Administrative Evaluation Tool

Annual Evaluation
This EVALUATION INSTRUMENT reflects content from the evaluation tools developed by the
Pennsylvania Association of School Administrators (PASA) who patterned their evaluation
instrument from the Iowa Association of School Administrators, the AIU Executive Director’s
Evaluation instrument, and other evaluation tools available from various Intermediate Units
and Associations nationally.
The evaluation instrument is based upon leadership standards consistent with those required
for alignment with approved Act 48 professional development credits and appropriate to the
role of a leader.
To implement the use of the instrument, the supervisor will review the ongoing, expected
performance indicators and annually make recommendations to modify, with validation,
indicators, as appropriate.
represent indicators established annually. (These are annual performance goals personalized
by “the leader.”)
Annual Performance Indicators should be established and reviewed with your
Supervisor by November 30th, copies should be kept by you and your Supervisor.
Mid-Year Evaluation Review and Summary page to be completed by February 28th.
Final Evaluation Review and Summary page to be completed and submitted
electronically to Human Resources by September 30th.
I. Leadership Standards
Standard 1 (Strategic Leadership and Vision)
The Leader has the knowledge and skills to think and plan strategically, to create and sustain an
organizational vision that promotes learner success.
Standard 2 (Communications and Community Relations)
The Leader collaborates, communicates, engages, and empowers others inside and outside of
the organization to pursue excellence in learning and delivery of all educational services.
Standard 3 (Ethics and Professionalism)
The Leader operates in a fair and equitable manner with personal and professional ethics and
Standard 4 (Regional Leadership)
The Leader advocates for education in the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural
Standard 5 (Organizational Leadership – Operations, Fiscal, and Resource Management)
The Leader utilizes a thorough understanding of budget and finance, allocation of intermediate
unit resources, human resource management, and systems management for effective results.
Standard 6 (Data Informed Decision Making)
The Leader knows how to access and use appropriate data to make informed decisions at all
levels of the system.
Standard 7 (Professional Growth of Self and Others)
The Leader supports professional growth of self and others.
II. Overall Job Performance Evaluation Based Upon Job Description
III. Annual Performance Goals
Identification and then performance evaluation of three annual goals affiliated with the “4
cores of credibility” or “13 behaviors” from The Speed of Trust and/or the “five practices of
leadership” from Kouzes and Posner’s Leadership Challenge. Note: This will change annually
and be reflective of and correlate to the annual goals of the organization, aligned with the
strategic plan.
Evaluation Scale
The “Evaluation Scale” is built upon a four-point Likert Scale. Philosophically, the intent is to be
“excellent” or better in all that we do. “Need for Growth and Development” demonstrates an area
where “getting better” is needed but does not preclude a poor performing employee, unless all or a
substantial amount of categories/indicators are “Need for Growth and Development” or
Note: An evaluation of a standard of “Need for Growth and Development” or “Unsatisfactory” by an
individual Supervisor must be accompanied by supporting evidence as to what is in need of growth and
development /unsatisfactory and suggestions for remediation. For any standard deemed to be
“unsatisfactory” or “need for growth and development,” a remediation plan will be developed and
agreed upon by the Supervisor and Director of Human Resources. If an individual indicator is deemed by
the Supervisor to be “unsatisfactory”, a remediation plan may also be developed.
Outstanding – Exceeds Standards of the Allegheny Intermediate Unit
Frequently demonstrates skills, knowledge, and attitudes that exceed the described standard. Quality
and quantity of work demonstrating this standard are always excellent and/or outstanding. Requires
practically no supervisory direction. Completes assignments on time.
Excellent – Meets the Expected Standards of the Allegheny Intermediate Unit
Routinely demonstrates skills, knowledge, and attitudes that meet the described standard. Quality and
quantity of work are most often excellent. Requires minimal supervisory direction. Completes
assignments on time.
Need for Growth and Development – Fails to Consistently Meet the Expected Standards of
the Allegheny Intermediate Unit (Needs to GET BETTER)
Occasionally demonstrates skills, knowledge, and attitudes that meet the described standard. Quality
and quantity of work demonstrating this standard at times meets the expectations but on multiple
occasions, work needs improvement. Requires more than a normal amount of supervisory direction.
Usually completes related assignments on time.
Unsatisfactory/Unacceptable – Fails to Meet the Expected Standards of the Allegheny
Intermediate Unit
Rarely or never demonstrates skills, knowledge, and attitude that meet the described standard. Quality
and quantity of work demonstrating this standard do not meet the expectations of the organization.
