Student Welfare, Wellbeing & Engagement Framework “The Smaller City School” This Framework was last ratified by School Council on.... June 10th 2015 Our goal is a positive and self-sustaining school culture, built on relationships and informed by the ‘umbrella’ of Program Achieve. The ‘Safe Schools Are Effective Schools’ model guides our strategies to gain Behavioural, Emotional and Cognitive Engagement. All staff nurture relationship-based discipline to powerfully reinforce our culture – punitive discipline is avoided. Strategy TEACHING ‘PROGRAM ACHIEVE’ - YOU CAN DO IT Positive Influences on Students Responsibility CONFIDENCE PERSISTENCE ORGANISATION GETTING ALONG RESILIENCE Behaviour: I Can Do It Accepting Myself Taking Risks Being Independent Behaviour: I Can Do It Giving Effort Working Tough Behaviour: Setting Goals Planning My Time Behaviour: Being Tolerant of Others Thinking First Playing By the Rules Social Responsibility Behaviour: I Can Do It Accepting Myself Taking Risks Being Independent Working Tough Being Tolerant of Others Teachers work through FAIR GO program & continually refer to values - implementation part of Annual Review discussions Teachers Assess & Report to YCDI, (integrate with AusVELS Interpersonal Learning) Teachers present YCDI Term Awards Students to reflect behaviour and values in class and in yard Each of the five YCDI Foundation Behaviours are represented by a different colour and native animal Reinforcement given to students in both class and in yard for demonstrating foundation behaviours YCDI pen presented at Assembly All staff reinforce CLASSROOM LEARNING PLAN JSC DISCUSSIONS: Fundraising & Lunch activities School Rules & Suggestions Bully Stoppers ORGANISATION & MANAGEMENT of SCHOOL ASSEMBLIES SPEAKING and REPORTING to ASSEMBLIES SPORTS STORE MANAGEMENT As above HOUSE CAPTAINS STUDENT EXPOS LEARNING DIARIES STRIVE FRIENDS Values: POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT STUDENT VOICE & INVOLVEMENT CARING DOING YOUR BEST FREEDOM HONESTY INTEGRITY RESPECT RESPONSIBILITY UNDERSTANDING, TOLERANCE, & INCLUSION Mention in weekly awards All students contribute to Classroom Learning Plan and class JSC discussions JSC appointed as Bully Stoppers Strategy Positive Influences on Students HOUSE CAPTAINS LEADERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES JUNIOR SCHOOL COUNCIL MONITORS SPORTS REPRESENTATION CHOIR PERFORMANCES DATA-INFORMED INDIVIDUAL LEARNING PLANS Developed by Class Teacher High expectations for all students Differentiated for individuals and groups as required CLASS WORKGROUPS REORGANISED AS APPROPRIATE TO MIX STUDENTS STAFF CONSISTENT & SKILLED USE to RESOLVE CONFLICT YARD DUTY AusVELS-BASED ENGAGING emphasising CURRICULUM BROADENING NETWORK of INTERRELATIONSHIPS and FRIENDSHIPS RESTORATIVE PRACTICES LITERACY and NUMERACY guided by E5 & PoLT informed by INQUIRY LEARNING, improved by COACHING discussion and PD developed in PLTs planned from DATABASED appraisal of class learning needs Responsibility RUNNING SCHOOL & INTERSCHOOL EVENTS BUDDIES SCHOOL & YARD IMPROVEMENTS BULLY STOPPERS EXTENSION ACTIVITIES SuccessMaker ‘CATALYST’ Program for students with very high academic scores Netbooks and one-toone ICT program in Year 4, 5 and 6 Developmental Curriculum approach in junior school to target Literacy and Numeracy YCDI classes Premier’s Reading Challenge REMEDIAL ASSISTANCE Reading Assistance Rainbow Reading THRASS Withdrawal Groups Tutoring Classroom Support Involving & linked to PARENT/CARERS & COMMUNITY Open Days/Nights Environment and Community Events Sports Days Parent Helpers Concert/Music/Choir Nights & performance Lapathon Family Fun Day/BBQs Dress-up Days Healthy Breakfast Information Evenings Parents Club Colac Show Kana Winifred Nance Colac Special Development School Colac Otway Shire Liaison with External Support Agencies WEEKLY ACTIVITY planned for each year level to come together as single age group, e.g. all Year 1, all Year 5 etc. PLANNED ACTIVITY (CLUBS) FOR BROADER MULTI-AGE GROUPS SPECIALLY PAINTED FRIENDSHIP SEATS for Students who find themselves without a friend STUDENTS WANT RESOLUTION STUDENTS TRUST PROCESS STUDENTS OPEN TO SOLUTIONS All Teachers JSC & House Coord Student Reps Principal Teachers ES staff Special Needs Coord School organises Class Structure to facilitate teamwork and PLTs School organisation facilitates timetabled simultaneous time-release for PLT members School provides additional time-release and appropriate PD opportunities Teachers JSC and JSC Coord PAL’s All staff STUDENTS PREPARED to ACT Class/Yard Teacher Students Strategy FRAMEWORK for UNDERSTANDING POVERTY Positive Influences on Students DAY 1 Understanding DAY 2 Strategies Responsibility Teachers Aides and Support Staff ‘understand’ and utilise empathy and appropriate language and strategies, in dealing with all members of the school community PRINCIPAL AWARDS – acts of good citizenship or consistent effort in any area of school life – certificate and a badge awarded at Assembly – could also recognise achievement outside school WEEKLY CLASS AWARDS – whatever teacher wishes to recognise – each student to win at least one for the year HOUSE POINTS – Points displayed in rooms, showing points and numbers in each House – House Point Monitors to ensure points are divided by House numbers, then weighted 4, 3, 2, 1, each week RECOGNITION AND AWARDS PROGRAM Teachers & specialists House Point Monitors Awards finalised Wed a.m. - Newsletter publication PROGRAM ACHIEVE TERM AWARDS – consistent YCDI behaviour through the Term SPORTS AWARDS – awarded for participation in various sports YEAR 6 PROGRAM ACHIEVE AUSSIE OF THE TERM AWARDS – for modelling YCDI Leadership All ACADEMIC All ‘YCDI PEN’ BEHAVIOUR AWARDS – for YCDI behaviour READING AWARDS – to recognise achievement in this area of the curriculum MATHS AWARDS – see above DRESS-UP DAYS/PARADES – prizes for best dressed participant LAPATHON PRIZES – awarded for differing levels of support to school fundraiser All PRIMARY WELFARE COORDINATOR PLAYGROUND FACILITIES RECESS-TIME SPORTS GEAR STUDENT WELFARE ROOM CULTURAL ACTIVITIES & VISITS All SPORTS TRAINING MUSIC AND CHOIR R.E. PROGRAM (morals and values) CHAPLAIN (morals and values, counselling) CHESS CLUB STUDENT WELFARE ROOM EXCURSIONS - inc WHOLE-SCHOOL TRIP REACH PROGRAM FRIENDS AND STRIVE PROGRAMS BIKE ED LUNCHTIME LEARNING CLASS LUNCHTIME DRAWING CLASS CAMPS MOVIE-TIME LUNCH SCREENINGS HOBBIES NEWSLETTER, ROOM DISPLAY BOARDS & INTRANET publication of student work MARKED AND MAINTAINED SPORTS COURTS PARENTS/CARERS PURCHASE AWARDS FOLDER from office – Record of Awards won ‘SPECIAL ADULTS’ for SOME STUDENTS (consultation between staff & Stud Welf Coord) CLASS YARD DUTY - backed-up by class enforcement of ‘Nude Food’ Policy EACH TERM AWARDS – 3 students in each class for highest academic achievement over the whole year GRADUATION AWARDS - various ANNUAL MUSIC AWARDS – for participation, effort and good example in the area of Music and performances ARTS AWARDS – see above staff Principal CLASS AS NEEDED PASTORAL CARE All class teachers Sports Coordinator Year 6 Teachers & AP class teachers Music teacher Arts teacher staff and AP Literacy Coordinator Numeracy Coordinator Skipathon Coordinator Teachers Primary Welfare Coord Chaplain Aides ES staff Trainee AP Principal Parents/carers Students Strategy PASTORAL CARE (Cont.) Positive Influences on Students HEALTHY BREAKFASTS FREE FRUIT DAYS FRUIT morning breaks REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE PROGRAM ‘GO FOR YOUR LIFE’ HEALTHY CANTEEN SCHOOL VEGGIE GARDEN SCHOOL CONCERT CULTURAL VISITS PROGRAM NUDE FOOD DAYS AUTUMN HARVEST FAIR PUBLISH GUIDELINES and PERIODIC REMINDERS TRACK ATTENDANCE, LATENESS and EARLY DEPARTURE – through class teachers and front office book GUIDELINES Teacher sends home Illness Notes External doors locked after bell Late students fill in book at office All parents/carers directed to office first Early departures fill in book at office PRINCIPAL ACTION: 5 days absent 2 days late per week 2 days early departure CLASSROOM BEHAVIOUR BOOK Primary record of poor behaviour choices Exercise book kept securely by Class Teacher recording poor behaviour choices Separate pages for each student in class Book must be kept current YARD DUTY BOOK OTHER INCIDENTS DEALT WITH BY Yard Duty staff wear PRINCIPAL High Visibility Vests Yard Duty Book carried Record kept in Principals diary by each person on Duty Referral to Teacher for