EFL 525 Reading and Writing Activities Claudia Acero Instructor: Dr. Jeannine Dobbs January 21 , 2002 ________________________________________________________________________ PEER TEACHING ACTIVITY 1 THE ALPHABET Target Group: Age of Students: Background: Objectives: Resources: Time: Adult Beginners 20 up It is assumed that the students already know the upper and lower case forms of the letters and the alphabetical order of the letters and that they already read and write in their native language. Students recognize some of the letters of the alphabet in English, but confuse some others. They are not able to spell words or understand spelled words. To recognize the letters of the alphabet To learn the names of the letters of the alphabet To identify the importance of learning the alphabet Index cards Dictionary Alphabet poster Pages from the telephone book Handout A registration form Board 15-20 minutes Outline of the lesson: Activity 1: The teacher points at the alphabet chart and asks the students to recognize some of the letters. Activity 2: The teacher writes on the board the question: “Why is the alphabet important?” Students brainstorm as the teacher writes some ideas on the board and tells them other uses if not mentioned. Activity 3: The teacher starts by identifying two groups in the alphabet: vowels and consonants. Activity 4: The teacher writes the vowels on the board one at a time, pronouncing each one and allowing each student to write it in his notebook. Then, the teacher helps them to remember how to pronounce the letters. If students have any trouble remembering the name, the teacher writes the representation of the letter in their own language, that will help them to remember how to pronounce the letter. For example: Vowel Pronunciation A /eI/ E /iy/ 1 EFL 525 Reading and Writing Activities Claudia Acero Instructor: Dr. Jeannine Dobbs January 21 , 2002 ________________________________________________________________________ I /aI/ Activity 5: O /ow/ U /yu/ The teacher presents some groups of consonants that may be confusing for the students; the pronunciation guide is only given if students have trouble remembering the consonants. GROUPS Pronunciation C-Z-S-X /si-zi-Es-Eks/ G-J-Y /dзi-dзey-waI/ K-Q /keI- kju/ B-V /bi-vi/ L-M-N Activity 6: /el-em-en/ The students are invited to provide consonants that are called containing the corresponding sound. /E/ /I/ /eI/ /Ai/ L B A I M C K Y N D H S E J X G F T V Z P Activity 7: The teacher distributes a handout with the alphabet. As he says some letters students should point at the letter. 2 EFL 525 Reading and Writing Activities Claudia Acero Instructor: Dr. Jeannine Dobbs January 21 , 2002 ________________________________________________________________________ A I Q Y 1 QWER TYUI OPAS DFGH JKLZ XCV BNM 3 OK ALPHA HELLO HI BYE ONE B C D E F G H JK L M NO P RS TU V W X Z THE ALPHABET handout 1 2 QAZWSX EDCVFR TGBNHY UJMKILO PLMGED PPLAE MORNING 4 WSXEDCRFVTGB POIUYTREWQ LAUGH ZONE MURCIELAGO ORQUIDEA 3 EFL 525 Reading and Writing Activities Claudia Acero Instructor: Dr. Jeannine Dobbs January 21 , 2002 ________________________________________________________________________ Activity 8: In pairs using handout 2, one student dictates the letters and the other students writes them down. Homework: Students have to prepare a collage of letters and words taken from magazines or newspapers and be ready to read the letters that conform those words. Extra activities if there is any extra time REFERENCES www.mrsalphabet.com First Name Can you find the letters in your name for me? Point to the letters in your first name Are there two letters that are the same? What do you spell your name? Can you spell you name? Recognize the name. Spell my first name for me Can you guess them and play the spelling game? 4