Requires significantly more than a normal amount of supervisory direction.
Unable to Judge
This rating is included in the scale so that a supervisor may acknowledge his/her inability to provide a
rating given their lack of observation of the Leader’s performance as it relates to the standard. This will
not add or detract from the rating of each standard in the evaluation.
Standard 1 (Strategic Leadership and Vision)
The Leader has the knowledge and skills to think and plan strategically, to create and sustain
a vision and culture that promotes academic and organizational success.
Performance Indicators:
Provides leadership for initiatives and change.
Utilizes research and/or best practices to improve or create educational programs or services to
benefit the entities that are served.
Ensures that annual goals are developed and aligned to the goals of the organization.
Articulates and promotes high expectations and excellence for all programs and services offered
by the Allegheny Intermediate Unit.
Communicates effectively to various stakeholders regarding progress.
Communicates openly and honestly, internally and externally, among ourselves and our
constituents, so that transparency is evident and opinions and ideas of all associated with our
organization are valued. (Develop TRUST within and outside of our organization.) ALSO
Mid Year Review
Self-Evaluation comments by the Employee:
Challenges communicated by the Supervisor:
Supervisor Evaluation (Check ONE):
Exceeds Standards (Outstanding)
Meets Standards (Excellent)
Fails to Consistently Meet Standards (Need for Growth and Development)
Rarely Meets Standards (Unsatisfactory/Unacceptable)
Unable to Judge
Supervisor Comments:
Final Evaluation
Self-Evaluation comments by the Employee:
Challenges communicated by the Supervisor:
Supervisor Evaluation (Check ONE):
Exceeds Standards (Outstanding)
Meets Standards (Excellent)
Fails to Consistently Meet Standards (Need for Growth and Development)
Rarely Meets Standards (Unsatisfactory/Unacceptable)
Unable to Judge
Supervisor Comments:
Standard 2 (Communications and Community Relations)
The Leader collaborates, communicates, engages, and empowers others inside and outside of
the organization to pursue excellence in learning and delivery of all educational services.
Performance Indicator:
Articulates writing and speaking in a manner that is consistent with educational standards.
Interprets and executes the intent of board policies, regulations, and directives of the Allegheny
Intermediate Unit and the Pennsylvania Department of Education.
Maintains an effective and impartial working relationship with peers as well as all those whom
he/she supervises.
Communicates high expectations to the staff.
Keeps the Board informed of activities of the Intermediate Unit as well as pending legislation
and regulations affecting the Allegheny Intermediate Unit and the schools.
Engenders the trust and support of the School Districts and/or other entities served through
effective communication and high quality, cost effective services.
Handles media relations skillfully, and regularly demonstrates sound judgment when
communicating with the public.
Speaks and listens effectively.
Keeps people informed by sharing accurate information in a timely manner.
Uses appropriate communication modes, including current technologies to communicate.
Models the behavior expected of others.
Responds appropriately and timely to all forms of communications.
Communicates openly and honestly, internally and externally, among ourselves and our
constituents, so that transparency is evident and opinions and ideas of all associated with our
organization are valued. (Develop TRUST within and outside of our organization.)
Removes barriers, perceived or real, between the 42 county school districts and the Allegheny
Intermediate Unit, so that there is a common belief that we are a team working together to
provide service, to share ideas, to collaborate, and to innovate, all for the sake of being the best
for the children in Allegheny County.
To maintain and improve communication with the professional and administrative staff at
Duquesne by creating workflow process to support the HR functions.
Mid Year Review
Self-Evaluation comments by the Employee:
Challenges communicated by the Supervisor:
Supervisor Evaluation (Check ONE):
Exceeds Standards (Outstanding)
Meets Standards (Excellent)
Fails to Consistently Meet Standards (Need for Growth and Development)
Rarely Meets Standards (Unsatisfactory/Unacceptable)
Unable to Judge
Supervisor Comments:
Final Evaluation
Self-Evaluation comments by the Employee:
Challenges communicated by the Supervisor:
Supervisor Evaluation (Check ONE):
Exceeds Standards (Outstanding)
Meets Standards (Excellent)
Fails to Consistently Meet Standards (Need for Growth and Development)
Rarely Meets Standards (Unsatisfactory/Unacceptable)
Unable to Judge
Supervisor Comments:
Standard 3 (Ethics and Professionalism)
The Leader operates in a fair and equitable manner with personal and professional ethics and
Performance Indicators:
Demonstrates values, beliefs, and attitudes that inspire others to higher levels of performance.
