Administrative/Exempt Terms & Conditions of Employment

Effective June 16, 2003
Contract Year
The contract year for an administrative/exempt staff member is typically July 1
through June 30.
For less than full time and/or a twelve-month contract, most terms and conditions
will be calculated on a pro-rata basis.
Salary increases shall be within the limits set by the Washington State
Legislature and distributed by the College President. Salary increases
shall be based on performance and shall not be automatic.
Adjustment in salaries may be granted if the State Legislature provides
additional funds for salary increases for the contract year.
Adjustment in salary may be considered on an individual basis if there are
substantive increases or decreases in the employee’s position
Salaries for new administrative/exempt staff shall be set by the College
President subject to approval by the Board of Trustees.
Annual (Vacation) Leave
Administrative/exempt employees are eligible for annual (vacation) leave in
accordance with College Policy 4728.
Administrative/exempt employees on twelve-month contracts are paid for the
state’s ten (10) official holidays and shall receive one (1) non-accruable personal
holiday per calendar year.
2003 Administrative/Exempt Terms & Conditions of Employment
(Formerly titled Administrative/Exempt Salary Program)
Approved by President 6/26/95; rev 2/1/99; 8/14/01
Rev 6/16/03 by President’s Executive Staff
Page 1 of10
Sick Leave
Administrative/exempt employees shall accrue no more than one sick
leave day (8 hours) per calendar month in which the employee is in paid
status for ten (10) or more days, and this leave shall be available
immediately upon accrual.
There is no maximum accrual for sick leave.
Payment for unused accrued sick leave will be as provided by law and
appropriate state directives.
An administrative/exempt employee absent due to illness or other
qualifying reason for which sick leave may be used must submit a
completed “Administrative/Exempt/Classified Request for/Report of Leave”
form to the supervisor for approval, then forward the completed form to the
Payroll Office, to be recorded and deducted from the sick leave account of
the employee.
Shared Leave
Administrative/exempt employees may be eligible to apply for Shared Leave in
accordance with College Policy #4727.
Performance Evaluation
Each administrative/exempt employee shall be evaluated at least once every two
(2) years. New administrative/exempt employees will be evaluated in each of the
first two years. Using the State of Washington Manager Development and
Performance Plan (MDPP) form, each administrative/exempt employee and
his/her supervisor will jointly develop performance goals that normally will be
reviewed on an annual basis.
At the end of the performance period, after the employee and supervisor meet
and discuss the past performance, the completed form is forwarded to the Office
of Human Resources for placement in the employee’s personnel file.
Sabbatical Leaves
Sabbatical leaves for administrative/exempt employees shall be determined in
accordance with provisions contained in Attachment B.
2003 Administrative/Exempt Terms & Conditions of Employment
(Formerly titled Administrative/Exempt Salary Program)
Approved by President 6/26/95; rev 2/1/99; 8/14/01
Rev 6/16/03 by President’s Executive Staff
Page 2 of10
Professional Development
Professional leave and leaves of absence other than those mentioned in
Sections III, IV, V, and VIII may be approved with or without pay by the College
President or his/her designee. Requests for such leaves should include the
dates and times the administrative/exempt employee wishes to be absent and
the necessary arrangements that would be made to cover the period of absence.
Leaves without pay shall result in a reduction of 1/261 of the annual contract for
each day of leave.
Administrator Returning to Faculty Status
Salary: An administrative/exempt employee who has tenure in a faculty
position, and who returns to a faculty assignment, shall be placed on the
current faculty salary grid after appropriate consideration has been given
to his/her administrative experience and length of service.
Annual (Vacation) Leave Accrual: Cash payment in lieu of accumulated
annual leave will be made subject to the provisions outlined in College
Policy 4728.
Sick Leave: Sick leave accrued by an administrative/exempt employee
will automatically transfer into the sick leave account in his/her faculty
status and be available per the terms and conditions of the language
regarding leave in the Faculty Agreement.
Termination/Separation of Administrative/Exempt Staff
An administrative/exempt employee who terminates or is terminated from
the College will receive terminal annual (vacation) leave pay subject to the
provisions outlined in College Policy 4728.
Payment for unused accrued sick leave will be as provided by law and
appropriate state directives.
The College reserves the right to reduce the terms of any/all
administrative/exempt employees’ contracts upon written notice. In the
event of a reduction in terms, the total salary and benefits shall also be
reduced on a pro-rata basis.
The College will provide the
administrative/exempt employee with a minimum of ten (10) days notice
prior to reduction or termination of contract.
2003 Administrative/Exempt Terms & Conditions of Employment
(Formerly titled Administrative/Exempt Salary Program)
Approved by President 6/26/95; rev 2/1/99; 8/14/01
Rev 6/16/03 by President’s Executive Staff
Page 3 of10
Administrative/Exempt Employee Transferring to SCC From Another State
Annual (Vacation) Leave:
An administrative/exempt employee who moves directly from another
Washington State higher education institution or agency to SCC, and who
has been accruing annual leave, will be eligible to transfer in annual leave
in accordance with College Policy 4728.
