A BRIEF STORY OF THE THEORY OF TORSION FIELD AND THE CONSEQUENTIAL TECHNOLOGY. Bozhidar Paliushev, Professor Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria A. ARE THERE ANY FACTS IN PHYSICS IN FAVOR OF THE NESSECITY TO INTRODUCE A NEW PHYSICAL FIELD? The official theoretical physics admits the existence of only four fundamental nature interactions: strong, weak, electromagnetic and gravitational. During the twenties and the thirties of the past century there were discovered many experimental data indicating that those four fundamental interactions cannot describe and explain all the observable facts and occurrences. For example, a conventional theoretical explanation for the source of the emitted star and cores of galaxies energy as a result only of the fusion of nuclei of light elements hydrogen, deuterium, tritium, helium, lithium and others ‒ this simply cannot justify the all emitted energy of these celestial objects. The reason for the obvious occurrence is that there are not enough neutrinos particles radiated by the stars in order to be accurate the conventional model of the radiation of mentioned objects. They are looked as eternally functioning giant reactors of thermonuclear synthesis of light elements nuclei ‒ in essence eternal hydrogen bombs. During the nuclear devices explosion trials after the World War Two it was marked another interesting fact . Exploring such detonations it was observed that the emitted energy by the thermonuclear devices far exceeds the previously evaluated power. In the mid-twenties of the past century the Russian scientist Nikolai Kozirev enounced the assumption of existence of different source of energy in the stars that is triggered by the thermonuclear detonation itself and converted in additional energy radiation. In other words this is an assumption of the existence of a new fundamental physical interaction different than the already known four kinds. This interaction is higher and more powerful than well known strong interaction ensuring the stable existence of nuclei of chemical elements . Few years later Kozirev formulates the hypothesis that the observed exceeding star energy sources are resulted by the dynamic of additive distortion of space-time structure provoked by the energy of the common thermonuclear processes in the stars. Thermonuclear detonation in the depths of the stars and cores of galaxies additionally distorts the space-time established on the base of general relativity theory of Einstein, considering only the impact of existing mass of the celestial objects. In such way the provoked additional distortion of the space-time by the emitted thermonuclear energy turns itself in the surplus of energy of the emission of these celestial objects. Another fact in favor of existence of the new physical field is the explosion of so called supernova. A supernova is extremely rarely observed star in the depths of the Universe. In its explosion an incomprehensible energy source is manifested unknown for the conventional science. The calculations show that during such explosion is evolved energy relatively equal to the energy emitted by 100 000 suns. B. Various laboratory experiments confirming the existence of the new kind of fundamental physical interaction. In 1936 the German physicist Ronald Richter who worked in the Wehrmachtʼ s program in constructing a nuclear bomb discovers interesting occurrences caused by plasma shock waves. In his trials he was convinced that the shock waves acquitting in plasma ambience could be used for the induction of nuclear reactions caused by the collision of powerful turbulent plasma flow of hydrogen, deuterium, tritium and lithium which means “controlled nuclear synthesis”. The idea Richter had in mind, proposed from him before the discovery of chain fission of U235ʼ nuclei by Otto Hahn in 1938, had an immediate military application. That is because if it is possible to cause a thermonuclear processʼ induction and control, therefore it is possible to cause similar to explosion and uncontrollable chain reaction of thermonuclear synthesis. The opposite reaction is a “pure hydrogen bomb” exploding without preliminary detonation of Uranium atomic bomb. In other words the German scientists were on their way of discovering thermonuclear bomb 15 years before the Americans and the Russians who created thermonuclear explosion using Uranium bomb. During the World War II some German scientists supervised by the Nobel prize winner in physics Walter Gerlach and Kurt Dibner initiated an experiment in order to discover an induction of thermonuclear reaction by deuterium using strongly provoked explosive convergent shock waves. These scientists, as well as Richter refer to the result of the solution of equation of Guderley which describes the convergent shock waves in extremely turbulent ambience. Richter adds something very substantially to those trials. He claims that the key control instrument of thermonuclear reaction of synthesis is based on the resonance between the frequency of precession of Larmor (the frequency of precession of the vector of the lithium-7 atomʼ electromagnetic field) and the frequency of oscillating external electromagnetic filed created