species appropriate nutrition



Diet Guidance for your Companion Animal




517.529.9073 www.theholisticanimal.com





"Modern physics, various eastern philosophies and ecology all have shown that we live in a unified

field. Our values, beliefs and wants must become attuned to the totality of life so that enlightened selfinterest is in concert with the greater good. This new world embracing ethic includes a universal reverence for all life including animal life. It is urgently needed... Holistic medicine respects and is attuned to the

"wisdom of the body". This wisdom, the connection between body sensitivity and mind awareness, has almost been lost to modern civilization which separates mind from body, man from animal and humanity from nature. Our bodies are not machines, nor are animals.

Holistic living is living in harmony with ourselves, each other and with nature as a whole: it is knowing that the quality of relationships influences our state of health as much as our temperament, perceptions, genetic constitution and such. The same holds true for the health of our pets. And, the more removed we and they are from nature, the more disharmony and suffering there will be in the world."

Dr. Michael W. Fox, D. Sc. Ph.D.

Table of Contents

Creating Healthy Pets Through Nutrition ...................................................................................................... 4

Canine Raw Food Diet Basics ........................................................................................................................ 8

Converting Cats to a Raw Food Diet ............................................................................................................ 13

Detoxification ............................................................................................................................................ 16

Nutritional Supplementation ...................................................................................................................... 19

Why Give Supplements? ......................................................................................................................... 19

Why is Nutrition Important? ................................................................................................................... 21

Supplements for your Companion Animal ................................................................................................... 23

Vitamins & Minerals .............................................................................................................................. 23

Probiotics .............................................................................................................................................. 23

Enzymes ................................................................................................................................................ 24

Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) .................................................................................................................... 26

Standard Process Formulas ........................................................................................................................ 29


SP – (Canine/Feline) Whole Body Support .............................................................................................. 34

Multizyme ............................................................................................................................................. 35

Zymex ................................................................................................................................................... 35

Zymex II ................................................................................................................................................. 35

SP Ordering Information ........................................................................................................................ 37

Feed-sentials ............................................................................................................................................. 39

Animal Essentials ................................................................................................................................................... 41

Ultra-pet Products (Total-zyme Plus) .......................................................................................................... 42

Garden of Life – Primal Defense ................................................................................................................. 43

Ω-Zyme ...................................................................................................................................................... 46

Carnivora ................................................................................................................................................... 49

Celestialpets .............................................................................................................................................. 58

ProZyme Feline .......................................................................................................................................... 58

ProZyme Original ....................................................................................................................................... 59

ProZyme Equine ......................................................................................................................................... 60

Other Vit/Min/Probiotics/Enzymes/ & EFAs (First Choice Naturals) ............................................................ 61

Antioxidants .............................................................................................................................................. 67


Creating Healthy Pets through Nutrition

With so many brands of pet food to choose from, most of us have forgotten about real food.

Should we be feeding our pets “people” food? Of course! Feeding your pet real food is simply what Mother Nature intended our four legged friends to eat. In fact, commercial pet food has only been in existence for about 75-100 yrs. Think about it like this: how would we feel if the only thing we ate every day of our entire lives was fortified cereal or fast food?

We wouldn’t be very healthy, and this is why most of our pets aren’t healthy either. With each passing year, we see more and more diseases in our pets such as allergies, immune-mediated diseases, cancer, and endocrine problems. Why are we doing this to our pets?

Advertising has us believe that the only choice we have in feeding our pets is which brand.

There is nothing live, or whole, and there is a lot missing. “Complete and balanced for all life stages” as stated on most bags/cans has very limited clinical testing trials for that claim.

What were our pets fed before packaged kibble? Real food and table scraps! We have to remember however, that table scraps back then consisted of a lot of fresh raw food from the kitchen, not the processed convenience foods of today’s fast paced lifestyle. Table scraps really got a bad name at veterinary clinics when people started feeding cooked bones and fat trimmings, which are not digestible and very dangerous to our pets.

What is the “raw food diet?”

The raw food diet is based on what dogs and cats eat in the wild. Although our pets have been domesticated for thousands of years, their physiological needs are still the same as that of wolves and lions. They have a short GI transit time and a high hydrochloric acid content in their stomach. They are evolutionarily designed to be digesting and assimilating raw foods. These are the building blocks for their immune system and for continual repair and rebuilding of their tissues, as well as for organ regeneration. When talking about raw foods, I am referring to raw meat and raw bones and pulped/grated raw vegetables.

Commercial pet food has only been in existence for a very short period of time when you compare it to an evolutionary time line and an animal’s internal body design has not changed. When did you ever see a wild animal eating oatmeal, shucking corn, or cooking rice? Their intestinal tract is designed to function as a carnivore

– grains should not be a key component of their diet. All commercial pet food contains moderate to high grain content as fillers. The details of the pet food industry and questionable contents in pet food are another story. Let’s just say that many of the preservatives, additives, and by-products used are known carcinogens. The ‘natural diets’ are still over-cooked and over-processed even if they are using decent raw ingredients and only natural preservatives. Cooking food completely denatures the protein structure and kills all natural enzymes found in the food.

Kibble is also sprayed with a fat-digest after it comes out of the extruder to give it palatability and that addictive quality.

When examining their gastrointestinal system, both cats and dogs should be classified as carnivores. Historically dogs have been considered omnivores because of their scavenger hunting adaptations, but cats are 100% true carnivores. In nature, both dogs and cats usually first consume the internal organs and entrails (intestinal tract) as well as the predigested vegetation, contained therein. They then move on to the muscle meat, and finally the bones until most of the entire carcass is consumed. Usually Salmonella and E. coli are not an issue for our companions because of their


gastrointestinal system design. Exposure is dose dependent and as long as feeding fresh meat, it is not an issue. After all, dogs lick their rear-ends daily, and dig up and chew on bones buried for indefinite periods, as well as indiscriminately eat other animal feces. Cats are typically too finicky to ever eat something spoiled. A few isolated cases of bacterial enteritis have been seen, but it usually involves severely debilitated animals that ingested an unfit meat supply.

There is also minimal risk to feeding raw bones. As long as they are raw, bones are soft, pliable, and digestible. (However, avoid fish bones.) Cooking bones completely changes their molecular structure, making them hard and brittle and a true danger to our pets.

Never feed cooked bones or cooked fat! Raw bones are an excellent source of absorbable calcium and phosphorus, and the cartilage is great source of glucosamine and chondroitin for joint health. The fat left on the bone is a good source of energy and the marrow provides many necessary nutrients. Our companions love bones! Owners love them too because gnawing bones can keep them busy for hours, and meaty bones help clean their teeth. They should be given gnawing bones on occasion

– soup bones and marrow bones (the butcher can slice them longitudinal or in cross-section depending on the size of the dog). Meaty bones should be a daily part of the diet

– chicken necks, duck necks and turkey necks, as well as chicken backs, wings, and drumsticks and even beef ribs or lamb bones.

All of this can be found at your local supermarket or butcher (you may have to do some investigating). Of course, hormone and antibiotic-free meats are preferred.

Health Benefits:

Health benefits of the raw food diet are endless, and often times can be noticed within days.

One will never seen these benefits with any commercial pet food nor any homemade cooked diet or diets with moderate to high grain content. In the beginning you’ll observe a softer, shinier coat that smells better, and bright, happy eyes. Other common ailments that often disappear include skin irritations, bad breath, digestive problems, lethargy, and suppressed appetite. Feeding real food allows their body to find balance, creating a state of homeostasis. This means all systems are functioning at an optimal level creating stronger immune systems, and therefore much less opportunity for disease. For example, animals’ digestive systems produce more acid to help breakdown the protein in meat. Think about it: dogs and cats in the wild don’t have to get dentals because they usually don’t have tartar! You may well see tartar literally fall off the teeth after converting to the raw food diet. Whenever a question arises, simply look to mother nature to find the answer.

Cats in the wild and those on a raw food diet very rarely drink water. This is because they get most of their moisture from their prey. Most cats however are plagued with kidney disease and urinary tract disease from years of trying to process dry kibble.

We see phenomenal changes in cats with a history of urinary tract problems or kidney disease when switched to the raw food diet. Hyperthyroidism was never identified in cats prior to commercial pet foods. Also more than 80% of the food allergy/intolerance cases resolve when converted to a raw diet. Meat proteins are less reactive in their more highly digestible raw form. Grains are typically the most highly reactive, and this is the key component of almost all commercial foods.

How to get started:

When should you start? When you are convinced of the health benefits, and that they outweigh any possible risks! Don’t do anything you can’t do with LOVE AND

CONFIDENCE. Use the resources listed to get more educated and then make an informed


decision. It’s never too late to start eating healthy, nor is it ever too early. However, we must remember that most of our pets were fed the same thing every day of their lives prior.

This is why people so often believe that changing their food is a bad idea. Introducing any change could possibly upset their systems, so take it one day at a time. See other handouts for more converting information. If you have an animal with an active health challenge, a holistic consultation prior to converting is advisable for organ system and immune support. For apparently healthy animals, start by mixing about 25% of the raw food diet in with 75% of their present food. If on the second day there are no digestive reactions such as vomiting or loose stools, try mixing 30% raw food to 70% of their present diet.

Follow this regime over a 5-7 day period until eventually they are on raw food 100%. In addition, while converting and for the first few months, add digestive enzymes to the food because they have been missing from the system for so long. Many argue it is a good lifelong supplement for overall better digestion and absorption and health. Prozyme and Total-zyme is a high quality, readily available brand of digestive enzymes. If you have problems or questions regarding converting to a raw food diet than seek holistic care with a veterinarian or holistic practitioner who routinely recommends the raw food diet. There are some cases where the pet just needs additional liver or immune support before conversion can be successful. This is especially true of immune-mediated or cancer cases.

