COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION Brussels, 27 May 2004 9716/04 ADD 1 Interinstitutional File: 2002/0061 (COD) ETS 42 CODEC 753 ADDENDUM to NOTE from: General Secretariat of the Council to: Delegations No. prev. doc. : 9324/04 ETS 39 CODEC 699 + ADD 1 + ADD 2 + ADD 3 No. Cion prop. : 7239/02 ETS 1 CODEC 350 + 8722/04 ETS 33 CODEC 614 Subject : Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the recognition of professional qualifications - Political agreement on the Council's common position = Annexes Delegations will find attached the Annexes to 9716/04. ________________________ 9716/04 ADD 1 KM/mg DG C I 1 EN ANNEX I List of professional associations or organisations fulfilling the conditions of Article 3(2) IRELAND1 1. The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland2 2. The Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Ireland 2 3. The Association of Certified Accountants2 4. Institution of Engineers of Ireland 5. Irish Planning Institute UNITED KINGDOM 1. Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales 20. Chartered Institute of Building 2. Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland 21. Engineering Council 3. Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland 22. Institute of Energy 4. Chartered Association of Certified Accountants 23. Institution of Structural Engineers 5. Chartered Institute of Loss Adjusters 24. Institution of Civil Engineers 6. Chartered Institute of Management Accountants 25. Institution of Mining Engineers 7. Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators 26. Institution of Mining and Metallurgy 8. Chartered Insurance Institute 27. Institution of Electrical Engineers 9. Institute of Actuaries 28. Institution of Gas Engineers 10. Faculty of Actuaries 29. Institution of Mechanical Engineers 11. Chartered Institute of Bankers 30. Institution of Chemical Engineers 12. Institute of Bankers in Scotland 31. Institution of Production Engineers 13. Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors 32. Institution of Marine Engineers 14. Royal Town Planning Institute 33. Royal Institution of Naval Architects 15. Chartered Society of Physiotherapy 34. Royal Aeronautical Society 16. Royal Society of Chemistry 35. Institute of Metals 17. British Psychological Society 36. Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers 18. Library Association 37. Institute of Measurement and Control 19. Institute of Chartered Foresters 38. British Computer Society ________________________ 1 2 Irish nationals are also members of the following associations or organisations in the United Kingdom: Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland Institute of Actuaries Faculty of Actuaries The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators Royal Town Planning Institute Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Chartered Institute of Building. Only for the activity of auditing accounts. 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX I KM/mg DG C I 1 EN ANNEX II List of courses having a special structure referred to in point (b) of Article 11(4) 1. Paramedical and childcare training courses Training for the following: in Germany: – paediatric nurse ("Kinderkrankenschwester/Kinderkrankenpfleger"), – physiotherapist ("Krankengymnast(in)/Physiotherapeut(in)")3, – occupational therapist/ergotherapist ("Beschäftigungs- und Arbeitstherapeut/Ergotherapeut"), – speech therapist ("Logopaede/Logopaedin"), – orthoptist ("Orthoptist(in)"), – State-recognised childcare worker ("Staatlich anerkannte(r) Erzieher(in)"), – State-recognised remedial teacher ("Staatlich anerkannte(r) Heilpaedagoge(-in)"), – medical laboratory technician ("medizinisch-technische(r) LaboratoriumsAssistent(in)"), – medical X-ray technician ("medizinisch-technische(r) Radiologie-Assistent(in)"), 3 As from 1 June 1994, the professional title "Krankengymnast(in)" was replaced by that of "Physiotherapeut(in)". Nevertheless, the members of the profession who obtained their diplomas before that date may, if they wish, continue to use the earlier title of "Krankengymnast(in)". 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX II KM/mg DG C I 1 EN – medical functional diagnostics technician ("medizinisch-technische(r) Assistent(in) fuer Funktionsdiagnostik"), – veterinary technician ("veterinaermedizinisch-technische(r) Assistent(in)"), – dietitian ("Diaetassistent(in)"), – pharmacy technician ("Pharmazieingenieur") received prior to 31 March 1994 in the former German Democratic Republic or in the territory of the new Laender, – psychiatric nurse ("Psychiatrische(r) Krankenschwester/Krankenpfleger"), – speech therapist ("Sprachtherapeut(in)"). in the Czech Republic: – health care assistant ("zdravotnický asistent"), which represents education of a total duration of at least 13 years, comprising at least 8 years of elementary education and 4 years of vocational secondary education at a secondary medical school, completed by the "maturitní zkouška" exam. – assistant in nutrition ("nutriční asistent"), which represents education of a total duration of at least 13 years, comprising at least 8 years of elementary education and 4 years of vocational secondary education at a secondary medical school, completed by the "maturitní zkouška" exam. 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX II KM/mg DG C I 2 EN in Italy: – dental technician ("odontotecnico"), – optician ("ottico"). in Cyprus: – dental technician ("οδοντοτεχνίτης"), which represents education of a total duration of at least 14 years, comprising at least 6 years of elementary education, 6 years of secondary education and 2 years of post-secondary vocational education, followed by 1 year of professional experience. – optician ("τεχνικός oπτικός"), which represents education of a total duration of at least 14 years, comprising at least 6 years of elementary education, 6 years of secondary education and 2 years of post-secondary education, followed by 1 year of professional experience. in Latvia: – dental nurse ("zobārstniecības māsa"), which represents education of a total duration of at least 13 years, comprising at least 10 years of general school education and 2 years of professional education in medical school, followed by 3 years of professional experience at the end of which a certification exam must be passed to obtain a certificate in the speciality. – biomedical laboratory assistant ("biomedicīnas laborants"), which represents education of a total duration of at least 12 years, comprising at least 10 years of general school education and 2 years of professional education in medical school, followed by 2 years of professional experience at the end of which a certification exam must be passed to obtain a certificate in the speciality. 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX II KM/mg DG C I 3 EN – dental technician ("zobu tehniķis"), which represents education of a total duration of at least 12 years, comprising at least 10 years of general school education and 2 years of professional education in medical school, followed by 2 years of professional experience at the end of which a certification exam must be passed to obtain a certificate in the speciality. – physiotherapist's assistant ("fizioterapeita asistents"), which represents education of a total duration of at least 13 years, comprising at least 10 years of general school education and 3 years of professional education in medical school, followed by 2 years of professional experience at the end of which a certification exam must be passed to obtain a certificate in the speciality. in Luxembourg: – medical X-ray technician ("assistant(e) technique médical(e) en radiologie"), – medical laboratory technician ("assistant(e) technique médical(e) de laboratoire"), – psychiatric nurse ("infirmier/ière psychiatrique"), – medical technician - surgery ("assistant(e) technique médical(e) en chirurgie"), – paediatric nurse ("infirmier/ière puériculteur/trice"), – nurse - anaesthetics ("infirmier/ière anesthésiste"), – qualified masseur/masseuse ("masseur/euse diplômé(e)"), – childcare worker ("éducateur/trice"). 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX II KM/mg DG C I 4 EN in the Netherlands: – veterinary assistant ("dierenartassistent"), which represent education and training courses of a total duration of at least thirteen years, comprising: (i) either at least three years of vocational training in a specialised school culminating in an examination, in some cases supplemented by a one- or two-year specialisation course culminating in an examination, (ii) or at least two and a half years of vocational training in a specialised school culminating in an examination and supplemented by work experience of at least six months or by a traineeship of at least six months in an approved establishment, (iii) or at least two years of vocational training in a specialised school culminating in an examination and supplemented by work experience of at least one year or by a traineeship of at least one year in an approved establishment, (iv) or in the case of the veterinary assistant ("dierenartassisten") in the Netherlands three years of vocational training in a specialised school ("MBO"-scheme) or alternatively three years of vocational training in the dual apprenticeship system ("LLW"), both of which culminate in an examination. in Austria: – special basic training for nurses specialising in the care of children and young people ("spezielle Grundausbildung in der Kinder- und Jugendlichenpflege"), – special basic training for psychiatric nurses ("spezielle Grundausbildung in der psychiatrischen Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege"), – contact lens optician ("Kontaktlinsenoptiker"), – pedicurist ("Fusspfleger") 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX II KM/mg DG C I 5 EN – acoustic-aid technician ("Hoergeraeteakustiker"), – druggist ("Drogist"), which represent education and training courses of a total duration of at least fourteen years, including at least five years' training followed within a structured training framework, divided into an apprenticeship of at least three years' duration, comprising training partly received in the workplace and partly provided by a vocational training establishment, and a period of professional practice and training, culminating in a professional examination conferring the right to exercise the profession and to train apprentices. – masseur ("Masseur"), which represents education and training courses of a total duration of fourteen years, including five years' training within a structured training framework, comprising an apprenticeship of two years' duration, a period of professional practice and training of two years' duration and a training course of one year culminating in a professional examination conferring the rights to exercise the profession and to train apprentices. – kindergarten worker ("Kindergaertner/in"), – child care worker ("Erzieher"), which represent education and training courses of a total duration of thirteen years, including five years of professional training in a specialised school, culminating in an examination. in Slovakia: – teacher in the field of dance at basic schools of art ("učiteľ v tanečnom odbore na základných umeleckých školách"), 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX II KM/mg DG C I 6 EN which represents education of a total duration of a least 14,5 years, comprising 8 years of basic education, 4 years of education at the secondary specialised school and a 5-semester course of dance pedagogy. – educator at special educating facilities and at social service facilities ("vychovávatel’ v špeciálnych výchovných zariadeniach a v zariadeniach sociálnych služieb"), which represents education of a total duration of at least 14 years, comprising 8/9 years of basic education, 4 years of study at secondary pedagogical school or at another secondary school and 2 years of supplementary part-time pedagogical study. 2. Master craftsman sector ("Mester/Meister/Maître"), which represents education and training courses concerning skills not covered by Title III, Chapter II, of this Directive Training for the following: in Denmark: – optician ("optometrist"), This course is of a total duration of 14 years, including five years' vocational training divided into two and a half years' theoretical training provided by the vocational training establishment and two and a half years' practical training received in the workplace, and culminating in a recognised examination relating to the craft and conferring the right to use the title "Mester". – orthopaedic technician ("ortopaedimekaniker"), 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX II KM/mg DG C I 7 EN This course is of a total duration of 12,5 years, including three and a half years' vocational training divided into six months' theoretical training provided by the vocational training establishment and three years' practical training received in the workplace, and culminating in a recognised examination relating to the craft and conferring the right to use the title "Mester". – orthopaedic boot and shoemaker ("orthopaediskomager"), This course is of a total duration of 13,5 years, including four and a half years' vocational training divided into two years' theoretical training provided by the vocational training establishment and two and a half years' practical training received in the workplace, and culminating in a recognised examination relating to the craft and conferring the right to use the title "Mester". in Germany: – optician ("Augenoptiker"), – dental technician ("Zahntechniker"), – surgical truss maker ("Bandagist"), – hearing-aid maker ("Hörgeräte-Akustiker"), – orthopaedic technician ("Orthopaediemechaniker"), – orthopaedic bootmaker ("Orthopaedieschuhmacher"). in Luxembourg: – dispensing optician ("opticien"), – dental technician ("mécanicien dentaire"), – hearing-aid maker ("audioprothésiste"), 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX II KM/mg DG C I 8 EN – orthopaedic technician/surgical truss maker ("mécanicien orthopédiste/bandagiste"), – orthopaedic bootmaker ("orthopédiste-cordonnier"), These courses are of a total duration of 14 years, including at least five years' training followed within a structured training framework, partly received in the workplace and partly provided by the vocational training establishment, and culminating in an examination which must be passed in order to be able to practise any activity considered as skilled, either independently or as an employee with a comparable level of responsibility. in Austria: – surgical truss maker ("Bandagist"), – corset maker ("Miederwarenerzeuger"), – optician ("Optiker"), – orthopaedic shoemaker ("Orthopaedieschuhmacher"), – orthopaedic technician ("Orthopaedietechniker"), – dental technician ("Zahntechniker"), – gardener ("Gaertner"), which represent education and training of a total duration of at least fourteen years, including at least five years' training within a structured training framework, divided into apprenticeship of at least three years' duration, comprising training received partly in the workplace and partly provided by a vocational training establishment, and a period of professional practice and training of at least two years' duration culminating in a mastership examination conferring the rights to exercise the profession, to train apprentices and to use the title "Meister". 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX II KM/mg DG C I 9 EN training for master craftsmen in the field of agriculture and forestry, namely: – master in agriculture ("Meister in der Landwirtschaft"), – master in rural home economics ("Meister in der laendlichen Hauswirtschaft"), – master in horticulture ("Meister im Gartenbau"), – master in market gardening ("Meister im Feldgemüsebau"), – master in pomology and fruit-processing ("Meister im Obstbau und in der Obstverwertung"), – master in viniculture and wine-production ("Meister im Weinbau und in der Kellerwirtschaft"), – master in dairy farming ("Meister in der Molkerei- und Kaesereiwirtschaft"), – master in horse husbandry ("Meister in der Pferdewirtschaft"), – master in fishery ("Meister in der Fischereiwirtschaft"), – master in poultry farming ("Meister in der Geflügelwirtschaft"), – master in apiculture ("Meister in der Bienenwirtschaft"), – master in forestry ("Meister in der Forstwirtschaft"), – master in forestry plantation and forest management ("Meister in der Forstgarten- und Forstpflegewirtschaft"), – master in agricultural warehousing ("Meister in der landwirtschaftlichen Lagerhaltung"), 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX II KM/mg DG C I 10 EN which represent education and training of a total duration of at least fifteen years, including at least six years' training followed within a structured training framework divided into an apprenticeship of at least three years' duration, comprising training partly received in the business and partly provided by a vocational training establishment, and a period of three years of professional practice culminating in a mastership examination relating to the profession and conferring the rights to train aprentices and to use the title "Meister". in Poland: – teacher for practical vocational training ("Nauczyciel praktycznej nauki zawodu"), which represents education of a duration of either: = 8 years of elementary education and 5 years of vocational secondary education or equivalent secondary education in a relevant field followed by the course in pedagogy of a total duration of at least 150 hours, the course in work safety and work hygiene, and 2 years of professional experience in the profession one is going to teach, or = 8 years of elementary education and 5 years of vocational secondary education and diploma of graduation from a post-secondary pedagogical technical school, or = 8 years of elementary education and 2-3 years of basic vocational secondary education and at least 3 years of professional experience certified by a degree of master in the particular profession followed by a course in pedagogy of a total duration of at least 150 hours. 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX II KM/mg DG C I 11 EN in Slovakia: – master in vocational education ("majster odbornej výchovy"), which represents education of a total duration of at least 12 years, comprising 8 years of basic education, 4 years of vocational education (complete vocational secondary education and/or apprenticeship in the relevant (similar) vocational training or apprenticeship course), professional experience of a total duration of at least 3 years in the field of the person's completed education or apprenticeship and supplementary pedagogical study at the faculty of pedagogy or at the technical universities, or complete secondary education and apprenticeship in the relevant (similar) vocational training or apprenticeship course, professional experience of a total duration of at least 3 years in the field of the person's completed education or apprenticeship, and additional study of pedagogy at the faculty of pedagogy, or by 1 September 2005 specialised education in the field of special pedagogy provided for in the methodology centres for masters in vocational education at the special schools without supplementary pedagogical study. 3. Seafaring sector (a) Sea transport Training for the following: in the Czech Republic: – deck assistant ("Palubní asistent"), – officer in charge of a navigational watch ("Námořní poručík"), 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX II KM/mg DG C I 12 EN – chief mate ("První palubní důstojník"), – master ("Kapitán"), – engine assistant ("Strojní asistent"), – officer in charge of an engineering watch ("Strojní důstojník"), – second engineer officer ("Druhý strojní důstojník"), – chief engineer officer ("První strojní důstojník"), – electrician ("Elektrotechnik"), – chief electric officer ("Elektrodůstojník"). in Denmark: – ship's captain ("skibsfoerer"), – first mate ("overstyrmand"), – quartermaster, deck officer ("enestyrmand, vagthavende styrmand"), – deck officer ("vagthavende styrmand"), – engineer ("maskinchef"), – first engineer ("l. maskinmester"), – first engineer/duty engineer ("l. maskinmester/vagthavende maskinmester"). 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX II KM/mg DG C I 13 EN in Germany: – captain, large coastal vessel ("Kapitaen AM"), – captain, coastal vessel ("Kapitaen AK"), – deck officer, large coastal vessel ("Nautischer Schiffsoffizier AMW"), – deck officer, coastal vessel ("Nautischer Schiffsoffizier AKW"), – chief engineer, grade C ("Schiffsbetriebstechniker CT - Leiter von Maschinenanlagen"), – ship's mechanic, grade C ("Schiffsmaschinist CMa -Leiter von Maschinenanlagen"), – ship's engineer, grade C ("Schiffsbetriebstechniker CTW"), – ship's mechanic, grade C - solo engineer officer ("Schiffsmaschinist CMaW Technischer Alleinoffizier"). in Italy: – deck officer ("ufficiale di coperta"), – engineer officer ("ufficiale di macchina"). in Latvia: – electrical engineer officer on ships ("Kuģu elektromehāniķis"), – operator of refrigeration machinery ("Kuģa saldēšanas iekārtu mašīnists"). 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX II KM/mg DG C I 14 EN in the Netherlands: – first mate (coastal vessel) (with supplementary training) ("stuurman kleine handelsvaart (met aanvulling)"), – coaster engineer (with diploma) ("diploma motordrijver"), – VTS-official ("VTS-functionaris"), which represent training: – in the Czech Republic: (i) for deck assistant ("Palubní asistent"), 1. A person not less than 20 years of age. 2. (a) Maritime academy or maritime college — department of navigation, both courses having to be completed by the "maturitní zkouška" exam, and approved seagoing service of not less than six months on ships during studies, or (b) Approved seagoing service of not less than two years as rating forming part of a navigational watch at the support level on ships, and completion of an approved course which meets the standard of competence specified in section A-II/1 of the STCW (International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers) Code dispensed by a maritime academy or college of a Party to the STCW Convention, and passing the examination before the Examining Board recognised by the MTC (Maritime Transport Committee of the Czech Republic). (ii) for officer in charge of a navigational watch ("námořní poručík"), 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX II KM/mg DG C I 15 EN 1. Approved seagoing service in the capacity of deck assistant on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more for not less than 6 months in the case of a graduate of a maritime college or academy, or one year in the case of a graduate of an approved course, including not less than six months in the capacity of a rating forming a part of a navigational watch. 2. Duly completed and endorsed On Board Training Record Book for Deck Cadets. (iii) for chief mate ("první palubní důstojník"), Certificate of competence of officer in charge of a navigational watch on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more and not less than twelve months of approved seagoing service in that capacity. (iv) for master ("kapitán"), = Certificate for service as master on ships of between 500 and 3 000 gross tonnage. = Certificate of competence of chief mate on ships of 3 000 gross tonnage or more and not less than 6 months of approved seagoing service in the capacity of chief mate on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more and not less 6 months of approved seagoing service in the capacity of chief mate on ships of 3 000 gross tonnage or more. (v) for engine assistant ("strojní asistent"), 1. A person not less than 20 years of age. 2. Maritime academy or maritime college — department of maritime engineering, and approved seagoing service of not less than six months on ships during the studies. (vi) for officer in charge of an engineering watch ("strojní důstojník"), 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX II KM/mg DG C I 16 EN Approved seagoing service in the capacity of engine assistant of not less than 6 months as a graduate from a maritime academy or college. (vii) for second engineer officer ("druhý strojní důstojník"), Approved seagoing service of not less than 12 months in the capacity of 3rd engineer officer on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW propulsion power and more. (viii) for chief engineer officer ("první strojní důstojník"), Appropriate certificate for service as second engineer officer on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 3000 kW propulsion power or more and having not less than 6 months of approved seagoing service in that capacity. (ix) for electrician ("elektrotechnik"), 1. A person not less than 18 years of age. 2. Maritime or other academy, faculty of electrical engineering, or technical school or college of electrotechnical engineering, all courses having to be completed by the "maturitní zkouška" exam, and not less than 12 months of approved practice in the field of electrical engineering. (x) for chief electric officer ("elektrodůstojník"), 1. Maritime academy or college, faculty of maritime electrical engineering or other academy or secondary school in the field of electrical engineering, all courses having to be completed by the "maturitní zkouška" or a state exam. 