Wildlife, Fisheries, and Ecology Ecosystem test

Wildlife, Fisheries, and Ecology Ecosystem test review
Define Environment
Define Ecosystem
What all is included in the environment of a fish?
Define Ecologist
Define Natural Resources
Define Renewable and Nonrenewable resources and give examples of each
Understand the major parts of a food chain and its definition
Define each A. Consumers B. Decomposers C. Producers
What is a hydrologic cycle?
Define each:A. Condensation B. Evaporation C. Transpiration
What role does carbon play in the atmosphere and how is it recycled?
Define Community
Define abiotic and biotic factors and know examples
Define succession
How is energy related to consumption?
Understand food webs
27. What is the name for the gradual process in which range or grass land first becomes
overgrown with brush and later trees turning it into a forest?
A. Ecological transformation
B. Ecological succession
C. Food web
D. Hydrological cycle
28. The "indicator species" for an ecosystem include the plants, animals and
microorganisms ecologists find there. TRUE or FALSE?
29. The term ecologists use for environmental conditions that limit the plants and animals
found in an ecosystem is:
A. Abiotic factors
B. Biotic factors
C. Biotic Limits
D. Abiotic Limits
30. Human impacts that have changed and depleted natural ecosystems have resulted in an
increase in world hunger. TRUE or FALSE?
31. The concept of sustainability can be applied to both agricultural and nonagricultural
activities. TRUE or FALSE?
32. Which of these ecosystems includes rivers, lakes and oceans?
A. Aquatic ecosystems
B. Deserts
C. Grasslands
D. Tundra
E. Wetlands
33. Which of these ecosystems includes evergreen forests found in northern U.S. states as
well as high elevation forests in Alaska and elsewhere?
A. Coniferous forests
B. Hardwood forests
C. Mixed conifer/hardwood forests
D. Swamp forests
E. Tropical rain forests
34. Which of these dry ecosystems is found mainly in the southwestern states?
A. Aquatic ecosystems
B. Deserts
C. Grasslands
D. Tundra
E. Wetlands
35. Which of these ecosystems is in Alaska and at high elevations in Western mountains?
A. Aquatic ecosystems
B. Deserts
C. Grasslands
D. Tundra
E. Wetlands
36. Which of these ecosystems is found in the Hawaiian islands?
A. Coniferous forests
B. Hardwood forests
C. Mixed conifer/hardwood forests
D. Swamp forests
E. Tropical rain forests
37. Tundra is an example of a major U.S. grassland. TRUE or FALSE?
38. Short grass prairie requires:
A. Adequate fertilizer
B. Frequent clipping
C. Low moisture
D. Desert conditions
39. The abiotic factors that favor grasslands limit the growth of several types of plants but
are favorable for plants with narrow, vertically arranged leaves and extensive underground
root systems. TRUE or FALSE?
40. Fire helps maintain a grassland because it:
A. Burns toxic chemicals
B. Leaves ash and litter for mulch
C. Increases humus
D. Burns brush and weakens trees
41. Which of these U.S. grasslands once covered what is now the central U.S. Corn Belt and
requires more moisture than other types?
A. Mixed grass prairie
B. Short grass prairie
C. Tall grass prairie
D. Tundra
42. Which wind conditions favor grasslands becoming a climax ecosystem?
A. Very little wind
B. Quite windy conditions
43. Which plants grow faster and recover more quickly from fire?
A. Grass
B. Trees
44. Which plant tends to dominate where rainfall is low and evaporation is high?
A. Grass
B. Trees
45. Grass plants have most of their biomass in their root system. TRUE or FALSE?
46. Name one of the ways grasslands have been disrupted in the United Sta1. A forest is an
area where there is a canopy of trees that covers 10 percent or more of the ground. TRUE
47. Conifers are trees that (one or more answers):
A. Have broad leaves and hardwood
B. Have needle-like leaves year-round
C. Survive best in areas with humid damp summers
D. Produce softwood
48. Which one or more of the following is/are benefits of maintaining a forest ecosystem?
A. Provides timber
B. Provides wildlife habitat
C. Stabilizes soil
D. Protects water quality
49. Even-aged forest management includes which one or more of the following?
A. Clear-cutting
B. Group selection cutting
C. Individual selection cutting
D. Seed tree cutting
E. Shelterwood cutting
50. Uneven-aged forest management includes which one or more of the following?
A. Clear-cutting
B. Group selection cutting
C. Individual selection cutting
D. Seed Tree Cutting
E. Shelterwood cutting
51. Which of these forests is dominated by an oak-gum-cyprus tree group?
A. Bottomland forests
B. Central forests
C. Northern forests
D. Southern forests
E. West Coast forests
F. Western interior forests
52. Which of these forests is dominated by oak-pine, loblolly-shortleaf pine and longleafslash pine groups?
A. Bottomland forests
B. Central forests
C. Northern forests
D. Southern forests
E. West Coast forests
F. Western interior forests
53. Which of these forests is dominated by oak-hickory tree groups and can be found from
eastern Texas to central Wisconsin?