Immuno-suppressive drugs and a low vital force may cause a decreased tolerance to the bacteria in raw meats. A homemade cooked diet may be in order in those cases until the immune system is supported. In all cases, expect some level of detoxification when switching to raw food. Typical detoxification signs include soft stools or mild diarrhea with mucus, eye discharge, and some increased itching. As toxins are liberated from the liver, sometimes an aggravation of old symptom patterns can occur. This is a sign of deeper healing talking place but we want to avoid any severe reactions or a “healing crisis.” If symptoms are severe or persist, a holistic veterinarian/practitioner who is a raw food diet advocate.

Feed with love and confidence

The raw food is the best for health and vitality for our companion pets. However, if you don’t feel comfortable with the raw food diet, I implore you to research it some more. (There are plenty of books, websites, and even email list serves).

At the very least

Never feed semi-moist foods or generics, and try to feed preservative-free. Avoid feeding all meat diet or all meat & grain diet for an extended period - it is severely deficient in many essential nutrients.

All homemade and raw diets need balancing!

The goal is balancing over time

– we sure don’t balance each meal in our diet. This isn’t rocket science, just common sense. The best pro-active approach is to add quality essential fatty acids and a vitamin mineral supplement to all diets, human and animal!



Natural Nutrition for Dogs and Cats by Kymythy Schultze.

This helpful little paperback book is a must. It’s beautifully written, and very easy to understand: an A-Z on feeding the raw diet, philosophy and ‘how to’ instruction. Available at most bookstores.

The Nature of Animal Healing by Martin Goldstein

This is a fantastic first book for your holistic vete rinary inquiries. The chapter on “The

The Complete Guide to Holistic Cat Care by Celeste Yarnall, PH.D and Jean Hofve, DVM


Exceptional and complete reference for cat lovers. Most info can be used for our canine friends also.

The Complete Holistic Dog Book by Jan Allegretti and Katy Sommers, DVM.

K9 Kitchen by Monica Segal

Holistic Animal Handbook - A Guidebook to Nutrition, Health and Communicationby Kate

Solisti-Mattelon & Patrice Mattelon; forword by Robert Silver, DVM.


The Whole Dog/Cat Journal (800) 829-9165

An invaluable resource, contains a wealth of information- now also available online.

Every issue has an article by a holistic veterinarian. Consumer reports for toys, treats, food (raw food diet reviews), training tools, equipment, etc.

Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation (619) 462-7600

The Health and Healing Journal. A great human and animal nutrition resource.


Search www.GOOGLE.com for “pets and raw food” or “BARF” (biologically appropriate raw food) http://www.healinghope.net/ Tamara Hebbler DVM. http://www.shirleys-wellness-cafe.com/ http://www.thehealthyhound.com/ California based company but informative. Provides raw food dinner delivery – what a concept! http://www.patmckay.com/ provides free ebooks http://www.kymythy.com/book-naturalnutritionforcats.html http://www.felinefuture.com/ http://bravorawdiet.com http://primalpetfoods.com http://hare-today.com

Jackson Co, MI (Linda Walker): Biologically appropriate (raw) pet food , plus dietary supplements and treats, available for purchase. sunapeeakitas.homestead.com/rawnhealthy.html


Do not leave raw meat products sitting at room temperature for long periods.

Do not keep raw meat products in the refrigerator for more than a few days.

Wash all surfaces & hands thoroughly that come in contact with raw meat.

Buy meat products from reputable sources and make sure it is fresh.



Raw foods are the most powerful healers for our companion animals. They are the most digestible and absorbable nutrients that we can provide. They are the building blocks for our animal’s innate healing abilities - tissue repair and organ regeneration.

The health benefits of the raw food diet surpass any other diet - homemade or commercial. The raw food diet is just as nature intended, an evolutionary diet fit for the digestive system of a carnivore / omnivore. Of course, organic and/or hormone and antibiotic-free is the best for all animals. However, just switching to a raw food diet is a quantum leap in nutrition and further steps in refinement are relatively minor in comparison. For example, homemade cooked recipes provide approximately 60% optimum absorbable nutritional value, whereas the highest quality commercial preservative-free pet food rates provide < 50% optimum absorbable nutritional value.

A balanced raw food diet provides 95% optimum absorbable nutritional value. Being a purest and offering only the best quality meats and organic vegetables as well as rotating vegetables and meats will increase the optimum absorbable nutritional value to

98%. Do the best you can for your circumstances.

Most dogs are so excited when they first get raw food – it is as if they have been waiting for real food all of their life. However, there are some dogs (especially small breeds) that can be a challenge and I recommend reviewing

“Converting Cats to a Raw Food

Diet” handout if you have one of those finicky eaters. You may want to try cooked meat at first and then slowly start cooking it less and less. Fasting dogs for 24-36 hours prior to introducing the raw food is helpful in minimizing detoxification symptoms (for more information on this, see the handout on Detoxification ). Use digestive enzymes (e.g.,

Prozyme, Total-zymes ect) for at least the first few months. Convert slowly by mixing 25% of the raw food with 75% of their present diet. Gradually increase the proportions of the raw and decrease the proportions of their current diet over 5-7 days until you are feeding 100% raw.

Just as with humans, nutritional caloric intakes of dogs vary greatly with metabolism.

This is not an exact science just as feeding ourselves is not a calculated effort for most people. The goal is to have an optimal “Body Condition Score” where they will eat far less raw food since more is absorbed and utilized for lean muscle tissue. In simplified terms, the optimal “Body Condition Score” is defined as a body condition where you can see a definitive waist in front of the hips (looking from above) and you can easily feel their individual ribs. Any intentional weight loss should be gradual. Weights should be checked at least every other week in the beginning so you can determine the maintenance amounts of food for your dog. Guidelines for amounts to feed for an adult dog of average health and activity are about 1 pound of food per 50 pounds of body weight . Sample menus are provided below. Puppies, pregnant and lactating animals, as well as animals with cancer could require more than twice this amount of food. Very active/working animals will also have higher requirements and might need special


balancing. Determine what works for your individual companion.


65 - 80% Raw Meat and Bones . The meat needs to be RAW – not cooked! For the most part concern over use of raw meat is unwarranted.

Bacterial overload such as E. coli or Salmonella as a result of feeding raw meat is simply not an issue. Everything has a natural balance and the digestive tracts of dogs are designed to ingest raw meat. As long as care is taken and the meat is not spoiled, there is not an issue with feeding raw meat.

However, precautionary steps may be indicated in animals with severely depressed immune systems.

Turkey, Chicken, Beef, Lamb, Venison, Goat, Rabbit and Fish are all acceptable sources of meat, but do NOT feed pork products, fish bones, or raw salmon. Raw meaty bone sources; chicken necks and backs, (wings and drumsticks are only for the experienced eater), turkey necks, and beef ribs are good sources of bone.

I recommend starting with ground meat and bones for the novice eater since gulping/inhaling raw bones can be a problem. Then after a few weeks slowly introduce chicken/turkey necks- section in smaller pieces at first if you have a “gulper.” Judge risks for your individual dog- some “gulpers” are better fed ground meat and bones only. After your pet has been on raw food for a while,vary the meat if you can, steady feeding of the same food can lead to hypersensitivities. Offering a variety of different meats is very beneficial, but just by feeding the raw food diet you are way ahead of the game. Variety at least 1-2 days a week is usually sufficient. Large breed puppies and geriatric animals should have a little less meat and bone in their diet.


– 10% Raw Organ Meat

. This includes liver, kidney, heart, etc. from all of the acceptable meats listed above. Organ meat can be offered a few times a week or include a small amount daily with the raw muscle meat.

20 - 30% Raw Vegetables . It is good to include both aboveground vegetables and root vegetables. Broccoli, cauliflower, dark leafy greens (spinach, kale, mustard greens, green leaf, endive), zucchini, carrots, peas, green beans, parsnips, turnips, cabbage, etc. are all possibilities. Herbs such as dandelion, parsley, carrot tops, etc. are excellent but need to be in small amounts. Corn is not recommended since it has been extensively genetically modified and many animals are sensitive to it. Large breed puppies and geriatric animals should have a little less meat and bone in their diet.

0 -10% Cooked grain. Grains are only occasionally recommended for extremely active dogs needing extra glycogen stores. Use grains carefully as they are the source of most food sensitivities. Of note are, yams, or sweet potatoes for


complex carbohydrates and well cooked organic steel-cut oats or Quina. Working dogs or very active dogs are the only ones that probably do better with a small amount of grain in the diet consistently.

0 - 5% Nuts and fruits . Great snacks and typical part of the evolutionary diet. Best to feed fruits alone as they are digested quickly and tend to ferment when fed with a meal. (peanuts not recommended because of associated allergies and toxins.)

Vitamin/Mineral Supplements . It is essential to supplement with additional vitamins and minerals since soils and harvests have been depleted by over-farming.

High quality supplements include Animal Essentials, Vetriscience products, Pat McKay’s products, TCInstincts, Celestial Pet, Kymythy’s kelp/alfalfa mix,

Catalyn by Standard Process

for dogs over 50# and

Canine Whole Body


by Standard Process for dogs less than 50#, etc. Also Vi Min

Essential Fatty Acids . Fatty acids rich in Omega-3 are also essential. There are many varied opinions regarding which are the best and in what combination (i.e., cod liver oil, flaxseed oil, evening primrose oil, salmon oil, borage oil, hemp seed oil, etc…). It is recommended that a variety be provided and combination formulas for that reason. Animal Essentials, RX Vitamins, Omega Nutrition, and Grizzly are some.


Calcium . Raw bones are the preferred main source of calcium, IF YOU CANNOT

FEED BONES, YOU MUST USE A CALCIUM SUPPLEMENT! Bone meal is not recommended due to frequent heavy metal contamination- know your source.

