Loughborough University SKILLS MATRIX- Transferable skills for PhD Students: Suggested sources of training. The reasons these skills are given such importance are that they will assist you to carry out research and complete your PhD effectively and also that they are recognised as very valuable in enhancing your future employability and career progression. The aim, for each Postgraduate Research Student, is to acquire a broad range of key skills. A training needs analysis (TNA) should be undertaken to identify, for each individual, which skills it would be most useful to develop. This matrix can be used as the basis for a TNA, providing a guide to deciding on the skills you need and to the sources of training or types of activity that will support you in developing these. You are also advised to consult the Researcher Development Framework (RDF) which this document refers to, to ensure that you have an awareness of all of the relevant skills areas. It is recommended that you revisit this Skills Matrix and the RDF periodically, to ensure that you are gaining the requisite skills. A range of courses to support the development of these skills is offered centrally, through the Graduate School Last updated September 2013 course booking system. You are also encouraged to seek other ways to develop your skills; for example, through seminars and training offered within your School, or through less formal activities such as volunteering and taking active part in clubs and societies. What is important for these “Other Activities” is that you recognise the value of taking part and can demonstrate a link to your TNA. A training record* should be kept of any activities undertaken, which will be submitted as part of your annual progress report. Researchers are recommended to spend about 30 days during the course of their PhD on gaining transferable skills. Time claimed should reflect the learning time of the activity. Attendance at a workshop of 2-3 hours is generally treated as ½ day. 3 days attendance at a full-time 3 day conference would be taken as 3 days. Repeating familiar activities where no advance can be shown should not be counted as skills development. The most important issue is that, as a researcher, you are aware of the transferable skills that will benefit your own personal development and can evidence your progress on these skills, rather than relying on time-sheets as evidence. *For details and downloadable copy of the Training Record see: http://www.lboro.ac.uk/services/graduateschool/resources/keyskills/ N.B. Time spent on “Other Activities” described in the final column of this matrix, unless certificated courses, can only be that time spent DEVELOPING the skills during the activity, not the whole time spent participating. For further information contact: pgrtraining@lboro.ac.uk The Researcher Development Framework (RDF) Vitae®, © 2010 Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited For Full Detail See: http://www.vitae.ac.uk/CMS/files/ upload/Vitae-ResearcherDevelopment-Framework.pdf The RDF is a professional development framework for planning, promoting and supporting the personal, professional and career development of researchers in higher education. Lists of courses offered by Loughborough University, mapped against the RDF Domains are found at the end of this document. Last updated September 2013 For further information contact: pgrtraining@lboro.ac.uk LU Skill code RDF Domains 1 Skill description Training need high, medium, low Training provided in Schools Centrally provided University Training (including Graduate School, Library, Careers, MEC & other courses) Demonstrate core PhD skills developed through interaction with supervisor and research group, and progression procedures Apply for research funding Participate in conferences Communicate with researchers elsewhere Understanding Conferences Complete departmentbased training Discuss ethical issues with Supervisor Apply for research funding Submit articles to peer reviewed journals Ethical Thinking in Research Research Integrity Induction Day Suggested “Other activities” (validated by Research Supervisor) RESEARCH CONTEXT – to be able to demonstrate: 1A C/D Knowledge of the Research Community 1B C Understanding Research Philosophy and Rules Last updated September 2013 For further information contact: pgrtraining@lboro.ac.uk LU Skill code RDF Domains Skill description 1C C Understanding Commercial Exploitation Training need high, medium, low Training provided in Schools Consult the Enterprise office on technology transfer Centrally provided University Training (including Graduate School, Library, Careers, MEC & other courses) Suggested “Other activities” (validated by Research Supervisor) Working Effectively with Outside Organisations for PGR’s & RA’s Involvement with University spin-out companies for example Protecting Your Research Ideas The Enterprising Researcher Assessing and Exploiting the Commercial Potential of Academic Research Findings 1D A Knowledge of Recent Advances Record use of technology in research 1E A Understanding Research Methods and Techniques Complete research methods and H&S training modules Last updated September 2013 Extensive targeted reading Introduction to the Design of Multifactor Experiments Extensive targeted reading Introduction to the Design of Surveys and Experiments For further information contact: pgrtraining@lboro.ac.uk LU Skill code RDF Domains 2 Skill description Training need high, medium, low Training provided in Schools Centrally provided University Training (including Graduate School, Library, Careers, MEC & other courses) Suggested “Other activities” (validated by Research Supervisor) Extensive targeted reading RESEARCH PRACTICE – demonstrate ability in: 2A A Gathering Information Conduct regular bibliographic searches Record strategy for literature search Finding Information for your Literature Review – Practice Finding Information for your Literature Review – Theory 2B A Identifying Topics for Research Record strategy for literature search What is a Literature Review? 2C A Analysing Information Write literature review Introduction to Statistical Methodology Paired and unpaired t-tests Systematic Review 2D D Recording & Presenting Research Findings Keep records of research decisions Provide regular reports to supervisor etc. Present at group, departmental seminars & academic conference level 2E C Managing & Planning the Research Process Record relevant discussions with supervisor Produce and review research plans Produce work schedules and meet deadlines Last updated September 2013 Making an Impact with Posters Research Matters Conference Report Writing Plagiarism & citation Copyright Creating an effective publication strategy Managing Your Research as a Project Writing up your PhD Thesis For further information contact: pgrtraining@lboro.ac.uk LU Skill code RDF Domains 3 3A Skill description Training need high, medium, low Training provided in Schools Centrally provided University Training (including Graduate School, Library, Careers, MEC & other courses) Suggested “Other activities” (validated by Research Supervisor) Regularly attend departmental training Talk to supervisor and other academics Undergo mock viva Introduction to the Job of Lecturer for Postgraduates and Research Assistants Teaching Skills 3 part course Reflection on skills attained by managing volunteer projects Complete external courses Take active part in public Awareness campaigns, radio interviews, etc. Reflect on warden/ subwarden duties CAREER MANAGEMENT – including: B /C Continuing Professional Development Networking for Careers 3B 3C B D CV, Applications and Interviews Developing & Maintaining Effective Working Relationships Last updated September 2013 Talk to supervisor and other academics Record any work with outside organisations in research Academic Job Applications Career Planning for Researchers Industry / Commercial Sector Job Applications Marketing your research skills Successful Interviews Contact Careers Adviser Getting the Most out of Supervision Working Effectively with Outside Organisations for PGR’s & RA’s Understanding Conferences Reflection on skills attained by acting as: secretary to a committee, Working with colleagues, Organising student, networks for example Take active part in public awareness campaigns, radio interviews, etc. Radio interviews, School projects etc. For further information contact: pgrtraining@lboro.ac.uk LU Skill code RDF Domains 4 Skill description Training need high, medium, low Training provided in Schools Centrally provided University Training (including Graduate School, Library, Careers, MEC & other courses) Suggested “Other activities” (validated by Research Supervisor) COMMUNICATION SKILLS - competence in the following: 4A D Writing & Visual Produce end of year reports Submit journal article or conference abstract Getting Articles Published for PGRs Report Writing Writing up your PhD Thesis Write articles etc. for outside projects 4B D Oral Presentations Give presentations at group and departmental level and external conferences Undertake mock viva Participate in practice presentations, both as presenter and audience Cafe Academique VIVA - What Happens? Teaching Skills - 3 parts Record participation in outside debate, e.g. politics, selling Participate in department open days Analyse performance as tutor or demonstrator Establish, maintain and analyse collaborations with researchers in other groups and institutions Record relevant supervision and group discussion Getting the Most out of Supervision Induction Day Working Effectively with Outside Organisations for PGR’s RA’s 4C D Interactions with others Last updated September 2013 Communicating your research to a non-academic audience Collaboration: Tools to help you share and communicate your research Reflection on skills attained by working with colleagues Organising student networks Acting as student representative Analyse contribution to work in external teams For further information contact: pgrtraining@lboro.ac.uk LU Skill code RDF Domains 5 5A Skill description Training need high, medium, low Training provided in Schools Centrally provided University Training (including Graduate School, Library, Careers, MEC & other courses) Complete a learning log/ personal development plan Identify own limitations and analyse use of experts in required and related skills Keep records of independent work Getting the Most out of Supervision Produce work schedules and meet deadlines Procrastination: Improving personal effectiveness through self-reflection Interviews Successful Applications Meeting the skills