DEVELOPMENT OF TOPOGRAPHIC MAP PRODUCTION IN THE SCALE OF 1:25 000 IN CROATIA IN THE PERIOD BETWEEN 1990 AND 2010 mr. sc. Ivan Landek State Geodetic Administration, Zagreb, CROATIA, Summary: This work covers the area of topography in the Republic of Croatia during the last 20 years, i.e. the period between 1990 and 2010. Since the topographic map in the scale of 1:25 000 (TK25) was not produced in Croatia before the country became independent, neither did the Croatian geodetic operative participate in it. Therefore, in the early 1990s, everything had to start from the beginning. A significant contribution to the establishment of the topographic development concept in Croatia was made by the professors from the Geodetic Faculty of the University of Zagreb, Prof. Paško Lovrić, Ph.D. (deceased) and Prof. Emeritus Nedjeljko Frančula. The concept that they established in the study entitled Official Topographic and Cartographic Information System – Design Project was entirely adopted and implemented. Between 1996 and 2009, the State Geodetic Administration contracted the development of all TK25 sheets for the entire territory of the Republic of Croatia, and by the end of 2010, all of the sheets became official and were put in use. Key words: Topographic cartography, topographic and cartographic information system, TK25, Base Topographic Database (BTD) 1. INTRODUCTION Topographic maps in the scale 1:25 000 (TK25) and smaller, were not produced in the Republic of Croatia until 1990. Great changes related to space caused by the war, demographic expansion, as well as the general progress of society, followed by the strong technological development and extensive use of natural reserves, have significantly influenced the awareness of the priceless value of human life space. Therefore, wise use, purposeful development and systematic protection of human environment have become very important tasks for the modern man. In this process, the data on the space we live in is highly important (Križaj, 1992). Due to all of the above-mentioned reasons, the independent development of topographic cartography began technologically, in the Republic of Croatia. By the end of 1990s, there were institutions with 50-70 employees (Geodetic Institute of Rijeka, Geodetic Institute of Split, Geodetic Institute of Osijek and Zagreb Institute for Photogrammetry). The companies that were state owned began their transformation into joint stock companies. The stated companies had no experience in topographic cartography of smaller scale, and the digital production of topographic maps was not yet developed in the more developed European countries. The companies had experience in the development of Croatian Base Map in the scale 1: 5 000 (CBM) which was earlier called State Base Map (SBM). As early as 1991, the first studies were contracted and developed which in the end resulted with the development of data model for the Croatian topographic and information system (CROTIS 1:25 000 – TK25). 2. DEVELOPMENT OF STUDIES In the period between 1991 and 2010, the total of 31 different studies were developed which were the basis for the design of topographic and cartographic information system in the Republic of Croatia and for the specifications of the basic topographic base (BTB) development, from which the new TK25 were developed for the entire territory of the Republic of Croatia, which is in total 594 sheets of TK25. Below is the list of studies, with their titles and years of development. 1. Study on the Structure of the Official Topographic and Mapping Information System of the Republic of Croatia (Križaj, 20) 2. Study on the Justification of Organizing the Aerial Photography Service in Croatia, (Fiedler, 11) 3. Development of Standards for the Aerial Photogrammetry and Photographic Survey (Fiedler, 12) 4. Official Topographic and Mapping Information System (STOKIS)– project design (Frančula, Lovrić, 16) 5. Restructuring and Reprogramming the Geodetic and Spatial System of the Republic of Croatia with Technological Upgrades to its Information System (under the new conditions of the independent and sovereign state which is joining the European systems (Implementation of Fast Changes and Conceptual Solutions of Restructured and Reprogrammed Geodetic and Spatial System of the Republic of Croatia Sub-Project (GEOPS) (Radić, 31) 6. Study on Substituting Reproduction Originals and Renewing the Contents of Topographic Maps, (Biljecki, 1) Figure 1: Part of TK25 sheet – Rakov Potok 7. CROTIS-Topographic and Information System of the Republic of Croatia (Biljecki, 2) 8 Instruction for Performance of Works Regarding the Collection of Data for the Development of Digital Terrain Model on the basis of HDK 1:5000 (Paj, 27) 9. Law on State Survey and Real Property Cadastre (Official Gazette no. 23) 10. Rules and Regulations on Topographic Survey Methods and the Creation of State Maps (Official Gazette, 24) 11. The New Cartographic Projection of the Republic of Croatia – HTRS96/TM – Instructions for Practical Use and