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX II KM/mg DG C I 17 EN 2. Approved seagoing service in the capacity of electrician for a period of not less than 12 months in the case of a graduate of an academy or college, or 24 months in the case of a graduate of a secondary school. – in Denmark, of nine years' primary schooling followed by a course of basic training and/or service at sea of between 17 and 36 months, supplemented by: (i) for the deck officer, one year of specialised vocational training, (ii) for the others, three years of specialised vocational training. – in Germany, of a total duration of between 14 and 18 years, including a three-year course of basic vocational training and one year's service at sea, followed by one or two years of specialised vocational training supplemented, where appropriate, by two year's work experience in navigation. – in Latvia: (i) for electrical engineer officer on ships ("kuģu elektromehāniķis"), 1. A person of not less than 18 years of age. 2. Represents an education of a total duration of at least 12 years and 6 months, comprising at least 9 years of elementary education and at least 3 years of vocational education. In addition, seagoing service of not less than 6 months as a ship's electrician or as assistant to the electrical engineer on ships with generator power more then 750 kW is required. Vocational training is completed by a special examination by the competent authority in accordance with the training programme as approved by the Ministry of Transport. (ii) for operator of refrigeration machinery ("kuģa saldēšanas iekārtu mašīnists"), 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX II KM/mg DG C I 18 EN 1. A person of not less than 18 years of age. 2. Represents an education of a total duration of at least 13 years, comprising at least 9 years of elementary education and at least 3 years of vocational education. In addition, seagoing service of not less than 12 months as assistant to the refrigeration engineer is required. Vocational training is completed by a special examination by the competent authority in accordance with the training programme as approved by the Ministry of Transport. – in Italy, of a total duration of 13 years, of which at least five years consist of professional training culminating in an examination and are supplemented, where appropriate, by a traineeship. – in the Netherlands: (i) for first mate (coastal vessel) (with supplementary training) ("stuurman kleine handelsvaart (met aanvulling)"), and coaster engineer (with diploma) ("diploma motordrijver"), involving a course of 14 years, at least two years of which take place in a specialised vocational training establishment, supplemented by a twelvemonth traineeship, (ii) for the VTS-official ("VTS-functionaris") of a total duration of at least 15 years, comprising at least three years of Higher Vocational Education ("HBO") or Intermediate Vocational Training ("MBO"), which are followed by national and regional specialisation courses, comprising at least 12 weeks of theoretical training each and each culminating in an examination, and which are recognised under the International STCW Convention (International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978). 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX II KM/mg DG C I 19 EN (b) Sea fishing: Training for the following: in Germany: – captain, deep-sea fishing ("Kapitaen BG/Fischerei"), – captain, coastal fishing ("Kapitaen BLK/Fischerei"), – deck officer, deep-sea vessel ("Nautischer Schiffsoffizier BGW/Fischerei"), – deck officer, coastal vessel ("Nautischer Schiffsoffizier BK/Fischerei"). in the Netherlands: – first mate/engineer V ("stuurman werktuigkundige V"), – engineer IV (fishing vessel) ("werktuigkundige IV visvaart"), – first mate IV (fishing vessel) ("stuurman IV visvaart"), – first mate/engineer VI ("stuurman werktuigkundige VI"), which represent training: – in Germany, of a total duration of between 14 and 18 years, including a three-year course of basic vocational training and one year's service at sea, followed by one or two years of specialised vocational training supplemented, where appropriate, by two year's work experience in navigation. 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX II KM/mg DG C I 20 EN – in the Netherlands, involving a course varying in duration between 13 and 15 years, at least two years of which are provided in a specialised vocational school, supplemented by a 12-month period of work experience, and are recognised under the Torremolinos Convention (1977 International Convention for the Safety of Fishing Vessels). 4. Technical sector Training for the following: in the Czech Republic: – authorised technician, authorised builder ("autorizovaný technik, autorizovaný stavitel"), which represents vocational training of a duration of at least 9 years, comprising 4 years of technical secondary education, completed by the "maturitní zkouška" exam (secondary technical school) and 5 years of professional experience, concluded by the professional qualification test for pursuit of selected professional activities in construction (pursuant to Act No 50/1976 Sb. (the Building Act) and Act No 360/1992 Sb.). – track vehicle driver ("fyzická osoba řídící drážní vozidlo"), which represents education of a total duration of at least 12 years, comprising at least 8 years of elementary education and at least 4 years of vocational secondary education completed by the "maturitní zkouška" exam and concluded by the state exam on the motive power of vehicles. 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX II KM/mg DG C I 21 EN – track revision technician ("drážní revizní technik"), which represents education of a total duration of at least 12 years, comprising at least 8 years of elementary education and at least 4 years of vocational secondary education at a secondary machinery or electronics school completed by the "maturitní zkouška" exam. – road driving instructor ("učitel autoškoly"), a person not less than 24 years of age; represents education of a total duration of at least 12 years, comprising at least 8 years of elementary education and at least 4 years of vocational secondary education focused on traffic or machinery completed by the "maturitní zkouška" exam. – State technician for the control of motor vehicle roadworthiness ("kontrolní technik STK"), a person not less than 21 years of age; represents education of a total duration of at least 12 years, comprising at least 8 years of elementary education and at least 4 years of vocational secondary education completed by the "maturitní zkouška" exam, followed by at least 2 years of technical practice; the person concerned must have a driving licence and a clean criminal record and must have completed the special training for State technicians of at least 120 hours' duration as well as successfully passing the exam. – mechanic for control of car emissions ("Mechanik měření emisí"), which represents education of a total duration of at least 12 years, comprising at least 8 years of elementary education and at least 4 years of vocational secondary education completed by the "maturitní zkouška" exam; furthermore an applicant has to complete at least 3 years' technical practice and the special training for "mechanic for the control of car emissions" of 8 hours' duration as well as successfully passing the exam. 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX II KM/mg DG C I 22 EN – boat master Class I ("Kapitán I. třídy"), which represents education of a total duration of at least 15 years, comprising 8 years of elementary education and 3 years of vocational education completed by the "maturitní zkouška" exam and culminating in an examination confirmed by a certificate of aptitude. This vocational education has to be followed by 4 years' vocational practice completed by an exam. – restorer of monuments that are works of art crafts ("restaurátor památek, které jsou díly uměleckých řemesel"), which represents education of a total duration of 12 years if involving full secondary technical education in the restoration course, or 10 to 12 years of study in a related course, plus 5 years of professional experience in the case of full secondary technical education completed by the "maturitní zkouška" exam, or 8 years of professional experience in the case of secondary technical education ending with the final apprenticeship exam. – restorer of works of art that are not monuments and are held in the collections of museums and galleries, and of other objects of cultural value ("restaurátor děl výtvarných umění, která nejsou památkami a jsou uložena ve sbírkách muzeí a galerií, a ostatních předmětů kulturní hodnoty"), which represents education of a total duration of 12 years plus 5 years of professional experience in the case of full secondary technical education in the restoration course completed by the "maturitní zkouška" exam. – waste manager ("odpadový hospodář"), which represents education of a total duration of at least 12 years, comprising at least 8 years of elementary education and at least 4 years of secondary vocational education completed by the "maturitní zkouška" exam and a minimum of 5 years of experience in the waste management sector within the last 10 years. 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX II KM/mg DG C I 23 EN – blasting technical manager ("technický vedoucí odstřelů"), which represents education of a total duration of at least 12 years, comprising at least 8 years of elementary education and at least 4 years of vocational secondary education completed by the "maturitní zkouška" exam, and followed by: 2 years as a shotfirer underground (for underground activity) or 1 year on surface (for surface activity), including 6 months as an assistant shotfirer; training course of 100 hours of theoretical and practical training followed by an examination before the relevant District Mining Authority; professional experience of 6 months or more in planning and carrying out major blasting works; training course of 32 hours of theoretical and practical training followed by an examination before the Czech Mining Authority. in Italy: – building surveyor ("geometra"), – land surveyor ("perito agrario"), which represent secondary technical courses of a total duration of at least 13 years, comprising eight years' compulsory schooling followed by five years' secondary study, including three years' vocational study, culminating in the Technical Baccalaureat examination, and supplemented: (i) for building surveyors by: either a traineeship lasting at least two years in a professional office, or five years' work experience; 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX II KM/mg DG C I 24 EN (ii) for land surveyors, by the completion of a practical traineeship lasting at least two years, followed by the State Examination. in Latvia: – engine-railway sector driver's assistant ("vilces līdzekļa vadītāja (mašīnista) palīgs"), a person not less than 18 years of age; represents education of a total duration of at least 12 years, comprising at least 8 years of elementary education and at least 4 years of vocational education; vocational training completed by the employer's special examination; certificate of competence issued by a competent authority for 5 years. in the Netherlands: – bailiff ("gerechtsdeurwaarder"), – dental-prosthesis maker ("tandprotheticus"), which represent a course of study and vocational training: (i) in the case of the bailiff ("gerechtsdeurwaarder"), totalling 19 years, comprising eight years' compulsory schooling followed by eight years' secondary education including four years' technical education culminating in a State examination and supplemented by three years' theoretical and practical vocational training; (ii) in the case of the dental-prosthesis maker ("tandprotheticus") totalling at least 15 years of full time training and three years of part time training, comprising eight years of primary education, four years of general secondary education, completion of three years of vocational training, involving theoretical and practical training as a dental technician, supplemented by three years of part-time training as a dental prosthesis-maker, culminating in an examination. 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX II KM/mg DG C I 25 EN In Austria: – forester ("Foerster"), – technical consulting ("Technisches Buero"), – labour leasing ("UEberlassung von Arbeitskraeften - Arbeitsleihe"), – employment agent ("Arbeitsvermittlung"), – investment adviser ("Vermoegensberater"), – private investigator ("Berufsdetektiv"), – security guard ("Bewachungsgewerbe"), – real estate agent ("Immobilienmakler"), – real estate manager ("Immobilienverwalter"), – building project organiser ("Bautraeger, Bauorganisator, Baubetreuer"), – debt-collecting institute ("Inkassobüro/Inkassoinstitut"), which represent education and training of a total duration of at least 15 years, comprising eight years' compulsory schooling followed by a minimum of five years' secondary technical or commercial study, culminating in a technical or commercial mature level qualifying examination, supplemented by at least two years' workplace education and training culminating in a professional examination. – insurance consultant ("Berater in Versicherungsangelegenheiten"), which represents education and training of a total duration of 15 years, including six years' training followed within a structured training framework, divided into an apprenticeship of three years' duration and a three-year period of professional practice and training, culminating in an examination. 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX II KM/mg DG C I 26 EN – master builder/planning and technical calculation ("Planender Baumeister"), – master woodbuilder/planning and technical calculation ("Planender Zimmermeister"), which represent education and training of a total duration of at least 18 years, including at least nine years' vocational training divided into four years' secondary technical study and five years' professional practice and training culminating in a professional examination conferring the rights to exercise the profession and to train apprentices, in so far as this training relates to the right to plan buildings, to make technical calculations and to supervise construction work ("the Maria Theresian privilege"). – commercial bookkeeper (“Gewerblicher Buchhalter”), under the 1994 Gewerbeordnung (1994 law on trade, crafts and industry); – self-employed bookkeeper (“Selbständiger Buchhalter”), under the 1999 Bundesgesetz über die Wirtschaftstreuhandberufe (1999 law on the public accounting professions). in Poland: – diagnostician executing motor vehicle roadworthiness tests at a vehicle control station at basic level ("diagnosta przeprowadzający badania techniczne w stacji kontroli pojazdów o podstawowym zakresie badań"), which represents 8 years of elementary education and 5 years of secondary technical education in the field of motor vehicles and 3 years' practice in a vehicle service station or in a garage, covering 51 hours of basic training in controlling motor vehicles roadworthiness and passing the qualification examination, – diagnostician executing motor vehicle roadworthiness tests at a district vehicle control station ("diagnosta przeprowadzający badania techniczne pojazdu w okręgowej stacji kontroli pojazdów"), 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX II KM/mg DG C I 27 EN which represents 8 years of elementary education and 5 years of technical secondary education in the field of motor vehicles and 4 years' practice in a vehicle service station or in a garage, covering 51 hours of basic course in controlling motor vehicle roadworthiness and passing the qualification examination. – diagnostician executing motor vehicle roadworthiness tests at a vehicle control station ("diagnosta wykonujący badania techniczne pojazdów w stacji kontroli pojazdów "), which represents: = 8 years of elementary education and 5 years of secondary technical education in the field of motor vehicles and 4 years' proven practice in a vehicle service station or in a garage, or = 8 years of elementary education and 5 years of secondary technical education in a field other than motor vehicle specialisation and 8 years' proven practice in a vehicle service station or in a garage, covering a total of 113 hours of complete training including basic and specialist training, with exams after every stage. The duration in hours and the general scope of the particular courses in the framework of the complete training for diagnostician are separately specified in the Ministry of Infrastructure's Regulation of 28 November 2002 on detailed requirements regarding diagnosticians (OJ 2002, No 208, item 1769). – train dispatcher ("dyżurny ruchu"), which represents 8 years of elementary education and 4 years of secondary vocational education, with rail transport specialisation, as well as a course preparing for work as a train dispatcher of 45 days and passing the qualification examination, or which represents 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX II KM/mg DG C I 28 EN 8 years of elementary education and 5 years of secondary vocational education with rail transport specialisation, as well as a course preparing for work as a train dispatcher of 63 days and passing the qualification examination. 5. United Kingdom courses accredited as National Vocational Qualifications or Scottish Vocational Qualifications: Training for: – listed veterinary nurse, – mine electrical engineer, – mine mechanical engineer, – dental therapist, – dental hygienist, – dispensing optician, – mine deputy, – insolvency practitioner – licensed conveyancer, – first mate - freight/passenger ships - unrestricted, – second mate - freight/passenger ships - unrestricted, – third mate - freight passenger ships unrestricted, 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX II KM/mg DG C I 29 EN – deck officer - freight/passenger ships - unrestricted, – engineer officer - freight/passenger ships - unlimited trading area, – certified technically competent person in waste management, leading to qualifications accredited as National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs) or, in Scotland, accredited as Scottish Vocational Qualifications, at levels 3 and 4 of the United Kingdom National Framework of Vocational Qualifications. These levels are defined as follows: – Level 3: competence in a broad range of varied work activities performed in a wide variety of contexts and most of which are complex and non-routine. There is considerable responsibility and autonomy, and control or guidance of others is often required. – Level 4: Competence in a broad range of complex, technical or professional work activities performed in a wide variety of contexts and with a substantial degree of personal responsibility and autonomy. Responsibility for the work of others and the allocation of resources is often present. ________________________ 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX II KM/mg DG C I 30 EN ANNEX III List of regulated training referred to in the third subparagraph of Article 13(2) In the United Kingdom: Regulated courses leading to qualifications accredited as National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs) or, in Scotland, accredited as Scottish Vocational Qualifications, at levels 3 and 4 of the United Kingdom National Framework of Vocational Qualifications. These levels are defined as follows: – Level 3: competence in a broad range of varied work activities performed in a wide variety of contexts and most of which are complex and non-routine. There is considerable responsibility and autonomy, and control or guidance of others is often required. – Level 4: Competence in a broad range of complex, technical or professional work activities performed in a wide variety of contexts and with a substantial degree of personal responsibility and autonomy. Responsibility for the work of others and the allocation of resources is often present. In Germany: The following regulated courses: – Regulated courses preparatory to the pursuit of the professions of technical assistant ("technische(r) Assistent(in)"), commercial assistant ("kaufmännische(r) Assistent(in)"), social professions ("soziale Berufe") and the profession of state-certified respiration and elocution instructor ("staatlich geprüfte(r) Atem-, Sprech- und Stimmlehrer(in)"), of a total duration of at least 13 years, which require successful completion of the secondary course of education ("mittlerer Bildungsabschluss") and which comprise: 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX III KM/mg DG C I 1 EN (i) at least three years4 of vocational training at a specialized school ("Fachschule") culminating in an examination and, where applicable, supplemented by one-year or two-year specialization course also culminating in an examination (ii) or at least two and a half years at a specialized school ("Fachschule") culminating in an examination and supplemented by work experience of a duration of not less than six months or a traineeship of not less than six months in an approved establishment (iii) or at least two years at a specialized school ("Fachschule") culminating in an examination and supplemented by work experience of a duration of not less than one year or a traineeship of not less than one year in an approved establishment. – Regulated courses for the professions of state-certified ("staatlich geprüfte(r)") technician ("Techniker(in)"), business economist ("Betriebswirt(in)"), designer ("Gestalter(in)") and family assistant ("Familienpfleger(in)"), of a total duration of not less than 16 years, a prerequisite of which is successful completion of compulsory schooling or equivalent education and training (of a duration of not less than nine years) and successful completion of a course at a trade school ("Berufsschule") of a duration of not less than three years and comprising, upon completion of at least two years of work experience, full-time education and training of a duration of not less than two years or part-time education and training of equivalent duration. – Regulated courses and regulated in-service training, of a total duration of not less than 15 years, a prerequisite of which is, generally speaking, successful completion of compulsory schooling (of a duration of not less than nine years) and of vocational training (normally three years) and which generally comprise at least two years of work experience (three years in most cases) and an examination in the context of in service training preparation for which generally comprises a training course which is either concurrent with the work experience (at least 1 000 hours) or is attended on a full-time basis (at least one year). 4 The minimum duration may be reduced from three years to two years if the person concerned has the qualification required to enter university ("Abitur"), i.e. thirteen years of prior education and training, of the qualification needed to enter a "Fachhochschule" ("Fachhochschulreife"), i.e. 12 years of prior education and training. 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX III KM/mg DG C I 2 EN The German authorities shall send to the Commission and to the other Member States a list of the training courses covered by this Annex. In the Netherlands: – Regulated training courses of a total duration of not less than 15 years, a prerequisite of which is successful completion of eight years of primary education plus four years of either intermediate general secondary education ("MAVO") or Preparatory Vocational Education ("VBO") or general secondary education of a higher level, and which require the completion of a three-year or four-year course at a college for intermediate vocational training ("MBO"), culminating in an examination. – Regulated training courses of a total duration not less than 16 years, a prerequisite of which is successful completion of eight years of primary education plus four years of at least preparatory vocational education ("VBO") or a higher level of general secondary education, and which require the completion of at least four years of vocational training in the apprenticeship system, comprising at least one day of theoretical instruction at a college each week and on the other days practical training in a practical training centre or in a firm, and culminating in a secondary or tertiary level examination. The Dutch authorities shall send to the Commission and to the other Member States a list of the training courses covered by this Annex. In Austria: – Courses at higher vocational schools ("Berufsbildende Höhere Schulen") and higher education establishments for agriculture and forestry ("Höhere Land- und Forstwirtschaftliche Lehranstalten"), including special types ("einschließlich der Sonderformen"), the structure and level of which are determined by law, regulations and administrative provisions. 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX III KM/mg DG C I 3 EN These courses have a total length of not less than 13 years and comprise five years of vocational training, which culminate in a final examination, the passing of which is a proof of professional competence. – Courses at master schools ("Meisterschulen"), master classes ("Meisterklassen"), industrial master schools ("Werkmeisterschulen") or building craftsmen schools ("Bauhandwerkerschulen"), the structure and level of which are determined by law, regulations and administrative provisions. These courses have a total length of not less than 13 years, comprising nine years of compulsory education, followed by either at least three years of vocational training at a specialized school or at least three years of training in a firm and in parallel at a vocational training school ("Berufsschule"), both of which culminate in an examination, and are supplemented by successful completion of at least a one-year training course at a master school ("Meisterschule"), master classes ("Meisterklassen"), industrial master school ("Werkmeisterschule") or a building craftsmen school ("Bauhandwerkerschule"). In most cases the total duration is at least 15 years, comprising periods of work experience, which either precede the training courses at these establishments or are accompanied by part-time courses (at least 960 hours). The Austrian authorities shall send to the Commission and to the other Member States a list of the training courses covered by this Annex. ________________________ 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX III KM/mg DG C I 4 EN ANNEX IV Activities related to the categories of professional experience referred to in Articles 17, 17a and 18 List Ia Major groups covered by Directive 64/427/EEC, as amended by Directive 69/77/EEC, and by Directives 68/366/EEC and 82/489/EEC 1 Directive 64/427/EEC (liberalisation Directive: 64/429/EEC) NICE nomenclature (corresponding to ISIC major groups 23-40) Major group Major group 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX IV 23 24 manufacture of textiles 232 manufacturing and processing of textile materials on woollen machinery 233 manufacturing and processing of textile materials on cotton machinery 234 manufacturing and processing of textile materials on silk machinery 235 manufacturing and processing of textile materials on flax and hemp machinery 236 other textile fibre industries (jute, hard fibres, etc.), cordage 237 manufacture of knitted and crocheted goods 238 textile finishing 239 other textile industries manufacture of footwear, other wearing apparel and bedding 241 machine manufacture of footwear (except from rubber or wood) 242 manufacture by hand and repair of footwear 243 manufacture of wearing apparel (except furs) 244 manufacture of mattresses and bedding 245 skin and fur industries KM/mg DG C I 1 EN Major group 25 manufactures of wood and cork, except manufacture of furniture 251 sawing and industrial preparation of wood 252 manufacture of semi-finished wood products 253 series production of wooden building components including flooring 254 manufacture of wooden containers 255 manufacture of other wooden products (except furniture) 259 manufacture of straw, cork, basketware, wicker-work and rattan products; brush-making Major group 26 260 manufacture of wooden furniture Major group 27 manufacture of paper and paper products 271 manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboard 272 processing of paper and paperboard, and manufacture of articles of pulp Major group 28 280 printing, publishing and allied industries Major group 29 leather industry Ex major group 30 Ex major group 31 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX IV 291 tanneries and leather finishing plants 292 manufacture of leather products manufacture of rubber and plastic products, man-made fibres and starch products 301 processing of rubber and asbestos 302 303 processing of plastic materials production of man-made fibres chemical industry 311 manufacture of chemical base materials and further processing of such materials 312 specialised manufacture of chemical products principally for industrial and agricultural purposes (including the manufacture for industrial use of fats and oils of vegetable or animal origin falling within ISIC group 312) KM/mg DG C I 2 EN Major group 32 Major group Major group Major group Major group 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX IV 33 34 35 36 313 specialised manufacture of chemical products principally for domestic or office use[excluding the manufacture of medicinal and pharmaceutical products (ex ISIC group 319)] 320 petroleum industry manufacture of non-metallic mineral products 331 manufacture of structural clay products 332 manufacture of glass and glass products 333 manufacture of ceramic products, including refractory goods 334 manufacture of cement, lime and plaster 335 manufacture of structural material, in concrete, cement and plaster 339 stone working and manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products production and primary transformation of ferrous and non-ferrous metals 341 iron and steel industry (as defined in the ECSC treaty, including integrated steelworks-owned coking plants) 342 manufacture of steel tubes 343 wire-drawing, cold-drawing, cold-rolling of strip, cold-forming 344 production and primary transformation of non-ferrous metals 345 ferrous and non-ferrous metal foundries manufacture of metal products (except machinery and transport equipment) 351 forging, heavy stamping and heavy pressing 352 secondary transformation and surface-treatment 353 metal structures 354 boilermaking, manufacture of industrial hollow-ware 355 manufacture of tools and implements and finished articles of metal (except electrical equipment) 359 ancillary mechanical engineering activities manufacture of machinery other than electrical machinery 361 manufacture of agricultural machinery and tractors 362 manufacture of office machinery 363 manufacture of metal-working and other machine-tools and fixtures and attachments for these and for other powered tools 364 manufacture of textile machinery and accessories, manufacture of sewing machines KM/mg DG C I 3 EN Major group 37 Ex major group 38 Major group 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX IV 39 365 manufacture of machinery and equipment for the food-manufacturing and beverage industries and for the chemical and allied industries 366 manufacture of plant and equipment for mines, iron and steel works foundries, and for the construction industry; manufacture of mechanical handling equipment 367 manufacture of transmission equipment 368 manufacture of machinery for other specific industrial purposes 369 manufacture of other non-electrical machinery and equipment electrical engineering 371 manufacture of electric wiring and cables 372 manufacture of motors, generators, transformers, switchgear, and other similar equipment for the provision of electric power 373 manufacture of electrical equipment for direct commercial use 374 manufacture of telecommunications equipment, measuring appliances and electromedical equipment 375 manufacture of electronic equipment, radio and television receivers, audio equipment 376 manufacture of electric appliances for domestic use 377 manufacture of lamps and lighting equipment 378 manufacture of batteries and accumulators 379 repair, assembly, and specialist installation of electrical equipment meters, other manufacture of transport equipment 383 manufacture of motor vehicles and parts thereof 384 repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and cycles 385 manufacture of motorcycles, cycles and parts thereof 389 manufacture of transport equipment not elsewhere classified miscellaneous manufacturing industries 391 manufacture of precision instruments, and measuring and controlling instruments 392 manufacture of medico-surgical instruments and equipment and orthopaedic appliances (except orthopaedic footwear) 393 manufacture of photographic and optical equipment 394 manufacture and repair of watches and clocks 395 jewellery and precious metal manufacturing 396 manufacture and repair of musical instruments KM/mg DG C I 4 EN Major group 40 397 manufacture of games, toys, sporting and athletic goods 399 other manufacturing industries construction 400 construction (non-specialised); demolition 401 construction of buildings (dwellings or other) 402 civil engineering; building of roads, bridges, railways, etc. 403 installation work 404 decorating and finishing 2 Directive 68/366/EEC (liberalisation Directive: 68/365/EEC) NICE nomenclature Major group 20A 200 industries producing animal and vegetable fats and oils 20B food manufacturing industries (excluding the beverage industry) 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX IV 201 slaughtering, preparation and preserving of meat 202 milk and milk products industry 203 canning and preserving of fruits and vegetables 204 canning and preserving of fish and other sea foods 205 manufacture of grain mill products 206 manufacture of bakery products, including rusks and biscuits 207 sugar industry 208 manufacture of cocoa, chocolate and sugar confectionery 209 manufacture of miscellaneous food products KM/mg DG C I 5 EN Major group 21 beverage industry 211 production of ethyl alcohol by fermentation, production of yeasts and spirits 212 production of wine and other unmalted alcoholic beverages 213 brewing and malting 214 soft drinks and carbonated water industries ex 30 manufacture of rubber products, plastic materials, artificial and synthetic fibres and starch products 304 manufacture of starch products 3 Directive 82/489/EEC ISIC nomenclature Ex 855 hairdressing establishments (excluding chiropodists' activities and beauticians' training schools) 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX IV KM/mg DG C I 6 EN ListIb Major groups of Directives 75/368/EEC, 75/369/EEC and 82/470/EEC 1 Directive 75/368/EEC (activities referred to in Article 5(1)) ISIC nomenclature Ex 04fishing 043 inland water fishing Ex.38manufacture of transport equipment 381 shipbuilding and repairing 382 manufacture of railroad equipment 386 manufacture of aircraft (including space equipment) Ex 71activities allied to transport and activities other than transport coming under the following groups: Ex 711 sleeping- and dining-car services; maintenance of railway stock in repair sheds; cleaning of carriages Ex 712 maintenance of stock for urban, suburban and interurban passenger transport Ex 713 maintenance of stock for other passenger land transport (such as motor cars, coaches, taxis) Ex 714 operation and maintenance of services in support of road transport (such as roads, tunnels and toll-bridges, goods depots, car parks, bus and tram depots) Ex 716 activities allied to inland water transport (such as operation and maintenance of waterways, ports and other installations for inland water transport; tug and piloting services in ports, setting of buoys, loading and unloading of vessels and other similar activities, such as salvaging of vessels, towing and the operation of boathouses) 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX IV KM/mg DG C I 7 EN 73 communications: postal services and telecommunications Ex 85personal services 854 laundries and laundry services, dry-cleaning and dyeing Ex 856 photographic studios: portrait and commercial photography, except journalistic photographers Ex 859 personal services not elsewhere classified (only maintenance and cleaning of buildings or accommodation) 2 Directive 75/369/EEC (Article 6: where the activity is regarded as being of an industrial or small craft nature) ISIC nomenclature The following itinerant activities: a) the buying and selling of goods by itinerant tradesmen, hawkers or pedlars (ex ISIC Group 612) – in covered markets other than from permanently fixed installations and in open-air markets. b) activities covered by transitional measures already adopted that expressly exclude or do not mention the pursuit of such activities on an itinerant basis. 3 Directive 82/470/EEC (Article 6(1) and (3)) Groups 718 et 720 of the ISIC nomenclature The activities comprise in particular: – organising, offering for sale and selling, outright or on commission, single or collective items (transport, board, lodging, excursions, etc.) for a journey or stay, whatever the reasons for travelling (Article 2(B)(a)) – acting as an intermediary between contractors for various methods of transport and persons who dispatch or receive goods, and carrying out related activities: 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX IV KM/mg DG C I 8 EN aa) by concluding contracts with transport contractors, on behalf of principals bb) by choosing the method of transport, the firm and the route considered most profitable for the principal cc) by arranging the technical aspects of the transport operation (e.g. packing required for transportation); by carrying out various operations incidental to transport (e.g. ensuring ice supplies for refrigerated wagons) dd) by completing the formalities connected with the transport such as the drafting of way bills; by assembling and dispersing shipments ee) by coordinating the various stages of transportation, by ensuring transit, reshipment, transshipment and other termination operations ff) by arranging both freight and carriers and means of transport for persons dispatching goods or receiving them: – assessing transport costs and checking the detailed accounts – taking certain temporary or permanent measures in the name of and on behalf of a shipowner or sea transport carrier (with the port authorities, ship's chandlers, etc.). [The activities listed under Article 2(A)(a), (b) and (d)]. 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX IV KM/mg DG C I 9 EN List II Directives 64/222/EEC, 68/364/EEC, 68/368/EEC, 75/368/EEC, 75/369/EEC, 70/523/EEC and 82/470/EEC 1 Directive 64/222/EEC (liberalisation Directives: 64/223/EEC and 64/224/EEC) 1. Activities of self-employed persons in wholesale trade, with the exception of wholesale trade in medicinal and pharmaceutical products, in toxic products and pathogens and in coal (ex Group 611). 2. Professional activities of an intermediary who is empowered and instructed by one or more persons to negotiate or enter into commercial transactions in the name of and on behalf of those persons. 3. Professional activities of an intermediary who, while not being permanently so instructed, brings together persons wishing to contract directly with one another or arranges their commercial transactions or assists in the completion thereof. 4. Professional activities of an intermediary who enters into commercial transactions in his own name on behalf of others. 5. Professional activities of an intermediary who carries out wholesale selling by auction on behalf of others. 6. Professional activities of an intermediary who goes from door to door seeking orders. 7. Provision of services, by way of professional activities, by an intermediary in the employment of one or more commercial, industrial or small craft undertakings. 2 Directive 68/364/EEC (liberalisation Directive: 68/363/EEC) Ex ISIC Group 612: Retail trade Activities excluded: 012 Letting out for hire of farm machinery 640 Real estate, letting of property 713 Letting out for hire of automobiles, carriages and horses 718 Letting out for hire of railway carriages and wagons 839 Renting of machinery to commercial undertakings 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX IV KM/mg DG C I 10 EN 841 Booking of cinema seats and renting of cinematograph films 842 Booking of theatre seats and renting of theatrical equipment 843 Letting out for hire of boats, bicycles, coin-operated machines for games of skill or chance 853 Letting of furnished rooms 854 Laundered linen hire 859 Garment hire 3 Directive 68/368/EEC (liberalisation Directive: 68/367/EEC) ISIC nomenclature ISIC ex major Group 85 1. Restaurants, cafes, taverns and other drinking and eating places (ISIC Group 852). 2. Hotels, rooming houses, camps and other lodging places (ISIC Group 853). 4 Directive 75/368/EEC (Article 7) All the activities in the Annex to Directive 75/368/EEC, except the activities listed in Article 5(d) of this Directive (List Ib, point 1, of this Annex). ISIC nomenclature Ex 62 banks and other financial institutions Ex 620 patent buying and licensing companies Ex 71 Ex 82 transport Ex 713 road passenger transport, excluding transportation by means of motor vehicles Ex 719 transportation by pipelines of liquid hydrocarbons and other liquid chemical products community services 827 libraries, museums, botanical and zoological gardens Ex 84 recreation services 843 recreation services nec: 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX IV KM/mg DG C I 11 EN – sporting activities (sports grounds, organising sporting fixtures, etc.), except the activities of sports instructors – games (racing stables, areas for games, racecourses, etc.) – other recreation services (circuses, amusement parks and other entertainment) Ex 85 personal services Ex 851 domestic services Ex 855 beauty parlours and services of manicurists, excluding services of chiropodists and professional beauticians' and hairdressers' training schools Ex 859 personal services not elsewhere classified, except sports and paramedical masseurs and mountain guides, divided into the following groups: – disinfecting and pest control – hiring of clothes and storage facilities – marriage bureaux and similar services – astrology, fortune telling and the like – sanitary services and associated activities – undertaking and cemetery maintenance – couriers and interpreter-guides 5 Directive 75/369/EEC (Article 5) The following itinerant activities: a) b) the buying and selling of goods: – by itinerant tradesmen, hawkers or pedlars (ex ISIC Group 612) – in covered markets other than from permanently fixed installations and in open-air markets activities covered by transitional measures already adopted that expressly exclude or do not mention the pursuit of such activities on an itinerant basis. 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX IV KM/mg DG C I 12 EN 6 Directive 70/523/EEC Activities of self-employed persons in the wholesale coal trade and activities of intermediaries in the coal trade (ex Group 6112, ISIC nomenclature) 7 Directive 82/470/EEC (Article 6(2)) [Activities listed in Article 2(A)(c) and (e), (B)(b), (C) and (D)] These activities comprise in particular: – hiring railway cars or wagons for transporting persons or goods – acting as an intermediary in the sale, purchase or hiring of ships – arranging, negotiating and concluding contracts for the transport of emigrants – receiving all objects and goods deposited, on behalf of the depositor, whether under customs control or not, in warehouses, general stores, furniture depots, coldstores, silos, etc. – supplying the depositor with a receipt for the object or goods deposited – providing pens, feed and sales rings for livestock being temporarily accommodated while awaiting sale or while in transit to or from the market – carrying out inspection or technical valuation of motor vehicles – measuring, weighing and gauging goods. ________________________ 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX IV KM/mg DG C I 13 EN ANNEX V Recognition on the basis of coordination of the minimum training conditions Annex V.1 : Doctor 5.1.1. Transferred to Article 22(2a). 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX V KM/mg DG C I 1 EN 5.1.2. Evidence of formal qualifications in basic medical training Country Evidence of formal qualifications Diploma van arts / Diplôme de docteur en België / médecine Belgique/ Belgien Česká republika Danmark Diplom o ukončení studia ve studijním programu všeobecné lékařství (doktor medicíny, MUDr.) Bevis for bestået lægevidenskabelig embedseksamen – – Body awarding the qualifications Les universités / De universiteiten – Le Jury compétent d'enseignement de la Communauté française / De bevoegde Examencommissie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap Lékářská fakulta univerzity v České republice – Medicinsk universitetsfakultet – Ελλάς Zeugnis über die Ärztliche Prüfung Zeugnis über die Ärztliche Staatsprüfung und Zeugnis über die Vorbereitungszeit als Medizinalassistent, soweit diese nach den deutschen Rechtsvorschriften noch für den Abschluss der ärztlichen Ausbildung vorgesehen war Diplom arstiteaduse õppekava läbimise kohta Πτυχίo Iατρικής España Título de Licenciado en Medicina y Cirugía France Ireland Diplôme d’Etat de docteur en médecine Primary qualification Iατρική Σχoλή Παvεπιστημίoυ, – Σχoλή Επιστημώv Υγείας, Τμήμα Iατρικής Παvεπιστημίoυ – Ministerio de Educación y Cultura – El rector de una Universidad Universités Competent examining body Diploma di laurea in medicina e chirurgia Università Πιστοποιητικό Εγγραφής Ιατρού ārsta diploms Ιατρικό Συμβούλιο Universitātes tipa augstskola Deutschland Eesti Italia Κύπρος Latvija Zuständige Behörden Vysvědčení o státní rigorózní zkoušce Autorisation som læge, udstedt af Sundhedsstyrelsen og – Tilladelse til selvstændigt virke som læge (dokumentation for gennemført praktisk uddannelse), udstedt af Sundhedsstyrelsen Bescheinigung über die Ableistung der Tätigkeit als Arzt im Praktikum Reference date 20 December 1976 1 May 2004 20 December 1976 20 December 1976 Tartu Ülikool 1 May 2004 – 1 January 1981 1 January 1986 Certificate of experience Diploma di abilitazione all’esercizio della medicina e chirurgia 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX V Certificate accompanying the qualifications – 20 December 1976 1 May 2004 1 May 2004 KM/mg DG C I 20 December 1976 20 December 1976 2 EN Country Lietuva Luxembourg Magyarország Malta Nederland Österreich Polska Evidence of formal qualifications Aukštojo mokslo diplomas, nurodantis suteiktą gydytojo kvalifikaciją Diplôme d’Etat de docteur en médecine, chirurgie et accouchements, Általános orvos oklevél doctor medicinae universae, abrév.: dr. med. univ.) Lawrja ta' Tabib tal-Mediċina u l-Kirurġija Getuigschrift van met goed gevolg afgelegd artsexamen 1. Urkunde über die Verleihung des akademischen Grades Doktor der gesamten Heilkunde (bzw. Doctor medicinae universae, 2. Diplom über die spezifische Ausbildung zum Arzt für Allgemeinmedizin bzw. Facharztdiplom Dyplom ukończenia studiów wyższych na kierunku lekarskim z tytułem "lekarza" Portugal Carta de Curso de licenciatura em medicina Slovenija Diploma, s katero se podeljuje strokovni naslov "doktor medicine / doktorica medicine" Vysokoškolský diplom o udelení akademického titulu "doktor medicíny" ("MUDr.") Slovensko Body awarding the qualifications Universitetas Jury d’examen d’Etat Egyetem Reference date 1 May 2004 20 December 1976 1 May 2004 Ċertifikat ta' reġistrazzjoni maħruġ mill-Kunsill Mediku Universita` ta' Malta 1 May 2004 Faculteit Geneeskunde 20 December 1976 1. Medizinische Fakultät einer Universität 1 January 1994 2. Österreichische Ärztekammer 1. Akademia Medyczna 2. Uniwersytet Medyczny 3. Collegium Medicum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego Universidades Lekarski Egzamin Państwowy 1 May 2004 Diploma comprovativo da conclusão do internato geral emitido pelo Ministério da Saúde 1 January 1986 Univerza 1 May 2004 Vysoká škola 1 May 2004 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX V Certificate accompanying the qualifications Internatūros pažymėjimas, nurodantis suteiktą medicinos gydytojo profesinę kvalifikaciją Certificat de stage KM/mg DG C I 3 EN Country Suomi/ Finland Evidence of formal qualifications Lääketieteen lisensiaatin tutkinto / Medicine licentiatexamen Sverige Läkarexamen Body awarding the qualifications Helsingin yliopisto/Helsingfors universitet – Kuopion yliopisto – Oulun yliopisto – Tampereen yliopisto – Turun yliopisto Universitet Primary qualification Competent examining body United Kingdom – 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX V Certificate accompanying the qualifications Todistus lääkärin perusterveydenhuollon lisäkoulutuksesta / Examenbevis om tilläggsutbildning för läkare inom primärvården Reference date 1 January 1994 Bevis om praktisk utbildning som utfärdas av Socialstyrelsen Certificate of experience 1 January 1994 KM/mg DG C I 20 December 1976 4 EN 5.1.3. Evidence of formal qualifications of specialised doctors Country Evidence of formal qualifications België/ Bijzondere beroepstitel van geneesheerspecialist / Titre professionnel particulier de Belgique/ médecin spécialiste Belgien Diplom o specializaci Česká republika Bevis for tilladelse til at betegne sig som Danmark speciallæge Deutschland Fachärztliche Anerkennung Residentuuri lõputnnistus eriarstiabi erialal Eesti Τίτλoς Iατρικής Ειδικότητας Ελλάς España France Ireland Italia Κύπρος Latvija Lietuva Luxembourg Título de Especialista 1.Certificat d’études spéciales de médecine 2. Attestation de médecin spécialiste qualifié 3.Certificat d’études spéciales de médecine 4.Diplôme d’études spécialisées ou spécialisation complémentaire qualifiante de médecine Certificate of Specialist doctor Diploma di medico specialista Πιστοποιητικό Αναγνώρισης Ειδικότητας "Sertifikāts"–kompetentu iestāžu izsniegts dokuments, kas apliecina, ka persona ir nokārtojusi sertifikācijas eksāmenu specialitātē Rezidentūros pažymėjimas, nurodantis suteiktą gydytojo specialisto profesinę kvalifikaciją Certificat de médecin spécialiste Body awarding the qualifications Minister bevoegd voor Volksgezondheid / Ministre de la Santé publique Reference date 20 December 1976 Ministerstvo zdravotnictví 1 May 2004 Sundhedsstyrelsen 20 December 1976 Landesärztekammer Tartu Ülikool 1. Νoμαρχιακή Αυτoδιoίκηση 2. Νoμαρχία Ministerio de Educación y Cultura 1. Universités 2. Conseil de l’Ordre des médecins 3. Universités 4.Universités 20 December 1976 1 May 2004 1 January 1981 Competent authority 20 December 1976 Università Ιατρικό Συμβούλιο Latvijas Ārstu biedrība Latvijas Ārstniecības personu profesionālo organizāciju savienība 20 December 1976 1 May 2004 1 May 2004 Universitetas 1 May 2004 Ministre de la Santé publique 20 December 1976 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX V 1 January 1986 20 December 1976 KM/mg DG C I 5 EN Country Magyarország Malta Nederland Evidence of formal qualifications Szakorvosi bizonyítvány Body awarding the qualifications Az Egészségügyi, Szociális és Családügyi Minisztérium illetékes testülete Reference date 1 May 2004 Ċertifikat ta' Speċjalista Mediku Kumitat ta' Approvazzjoni dwar Speċjalisti 1 May 2004 Bewijs van inschrijving in een Specialistenregister – 20 December 1976 – Österreich Polska Portugal Slovenija Facharztdiplom Medisch Specialisten Registratie Commissie (MSRC) van de Koninklijke Nederlandsche Maatschappij tot Bevordering der Geneeskunst Sociaal-Geneeskundigen Registratie Commissie van de Koninklijke Nederlandsche Maatschappij tot Bevordering der Geneeskunst Dyplom uzyskania tytułu specjalisty Österreichische Ärztekammer Centrum Egzaminów Medycznych 1 January 1994 1 May 2004 1.Grau de assistente 2.Titulo de especialista Potrdilo o opravljenem specialističnem izpitu 1. Ministério da Saúde 2. Ordem dos Médicos 1. Ministrstvo za zdravje 1 January 1986 1 May 2004 2. Zdravniška zbornica Slovenije Diplom o špecializácii Slovenská zdravotnícka univerzita 1 May 2004 Suomi/ Finland Erikoislääkärin tutkinto / Specialläkarexamen 1 January 1994 Sverige Bevis om specialkompetens som läkare, utfärdat av Socialstyrelsen Certificate of Completion of specialist training 1. Helsingin yliopisto / Helsingfors universitet 2. Kuopion yliopisto 3. Oulun yliopisto 4. Tampereen yliopisto 5. Turun yliopisto Socialstyrelsen Competent authority 20 December 1976 Slovensko United Kingdom 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX V 1 January 1994 KM/mg DG C I 6 EN 5.1.4. Titles of training courses in specialised medicine Country Belgique/België/ Belgien Česká republika Danmark Deutschland Eesti Ελλάς España France Ireland Italia Κύπρος Latvija Lietuva Luxembourg Magyarország Malta Nederland Österreich Polska Portugal Slovenija Slovensko Suomi/Finland Sverige United Kingdom Anaesthetics Minimum period of training: 3 years Title Anesthésie-réanimation / Anesthesie reanimatie Anesteziologie a resuscitace Anæstesiologi Anästhesiologie Anestesioloogia Αvαισθησιoλoγία Anestesiología y Reanimación Anesthésiologie-Réanimation chirurgicale Anaesthesia Anestesia e rianimazione Αναισθησιολογία Anestezioloģija un reanimatoloģija Anesteziologija reanimatologija Anesthésie-réanimation Aneszteziológia és intenzív terápia Anesteżija u Kura Intensiva Anesthesiologie Anästhesiologie und Intensivmedizin Anestezjologia i intensywna terapia Anestesiologia Anesteziologija, reanimatologija in perioperativna intenzivna medicina Anestéziológia a intenzívna medicína Anestesiologia ja tehohoito / Anestesiologi och intensivvård Anestesi och intensivvård Anaesthetics 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX V General surgery Minimum period of training: 5 years Title Chirurgie / Heelkunde Chirurgie Kirurgi eller kirurgiske sygdomme Chirurgie Üldkirurgia Χειρoυργική Cirugía general y del aparato digestivo Chirurgie générale General surgery Chirurgia generale Γενική Χειρουργική Ķirurģija Chirurgija Chirurgie générale Sebészet Kirurġija Ġenerali Heelkunde Chirurgie Chirurgia ogólna Cirurgia geral Splošna kirurgija Chirurgia Yleiskirurgia / Allmän kirurgi Kirurgi General surgery KM/mg DG C I 7 EN Country Belgique/België/ Belgien Česká republika Danmark Neurological surgery Minimum period of training: 5 years Title Neurochirurgie Neurochirurgie Neurokirurgi eller kirurgiske nervesygdomme Deutschland Eesti Ελλάς España France Ireland Italia Κύπρος Latvija Lietuva Luxembourg Magyarország Malta Nederland Österreich Polska Portugal Slovenija Slovensko Suomi/Finland Neurochirurgie Neurokirurgia Νευρoχειρoυργική Neurocirugía Neurochirurgie Neurosurgery Neurochirurgia Νευροχειρουργική Neiroķirurģija Neurochirurgija Neurochirurgie Idegsebészet Newrokirurġija Neurochirurgie Neurochirurgie Neurochirurgia Neurocirurgia Nevrokirurgija Neurochirurgia Neurokirurgia / Neurokirurgi Sverige United Kingdom Neurokirurgi Neurosurgery 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX V Gynaecology and obstetrics Minimum period of training: 4 years Title Gynécologie – obstétrique / Gynaecologie en verloskunde Gynekologie a porodnictví Gynækologi og obstetrik eller kvindesygdomme og fødselshjælp Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe Sünnitusabi ja günekoloogia Μαιευτική-Γυvαικoλoγία Obstetricia y ginecología Gynécologie – obstétrique Obstetrics and gynaecology Ginecologia e ostetricia Μαιευτική – Γυναικολογία Ginekoloģija un dzemdniecība Akušerija ginekologija Gynécologie – obstétrique Szülészet-nőgyógyászat Ostetriċja u Ġinekoloġija Verloskunde en gynaecologie Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe Położnictwo i ginekologia Ginecologia e obstetricia Ginekologija in porodništvo Gynekológia a pôrodníctvo Naistentaudit ja synnytykset / Kvinnosjukdomar och förlossningar Obstetrik och gynekologi Obstetrics and gynaecology KM/mg DG C I 8 EN General medicine Country Belgique/België/ Belgien Česká republika Danmark Deutschland Eesti Ελλάς España France Ireland Italia Κύπρος Latvija Lietuva Luxembourg Magyarország Malta Nederland Österreich Polska Portugal Slovenija Slovensko Suomi/Finland Sverige United Kingdom Country Belgique/België/ Belgien Česká republika Danmark Deutschland Eesti Ελλάς España France Ireland Italia Κύπρος Latvija Lietuva Luxembourg Magyarország Malta Nederland Österreich Polska Portugal Slovenija Slovensko Suomi/Finland Sverige United Kingdom Minimum period of training: 5 years Title Médecine interne / Inwendige geneeskunde Title Ophtalmologie / Oftalmologie Vnitřní lékařství Intern medicin Innere Medizin Sisehaigused Παθoλoγία Medicina interna Médecine interne General medicine Medicina interna Παθoλoγία Internā medicīna Vidaus ligos Médecine interne Belgyógyászat Mediċina Interna Interne geneeskunde Innere Medizin Choroby wewnętrzne Medicina interna Interna medicina Vnútorné lekárstvo Sisätaudit / Inre medicin Internmedicine General (internal) medicine Oftalmologie Oftalmologi eller øjensygdomme Augenheilkunde Oftalmoloogia Οφθαλμoλoγία Oftalmología Ophtalmologie Ophthalmic surgery Oftalmologia Οφθαλμολογία Oftalmoloģija Oftalmologija Ophtalmologie Szemészet Oftalmoloġija Oogheelkunde Augenheilkunde und Optometrie Okulistyka Oftalmologia Oftalmologija Oftalmológia Silmätaudit / Ögonsjukdomar Ögonsjukdomar (oftalmologi) Ophthalmology Otolaryngology Minimum period of training: 3 years Title Oto-rhino-laryngologie / Otorhinolaryngologie Otorinolaryngologie Oto-rhino-laryngologi eller øre-næsehalssygdomme Hals-Nasen-Ohrenheilkunde Otorinolarüngoloogia Ωτoριvoλαρυγγoλoγία Otorrinolaringología Oto-rhino-laryngologie Otolaryngology Otorinolaringoiatria Ωτορινολαρυγγολογία Otolaringoloģija Otorinolaringologija Oto-rhino-laryngologie Fül-orr-gégegyógyászat Otorinolaringoloġija Keel-, neus- en oorheelkunde Hals-, Nasen-und Ohrenkrankheiten Otorynolaryngologia Otorrinolaringologia Otorinolaringológija Otorinolaryngológia Korva-, nenä- ja kurkkutaudit / Öron-, näsoch halssjukdomar Öron-, näs- och halssjukdomar (oto-rhinolaryngologi) Otolaryngology Paediatrics Minimum period of training: 4 years Title Pédiatrie / Pediatrie 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX V Ophthalmology Minimum period of training: 3 years Dětské lékařství Pædiatri eller sygdomme hos børn Kinderheilkunde Pediaatria Παιδιατρική Pediatria y sus áreas especificas Pédiatrie Paediatrics Pédiatria Παιδιατρική Pediatrija Vaikų ligos Pédiatrie Csecsemő- és gyermekgyógyászat Pedjatrija Kindergeneeskunde Kinder – und Jugendheilkunde Pediatria Pediatria Pediatrija Pediatria Lastentaudit / Barnsjukdomar Barn- och ungdomsmedicin Paediatrics KM/mg DG C I 9 EN Country Belgique/België/ Belgien Česká republika Danmark Deutschland Eesti Ελλάς España France Ireland Italia Κύπρος Latvija Lietuva Luxembourg Magyarország Malta Nederland Österreich Polska Portugal Slovenija Slovensko Suomi/Finland Sverige United Kingdom Country Belgique/België/ Belgien Česká republika Danmark Deutschland Eesti Ελλάς España France Ireland Italia Κύπρος Latvija Lietuva Luxembourg Magyarország Malta Nederland Österreich Polska Portugal Slovenija Slovensko Suomi/Finland Sverige United Kingdom Respiratory medicine Minimum period of training: 4 years Title Pneumologie Urologie Tuberkulóza a respirační nemoci Medicinske lungesygdomme Pneumologie Pulmonoloogia Φυματιoλoγία- Πvευμovoλoγία Neumologia Pneumologie Respiratory medicine Malattie dell’apparato respiratorio Πνευμονολογία – Φυματιολογία Ftiziopneimonoloģija Pulmonologija Pneumologie Tüdőgyógyászat Mediċina Respiratorja Longziekten en tuberculose Lungenkrankheiten Choroby płuc Pneumologia Pnevmologija Pneumológia a ftizeológia Keuhkosairaudet ja allergologia / Lungsjukdomar och allergologi Lungsjukdomar (pneumologi) Respiratory medicine Urologie Urologi eller urinvejenes kirurgiske sygdomme Urologie Uroloogia Ουρoλoγία Urología Urologie Urology Urologia Ουρολογία Uroloģija Urologija Urologie Urológia Uroloġija Urologie Urologie Urologia Urologia Urologija Urológia Urologia / Urologi Orthopaedic surgery Minimum period of training: 5 years Title Chirurgie orthopédique / Orthopedische heelkunde Ortopedie Ortopædisk kirurgi Orthopädie Ortopeedia Ορθoπεδική Traumatología y cirugía ortopédica Chirurgie orthopédique et traumatologie Trauma and orthopaedic surgery Ortopedia e traumatologia Ορθοπεδική Traumatoloģija un ortopēdija Ortopedija traumatologija Orthopédie Ortopédia Kirurġija Ortopedika Orthopedie Orthopädie und Orthopädische Chirurgie Ortopedia i traumatologia narządu ruchu Ortopedia Ortopedska kirurgija Ortopédia Ortopedia ja traumatologia / Ortopedi och traumatologi Ortopedi Trauma and orthopaedic surgery Morbid anatomy and histopathology Minimum period of training: 4 years Title Anatomie pathologique / Pathologische anatomie 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX V Urology Minimum period of training: 5 years Title Urologi Urology Patologická anatomie Patologisk anatomi eller vævs- og celleundersøgelser Pathologie Patoloogia Παθoλoγική Αvατoμική Anatomía patológica Anatomie et cytologie pathologiques Morbid anatomy and histopathology Anatomia patologica Παθολογοανατομία – Ιστολογία Patoloģija Patologija Anatomie pathologique Patológia Istopatoloġija Pathologie Pathologie Patomorfologia Anatomia patologica Anatomska patologija in citopatologija Patologická anatómia Patologia / Patologi Klinisk patologi Histopathology KM/mg DG C I 10 EN Country Belgique/België/ Belgien Česká republika Danmark Deutschland Eesti Ελλάς España France Ireland Italia Κύπρος Latvija Lietuva Luxembourg Magyarország Malta Nederland Österreich Polska Portugal Slovenija Slovensko Suomi/Finland Sverige United Kingdom Country Belgique/België/ Belgien Česká republika Danmark Deutschland Eesti Ελλάς España France Ireland Italia Κύπρος Latvija Lietuva Luxembourg Magyarország Malta Nederland Österreich Polska Portugal Slovenija Slovensko Suomi/Finland Sverige United Kingdom Neurology Minimum period of training: 4 years Title Neurologie Psychiatry Minimum period of training: 4 years Title Psychiatrie Neurologie Neurologi eller medicinske nervesygdomme Neurologie Neuroloogia Νευρoλoγία Neurología Neurologie Neurology Neurologia Νευρολογία Neiroloģija Neurologija Neurologie Neurológia Newroloġija Neurologie Neurologie Neurologia Neurologia Nevrologija Neurológia Neurologia / Neurologi Neurologi Neurology Psychiatrie Psykiatri Diagnostic radiology Minimum period of training: 4 years Title Radiodiagnostic / Röntgendiagnose Radiotherapy Minimum period of training: 4 years Title Radiothérapie-oncologie / Radiotherapie-oncologie Radiologie a zobrazovací metody Diagnostik radiologi eller røntgenundersøgelse Diagnostische Radiologie Radioloogia Ακτιvoδιαγvωστική Radiodiagnóstico Radiodiagnostic et imagerie médicale Diagnostic radiology Radiodiagnostica Ακτινολογία Diagnostiskā radioloģija Radiologija Radiodiagnostic Radiológia Radjoloġija Radiologie Medizinische Radiologie-Diagnostik Radiologia i diagnostyka obrazowa Radiodiagnóstico Radiologija Rádiológia Radiologia / Radiologi Medicinsk radiologi Clinical radiology Radiační onkologie Onkologi Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie Psühhiaatria Ψυχιατρική Psiquiatría Psychiatrie Psychiatry Psichiatria Ψυχιατρική Psihiatrija Psichiatrija Psychiatrie Pszichiátria Psikjatrija Psychiatrie Psychiatrie Psychiatria Psiquiatria Psihiatrija Psychiatria Psykiatria / Psykiatri Psykiatri General psychiatry 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX V Strahlentherapie Onkoloogia Ακτιvoθεραπευτική – Ογκολογία Oncología radioterápica Oncologie radiothérapique Radiation oncology Radioterapia Ακτινοθεραπευτική Terapeitiskā radioloģija Onkologija radioterapija Radiothérapie Sugárterápia Onkoloġija u Radjoterapija Radiotherapie Strahlentherapie - Radioonkologie Radioterapia onkologiczna Radioterapia Radioterapija in onkologija Radiačná onkológia Syöpätaudit / Cancersjukdomar Tumörsjukdomar (allmän onkologi) Clinical oncology KM/mg DG C I 11 EN Country Belgique/België/ Belgien Česká republika Danmark Deutschland Eesti Ελλάς España France Ireland Italia Κύπρος Latvija Lietuva Luxembourg Magyarország Malta Nederland Österreich Polska Portugal Slovenija Slovensko Suomi/Finland Sverige United Kingdom Country Belgique/België/ Belgien Česká republika Danmark Deutschland Eesti Ελλάς España France Ireland Italia Κύπρος Latvija Lietuva Luxembourg Magyarország Malta Nederland Österreich Polska Portugal Slovenija Slovensko Suomi/Finland Sverige United Kingdom Plastic surgery Minimum period of training: 5 years Title Chirurgie plastique, reconstructrice et esthétique / Plastische, reconstructieve en esthetische heelkunde Plastická chirurgie Plastikkirurgi Plastische Chirurgie Plastika- ja rekonstruktiivkirurgia Πλαστική Χειρoυργική Cirugía plástica y reparadora Chirurgie plastique, reconstructrice et esthétique Plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery Chirurgia plastica e ricostruttiva Πλαστική Χειρουργική Plastiskā ķirurģija Plastinė ir rekonstrukcinė chirurgija Chirurgie plastique Plasztikai (égési) sebészet Kirurġija Plastika Plastische chirurgie Plastische Chirurgie Chirurgia plastyczna Cirurgia plástica e reconstrutiva Plastična, rekonstrukcijska in estetska kirurgija Plastická chirurgia Plastiikkakirurgia / Plastikkirurgi Plastikkirurgi Plastic surgery Microbiology-bacteriology Minimum period of training: 4 years Title Lékařská mikrobiologie Klinisk mikrobiologi Mikrobiologie und Infektionsepidemiologie Laborimeditsiin Análisis clínicos Biologie médicale Patologia clinica Laboratorinė medicina Biologie clinique Orvosi laboratóriumi diagnosztika Medizinische Biologie Diagnostyka laboratoryjna Patologia clínica Biological chemistry Minimum period of training: 4 years Title Klinická biochemie Klinisk biokemi 1. Iατρική Βιoπαθoλoγία 2. Μικρoβιoλoγία Microbiología y parasitología Bioquímica clínica Microbiology Microbiologia e virologia Μικροβιολογία Mikrobioloģija Chemical pathology Biochimica clinica Microbiologie Orvosi mikrobiológia Mikrobijoloġija Medische microbiologie Hygiene und Mikrobiologie Mikrobiologia lekarska Chimie biologique Klinična mikrobiologija Klinická mikrobiológia Kliininen mikrobiologia / Klinisk mikrobiologi Klinisk bakteriologi Medical microbiology and virology Medicinska biokemija Klinická biochémia Kliininen kemia / Klinisk kemi Patoloġija Kimika Klinische chemie Medizinische und Chemische Labordiagnostik 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX V Clinical biology Minimum period of training : 4 years Title Biologie clinique / Klinische biologie Klinisk kemi Chemical pathology KM/mg DG C I 12 EN Immunology Minimum period of training: 4 years Title Country Belgique/België/ Belgien Alergologie a klinická imunologie Česká republika Klinisk immunologi Danmark Deutschland Eesti Ελλάς Immunología España France Immunology (clinical and laboratory) Ireland Italia Ανοσολογία Κύπρος Imunoloģija Latvija Lietuva Luxembourg Allergológia és klinikai immunológia Magyarország Immunoloġija Malta Nederland Immunologie Österreich Immunologia kliniczna Polska Portugal Slovenija Klinická imunológia a alergológia Slovensko Suomi/Finland Klinisk immunologi Sverige Immunology United Kingdom Dates of repeal within the meaning of Article 25(5): * 1 January 1983 Country Belgique/België/ Belgien Česká republika Danmark Deutschland Eesti Ελλάς España France Ireland Italia Κύπρος Latvija Lietuva Luxembourg Magyarország Malta Nederland Österreich Polska Portugal Slovenija Slovensko Suomi/Finland Sverige United Kingdom Paediatric surgery Minimum period of training: 5 years Title Dětská chirurgie Thoracic surgery Minimum period of training: 5 years Title Chirurgie thoracique / Heelkunde op de thorax* Kardiochirurgie Thoraxkirurgi eller brysthulens kirurgiske sygdomme Herzchirurgie Torakaalkirurgia Χειρουργική Θώρακος Cirugía torácica Chirurgie thoracique et cardiovasculaire Thoracic surgery Chirurgia toracica; Cardiochirurgia Χειρουργική Θώρακος Torakālā ķirurģija Krūtinės chirurgija Chirurgie thoracique Mellkassebészet Kirurġija Kardjo-Toraċika Cardio-thoracale chirurgie Chirurgia klatki piersiowej Cirurgia cardiotorácica Torakalna kirurgija Hrudníková chirurgia Sydän-ja rintaelinkirurgia / Hjärt- och thoraxkirurgi Thoraxkirurgi Cardo-thoracic surgery Vascular surgery Minimum period of training: 5 years Title Chirurgie des vaisseaux / Bloedvatenheelkunde* Cévní chirurgie Karkirurgi eller kirurgiske blodkarsygdomme Kinderchirurgie Lastekirurgia Χειρoυργική Παίδωv Cirugía pediátrica Chirurgie infantile Paediatric surgery Chirurgia pediatrica Χειρουργική Παίδων Bērnu ķirurģija Vaikų chirurgija Chirurgie pédiatrique Gyermeksebészet Kirurgija Pedjatrika Kardiovaskulaarkirurgia Αγγειoχειρoυργική Angiología y cirugía vascular Chirurgie vasculaire Chirurgia vascolare Χειρουργική Αγγείων Asinsvadu ķirurģija Kraujagyslių chirurgija Chirurgie vasculaire Érsebészet Kirurġija Vaskolari Kinderchirurgie Chirurgia dziecięca Cirurgia pediátrica Chirurgia naczyniowa Cirurgia vascular Kardiovaskularna kirurgija Cievna chirurgia Verisuonikirurgia / Kärlkirurgi Detská chirurgia Lastenkirurgia / Barnkirurgi Barn- och ungdomskirurgi Paediatric surgery Dates of repeal within the meaning of Article 25(5): * 1 January 1983 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX V KM/mg DG C I 13 EN Country Belgique/België/ Belgien Česká republika Danmark Deutschland Eesti Ελλάς España France Ireland Italia Κύπρος Latvija Lietuva Luxembourg Magyarország Malta Nederland Österreich Polska Portugal Slovenija Slovensko Suomi/Finland Sverige United Kingdom Country Belgique/België/ Belgien Česká republika Danmark Deutschland Eesti Ελλάς España France Ireland Italia Κύπρος Latvija Lietuva Luxembourg Magyarország Malta Nederland Österreich Polska Portugal Slovenija Slovensko Suomi/Finland Sverige United Kingdom Cardiology Minimum period of training: 4 years Title Cardiologie Gastro-enterology Minimum period of training: 4 years Title Gastro-entérologie / Gastroenterologie Kardiologie Kardiologi Gastroenterologie Medicinsk gastroenterologi eller medicinske mavetarmsygdomme Kardiologie Kardioloogia Καρδιoλoγία Cardiología Pathologie cardio-vasculaire Cardiology Cardiologia Καρδιολογία Kardioloģija Kardiologija Cardiologie et angiologie Kardiológia Kardjoloġija Cardiologie Gastroenteroloogia Γαστρεvτερoλoγία Aparato digestivo Gastro-entérologie et hépatologie Gastro-enterology Gastroenterologia Γαστρεντερολογία Gastroenteroloģija Gastroenterologija Gastro-enterologie Gasztroenterológia Gastroenteroloġija Leer van maag-darm-leverziekten Kardiologia Cardiologia Gastrenterologia Gastrenterologia Gastroenterologija Gastroenterológia Gastroenterologia / Gastroenterologi Medicinsk gastroenterologi och hepatologi Gastro-enterology Kardiológia Kardiologia / Kardiologi Kardiologi Cardiology Rheumatology Minimum period of training: 4 years Title Rhumathologie / reumatologie Revmatologie Reumatologi Hematologie a transfúzní lékařství Hæmatologi eller blodsygdomme Reumatoloogia Ρευματoλoγία Reumatología Rhumatologie Rheumatology Reumatologia Ρευματολογία Reimatoloģija Reumatologija Rhumatologie Reumatológia Rewmatoloġija Reumatologie Hematoloogia Αιματoλoγία Hematología y hemoterapia Reumatologia Reumatologia Hematologia Imuno-hemoterapia Reumatológia Reumatologia / Reumatologi Reumatologi Rheumatology Hematológia a transfúziológia Kliininen hematologia / Klinisk hematologi Hematologi Haematology Haematology (clinical and laboratory) Ematologia Αιματολογία Hematoloģija Hematologija Hématologie Haematológia Ematoloġija 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX V General Haematology Minimum period of training: 3 years Title KM/mg DG C I 14 EN Country Belgique/België/ Belgien Česká republika Danmark Deutschland Eesti Ελλάς España France Ireland Italia Κύπρος Latvija Lietuva Luxembourg Magyarország Malta Nederland Österreich Polska Portugal Slovenija Slovensko Suomi/Finland Sverige United Kingdom Endocrinology Minimum period of training: 3 years Title Endokrinologie Medicinsk endokrinologi eller medicinske hormonsygdomme Endokrinoloogia Εvδoκριvoλoγία Endocrinología y nutrición Endocrinologie, maladies métaboliques Endocrinology and diabetes mellitus Endocrinologia e malattie del ricambio Ενδοκρινολογία Endokrinoloģija Endokrinologija Endocrinologie, maladies du métabolisme et de la nutrition Endokrinológia Endokrinoloġija u Dijabete Endokrynologia Endocrinologia Endokrinológia Endokrinologia / Endokrinologi Endokrina sjukdomar Endocrinology and diabetes mellitus 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX V Physical and rehabilitative medicine Minimum period of training: 3 years Title Médecine physique et réadaptation / Fysische geneeskunde en revalidatie Rehabilitační a fyzikální medicína Physikalische und Rehabilitative Medizin Taastusravi ja füsiaatria Φυσική Iατρική και Απoκατάσταση Rehabilitación Rééducation et réadaptation fonctionnelles Medicina fisica e riabilitazione Φυσική Ιατρική και Αποκατάσταση Rehabilitoloģija Fiziskā rehabilitācija Fizikālā medicīna Fizinė medicina ir reabilitacija Rééducation et réadaptation fonctionnelles Fizioterápia Revalidatiegeneeskunde Physikalische Medizin Rehabilitacja medyczna Fisiatria ou Medicina física e de reabilitação Fizikalna in rehabilitacijska medicina Fyziatria, balneológia a liečebná rehabilitácia Fysiatria / Fysiatri Rehabiliteringsmedicin KM/mg DG C I 15 EN Country Belgique/België/ Belgien Česká republika Danmark Deutschland Eesti Ελλάς España France Ireland Italia Κύπρος Latvija Lietuva Luxembourg Magyarország Malta Nederland Österreich Polska Portugal Slovenija Slovensko Suomi/Finland Sverige United Kingdom Neuropsychiatry Minimum period of training: 5 years Title Neuropsychiatrie* Nervenheilkunde (Neurologie und Psychiatrie) Dermato-venereology Minimum period of training: 3 years Title Dermato-vénéréologie / Dermato-venerologie Dermatovenerologie Dermato-venerologi eller hud- og kønssygdomme Haut – und Geschlechtskrankheiten Dermatoveneroloogia Δερματoλoγία – Αφρoδισιoλoγία Dermatología médico-quirúrgica y venereología Dermatologie et vénéréologie Νευρoλoγία – Ψυχιατρική Neuropsychiatrie** Neuropsichiatria Νευρολογία – Ψυχιατρική Dermatologia e venerologia Δερματολογία – Αφροδισιολογία Dermatoloģija un veneroloģija Dermatovenerologija Dermato-vénéréologie Bőrgyógyászat Dermato-venerejoloġija Dermatologie en venerologie Haut- und Geschlechtskrankheiten Dermatologia i wenerologia Dermatovenereologia Dermatovenerologija Dermatovenerológia Ihotaudit ja allergologia / Hudsjukdomar och allergologi Hud- och könssjukdomar Neuropsychiatrie*** Zenuw - en zielsziekten**** Neurologie und Psychiatrie Neuropsychiatria Dates of repeal within the meaning of Article 25(5): * 1 August 1987 except for persons having commenced training before that date ** 31 December 1971 ; *** Evidence of qualifications is no longer awarded for training commenced after 5 March 1982 **** 9 July 1984 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX V KM/mg DG C I 16 EN Country Belgique/België/ Belgien Česká republika Danmark Deutschland Eesti Ελλάς España France Ireland Italia Κύπρος Latvija Lietuva Luxembourg Magyarország Malta Nederland Österreich Polska Portugal Slovenija Slovensko Suomi/Finland Sverige United Kingdom Radiology Minimum period of training: 4 years Title Child and adolescent psychiatryy Minimum period of training: 4 years Title Dětská a dorostová psychiatrie Børne- og ungdomspsykiatri Kinder – und Jugendpsychiatrie und –psychotherapie Radiologie Ακτιvoλoγία – Ραδιoλoγία Electroradiologia Electro-radiologie* Radiology Radiologia Παιδoψυχιατρική Pédo-psychiatrie Child and adolescent psychiatry Neuropsichiatria infantile Παιδοψυχιατρική Bērnu psihiatrija Vaikų ir paauglių psichiatrija Psychiatrie infantile Gyermek-és ifjúságpszichiátria Électroradiologie** Radiológia Radiologie*** Radiologie Psychiatria dzieci i młodzieży Pedopsiquiatria Otroška in mladostniška psihiatrija Detská psychiatria Lastenpsykiatria / Barnpsykiatri Barn- och ungdomspsykiatri Child and adolescent psychiatry Radiologia Dates of repeal within the meaning of Article 25(5): * 3 December 1971 ** Evidence of qualifications is no longer awarded for training commenced after 5 March 1982 *** 8 July 1984 Country Belgique/België/ Belgien Česká republika Danmark Deutschland Eesti Ελλάς España France Ireland Italia Κύπρος Latvija Lietuva Luxembourg Magyarország Malta Nederland Österreich Polska Portugal Slovenija Slovensko Suomi/Finland Sverige United Kingdom Geriatrics Minimum period of training: 4 years Title Geriatrie Geriatri eller alderdommens sygdomme Nefrologie Nefrologi eller medicinske nyresygdomme Nefroloogia Νεφρoλoγία Nefrología Néphrologie Nephrology Nefrologia Νεφρολογία Nefroloģija Nefrologija Néphrologie Nefrológia Nefroloġija Geriatría Geriatric medicine Geriatria Γηριατρική Geriatrija Geriátria Ġerjatrija Klinische geriatrie Geriatria Nefrologia Nefrologia Nefrologija Nefrológia Nefrologia / Nefrologi Medicinska njursjukdomar (nefrologi) Renal medicine Geriatria Geriatria / Geriatri Geriatrik Geriatrics 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX V Renal medicine Minimum period of training: 4 years Title KM/mg DG C I 17 EN Country Belgique/België/ Belgien Česká republika Danmark Deutschland Eesti Ελλάς España France Ireland Italia Κύπρος Latvija Lietuva Luxembourg Magyarország Malta Nederland Österreich Polska Portugal Slovenija Slovensko Suomi/Finland Sverige United Kingdom Country Belgique/België/ Belgien Česká republika Danmark Deutschland Eesti Ελλάς España France Ireland Italia Κύπρος Latvija Lietuva Luxembourg Magyarország Malta Nederland Österreich Polska Portugal Slovenija Slovensko Suomi/Finland Sverige United Kingdom Infectious diseases Minimum period of training: 4 years Title Infekční lékařství Infektionsmedicin Hygiena a epidemiologie Samfundsmedicin Öffentliches Gesundheitswesen Infektsioonhaigused Κοινωνική Іατρική Medicina preventiva y salud pública Santé publique et médecine sociale Public health medicine Igiene e medicina preventiva Υγειονολογία/Κοινοτική Ιατρική Infectious diseases Malattie infettive Λοιμώδη Νοσήματα Infektoloģija Infektologija Infektológia Mard Infettiv Choroby zakaźne Infecciologia Infektologija Infektológia Infektiosairaudet / Infektionssjukdomar Infektionssjukdomar Infectious diseases Pharmacology Minimum period of training: 4 years Title Santé publique Megelőző orvostan és népegészségtan Saħħa Pubblika Maatschappij en gezondheid Sozialmedizin Zdrowie publiczne, epidemiologia Saúde pública Javno zdravje Hygiena a epidemiológia Terveydenhuolto / Hälsovård Socialmedicin Public health medicine Occupational medicine Minimum period of training: 4 years Title Médecine du travail / Arbeidsgeneeskunde Pracovní lékařství Arbejdsmedicin Arbeitsmedizin Klinická farmakologie Klinisk farmakologi Pharmakologie und Toxikologie Iατρική ς Εργασίας Farmacología clínica Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics Klinikai farmakológia Farmakoloġija Klinika u t-Terapewtika Pharmakologie und Toxikologie Farmakologia kliniczna Klinická farmakológia Kliininen farmakologia ja lääkehoito / Klinisk farmakologi och läkemedelsbehandling Klinisk farmakologi Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX V Public health and social medicine Minimum period of training: 4 years Title Médecine du travail Occupational medicine Medicina del lavoro Ιατρική της Εργασίας Arodslimības Darbo medicina Médecine du travail Foglalkozás-orvostan (üzemorvostan) Mediċina Okkupazzjonali – Arbeid en gezondheid, bedrijfsgeneeskunde – Arbeid en gezondheid, verzekeringsgeneeskunde Arbeits- und Betriebsmedizin Medycyna pracy Medicina do trabalho Medicina dela, prometa in športa Klinické pracovné lekárstvo a klinická toxikológia Työterveyshuolto / Företagshälsovård Yrkes- och miljömedicin Occupational medicine KM/mg DG C I 18 EN Country Belgique/België/Belgien Česká republika Danmark Deutschland Eesti Ελλάς España France Ireland Italia Κύπρος Latvija Lietuva Luxembourg Magyarország Malta Nederland Österreich Polska Portugal Slovenija Slovensko Suomi/Finland Sverige United Kingdom Country Belgique/België/ Belgien Česká republika Danmark Deutschland Eesti Ελλάς España France Ireland Italia Κύπρος Latvija Lietuva Luxembourg Magyarország Malta Nederland Österreich Polska Portugal Slovenija Slovensko Suomi/Finland Sverige United Kingdom Allergology Minimum period of training: 3 years Title Alergologie a klinická imunologie Medicinsk allergologi eller medicinske overfølsomhedssygdomme Nuklearmedizin Αλλεργιoλoγία Alergología Πυρηvική Iατρική Medicina nuclear Médecine nucléaire Allergologia ed immunologia clinica Αλλεργιολογία Alergoloģija Alergologija ir klinikinė imunologija Medicina nucleare Πυρηνική Ιατρική Allergológia és klinikai immunológia Allergologie en inwendige geneeskunde Alergologia Imuno-alergologia Klinická imunológia a alergológia Allergisjukdomar Médecine nucléaire Nukleáris medicina (izotóp diagnosztika) Mediċina Nukleari Nucleaire geneeskunde Nuklearmedizin Medycyna nuklearna Medicina nuclear Nuklearna medicina Nukleárna medicína Kliininen fysiologia ja isotooppilääketiede / Klinisk fysiologi och nukleärmedicin Nukleärmedicin Nuclear medicine Maxillo-facial surgery (basic medical training) Minimum period of training: 5 years Title Maxilofaciální chirurgie Cirugía oral y maxilofacial Chirurgie maxillo-faciale et stomatologie Chirurgia maxillo-facciale Mutes, sejas un žokļu ķirurģija Veido ir žandikaulių chirurgija Chirurgie maxillo-faciale Szájsebészet Mund– Kiefer – und Gesichtschirurgie Chirurgia szczekowo-twarzowa Cirurgia maxilo-facial Maxilofacialna kirurgija Maxilofaciálna chirurgia 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX V Nuclear medicine Minimum period of training: 4 years Title Médecine nucléaire / Nucleaire geneeskunde Nukleární medicína Klinisk fysiologi og nuklearmedicin KM/mg DG C I 19 EN 5.1.5. Evidence of formal qualifications of general practitioners Country Evidence of formal qualifications Ministerieel erkenningsbesluit van huisarts / Arrêté België/ ministériel d'agrément de médecin généraliste Belgique/ Belgien Diplom o specializaci "všeobecné lékařství" Česká republika Tilladelse til at anvende betegnelsen alment praktiserende Danmark læge / Speciallæge I almen medicin Deutschland Zeugnis über die spezifische Ausbildung in der Allgemeinmedizin Diplom peremeditsiini erialal Eesti Tίτλος ιατρικής ειδικότητας γενικής ιατρικής Ελλάς Titulo de especialista en medicina familiar y comunitaria España Diplôme d'Etat de docteur en médecine (avec document France annexé attestant la formation spécifique en médecine générale) Certificate of specific qualifications in general medical Ireland practice Attestato di formazione specifica in medicina generale Italia Πιστοποιητικό Αναγνώρισης Γενικού Ιατρού Κύπρος Ģimenes ārsta sertifikāts Latvija Šeimos gydytojo rezidentūros pažymėjimas Lietuva Luxembourg Il n'existe pas de titre, parce qu'il n'y a pas de formation au Luxembourg Háziorvostan szakorvosa bizonyítvány Magyarország Tabib tal-familja Malta Certificaat van inschrijving in het register van erkende Nederland huisartsen van de Koninklijke Nederlandsche Maatschappij tot bevordering der geneeskunst Arzt für Allgemeinmedizin Österreich Diplôme: Dyplom uzyskania tytułu specjalisty w Polska dziedzinie medycyny rodzinnej Professional title Huisarts / Médecin généraliste Reference date 31 December 1994 Všeobecný lékař 1 May 2004 Alment praktiserende læge / Speciallæge I almen medicin 31 December 1994 Facharzt/Fachärztin für Allgemeinmedizin 31 December 1994 Perearst Іατρός με ειδικότητα γενικής ιατρικής Especialista en medicina familiar y comunitaria Médecin qualifié en médecine générale 1 May 2004 31 December 1994 31 December 1994 31 December 1994 General medical practitioner 31 December 1994 Medico di medicina generale Ιατρός Γενικής Ιατρικής Ģimenes (vispārējās prakses) ārsts Šeimos medicinos gydytojas Médecin généraliste 31 December 1994 1 May 2004 1 May 2004 1 May 2004 31 December 1994 Háziorvostan szakorvosa 1 May 2004 Mediċina tal-familja Huisarts 1 May 2004 31 December 1994 Arzt für Allgemeinmedizin Specjalista w dziedzinie medycyny rodzinnej 31 December 1994 1 May 2004 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX V KM/mg DG C I 20 EN Country Portugal Slovenija Evidence of formal qualifications Diploma do internato complementar de clínica geral Potrdilo o opravljeni specializaciji iz družinske medicine Slovensko Suomi/ Finland Sverige Diplom o špecializácii v odbore "všeobecné lekárstvo" Todistus lääkärin perusterveydenhuollon lisäkoulutuksesta / Bevis om tilläggsutbildning av läkare I primärvård Bevis om kompetens som allmänpraktiserande läkare (Europaläkare) utfärdat av Socialstyrelsen Certificate of prescribed/equivalent experience United Kingdom Professional title Assistente de clínica geral Specialist družinske medicine/ Specialistka družinske medicine Všeobecný lekár Yleislääkäri / Allmänläkare Reference date 31 December 1994 1 May 2004 Allmänpraktiserande läkare (Europaläkare) 31 December 1994 General medical practitioner 31 December 1994 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX V 1 May 2004 31 December 1994 KM/mg DG C I 21 EN Annex V.2: Nurse responsible for general care 5.2.1. Transferred to Article 29(5a) 5.2.2. Training programme for nurses responsible for general care The training leading to the award of a formal qualification of nurses responsible for general care shall consist of the following two parts. A. Theoretical instruction a. Nursing: b. Basic sciences: c. Social sciences: – Nature and ethics of the profession – Anatomy and physiology – Sociology – General principles of health and – Pathology – Psychology nursing – Bacteriology, virology and – Principles of administration – Nursing principles in relation to: parasitology – Principles of teaching – general and specialist – Biophysics, biochemistry and – Social and health legislation medicine radiology – Legal aspects of nursing – general and specialist – Dietetics surgery – Hygiene: – child care and paediatrics – preventive medicine – maternity care – health education – mental health and – Pharmacology psychiatry – care of the old and geriatrics B. Clinical instruction – Nursing in relation to: – general and specialist medicine – general and specialist surgery – child care and paediatrics – maternity care – mental health and psychiatry – care of the old and geriatrics – home nursing One or more of these subjects may be taught in the context of the other disciplines or in conjunction therewith. The theoretical instruction must be weighted and coordinated with the clinical instruction in such a way that the knowledge and skills referred to in this Annex can be acquired in an adequate fashion. 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX V KM/mg DG C I 22 EN 5.2.3. Evidence of formal qualifications of nurses responsible for general care Body awarding the evidence of Country Evidence of formal qualifications qualifications – Diploma gegradueerde – De erkende opleidingsinstituten / Les België/ verpleger/verpleegster / Diplôme établissements d’enseignement reconnus / Belgique/ d'infirmier(ère) gradué(e) / Diplom eines Die anerkannten Ausbildungsanstalten Belgien (einer) graduierten Krankenpflegers – De bevoegde Examencommissie van de (-pflegerin) Vlaamse Gemeenschap / Le Jury – Diploma in de ziekenhuisverpleegkunde / compétent d'enseignement de la Brevet d'infirmier(ère) hospitalier(ère) / Communauté française / Der zuständige Brevet eines (einer) Krankenpflegers (Prüfungsausschüß der Deutschsprachigen pflegerin) Gemeinschaft – Brevet van verpleegassistent(e) / Brevet d'hospitalier(ère) / Brevet einer Pflegeassistentin 1. Diplom o ukončení studia ve studijním 1. Vysoká škola zřízená nebo uznaná státem Česká programu ošetřovatelství ve studijním oboru republika všeobecná sestra (bakalář, Bc.), accompanied by the following certificate : Vysvědčení o státní závěrečné zkoušce Danmark Deutschland Eesti Professional title – – Hospitalier(ère) / Verpleegassistent(e) Infirmier(ère) hospitalier(ère) / Ziekenhuisverpleger(-verpleegster) 1. Všeobecná sestra Reference date 29 June 1979 1 May 2004 2. Diplom o ukončení studia ve studijním oboru diplomovaná všeobecná sestra (diplomovaný specialista, DiS.), accompanied by the following certificate : Vysvědčení o absolutoriu 2. Vyšší odborná škola zřízená nebo uznaná státem 2. Všeobecný ošetřovatel Eksamensbevis efter gennemført sygeplejerskeuddannelse Zeugnis über die staatliche Prüfung in der Krankenpflege Diplom õe erialal Sygeplejeskole godkendt af Undervisningsministeriet Staatlicher Prüfungsausschuss Sygeplejerske 29 June 1979 - Krankenschwester - Krankenpfleger» õde 1 May 2004 1. Tallinna Meditsiinikool 1 May 2004 2. Tartu Meditsiinikool 3. Kohtla-Järve Meditsiinikool 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX V KM/mg DG C I 23 EN Country Ελλάς Evidence of formal qualifications 1. Πτυχίο Νοσηλευτικής Παν/μίου Αθηνών 2. Πτυχίο Νοσηλευτικής Τεχνολογικών Εκπαιδευτικών Ιδρυμάτων (Τ.Ε.Ι.) 3. Πτυχίο Αξιωματικών Νοσηλευτικής 4. Πτυχίο Αδελφών Νοσοκόμων πρώην Ανωτέρων Σχολών Υπουργείου Υγείας και Πρόνοιας 5. Πτυχίο Αδελφών Νοσοκόμων και Επισκεπτριών πρώην Ανωτέρων Σχολών Υπουργείου Υγείας και Πρόνοιας 6. Πτυχίο Τμήματος Νοσηλευτικής España France Ireland Italia Κύπρος Latvija Lietuva Titulo de Diplomado universitario en Enfermería – Diplôme d’Etat d’infirmier(ère) – Diplôme d’Etat d’infirmier(ère) délivré en vertu du décret no 99-1147 du 29 décembre 1999 Certificate of Registered General Nurse Diploma di infermiere professionale Δίπλωμα Γενικής Νοσηλευτικής – 1. Diploms par māsas kvalifikācijas iegūšanu – 2. Māsas diploms – – 1. Aukštojo mokslo diplomas, nurodantis suteiktą bendrosios praktikos slaugytojo profesinę kvalifikaciją 2. Aukštojo mokslo diplomas (neuniversitetinės studijos), nurodantis suteiktą bendrosios praktikos slaugytojo profesinę kvalifikaciją Body awarding the evidence of qualifications 1. Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών Reference date Διπλωματούχος ή πτυχιούχος νοσοκόμος, νοσηλευτής ή νοσηλεύτρια 1 January 1981 6. ΚΑΤΕΕ Υπουργείου Εθνικής Παιδείας και Θρησκευμάτων – Ministerio de Educación y Cultura – El rector de una Universidad Le ministère de la santé Enfermero/a diplomado/a 1 January 1986 Infirmer(ère) 29 June 1979 An Bord Altranais (The Nursing Board) Scuole riconosciute dallo Stato Νοσηλευτική Σχολή 1. Māsu skolas Registered General Nurse Infermiere professionale Εγγεγραμμένος Νοσηλευτής Māsa 29 June 1979 29 June 1979 1 May 2004 1 May 2004 2. Universitātes tipa augstskola pamatojoties uz Valsts eksāmenu komisijas lēmumu 1. Universitetas Bendrosios praktikos slaugytojas 1 May 2004 2. Τεχνολογικά Εκπαιδευτικά Ιδρύματα Υπουργείο Εθνικής Παιδείας και Θρησκευμάτων 3. Υπουργείο Εθνικής ΄Αμυνας 4. Υπουργείο Υγείας και Πρόνοιας 5. Υπουργείο Υγείας και Πρόνοιας 2. Kolegija 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX V Professional title KM/mg DG C I 24 EN Country Luxembourg Magyarország Evidence of formal qualifications – – Diplôme d’Etat d’infirmier Diplôme d’Etat d’infirmier hospitalier gradué 1. Ápoló bizonyítvány Body awarding the evidence of qualifications Ministère de l’éducation nationale, de la formation professionnelle et des sports 1. Iskola Professional title Reference date Infirmier 29 June 1979 Ápoló 1 May 2004 2. Diplomás ápoló oklevél 2. Egyetem / főiskola 3. Egyetemi okleveles ápoló oklevél 3. Egyetem Malta Lawrja jew diploma fl-istudji tal-infermerija Universita `ta' Malta" Infermier Registrat tal-Ewwel Livell 1 May 2004 Nederland 1. Diploma's verpleger A, verpleegster A, verpleegkundige A 2. Diploma verpleegkundige MBOV (Middelbare Beroepsopleiding Verpleegkundige) 3. Diploma verpleegkundige HBOV (Hogere Beroepsopleiding Verpleegkundige) 4. Diploma beroepsonderwijs verpleegkundige – Kwalificatieniveau 4 5. Diploma hogere beroepsopleiding verpleegkundige – Kwalificatieniveau 5 1. Diplom als "Diplomierte Gesundheits- und Krankenschwester, Diplomierter Gesundheitsund Krankenpfleger" 2. Diplom als "Diplomierte Krankenschwester, Diplomierter Krankenpfleger" 1. Door een van overheidswege benoemde examencommissie 2. Door een van overheidswege benoemde examencommissie Verpleegkundige 29 June 1979 - Diplomierte Krankenschwester - Diplomierter Krankenpfleger 1 January 1994 Dyplom ukończenia studiów wyższych na kierunku pielęgniarstwo z tytułem "magister pielęgniarstwa" 1. Uniwersytet Medyczny Pielegniarka 1 May 2004 2. Collegium Medicum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego 1. Escolas de Enfermagem Enfermeiro 1 January 1986 Österreich Polska Portugal 1. Diploma do curso de enfermagem geral 2. Diploma/carta de curso de bacharelato em enfermagem 3. Carta de curso de licenciatura em enfermagem 3. Door een van overheidswege benoemde examencommissie 4. Door een van overheidswege aangewezen opleidingsinstelling 5. Door een van overheidswege aangewezen opleidingsinstelling 1. Schule für allgemeine Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege 2. Allgemeine Krankenpflegeschule 2. Escolas Superiores de Enfermagem 3. Escolas Superiores de Enfermagem; Escolas Superiores de Saúde 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX V KM/mg DG C I 25 EN Body awarding the evidence of qualifications Country Evidence of formal qualifications Slovenija Diploma, s katero se podeljuje strokovni naslov "diplomirana medicinska sestra / diplomirani zdravstvenik" 1. Univerza 1. Vysokoškolský diplom o udelení akademického titulu "magister z ošetrovateľstva" ("Mgr.") 1. Vysoká škola 2. Vysokoškolský diplom o udelení akademického titulu "bakalár z ošetrovateľstva" ("Bc.") 2. Vysoká škola 3. Absolventský diplom v študijnom odbore diplomovaná všeobecná sestra 3. Stredná zdravotnícka škola 1. Sairaanhoitajan tutkinto/Sjukskötarexamen 1. Terveydenhuolto-oppilaitokset/ Hälsovårdsläroanstalter 2. Sosiaali- ja terveysalan ammattikorkeakoulu-tutkinto, sairaanhoitaja (AMK)/Yrkeshögskole-examen inom hälsovård och det sociala området, sjukskötare (YH) Sjuksköterskeexamen Statement of Registration as a Registered General Nurse in part 1 or part 12 of the register kept by the United Kingdom Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting 2. Ammattikorkeakoulut/ Yrkeshögskolor Slovensko Suomi/ Finland Sverige United Kingdom 2. Visoka strokovna šola Universitet eller högskola Various 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX V Professional title Diplomirana medicinska sestra/ Diplomirani zdravstvenik 1 May 2004 Sestra 1 May 2004 Sairaanhoitaja / Sjukskötare 1 January 1994 Sjuksköterska - State Registered Nurse - Registered General Nurse 1 January 1994 29 June 1979 KM/mg DG C I Reference date 26 EN Annex V.3: Dental practitioner 5.3.1. Transferred to Article 32(2a) 5.3.2. Study programme for dental practitioners The programme of studies leading to evidence of formal qualifications in dentistry shall include at least the following subjects. One or more of these subjects may be taught in the context of the other disciplines or in conjunction therewith. A. Basic subjects – Chemistry – Physics – Biology B. Medico-biological subjects and general medical subjects – Anatomy – Embryology – Histology, including cytology – Physiology – Biochemistry (or physiological chemistry) – Pathological anatomy – General pathology – Pharmacology – Microbiology – Hygiene – Preventive medicine and epidemiology – Radiology – Physiotherapy – General surgery – General medicine, including paediatrics – Oto-rhino-laryngology – Dermato-venereology – General psychology – psychopathology – neuropathology – Anaesthetics 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX V C. Subjects directly related to dentistry – Prosthodontics – Dental materials and equipment – Conservative dentistry – Preventive dentistry – Anaesthetics and sedation – Special surgery – Special pathology – Clinical practice – Paedodontics – Orthodontics – Periodontics – Dental radiology – Dental occlusion and function of the jaw – Professional organisation, ethics and legislation – Social aspects of dental practice KM/mg DG C I 27 EN 5.3.3. Evidence of basic formal qualifications of dental practitioners Evidence of formal Body awarding the evidence of Country qualifications qualifications Diploma van tandarts / Diplôme – De universiteiten / Les België/ licencié en science dentaire universités Belgique/ – De bevoegde ExamenBelgien commissie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap / Le Jury compétent d'enseignement de la Communauté française Diplom o ukončení studia ve Česká Lékařská fakulta univerzity v České studijním programu zubní republika republice lékařství (doktor zubního lékařství, Dr. med. Dent.) Danmark Bevis for tandlægeeksamen (odontologisk kandidateksamen) Deutschland Zeugnis über die Zahnärztliche Prüfung Diplom hambaarstiteaduse õppekava läbimise kohta Πτυχίo Οδovτιατρικής Eesti Ελλάς España France Ireland Italia Κύπρος Título de Licenciado en Odontología Diplôme d'Etat de docteur en chirurgie dentaire – Bachelor in Dental Science (B.Dent.Sc.) – Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) – Licentiate in Dental Surgery (LDS) Diploma di laurea in Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria Πιστοποιητικό Εγγραφής Οδοντιάτρου Certificate accompanying the evidence of qualifications Reference date Licentiaat in de tandheelkunde / Licencié en science dentaire 28 January 1980 Vysvědčení o státní rigorózní zkoušce Zubní lékař 1 May 2004 Autorisation som tandlæge, udstedt af Sundhedsstyrelsen Tandlæge 28 January 1980 Zahnarzt 28 January 1980 Tartu Ülikool Hambaarst 1 May 2004 Παvεπιστήμιo 1 January 1981 El rector de una universidad Οδοντίατρος ή χειρούργος οδοντίατρος Licenciado en odontología Universités Chirurgien-dentiste 28 January 1980 – – – – – 28 January 1980 Tandlægehøjskolerne, Sundhedsvidenskabeligt universitetsfakultet Zuständige Behörden Universities Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Università Diploma di abilitazione all’esercizio dell'odontoiatria e protesi dentaria Οδοντιατρικό Συμβούλιο 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX V Professional title Dentist Dental practitioner Dental surgeon Odontoiatra 28 January 1980 Οδοντίατρος 1 May 2004 KM/mg DG C I 1 January 1986 28 EN Country Latvija Lietuva Luxembourg Magyarország Malta Nederland Österreich Polska Evidence of formal qualifications Zobārsta diploms Body awarding the evidence of qualifications Universitātes tipa augstskola Aukštojo mokslo diplomas, nurodantis suteiktą gydytojo odontologo kvalifikaciją Universitetas Diplôme d’Etat de docteur en médecine dentaire Fogorvos oklevél (doctor medicinae dentariae, abrév.: dr. med. dent.) Lawrja fil- Kirurġija Dentali Universitair getuigschrift van een met goed gevolg afgelegd tandartsexamen Bescheid über die Verleihung des akademischen Grades « Doktor der Zahnheilkunde » Dyplom ukończenia studiów wyższych z tytułem "lekarz dentysta" Carta de curso de licenciatura em medicina dentária Reference date 1 May 2004 Gydytojas odontologas 1 May 2004 Jury d’examen d’Etat Médecin-dentiste 28 January 1980 Egyetem Fogorvos 1 May 2004 Universita` ta Malta Faculteit Tandheelkunde Kirurgu Dentali Tandarts 1 May 2004 28 January 1980 Medizinische Fakultät der Universität Zahnarzt 1 January 1994 Lekarz dentysta 1 May 2004 Médico dentista 1 January 1986 1. Akademia Medyczna, Lekarsko – Dentystyczny Egzamin Państwowy 2. Uniwersytet Medyczny, – – 3. Collegium Medicum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego Faculdades Institutos Superiores 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX V Professional title Zobārsts – Portugal Certificate accompanying the evidence of qualifications Rezidenta diploms par zobārsta pēcdiploma izglītības programmas pabeigšanu, ko izsniedz universitātes tipa augstskola un "Sertifikāts" – kompetentas iestādes izsniegts dokuments, kas apliecina, ka persona ir nokārtojusi sertifikācijas eksāmenu zobārstniecībā Internatūros pažymėjimas, nurodantis suteiktą gydytojo odontologo profesinę kvalifikaciją KM/mg DG C I 29 EN Country Slovenija Slovensko Suomi/ Finland Sverige United Kingdom Evidence of formal qualifications Diploma, s katero se podeljuje strokovni naslov "doktor dentalne medicine / doktorica dentalne medicine" Vysokoškolský diplom o udelení akademického titulu "doktor zubného lekárstva" ("MDDr.") Hammaslääketieteen lisensiaatin tutkinto / Odontologie licentiatexamen Body awarding the evidence of qualifications – Univerza