, i.e. cell phones, CD players, iPods, Blackberries, other classes’ work, food, drink, makeup, personal notes. The first time, I will keep it for a day. The second time, the student will call you immediately. If necessary, I’ll give it to a VP. Tardiness: tardy = not in your seat when the bell rings. Cheating or Copying: A student who gives or receives unauthorized assistance on any work earns a 0. For a second cheating offense, the instructor has the right to drop a student from the class with an F/U for the semester. Citizenship Grade: is based upon many factors such as attendance, behavior, promptness, preparedness, cooperation, participation, and being a positive influence on and a contributing member of the class. DISCIPLINE CONSEQUENCES and REWARDS: warning; after class; Behavior documentation, signed by parent; 30 minute after school detention and parent/guardian phone call; Parent meeting and/or referral. Praise, positive call home, homework tickets, ???. Grading Category Percentage ALEKS Pie Points (Tests) 50 Notebook/participation 15 Homework/Total Time Spent 15 Final Exam 10 Quizzes 10 Overall Grade A B C D F Percent 90-100 80-89 70-79 60-69 0-59 Grading matrix for the ALEKS program Semester 1, Algebra 1 Topic areas answered correctly on ALEKS: Grade Week 3 Week 6 Qtr 1 Week 12 Week 15 Semester 1 A+ 111+ 126+ 141+ 156+ 171+ 186+ A 106-110 121-125 136-140 151-155 166-170 181-185 A101-105 116-120 131-135 146-150 161-165 176-180 B+ 96-100 111-115 126-130 141-145 156-160 171-175 B 91-95 106-110 121-125 136-140 151-155 166-170 B86-90 101-105 116-120 131-135 146-150 161-165 C+ 81-85 96-100 111-115 126-130 141-145 156-160 C 76-80 91-95 106-110 121-125 136-140 151-155 C71-75 86-90 101-105 116-120 131-135 146-150 D+ 66-70 81-85 96-100 111-115 126-130 141-145 D 61-65 76-80 91-90 106-110 121-125 136-140 D56-60 71-75 86-89 101-105 116-120 131-135 KEEP THIS PAGE IN YOUR MATH NOTEBOOK. KEEP THIS PAGE!!!!! The 1st homework assignment: Return this page to Mr. Olson. 1. I ___________________ am the parent/guardian of ________________, in your Period ___ course. 2. We have read and understand the syllabus and reviewed it together. 3. We have visited and started downloading the files or agree to have the student stay after school to work on ALEKS for a total of 4 hours/week. Home number: Work number: Cell number(s): Parent’s email address(es): Student’s email address: Internet access at home: Y N Language read or written at home, if different than English: _____________________ Please tell me anything that you feel I may need to know about your child that would enable me to better meet his/her needs: Please feel free to contact me at school, at (858) 454 - 3081 or via email. Parent/guardian signature _____________________________ Student signature ___________________________ Comments and suggestions for rewards for good behavior/performance: