Article Index (2006–2012), Volume 1(1)–Volume 7(1) Volume 1, Number 1 (Inaugural Issue I) Volume 1, Number 2 (Inaugural Issue II) Volume 1, Number 3 (Advanced Applications) Volume 1, Number 4 (Unique Applications) Volume 2, Number 1 (Integral Medicine, Integral Psychotherapy, Integral International Development) Volume 2, Number 2 (Integral Education) Volume 2, Number 3 (Integral Psychology) Volume 2, Number 4 Volume 3, Number 1 (Integral Research I) Volume 3, Number 2 (Integral Research II) Volume 3, Number 3 (Integral Art) Volume 3, Number 4 Volume 4, Number 1 (Integral Coaching) Volume 4, Number 2 Volume 4, Number 3 (Integral Theory Conference 2008) Volume 4, Number 4 (Climate Change I) Volume 5, Number 1 (Climate Change II) Volume 5, Number 2 (Integral Research) Volume 5, Number 3 Volume 5, Number 4 Volume 6, Number 1 (Integral Spirituality: Unique Self) Volume 6, Number 2 Volume 6, Number 3 (Integral Theory Conference 2010) Volume 6, Number 4 (Integral Medicine) Volume 7, Number 1 Volume 1, Number 1 (Inaugural Issue I) Wilber, K. (2006). Introduction to Integral Theory and Practice: IOS Basic and the AQAL Map. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(1), 1-40. Rentschler, M. (2006). Introducing Integral Art. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(1), 41-49. Rentschler, M. (2006). Understanding Integral Art. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(1), 50-70. Burke, L., Forman, J., Thomas, B., & Putz, M. (2006). Integral Business and Leadership: An Introduction AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(1), 71-87. Putz, M. (2006). Integral Business and Leadership: An Intermediate Overview. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(1), 88-108. Johanson, G., & Forman, J. (2006). An Overview of Integral Congregational Ministry. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(1), 109-134. Forman, J. (2006). Integral Approaches to Christian Ministry. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(1), 135-155. Esbjörn-Hargens, S. (2006). Consciousness as Embodied, Embedded, Enmeshed. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(1), 156-161. Combs, A. & Esbjörn-Hargens, S. (2006). An Integral Tour of Consciousness Studies. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(1), 162-182. Gehring, T., & Puffer, M. (2006). Integral Correctional Education Part 1: An Introduction. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(1), 183-195. Gehring, T. & Puffer, M. (2006). Integral Correctional Education Part 2: The Four Quadrants Applied. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(1), 196-214. Gibbs, J. J., Giever, D., & Martin, R. L. (2006). The Meaning of Integral Criminology and Criminal Justice. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(1), 215-234. Martin, R.L. (2006). Criminology Needs an Integral Vision: Justifications for the Integral Model. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(1), 235-266. Esbjörn-Hargens, S. (2006). Integral Ecology: An Ecology of Perspectives. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(1), 267-304. Esbjörn-Hargens, S. (2006). Integral Ecology: A Post-Metaphysical Approach to Environmental Phenomena. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(1), 305-378. Wagner, R. B. (2006). Integral Finance 101. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1 (1), 379-395. Wagner, R. B. (2006). Integral Finance 201 Part 1: The Four Dimensions of Money. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(1), 396-419. Wagner, R. B. (2006). Integral Finance 201 Part 2: The Elements of Money. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(1), 420-448. Goddard, T. G. (2006). Integral Healthcare Management: An Introduction. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(1), 449-458. Goddard, T. G. (2006). Integral Healthcare Management: An Intermediate Overview. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(1), 459-470. Volume 1, Number 2 (Inaugural Issue II) Leonard, A. (2006). An Introduction to Integral Life Practice. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(2), 1-16. Jackson, F. (2006). Principles of Integral Life Practice. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(2), 17-37. George, L. E. (2006). Integral Medicine: An AQAL-Based Approach. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(2), 38-59. George, L. E. (2006). Diagnostics in Integral Medicine. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(2), 6071. Wilpert, G. (2006). Integral Politics: A Spiritual Third Way. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(2), 72-89. Wilpert, G. (2006). The Dimensions of Political Ideology and Integral Politics. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(2), 90-104. Short, B. (2006). Introduction to Integral Psychiatry. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(2), 105-112. Short, B. (2006). Integral Psychiatry: Five Elements of Clinical Theory and Practice. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(2), 113-130. Ingersoll, E. (2006). An Introduction to Integral Psychology. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(2), 131-143. Cook-Greuter, S. (2006). 20th Century Background for Integral Psychology. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(2), 144-184. Parlee, B. (2006). Integral Psychotherapy: An Introduction. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(2), 185-200. Landraitis, P. (2006). Jane: An Integral Psychotherapy Case Study. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(2), 201-236. Koller, K. (2006). An Introduction to Integral Science. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(2), 237249. Koller, K. (2006). Architecture of an Integral Science. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(2), 250275. Pearson, W. (2006). The Development of Desire. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(2), 276-296. Nicholson, S. (2006). Toward an Integral Feminism. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(2), 297-319. Larkin, H. (2006). Social Work as an Integral Profession. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(2), 320-350. Kerrigan, D. (2006). A Brief Overview of Integral Social Work. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(2), 351-365. Brown, B. C. (2006). Theory and Practice of Integral Sustainable Development Part 1. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(2), 366-405. Brown, B. C. (2006). Theory and Practice of Integral Sustainable Development Part 2. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(2), 406-477. Volume 1, Number 3 (Advanced Applications) Rentschler, M. (2006). AQAL Glossary. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1 (3), 1-39. Zimmerman, M. E. (2006). Defending the Importance of the Holarchical-Developmental Scheme For Environmentalism. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(3), 40-100. Wilpert, G. (2006). Toward an Integral Analysis of the Iraq Crisis. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(3), 101-125. Short, B. (2006). AQAL: Beyond the Biopsychosocial Model. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(3), 126-141. Cook-Greuter, S.R. (2006). AQ as a Scanning and Mapping Device. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(3), 142-157. Koller, K. (2006). The Data and Methodologies of Integral Science. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(3), 158-183. Larkin, H. (2006). Integral Management and the Effective Human Service Organization. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(3), 184-203. Volume 1, Number 4 (Unique Applications) Friesen, E. (2006). An Integral Writing Tour: Through the Four Studios of Your Own Awareness. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(4), 1-49. Fischler, M. J. (2006). AQAL and the Practice of Law. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(4), 50-64. Benjamin, E. (2006). Integral Mathematics: An AQAL Approach. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(4), 65-90. Webb, D. (2006). Integral Suicidology: Bringing Self and Soul into Suicidology. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(4), 91-115. McQuade, A. (2006). Reviving Our Interiors: Serving the Mentally Ill Living on Our Streets. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(4), 116-150. Walsh, R. (2006). Responding to Suffering and Evil: Integral Principles. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 1(4), 151-158. Volume 2, Number 1 (Integral Medicine, Integral Psychotherapy, Integral International Development) Wyatt, K. (2007). Why Choose Integral Medicine? AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 2(1), 1-8. George, L. E. (2007). Integral Skepticism in Medicine. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 2(1), 9-22. Bearer, K. (2007). Toward an Integral Treatment Methodology for Schizophrenia. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 2(1), 23-39. Sehrbrock, J. (2007). Preliminary Evidence for the Effectiveness of Integrally Informed Psychotherapy. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 2(1), 40-59. Zeitler, D. M. (2007). Integral Psychotherapy: Clinical Applications. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 2(1), 60-73. Zeitler, D. M. (2007). An AQAL Case Study of Short-Term Psychotherapy and Transformation. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 2(1), 74-97. Esbjörn-Hargens, S., & Rentschler, M (Eds.). (2007). References of Clinical Applications Using Integral Theory. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 2(1), 98-101. Hochachka, G. (2007). An Introduction to Integral International Development. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 2(1), 102-119. Hochachka, G. (2007). An Overview of Integral International Development. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 2(1), 120-152. Volume 2, Number 2 (Integral Education) Crittenden, J. (2007). Using Integral Theory in the Classroom. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 2(2), 1-5. Crittenden, J. (2007). Integral Character Education. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 2(2), 6-25. Feldman, L. D. (2007). An Example of Integral Pedagogy. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 2(2), 26-42. Fischler, M. J. (2007). How to Connect with Your Students: An Integral Approach to Higher Education. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 2(2), 43-49. Reams, J. (2007). An Experiment in Education for States. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 2(2), 5071. Esbjörn-Hargens, S. (2007). Integral Teacher, Integral Students, Integral Classroom: Applying Integral Theory to Graduate Education. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 2(2), 72-103. Zeitler, D. M. (2007). What a Difference a Decade Makes: A First-Person Perspective on Integral Education at Progressive Graduate Schools. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 2(2), 104-112. Volume 2, Number 3 (Integral Psychology) Larkin, H., & Records, J. (2007). Adverse Childhood Experiences: Overview, Response Strategies, and Integral Theory. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 2(3), 1-25. Dupuy, J. & Morelli, M. (2007). Toward an Integral Recovery Model for Drug and Alcohol Addiction. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 2(3), 26-42. Ingersoll, E. (2007). An Integral View of Psychopharmacology for the Non-Medical Therapist. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 2(3), 43-61. Gordon, G., & Esbjörn-Hargens, S. (2007). Integral Play: An Exploration of the Playground and the Evolution of the Player. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 2(3), 62-104. Pfeiffer, R. H. (2007). Breathing Together: An AQAL Guide for Significant Relationships. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 2(3), 105-121. Foster, D. (2007). Towards an Integral Career and Employment Counselling. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 2(3), 122-134. Volume 2, Number 4 Marrero, F. (2007). An Integral Approach to Affective Education. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 2(4), 1-23. Martineau, M.M. (2007). An Integral Approach to Parenting in the First Three Years of a Child’s Life. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 2(4), 24-49. Spence, K.K. & Jowdy, B.J. (2007). Using AQAL to Enhance Student Development through the Internship Process. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 2(4), 50-67. Fischler, M.J. (2007). An Integral Approach to Constitutional Interpretation. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 2(4), 68-78. Jarrín, O.F. (2007). An Integral Philosophy and Definition of Nursing. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 2(4), 79-101. Wilson, A. (2007). “Empowerment”: Arguments and Confusions in Contemporary Feminist Theory. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 2(4), 102-133. Senzon, S.A. (2007). Subtle Energies Viewed from Four Quadrants. AQAL: Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 2(4), 134-146. Volume 3, Number 1 (Integral Research I) Black, T. (2008). Applying AQAL to the Quantitative/Qualitative Debate in Social Sciences Research. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 3(1), 1-14. Esbjörn-Hargens, S. (2008). Integral Ecological Research: Using IMP to Examine Animal Consciousness and Sustainability. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 3(1), 15-60. Luftig, J. (2008). Living for Playing, Playing for a Living: An Integral Research Study. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 3(1), 61-104. Stein, Z., & Heikkinen, K. (2008). On Operationalizing Aspects of Altitude: An Introduction to the Lectical Assessment: System for Integral Researchers. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 3(1), 105-138. Fuhs, C. (2008). Towards a Vision of Integral Leadership: A Quadrivial Analysis of Eight Leadership Books. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 3(1), 139-162. Lou Golin, C. (2008). Integral Life Practice Inquiry: An Integral Research Approach to Personal Development. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 3(1), 163-183. Eddy, B. (2008). AQAL Topology: An Introduction to Integral Geography and Spatiality. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 3(1), 184-198. Volume 3, Number 2 (Integral Research II) Hedlund, N. (2008). Integrally Researching the Integral Researcher: A First-Person Exploration of Psychosophy’s Holding Loving Space Practice. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 3(2), 1-57. Hochachka, G. (2008). Case Studies in Integral Approaches in International Development: An Integral Research Project. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 3(2), 58-108. Kelly, E. (2008). An Integral Approach to the Buffett Phenomenon: A Proposed Mixed Methods Study. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 3(2), 109-128. Cohen, J. (2008). Coding Gender: Using IMP to Construct a Content Analysis of Gender Definitions in Scientific Research. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 3(2), 129-154. Martin, J.A. (2008). Integral Research as a Practical Mixed-Methods Framework: Clarifying the Role of Integral Methodological Pluralism. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 3(2), 155-164. Edwards, M. (2008). Where Is the Method to Our Integral Madness? An Outline for an Integral Meta-Studies. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 3(2), 165-194. Volume 3, Number 3 (Integral Art) Howind, B. (2008). On Interconnectedness and Beauty: The Mixed Media Installation Ashes and Snow Viewed Through the Integral Model. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 3(3), 1-14. Petersen, E. (2008). An Overview of Integral Dancing. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 3(3), 15-31. Roberts, J. (2008). Writings on the Wall: A Case Study in Integral Art Appreciation. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 3(3), 32-47. Ornst, M. (2008). The Integral Storycreator: Using Integral Methodological Pluralism to Create Fictional, Narrative Prose. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 3(3), 48-67. Fisher, V. D. (2008). Beauty and the Expansion of Women's Identity. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 3(3), 68-86. Melody, T.J. (2008). Toward an Integral Theory of Acting: An Introduction to Dramatic Intelligence. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 3(3), 87-127. Rentschler, M. (2008). Advancing Integral Art. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 3(3), 128-160. Volume 3, Number 4 Arnsperger, C. (2008). Building an Integral Economic Science: Opportunities and Challenges. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 3(4), 1-16. Bowman, K. J. (2008). Integral Neoclassical Economic Growth. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 3(4), 1738. Coder, K. (2008). Uganda’s Success in Reducing HIV/AIDS Prevalence Rates in the 1980s and 1990s: An Integral Retrospective Analysis. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 3(4), 39-60. Edwards, M. (2008). Evaluating Integral Metatheory: An Exemplar Case and a Defense of Wilber’s Social Quadrant. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 3(4), 61-84. McIntosh, S. (2008). Problemitizing Interobjectivity: A Response to Edwards. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 3(4), 85-102. Baruch, V. (2008). An Integral Perspective on Promoting Thriving for Therapists. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 3(4), 103-124. Araujo, A. V. (2008). An Integral Solution to Healing Sexual Abuse Trauma. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 3(4), 125-153. Volume 4, Number 1 (Integral Coaching) Hunt, J. (2009). Transcending and Including our Current Way of Being: An Introduction to Integral Coaching ®. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 4(1), 1-20. Divine, L. (2009). Looking AT and Looking AS the Client: The Quadrants as a Type Structure Lens. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 4(1), 21-40. Divine, L. (2009). A Unique View Into You: Working With a Client’s AQAL Constellation™. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 4(1), 41-68. Hunt, J. (2009). Transformational Conversations: The Four Conversations of Integral Coaching®. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 4(1), 69-92. Frost, L.L. (2009). Integral Perspectives on Coaching: An Analysis of Integral Coaching Canada Across Eight Zones and Five Methodologies. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 4(1), 93-120. Hunt, J. (2009). Building Integral Coaching Canada: A Practice Journey. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 4(1), 121-149. Volume 4, Number 2 Combs, A. (2009). Reflections on Online Integral Education: The Learning Community as a Vessel for Transformation. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 4(2), 1-12. Marquis, A. (2009). An Integral Taxonomy of Therapeutic Interventions. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 4(2), 13-43. Witt, K. (2009). Developmental Engagement Field Theory: A Speculative Framework for the Practical Application of Integrally Informed Psychotherapy. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 4(2), 43-66. Eliason, M.J. (2009). An Integral Approach to Sexual Identity: Beyond Religion and Science. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 4(2), 67-88. Bailin, R.A. (2009). Feminine, Masculine, Female, and Male in the Integral Space. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 4(2), 89-104. Simmons, G. (2009). Creating Thriving, Coherent New Thought Churches: An Integral Approach. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 4(2), 105-124. Hochachka, G. (2009). Depth and Dynamism of Integral Applications in International Development. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 4(2), 125-150. Przyborowska, B., & Błajet, P. (2009). Body–Education–Mind Conference: Toruń, Poland, December 3–4, 2008 Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 4(2), 13-43. Volume 4, Number 3 (Integral Theory Conference 2008) Walsh, R. (2009). The State of the Integral Enterprise, Part I: Current Status and Potential Traps. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 4(3), 1-12. Walsh, R. (2009). The State of the Integral Enterprise, Part II: Key Ideas for a World at Risk. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 4(3), 13-22. Anest, J. (2009). Ranked Choice Voting: A Path Toward a More Integral Politics. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 4(3), 23-40. Gregory, T.A., & Raffanti, M.A. (2009). Integral Diversity Maturity: Toward a Postconventional Understanding of Diversity Dynamics. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 4(3), 41-58. Friesen, E., & Wight, I. (2009). Integrally Informed Journaling for Professional Self-design: Emerging Experience in Graduate Program Context. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 4(3), 59-86. Loubriel, L.E. (2009). Integral Music Performance and Pedagogy: A Post-Secondary Performance and Education Model. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 4(3), 87-108. Shealy, S.E. (2009). Toward an Integrally Informed Approach to Alcohol and Drug Treatment: Bridging the Science-Spirit Gap. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 4(3), 109-126. Foshay, R. (2009). Tension on the Left: Buddhist Ethics and Postmodernism in Habermas and Wilber. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 4(3), 127-140. Helfrich, P.M. (2009). The Channeling Phenomenon: A Multi-Methodological Assessment. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 4(3), 141-162. Zampitella, C. (2009). Bereavement and Death Construct Development in Integral Theory and Practice. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 4(3), 163-176. Volume 4, Number 4 (Climate Change I) Zimmerman, M.E. (2009). Including and Differentiating among Perspectives: An Integral Approach to Climate Change. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 4(4), 1-26. Slaughter, R.A. (2009). Beyond the Threshold: Using Climate Change Literature to Support Climate Change Response. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 4(4), 27-46. Luftig, J. (2009). Movement Building through Metanarrative: An Integral Ideological Response to Climate Change. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 4(4), 47-66. Inglis, J. (2009). Publicly Created Systemic Responses to Climate Change: An Integral Approach to Civic Engagement. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 4(4), 67-88. Scott, R. (2009). Climate Change in Spaceship Earth: An Integral Ecological Economics Perspective. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 4(4), 89-102. Riedy, C. (2009). Household Behavior Change for Climate Change Response: An Integral Scan. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 4(4), 103-120. Bunzl, J. (2009). Solving Climate Change: Achieving a Noospheric Agreement. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 4(4), 121-140. Wight, I. (2009). The Eye of the Storm and Hell and High Water: A Comparative Book Review. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 4(4), 141-146. Volume 5, Number 1 (Climate Change II) Esbjörn-Hargens, S. (2010). An Integral Overview of Climate Change: Why Truth is not Enough. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 5(1), 1-42. Ballard, D., Reason, P., & Coleman, G. (2010). Using the AQAL Framework to Accelerate Responses to Climate Change. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 5(1), 43-60. Snorf, K., & Baye, J. (2010). Personal Change, Climate Change, and Human Development: A Hypothesis of the Impacts of Integral Coaching® on Climate Change Initiatives. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 5(1), 61-88. O’Brien, K., & Hochachka, G. (2010). Integral Adaptation to Climate Change. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 5(1), 89-102. Winton, T. (2010). Developing an Integral Sustainability Pattern Language. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 5(1), 103-126. Graham, E. (2010). Supporting Social Movements: Facilitating Deeper Collaboration and Social Transformation through Integral Organizational Practice and Holacracy™. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 5(1), 127-142. Esbjörn-Hargens, S. (2010). An Ontology of Climate Change: Integral Pluralism and the Enactment of Multiple Objects. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 5(1), 143-174. Zimmerman, M.E. (2010). Why We Disagree About Climate Change: Understanding Controversy, Inaction and Opportunity: A Book Review. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 5(1), 175-183. Volume 5, Number 2 (Integral Research) Hedlund, N. (2010). Integrally Researching Integral Research: Enactive Perspectives on the Future of the Field. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 5(2), 1-30. Suttle, B. (2010). Toward an Integral Approach to Standardized Testing: Using the Integral Model to Improve Test Performance and Evaluate Current Testing Methodologies. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 5(2), 31-53. Grillo, K. (2010). An Integral Inquiry into the Relationship Between Addiction and Emotional Intelligence. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 5(2), 54-73. Collins, M. (2010). Music and Personal Experience: Flows and Peaks. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 5(2), 74-95. Tasset, T. (2010). An Integral Exploration of Leadership. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 5(2), 96-116. Silbiger, M. (2010). Press Play to Grow! Designing Video Games as “Trojan Horses” to Catalyze and Integrate Human Development. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 5(2), 117-148. O’Fallon, T. (2010). Developmental Experiments in Individual and Collective Movement to Second Tier. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 5(2), 149-160. Tenney, L. (2010). Integral Research: A Global Approach towards Social Science Research Leading to Social Innovation, by Ronnie Lessem and Alexander Schieffer [book review]. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 5(2), 161-169. Volume 5, Number 3 Bowman, K. (2010). Integral Political Economy. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 5(3), 1-27. Scott, R. (2010). Integral Political Economy Redux: A Critique of Bowman’s “Integral Political Economy.” Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 5(3), 28-32. Bowman, K. (2010). Integral Political Economy, Rejoinder: A Response to Scott. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 5(3), 33-38. Bowman, K. (2010). The Financial Crisis of 2008–2009: An Integral Political-Economic Analysis. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 5(3), 39-67. Du Plessis, G.P. (2010). The Integrated Recovery Model for Addiction Treatment and Recovery. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 5(3), 68-85. Dupuy, J., & Gorman, A. (2010). Integral Recovery®: An AQAL Approach to Inpatient Alcohol and Drug Treatment. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 5(3), 86-101. Cowen, A. (2010). Shelter as Container for Healthy Human Development. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 5(3), 102-117. Senzon, S. (2010). B.J. Palmer: An Integral Biography. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 5(3), 118-136. Dierkes, C. (2010). Indistinct Union: An Integral Introduction to Nonduality in Christianity. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 5(3), 137-156. Kezer, R. (2010). Integral Christ: Exploring the Kosmic Address of the Christ of the Urantia Revelation. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 5(3), 157-174. Arnsperger, C. (2010). Spelling Out Integral Economic Science: The Full-Spectrum Project [book summary]. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 5(3), 175-193. Lietaer, B. (2010). Full-Spectrum Economics: Toward an Inclusive and Emancipatory Social Science, by Christian Arnsperger [book review]. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 5(3), 194-196. Volume 5, Number 4 Marquis, A. (2010). The Integral Intake: Results from Phase One of the Integral Psychotherapy in Practice Study. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 5(4), 1-20. Esbjörn-Hargens, V. (2010). Psychograph as Map, Matrix, and Mirror: An Integral Psychograph Assessment. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 5(4), 21-58. Rubin, J. (2010). Sentio Ergo Sum: The Emotional Line of Development. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 5(4), 59-73. Leslie, K. (2010). Exploring Emotional Intelligence as a Line of Development: An Integral Stage Development Model. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 5(4), 74-85. Baratta, E. (2010). What Feels Right: An Embodied Perspective on the Ethical Line of Development. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 5(4), 86-93. Spence, K., & McDonald, M. (2010). Linking Developmental Action Logics to Transformational Leadership Behaviors. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 5(4), 94-111. Kaplan, M.A. (2010). Toward an Integral Cinema: The Application of Integral Theory to Cinematic Media Theory and Practice. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 5(4), 112-138. Klisanin, D. (2010). A Grand Synergy: Applying the Integral Operating System to Evolutionary Guidance Media. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 5(4), 139-153. White, P. (2010). Claiming Red: Integral Short Fiction. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 5(4), 154-165. Witt, K. (2010). The Ecstasy and the Irony: A Comparative Book Review of A Guide to Integral Psychotherapy: Complexity, Integration, and Spirituality in Practice, by Mark D. Forman, and Integral Psychotherapy: Inside Out/Outside In, by R. Elliott Ingersoll and David M. Zeitler. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 5(4), 166-176. Volume 6, Number 1 (Integral Spirituality: Unique Self) Gafni, M. (2011). The Evolutionary Emergent of Unique Self: A New Chapter in Integral Theory. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 6(1), 1-36. Diperna, D. (2011). Rejuvenating Religion for an Integral Age: The Emergence of the Unique Self and the Unique We. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 6(1), 37-56. Stein, Z. (2011). On Spiritual Teachers and Teachings. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 6(1), 57-77. Kelly, N.A. (2011). The Unique Self as Imago Dei: Approaching an Integral Christian Anthropology. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 6(1), 78-100. Trautwein, K. (2011). Quantum Theory, the Unique Self, and Evolution. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 6(1), 101-113. Gafni, M. (2011). The Unique Self and Nondual Humanism: A Study in the Enlightened Teaching of Mordechai Lainer of Izbica. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 6(1),114-150. Cohen A., & Gafni, M. (2011). Authentic Self and Unique Self [dialogue transcript]. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 6(1),151-161. Cook-Greuter, S., & Gafni, M. (2011). A View of Unique Self as it Unfolds over the Arc of Development [dialogue transcript]. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 6(1), 162-174. Dierkes, C. (2011). Post-Metaphysics and the Paradoxical Teachings of Jesus [book review]. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 6(1), 175-187. Volume 6, Number 2 Bowman, K.J. (2011). Holarchically Embedding Integral Political Economy: Helping to Synthesize Major Schools of Economics. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 6(2), 1-29. Herrada, G. (2011). Science, Depth, and Global Mythos : What is the Place of Science in an Integral Culture? Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 6(2), 30-49. Kelly, M.T. (2011). Contemporary Dance and Evolving Femininities. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 6(2), 50-66. McDonald, M., Spence, K., & Sheehan, B. (2011). Classroom-as-Organization: An Integral Approach. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 6(2), 67-81. Simons, J. (2011). Flatland Meets Elementary and Middle School Mathematics Instruction. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 6(2), 82-93. Munn, R. (2011). Buddhism and Psychotherapy: Opening up an Integral Dialogue. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 6(2), 94-104. Slaughter, R.A. (2011). The Integral Futures Controversy: An Introduction. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 6(2), 105-111. Morgan, D. (2011). Futures and the Future: An Integral Response to Epistemological Pluralism in Futures Studies. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 6(2), 112-134. Riedy, C. (2011). Learning from the Integral Futures Controversy. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 6(2), 135-148. Klisanin, D. (2011). Postformal-Integral-Planetary Scholarship: Insights from the Integral Futures Controversy. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 6(2), 149-156. Cacioppe, R. (2011). The Biggest Wake up Call in History, by Richard A. Slaughter [book review]. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 6(2), 157-162. Volume 6, Number 3 (Integral Theory Conference 2010) Leonard, A. (2011). Integral Communication Theory and Practice. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 6(3), 113. Alderman, B. (2011). Kingdom Come: Beyond Inclusivism and Pluralism, An Integral Post-Metaphysical Invitation. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 6(3), 14-31. Kelly, N.A. (2011). Prolegomenon to an Integral Christianity: Phenomenology and Christology. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 6(3), 32-57. Silow, T. (2011). An Interior and Exterior View of “Body.” Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 6(3), 58-74. Lewis, J. (2011). Forgiveness and Individual Psychotherapy: Toward Integral Understanding. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 6(3), 75-93. Barbier, P-Y. (2011). Integral Perspective Making and Qualitative Research Inquiry. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 6(3), 94-108. Golin, C.L. Pièce de Résistance: An Integral Approach to Engaging Resistance. (2011). Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 6(3), 109-122. Reams, J. (2011). Integral Theory in Action: Applied, Theoretical, and Constructive Perspectives on the AQAL Model, Edited by Sean Esbjörn-Hargens [book review]. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 6(3), 123136 Hamilton, M. (2011). Integral Sustainable Design: Transformative Perspectives, by Mark DeKay [book review]. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 6(3), 137-148. Volume 6, Number 4 (Integral Medicine) Petrie, D. (2011). An Integral Methodological Pluralism Framework for Evidence-Based Medicine. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 6(4), 1-13 Argus, W. (2011). The Shadow on Mammography: An Integrally Informed Paradigm Shift for Breast Cancer. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 6(4), 14-24 Howard, A., & Arroll, M. (2011). The Application of Integral Medicine in the Treatment of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 6(4), 25-40. Short, E.B. (2011). Advancing Integral Perspectives in Psychiatry: Part 1. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 6(4), 41-56. Short, E.B. (2011). Advancing Integral Perspectives in Psychiatry: Part 2. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 6(4), 57-70. Beck, D-M., Dossey, B.M., & Rushton, C.H. (2011). Integral Nursing and the Nightingale Initiative for Global Health: Florence Nightingale’s Integral Legacy for the 21st Century. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 6(4), 71-92. Calleja, D. (2011). Integral Therapeutic Community: A Framework for Adolescent Addiction Treatment. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 6(4), 93-112. Senzon, S., Epstein, D., & Lemberger, D. (2011). Reorganizational Healing as an Integrally Informed Framework for Integral Medicine. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 6(4), 113-130. Zucker, D. (2011). An Inquiry Into Integral Medicine. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 6(4), 131-136. Chase, M. (2011). The Body Multiple: Ontology in Medical Practice, by Annemarie Mol [book review]. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 6(4), 137-145. Kreisberg, J. (2011). Aware Awake Alive: A Contemporary Guide to the Ancient Science of Integral Health and Human Flourishing, by Elliott S. Dacher [book review]. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 6(4), 146-149. Volume 7, Number 1 Walsh, R. (2012). Wisdom: An integral view. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 7(1), 1-21 Zeitler, D.M. (2012). Introducing the integral cube: Evolutionary motion and involutionary tension in practice. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 7(1), 22-53. Bowman, K.J. (2012). Integral scientific pluralism. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 7(1), 54-66. Schmidt, M.E. (2012). Educating the essential self: The AQAL model in socially conscious curricula. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 7(1), 67-80. Klein, S.R. (2012). Integral theory and ePortfolio development: A model for professional development. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 7(1), 81-93. Renert, M., & Davis, B. (2012). Ecological sustainability and mathematics education. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 7(1), 94-104. Bunzl, J.M. (2012). Discovering an integral civic consciousness in a global age: Global problems, global governance, and denial. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 7(1), 105-123. du Plessis, G.P. (2012). Integrated recovery therapy: Toward an integrally informed individual psychotherapy for addicted populations. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 7(1), 124-148. O’Fallon, T. (2012). The postconventional personality: Assessing, researching, and theorizing higher development [book review]. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice, 7(1), 149-155.