East Carolina University

East Carolina University
Agenda Item I. Call to order
Dr. Gemperline called the meeting to order at 2:05 p.m.
Agenda Item II. Approval of April 7, 2009 minutes
Minutes were approved as submitted.
Agenda Item III. Old Business
a. Update on retention and termination policy
Revised policy attached
The policy on retention and termination recommended by the body was discussed at the
Graduate School Administrative Board (GSAB) meeting on April 27, 2009.
Dr. Gemperline reported concern was expressed regarding the implementation details of the
policy. Dr. Gemperline explained the Registrar records credit hours attempted as of census date.
The Graduate School will run an automatic report at the end of each term identifying students on
probation. These students will receive probation letters (program directors will be copied) and a
hold will be placed on their accounts to prevent preregistration and the erroneous receipt of
financial aid. Faculty members are urged to submit final grades promptly in order for the
Graduate School to determine probationary status efficiently. The Graduate School must know if
a student is academically eligible before they will be allowed to enroll in first summer session
Revisions were made to clarify the term of probation. The word “total” has been inserted into the
policy. The ‘2/3 attempted’ standard is to be for the lifetime of the student’s enrollment.
Dr. Gemperline is hopeful the GSAB will approve and implement the policy on retention and
termination by fall 2010. Students have the option of following the policies of the Graduate
Catalog upon admission or the current policies of the Graduate Catalog during this transition
b. Update on minimum admission standard
The GSAB has not had the opportunity to review the proposed minimum admission standard
policy. This will be an agenda item at the May 19, 2009 GSAB meeting.
c. Guidance on graduate faculty appointments
Unit criteria are being routinely being approved by the GSAB. Dr. Gemperline urged programs
that have not revised their unit criteria to do so as soon as possible. For units without approved
criteria for election to graduate faculty status, provisional appointments are being made.
Graduate faculty appointments and the approval of unit criteria are being reported in the GSAB
Agenda Item IV. New Business
a. Summer tuition remission and assistantship requests
Because assistantships are not considered offers of employment they are not covered under the
April 9, 2009 memo from the North Carolina Budget Office. The deadline to extend an
assistantship offer is April 22, 2009. Students receiving assistantships should conduct research
or teach. Administrative assistantships are acceptable, however funding is to be covered by the
b. Proposed summer meeting schedule – Location TBA
Tuesday June 2nd 3:30-5:00
Tuesday July 7th 3:30-5:00
No August meeting
c. Analysis of 07-08 Graduate Admissions Date
At the recommendation of the Graduate Assembly the Graduate School has conducted an
analysis of application data. A SharePoint site has been created to view and post application
data. All data can be viewed by college and by program. Dr. Gemperline reviewed the site to
point out the various data compiled by the Graduate School analysis. Of concern are the low
range GPA and GRE scores. Program directors are urged to pay particular attention to
applicants with very low scores in one or more areas of the GRE.
Dr. Gemperline announced the application data will be shared with the various Associate Deans
and asked program directors to share data with faculty members.
Dr. Gemperline reminded the GA:
 GRE writing scores are now being recorded
 Starting in mid-February the Graduate School began recording percentile scores and
reporting this on the accept/reject forms sent to programs. In the future the GRE
standard will be based on percentile scores, not on raw scores.
 Data (raw scores and percentiles) from for the GMAT and MAT are being recorded
 The Graduate School is no longer calculating senior year GPA, however this can be cited
as a justification for of admission by exception
Historically, the minimum eligibility standards for students receiving out of state remissions and
graduate assistantships has been a 3.0 GPA and 1000 (verbal + quantitative) GRE score. If a
student is on the borderline of these standards the Dean will review justifications for exception.
This policy is considered general practice and should be adhered to by graduate program
What is the MAT eligibility score for graduate assistantships? (Dr. Angela Lamson, Marriage and
Family Therapy) As a general guideline 30 percentile or above.
A link with MAT percentile scores will be distributed through SharePoint to program directors.
Will the graduate assistantship eligibility policy require GSAB approval? (Dr. Terri Woods,
The graduate assistantship policy will require GSAB approval. This item will be placed on the
agenda at a future GSAB meeting.
Dr. Hans Vogelsong (Recreation and Leisure Studies) pointed out that with a 950 GRE eligibility
standard, 60-70% of students currently receiving assistantships would be ineligible.
Dr. Paul Gares (Geography) noted the importance of examining outcome data as well as
incoming data. Some students with low scores are successful in graduate school.
Dr. Gemperline emphasized the importance of raising the reputation of graduate programs at
ECU. To do this data, partnerships, and a long-term outlook are required. Graduate
assistantships at the Masters level are too low to be competitive with peer institutions.
Improving graduate programs at ECU will require raising financial support and to better serve the
residents of eastern North Carolina. It is important for graduate program directors to advocate for
improvement of the overall graduate student body.
Dr. Nasseh Tabrizi (Computer Science) commented that raising admission standards at ECU will
improve the overall quality of the graduate student body. Although some students who are
admitted with low scores are successful, this group represents the minority.
Dr. Monica Hough (Communication Sciences and Disorders) noted the number of applications
has increased since the CSDI department raised their admission standards Students want to go
to the best school.
Dr. Bob Thompson (Political Science) noted GRE scores of students who had their GRE scores
waived (professional admission track) should not be included in the analysis of the application
Dr. Gemperline explained that GRE scores older than 5 years old are not included in the data
analysis and reminded program directors to send a memo to the Dean to have an applicant’s test
scores waived.
Agenda Item V. Upcoming Policy Issues
a. Revisions to standard graduate assistantship contract letters, forms and policies
The University Attorney is examining the language in the current graduate contracts as it
relates to the dismissal of graduate students for poor performance or disciplinary issues. Dr.
Gemperline requested a representative from the GA to also review the current contract to
determine appropriate language. Volunteers included: Lloyd Novick (Public Health), Len
Rhodes (College of Business) and Terri Woods (Geology).
Dr. Gemperline announced offers regarding graduate assistantships should be extended
earlier. Programs should be collecting data regarding a student’s interest as a graduate
assistant in January and February in order to meet the April 15th deadline set by the Council
of Graduate Schools.
The Graduate School will be reviewing all existing contracts over the summer in order to
examine compliance with the existing assistantship policies. Well written ‘statements of work’
will be shared as examples.
b. Provisional admission & official transcripts
Will be discussed this summer
c. Non-degree admission requirements
Will be discussed this summer
Agenda VI. Announcements
a. Recruiting: CGS Graduate Program Web Site Scorecard
i. See attached rubric and explanation
The web is one of the most important recruiting tools for graduate programs. Dr. Gemperline
announced the Graduate School hopes to eventually set up a contract with a website developer
for this purpose. Program websites will be reviewed over the summer using the attached rubric
appropriate for the university and program level). Programs are encouraged to begin reviewing
their websites using the attached rubric.
Agenda Item VI. Adjourn
Dr. Gemperline adjourned the meeting at 3:30 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Amy E. Tripp