Tandläkarexamen – – – – Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS or B.Ch.D.) Licentiate in Dental Surgery – Vysoká škola – Helsingin yliopisto / Helsingfors universitet Oulun yliopisto Turun yliopisto – – Universitetet i Umeå Universitetet i Göteborg Karolinska Institutet Malmö Högskola Universities Royal Colleges Certificate accompanying the evidence of qualifications Potrdilo o opravljenem strokovnem izpitu za poklic zobozdravnik / zobozdravnica Terveydenhuollon oikeusturvakeskuksen päätös käytännön palvelun hyväksymisestä / Beslut av Rättskyddscentralen för hälsovården om godkännande av praktisk tjänstgöring Endast för examensbevis som erhållits före den 1 juli 1995, ett utbildningsbevis som utfärdats av Socialstyrelsen 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX V Professional title Doktor dentalne medicine / Doktorica dentalne medicine 1 May 2004 Zubný lekár 1 May 2004 Hammaslääkäri / Tandläkare 1 January 1994 Tandläkare 1 January 1994 – – – 28 January 1980 Dentist Dental practitioner Dental surgeon KM/mg DG C I Reference date 30 EN 5.3.3a. Evidence of formal qualifications of specialised dentists Orthodontics Country Evidence of formal qualifications Body awarding the evidence of qualifications Bevis for tilladelse til at betegne sig Sundhedsstyrelsen Danmark som specialtandlæge i ortodonti Fachzahnärztliche Anerkennung für Landeszahnärztekammer Deutschland Kieferorthopädie; Residentuuri lõputunnistus Tartu Ülikool Eesti ortodontia erialal Τίτλoς Οδovτιατρικής ειδικότητας – Νoμαρχιακή Αυτoδιoίκηση Ελλάς της Ορθoδovτικής – Νoμαρχία Titre de spécialiste en orthodontie Conseil National de l’Ordre des France chirurgiens dentistes Certificate of specialist dentist in Competent authority recognised for Ireland orthodontics this purpose by the competent minister Πιστοποιητικό Αναγνώρισης του Οδοντιατρικό Συμβούλιο Κύπρος Ειδικού Οδοντιάτρου στην Ορθοδοντική "Sertifikāts"– kompetentas iestādes Latvija Latvijas Ārstu biedrība izsniegts dokuments, kas apliecina, ka persona ir nokārtojusi sertifikācijas eksāmenu ortodontijā Rezidentūros pažymėjimas, Universitetas Lietuva nurodantis suteiktą gydytojo ortodonto profesinę kvalifikaciją Fogszabályozás szakorvosa Az Egészségügyi, Szociális és Magyarország bizonyítvány Családügyi Minisztérium illetékes testülete Ċertifikat ta' speċjalista dentali flKumitat ta' Approvazzjoni dwar Malta Ortodonzja Speċjalisti Bewijs van inschrijving als Specialisten Registratie Commissie Nederland orthodontist in het (SRC) van de Nederlandse Specialistenregister Maatschappij tot bevordering der Tandheelkunde Dyplom uzyskania tytułu specjalisty Centrum Egzaminów Medycznych Polska w dziedzinie ortodoncji Potrdilo o opravljenem 1. Ministrstvo za zdravje Slovenija specialističnem izpitu iz čeljustne in 2. Zdravniška zbornica Slovenije zobne ortopedije Erikoishammaslääkärin tutkinto, – Helsingin yliopisto / Helsingfors Suomi/Finland hampaiston oikomishoito / universitet Specialtand-läkarexamen, – Oulun yliopisto tandreglering – Turun yliopisto Bevis om specialistkompetens i Socialstyrelsen Sverige tandreglering Competent authority recognised for United Kingdom Certificate of Completion of specialist training in orthodontics this purpose 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX V Reference date 28 January 1980 28 January 1980 1 May 2004 1 January 1981 28 January 1980 28 January 1980 1 May 2004 1 May 2004 1 May 2004 1 May 2004 1 May 2004 28 Janury 1980 1 May 2004 1 May 2004 1 January 1994 1 January 1994 28 January 1980 KM/mg DG C I 31 EN Country Danmark Deutschland Ελλάς Ireland Κύπρος Lietuva Magyarország Malta Nederland Polska Slovenija Suomi/ Finland Sverige United Kingdom Oral surgery Evidence of formal qualifications Body awarding the evidence of qualifications Bevis for tilladelse til at betegne sig Sundhedsstyrelsen som specialtandlæge i hospitalsodontologi Fachzahnärztliche Landeszahnärztekammer Anerkennung für Oralchirurgie/Mundchirurgie Τίτλoς Οδovτιατρικής ειδικότητας – Νoμαρχιακή Αυτoδιoίκηση της Γvαθoχειρoυργικής – Νoμαρχία Certificate of specialist dentist in Competent authority recognised for oral surgery this purpose by the competent minister Πιστοποιητικό Αναγνώρισης του Οδοντιατρικό Συμβούλιο Ειδικού Οδοντιάτρου στην Στοματική Χειρουργική Rezidentūros pažymėjimas, Universitetas nurodantis suteiktą burnos chirurgo profesinę kvalifikaciją Dento-alveoláris sebészet Az Egészségügyi, Szociális és szakorvosa bizonyítvány Családügyi Minisztérium illetékes testülete Ċertifikat ta' speċjalista dentali filKumitat ta' Approvazzjoni dwar Kirurġija tal-ħalq Speċjalisti Bewijs van inschrijving als Specialisten Registratie Commissie kaakchirurg in het (SRC) van de Nederlandse Specialistenregister Maatschappij tot bevordering der Tandheelkunde Dyplom uzyskania tytułu specjalisty Centrum Egzaminów Medycznych w dziedzinie chirurgii stomatologicznej Potrdilo o opravljenem 1. Ministrstvo za zdravje specialističnem izpitu iz oralne 2. Zdravniška zbornica Slovenije kirurgije Erikoishammaslääkärin tutkinto, – Helsingin yliopisto/Helsingfors suu- ja leuka-kirurgia / universitet Specialtandläkar-examen, oral och – Oulun yliopisto maxillofacial kirurgi – Turun yliopisto Bevis om specialist-kompetens i Socialstyrelsen tandsystemets kirurgiska sjukdomar Certificate of completion of Competent authority recognised for specialist training in oral surgery this purpose 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX V Reference date 28 January 1980 28 January 1980 1 January 2003 28 January 1980 1 May 2004 1 May 2004 1 May 2004 1 May 2004 28 January 1980 1 May 2004 1 May 2004 1 January 1994 1 January 1994 28 January 1980 KM/mg DG C I 32 EN Annex V.4: Veterinary surgeon 5.4.1. Transferred to Article 35(2a) 5.4.2. Study programme for veterinary surgeons The programme of studies leading to the evidence of formal qualifications in veterinary medicine shall include at least the subjects listed below. Instruction in one or more of these subjects may be given as part of, or in association with, other courses. A. Basic subjects – Physics – Chemistry – Animal biology – Plant biology – Biomathematics B. Specific subjects a. Basic sciences: b. Clinical sciences: c. Animal production – Anatomy (including histology and – Obstetrics – Animal production embryology) – Pathology (including pathological – Animal nutrition – Physiology anatomy) – Agronomy – Biochemistry – Parasitology – Rural economics – Genetics – Clinical medicine and surgery – Animal husbandry – Pharmacology (including anaesthetics) – Veterinary hygiene – Pharmacy – Clinical lectures on the various – Animal ethology and protection – Toxicology domestic animals, poultry and other – Microbiology animal species d. Food hygiene – Immunology – Preventive medicine – Inspection and control of animal – Epidemiology – Radiology foodstuffs or foodstuffs of animal – Professional ethics – Reproduction and reproductive origin disorders – Food hygiene and technology – Veterinary state medicine and public – Practical work (including practical health work in places where slaughtering – Veterinary legislation and forensic and processing of foodstuffs takes medicine place) – Therapeutics – Propaedeutics Practical training may be in the form of a training period, provided that such training is full-time and under the direct control of the competent authority, and does not exceed six months within the aggregate training period of five years study. The distribution of the theoretical and practical training among the various groups of subjects shall be balanced and coordinated in such a way that the knowledge and experience may be acquired in a manner which will enable veterinary surgeons to perform all their duties. 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX V KM/mg DG C I 33 EN 5.4.3. Evidence of formal qualifications of veterinary surgeons Country Evidence of formal qualifications België/ Belgique/ Belgien Diploma van dierenarts / Diplôme de docteur en médecine vétérinaire Česká republika – Danmark Deutschland Eesti Ελλάς España France Ireland Italia Κύπρος Latvija Lietuva Luxembourg Diplom o ukončení studia ve studijním programu veterinární lékařství (doktor veterinární medicíny, MVDr.) Diplom o ukončení studia ve studijním programu veterinární hygiena a ekologie (doktor veterinární medicíny, MVDr.) Bevis for bestået kandidateksamen I veterinærvidenskab Zeugnis über das Ergebnis des Dritten Abscnitts der Tierärztlichen Prüfung und das Gesamtergebnis der Tierärztlichen Prüfung Diplom: täitnud veterinaarmeditsiini õppekava Πτυχίo Κτηvιατρικής Titulo de Licenciado en Veterinaria Diplôme d’Etat de docteur vétérinaire – Diploma of Bachelor in/of Veterinary Medicine (MVB) – Diploma of Membership of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (MRCVS) Diploma di laurea in medicina veterinaria Πιστοποιητικό Εγγραφής Kτηνιάτρου Veterinārārsta diploms Aukštojo mokslo diplomas (veterinarijos gydytojo (DVM)) Diplôme d’Etat de docteur en médecine vétérinaire Body awarding the evidence of qualifications – De universiteiten/ Les universités – De bevoegde Examen- commissie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap / Le Jury compétent d'enseignement de la Communauté française Veterinární fakulta univerzity v České republice Reference date 21 December 1980 1 May 2004 Kongelige Veterinær- og Landbohøjskole 21 December 1980 Der Vorsitzende des Prüfungsausschusses für die Tierärztliche Prüfung einer Universität oder Hochschule 21 December 1980 Eesti Põllumajandusülikool 1 May 2004 Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης και Θεσσαλίας – Ministerio de Educación y Cultura – El rector de una Universidad 1 January 1981 1 January 1986 21 December 1980 21 December 1980 Diploma di abilitazione all’esercizio della medicina veterinaria Università 1 January 1985 Κτηνιατρικό Συμβούλιο Latvijas Lauksaimniecības Universitāte Lietuvos Veterinarijos Akademija 1 May 2004 1 May 2004 1 May 2004 Jury d’examen d’Etat 21 December 1980 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX V Certificate accompanying the evidence of qualifications KM/mg DG C I 34 EN Country Evidence of formal qualifications Magyarország Malta Nederland Állatorvos doktor oklevél – dr. med. vet. Liċenzja ta' Kirurgu Veterinarju Getuigschrift van met goed gevolg afgelegd diergeneeskundig/veeartse-nijkundig examen – Diplom-Tierarzt – Magister medicinae veterinariae Österreich Polska Portugal Slovenija Slovensko Suomi/ Finland Sverige United Kingdom Dyplom lekarza weterynarii Carta de curso de licenciatura em medicina veterinária Diploma, s katero se podeljuje strokovni naslov "doktor veterinarske medicine / doktorica veterinarske medicine" Vysokoškolský diplom o udelení akademického titulu "doktor veterinárskej medicíny" ("MVDr.") Eläinlääketieteen lisensiaatin tutkinto / Veterinärmedicine licentiatexamen Veterinärexamen 1. Bachelor of Veterinary Science (BVSc) 2. Bachelor of Veterinary Science (BVSc) 3. Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine (BvetMB) 4. Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery (BVM&S) 5. Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery (BVM&S) 6. Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine (BvetMed) Body awarding the evidence of qualifications Szent István Egyetem Állatorvos-tudományi Kar Kunsill tal-Kirurġi Veterinarji 1 May 2004 21 December 1980 Doktor der Veterinärmedizin Doctor medicinae veterinariae Fachtierarzt 1. Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie 2. Akademia Rolnicza we Wrocławiu 3. Akademia Rolnicza w Lublinie 4. Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie Universidade 1 January 1994 1 May 2004 1 January 1986 Spričevalo o opravljenem državnem izpitu s področja veterinarstva Univerza Reference date 1 May 2004 – – – Universität 1 May 2004 Univerzita veterinárskeho lekárstva 1 May 2004 Helsingin yliopisto/ Helsingfors universitet 1 January 1994 Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet 1.University of Bristol 2.University of Liverpool 3.University of Cambridge 1 January 1994 21 December 1980 4. University of Edinburgh 5. University of Glasgow 6. University of London 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX V Certificate accompanying the evidence of qualifications KM/mg DG C I 35 EN Annex V.5: Midwife 5.5.1. Transferred to Article 36(2a) 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX V KM/mg DG C I 36 EN 5.5.2. Training programme for midwives (Training types I and II) The training programme for obtaining evidence of formal qualifications in midwifery consists of the following two parts: A. Theoretical and technical instruction a. General subjects – – – – – – – – Basic anatomy and physiology Basic pathology Basic bacteriology, virology and parasitology Basic biophysics, biochemistry and radiology Paediatrics, with particular reference to new-born infants Hygiene, health education, preventive medicine, early diagnosis of diseases Nutrition and dietetics, with particular reference to women, newborn and young babies Basic sociology and socio-medical questions b. Subjects specific to the activities of midwives – – – – – – – Basic pharmacology Psychology Principles and methods of teaching Health and social legislation and health organisation Professional ethics and professional legislation Sex education and family planning Legal protection of mother and infant – – – – – – – – – – Anatomy and physiology Embryology and development of the fœtus Pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium Gynaecological and obstetrical pathology Preparation for childbirth and parenthood, including psychological aspects Preparation for delivery (including knowledge and use of technical equipment in obstetrics) Analgesia, anaesthesia and resuscitation Physiology and pathology of the newborn infant Care and supervision of the new-born infant Psychological and social factors B. Practical and clinical training This training is to be dispensed under appropriate supervision: – Advising of pregnant women, involving at least 100 pre-natal examinations. – Supervision and care of at least 40 pregnant women. – Conduct by the student of at least 40 deliveries; where this number cannot be reached owing to the lack of available women in labour, it may be reduced to a minimum of 30, provided that the student assists with 20 further deliveries. – Active participation with breech deliveries. Where this is not possible because of lack of breech deliveries, practice may be in a simulated situation. – Performance of episiotomy and initiation into suturing. Initiation shall include theoretical instruction and clinical practice. The practice of suturing includes suturing of the wound following an episiotomy and a simple perineal laceration. This may be in a simulated situation if absolutely necessary. – Supervision and care of 40 women at risk in pregnancy, or labour or post-natal period. – Supervision and care (including examination) of at least 100 post-natal women and healthy new-born infants. – Observation and care of the new-born requiring special care, including those born pre-term, post-term, underweight or ill. – Care of women with pathological conditions in the fields of gynaecology and obstetrics. – Initiation into care in the field of medicine and surgery. Initiation shall include theoretical instruction and clinical practice. The theoretical and technical training (Part A of the training programme) shall be balanced and coordinated with the clinical training (Part B of the same programme) in such a way that the knowledge and experience listed in this Annex may be acquired in an adequate manner. Clinical instruction shall take the form of supervised in-service training in hospital departments or other health services approved by the competent authorities or bodies. As part of this training, student midwives shall participate in the activities of the departments concerned in so far as those activities contribute to their training. They shall be taught the responsibilities involved in the activities of midwives. 5.5.3. Transferred to Article 38(2) 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX V KM/mg DG C I 37 EN 5.5.4. Evidence of formal qualifications of midwives Country Evidence of formal qualifications België/ Belgique/ Belgien Diploma van vroedvrouw / Diplôme d'accoucheuse Česká republika 1. Diplom o ukončení studia ve studijním programu ošetřovatelství ve studijním oboru porodní asistentka (bakalář, Bc.) – Vysvědčení o státní závěrečné zkoušce 2. Diplom o ukončení studia ve studijním oboru diplomovaná porodní asistentka (diplomovaný specialista, DiS. – Vysvědčení o absolutoriu) Bevis for bestået jordemodereksamen Zeugnis über die staatliche Prüfung für Hebammen und Entbindungspfleger Danmark Deutschland Body awarding the evidence of qualifications – De erkende opleidingsinstituten / Les établissements d’enseignement – De bevoegde Examen- commissie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap / Le Jury compétent d'enseignement de la Communauté française 1. Vysoká škola zřízená nebo uznaná státem Professional title Vroedvrouw / Accoucheuse Reference date 23 January 1983 1 May 2004 Porodní asistentka/porodní asistent 2. Vyšší odborná škola zřízená nebo uznaná státem Danmarks jordemoderskole Staatlicher Prüfungsausschuss Jordemoder – Hebamme – Entbindungspfleger 23 January 1983 23 January 1983 Eesti Diplom ämmaemanda erialal 1. Tallinna Meditsiinikool 2. Tartu Meditsiinikool – Ämmaemand 1 May 2004 Ελλάς 1. Πτυχίο Τμήματος Μαιευτικής Τεχνολογικών Εκπαιδευτικών Ιδρυμάτων (Τ.Ε.Ι.) 2. Πτυχίο του Τμήματος Μαιών της Ανωτέρας Σχολής Στελεχών Υγείας και Κοινων. Πρόνοιας (ΚΑΤΕΕ) 3. Πτυχίο Μαίας Ανωτέρας Σχολής Μαιών – Título de matrona – Título de asistente obstétrico (matrona) – Título de enfermería obstétricaginecológica Diplôme de sage-femme Certificate in Midwifery Diploma d'ostetrica Δίπλωμα στο μεταβασικό πρόγραμμα Μαιευτικής Diploms par vecmātes kvalifikācijas iegūšanu 1. Τεχνολογικά Εκπαιδευτικά Ιδρύματα (Τ.Ε.Ι.) – – Μαία Μαιευτής 23 January 1983 – – Matrona Asistente obstétrico 1 January 1986 España France Ireland Italia Κύπρος Latvija 2. ΚΑΤΕΕ Υπουργείου Εθνικής Παιδείας και Θρησκευμάτων 3. Υπουργείο Υγείας και Πρόνοιας Ministerio de Educación y Cultura L'Etat An Board Altranais Scuole riconosciute dallo Stato Νοσηλευτική Σχολή Sage-femme Midwife Ostetrica Εγγεγραμμένη Μαία 23 January 1983 23 January 1983 23 January 1983 1 May 2004 Māsu skolas Vecmāte 1 May 2004 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX V KM/mg DG C I 38 EN Country Lietuva Evidence of formal qualifications 1. Aukštojo mokslo diplomas, nurodantis suteiktą bendrosios praktikos slaugytojo profesinę kvalifikaciją, ir profesinės kvalifikacijos pažymėjimas, nurodantis suteiktą akušerio profesinę kvalifikaciją – Pažymėjimas, liudijantis profesinę praktiką akušerijoje 2. Aukštojo mokslo diplomas (neuniversitetinės studijos), nurodantis suteiktą bendrosios praktikos slaugytojo profesinę kvalifikaciją, ir profesinės kvalifikacijos pažymėjimas, nurodantis suteiktą akušerio profesinę kvalifikaciją – Pažymėjimas, liudijantis profesinę praktiką akušerijoje 3. Aukštojo mokslo diplomas (neuniversitetinės studijos), nurodantis suteiktą akušerio profesinę kvalifikaciją Luxembourg Diplôme de sage-femme Magyarország Malta Nederland Szülésznő bizonyítvány Lawrja jew diploma fl- Istudji tal-Qwiebel Diploma van verloskundige Österreich Hebammen-Diplom Polska Portugal Dyplom ukończenia studiów wyższych na kierunku położnictwo z tytułem "magister położnictwa" 1. Diploma de enfermeiro especialista em enfermagem de saúde materna e obstétrica 2. Diploma/carta de curso de estudos superiores especializados em enfermagem de saúde materna e obstétrica 3. Diploma (do curso de pós-licenciatura) de especialização em enfermagem de saúde materna e obstétrica Body awarding the evidence of qualifications 1. Universitetas Reference date Akušeris 1 May 2004 Sage-femme 23 January 1983 Szülésznő Qabla Verloskundige 1 May 2004 1 May 2004 23 January 1983 Hebamme 1 January 1994 Położna 1May 2004 Enfermeiro especialista em enfermagem de saúde materna e obstétrica 1 January 1986 2. Kolegija 3. Kolegija Ministère de l’éducation nationale, de la formation professionnelle et des sports Iskola/főiskola Universita` ta' Malta" Door het Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport erkende opleidingsinstellingen – Hebammenakademie Bundeshebammenlehranstalt 1. Uniwersytet Medyczny 2. Collegium Medicum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego 1. Ecolas de Enfermagem 2. Escolas Superiores de Enfermagem 3. - Escolas Superiores de Enfermagem – Escolas Superiores de Saúde 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX V Professional title KM/mg DG C I 39 EN Body awarding the evidence of qualifications 1. Univerza 2. Visoka strokovna šola Country Evidence of formal qualifications Slovenija Diploma, s katero se podeljuje strokovni naslov "diplomirana babica / diplomirani babičar" Slovensko 1. Vysokoškolský diplom o udelení akademického titulu "bakalár z pôrodnej asistencie" ("Bc.") 2. Absolventský diplom v študijnom odbore diplomovaná pôrodná asistentka 1. Kätilön tutkinto/barnmorske-examen 2. Sosiaali- ja terveysalan ammattikorkeakoulututkinto, kätilö (AMK)/ yrkeshögskoleexamen inom hälsovård och det sociala området, barnmorska (YH) Barnmorskeexamen Statement of registration as a Midwife on part 10 of the register kept by the United Kingdom Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery and Health visiting 2. Ammattikorkeakoulut/ Yrkeshögskolor Suomi/ Finland Sverige United Kingdom Reference date diplomirana babica / diplomirani babičar 1 May 2004 1. Vysoká škola 2. Stredná zdravotnícka škola Pôrodná asistentka 1 May 2004 1. Terveydenhuoltooppilaitokset/hälsovårdsläroanstalter Kätilö / Barnmorska 1 January 1994 Barnmorska Midwife 1 January 1994 23 January 1983 Universitet eller högskola Various 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX V Professional title KM/mg DG C I 40 EN Annex V.6: Pharmacist 5.6.1. Transferred to Article 40(2a) 5.6.2. Course of training for pharmacists – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Plant and animal biology Physics General and inorganic chemistry Organic chemistry Analytical chemistry Pharmaceutical chemistry, including analysis of medicinal products General and applied biochemistry (medical) Anatomy and physiology; medical terminology Microbiology Pharmacology and pharmacotherapy Pharmaceutical technology Toxicology Pharmacognosy Legislation and, where appropriate, professional ethics. The balance between theoretical and practical training shall, in respect of each subject, give sufficient importance to theory to maintain the university character of the training. 