Good quality calcium supplements can be obtained from Animals Essentials, Pat

McKay, Celestial Pet, etc.

Eggs . Eggs are an excellent and highly absorbable source of protein. If the eggs are of high quality, (free range

–hormone and antibiotic free) they can be fed raw with the shells broken in small pieces. Depending on the size of the animal, one to several eggs twice weekly can be used as an additional protein source. In older animals, eggs can be fed daily to help with signs of senility.

Milk and milk products . Milk products are NOT recommended because most dogs lack the lactase enzyme which is essential for digestion of milk products; pasteurized cow’s milk can cause diarrhea and gas. However, raw milk (sheep, goat, cow) is very well tolerated and can be introduced slowly into the diet if you can find a high quality source. Processed or cultured dairy products (cheese, yogurt, kefir, panir, cottage cheese, etc) are usually fine in small amounts and work well for treats or supplement administration.

Fasting . Routine weekly fasting for liver detoxification is a good idea. I recommend starting with 12 hours and gradually working up to 24 hours. Smaller breeds may do better with 12 hour fasts. Always provide fresh water.



Commercial raw, frozen canine diets can be found via bravorawdiet.com, Primal, Honest

Kitchen, hare-today.com or google raw canine diet etc.

Start with ground bone or chicken necks depending on your comfort level and then graduate to larger ones depending on the size of your dog. Always include some plain muscle meat to keep balanced. You can routinely look at the feces to modify proportions. There may be too much calcium if the feces are consistently white- cut back on bones and add more muscle meat. If constipated, add more vegetables and muscle meat and/or cut back on bone. If stools are loose, add more bones and/or decrease the above-ground vegetable content, while increasing the in-ground veges. Go with trends in fecal patterns because it is normal to have some minor fluctuations day to day (as observed in coyote scat) depending on what is ingested. Remember you are balancing over time; meaty bones can be given at different times then the muscle meat/veggie mix. Gnawing bones are great on fasting days.

If you choose to make your own raw food diet, some daily SAMPLE diets and amounts from Natural Nutrition for Dogs and Cats are listed below:

Note: Feed food close to room temperature for best digestion.

This is just a guide – Remember VARIETY (all ingredients) is paramount, QUALITY is key.

10 lbs body weight

1) Raw meat: ¼ to ½ cup

2) Raw bone: 1 – 2 chicken necks

3) Veggies: ½ - 1 Tbsp. pulped (chopped and blended w/ small amt. of water)

4) Kelp/alfalfa: ½ - 1 tsp.

5) Cod Liver Oil: ¼ tsp.

6) EFA’s (flax seed oil): ½ tsp.

50 lbs body weight

1) Raw meat: ¾ - 1 cup

2) Raw bone: 1 turkey neck or 6 chicken necks

3) Veggies: 3 Tbsp. pulped (chopped and blended w/ small amt. of water)

4) Kelp/alfalfa: 2 tsp.

5) Cod Liver Oil: 1 tsp.

6) EFA’s (flax seed oil): 1 ½ tsp.


100 lbs body weight

1) R aw meat: 1 ½ - 2 cups

2) Raw bone: 2 - 3 turkey necks

3) Veggies: ¼ - ½ Cup, pulped (chopped and blended w/ small amt. of water)

4) Kelp/alfalfa: 1 Tbsp.

5) Cod Liver Oil: 2 tsp.

6) EFA’s (flax seed oil): 2 tsp.




Some cats will convert easily, as if they have been waiting their whole lives for REAL FOOD.

Others will stretch and exhaust all of your creative efforts. You may have to use additional resources to get other ideas.

Pets come to us as teachers and this may be your biggest lesson on patience and erseverance!


Some cats prefer poultry, and others love fish and seafood. Find their favorites and use it to your advantage as flavor enhancers. Some like ground meat, which is definitely the easiest, but there are those who only want chunks of meat – if you are not having success with ground meat, try chunks.

Many cats have easily been converted to raw by mixing small amounts of the raw meat (ground or chunks) with the canned or dry food they are currently eating. Slowly change proportions, gradually increasing the amount of raw meat, until they are fully converted to the raw diet. For those cats that are already eating cooked meat, gradually cook the meat less and less until they are eating it entirely uncooked.


Kibble can be addictive to cats, but it doesn’t mean that it’s good for them. Brownies and fast food taste good to most people, but are lacking in nutritional value. You cannot successfully convert to a raw food diet if they know they can always snack on their junk food. You have to practice a little tough love. However, you never want a cat to go anorectic. Therefore, relatively healthy cats should fast for no more than 24 hours and overweight cats should fast no more than 12 hours. Overweight and obese cats have a propensity to mobilize fat directly to their liver if they stop eating for an extended period of time, which can result in Hepatic Lipidosis . This can be a very serious and even fatal disease, so coerce them into eating a little bit of anything if they are being stubborn. Keep dry food as a treat only for desperate measures while converting. Offer food 3-4 times a day in the beginning if needed and then slowly reduce the number of feedings.

Leave the food down for no more than 1 hour and start with small amounts. Many experts say that cats need to be fed only once daily, but some prefer to feed twice daily. Kittens and pregnant cats have much higher metabolic demands and need to be fed more often.


Commercial cat food STINKS, literally. Raw food doesn’t have much of an odor, so part of the difficulty in converting to the raw food diet could be the lack of odor. Since many cats love seafood you can try adding canned tuna, canned mackerel, canned oysters or just the juice from any these to the raw food to entice your cat to eat. You can also try dried Bonita fish flakes or dehydrated shrimp (found in Japanese Markets). These can be pulverized and sprinkled on the food. You can also try dehydrated liver for those that are not fond of fish. Many cats really like the taste of raw organ meats also. Be creative!



Most cats do better if the food is at room temperature. Cold food can slow digestion and even cause vomiting. Do not cook it to warm it because you will damage the structure of the protein and destroy the natural enzymes. DO NOT MICROWAVE . The best way to warm it is to add a little bit of warm water to bring the overall temperature up. Another way that works is the old fashioned baby food warmers. ADD THE ENZYMES AND SUPPLEMENTS AFTER THE FOOD

HAS BEEN WARMED AND MIXED THOROUGHLY – this will prevent damage to the structure of the enzymes. ( Feline Whole Body Support by Standard Process, Total-zymes)


Nutritional balancing occurs over time. We do not eat a balanced diet at every meal. The goals for a bal anced diet are listed below, but don’t worry about it during the conversion process. Start to work on the details after the first month or two of the new diet. In the beginning, just get some raw meat into the diet and start experimenting to find your cat’s tastes and tolerances.


75-90% raw meat. Raw meat includes bones as well as muscle meat. Use about 1/3 the amount of bones as muscle meat, e.g. 1/3 pound of ground meaty bones with 1 pound of muscle meat. You can vary the total amount as needed but keep the proportions of bones to meat fairly constant. NO PORK, FISH BONES, OR RAW SALMON should be used. Anything else goes: turkey, chicken, fish, ostrich, emu, duck, venison, lamb, beef, etc. Most cats do great on poultry.

10-15% raw grated/chopped/pulped vegetables . Pulped = grated/chopped and blended with water. Mixed with meats, this is acceptable for the most finicky of cats. Include carrots, dark leafy greens, cauliflower, broccoli (a cat’s favorite), peas, zucchini, or cabbage, etc. Herbs, such as parsley, dandelion, carrot tops should be added in small amounts, they are very potent and strong tasting.

• 5-10% raw organ meat such as heart, liver, or kidney . It is best to keep the species of organ meat the same as the meat that is being fed e.g. chicken liver with chicken meat and beef heart with beef meat. Mixing meat species may cause digestive upset on occasion but this is seldom witnessed.

• Vitamin/Mineral Supplements . Possibilities include “Animal Essentials” Pat McKay’s products,

TCInstincts, Celestial Pet, Kymythy’s kelp/alfalfa mix, Feline Whole Body Support by Standard

Process, etc.

Essential Fatty Acids. Essential fatty acids rich in Omega 3 can be obtained from “Animal

Essentials” (preferred), cod liver oil, flaxseed oil, evening primrose oil, or other combination formulas.

Sample Meals:

Variety: To provide variety, you can vary the type of meat provided – offering an alternative meat source, fish or quality raw eggs as often as you wish. The more variety the better, but just by feeding raw food you are way ahead of the game. Try to give an alternate meat source at least once weekly.

Fasting: Routine weekly fasting for liver detoxification is a good idea, but not necessary. I recommend starting with 12 hours and gradually working up to 24 hours. Always provide fresh water.


Calcium: The raw bones are the preferred main source of calcium, IF YOU CANNOT FEED

BONES, YOU MUST USE A CALCIUM SUPPLEMENT! Calcium supplements can be obtained from “Animals Essentials,” Pat McKay, TCInstincts, Celestial Pet, etc. If you use bone meal, make sure you know it is a quality source because of heavy metal contaminants.



Starting on the raw food diet will initiate a detoxification cycle. As toxins are released from the liver and other storage organs, detoxification issues and signs can arise. Normal changes are expected as we purge the system but we do not wish to incite anything like a “healing crisis”.

So if there is marked lethargy, lack of appetite (for more than a day), runny diarrhea or any increased urgency, please call! Some animals need extra liver and immune support prior to starting on the raw food diet (Milk Thistle, Animal Apawthecary Detox Blend, Feline/Canine Hepatic Support by Standard

Process). Typical expected detoxification signs include: o Varied stool

– soft or diarrhea, and even sometimes constipation o

Mucus discharge – mucus in feces, eye or nose discharge, or even bronchial irritation from post-nasal drainage. o Increased itching

– toxins in the bloodstream as they are discharging from the body often cause a histamine release.

