General Committee Information (MS Word Document)

Related ASTM Committees:
E12 on Appearance
G03 on Weathering and Durability of Nonmetallic Materials
D01 and ISO
D01 houses the following US TAGs:
US TAG to ISO TC35/SC9, General test methods for paints and varnishes
US TAG to ISO TC35/SC10 Test Methods for binders for paints and varnishes
D01 and EPA
State and federal regulations that limit the emission of Volatile Organic Compounds
(VOCs) from paints and coatings rely principally on ASTM standards for the
measurement of the parameters used to calculate VOC content: total volatile content,
exempt solvent content, and paint or coating density. These standards are: D1475 Test
Method for Density of Paint, Varnish, Lacquer, and Related Products; D 2369 Test
Method for Volatile Content of Coatings; D 3792 Test Method for Water Content of
Water-ReduciblePaints by Direct Injection Into a Gas Chromatograph; D 4017Test
Method for Water in Paints and Paint Materials by Karl Fischer Method; and D 4457 Test
Method for Determination of Dichloromethaneand 1,1,1- Trichloroethane in Paints and
Coatings by Direct Injection Into a Gas Chromatograph.
EPA has two reference methods that incorporate these D01 standards. They are
Reference Method 24: Determination of Volatile Matter Content, Density, Volume
Solids, and Weight Solids of Surface Coatings and Reference Method 24A:
Determination of Volatile Matter Content and Density of Printing Inks and Related
Coatings(RM24 and RM24A). RM24 and RM24A provide the framework for referencing
these ASTM standards in determining VOC levels under regulation.
Publications Sponsored by Committee D01
Manuals include: Manual 4/Manual on Determination of Volatile Organic Compound
(VOC) Content in Paints, Inks, and Related Coating Products, 2nd Edition; Manual
17/Paint and Coating Testing Manual.