Sick Leave:
For an administrative/exempt employee moving directly from another
Washington State higher education institution or agency, and who has
been accruing sick leave, the full sick leave accrual from that agency will
be transferred to and accepted by SCC, subject to the conditions of Article
V above.
Other Benefits
Applicable benefits shall be extended to administrative/exempt employees, e.g.,
retirement, insurance benefits, tax-deferred annuities.
Some Specific Conditions for Contracts
See Attachment A.
Approved by:
President’s Executive Staff . . . . . . . . . . . June 16, 2003
2003 Administrative/Exempt Terms & Conditions of Employment
(Formerly titled Administrative/Exempt Salary Program)
Approved by President 6/26/95; rev 2/1/99; 8/14/01
Rev 6/16/03 by President’s Executive Staff
Page 4 of10
Some Specific Terms And Conditions
12-Month* Administrative/Exempt Contracts
(Contract Year: July 1 - June 30)
Work Days:
261 days minus 10 approved state holidays and 1 personal
holiday = 250 days
Salary Payment:
Set salary, paid over 24 payments per contract year
Sick Leave:
12 days (8 hrs/day) maximum of paid sick leave per year,
Paid for 10 official state holidays
Personal Holiday:
1 non-accruable paid personal holiday
Annual (Vacation)
Leave Accrual:
Earned at 16 hrs per calendar month (24 days per year) in
which employee is in paid status for 10 or more days, up to a
maximum of 60 days, and payable to a maximum of 35 days
at retirement**
Annual (Vacation)
Leave Day:
A day of absence that is pre-scheduled and pre-approved,
and reported and paid from the accrued vacation leave
account of the employee
For less than full time and/or a twelve-month contract, most specific terms and
conditions will be calculated on a pro-rata basis.
An employee contracted on a temporary basis must use accrued annual (vacation)
leave during the course of employment at SCC. All remaining accrued annual
(vacation) leave will be extinguished at the time of separation from SCC
employment. See Policy 4728 for details.
2003 Administrative/Exempt Terms & Conditions of Employment
(Formerly titled Administrative/Exempt Salary Program)
Approved by President 6/26/95; rev 2/1/99; 8/14/01
Rev 6/16/03 by President’s Executive Staff
Page 5 of10
Sabbatical leaves shall be available to administrative/exempt employees and shall be
granted in accordance with provisions specified under Parts A and B below.
The purpose of the sabbatical leaves shall be to make the employees more effective in
their positions.
Conditions and Terms
No more than three quarters of leave will be granted in one year to the total
administrative/exempt staff subject to this agreement.
A member of the administrative/exempt staff may apply for sabbatical leave after
completing at least nine consecutive full-time quarters, exclusive of summer quarter,
at Shoreline Community College. Normally, compensation shall be computed at up
to 4.77 percent of his/her salary per quarter of contracted service, exclusive of
summer quarter. Experience at other state-supported community colleges credited
to the individual upon hiring at Shoreline shall be allowed in the computation of
compensation. Normally, a maximum of eighteen (18) quarters may be counted,
resulting in a maximum compensation of 86 percent of salary. Sabbaticals shall be
granted in accordance with State Board guidelines and applicable state law,
specifically the appropriate provisions of Chapter 173, Laws of 1977, First
Extraordinary Session, now codified as RCW 28B.10.650, which are listed as
The remuneration from state general funds and general local funds for any
administrative leave granted shall not exceed the average of the highest
quartile of a rank order of salaries of all full-time teaching faculty holding
academic year contracts or appointments at Shoreline.
Normally, the remunerated professional leave for a period of more or less
than an academic year must be compensated at rates not to exceed a
proportional amount of the average salary as otherwise calculated for the
purpose of (a) above.
The granting of any such professional leave shall be contingent upon a
signed, contractual agreement providing that the recipient shall return to
Shoreline following his/her completion of leave and serve in a professional
Attachment B-1
2003 Administrative/Exempt Terms & Conditions of Employment
(Formerly titled Administrative/Exempt Salary Program)
Approved by President 6/26/95; rev 2/1/99; 8/14/01
Rev 6/16/03 by President’s Executive Staff
Page 6 of10
status for a period commensurate with the amount of leave granted. Failure
to comply with the provisions of such signed agreement shall constitute an
obligation of the recipient to repay to the institution any remuneration
received from the institution during the leave.
The aggregate cost of remunerated professional leaves awarded at
Shoreline, including the cost of replacement personnel, shall not exceed 150
percent of the cost of salaries which otherwise would have been paid to
personnel on leaves.
One 100% quarter, from among the three in Part A, Conditions and Terms 1., may
be awarded each year provided that such quarter is the only sabbatical the individual
receives that year.
A sabbatical leave recipient should not engage in gainful employment during his/her
leave unless such employment constitutes an integral part of the leave plan.
Normally, the College shall make every effort to reassign a person to his/her former
position. In instances where that does not occur, the College shall be obligated to
reassign a person returning from sabbatical leave to a professional position for which
s/he is qualified.
Normally, the length of the leave shall be no more than three quarters.
With the exception of annual (vacation) leave and seniority for sabbatical leaves, all
other benefits shall accrue to the administrator on sabbatical leave.