information and Book with columns: possible recording in Name, Date, Incident, Classroom Behaviour Staff Name (initials), Book Completed/Not Completed (‘C’ or ‘NC’ indicating incident dealt with or not) ES Staff on Yard Duty defer to teachers for action, but advise on consequences Filled out at the time of incident (poor choice), or asap BULLYING AUDITS Confidential audit carried out for all classes by Welfare Officer during Library classes Information collated by Welfare Officer and discussed at staff meeting Identified bullies noted in Classroom Behaviour Book Action by Classroom Teacher, unless consistent offender – then refer to Welfare Officer or Principal Once per Term ATTENDANCE, LATENESS AND EARLY DEPARTURE TRACKING BEHAVIOUR CHOICES Responsibility Principal writes articles in Newsletter Teacher ensures Guidelines are followed Principal follow up directly with parent/carer TALLY OF GOOD BEHAVIOUR CHOICES Teachers record in Behaviour Book each time a student receives a YCDI pen or Principal’s Award Teacher records all incidents in Class Behaviour Book Yard Duty Teachers wear High Visibility Vests & Hats (T1 & 4) Yard Duty Staff and Principal must always inform Teacher of details asap – little delay is especially important when incident not dealt with, e.g. happens as students coming in from Lunch Teacher keeps track and uses discretion when to consult with Welfare Coord, Principal and/or parents/carers The response to poor choices must be immediate; staged; appropriate; promote better future choices; & restore relationships. Although the major influence and primary responsibility for discipline rests with the Class Teacher, a consistent whole-staff team approach is vital and necessary for success. When Things Go Wrong - Student Discipline ‘Staged Response’ Teacher Calmness is imperative Backup for each other and the team is essential (ref: Staff Values) GOVERNING RULES PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ACTION EXAMPLES OF MISDEMEANOURS 1. CLASSROOM Classroom Learning Plan Restorative Practices for relationship issues Staged and appropriate response CLASSROOM TEACHER Not following classroom learning plan 2. YARD YARD DUTY TEACHER - ES Staff to refer action to teacher on duty with them Positive expectations for behaviour at the time including respect for people, places, equipment and out-of-bounds areas - refer Dealt with by class teacher whenever to Staff Handbook. possible Restorative Practices as issues occur. 3. CORRIDORS AND TOILETS Same expectations as for classroom and yard 4. SEVERE MISBEHAVIOUR Behaviour that is a major departure from normal school expectations WELFARE OFFICER & PRINCIPAL Implement an immediate response Referred to classroom teacher for follow-up - if necessary PRINCIPAL AND/OR WELFARE OFFICER – teacher included in discussions and kept informed Not taking personal responsibility for behaviour as expected in classroom, e.g.: Littering Bullying or exclusion Fighting Swearing Wandering Interfering with others’ belongings Petty Vandalism Minor Theft Violence resulting in physical injury to another student Discrimination, including Racial, Religious and Sexual discrimination Systematic bullying, More serious Theft Significant Vandalism Use or possession of Drugs Ongoing refusal to follow school expectations and rules OPTIONS FOR ACTION – LISTED IN INCREASING SEVERITY Discussion Individual Learning Plan Refer Student Welfare Coord/Chaplain Removal of classroom privilege Detention – teacher supervised Teacher contacts parent/carer Keep Principal informed Yard Duty Teacher implements an immediate and appropriate response Referral and explanation to Classroom teacher for follow-up Classroom teacher may use any of options above (1.), in a staged response Depending on nature of bad choice made, all action and punishment/restitution may be wholly managed by Principal or Delagate Principal and/or Delegate will follow the DEECD Student Discipline procedures Depending on situation, may lead to: Referral to Chaplain &/or Netwk Psych Liaison with external agencies Conference with parent/carer Student Support Group Meetings Individual Student Learning, Safety and Behaviour Management Plan, and/or Behaviour Contract Suspension (In-school & External) Expulsion