training requirement - online course Tools for Creative Thinking Cafe Academique Suggested “Other activities” (validated by Research Supervisor) PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS – to be able to demonstrate B Self Reliance & Initiative 5B B Commitment and Motivation 5C B Flexibility & Adaptability 5D B Self Awareness Complete a learning log/ personal development plan 5E A Creativity and Originality Record relevant supervision and group discussions Last updated September 2013 ` Demonstrate involvement in volunteer projects Demonstrate involvement in volunteer projects Analyse contribution to work in teams, e.g. sport, voluntary work, other employment Involvement in other activities E.g. SU Rag Reflect on skills attained through participation in academic activities in other relevant disciplines For further information contact: pgrtraining@lboro.ac.uk The next pages show the RDF Domain and sub-domains, with examples of centrally provided courses and workshops for postgraduate research students to support development of these skills. Course availability is subject to change, to see the current list and to register for a place, go to: http://learn.lboro.ac.uk/course/category.php?id=108. Courses will be found under the domain listing given here. Last updated September 2013 RDF DOMAIN COURSE TITLE A Creating an effective publication strategy A Finding Information for your Literature Review - Practice A Finding Information for your Literature Review - Theory A Keeping Alert to New Information A Reference Management A Systematic Review A1 Chi-squared Tests (analysing two-way tables) A1 Introduction to Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) A1 Introduction to data analysis using SPSS A1 Introduction to Linear Regression and Correlation A1 Introduction to SPSS A1 Introduction to Statistical Methodology A1 Introduction to the Design of Multifactor Experiments A1 Introduction to the Design of Surveys and Experiments A1 Non-parametric Tests A1 Paired and Unpaired t-tests A1 Questionnaire Design A2, A3 Tools for Creative Thinking For further information contact: pgrtraining@lboro.ac.uk The next pages show the RDF Domain and sub-domains, with examples of centrally provided courses and workshops for postgraduate research students to support development of these skills. Course availability is subject to change, to see the current list and to register for a place, go to: http://learn.lboro.ac.uk/course/category.php?id=108. Courses will be found under the domain listing given here. RDF DOMAIN COURSE TITLE B1, B2 Being Effective as a Researcher B1, B2, B3 B1, B2, B3 B1, B2, B3 B1, B3, D2 Marketing your research skills Networking for Careers Successful Interviews B1, D1 Getting the Most out of Supervision B1, D2 Understanding Conferences B1 Procrastination: Improving personal effectiveness through selfreflection B2, B3 Postgraduate Research Students Induction B2, D2 Writing up your PhD Thesis B3 Academic Job Applications B3 Industry / Commercial Sector Job Applications B3, A3, B1 B3, D3 Last updated September 2013 Career Planning for Researchers VIVA - What Happens? Introduction to the Job of Lecturer for Postgraduates and RAs For further information contact: pgrtraining@lboro.ac.uk The next pages show the RDF Domain and sub-domains, with examples of centrally provided courses and workshops for postgraduate research students to support development of these skills. Course availability is subject to change, to see the current list and to register for a place, go to: http://learn.lboro.ac.uk/course/category.php?id=108. Courses will be found under the domain listing given here. Last updated September 2013 RDF DOMAIN COURSE TITLE C1, D2 Copyright C1, D2 Plagiarism & citations C1, D2 What is a Literature Review? C1, D3 Protecting Your Research Ideas C2 Research data management C2, B2 Managing Your Research as a Project C1 Ethics in Research C1 Research Integrity For further information contact: pgrtraining@lboro.ac.uk The next pages show the RDF Domain and sub-domains, with examples of centrally provided courses and workshops for postgraduate research students to support development of these skills. Course availability is subject to change, to see the current list and to register for a place, go to: http://learn.lboro.ac.uk/course/category.php?id=108. Courses will be found under the domain listing given here. RDF DOMAIN D1, C2, C3, Working Effectively with Outside Organisations for PGRs and RAs D1, D2 Collaboration: Tools to Help you Share and Communicate your Research D2 D2, A3 D2, B3 D2, D3 D2, D3 D2, D3 D2, D3, B3 D3, A3 D3, B1 D3, B1 D3, B1 D3, B1 D3, B1 Last updated September 2013 COURSE TITLE Communicating your research to a non-academic audience Making an Impact with Posters Getting Articles Published for Researchers Cafe Academique Public Engagement and Research Report Writing Research Conference "Research That Matters" The Enterprising Researcher - Assessing and Exploiting the Commercial Potential of Academic Research Findings STARS (Successful Teaching and Assessment for Researchers) Teaching Skills A - Preparing to Teach Teaching Skills B - Promoting Learning Teaching Skills Option C - Supervising Practical Activities Teaching Skills Options C - Working with Small Groups For further information contact: pgrtraining@lboro.ac.uk