Sometimes these changes will come quickly and abate quickly, and other times they will wax and wane when the body is ready to discharge more, even over months of time when on a healthy nutrition program such as the raw food diet. The body heals itself on its own time frame – as the layers of the onion are peeled away, the blockages to true health are released. We want the transition to be as easy as possible so if there are severe signs or prolonged signs, it is usually an indication that we need to do some supplemental support.


- Suggested Use: 10 mg / lb. body weight or Tincture**

Milk Thistle is used to detoxify, repair, and maximize the function of the liver. I have come more and more to appreciate how much we insult the liver with the non-digestible food components, the chemicals in the food, the chemicals the animals are exposed to, and the compromised status of most of their digestive systems. It seems like this really helps transition especially for those itchy, greasy, smelly dogs.

Give twice a day w/ food.

Administer for 5 days, take 2 days off, resume for 5 more days.

Maximum number of days: 10

Administration may vary according to animal’s needs. Follow instructions of your practitioner

Gaia Herbs or other: http://www.organicpharmacy.com




Herb Pharm brand

Walts, Nature’s In, Whole Foods etc.

** If using a tincture, follow label recommendations. Be aware that the label recommendations are for 150# human adults. Please administer according to your animal’s weight compared to a 150# adult.

Example: If tincture (made for humans) suggests giving 30 drops for an adult, you would give a 35# animal 7 drops. (30/150 = x/35); for a 50# dog give 10 drops

If tincture or other preparation is specific for animals, dose accordingly (to label).

Animal Apawthecary:


CONTAINS: Burdock, Dandelion, Milk Thistle, Red Clover, Alfalfa, and Licorice.

ACTIONS: To gently assist the body in correcting chronic skin problems and other imbalances that may be related to liver dysfunction, excess toxicity, intolerance to allergens or poor waste elimination.

METHOD OF APPLICATION: Administer directly into the mouth or onto food just before each feeding.

Cats: Up to 12 drops

Dogs: 12 drops / 20# body weight

2 – 3 times per day; 5 days on, 2 days off for duration of therapy. (Dosage dependent upon individual animal’s chronic disease). General detox strategy is 5 days on, 2 days off, 5 days on – done. This ‘cycle’ can be done according to need throughout the year. www.


http://www.springvalleyherbs.com/catalog.php?brand=000121 www.animalessentials.com



Canine/Feline Hepatic Support enhances the liver's multiple functions and promotes liver cell regeneration and detoxification. It also provides secondary kidney and thyroid support.

Indications for Use General hepatic support Hepatic support in the presence of


increased metabolic demand Unique Product Attributes Canine/Feline Hepatic

Support contains these unique ingredients that support the liver's ability to respond to metabolic demands while maintaining its ability to regenerate at the cellular level.

Recommended usage: give according to label instructions for 3-12 wks.or until you see improvement.





Place animal SP product orders with Pharmacy



As a nation, humans and non-humans alike eat foods that have been stripped of their nutrients. The foods we eat are not providing our bodies with the nutrition it needs to thrive, much less survive, and be healthy. We are starving our bodies and we are sick. We suffer from diabetes, heart attacks, obesity, and the list goes on and on.

We eat plenty but we are still starving

Why Pet Supplements?

Diet is one of the cornerstones of robust health. Nutrients from food bolster your pet’s natural defenses against germs, environmental pollutants, and stress . Deficiencies in the diet often bring on health problems or prolong illness. Notwithstanding the fact that you should always consult with your veterinarian about any known or suspected medical problems, it's very possible that if your pet suffers from a chronic lack of energy, dull coat, finicky digestive system, or susceptibility to infections, it may be due to inadequacies in your pet’s diet. Since many off-the-shelf pet foods are lacking in many nutritional aspects, it makes sense to look at pet supplements as an "insurance policy"

– a guarantee that each day, your companion gets a complete nutritional package.

Even in our whole foods the essential nutrients are lacking due to poor soil, poor agricultural practices and inadequate and substandard animal husbandry. Essential nutrients are lost from fruits and vegetables because of growing and harvesting techniques. Dairy foods and meat are laden with hormones, and produce and grains are sprayed with pesticides, insecticides and chemical fertilizers. That’s a lot of toxins the lymphatic and digestive systems are burdened with eliminating. Which, in turn, makes it difficult for the body to maintain normal cellular health.

Add in modern conveniences that result in electro-magnetic and micro-wave pollution, chemical stressors, physical stressors, and dysfunctional family dynamics

– one should wonder how the body survives at all.

Even if your pet is healthy and free of health concerns at this time, consider dietary supplements as a means of adding back vital ingredients such as vitamins, minerals, enzymes and helpful bacteria that are lost in highly-processed diets or lost in raw, whole foods due to poor agricultural practices.


Why should I give my dog or cat a vitamin mineral supplement?

Extensive research has shown that many modern-day ailments and diseases are caused by nutrient deficiencies, and exposure to environmental toxins. Fortunately, there is something we can do to support the health and the normal growth and development of our cats and dogs. By enhancing your pet's diet with a wide spectrum of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and amino acids, we can help make up for nutritional deficiencies - which means your best friend will stay healthier longer.

There are several categories of supplements that can promote better health for your pet:

Vitamins : organic compounds that ar e essential to your pet’s growth and development and day-to-day life-support functions.

Minerals : such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium are required for your pet’s bone growth, nervous system, muscular system, and ability to assimilate nutrients.

Enzymes : these body workhorses are involved in a variety of basic biological processes, including cell creation and repair, conversion of food to energy and regulation of body chemistry.

Probiotics : "good bacteria" that fend off harmful bacteria and aid digestion.

Older animals may benefit from antioxidants that fortify their immune system, probiotics that help with digestion and metabolism, and other supplements specifically formulated for senior animals.

Most nutra-ceuticals are actually whole food supplements and can usually be mixed in with food or a used as a treat. Herbal formulas can also be given in the same fashion. When mixing with the food, capsules can be opened and tablets can be crushed up (pill crushers can be found at most drug stores). If you add hot or warm water to bring food to room temperature, always add supplements AFTER the water has been thoroughly mixed. Heat will destroy the efficacy of many of the supplements.

If the supplement is to be given on an empty stomach, then a treat can still be used for ease of administration.


There is good news

Given proper nutrition, the human and animal body has an amazing ability to heal itself. If properly fed and given the right nutrients, the human/animal body is designed to repair itself.

To do so, we need to eat a healthier diet, exercise, and take high-quality supplements made from whole foods. Whole food supplements supply our bodies with nutrients we are not getting from our diet, all the vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, and phyto-nutrients that foods possess in a way that nature intended, in a whole food form .

Only whole food supplements complete the nutritional gap

Whole food supplements are made by concentrating foods for use in supplements. When processed correctly, they supply a multitude of the plant's components. Foods provide nutrients that work synergistically. They work together to provide you with optimal nutrition for good health.

A word of advice: Not all whole food supplements are the same

Many whole food supplements available in today's marketplace range in quality. Companies are riding the wave of supplement popularity rather than focusing on commitment and quality.

1. Why is nutrition important?

Each cell has a specific function (or functions) to perform. Each cell is made up of a collection of organelles and other structures working together to perform this function. Very simply, specific nutrients, used as fuel are required in specific quality and quantities for the cell to work efficiently. If the proper amount or quality of nutrition is not available, cell function may be impaired. If unaddressed, cell function will become more impaired, which can lead to physical symptoms. Drugs are commonly given to address symptoms, however, they will not restore cell function. Proper nutrition is needed to help support, maintain, and restore cell health and function. Nutritional support provides the building blocks that are critical to maintenance, regeneration, and repair.

2. What is glandular therapy?

Glandular therapy incorporates the feeding of glandular tissues to animals with compromised glandular function. It has been found that animals consuming specific glands (e.g. adrenal gland) are provided select, vital nutrients that target the particular function of that same gland


in a compromised patient. This is based on the concept that glandular tissue provides essential nutrients for proper functioning of that gland.

3. Is glandular therapy effective?

Consuming glandular tissue was once a common practice in our society, and it is still common in many other cultures. Today, most of our food does not contain glandular tissues, which has led to nutritional deficiencies. Adding glandular tissue to the diet can provide nutrients critical to recovery, healing, and return to normal function.

4. Are premium diet foods and the biologically active raw food diet (BARF) 100% complete and balanced?

Most commercial foods are processed at high pressures and temperatures (up to 500°F).

Many valuable nutrients, including vitamins, enzymes, proteins, phyto-nutrients, co-enzymes, are inactivated at temperatures above 120°F. Whole food supplementation can bridge this nutritional gap. The raw, whole food diet is closer to being complete, but due to irresponsible husbandry practices this diet is also lacking in all the essential nutrients.



There are numerous products available on the market (too numerous to mention all)

– please read the ingredients and opt for whole food (not synthetic) supplements.


1. Standard Process: C anine W hole B ody S upport


Feline Whole Body Support

2. Carnivora – Earth Greens & Earth Origins

3. Animal Essentials Vitamin / Mineral Mix

4. Celestial Products

– www.celestialpets.com

Vitamins are carbon-comprised organic chemical compounds the body needs to consume for growth, repair, metabolism and overall health. Exceptions are vitamins D, K, choline and biotin, which technically the body can self-produce.

Vitamins, along with minerals, help make the enzymes and hormones necessary for all the chemical reactions we need to live, including manufacturing blood cells and converting food into usable energy.


1. Total-biotics by Ultra-pet

2. Animal Essentials

3. Primal Defense by Garden of Life

Probiotics contain normal healthy commensal (meaning naturally occurring) bacteria and yeast, and are used to re-colonize the gastrointestinal tract when it is suspected the normal balance of micro flora (bacteria) has become disturbed (as with a poor diet, conventional drugs (antibiotics)). Many products are available, containing a variety of species, including

Lactobacillus ( L. acidophilus, L. bulgaricus, L. thermophilus, L. reuteri, ) Acidophilus, Bacillus ,

Streptococcus (S. bulgaricus), Enterococcus (E.faecium), Bifidobacterium (B. bifidus), and

Saccharomyces ( S. boulardii).


