MESOTHERAPY Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms): ___________ First name: _____________________ Surname: _________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Post Code: _____________________ Date of birth: ____________________ Age: ____________________________ Tel - Daytime: ____________________ Tel - Evening: _____________________ Mobile: _________________________ Next of Kin - Name & Surname: ________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________ Tel: ___________________________ Mobile: ___________________________ GP Name: _________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________ Post Code: _____________________ Telephone: ________________________ CONSULTATION FORM Age: □ 18 - 20 years □ 21 - 30 years □ 31 - 40 years □ 41 - 50 years □ 51 and over What promted you to book Mesotherapy? __________________________________________________________________ What are you using to treat your cellulite at the moment? __________________________________________________________________ Are you on weight loss programme? If yes, please specify: __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ What is your weekly consumption of alcohol? ______________________________ Do you smoke? If so, how many? ________________________________________ Do you take any vitamin, mineral or herbal supplements? Please specify: ___________________________________________________________________ Do you have an exercise regime? If yes, please specify: ______________________ ___________________________________________________________________ How would you best describe your lifestyle? □ Relaxed □ Stressful How would you describe the activity rating of your occupation? □ Very active □ Active □ Hectic □ Sedentary Are you taking any forms of contraceptives of HRT? □ No □ Yes, please specify: _____________________________ Are you on any type of medication? □ No □ Yes, please specify: ______________________________ Do you have any type of injury or operation in last 12 months? □ No □ Yes, please specify: ______________________________ Allergies - please state any allergies or reactions to drugs, plasters etc.: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ CONTRAINDICATION TO MESOTHERAPY TREATMENT ABSOLUTE Hyperthyroid Allergy to iodine Heart conditions Pacemaker Renal and liver disorder Less than 6 weeks post natal Pregnant & planning pregnancy Breastfeeding Thrombosis POSSIBLE Diabetes (insulin controlled) Epilepsy (on medication) Drugs causing skin sensitivity Skin diseases and allergies I have read and understand the contraindications. Signed: __________________________ Date: ___________________ PATIENT CONSENT I declare that the information that I have given is true and correct and as far as I am aware I can undertake Mesotherapy treatment without any adverse effects. Some patients may experience pain at the site of the injection, redness, slight tingling and treated area of warmth. Bruising in all patients cleared up within 7 - 14 days of completing treatment. I understand that the results of Mesotherapy are individual. Thus no guarantee can be made as to the results of my treatment. I understand that I am responsible for all costs at the time of service. I will follow all aftercare instructions. By my signature, I certify that I have thoroughly read and understand the contents of this form. Patient’s signature: ________________________ Date: _____________________ TREATMENT RECORD FORM Prior to treatment: Blood pressure: Pulse: Weight: AREAS TO BE TREATED TREATMENTS: Meso medication: L-Carnitina (5ml) Lipoliticas (5ml) Procaine (5ml) Silico-Organico (5ml) Triac (5ml) Treatment number Treatment date Number of ampoules Comments: ________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________