5.6.3. Transferred to Article 41(2) 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX V KM/mg DG C I 41 EN 5.6.4. Evidence of formal qualifications of pharmacists Country Evidence of formal qualifications België/ Belgique/ Belgien Diploma van apoteker / Diplôme de pharmacien Česká republika Danmark Diplom o ukončení studia ve studijním programu farmacie (magistr, Mgr.) Bevis for bestået farmaceutisk kandidateksamen Zeugnis über die Staatliche Pharmazeutische Prüfung Diplom proviisori õppekava läbimisest Άδεια άσκησης φαρμακευτικού επαγγέλματος Título de licenciado en farmacia Deutschland Eesti Ελλάς España France Ireland Italia Κύπρος Latvija Lietuva Luxembourg Magyarország Malta – – Diplôme d’Etat de pharmacien Diplôme d’Etat de docteur en pharmacie Certificate of Registered Pharmaceutical Chemist Diploma o certificato di abilitazione all’esercizio della professione di farmacista ottenuto in seguito ad un esame di Stato Πιστοποιητικό Εγγραφής Φαρμακοποιού Farmaceita diploms Aukštojo mokslo diplomas, nurodantis suteiktą vaistininko profesinę kvalifikaciją Diplôme d’Etat de pharmacien Okleveles gyógyszerész oklevél (magister EG pharmaciae, abbrev: mag. pharm) Lawrja fil-farmaċija Body awarding the evidence of qualifications – – De universiteiten/ Les universités De bevoegde Examencommissie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap/ Le Jury compétent d'enseignement de la Communauté française Farmaceutická fakulta univerzity v České republice Reference date 1 October 1987 Vysvědčení o státní závěrečné zkoušce 1 May 2004 Danmarks Farmaceutiske Højskole 1 October 1987 Zuständige Behörden 1 October 1987 Tartu Ülikool Νομαρχιακή Αυτοδιοίκηση 1 May 2004 1 October 1987 – Ministerio de Educación y Cultura – El rector de una Universidad Universités 1 October 1987 1 October 1987 1 October 1987 Università 1 November 1993 Συμβούλιο Φαρμακευτικής Universitātes tipa augstskola Universitetas 1 May 2004 1 May 2004 1 May 2004 Jury d’examen d’Etat + visa du ministre de l’éducation nationale 1 October 1987 1 May 2004 Egyetem Universita` ta' Malta 1 May 2004 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX V Certificate accompanying the diploma KM/mg DG C I 42 EN Country Nederland Österreich Evidence of formal qualifications Getuigschrift van met goed gevolg afgelegd apothekersexamen Staatliches Apothekerdiplom Polska Dyplom ukończenia studiów wyższych na kierunku farmacja z tytułem magistra Portugal Carta de curso de licenciatura em Ciências Farmacêuticas Diploma, s katero se podeljuje strokovni naziv "magister farmacije / magistra farmacije" Vysokoškolský diplom o udelení akademického titulu "magister farmácie" ("Mgr.") Proviisorin tutkinto / Provisorexamen Slovenija Slovensko Suomi/ Finland Sverige United Kingdom Apotekarexamen Certificate of Registered Pharmaceutical Chemist Body awarding the evidence of qualifications Reference date Faculteit Pharmacie 1 October 1987 Bundesministerium für Arbeit, Gesundheit und Soziales 1. Akademia Medyczna 2. Uniwersytet Medyczny 3. Collegium Medicum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego Universidades 1 October 1994 Univerza 1 May 2004 1 October 1987 Potrdilo o opravljenem strokovnem izpitu za poklic magister farmacije / magistra farmacije 1 May 2004 Vysoká škola 1 May 2004 – Helsingin yliopisto/Helsingfors universitet – Kuopion yliopisto Uppsala universitet 1 October 1994 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX V Certificate accompanying the diploma 1 October 1994 1 October 1987 KM/mg DG C I 43 EN Annex V.7: Architect 5.7.1. Transferred to Article 42(1) 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX V KM/mg DG C I 44 EN 5.7.2. Evidence of formal qualifications of architects recognised pursuant to Article 42 Country België/ Belgique/ Belgien Evidence of formal qualifications 1. Architect / Architecte 2. Architect / Architecte 3. Architect 4. Architect / Architecte 5. Architect / Architecte 6. Burgelijke ingenieur-architect 1. Architecte / Architect 2. Architecte / Architect 3. Architect 4. Architecte / Architect 5. Architecte / Architect 6. Ingénieur-civil –architecte Danmark Arkitekt cand. arch. Deutschland Diplom-Ingenieur, Diplom-Ingenieur Univ. Diplom-Ingenieur, Diplom-Ingenieur FH Body awarding the evidence of qualifications Certificate accompanying the evidence of qualifications 1. Nationale hogescholen voor architectuur 2. Hogere-architectuur-instituten 3. Provinciaal Hoger Instituut voor Architectuur te Hasselt 4. Koninklijke Academies voor Schone Kunsten 5. Sint-Lucasscholen 6. Faculteiten Toegepaste Wetenschappen van de Universiteiten 6. "Faculté Polytechnique" van Mons 1. Ecoles nationales supérieures d'architecture 2. Instituts supérieurs d'architecture 3. Ecole provinciale supérieure d'architecture de Hasselt 4. Académies royales des Beaux-Arts 5. Ecoles Saint-Luc 6. Facultés des sciences appliquées des universités 6. Faculté polytechnique de Mons – Kunstakademiets Arkitektskole i København – Arkitektskolen i Århus – Universitäten (Architektur/Hochbau) – Technische Hochschulen (Architektur/Hochbau) – Technische Universitäten (Architektur/Hochbau) – Universitäten-Gesamthochschulen (Architektur/Hochbau) – Hochschulen für bildende Künste – Hochschulen für Künste – Fachhochschulen (Architektur/Hochbau) (1) – Universitäten-Gesamthochschulen (Architektur/Hochbau) bei entsprechenden Fachhochschulstudiengängen – --------- Reference academic year 1988/1989 1988/1989 1988/1989 (1) Diese Diplome sind je nach Dauer der durch sie abgeschlossenen Ausbildung gemäß Artikel 43 Absatz 1 anzuerkennen. Eλλάς Δίπλωμα αρχιτέκτονα - μηχανικού - Εθνικό Μετσόβιο Πολυτεχνείο (ΕΜΠ), τμήμα αρχιτεκτόνων – μηχανικών Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης (ΑΠΘ), τμήμα αρχιτεκτόνων – μηχανικών της Πολυτεχνικής σχολής 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX V Βεβαίωση που χορηγεί το Τεχνικό Επιμελητήριο Ελλάδας (ΤΕΕ) και η οποία επιτρέπει την άσκηση δραστηριοτήτων στον τομέα της αρχιτεκτονικής KM/mg DG C I 1988/1989 45 EN Country España France Evidence of formal qualifications Título oficial de arquitecto 1. Diplôme d'architecte DPLG, y compris dans le cadre de la formation professionnelle continue et de la promotion sociale. 2. Diplôme d'architecte ESA 3. Diplôme d'architecte ENSAIS Body awarding the evidence of qualifications Reference academic year Rectores de las universidades enumeradas a continuación: – Universidad politécnica de Cataluña, escuelas técnicas superiores de arquitectura de Barcelona o del Vallès; – Universidad politécnica de Madrid, escuela técnica superior de arquitectura de Madrid; – Universidad politécnica de Las Palmas, escuela técnica superior de arquitectura de Las Palmas; – Universidad politécnica de Valencia, escuela técnica superior de arquitectura de Valencia; – Universidad de Sevilla, escuela técnica superior de arquitectura de Sevilla; – Universidad de Valladolid, escuela técnica superior de arquitectura de Valladolid; – Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, escuela técnica superior de arquitectura de La Coruña; – Universidad del País Vasco, escuela técnica superior de arquitectura de San Sebastián; – Universidad de Navarra, escuela técnica superior de arquitectura de Pamplona; – Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, escuela politécnica de Alcalá de Henares; – Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio, centro politécnico superior de Villanueva de la Cañada ; – Universidade Alicante, escuela politécnica superior de Alicante; – Universidad Europea de Madrid; – Universidad de Cataluña, escuela técnica superior de arquitectura de Barcelona; – Universidad Ramón Llull, escuela técnica superior de arquitectura de La Salle; – Universidad S.E.K. de Segovia, centro de estudios integrados de arquitectura de Segovia. 1988/1989 1. Le ministre chargé de l'architecture 1988/1989 1999/2000 1999/2000 1997/1998 1998/1999 1999/2000 1998/1999 1999/2000 2. Ecole spéciale d'architecture de Paris 3. Ecole nationale supérieure des arts et industries de Strasbourg, section architecture 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX V Certificate accompanying the evidence of qualifications KM/mg DG C I 46 EN Country Ireland Italia Evidence of formal qualifications Body awarding the evidence of qualifications 1. Degree of Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch.NUI) 2. Degree of Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch.) (Previously, until 2002 - Degree standard diploma in architecture (Dip. Arch) 3. Certificate of associateship (ARIAI) 1. National University of Ireland to architecture graduates of University College Dublin 2. Dublin Institute of Technology, Bolton Street, Dublin 4. Certificate of membership (MRIAI) 4. Royal Institute of Architects of Ireland Laurea in architettura – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Laurea in ingegneria edile – architettura (Soltanto per i diplomi che sanciscono corsi iniziati nell'anno accademico 1998/1999) Reference academic year 1988/1989 ( College of Technology, Bolton Street, Dublin) 3. Royal Institute of Architects of Ireland Università di Camerino Università di Catania – Sede di Siracusa Università di Chieti Università di Ferrara Università di Firenze Università di Genova Università di Napoli Federico II Università di Napoli II Università di Palermo Università di Parma Università di Reggio Calabria Università di Roma "La Sapienza" Universtià di Roma III Università di Trieste Politecnico di Bari Politecnico di Milano Politecnico di Torino Istituto universitario di architettura di Venezia Università dell'Aquilla Università di Pavia Università di Roma "La Sapienza" 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX V Certificate accompanying the evidence of qualifications Diploma di abilitazione all'esercizo indipendente della professione che viene rilasciato dal ministero della Pubblica istruzione dopo che il candidato ha sostenuto con esito positivo l'esame di Stato davanti ad una commissione competente 1998/1999 KM/mg DG C I 1988/1989 47 EN Country Evidence of formal qualifications Body awarding the evidence of qualifications Laurea specialistica quinquennale in Architettura (Soltanto per i diplomi che sanciscono corsi iniziati nell'anno accademico 2002/2003) – (Soltanto per i diplomi che saranno rilasciati a partire dall'anno accademico 2003/2004) – Università di Ferrara – Università di Genova – Università di Palermo – Politecnico di Milano – Politecnico di Bari Reference academic year Prima Facoltà di Architettura dell’Università di Roma “La Sapienza" 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX V Certificate accompanying the evidence of qualifications KM/mg DG C I 48 EN COUNTRY Nederland Österreich Evidence of formalqualifications Body awarding the evidence of qualifications 1.Het getuigschrift van het met goed gevolg afgelegde doctoraal examen van de studierichting bouwkunde, afstudeerrichting architectuur 2.Het getuigschrift van het met goed gevolg afgelegde doctoraal examen van de studierichting bouwkunde, differentiatie architectuur en urbanistiek 3.Het getuigschrift hoger beroepsonderwijs, op grond van het met goed gevolg afgelegde examen verbonden aan de opleiding van de tweede fase voor beroepen op het terrein van de architectuur, afgegeven door de betrokken examencommissies van respectievelijk: -de Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten te Amsterdam - de Hogeschool Rotterdam en omstreken te Rotterdam - de Hogeschool Katholieke Leergangen te Tilburg - de Hogeschool voor de Kunsten te Arnhem - de Rijkshogeschool Groningen te Groningen - de Hogeschool Maastricht te Maastricht 1. Diplom-Ingenieur, Dipl.-Ing. 1.Technische Universiteit te Delft 2. Dilplom-Ingenieur, Dipl.-Ing. 2. Technische Universität Wien 3. Diplom-Ingenieur, Dipl.-Ing. 3. Universität Innsbruck (Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck) 4. Magister der Architektur, Magister architecturae, Mag. Arch. 4. Hochschule für Angewandte Kunst in Wien 5. Magister der Architektur, Magister architecturae, Mag. Arch. 5. Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Wien 6. Magister der Architektur, Magister architecturae, Mag. Arch. 6. Hochschule für künstlerishe und industrielle Gestaltung in Linz Reference academic year 1988/1989 2.Technische Universiteit te Eindhoven 1. Technische Universität Graz (Erzherzog-Johann-Universität Graz) 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX V Certificate accompanying the evidence of qualifications Verklaring van de Stichting Bureau Architectenregister die bevestigt dat de opleiding voldoet aan de normen van artikel 42. 1998/1999 KM/mg DG C I 49 EN Country Portugal Suomi/ Finland Evidence of formal qualifications Carta de curso de Licenciatura em Arquitectura Para os cursos iniciados a partir do ano académico de 1991/1992 Arkkitehdin tutkinto/Arkitektexamen Body awarding the evidence of qualifications Arkitektexamen Faculdade de arquitectura da Universidade técnica de Lisboa Faculdade de arquitectura da Universidade do Porto Escola Superior Artística do Porto Universidade Lusíada do Porto - Faculdade de Arquitectura e Artes 1988/1989 – – Teknillinen korkeakoulu /Tekniska högskolan (Helsinki) Tampereen teknillinen korkeakoulu / Tammerfors tekniska högskola Oulun yliopisto / Uleåborgs universitet 1998/1999 1991/1992 Chalmers Tekniska Högskola AB Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan Lunds Universitet 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX V Reference academic year – – – – – Sverige Certificate accompanying the evidence of qualifications 1998/1999 KM/mg DG C I 50 EN Country United Kingdom Evidence of formal qualifications 1. Diplomas in architecture Body awarding the evidence of qualifications 1. – – – Universities Colleges of Art Schools of Art 2. Degrees in architecture 3. Final examination 2. Universities 3. Architectural Association 4. Examination in architecture 4. Royal College of Art 5. Examination Part II 5. Royal Institute of British Architects Certificate accompanying the evidence of qualifications Certificate of architectural education, issued by the Architects Registration Board. The diploma and degree courses in architecture of the universities, schools and colleges of art should have met the requisite threshold standards as laid down in Article 42 of this Directive and in Criteria for validation published by the Validation Panel of the Royal Institute of British Architects and the Architects Registration Board. EU nationals who possess the Royal Institute of British Architects Part I and Part II certificates, which are recognised by ARB as the competent authority, are eligible. Also EU nationals who do not possess the ARBrecognised Part I and Part II certificates will be eligible for the Certificate of Architectural Education if they can satisfy the Board that their standard and length of education has met the requisite threshold standards of Article 42 of this Directive and of the Criteria for validation. Reference academic year 1988/1989 ________________________ 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX V KM/mg DG C I 51 EN ANNEX VI Established rights applicable to the professions subject to recognition on the basis of coordination of the minimum training conditions 6.1. Established rights of specialised doctors Biological haematology Minimum period of training: 4 years Country Title Danmark * Klinisk blodtypeserologi France Hématologie Luxembourg Hématologie biologique Portugal Hematologia clinica Stomatology Minimum period of training : 3 ans Country Title España Estomatología France Stomatologie Italia Odontostomatologia Luxembourg Stomatologie Portugal Estomatologia Dates of repeal within the meaning of Article 25(5): * 1 January 1983, except for persons having commenced training before that date and completing it before the end of 1988 Dermatology Minimum period of training: 4 years Country Title Ireland Dermatology Malta Dermatoloġija United Kingdom Dermatology Venerology Minimum period of training: 4 years Ccountry Title Ireland Genito-urinary medicine Malta Mediċina Uro-ġenetali United Kingdom Genito-urinary medicine Tropical medicine Minimum period of training: 4 years Country Title Ireland Tropical medicine Gastro-enterological surgery Minimum period of training: 5 years Country Title Belgique/België/ Chirurgie abdominale / Heelkunde op het Belgien * abdomen Danmark Kirurgisk gastroenterologi eller kirurgiske mave-tarmsygdomme España Cirurgía del aparato digestivo France Chirurgie viscérale et digestive Italia Medicina tropicale Magyarország Österreich Trópusi betegségek Spezifische Prophylaxe und Tropenhygiene Medycyna transportu Medicina tropical Tropická medicína Tropical medicine Polska Portugal Slovensko United Kingdom Italia Lietuva Luxembourg Slovenija Suomi/Finland Chirurgia dell’aparato digestivo Abdominalinė chirurgija Chirurgie gastro-entérologique Abdominalna kirurgija Gastroenterologinen kirurgia / Gastroenterologisk kirurgi Dates of repeal within the meaning of Article 25(5): * 1 January 1983 Accident and emergency medicine Minimum period of training: 5 years Country Title Česká republika Traumatologie Urgentní medicína Ireland Emergency medicine Magyarország Traumatológia Malta Mediċina tal-Aċċidenti u l-Emerġenza Polska Medycyna ratunkowa Clinical neurophysiology Minimum period of training: 4 years Country Title Danmark Klinisk neurofysiologi Slovensko United Kingdom Sverige United Kingdom Úrazová chirurgia Accident and emergency medicine España Ireland Malta Suomi/Finland 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX VI Neurofisiologia clínica Clinical neurophysiology Newrofiżjoloġija Klinika Kliininen neurofysiologia / Klinisk neurofysiologi Klinisk neurofysiologi Clinical neurophysiology KM/mg DG C I 1 EN Dental, oral and maxillo-facial surgery (basic medical and dental training)5 Minimum period of training: 4 years Country Title Belgique/België/ Stomatologie et chirurgie orale et Belgien maxillo-faciale / Stomatologie en mond-, kaak- en aangezichtschirurgie Deutschland Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie Ireland Oral and maxillo-facial surgery Κύπρος Στοματο-Γναθο-Προσωποχειρουργική Luxembourg Chirurgie dentaire, orale et maxillofaciale Magyarország Arc-állcsont-szájsebészet Malta Kirurġija tal-għadam tal-wiċċ Suomi/Finland Suu- ja leukakirurgia / Oral och maxillofacial kirurgi United Kingdom Oral and maxillo-facial surgery 6.2. Deleted 5 Training leading to the award of evidence of formal qualifications as a specialist in dental, oral and maxillo-facial surgery (basic medical and dental training) assumes completion and validation of basic medical studies (Article 22) and, in addition, completion and validation of basic dental studies (Article 32). 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX VI KM/mg DG C I 2 EN 6.3. Evidence of formal qualifications of architects benefiting from the established rights acquired pursuant to Article 45(1) COUNTRY Evidence of formal qualifications – the diplomas awarded by the higher national schools of architecture or the higher national institutes of architecture (architecte-architect) België/Belgique/Belgien – the diplomas awarded by the higher provincial school of architecture of Hasselt (architect) – the diplomas awarded by the Royal Academies of Fine Arts (architecte – architect) – the diplomas awarded by the 'écoles Saint-Luc' (architecte – architect) – university diplomas in civil engineering, accompanied by a traineeship certificate awarded by the association of architects entitling the holder to hold the professional title of architect (architecte – architect) – the diplomas in architecture awarded by the central or State examining board for architecture (architecte – architect) – the civil engineering/architecture diplomas and architecture/engineering diplomas awarded by the faculties of applied sciences of the universities and by the Polytechnical Faculty of Mons (ingénieur–architecte, ingénieur-architect) – Diplomas awarded by the faculties of "České vysoké učení technické" (Czech Technical University in Prague): Česká republika "Vysoká škola architektury a pozemního stavitelství" (Faculty of Architecture and Building Construction) (until 1951), "Fakulta architektury a pozemního stavitelství" (Faculty of Architecture and Building Construction) (from 1951 until 1960), "Fakulta stavební" (Faculty of Civil Engineering) (from 1960) in the fields of study: building construction and structures, building construction, construction and architecture, architecture (including city planning and land use planning), civil construction and construction for industrial and agricultural production, or in the programme of study of civil engineering in the field of study of building construction and architecture, "Fakulta architektury" (Faculty of Architecture) (from 1976) in the fields of study: architecture, city planning and land use planning, or in the programme of study: architecture and city planning in the fields of study: architecture, theory of architecture design, city planning and land use planning, history of architecture and reconstruction of historical monuments, or architecture and building construction, – Diplomas awarded by "Vysoká škola technická Dr. Edvarda Beneše" (until 1951) in the field of architecture and construction, – Diplomas awarded by "Vysoká škola stavitelství v Brně" (from 1951 until 1956) in the field of architecture and construction, – Diplomas awarded by "Vysoké učení technické v Brně", by "Fakulta architektury" (Faculty of Architecture) (from 1956) in the field of study of architecture and city planning or "Fakulta stavební" (Faculty of Civil Engineering) (from 1956) in the field of study of construction, – Diplomas awarded by "Vysoká škola báňská – Technická univerzita Ostrava", "Fakulta stavební" (Faculty of Civil Engineering) (from 1997) in the field of study of structures and architecture or in the field of study of civil engineering, – Diplomas awarded by "Technická univerzita v Liberci", "Fakulta architektury" (Faculty of Architecture) (from 1994) in the programme of study of architecture and city planning in the field of study of architecture, – Diplomas awarded by "Akademie výtvarných umění v Praze" in the programme of fine arts in the field of study of architectural design, – Diplomas awarded by "Vysoká škola umělecko-průmyslová v Praze" in the programme of fine arts in the field of study of architecture, – Certificate of the authorisation awarded by "Česká komora architektů" without any specification of the field or in the field of building construction; 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNX VI KM/mg DG C I Reference academic year 1987/1988 2006 /2007 3 EN COUNTRY Danmark Deutschland Eesti Eλλάς España Evidence of formal qualifications the diplomas awarded by the National Schools of Architecture in Copenhagen and Aarhus (architekt) the certificate of registration issued by the Board of Architects pursuant to Law No 202 of 28 May 1975 (registreret arkitekt) diplomas awarded by the Higher Schools of Civil Engineering (bygningskonstruktoer), accompanied by a certificate from the competent authorities to the effect that the person concerned has passed a test of his formal qualifications, comprising an appreciation of plans drawn up and executed by the candidate during at least six years' effective practice of the activities referred to in Article 44 of this Directive – the diplomas awarded by higher institutes of fine arts (Dipl.-Ing., Architekt (HfbK) – the diplomas awarded by the departments of architecture (Architektur/Hochbau) of 'Technische Hochschulen', of technical universities, of universities and, in so far as these institutions have been merged into 'Gesamthochschulen', of 'Gesamthochschulen' (Dipl.-Ing. and any other title which may be laid down later for holders of these diplomas) – the diplomas awarded by the departments of architecture (Architektur/Hochbau) of 'Fachhochschulen' and, in so far as these institutions have been merged into 'Gesamthochschulen', by the departments of architecture (Architektur/Hochbau) of 'Gesamthochschulen', accompanied, where the period of study is less than four years but at least three years, by a certificate attesting to a four-year period of professional experience in the Federal Republic of Germany issued by the professional body in accordance with Article 43(1) (Ingenieur grad. and any other title which may be laid down later for holders of these diplomas) – the diplomas (Pruefungszeugnisse) awarded before 1 January 1973 by the departments of architecture of 'Ingenieurschulen' and of 'Werkkunstschulen', accompanied by a certificate from the competent authorities to the effect that the person concerned has passed a test of his formal qualifications, comprising an appreciation of plans drawn up and executed by the candidate during at least six years' effective practice of the activities referred to in Article 44 of this Directive – diplom arhitektuuri erialal, väljastatud Eesti Kunstiakadeemia arhitektuuri teaduskonna poolt alates 1996 aastast (diploma in architectural studies awarded by the Faculty of Architecture at the Estonian Academy of Arts since 1996), väljastatud Tallinna Kunstiülikooli poolt 1989-1995 aastal (awarded by Tallinn Art University in 1989-1995), väljastatud Eesti NSV Riikliku Kunstiinstituudi poolt 1951-1988 (awarded by the State Art Institute of the Estonian SSR in 1951-1988) – the engineering/architecture diplomas awarded by the Metsovion Polytechnion of Athens, together with a certificate issued by Greece's Technical Chamber conferring the right to pursue activities in the field of architecture – the engineering/architecture diplomas awarded by the Aristotelion Panepistimion of Thessaloniki, together with a certificate issued by Greece's Technical Chamber conferring the right to pursue activities in the field of architecture – the engineering/civil engineering diplomas awarded by the Metsovion Polytechnion of Athens, together with a certificate issued by Greece's Technical Chamber conferring the right to pursue activities in the field of architecture – the engineering/civil engineering diplomas awarded by the Aristotelion Panepistimion of Thessaloniki, together with a certificate issued by Greece's Technical Chamber conferring the right to pursue activities in the field of architecture – the engineering/civil engineering diplomas awarded by the Panepistimion Thrakis, together with a certificate issued by Greece's Technical Chamber conferring the right to pursue activities in the field of architecture – the engineering/civil engineering diplomas awarded by the Panepistimion Patron, together with a certificate issued by Greece's Technical Chamber conferring the right to pursue activities in the field of architecture the official formal qualification of an architect (título oficial de arquitecto) awarded by the Ministry of Education and Science or by the universities – – – 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNX VI KM/mg DG C I Reference academic year 1987/1988 1987/1988 2006/2007 1987/1988 1987/1988 4 EN COUNTRY France Ireland Italia Κύπρος Latvija Lietuva Evidence of formal qualifications the Government architect's diploma awarded by the Ministry of Education until 1959, and subsequently by the Ministry of Cultural Affairs (architecte DPLG) – the diplomas awarded by the 'Ecole spéciale d'architecture' (architecte DESA) – the diplomas awarded by the 'Ecole nationale supérieure des arts et industries de Strasbourg' (former 'Ecole nationale d'ingénieurs de Strasbourg'), department of architecture (architecte ENSAIS) – the degree of Bachelor of Architecture awarded by the National University of Ireland (B Arch. (NUI)) to architecture graduates of University College, Dublin – the diploma of degree standard in