by a special generator. According to Richter the resonance in question increases effectively the intensity of the used magnetic field in the trials with turbulent plasma flows in values of the order of 15 000 G. With such intensity of the magnetic fields there might be some zones in the plasma shock flows in which the temperature according the determinations of Guderley could reach a critical rate necessary for inducting a thermonuclear reaction of synthesis. The obtained results by Richter were contested by most world physicists including the notable German scientists and Nobel prize winners, in physics Werner K. Heisenberg and in chemistry Otto Hahn. After the World War II in 1948 Richter went to Argentina where he managed to convince the dictator Peron in the success of his trials to discover a thermonuclear bomb without the use of uranium bomb. Peron allocates large amount of money and builds a huge research center in the distant island situated city of San Carlos de Bariloche where it was provided all necessary equipment for continuation of the trials of the scientist. The dictator made an unreasonable commitment to the society declaring his preliminary expectations to build an Argentinian thermonuclear bomb years before the Americans and the Russians. Unfortunately Richter did not complete the expectations for controlled thermonuclear synthesis and Peron forced to terminate his support to this experiment. Peron even nominated a commission by Argentinian nuclear specialists to investigate Richterʼ work. Commissionʼ conclusion was that by trials with plasma shock waves it is impossible to create conditions that initiate thermonuclear process. Due to the following reasons: the necessary temperature for 1% of nuclei of light elements to start a reaction is at least 40 millions K°. In Richterʼ device the hottest zone of the voltaic arc the temperature does not raise more than 4 000 K°. In similar experiments the Russian scientist Pyotr Kapitsa could reach temperatures in order of 100 000 K°. Richterʼ model contrdicts the conventional conception of the mechanism of thermonuclear synthesis according to which the stars are giant hydrogen bombs in state of continuous detonation because of their huge gravitational and thermal gradients that keep the temperature high enough to occur the process. The official statement is that a chain reaction of synthesis in hydrogen bomb can be activated only by extremely high temperature produced by the explosion of uranium atomic bomb ‒this is the only explanation of such a reaction. Richterʼ allegations assimilate those of Fleischmann-Pons for ʻ old ʼ thermonuclear synthesis achieved through a simple hardware for ʻ lectrolysisʼ Such allegations are impossible according to the conventional physics model of thermonuclear synthesis. Richter ʼ further works are under attacs because Peron anticipates the researches and prematurely declares Argentina has created a device for controlled thermonuclear synthesis without the use of the fission of atoms of U235. Such a device makes meaningless the construction of expensive machines like “Tokamak” where the control of plasma flows of hydrogen, deuterium, tritium and lithium is implemented by powerful magnetic fields. In his trials in San Carlos de Bariloche Richter involuntarily discovered something different of his own expectations. Instead of gamma-radiation and flow of neutrons (a sign for thermonuclear synthesis) he observed emitting of additional electromagnetic energy that quantities significantly exceeded the energy of the injected plasma flows. He already had a result like this back in 1942 but he interpreted it incorrectly as success in obtaining constant and stable thermonuclear synthesis reaction in plasma using shock waves and not using the billion dollar system of magnetic confinement “Tokamak”. Then Richter believed he discovered a “pure hydrogen bomb” which fact gave him reason to sign the contract with Peron. The insufficient result from the trials in San Carlos de Bariloche could not prevent him from claiming that his project was a continuation and a distension of the project “The Bell” ‒the most highly classified secret scientific project in Nazi Germany. What exactly is the essence of the notorious German project “The Bell”? The German scientists were creating devices using super intensive electromagnetic fields. They were expecting those fields would activate an additional dynamics in the space-time structure that would allow the opening of peculiar “ holes ” in the distorted by the Earth mass space-time. Using those “holes” they could sweep into “other worlds”, travel in space-time, and create the Time machine. After the WW II the American scientists applied such super intensive electromagnetic fields in famous “Philadelphia experiment”. They applied so powerful electromagnetic fields on a ship that it actually suffered an effect by the activated space-time structure. This ship was spontaneously removed 100 km from the trial location. All the experimental results could not be explained by the conventional science. Forty years after those exiting events the Russian scientist Alexander Sorochinski discovers a new interesting occurrence. Probably