Did you know that 70% of your immune system resides in your digestive system?

It’s true. And now we know that those friendly bacteria or “good guys,” play an absolutely indispensable role in supporting your immune system.

Research has shown that the bacteria lining your intestine actually help form a barrier that helps stop dangerous intruders from passing through the walls of your intestine and entering your body.

A wise doctor once said that “Great health begins in the colon,” and he sure was right...if you have enough of those “good guys!” Sounds simple enough, right?

There’s just one BIG problem

Most people and nearly all companion animals don’t have nearly enough of the good guys in your body right now.

How did this happen? There are a dozen reasons, but here are the main culprits: Poor diet. Stress.

Hidden toxins in your food and water. And especially the overuse of antibiotics which kill “friendly” bacteria, too.

All of these factors “kill off” your good guys by the billions and they absolutely must be replaced. Your body does not manufacture these friendly bacteria, they have to come from outside.


1. Total-zymes by Ultra pet (Also available: a combination Total-biotics/zymes – Total-zymes Plus)

2. Standard Process – Multizyme, Zypan and Zymex II (also see Catalyn or Whole Body


3. Prozyme (google for best buy)

4. Animal Essentials


K9 DIGEST FORTE Proprietary blend of Alpha-galactosidase, Amylase, Bifodobacterium longum, Bromelain, Hemicellulase, Invertase, Lactase, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus caucasius Lactobacillus helveticus, Lactobacillus lactis, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lipase, Maltase, Papain, Protease, Protease II, Protease III,

Peptizyme SP®……………………..2,100 mgs


Garden of Life


What are Enzymes?

Enzymes are "organic catalysts". They either initiate or speed up chemical reactions in the body, from digestion to tissue repair, and from hormone function to energy production.

Enzymes are present in every cell in both plants and animals; and can exist both in active and inactive forms in cells. They can, however, be permanently inactivated or destroyed by altering their environmental conditions, such as pH or temperature.

Enzymes are needed to digest the food eaten. For this purpose, two types of enzymes can be used to perform this task - the enzymes that come from the food we eat (food enzymes) and the enzymes that are produced internally from the digestive organs (digestive enzymes).

However, as mentioned above, enzymes can be inactivated or destroyed when there is a change in temperature.

Specifically, when food is cooked or processed at temperatures 118°F or above, the enzymes in the food are destroyed. Without these food enzymes, the body has to work harder and create more digestive enzymes to fully digest the food.

How do Enzymes Help Digestion?

Food in its natural, uncooked state, contains live enzymes. It follows that if our dog consumes raw food, the enzymes in the food can greatly aid in the digestion process.

When raw food is eaten, chewing ruptures the cell membranes of the food and releases the enzymes contained in the food cells. Also, when a dog eats, the pancreas secretes the proper amounts and concentrations of enzymes for digestion as well. The enzymes that aid in food digestion include:

Protease - responsible for breaking polypeptides (proteins) into amino acids;

Amylase - responsible for reducing carbohydrates (starches and other polysaccharides) to sucrose, lactose, and maltose;

Lipase - responsible for digesting fats into fatty acids, glycerol;

Cellulase - responsible for breaking down fiber.

What will Happen when Food Enzymes are Depleted?

When there is insufficient food enzymes for dogs, the full digestive burden will be placed on the dog's body to produce digestive enzymes. The result? An over-stressed digestive system which eventually can lead to improper food digestion and nutrient malabsorption.

And the consequences of improper food digestion? The undigested proteins, fats and carbohydrates promote the

 growth of unwanted bacteria which, over time, upsets the delicate balance of intestinal microbes, resulting in: bloating diarrhea gas bad breath body odor lethargy and sluggishness

With improper digestion and nutrient malabsorption, a number of physical problems will arise. Here are some

 common ones:

A compromised immune system

Allergies (food, seasonal, etc.)

Arthritis (e.g. osteoarthritis, hip dysplasia)

Skin problems (e.g. hot spots)


Premature aging


What are Other Benefits of Enzymes for Dogs & Cats?

Besides aiding in food digestion and nutrient absorption, enzymes for dogs are also essential for: strengthening the immune system; stopping coprophagia (the habit of eating stool); decreasing the risks of degenerative diseases such as osteoarthritis, and toxin build-up; increasing T-cell production (T-cells are cancer-fighting cells); promoting weight loss.

Enzymes – Do All Animals Need Them?

Even healthy dogs/cats can benefit from enzyme supplementation for optimal digestion and toxin elimination.

With better digestion, our dogs will have less gas, firmer stools, and fresher breath. They will also have a

 healthier, shinier coat with fewer skin problems.

Enzymes as supplements are particularly beneficial for dogs/cats who: are fed cooked or processed food are suffering from digestive disorders are under stress are senior dogs /cats (Older dogs tend to produce lesser amounts of enzymes. Many also suffer from zinc deficiency resulting in low immunity - enzymes seem to be able to increase zinc levels in the body) have a weakened immune system due to medications such as antibiotics are suffering from systemic yeast infections are suffering from thyroid problems such as hypothyroidism (enzymes enhance the absorption of selenium which is an antioxidant that works in conjunction with vitamin E. Selenium is essential in converting the inactive form of thyroid hormone (T4) to the active form (T3))

Enzymes for dogs have been found to be very successful in treating stool eating, GI problems, skin irritations, as well as beneficial to dogs with allergies and arthritis.

Enzymes for Pets - Are They Safe?

Extensive research has been conducted with pets (and people as well!), and it has been found that enzymes for pets are extremely safe. No side-effects have been found from the supplementation of enzymes to dogs/cats/humans.


1. Coconut Oil (Cold pressed, organic, extra virgin – Nutiva)

2. Grizzly Salmon Oil (google for best buy)

3. Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil (google for best buy)

4. Carnivora Cold Water Fish Oil – page 54

Omega Blend – page 56

Primrose Oil

– page 57


What are Essential Fatty Acids and why are they essential for my animal friend?

Fatty acids are the basic building blocks of fats. Two specific fatty acids are considered 'essential' because they are necessary to people, but cannot be made by the body; thus must be supplied through the food we eat or through supplementation. The other fatty acids manufactured by the body are important, although not regarded strictly as 'essential' because a healthy body with a good diet can manufacture them. The two truly essential fatty acids are Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA), an Omega-3 fatty acid, and Linoleic Acid (LA), an Omega-

6 fatty acid.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids are the 'good' fats necessary for healthy body functions and are typically found in vegetable oils. Chemically speaking, these fatty acids are not 'saturated' with hydrogen molecules and contain more than one double bond. They are divided into families depending on where their end-most double bond is located. There are two main subtypes of essential fatty acids: the Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. The Omega-3's are those with their end-most double bond 3 carbons from the Omega end. The

Omega-6's are those with their end-most double bond 6 carbons from the Omega end. Omega-9 fatty acids exist, but the body can freely manufacture these from Omega-3s and Omega-6s.

Essential Fatty Acids are intricately involved in maintaining cellular health. They are considered the 'gate keepers', bringing important nutrients into the cell and keeping toxins out. Essential Fatty Acids produce hormone-like compounds that support healthy inflammatory response and help keep blood vessels dilated.

Related Articles

 Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Benefit Brain Health - Most people have heard the studies about the potential cardiac benefits of consuming omega-3 fatty acids, now two independently conducted studies published in the November issue of The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition have found that omega-3 fatty acids may also be good for the brain.

 Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Provide Retina Protection - A new study published in the journal

Nature Medicine adds to the growing body of evidence that a diet rich in the omega 3 fatty acids may provide protection against the development of, and slow the progression of, some forms of retinopathy.

 Omega-3 Helps With Diabetes and Blood Pressure - Two recent studies have found that Omega-

3 fatty acids may have two distinctly different uses. The first study was conducted in Norway, and found beneficial results in type II diabetes patients with a high intake of omega-3 fish oil. In the second unrelated study, which was published in the Journal of Nutrition, British researchers found that low levels of omega-3 fatty acids lowered blood pressure.

 Omega-3, Vitamin E, Fiber, Beta-Carotene Reduce Lymphoma Risk - A new study conducted by an international group of researchers has found that a diet high in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, fiber and beta-carotene may offer significant protection against Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma.


Other Supplementation recommended by your holistic practitioner:

1. Standard Process, MediHerb

2. Vetri-Science

3. Thorne Research

4. Progressive Labs


Standard Process Formulas

1. Who developed Veterinary Formulas?

Veterinary Formulas were developed by Ron Carsten, DVM, MS, a practitioner with extensive experience using nutritional whole food supplements. He worked closely with the Standard Process New Product Development team to hand-select every ingredient in each formula for its specific metabolic properties.

2. When were Veterinary Formulas introduced?

Veterinary Formulas have been available since 2002.

3. What are Veterinary Formulas used for?

Veterinary Formulas are designed to "feed" the patient, providing a complete range of nutrients to support compromised tissues. Compromised tissues have been shown to have increased nutrient requirements for support, maintenance, repair, regeneration, and return to function. Veterinary Formulas supply whole foods that can be given at the same time as traditional medications.

4. Are Veterinary Formulas the same quality as the Standard Process human line?

Yes. Veterinary Formulas use the same quality ingredients and are produced on the same manufacturing lines as the Standard Process human line.

5. Is research available to support Veterinary Formulas?

Standard Process is currently sponsoring research in veterinary schools and private clinics in the United States.

Most direct research is in the form of clinical trials, as well as almost 80 years of clinical experience with our human formulas.

