How to Find Print & Electronic Resources on Philosophy and Religion BOOKS—Books on philosophy and religion are located primarily in the B's of the Library of Congress classification. For general browsing purposes, an outline of the classification schedule is appended at the end of this handout. To find specific books, begin at the library homepage, then go to the ODIN Library Catalog to search by keyword, author, title, or subject headings. A keyword search would lead you to the following selection of reference sources. Check the ODIN Library Catalog for other specialized works or additional general works, such as Bibles, Bible Dictionaries, Concordances, etc. For Philosophy: REF Audi, Robert, ed. The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy. 2nd B ed. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1995. 41 .C35 1999 REF B 51 .R68 1998 REF B 51 .O94 1995 REF B 41 .I26 2001 REF B 41 .L32 1996 Craig, Edward, ed. Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy. London: Routledge, 1998. Honderich, Ted, ed. The Oxford Companion to Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. Iannone, A. Pablo. Dictionary of World Philosophy. London: Routledge, 2001. Lacey, A. R. A Dictionary of Philosophy. 3rd ed. London: Routledge, 1996. Page 1 of 6 rev. 02/13/16 For Philosophy & Religion: REF Kors, Alan Charles, ed. Encyclopedia of the Enlightenment. B Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003. 802 .E53 2003 REF B 121 .E53 2001 REF BL 240.3 .E53 2003 Leaman, Oliver, ed. Encyclopedia of Asian Philosophy. London: Routledge, 2001. Van Huyssteen, J. Wentzel Vrede, ed. Encyclopedia of Science and Religion. New York: Macmillan, 2003. Also includes many philosophers and entries such as “Philosophy of Science, History of.” For Religion--General: REF Bowker, John, ed. The Oxford Dictionary of World Religions. BL Oxford: Oxford UP, 1997. 31 .O84 1997 REF BP 601 .C47 2001 REF BL 31 .E46 1987 REF BL 2462.5 .E53 2001 REF E 98 .R3 H73 2000 REF BL 2525 .M449 ed. 6 1999 Chryssides, George D. Historical Dictionary of New Religious Movements. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow, 2001. Eliade, Mircea, ed. The Encyclopedia of Religion. 16 vols. New York: Macmillan, 1987. Glazier, Stephen D., ed. Encyclopedia of African and AfricanAmerican Religions. New York: Routledge, 2001. Hirschfelder, Arlene, and Paulette Molin. Encyclopedia of Native American Religions: An Introduction. New York: Facts On File, 2000. Melton, J. Gordon. The Encyclopedia of American Religions. 6th ed. Wilmington, NC: McGrath, 1999. Page 2 of 6 rev. 02/13/16 REF BT 990 .E58 1988 REF BL 2525 .Q44 2001 REF BL 2525 .C65 2000 Melton, J. Gordon, ed. The Encyclopedia of American Religions: Religious Creeds. 1st ed. Detroit, MI: Gale, 1988. Queen, Edward L., et al. Encyclopedia of American Religious History. Rev. ed. New York: Facts on File, 2001. Roof, Wade Clark, ed. Contemporary American Religion. New York: Macmillan, 2000. For Religion—Bible/Christian: REF Aharoni, Yohanan, and Michael Avi-Yonah. The Macmillan BiG ble Atlas. 3rd ed. New York: Macmillan, 1993. 2230 .A2 1993 REF BS 191.5 .A1 2001 REF BR 95 .E8913 1999 REF BS 440 .A54 1992 REF BS 440 .E44 2000 REF BR 95 .O94 2000 REF BS 500 .D5 Coogan, Michael D., ed. The New Oxford Annotated Bible. 3rd ed. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2001. Fahlbusch, Erwin, et al., eds. The Encyclopedia of Christianity. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1999. Freedman, David Noel, ed. The Anchor Bible Dictionary. New York: Doubleday, 1992. Freedman, David Noel, ed. Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2000. Hastings, Adrian, et al., eds. The Oxford Companion to Christian Thought. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000. Hayes, John H., ed. Dictionary of Biblical Interpretation. Nashville: Abingdon, 1999. Page 3 of 6 rev. 02/13/16 1999 REF BS 1121 .K65 1998 REF BS 2553 .S24 1994 REF BX 841 .N44 2003 REF BS 445 .O94 2001 Kohlenberger, John R., III, and James A. Swanson. The Hebrew English Concordance to the Old Testament: With the New International Version. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1998. Miller, Robert J., ed. The Complete Gospels: Annotated Scholars Version. Rev. San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 1994. New Catholic Encyclopedia. 2nd ed. Detroit: Thomson/Gale; Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America, 2003. 15 vols. Rogerson, John, ed. The Oxford Illustrated History of the Bible. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2001. ELECTRONIC BOOKS--On the CFL home page go to How to Find Books… for a list of free E-Book Collections such as the following: Collection of full text literature resources, including fiction, nonfiction, verse & reference titles. Can find the King James Bible and many Harvard Classics. NetLibrary Electronic versions of printed books. Search by subject for fulltext books. Search by author for classical works (Plato, etc.). Project Guten- Free electronic books to download and read. berg JOURNAL TITLES—From the CFL home page, click on the ODIN Library Catalog to locate journals owned by the University of North Dakota. For journals, the library catalog informs you about the range of dates or volumes held for each title, and in what format it is held (print, microform, electronic). Click on Electronic Journals to locate journals available in full-text format. JOURNAL ARTICLE INDEXES—Use the following print indexes in the Chester Fritz Library Reference area to find indexing of journal articles on your subject. (Journals can be found in the ODIN Library Catalog or under Electronic Journals): Philosopher’s Index Print resource in Reference area: Index Table 1A Religion Index One Print resource in Reference area: Index Table 1A Page 4 of 6 rev. 02/13/16 JOURNAL ARTICLE DATABASES—From the Chester Fritz Library home page, click on Article Indexes and Databases, then the following computer databases to find indexing of journal articles related to Philosophy and Religion. The databases that have FULL-TEXT resources will allow you to print out the journal articles when you are at home or in the library. For a list of other full-text databases, search under Article Indexes and Databases, then Full text resources. Academic Partially FULL TEXT. Scholarly academic database. Search Premier Blackwell Provides indexing to journals from Blackwell Publishing. Expand Synergy the Humanities Journals for a list of relevant journals. Current Con- Access to tables of contents of 7,000 scholarly journals covering all tents disciplines. Coverage begins in 1995. Includes abstracts updated weekly. EBSCOhost Some free FULL-TEXT access. Or access to individual journal Electronic subscriptions through EBSCO. A green check mark indicates free Journals Ser- full-text access. Mind, Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Journal vice of Medicine and Philosophy, Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy, Law and Philosophy, Linguistics and Philosophy, Philosophy and Public Affairs, Studies in Philosophy and Education, Journal of Indian Philosophy, Biology and Philosophy, Journal for General Philosophy of Science, International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion (partial), Journal of Religious Ethics (partial), Journal of Religion and Health, Religious Education, and Religious Studies (partial) are some of the titles that can be searched full text in this database. EBSCOhost Allows one to search Academic Search Premier and MasterFILE Research Da- Premier simultaneously. tabases JSTOR This database includes FULL-TEXT articles from back issues of 17 PHILOSOPHY journals, as well as full-text journals of relevance to PHILOSOPHY & RELIGION in African American Studies, African Studies, Anthropology, Archaeology, Asian Studies, Classical Studies, General Science, History, History of Science, History of Science and Technology, Latin American Studies, Middle East Studies, Philosophy, Sociology, and other humanities and social sciences disciplines. (Since this is an archival database, the most recent issues are usually 4-8 years old). Page 5 of 6 rev. 02/13/16 Kluwer This database provides access to 700+ FULL TEXT journals published by Kluwer in the sciences, health and life sciences, physical sciences and social sciences. It includes many FULL-TEXT journal articles on Philosophy and Religion topics. Making of Nineteenth century American social history. Emphasis on educaAmerica tion, psychology, American history, sociology, philosophy, religion, (Cornell) and science and technology. 267 books and 100,000 articles. Produced by Cornell University. Making of Nineteenth century American social history. Emphasis on educaAmerica tion, psychology, American history, sociology, philosophy, religion, (University of and science and technology. 8,500 books and 50,000 journal artiMichigan) cles. Produced by the University of Michigan. MasterFILE Partially FULL TEXT. Multidisciplinary general magazines. Also Premier includes reference books, biographies, primary source documents, and an image collection. Metapress Provides indexing of articles from journals, newsletters, and other professional and academic publications published by Taylor and Francis. Project Muse This is a FULL-TEXT electronic database to well over 170 journal titles covering the social sciences and humanities fields. It includes many FULL-TEXT articles related to Philosophy and Religion topics. ONLINE LIBRARY REFERENCE RESOURCES—The following full text Reference databases are available at, then go to Article Indexes and Databases for the specific database titles. For a longer list of reference resources, go to the CFL home page and click on Electronic Reference Tools. (For in-library reference sources, ask at the Reference Desk for assistance). ContempoAn Infotrac file of 100,000 U.S. and international authors. Biograry Authors raphy, bibliography and references are provided. It can also be searched under InfoTrac Databases. Discovering This is a FULL-TEXT collection that covers topic overviews, event Collection overviews, biographies, critical analyses, and multimedia materials. It provides philosophy and religion reference information. BEYOND THE LIBRARY—SOME WEB RESOURCES: Go to the CFL homepage,, click on Resources by Subject, then Philosophy and Religion for many web resources relevant to Philosophy & Religion. By Janet Rex Page 6 of 6 rev. 02/13/16