Demonstrates a positive, professional relationship with constituents and all those with whom
he/she works.
Fosters and maintains supportive professional relationships with staff.
Maintains high standards of ethics, honesty, and integrity, engendering the trust of Board
members, school administrators, community members, and Allegheny Intermediate Unit staff.
Ensures consistent, non-biased implementation of the Collective Bargaining Agreements,
policies and procedures of the Allegheny Intermediate Unit.
Maintains an open, professional work environment conducive to suggestions for improvement
and ongoing discussion.
Conducts a thorough, transparent, and fair interview process, seeking and recommending only
the highest quality candidates for hire.
Supports high quality standards with for all employees whom he/she supervises.
Displays tact, patience, fairness, and courtesy in human relations.
3.10 Exhibits an appearance that sets a good example for others.
3.11 Achieves desired quantity and quality of work.
3.12 Is conscientious and reliable; can be depended upon to get the job done.
3.13 Is self motivated and maintains a positive and respectful attitude; initiates actions and finds
solutions to problems.
3.14 Ensures that all staff are properly certificated for their assigned role.
Mid Year Review
Self-Evaluation comments by the Employee:
Challenges communicated by the Supervisor:
Supervisor Evaluation (Check ONE):
Exceeds Standards (Outstanding)
Meets Standards (Excellent)
Fails to Consistently Meet Standards (Need for Growth and Development)
Rarely Meets Standards (Unsatisfactory/Unacceptable)
Unable to Judge
Supervisor Comments:
Final Evaluation
Self-Evaluation comments by the Employee:
Challenges communicated by the Supervisor:
Supervisor Evaluation (Check ONE):
Exceeds Standards (Outstanding)
Meets Standards (Excellent)
Fails to Consistently Meet Standards (Need for Growth and Development)
Rarely Meets Standards (Unsatisfactory/Unacceptable)
Unable to Judge
Supervisor Comments:
Standard 4 (Regional Leadership)
The Leader advocates for public education in the larger political, social, economic, legal,
and cultural context.
Performance Indicators:
4.1 Enhances the professional image of the Allegheny Intermediate Unit by being highly visible
and representing the organization and schools at educational and community functions as
4.2 Attends professional meetings, conferences and conventions to benefit the Allegheny
Intermediate Unit and the region’s schools, followed with communication of appropriate
information and recommendations.
4.3 Advocates respectfully and appropriately for issues beneficial to the learners/students/schools
in the region.
4.4 Appropriately represents the Allegheny Intermediate Unit at the state levels.
Mid Year Review
Self-Evaluation comments by the Employee:
Challenges communicated by the Supervisor:
Supervisor Evaluation (Check ONE):
Exceeds Standards (Outstanding)
Meets Standards (Excellent)
Fails to Consistently Meet Standards (Need for Growth and Development)
Rarely Meets Standards (Unsatisfactory/Unacceptable)
Unable to Judge
Supervisor Comments:
Final Evaluation
Self-Evaluation comments by the Employee:
Challenges communicated by the Supervisor:
Supervisor Evaluation (Check ONE):
Exceeds Standards (Outstanding)
Meets Standards (Excellent)
Fails to Consistently Meet Standards (Need for Growth and Development)
Rarely Meets Standards (Unsatisfactory/Unacceptable)
Unable to Judge
Supervisor Comments:
Standard 5 (Organizational Leadership – Operations, Fiscal, and
Resource Management)
The Leader utilizes a thorough understanding of budget and finance, allocation of
intermediate unit resources, human resource management, and systems management for
effective results.
Performance Indicators:
Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of the fiscal operations of the Allegheny
Intermediate Unit and specifically the program budget(s) which are supervised in accordance
with the program’s regulations, goals, guidelines, and fiscal constraints.
Maintains a sound fiscal operation, insisting on competent and efficient performance.
Explores funding sources such as Foundation funding, grant opportunities, and marketing of
products and services consistent with the philosophy and mission of the Allegheny Intermediate
Organizes and controls work responsibilities to assure quality and excellence.
Anticipates and responds to the needs of the Allegheny Intermediate Unit and its constituents.
Effectively administers all aspects of the collective bargaining units, Act 93 Agreements,
contracts, and standards of employee job descriptions in the Allegheny Intermediate Unit to
assure high quality performance.
Institutes sound employee relations programs to improve relationships between and among all
staff members.