6. What supplements are available?

There are 10 canine formulas:

Canine Adrenal Support

Canine Cardiac Support

Canine Dermal Support

Canine Enteric Support

Canine Hepatic Support


Canine Immune System Support

Canine Musculoskeletal Support

Canine Renal Support

Canine Thyroid Support

Canine Whole Body Support

(Use human equivalent – Catalyn for dogs greater than 50#)

There are 6 feline formulas:

Feline Cardiac Support

Feline Enteric Support

Feline Hepatic Support

Feline Immune System Support

Feline Renal Support

Feline Whole Body Support

7. What is the difference between the feline and canine formulas?

Dogs are omnivores, and the canine supplements reflect this evolutionary trait. The canine formulas have a wide variety of ingredients, with a balance of animal tissues, plant, and botanical materials included. Cats differ from dogs in that they are obligate carnivores. The feline formulas contain fewer ingredients and focus more on animal tissues.

8. Can the canine formulas be given to cats or the feline formulas be given to dogs?

Yes. The canine formulas can safely be given to cats, and feline formulas can safely be given to dogs.

9. Why are the canine formulas powdered and the feline formulas in tablet form?

The canine products are powdered to accommodate the wide range of body weights in the canine population.

The feline products are offered as tablets for a variety of reasons. With some cats, the only way to get the supplement in them is to "pill" them directly. Other cats will eat the pill as a treat or when crushed and mixed with food. In 2006, Standard Process conducted a survey asking practitioners which form of feline supplement they preferred. The results favored the tablet form over the powdered form.


1. The bottle lists ingredients I have not heard of. What are these ingredients?

The whole food ingredients are classified as "functional foods," meaning they have been shown to have specific nutritional benefits for certain organ systems and tissues. Protomorphogen

™ extracts and Cytosolª extracts are


patented cellular material extracts developed by Dr. Royal Lee. Both have distinct cellular support functions and are unique to Standard Process supplements (both veterinary and human lines). For more information, contact your sales representative or our Veterinary Technical Support Team at 800-848-5061:

Tom Cameron, DVM | ext. 6485 | tcameron@standardprocess.com

Jody Duddeck, CVT | ext. 6355 | jduddeck@standardprocess.com

Char Raby; The Holistic Animal l charjackr@sbcglobal.net

2. Where do the plant material ingredients come from?

Standard Process owns and operates a certified organic farm less than 1 mile from our manufacturing facility.

This is where many of the plant ingredients contained in our products are grown. Other ingredients are purchased from outside suppliers.

3. Are all of the plant materials grown organically?

All of the plants grown on the Standard Process farm are grown organically, but not all of the Standard Process product constituents are organic.

4. Are the animal tissues (glandulars) organic?

No. At this time, there are not enough organic, grass-fed beef animals to supply the amount of glandular tissues used in the Standard Process products. We purchase animal tissues and glands that are inspected by the U.S.

Food and Drug Administration, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and state departments of agriculture.

5. Do all of your ingredients come from the United States?

No. The ingredients for Standard Process products come from the United States and many other countries, including China.

Uses for Veterinary Formulas

1. Can the Standard Process human products be given to animals?

Yes. Before the introduction of Veterinary Formulas, many practitioners used Standard Process human products in animals. They can be used alone or in conjunction with Veterinary Formulas.

2. Aren't all supplements the same?


Most nutritional supplements are formulated with synthetic vitamins, which are very different from whole food vitamin complexes. Whole food vitamin complexes are combinations of vitamins, enzymes, co-enzymes, trace minerals, phytonutrients, amino acids, and many other ingredients. Whole food supplements have been shown to have a higher level of bioactivity than synthetic vitamins –chemical isolates that have varied levels of nutritional benefit.

3. Can Veterinary Formulas be given to exotic animals?

These products have been used safely in many exotic animals. This does constitute an "off-label" use of the product. Because Veterinary Formulas contain animal tissues (glandulars), they should be given only to animals that are naturally carnivorous. Herbivores (horses, sheep, goats, cows, etc.) would not normally eat glandular tissue. There have been some health concerns raised by the feeding of animal proteins to non-carnivores, so we do not recommend feeding Veterinary Formulas (with glandulars) to herbivores.

4. Are the products safe?

Veterinary Formulas are made from top-quality foods, not drugs, and as such are safe and non-toxic.

Dosing and Administration

1. How to give the supplements?

The canine supplements are powdered and can be mixed with any foods the dog will eat. We do advise mixing the powder with food, because there is plant material included, which some dogs will not readily eat. The feline supplements are in tablet form because these finicky eaters present more of a challenge. Some cats will eat these tablets as treats, some need to be pilled directly, or the tablets may need to be crushed and mixed with any food the cat will eat.

2. Do the supplements taste good?

Standard Process Veterinary Formulas contain glandular tissues (liver, spleen, adrenal, etc.) that many animals find very palatable. For that reason, it is fine to offer the supplements to your pet as a treat. However, not all pets will readily eat the supplements, so mixing the supplements with food is often the most reliable way to ensure your pet consumes the supplement.

3. Can Veterinary Formulas be given with regular medications?

Veterinary Formulas are foods, and in most cases are safe to give in conjunction with medications. The ingredients in these products should be checked against the package inserts of any prescription drugs being administered to the animal to assure that no potential interactions are noted.


4. Can more than one Veterinary Formula be given at a time?

Veterinary Formulas can be given in combinations, and are often recommended this way.

5. What if my healthy pet eats the supplements?

Veterinary Formulas are made from top-quality foods, not drugs, and as such are safe and non-toxic. Whole food supplements provide the body with nutrients needed for normal functioning. They do not force or stimulate the body to do anything. These formulas will provide optimal nutrition to any animal consuming them, so your healthy pet will benefit from consumption.

Response to Supplementation

1. How do I evaluate the animal's response?

Evaluation is performed both objectively and subjectively. Objective measurements include blood values, urinalysis changes, radiographic changes, echocardiographic changes, ultrasonic reevaluations, etc. Subjective changes are often seen more readily; e.g. increased energy, improved appetite, personality changes, coat changes, decreased stiffness, etc. It is important to counsel the owner to be alert to subtle changes in their pet – these changes can be significant indicators of improvement.

2. How long does it take to see a response?

Every patient is different, but most animals will show a response within 3 weeks. It is important to advise clients that long-standing conditions can take months to years to see the full extent of clinical change.

3. How long should Veterinary Formulas be given?

Each patient must be evaluated on an individual basis. The goal of supplementation is to find the lowest level of nutritional support necessary to maintain optimal health.

Quality Control

1. How is product quality and safety ensured?

Quality is an integral part of every step in the Standard Process manufacturing process. We follow FDA current

Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMPs). Repeated testing throughout the manufacturing process enables

Standard Process to ensure quality and safety. On average, each batch of product is tested 6 times during the manufacturing process. Every week, degreed scientists in our full-scale microbiology and chemistry laboratories perform as many as 400 tests on raw materials, product batches, and finished products.


For all testing, Standard Process only applies analytical methods that have been approved by nationally recognized evaluative bodies including the Association for Analytical Communities (AOAC) as well as the Food and Drug Administration. Standard Process takes pride in its strict testing and acceptance guidelines because these policies aid in ensuring that all of our products are safe for use by our customers.

Whole Body Support and Catalyn

provides general multi-system support for daily maintenance of all body systems with emphasis on a healthy endocrine system. It is an excellent nutritional base for use with all other system support formulas.

Indications for Use General multi-system support Patients in need of general and additional daily nutritional support Nutritional complement to other therapies. Unique Product Attributes

Canine Whole Body Support contains these whole food ingredients to enhance the ability of targeted tissues to respond properly to metabolic demands while promoting consistent tissue regeneration.

Rice bran, pea vine extracts, beets, and alfalfa juice Whole vitamin complexes, bioflavonoids, carotenoids, and chelated minerals complement the supportive effects of the animal tissue concentrates and extracts Bovine kidney, liver, spleen, heart, trachea, adrenal, pituitary, thymus, and thyroid concentrates Contain important cellular substrates for corresponding tissues in dogs Bovine kidney, thymus, and pituitary Protomorphogen™ extracts; and bovine adrenal, hypothalamus, an d thymus Cytosol™ extracts Standard Process' unique glandular extracts Improve the local nutritional environment and support respective cell function Silybum marianum (Milk thistle) Helps protect the liver and stimulate the production of new liver cells

Supplement Facts Stated amounts depend on dose.

Ingredients: Defatted wheat germ, bovine liver, pea vine juice, nutritional yeast, carrot, rice bran, bovine and ovine spleen, alfalfa juice, Silybum marianum, beet root, porcine stomach, oat flour, bovine he art PMG™ extract,

Tillandsia usneoides, Lcarnitine, Brussels sprouts, bovine orchic Cytosol™ extract, kidney bean extract, kelp, bovine liver PMG™ extract, bone meal, bovine trachea, bovine kidney PMG™ extract, mushroom, bovine kidney, inositol, choline b itartrate, thiamine hydrochloride, bovine adrenal Cytosol™ extract, celery, bentonite, veal bone PMG™ extract, bovine liver fat extract, calcium lactate, manganese glycerophosphate, carbamide, bovine adrenal PMG™ extract, bovine hypothalamus Cytosol™ extract, bovine thymus PMG™ extract, bovine pituitary PMG™ extract, zinc liver chelate, copper liver chelate, iron liver chelate, soy bean lecithin, bovine hypothalamus PMG™ extract, bovine thymus Cytosol™ extract, bovine thyroid PMG™ extract, paraaminobenzoate, and porcine brain.