the New Division into Detailed Sheets in Official Scales from 1:500 to 1:250 000, including the Nomenclature and Development of Overview Maps,(Lapaine, 21) 12. Cartographic Key for Topographic Map in the scale 1:25 000 (TK25) version 1.5 (Paj, 28) 13. Establishment of Cartographic and Topographic Database (Biljecki, 4) 14. Evaluation of Accuracy and Quality of DTM 5.0 (Biljecki, 3) 15. Marks and Titles of Particular Sheets of State Topographic Maps and their Division into Sheets (Frangeš, 17) 16. Cartographic Generalization with the Standardization for State Maps (Paj, 29) 17. Quality Control for Topographic Surveys and Production of State Maps (Biljecki, 7) 18. Topologic Processing of Mapping Data HTZ 25 (Biljecki, 5) 19. Printing the State Maps (Frangeš, 18) 20. CRONO - GIP (Croatian Norwegian Geoinformation Project) (Biljecki, 6) 21. Graphic and Alpha-numeric Code System of State Topographic Maps (Paj, 30) 22. Cartographic Key with Instructions for the Development and Application of Signs for the Croatian Base Map in the scale 1:5000 (CBM) (Frangeš, 19) 23. Study on Aerial Triangulation and Levelling the Aerial Photography Block (Fiedler, 13) 24. Terminology in CROTIS (Lapaine, 22) 25. Amendments to the existing Rules and Regulations and instructions for photogrammetric survey (Fiedler, 14) 26. Law on State Survey and Real Property Cadastre (Official Gazette, 25) 2. Production of the Object-Oriented Conceptual Data Model and Production of GML Application Scheme CROTIS (Biljecki, 8) 28. Geodetic and Geo-Information Dictionary (Frančula, Lapaine, 15) 29. Rules and Regulations on Topographic Survey and Production of State Maps (Official Gazette, 26) 30. Implementation of CROTIS-GML Project results into the existing document CROTIS 1.1 (Biljecki, 9) 31. Specifications for BTDB Update and Development of Updated Sheets TK25 (Biljecki, 10) The above-stated studies determined the methodology for the development of TK25. The methodology was defined for the collection and processing of the primary original (aerophotogrammetric photos) for the topographic survey on the basis of cartographic restitution. Then the data model was determined – the Croatian topographic and information system (CROTIS) which determined the manner of data processing, and with the objective to develop the basic topographic base (BTB) from which, after completing the model and cartographic generalizations, the TK25 were developed for the entire territory of the Republic of Croatia. 3. CROATIAN TOPOGRAPHIC AND INFORMATION SYSTEM (CROTIS) CROTIS is a simple, usable, flexible and good-quality geoinformation system based on modern technologies and harmonized with ISO and CEN norms. CROTIS consists of: Basic principles of CROTIS - Selection criteria of object types - Topologic relations - Digital terrain model - Graphic code system - Data exchange - Catalogue of objects Below are object categories contained in the Basic Topographic Base according to Crotis (Figure 2). Figure 1. Object categories in CROTIS 4. TOPOGRAPHIC MAP IN THE SCALE 1:25 000 (TK25) The first topographic maps in the scale 1:25 000 were contracted in 1996, and they were all produced and put in official use by the end of 2010. The TK 25 in analogue form has been in the print since 1996 (Figure 3). Figure 3: Opatija – a newly developed sheet of TK25, 2007 TK25. The TK25 is in official use and as such is used by all the ministries that need such data, then by all local government units and public state companies, as well as all economic entities that use geospatial data for official purposes. 5. CONCLUSION The production of new TK25 started in 1990 when the Republic of Croatia changed its social and political system. In the beginning, it was difficult to convince the state administration bodies, local government units, public systems and economic entities that they needed to co-finance the development of new spatial information, considering the fact that in the previous system this was an exclusive obligation of the state. In the period between 1990 and 2010, laws and by-laws were passed which enabled the production of TK25 in a unique way. The project of TK25 production which included significant financial resources, was co-financed by various ministries, local government units and public state companies. After the development of studies, from the STOKIS project to the CROTIS data model, all of the TK25 sheets on the territory of RoC were developed by the domestic companies that mastered the modern technology of map production. It is important to note that all of the collected data has been developed according to the CROTIS model and the Specifications for TK25 production; as such, the data has been harmonized and it represents a continuous set of spatial data for the entire territory of RoC. BIBLIOGRAPHY: [1] Biljecki, Z. (1995): Study on Substituting Reproduction Originals and Renewing the Contents of Topographic Maps, State Geodetic Administration, Zagreb. [2] Biljecki, Z. 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