Sabbatical seniority shall be a deciding criterion when competing applications are of
equal merit. For administrative/exempt sabbatical purposes, sabbatical seniority
shall be the number of quarters of full-time administrative/exempt service, only for
Shoreline Community College District VII, elapsed since a previous sabbatical.
Leaves of absence shall not build toward sabbatical seniority. At the end of a threequarter sabbatical leave, sabbatical seniority shall revert to zero. A two-quarter
sabbatical leave shall result in a two-thirds reduction and a one-quarter sabbatical
leave in a one-third reduction in seniority.
Each applicant shall understand that, if selected, s/he is to carry out the terms of
his/her application in every particular. Any changes must be submitted to the
College President and through him/her to the Administrative/Exempt Sabbatical
Selection Committee for re-evaluation. Should the selection committee and the
College President decide the change is not appropriate, the sabbatical may be
Attachment B-2
2003 Administrative/Exempt Terms & Conditions of Employment
(Formerly titled Administrative/Exempt Salary Program)
Approved by President 6/26/95; rev 2/1/99; 8/14/01
Rev 6/16/03 by President’s Executive Staff
Page 7 of10
If any sabbatical recipient fails to honor this professional obligation, the selection
committee may recommend that the College President and the Board of Trustees
revoke the sabbatical and pursue any other action as seems appropriate to the
Selection Criteria
Two criteria shall be used to determine the recipients of sabbaticals:
The value of the proposed project and its relevancy to the College’s Strategic Plan.
This category shall include the value of the project in improving the applicant's own
effectiveness in his/her campus assignment, as well as any additional benefit to the
campus at large. Each member of the committee shall rank each applicant on a
scale of 1 to 10 for this category.
Applicant's current and previous contributions to the College community. This
category shall include the quality of the applicant's service to Shoreline Community
College, including effectiveness in his/her primary assignment, contributions to
college governance and to other committees and activities, and contributions on and
off campus that enhance the individual’s expertise and the College's reputation for
excellence. Each committee member shall rank each applicant on a scale of 1 to 5
in this category.
Application/Selection Procedures
All proposals must be submitted to the College President on or before January 15 for
the following contract year (July 1-June 30).
Copies of the sabbatical proposals will be given to each member of the
Administrative/Exempt Sabbatical Selection Committee. Each committee member
will rank the proposals as outlined under the criteria section.
The committee may elect to have personal interviews with any applicant for purposes
of amplification/clarification of proposals.
Each applicant's points shall be totaled, and the applicants shall be ranked in order.
The candidates with the greatest number of points shall be awarded the available
sabbaticals. Seniority, as defined in Part A, Conditions and Terms 8., shall be used
to break any tie. If there is still a tie, seniority in the present position will be the
determining factor.
Recommendations to award or not award sabbaticals will be sent to the College
President by February 1. Final decisions on Part A sabbaticals will be made by the
Attachment B-3
2003 Administrative/Exempt Terms & Conditions of Employment
(Formerly titled Administrative/Exempt Salary Program)
Approved by President 6/26/95; rev 2/1/99; 8/14/01
Rev 6/16/03 by President’s Executive Staff
Page 8 of10
Board of Trustees upon the recommendation of the College President as soon
thereafter as practicable.
In the event there are more qualified applicants than available sabbaticals, those
individuals not initially chosen shall be classified as alternates and ranked in order
under provisions previously outlined. These individuals shall be eligible for
sabbaticals should any of the original designees be forced to vacate their sabbatical
plans for any reason.
Selection Committee
The committee which evaluates applications for sabbaticals should be composed of six
administrative/exempt members: one each from Student Services, Administrative
Services, Academic Affairs, Human Resources, Technology Support Services, and
Workforce and Economic Development.
Each representative shall be elected by his/her area; in addition, each area shall elect one
The Administrative/Exempt Sabbatical Selection Committee will be chaired by a seventh
voting member appointed by the College President from the Operations Committee.
Final decisions on the formal sabbatical application process (Part A) will be made by
February 1 or as soon thereafter as practicable.
All administrative/exempt employees will receive notification of sabbaticals granted
through the formal process.
Should there be remaining sabbatical time, administrative/exempt employees may
submit an application to the College President requesting sabbatical leave under the
provisions of Part C.
In the event the total available sabbatical leave time is not utilized by
administrative/exempt staff members, it shall be possible to arrange for sabbatical leave of
less than one quarter's duration upon the approval of the College President.
Attachment B-4
2003 Administrative/Exempt Terms & Conditions of Employment
(Formerly titled Administrative/Exempt Salary Program)
Approved by President 6/26/95; rev 2/1/99; 8/14/01
Rev 6/16/03 by President’s Executive Staff
Page 9 of10
Application and selection procedures will be the same as in Part A, Application/Selection
Applications for sabbaticals granted under Part C may be received at any time after Part A
sabbaticals have been awarded for the ensuing year.
Attachment B-5
2003 Administrative/Exempt Terms & Conditions of Employment
(Formerly titled Administrative/Exempt Salary Program)
Approved by President 6/26/95; rev 2/1/99; 8/14/01
Rev 6/16/03 by President’s Executive Staff
Page 10 of10