the captured German scientists who worked for the USSR after the WW II have told Sorochinski about Richterʼ trials. He decided to use water under high pressure using a special device created from him instead the expensive plasma shock flows. He used titan which is known by hardness and resistance to external mechanical actions. Titan was used in nuclear missile production in USSR where Sorochinski was working. He pierced through a metal titanium block very thin channels and then pushed cold water under high pressure through the entrance of the device. The amazement was immeasurable ‒the flowing out water was heated up to 100 and above C°. The water was heated without the use of petrol, gas, or coals as normally in practice. The only energy used in these trials was electricity for the pump that drove the water through the device. That is the actual discovery of the known today torsion technology for obtaining heat energy. Such devices have been used for heating the Russian submarins. Later in the years Sorochinski contacted the Bulgarian businessman Hristo Stoyanov and they together initiated the unique Bulgarian-Ukrainian torsion generators company in the world. The company was called “Demetra-Geya 94”. What they did not know was that in contemporary physics already existed a theory which suitable explained Richterʼ results and the results they received in the torsion devices. They contacted the theorists of the torsion field and received valuable knowledge for their product ‒the torsion generator. Later studies discovered the application of the generator in many other areas of life like filtration of polluted water, production of industrial electricity, food industry and treatment of diseases. In all various applications of torsion technology there are two distinctive qualities ‒ low-cost production of heat and electromagnetic energy and no environment problems created from this technology. Notable specialists in field of energetics consider that torsion technology can radically change the production of electricity in the world. Recently the management of “Demetra-Geya 94” was retaken from a highly qualified investors group from United Kingdom which undoubtedly will contribute for further development and world distribution of this technology. The theory of torsion field is elaborated by Russian, Ukrainian and Bulgarian scientists. In Russia it is known by the name “Theory of torsion field”, in Bulgaria as “Physics of God”. In its essence the theory is strict scientific summary of Kozirevʼ ideas and few occurrences discovered later in quantum mechanics like “quantum non-locality”. For example in this theory the excess of electromagnetic energy, which Richter achieved in his trials, is explained by the fact that the tensions created in dynamical turbulent plasma flows increased by the resonance between the frequency of precession of Larmor which is peculiar to the electromagnetic vector of lithium-7 atom and the frequency of electromagnetic radiation created by a special generator, both creating conditions for activating the particular “ atom ” structure of the space-time as a source of additional energy in the trials. In fact the “atom” structure of the space-time in this theory is plausible attempt for quantification (atomization) of the space-time, the atoms of which generate the torsion field. Essentially this is an acceptable option of quantum theory of the gravitational interaction, an option that creates a possibility to synthesis of quantum mechanics and the general theory of relativity of Einstein‒a dream of many generations of physicists. This quantized space-time model is the logical explanation of heating the water in torsion generator of Sorochinski and as well as an explanation of the results of the German and American scientists in the project “The Bell”. Richter defined the additional energy by the mentioned options of “atom” structure of space-time as “energy of point zero”. Then he decided this energy was a result by the implosion of the plasma which is leading to a whole new source of energy. In the new torsion theory this energy received its scientific determination. The space-time has a grid cell structure that can be activated by external tensions and energies originated in substantial form of matter. Such tensions and energies are the thermonuclear energy in stars and core of galaxies, energy of plasma shock waves, energy of water streams under high pressure in Sorochinskiʼ device. The activated from those energies and tensions “atom” structure of space-time becomes a source of physical powers of a new kind. They produce more quantity of energy that conventional Physics cannot define. It becomes very clear that the “atom” structure of space-time is a source of a new fundamental physical field called torsion field. That is shortly the story of the torsion field theory and the resulting technology. In conclusion it can say that it is still under question the possibility of constructing a device for controlled thermonuclear synthesis based on the knowledge of torsion field and also is it possible the construction of an “pure” torsion hydrogen bomb for which explosion is not necessary an explosion of uranium atomic device?