Ensures that AIU3 student programs are operated in a safe and effective manner which is
conducive to student learning.
Seeks out and implements, as appropriate, best practices from fellow professionals, workshops,
reading, study groups, the Internet and other resources.
Mid Year Review
Self-Evaluation comments by the Employee:
Challenges communicated by the Supervisor:
Supervisor Evaluation (Check ONE):
Exceeds Standards (Outstanding)
Meets Standards (Excellent)
Fails to Consistently Meet Standards (Need for Growth and Development)
Rarely Meets Standards (Unsatisfactory/Unacceptable)
Unable to Judge
Supervisor Comments:
Final Evaluation
Self-Evaluation comments by the Employee:
Challenges communicated by the Supervisor:
Supervisor Evaluation (Check ONE):
Exceeds Standards (Outstanding)
Meets Standards (Excellent)
Fails to Consistently Meet Standards (Need for Growth and Development)
Rarely Meets Standards (Unsatisfactory/Unacceptable)
Unable to Judge
Supervisor Comments:
Standard 6 (Data Informed Decision Making)
The Leader knows how to access and use appropriate data to inform decision making at all
levels of the system.
Performance Indicators:
Establishes a system to gather both qualitative and quantitative feedback (Internal and External
as appropriate) regarding the value of services and or products provided.
Identifies essential data required to make informed decisions about Allegheny Intermediate Unit
products and/or services.
Using data to drive decisions and be a premier resource and provider of high quality
technological services which enhance educational opportunities, improve efficiency, increase
knowledge, and/or increase program availability within the organization and to all those whom
we serve.
Auditing HR data in both CSIU and Pentamation for accuracy. Correcting and maintaining the
data in both systems. Using the systems to the fullest extent to be able to make decisions based
on data.
Mid Year Review
Self-Evaluation comments by the Employee:
Challenges communicated by the Supervisor:
Supervisor Evaluation (Check ONE):
Exceeds Standards (Outstanding)
Meets Standards (Excellent)
Fails to Consistently Meet Standards (Need for Growth and Development)
Rarely Meets Standards (Unsatisfactory/Unacceptable)
Unable to Judge
Supervisor Comments:
Final Evaluation
Self-Evaluation comments by the Employee:
Challenges communicated by the Supervisor:
Supervisor Evaluation (Check ONE):
Exceeds Standards (Outstanding)
Meets Standards (Excellent)
Fails to Consistently Meet Standards (Need for Growth and Development)
Rarely Meets Standards (Unsatisfactory/Unacceptable)
Unable to Judge
Supervisor Comments:
Standard 7 (Professional Growth of Self and Others)
The Leader supports professional growth of self and others.
Performance Indicators:
Reads professionally and seeks to stays abreast of current trends and needs.
Participates in professional development opportunities to extend and expand upon knowledge,
skills, and competencies.
Seeks feedback of performance from others internal and external to the organization.
Promotes wellness for all employees.
Is receptive and encourages new ideas regarding services and programs.
Encourages staff to participate in appropriate professional development opportunities that
serve to promote academic excellence within the Allegheny Intermediate Unit.
Demonstrates the ability to assist and motivate others to achieve personal, professional, and
Allegheny Intermediate Unit goals.
Makes consistent effort to observe and evaluate programs to assure the organization is fulfilling
its mission and always working to “get better.”
Professional development on specific functions of HR: Negotiations, compensation, employment
Mid Year Review
Self-Evaluation comments by the Employee:
Challenges communicated by the Supervisor:
Supervisor Evaluation (Check ONE):
Exceeds Standards (Outstanding)
Meets Standards (Excellent)
Fails to Consistently Meet Standards (Need for Growth and Development)
Rarely Meets Standards (Unsatisfactory/Unacceptable)
Unable to Judge
Supervisor Comments:
Final Evaluation
Self-Evaluation comments by the Employee:
Challenges communicated by the Supervisor:
Supervisor Evaluation (Check ONE):
Exceeds Standards (Outstanding)
Meets Standards (Excellent)
Fails to Consistently Meet Standards (Need for Growth and Development)
Rarely Meets Standards (Unsatisfactory/Unacceptable)
Unable to Judge
Supervisor Comments:
Performance Evaluation Related to Employee’s Job Description
The overall performance of the employee’s job responsibilities should be reviewed.