Minerals Calcium Sodium Iron Copper Manganese Zinc5 mg / ½ teaspoon 14 mg / ½ teaspoon 500 mcg / ½ teaspoon 200 mcg / ½ teaspoon 600 mcg / ½ teaspoon 300 mcg / ½ teaspoonPractice Notes

Whole Body Support Dosage: Follow directions on bottle

Catalyn Dosage: Large dogs: 2 BID

Medium dogs: 1 BID

Cats and Small dogs: 1 BID

(BID=twice a day)


Multizyme contains digestive enzymes from both plant and animal sources to encourage the proper breakdown and absorption of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Multizyme contains fig, papaya, and almond - rich in unsaturated fatty acids important in fat metabolism. The pancreatin found in Multizyme contains primarily amylase, lipase, and protease to further enhance multiple metabolic processes.*

The proteolytic enzymes are derived from pancreatin, fig, almond, and pineapple.

As a digestive aid – give with meals:

Large dogs: 2 BID

Medium dogs: 2 BID

Cats and Small dogs: 1 BID

(BID=twice a day)

Proprietary Blend: 410 mg

Fig (fruit), defatted almonds, pancreatin (3x), fatty acids, bromelain, lipase, cellulase, papain, and amylase.

Other Ingredients: Gelatin, lactose (milk), maltodextrin, water, colors, and calcium stearate.


Zymex is used to acidify the gastrointestinal tract, build the beneficial flora in the gut, in kidney detoxification, and in helping a toxic bowel. Because the gut is typically too alkaline in cases of Candida, Zymex is used to help acidify the intestinal tract.

Recent advances in our understanding about the various roles played by yeasts in the body have added to the dimensions of this yeast product. As a healthy friendly intestinal yeast (acidophilus type) it is a natural antagonist to the growth of the Candida Albicans or thrush forming type yeasts found in such infections as vaginitis. ZYMEX is a GI tract friendly yeast that can set up a


protective environment that is immune to the CANDIDA type growth. ZYMEX is actually made from a culture that is grown. We take red beets, beet leaves and wheat germ, make a bed out of the mixture, sterilize it and seed it with a certain culture. Then we put the culture under ideal moisture and temperature conditions and let it grow. After about three days, a beautiful gray mold has grown-it looks just like velvet. We dry the mold in a sigmoid dryer and make a powder that is

ZYMEX ZYMEX is similar to LACTIC ACID YEAST in that it breaks down carbohydrate in the gastrointestinal tract to produce lactic acid, thereby acidifying the gastrointestinal tract. It's also very effective in detoxifying the colon. ZYMEX combines the functions of LACTIC ACID YEAST and

CHOLACOL II. If instead of going through these steps we were to centrifuge the juice off the mold then vacuum dry the juice, we could create ARGINEX ARGINEX detoxifies the kidneys. It's excellent for patients with bladder and kidney infections.*

Zymex contains defatted Wheat Germ and specifically processed Tillandsia usneoides and beet root.

Zymex contains nutrients that aid in the establishment and maintenance of normal intestinal flora and proper pH, creating and maintaining a healthy intestinal environment.†

Proprietary Blend: 910 mg

Defatted wheat (germ), lactose (milk), and enzymatically processed Tillandsia usneoides and beet (root).

Other Ingredients: Gelatin, water,

Large dogs: 3 SID

Medium dogs: 2 SID

Cats and Small dogs: 1 SID

(SID=once a day)




Zymex II supports the healthy function of the gastrointestinal system by providing different digestive enzymes. Zymex II does not contain pancreatin or betaine hydrochloride. This product must be given on an impty stomach for proper effectiveness. It will take approx six weeks to

clear parasites


Large dogs: 3 SID

Medium dogs: 2 SID

Cats and Small dogs: 1 SID

(SID=once a day)


Ordering Information (Standard Process Products)

1. How do I order Veterinary Formulas?

Veterinary Formulas can be ordered by calling Customer Service at 800-558-8740 or ordering online at www.standardprocess.com (an account must first be established by phone).

Standard Process products can be purchased at the Welcome Pharmacies at a 20% discount in Jackson and Leslie (Michigan) . Veterinary formulas do need to be ordered by calling the Michigan Center Pharmacy. Orders are usually in the same week. Human formulations are always in stock.





Place animal SP product orders with Pharmacy

2. Are the products expensive?

The products are made from the highest quality ingredients in the industry. They are fairly priced. As with all supplements, the large breed animals take larger amounts for their size, making nutritional therapy more expensive.

3. Can these supplements be purchased over the counter?

It has always been Standard Process' policy to sell our supplements exclusively through health care professionals, and this still holds true today.

History and Philosophy

1. What is the history of Standard Process?

Standard Process was founded in 1929 by Dr. Royal Lee, when he identified health problems related to malnutrition, due in part to processing foods with heat and pressure. Dr. Lee felt that to be truly healthy, we had to eat foods as they were intended –fresh and whole–not heated or adulterated.

2. What is meant by whole foods?

Foods in their natural state contain a complex variety of nutrients that work synergistically to provide nutrition to the body. Many of these nutrients may be inactivated or destroyed by modern, industrial processing (heat,


pressure, exposure). Standard Process uses state-of-the-art equipment to remove only fiber and water, at low temperatures, which preserves the nutritional integrity of the foods used. Whole food contains hundreds, if not thousands, of nutrients, many that have not even been identified yet. Ingredients in whole foods help the body digest and absorb the nutrients within the food. Through this process, unnecessary materials are excreted, preventing a potentially toxic buildup of nutrients.

3. What are some of the benefits of whole food supplementation?

Whole food supplements provide the body with a complete range of nutrients to support normal growth, regeneration, and repair. They allow the body to pick and choose what combination of nutrients it needs most, instead of the practitioner trying to identify and choose one or more isolated nutrients.


FEED-SENTIALS carmen@carmspack.com


Feed-Sentials is a complete nutritional supplement for the hard working dog

This fine product contains:

Carob powder, ground sunflower seed, dried parsley leaf, kelp flakes, alfalfa greens, ground almond, hulled oil rich hemp seeds, hemp seed flour, dried red and green pepper, dry celery leaf, dried blueberry, dried cranberry, dry dandelion leaf, ground pumpkin seed, powdered carrot, stinging nettle, barley grass powder, dried mint leaf, powdered rosehip, paprika, burdock root powder, garlic powder, ground walnut, ground flax seed, sesame seed, Prozyme, glucosamine, MSM, dried dill weed, coriander, anise, fennel, goat milk whey powder, powdered marshmallow root, blue Hawaii spirulina, rosemary, ascorbic acid,

Primal Defense probiotic, oregano, ginger, cumin, marjoram, thyme, savory, basil, sage, cayenne, powdered yucca, turmeric, fenugreek, bilberry, vegetal silica.

Feed-sentials for K9 is full of natural, wholesome food, organic or wild-crafted when possible. No fillers , no dyes, ,no preservatives, nothing synthetic or Isolated.

Feed-sentials provides full spectrum vitamins with co-factors which amplify benefits. Feed-sentials provide micro and important trace elements, immune boosting probiotics, digestive and metabolic enzymes, omega fatty acids and is rich in highly digestible bio-available plant based amino acids

The ingredients : What and why ?

 The ingredients in Feed-sentials are human edible botanicals, nuts, seeds and berries.

 This supplement is packed with green superfoods such as hemp flour, blue Hawaii spirulina,

 kelp, alfalfa and cereal grass barley.

Feed-Sentials has the original "survival food" Carob, a highly valuable food source credited

 with preventing malnutrition and very rich in complex B for nerve function.

Rosehip provides complex vitamin C complete with bioflavonoid and rutin which enhance availability by 50%. Vitamin C is anti inflammatory, anti oxidant, assists in ligament integrity.

Vitamin is important for collagen formation

 In times of stress more vitamin C may be required.

There are studies which suggest that carob and vitamin C are beneficial to good hip results in

 growing breeds.

 Seeds and nuts and hemp hearts provide delicate essential fatty acids.

Organic plant derived minerals in proper ratios balanced by nature- "the spark of life" necessary

 for enzyme activity and enabling vitamin D to function.

There are ingredients which take care of respiratory and cardio function.


 For growth, ligament care, tissue repair, Feed-sentials includes plant based silicon, glucosamine and MSM

 Feed-Sentials has tonics which cleanse and support the liver, lymph and kidney. Others soothe

 the stomach and stimulate the appetite.

Homeostatic Soil Organisms supply probiotics.

Recommended Usage:

Feed-Sentials is primarily intended for dogs that are fed BARF / raw diets, but it can also be used to top-dress quality kibbles.

Large dogs should be served one or two generous tablespoons, while one tablespoon is sufficient for small to medium sized dogs.

Mix Feed-Sentials with one cup live culture yogurt or Kefir (Russian Yogurt), one cup of cottage cheese, or with two raw eggs for a very nutritious, easy to digest, complete meal.

Feed-Sentials can also be mixed into minced beef and served as a "meat ball".

Feed-Sentials can be mixed with vegetables and fruits that have been processed in your blender or juiced.

Whatever your dog enjoys.

Feed-Sentials can be served as a gravy or soup. Just add a serving of Feed-Sentials to a little tepid water (to preserve heat sensitive Vitamin E & C). Serve in a saucer and your dog will lap it up.

Really, there is no wrong way to feed Feed-Sentials Supplement, and your dog will love Feed-Sentials.

$48.00 each Feed-Sentials is available in a standard size 2lb container.




http://www.animalessentials.com/moreinfo/AEuse chart.html


Herbal Multi-Vitamin for

Dogs & Cats



Fish Oil Plus softgels


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How to Use**


Common Use*

Vitamins A, D, C, E, B-1, B-

2, B-6, B-12, niacin, pantothenic acid, folic acid, biotin; zinc, manganese, copper, selenium, calcium, phosphorus; ground stabilized flax seed, Chia seed, barley grass, FOS, garlic, alfalfa, yucca root, and lecithin.