architecture awarded by the College of Technology, Bolton Street, Dublin (Dipl. Arch.) – the Certificate of Associateship of the Royal Institute of Architects of Ireland (ARIAI) – the Certificate of Membership of the Royal Institute of Architects of Ireland (MRIAI – 'laurea in architettura' diplomas awarded by universities, polytechnic institutes and the higher institutes of architecture of Venice and Reggio Calabria, accompanied by the diploma entitling the holder to pursue independently the profession of architect, awarded by the Minister for Education after the candidate has passed, before a competent board, the State examination entitling him to pursue independently the profession of architect (dott. Architetto) – 'laurea in ingegneria' diplomas in building construction awarded by universities and polytechnic institutes, accompanied by the diploma entitling the holder to pursue independently a profession in the field of architecture, awarded by the Minister for Education after the candidate has passed, before a competent board, the State examination entitling him to pursue the profession independently (dott. Ing. Architetto or dott. Ing. In ingegneria civile) – Βεβαίωση Εγγραφής στο Μητρώο Αρχιτεκτόνων που εκδίδεται από το Επιστημονικό και Τεχνικό Επιμελητήριο Κύπρου (Certificate of Registration in the Register of Architects issued by the Scientific and Technical Chamber of Cyprus (ETEK)) – "Arhitekta diploms" ko izsniegusi Latvijas Valsts Universitātes Inženierceltniecības fakultātes Arhitektūras nodaļa līdz 1958.gadam, Rīgas Politehniskā Institūta Celtniecības fakultātes Arhitektūras nodaļa no 1958 gada līdz 1991.gadam, Rīgas Tehniskās Universitātes Arhitektūras fakultāte kopš 1991. gada, un "Arhitekta prakses sertifikāts", ko izsniedz Latvijas Arhitektu savienība ("diploma of architect" awarded by the Department of Architecture of the Faculty of Civil Engineering of Latvia State University until 1958, the Department of Architecture of the faculty of Civil Engineering of Riga Polytechnical Institute 1958 – 1991, the Faculty of Architecture of Riga Technical University since 1991 and 1992, and the certificate of registration by the Architects Association of Latvia) engineer architect/architect diplomas awarded by Kauno politechnikos institutas until 1969 (inžinierius architektas/architektas), – architect/bachelor of architecture/master of architecture diplomas awarded by Vilnius inžinerinis statybos institutas until 1990, Vilniaus technikos universitetas until 1996, Vilnius Gedimino technikos universitetas since 1996 (architektas/architektûros bakalauras/architektûros magistras), the diplomas for specialist having completed the course in architecture/bachelor of architecture/master of architecture awarded by LTSR Valstybinis dailës institutas until 1990; Vilniaus dailës akademija since 1990 (architektûros kursas/architektûros bakalauras/architektûros magistras), the bachelor of architecture/master of architecture diplomas awarded by Kauno technologijos universitetas since 1997 (architektûros bakalauras/architektûros magistras), All these diplomas must be accompanied by the Certificate issued by the Attestation Commission conferring the right to pursue activities in the field of architecture (Certified Architect/Atestuotas architektas) – 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNX VI KM/mg DG C I Reference academic year 1987/1988 1987/1988 1987/1988 2006/2007 2006/2007 2006/2007 5 EN COUNTRY Magyarország Malta Nederland Österreich Evidence of formal qualifications "okleveles építészmérnök" diploma (diploma in architecture, master of sciences in architecture) awarded by universities, – "okleveles építész tervező művész" diploma (diploma of master of sciences in architecture and building engineering) awarded by universities Perit: Lawrja ta' Perit awarded by the Universita` ta' Malta, which gives entitlement to registration as a Perit – the certificate stating that its holder has passed the degree examination in architecture awarded by the departments of architecture of the technical colleges of Delft or Eindhoven (bouwkundig ingenieur) – the diplomas awarded by State-recognized architectural academies (architect) – the diplomas awarded until 1971 by the former architectural colleges (Hoger Bouwkunstonderricht) (architect HBO) – the diplomas awarded until 1970 by the former architectural colleges (vorrtgezet Bouwkunstonderricht) (architect VBO) – the certificate stating that the person concerned has passed an examination organised by the Architects Council of the 'Bond van Nederlandse Architecten' (Order of Dutch Architects, BNA) (architect) – the diploma of the 'Stichting Instituut voor Architectuur' ('Institute of Architecture' Foundation) (IVA) awarded on completion of a course organised by this foundation and extending over a minimum period of four years (architect), accompanied by a certificate from the competent authorities to the effect that the person concerned has passed a test of his formal qualifications, comprising an appreciation of plans drawn up and executed by the candidate during at least six years' effective practice of the activities referred to in Article 44 of this Directive – a certificate issued by the competent authorities to the effect that, before the date of 5 August 1985, the person concerned passed the degree examination of 'Kandidaat in de bouwkunde' organised by the technical colleges of Delft or Eindhoven and that, over a period of at least five years immediately prior to that date, he pursued architectural activities the nature and importance of which, in accordance with Netherlands requirements, guarantee that he is competent to pursue those activities (architect) – a certificate issued by the competent authorities only to persons who had reached the age of 40 years before the date of 5 August 1985, certifying that, over a period of at least five years immediately prior to that date, the person concerned had pursued architectural activities the nature and importance of which, in accordance with Netherlands requirements, guarantee that he is competent to pursue those activities (architect) – the certificates referred to in the seventh and eighth indents need no longer be recognized as from the date of entry into force of laws and regulations in the Netherlands governing the taking up and pursuit of architectural activities under the professional title of architect, in so far as under such provisions those certificates do not authorise the taking up of such activities under that professional title – the diplomas awarded by the Universities of Technology of Vienna and Graz and by the University of Innsbruck, Faculty for BuildingEngineering ("Bauingenieurwesen") and Architecture ("Architektur"), in the fields of study of architecture, building-engineering ("Bauingenieurwesen"), building ("Hochbau") and "Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen - Bauwesen") – the diplomas awarded by the University for "Bodenkultur" in the fields of study of "Kulturtechnik und Wasserwirtschaft" – the diplomas awarded by the University College of Applied Arts in Vienna in architectural studies – the diplomas awarded by the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna in architectural studies – the diplomas of certified engineers (Ing.) awarded by higher technical colleges or technical colleges for building, plus the licence of "Baumeister" attesting a minimum of six years of professional experience in Austria, sanctioned by an examination – the diplomas awarded by the University College for artistic and industrial training in Linz, in architectural studies – the certificates of qualification for Civil Engineers or Engineering Consultants in the field of construction ("Hochbau", "Bauwesen", "Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen - Bauwesen", "Kulturtechnik und Wasserwirtschaft") according to the Civil Technician Act (Ziviltechnikergesetz, BGBl. No 156/1994) 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNX VI KM/mg DG C I Reference academic year 2006/2007 2006/2007 1987/1988 1997/1998 6 EN PAYS Polska Evidence of formal qualifications The diplomas awarded by the faculties of architecture of: – Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture in Warszawa (Politechnika Warszawska, Wydział Architektury); the professional title of architect: inżynier architekt, magister nauk technicznych; inżynier architekt; inżyniera magistra architektury; magistra inżyniera architektury; magistra inżyniera architekta; magister inżynier architekt (from 1945 until 1948, title: inżynier architekt, magister nauk technicznych; from 1951 until 1956, title: inżynier architekt; from 1954 until 1957, 2nd stage, title: inżyniera magistra architektury; from 1957 until 1959, title: inżyniera magistra architektury; from 1959 until 1964: title: magistra inżyniera architektury; from 1964 until 1982, title: magistra inżyniera architekta; from 1983 until 1990, title: magister inżynier architekt; since 1991 title: magistra inżyniera architekta), – Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture in Kraków (Politechnika Krakowska, Wydział Architektury); the professional title of architect: magister inżynier architekt (from 1945 until 1953 University of Mining and Metallurgy, Polytechnic Faculty of Architecture – Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza, Politechniczny Wydział Architektury), – Wrocław University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture in Wrocław (Politechnika Wrocławska, Wydział Architektury); the professional title of architect: inżynier architekt, magister nauk technicznych; magister inżynier architektury; magister inżynier architekt (from 1949 until 1964, title: inżynier architekt, magister nauk technicznych; from 1956 until 1964, title: magister inżynier architektury; since 1964, title: magister inżynier architekt), – Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture in Gliwice (Politechnika Śląska, Wydział Architektury); the professional title of architect: inżynier architekt; magister inżynier architekt (from 1945 until 1955, Faculty of Engineering and Construction – Wydział Inżynieryjno-Budowlany, title: inżynier architekt; from 1961 until 1969, Faculty of Industrial Construction and General Engineering – Wydział Budownictwa Przemysłowego i Ogólnego, title: magister inżynier architekt; from 1969 until 1976, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture – Wydział Budownictwa i Architektury, title: magister inżynier architekt; since 1977, Faculty of Architecture – Wydział Architektury, title: magister inżynier architekt and since 1995, title: inżynier architekt), – Poznan University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture in Poznań (Politechnika Poznańska, Wydział Architektury); the professional title of architect: inżynier architektury; inżynier architekt; magister inżynier architekt (from 1945 until 1955 Engineering School, Faculty of Architecture – Szkoła Inżynierska, Wydział Architektury title: inżynier architektury; since 1978, title: magister inżynier architekt and since 1999, title: inżynier architekt), – Technical University of Gdańsk, Faculty of Architecture in Gdańsk (Politechnika Gdańska, Wydział Architektury); the professional title of architect: magister inżynier architekt (from 1945 until 1969 Faculty of Architecture – Wydział Architektury, from 1969 until 1971 Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture – Wydział Budownictwa i Architektury, from 1971 until 1981 Institut of Architecture and Urban Planning – Instytut Architektury i Urbanistyki, since 1981 Faculty of Architecture – Wydział Architektury), – the Białystok Technical University, Faculty of Architecture in Białystok (Politechnika Białostocka, Wydział Architektury); the professional title of architect: magister inżynier architekt (from 1975 until 1989 Institut of Architecture – Instytut Architektury), – Technical University of Łódź, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering in Łódź (Politechnika Łódzka, Wydział Budownictwa, Architektury i Inżynierii Środowiska); the professional title of architect: inżynier architekt; magister inżynier architekt (from 1973 until 1993 Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture – Wydział Budownictwa i Architektury and since 1992 Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering – Wydział Budownictwa, Architektury i Inżynierii Środowiska; title: from 1973 until 1978, title: inżynier architekt, since 1978, title: magister inżynier architekt), – Technical University of Szczecin, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture in Szczecin (Politechnika Szczecińska, Wydział Budownictwa i Architektury); the professional title of architect: inżynier architekt; magister inżynier architekt (from 1948 until 1954 High Engineering School, Faculty of Architecture – Wyższa Szkoła Inżynierska, Wydział Architektury, title: inżynier architekt, since 1970, title: magister inżynier architekt and since 1998, title: inżynier architekt), All these diplomas must be accompanied by the certificate of membership issued by the relevant regional architects' chamber in Poland conferring the right to pursue activities in the field of architecture in Poland. 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNX VI KM/mg DG C I Reference Academic Year 2006/2007 7 EN PAYS Portugal – – – – – – – – Slovenija – – – Evidence of formal qualifications the Diploma ''diploma do curso especial de arquitectura'' awarded by the Schools of Fine Arts of Lisbon and of Porto the Architects Diploma 'diploma de arquitecto' awarded by the Schools of Fine Arts of Lisbon and of Porto the Diploma ''diploma do curso de arquitectura'' awarded by the Higher Schools of Fine Arts of Lisbon and Porto the Diploma ''diploma de licenciatura em arquitectura'' awarded by the Higher School of Fine Arts of Lisbon the Diploma ''carta de curso de licenciatura em arquitectura'' awarded by the Technical University of Lisbon and the University of Porto the university diploma in civil engineering (licenciatura em engenharia civil) awarded by the Higher Technical Institute of the Technical University of Lisbon the university diploma in civil engineering (licenciatura em engenharia civil) awarded by the Faculty of Engineering (de Engenharia) of the University of Porto the university diploma in civil engineering (licenciatura em engenharia civil) awarded by the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Coimbra the university diploma in civil engineeringl, production (licenciatura em engenharia civil, produção) awarded by the University of Minho "Univerzitetni diplomirani inženir arhitekture / univerzitetna diplomirana inženirka arhitekture" (university diploma in architecture) awarded by the faculty of architecture, accompanied by a certificate of the competent authority in the field of architecture recognised by law, conferring the right to pursue activities in the field of architecture, University diploma awarded by technical faculties awarding the title of "univerzitetni diplomirani inženir (univ.dipl.inž.) / univerzitetna diplomirana inženirka" accompanied by a certificate of the competent authority in the field of architecture recognised by law, conferring the right to pursue activities in the field of architecture 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNX VI KM/mg DG C I Reference Academic Year 1987/1988 2006/2007 8 EN PAYS Slovensko Suomi/Finland Evidence of formal qualifications Diploma in the field of study "architecture and building construction" ("architektúra a pozemné staviteľstvo") awarded by the Slovak Technical University (Slovenská vysoká škola technická) in Bratislava in 1950 – 1952 (title: Ing.), – Diploma in the field of study "architecture" ("architektúra") awarded by the Faculty of Architecture and Building Construction of the Slovak Technical University (Fakulta architektúry a pozemného staviteľstva, Slovenská vysoká škola technická) in Bratislava in 1952 – 1960 (title: Ing. arch.), – Diploma in the field of study "building construction" ("pozemné staviteľstvo") awarded by the Faculty of Architecture and Building Construction of the Slovak Technical University (Fakulta architektúry a pozemného staviteľstva, Slovenská vysoká škola technická) in Bratislava in 1952 – 1960 (title: Ing.), – Diploma in the field of study "architecture" ("architektúra") awarded by the Civil Engineering Faculty of the Slovak Technical University (Stavebná fakulta, Slovenská vysoká škola technická) in Bratislava in 1961 – 1976, (title: Ing. arch.), – Diploma in the field of study "building construction" ("pozemné stavby") awarded by the Civil Engineering Faculty of the Slovak Technical University (Stavebná fakulta, Slovenská vysoká škola technická) in Bratislava in 1961 – 1976, (title: Ing.), – Diploma in the field of study "architecture" ("architektúra") awarded by the Faculty of Architecture of the Slovak Technical University (Fakulta architektúry, Slovenská vysoká škola technická) in Bratislava since 1977 (title: Ing. arch.), – Diploma in the field of study "urban design" ("urbanizmus") awarded by the Faculty of Architecture of the Slovak Technical University (Fakulta architektúry, Slovenská vysoká škola technická) in Bratislava since 1977 (title: Ing. arch.), – Diploma in the field of study "building construction" ("pozemné stavby") awarded by the Civil Engineering Faculty of the Slovak Technical University (Stavebná fakulta, Slovenská technická univerzita) in Bratislava in 1977- 1997 (title: Ing.), – Diploma in the field of study "architecture and building construction" ("architektúra a pozemné stavby") awarded by the Civil Engineering Faculty of the Slovak Technical University (Stavebná fakulta, Slovenská technická univerzita) in Bratislava since 1998 (title: Ing.), – Diploma in the field of study "building construction – specialisation: architecture" ("pozemné stavby – špecializácia: architektúra") awarded by the Civil Engineering Faculty of the Slovak Technical University (Stavebná fakulta, Slovenská technická univerzita) in Bratislava in 2000 – 2001 (title: Ing.), – Diploma in the field of study "building construction and architecture" ("pozemné stavby a architektúra") awarded by the Civil Engineering Faculty of the Slovak Technical University (Stavebná fakulta – Slovenská technická univerzita) in Bratislava since 2001 (title: Ing.), – Diploma in the field of study "architecture" ("architektúra") awarded by the Academy of Fine Arts and Design (Vysoká škola výtvarných umení) in Bratislava since 1969 (title: Akad. arch. until 1990; Mgr. in 1990 – 1992; Mgr. arch. in 1992 – 1996; Mgr. art. since 1997), – Diploma in the field of study "building construction" ("pozemné staviteľstvo") awarded by the Civil Engineering Faculty of the Technical University (Stavebná fakulta,Technická univerzita) in Košice in 1981- 1991 (title: Ing.), All these diplomas must be accompanied by: – Authorisation certificate issued by the Slovak Chamber of Architects (Slovenská komora architektov) in Bratislava without any specification of the field or in the field of "building construction" ("pozemné stavby") or "land use planning" ("územné plánovanie"), – Authorisation certificate issued by the Slovak Chamber of Civil Engineers (Slovenská komora stavebných inžinierov) in Bratislava in the field of building construction ("pozemné stavby") – the diplomas awarded by the architecture departments of Universities of Technology and the University of Oulu (arkkitehti/arkitekt) – the diplomas awarded by the Institutes of Technology (rakennusarkkitehti/byggnadsarkitekt) – 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNX VI KM/mg DG C I Reference Academic Year 2006/2007 1997/1998 9 EN PAYS Sverige – – United Kingdom – – – Evidence of formal qualifications the diplomas awarded by the School of Architecture at the Royal Institute of Technology, the Chalmers Institute of Technology and the Institute of Technology at Lund University (arkitekt, university diploma in architecture) the certificates of membership of the "Svenska Arkitekters Riksförbund" (SAR) if the persons concerned have received their training in a State to which this Directive applies the qualifications awarded following the passing of examinations of: – the Royal Institute of British Architects – schools of architecture at universities, polytechnics, colleges, academies, schools of technology and art which, as of 10 June 1985, were recognised by the Architects Registration Council of the United Kingdom for the purpose of admission to the Register (Architect) a certificate stating that its holder has an established right to hold the professional title of architect by virtue of section6 (1) a, 6 (1) b or 6 (1) of the Architects Registration Act 1931 (Architect) a certificate stating that its holder has an established right to hold the professional title of architect by virue of section 2 of the Architects Registration Act 1938 (Architect) Reference Academic Year 1997/1998 1987/1988 ________________________ 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNX VI KM/mg DG C I 10 EN ANNEX VII Documents and certificates which may be required in accordance with Article 46(1) 1. Documents a) Proof of the nationality of the person concerned. b) Copies of the attestations of professional competence or of the evidence of formal qualifications giving access to the profession in question, and an attestation of the professional experience of the person concerned where applicable. The competent authorities of the host Member State may invite the applicant to provide information concerning his training to the extent necessary in order to determine the existence of potential substantial differences with the required national training, as laid down in Article 14. Where it is impossible for the applicant to provide this information, the competent authorities of the host Member State shall address the contact point, the competent authority or any other relevant body in the home Member State. c) For the cases referred to in Article 16, a certificate concerning the nature and duration of the activity issued by the competent authority or body in the Member State of origin. d) Where the competent authority of a host Member State requires of persons wishing to take up a regulated profession proof that they are of good character or repute or that they have not been declared bankrupt, or suspends or prohibits the pursuit of that profession in the event of serious professional misconduct or a criminal offence, that State shall accept as sufficient evidence, in respect of nationals of Member States wishing to pursue that profession in its territory, the production of documents issued by competent authorities in the home Member State or the Member State from which the foreign national comes, showing that those requirements are met. Those authorities must provide the documents required within a period of two months. Where the competent authorities of the home Member State or of the Member State from which the foreign national comes do not issue the documents referred to in the first subparagraph, such documents shall be replaced by a declaration on oath - or, in States where there is no provision for declaration on oath, by a solemn declaration - made by the person concerned before a competent judicial or administrative authority or, where appropriate, a notary or qualified professional body of the home Member State or the Member State from which the person comes; such authority or notary shall issue a certificate attesting the authenticity of the declaration on oath or solemn declaration. e) Where a host Member State requires of its own nationals wishing to take up a regulated profession, a document relating to the physical or mental health of the applicant, that State shall accept as sufficient evidence thereof the presentation of the document required in the home Member State. Where the home Member State does not issue such a document, the host Member State shall accept a certificate issued by a competent authority in that State. In that case, the competent authorities of the home Member State must provide the document required within a period of two months. 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX VII KM/mg DG C I 1 EN f) Where a host Member State requires its own nationals wishing to take up a regulated profession to furnish: – proof of the applicant's financial standing, – proof that the applicant is insured against the financial risks arising from their professional liability in accordance with the laws and regulations in force in the host Member State regarding the terms and extent of cover, that Member State shall accept as sufficient evidence an attestation to that effect issued by the banks and insurance undertakings of another Member State. 2. Certificates To facilitate the application of Title III, Chapter III, of this Directive, Member States may prescribe that, in addition to evidence of formal qualifications, the person who satisfies the conditions of training required must provide a certificate from the competent authorities of his country of origin stating that this evidence of formal qualifications is that covered by this Directive. ________________________ 9716/04 ADD 1 ANNEX VII KM/mg DG C I 2 EN