Mid Year Review
Self-Evaluation comments by the Employee:
Challenges communicated by the Supervisor:
Supervisor Evaluation (Check ONE):
Exceeds Standards (Outstanding)
Meets Standards (Excellent)
Fails to Consistently Meet Standards (Need for Growth and Development)
Rarely Meets Standards (Unsatisfactory/Unacceptable)
Unable to Judge
Supervisor Comments:
Final Evaluation
Self-Evaluation comments by the Employee:
Challenges communicated by the Supervisor:
Supervisor Evaluation (Check ONE):
Exceeds Standards (Outstanding)
Meets Standards (Excellent)
Fails to Consistently Meet Standards (Need for Growth and Development)
Rarely Meets Standards (Unsatisfactory/Unacceptable)
Unable to Judge
Supervisor Comments:
Annual Performance Goals
The Annual Performance Goals of the Allegheny Intermediate Unit will be developed from
input from the Executive Director and approved by the Board of Directors. Annual
performance goals will be determined at the beginning of each year’s evaluation cycle and
should be based primarily on the intermediate unit’s strategic plan, other intermediate unit
priorities and the Executive Director’s own professional goals.
It is extremely important that the Board and Executive Director discuss the expectations of
the Board each year related to the annual goals in order to ensure clarity and attainment.
Annual Goals are listed separately in this section but should also be included with the
appropriate “standard” for evaluation in the document. In that section, they will be
underlined and in italics to emphasize an “annual goal.”
Annual Goal #1: Development of the thirteen behaviors identified in the Speed of Trust: Talk Straight,
Demonstrate Respect, Create Transparency, Right Wrongs, Show Loyalty, Deliver Results, Get Better,
Confront Reality, Clarify Expectations, Practice Accountability, Listen First, Keep Commitments, and
Extend Trust; or Four Cores of Credibility: Integrity, Intent, Capabilities, and Results. STANDARD #1 and
#2 or other(s) identified by the Leader.
Annual Goal #2: Inspire a Shared Vision by envisioning an uplifting and ennobling future; enlist others in
a common vision by appealing to their values, interest, hopes, and dreams. STANDARD #1 or other(s)
identified by the Leader.
Annual Goal #3: Challenge the Process by searching out challenging opportunities to change, grow,
innovate, and improve; experiment, take risks, and learn from the accompanying mistakes. STANDARD
#5, #6, #7 or other(s) identified by the Leader.
Annual Goal #4: Model the Way by setting the example by behaving in ways that are consistent with
shared values; achieve small wins that promote consistent progress and build commitment. STANDARD
#3 or other(s) identified by the Leader.
Annual Goal #5: Enable Others to Act by fostering collaboration by promoting cooperative goals and
building trust; strengthen people by giving power away, providing choice, developing competence,
assigning critical tasks and offering visible support. STANDARD #2 or other(s) identified by the Leader.
Annual Goal #6: Encourage the Heart by recognizing individual contributions to the success of every
project; celebrate team accomplishments regularly. STANDARD #6 or other(s) identified by the Leader.
Annual Goal #1:
Annual AIU Goal #
Standard #
Annual Goal #2:
Annual AIU Goal #
Standard #
Annual Goal #3:
Annual AIU Goal #
Standard #
MID-YEAR Evaluation Summary
(To be completed by February 28th)
Job Title:
Evaluation Period:
Need for
Growth and
Unable to
Standard #1
Standard #2
Standard #3
Standard #4
Standard #5
Standard #6
Standard #7
Evaluation of Job
Signature of Employee:
Signature of Supervisor:
Note: At the discretion of the evaluating supervisor, a standard may be eliminated with justification and
indicators may be added or deleted to ensure that an employee is being evaluated on Leadership Standards
and indicators that are consistent with his/her performance expectations. Supervisors are encouraged to
review the performance expectations outlined in the individual employee’s job description when making
modifications. Modifications should be discussed and shared with the employee.
FINAL Evaluation Summary
(To be completed and submitted electronically to Human Resources by September 30th)
Job Title:
Evaluation Period:
Need for
Growth and
Unable to
Standard #1
Standard #2
Standard #3
Standard #4
Standard #5
Standard #6
Standard #7
Evaluation of Job
Job Description
No Change
Changes (See Attached)
Signature of Employee:
Signature of Supervisor:
Note: At the discretion of the evaluating supervisor, a standard may be eliminated with justification and
indicators may be added or deleted to ensure that an employee is being evaluated on Leadership Standards
and indicators that are consistent with his/her performance expectations. Supervisors are encouraged to
review the performance expectations outlined in the individual employee’s job description when making
modifications. Modifications should be discussed and shared with the employee.