A. Bottomland forests
B. Central forests
C. Northern forests
D. Southern forests
E. West Coast forests
F. Western interior forests
54. Which of these forests is dominated by tree groups such as white-red-jack pine, sprucefir, aspen-birch, and maple-beach-birch?
A. Bottomland forests
B. Central forests
C. Northern forests
D. Southern forests
E. West Coast forests
F. Western interior forests
55. Which of these forests does best in temperate regions with good soil and warm, humid
A. Coniferous forests
B. Deciduous forests
56. Which of these is an example of a primary succession?
A. One where soil is disturbed, such as in landslide or volcanic eruption
B. One where vegetation has been removed, but soil is not disturbed, such as by clearcutting.
57. Which food web is more complex?
A. One in a swiftly flowing stream
B. One in a slow-moving stream
58. Which one of the following is considered the basic producer of most aquatic food chains?
A. Rooted aquatic plants
B. Phytoplankton
C. Fish
D. Photosynthesis
59. Which one or more of the following abiotic factors are important to an aquatic
A. Temperature
B. Thermocline
C. Light
D. Water chemistry
60. Which substance makes up about 75 percent of the dissolved substances in ocean
A. Fertilizer
B. Nitrogen
C. Phytoplankton
D. Sodium chloride
61. A thermocline is most likely to occur during a summer heat wave. TRUE or FALSE?
62. Each plant species grows best within specific temperature ranges. TRUE or FALSE?
63. Where is solar energy most important in bodies of water?
A. Near the top of the water
B. Near the middle of the water
C. Near the bottom of the water
64. Lake Michigan would be an example of which type of aquatic ecosystem?
A. Flowing freshwater system
B. Ocean
C. Standing freshwater system
65. A small stream would be an example of which type of aquatic ecosystem?
A. Flowing freshwater system
B. Ocean
C. Standing freshwater system
66. Which is the largest of the aquatic ecosystems?
A. Flowing freshwater system
B. Ocean
C. Standing freshwater system
67. The least reliable indicator that an area is a true wetlands is:
A. The amount of standing water
B. The type of soils
C. The type of plants
68. Which category of wetlands has a restricted flow of water and often contains sphagnum
A. Bogs
B. Everglades
C. Marshes and emergent wetlands
D. Swamp wetlands
69. Wetlands can act like a huge sponge, collecting sediment and chemicals. TRUE or
70. Federal laws have been written to save wetlands mainly because of a desire to protect
wildlife and the natural beauty of the landscape. TRUE or FALSE?
71. Which of these terms means poorly drained?
A. Anaerobic
B. Hydric
C. Peat
72. Which of these terms means low in oxygen?
A. Anaerobic
B. Hydric
C. Peat
73. Which category of wetlands are dominated by free-standing, nonwoody plants such as
cattails and duckweed?
A. Bogs
B. Everglades
C. Marshes and emergent wetlands
D. Swamp wetlands
74. Which category of wetlands are dominated by trees, shrubs and other woody plants?
A. Bogs
B. Everglades
C. Marshes and emergent wetlands
D. Swamp wetlands
75. Which category of wetlands is found in an area in southern Florida about 50 miles wide
and 100 miles long?
A. Bogs
B. Everglades
C. Marshes and emergent wetlands
D. Swamp wetlands
76. Which of the following best describes why humans are considered to be a part of the
world's ecosystems?
A. Humans work in the environment.
B. Humans are associated with all parts and functions of the environment.
C. Humans consume plants and animals and can damage or improve ecosystems.
D. Humans must have a duty to sustain and conserve natural resources.
77. Which of these terms means things that are not living?
A. Abiotic
B. Biotic
78. Omnivores are a type of plant that produces food for carnivorous herbivores. TRUE or
79. Which of the following are examples of herbivores?
A. Llamas, cats, dogs, and wolverines
B. Horses, cattle, deer and sheep
C. Humans, chickens, bears and hogs
D. Coyotes, dog, bobcats and owls
80. What is the difference between an ecosystem and a biotic community?
A. Ecosystems are found in nature, while biotic communities include and have been
influenced by human activity.
B. A biotic community is a system of living organisms, while the ecosystem is a system of
living and nonliving factors.
C. Biotic communities are sensitive to human impacts, while ecosystems are more stable.
D. Ecosystems include rivers, lakes, streams and wetlands, while the biotic community is
made up of bacteria that decompose waste.
81. Which of these life forms captures solar energy to produce food?
A. Consumers
B. Decomposers
C. Producers
82. Which of these groups uses both plants and animals for its food?
A. Carnivores
B. Herbivores
C. Omnivores
83. Which of these groups thinks nature should be left intact as much as possible?
A. Conservers
B. Preservers
C. Users
84. Which of these groups thinks nature should be used for maximum economic value?
A. Conservers
B. Preservers
C. Users
85. Which of these groups wants to preserve nature, yet use natural resources for the
benefit of humans?
A. Conservers
B. Preservers
C. Users