Weekly Lesson Plans Course: School to Careers Novem ber 17

Weekly Lesson Plans
Course: School to Careers
Novem ber 17 -21
Quarter 2, Week 3
Date: Monday, November 17, 2014
Essential Question(s): What do you wish for?
Skills/Competencies Addressed: Analyze the economic factors that impact employment opportunities
Classroom Activity: Introduce the Real Game,Begin Wish List Activity and “choose” careers.
Assignment: Bring in magazine/photos for Dream Poster.
Date: Tuesday
Essential Question(s): What is the typical day in the life of any given occupation like?
Skills/Competencies Addressed: Explore the inequalities and difference in the world of work, relate
education to occupation, relate occupation to income and leisure time.
Classroom Activity: Real Game, What’s My Line. Complete Day in the life activity, Hello my name is, and
update dream poster with relevant details. Success traits vocab quiz.
Date: Wednesday
Essential Question(s): What is a budget?
Skills/Competencies Addressed: Analyze budgets and pay statements
Classroom Activity: Real Game, Reality Check Activity.
Assignment: Finish Reality Check Monthly Expenses worksheet. Budget must be balanced.
Date: Thursday
Essential Question(s): Explain the relationship of career training programs to employment
Skills/Competencies Addressed: Identify educational programs available after high school.
Classroom Activity: Complete Budgets, SCHS and the American Workforce, budgeting on PA Career
Date: Friday
Essential Question(s): What is leisure time? Name a leisure time activity that you enjoy.
Skills/Competencies Addressed: Analyze how opportunities to enjoy leisure time vary with different
occupations – both in how much leisure time different occupations will allow and how much money
they provide for spending on leisure activities.
Classroom Activity: Real Game – After Work. Where does all the time Go, Time for Me, A slice of Life.
Assignment: Finish classroom activities not completed during class.