A daily food supplement for dogs and cats, combining premium quality vitamins and chelated minerals with the highest quality nutritive herbs an prebiotic FOS for maximum digestability and assimilation of vital nutritents. Especially recommended for animals with malabsorption problems.

A balanced formula of wild harvested whole body fish oils (anchovies, sardines & mackerels), barley grass, and natural vitamin E--- in a revolutionary twist-tail softgel cap that guarantees optimum freshness and easy feeding.

Provides a balanced array of Omega 3 & 6 fatty acids that are essential in the development and maintenance of healthy skin and coat, strong heart and muscles, and a properly balanced immune system. Highly recommended for dogs and cats that suffer chronic skin problems.

Up to one level tablespoon for each 30 lbs. of the animal’s body weight daily, mixed with food.

A 400 gram jar will serve one average sized dog for over a month.

One capsule daily for each 20 lbs. of the animal’s body weight, and capsule every other day for animals under 20 lbs . A 90 capsule

Calcium from the




100% natural calcium derived from seaweed harvested from seabeds off the southwest coast of Ireland. Tested for purity; passes all human food standards for heavy metals, pesticides, and harmful chemicals.

Certified organic flax seed meal, burdock root, nettle leaf, spirulina, pumpkin seed and garlic. 100% certified organic ingredients!

A highly digestible, easy to feed calcium supplement for dogs and cats. Highly recommended for carnivores that are on a raw meat diet.

Feed with each meal.

One teaspoon per pound of raw or home-prepared food.

Formulated to round out the natural diets of dogs and cats.

Rich with antioxidants, essential fatty acids, and herbal constituents for healthy digestion, parasite resistance, and a healthy immune system.

Feed one teaspoon for each 20 lbs. of the animal’s body weight daily. a 300 gramjar will serve most 60 lb. dogs for at least one month.


Enzymes &


Alpha & Beta Amylase, Proteases,

Lipase, Cellulase, Hemicellulase,

Bromelain, Probiotic (Bacillus coagulans), Calcium sulfate,

Aspergillus spp.

A daily supplement to assist with digestion and the body’s assilimilation and utilization of essential nutrients.

Add 1/4 teaspoon to each cup of food at every feeding. Mix with a small amount of water for use on dry food.

** “How to Use”, as listed on this chart, are for informational purposes only and are not intended to prescribe any course of therapy for your pet. The *“Common Use” stated herein represent the claims of pet care professionals and other individuals who have reported success from the use of these products in the animal types for which they are intended. However, such uses and claims have not been evaluated or approved by the Food and Drug Administration or the American Association of Feed Control Officials, and do not necessarily reflect the results of clinical trials or other scientific studies.





Total-zymes Plus

Ingredients: A proprietary enzyme blend of Amylase, Protease 4.5, Protease 3.0, Protease

6.0, Lipase , Malt Diastase, Pectinase, Bromelain, Cellulase, Hemicellulase, Beta-Glucanase,

Alpha-Glactosidase, Phytase, Peptidase. A proprietary pro-biotic blend of, DDS-1 Acidophilus,

B.bifidum, B. infantas, B. longum, L. Casie, L. helveticus, L. plantarum, L. rhamnosus, L. salivarius, L. lactis, S. thermophilus, FOS fructo-oligosaccharides (a pre-biotic). 250 million

CFUs per tablet combined. L.E.A.D.S. ® Live Enzyme Activated Delivery System® A proprietary blend of calcium amino acid chelate, magnesium amino acid chelate, zinc amino acid chelate, manganese amino acid chelate, chromium amino acid chelate, copper amino acid chelate.

Other Ingredients: Brewer's yeast, carob powder, calcium, maltodextrin, cellulose, vegetable stearic acid.


– ingredients are as above w/o the probiotics


– ingredients are as above w/o the digestive enzymes



Primal Defense®

HSO Probiotic Formula

•The leading whole food probiotic containing Homeostatic® Soil Organisms

(HSOs) .

•The HSO Probiotic Blend in Primal Defense® helps support the normal gastrointestinal balance of good and potentially harmful bacteria to help maintain a balanced, healthy internal environment.*

•Contains probiotics that promote regular bowel function and help m aintain an already healthy immune system – both of which are beneficial to overall health.*

•Maximizes the benefits of a healthy diet by supporting normal absorption and assimilation of nutrients in the gut.*

•Unlike other probiotics, the key probiotics in Primal Defense can thrive in the toughest digestive environments and are undeterred by stomach and bile acids .

•Select ingredients in Primal Defense are produced through the Garden of Life proprietary PotenZyme® fermentation process to make nutrients mo re available to the body.

•Primal Defense comes in two easy -to-use forms: Powder and Caplets .

Primal Defense is the only probiotic formula that contains a unique whole food blend with

Homeostatic® Soil Organisms (HSOs). The HSOs in Primal Defense are impo rtant probiotics you would get in abundance if your food came from soil untouched by pesticides, herbicides and other widely used chemicals. To replenish the valuable probiotics our pasteurized, irradiated and disinfected food no longer provides, Primal Defense includes 12 species of hardy beneficial microorganisms in the form of the HSO Probiotic Blend. Let the unique HSOs in Primal Defense take you to a new level of total health.

What are probiotics and why do I need them?

Probiotics are beneficial microflora that play a critical role in maintaining good health.* Healthy human intestines contain billions of both good and potentially harmful microorganisms. The good bacteria in the intestines are considered to be an integral part of normal immune system support.

Probiotics are important because they can synthesize certain vitamins and short-chain fatty acids to support a healthy intestinal lining and bolster immunity.* When your intestinal lining is occupied by healthy beneficial flora, it deprives unwelcome microorganisms of both space and nutrients.


Healthy people usually have a ratio of approximately 85% good to 15% potentially harmful organisms in the intestinal tract. In some cases, even those who appear to be well might have an unfavorable ratio as a result of daily exposure to environmental toxins and a modern lifestyle. For example, taking antibiotics or drinking chlorinated water may change the optimal microbial balance essential for good health.

Garden of Life believes that probiotics are most beneficial when they are not separated from their food source. Primal Defense®, unlike isolated probiotic products, contains fermented whole foods and multiple strains of beneficial probiotics in the form of the Homeostatic® Soil Organism

Probiotic Blend.

A comparison of Primal Defense


vs. Isolated Probiotics

Contains whole foods

Contains fermented ingredients

Contains HSO's

Contains mineral based prebiotic

Contains multiple strains of beneficial probiotics and their food sources

Needs to be refrigerated

Primal Defense ® Isolated Probiotics












What are HSOs and where do they come from?

Large scale use of pesticides, herbicides and other chemicals has changed the bacterial balance of the soil. In order to obtain the benefits we historically acquired from consuming foods cultivated in healthy soil, Garden of Life developed a Homeostatic Soil Organism Probiotic Blend utilizing 12 species of beneficial microorganisms.

What can occur if I don’t have enough beneficial bacter


A lack of beneficial bacteria in your diet can result in an unbalanced internal environment and a lack of support for your normal immune system function.*

What is the difference between Primal Defense® and other probiotics?

Primal Defense® is the only probiotic containing 12 species of hardy beneficial microorganisms in the form of the HSO Probiotic Blend. The ability of the probiotics in Primal Defense to support the normal healthy flora balance in the gut is not based solely on CFU count, but also on their ability to withstand harsh conditions in the digestive tract such as stomach acid and bile. Primal Defense also contains naturally occurring substances that function as prebiotics.


The probiotics in Primal Defense maximize the benefits of a healthy diet by supporting normal absorption and assimilation of nutrients in the gut.*

What probiotic species does Primal Defense® contain


Lactobacillus plantarum

Lactobacillus brevis

Bifidobacterium bifidum

Lactobacillus salivarius

Bifidobacterium lactis

Lactobacillus acidophilus

Bacillus subtilis

Bifidobacterium breve

Lactobacillus paracasei

Lactobacillus casei

Bifidobacterium longum

Lactobacillus rhamnosus

Suggested Use:

Primal Defense® comes in two easy -to-use forms: Powder and Caplets. Adults take 1 caplet or scoop 3 times per day with A TABLESPOON of Yogurt, cottage cheese or Kefir. Begin with 1 caplet or scoop per day and gradually increase to suggested amount. Best taken on an empty stomach.

Walt's Health Food

102 West Michigan

Jackson, MI. 49201



Google for best buy


Ω Zyme™

Digestive Enzyme Blend

•Provides 20 different vegetarian digestive enzymes that help you process proteins, carbohydrates, fats and difficult-to-digest foods like broccoli, nuts, seeds and beans.*

•A great way to get the enzymes you need is to consume a diet high in “live” raw and fermented foods, and/or to supplement your diet with digestive enzymes such as those found in Ω Zyme.™

•Comes in two easy -to-use forms: Powder and Caplets.

The human body is capable of accomplishing incredible feats and overcoming obstacles, provided that it receives proper, wholesome nutrition. Consuming enzyme rich foods and/or highly active enzyme supplements like Ω Zyme™ are two valuable approaches to ensure your body gets the enzymes it needs to support healthy digestion which is essential to overall health.*

A Broad Spectrum Approach to Enzyme Supplementation

Ω Zyme™ provides 20 different digestive enzymes. Each of these enzymes has a specific function.

For example, the protease blend aids the digestion and utilization of dietary proteins.* Amylase digests starch, lipase digests fats, and lactase digests the milk sugar lactose.* Garden of Life understands that having a broad range of enzymes to support the digestion of a multitude of nutrients in the gastrointestinal tract is vital to the efficacy of the product. Additionally, Garden of

Life believes that enzyme viability at different pH levels is equally important. Ω Zyme™ was specifically formulated to include enzymes that are active across different pH levels.

With 20 different digestive enzymes, Ω Zyme™ provides a broad array of enzymes to help your body process a wide variety of foods.*

What are enzymes and why do I need them?

Enzymes are protein-like substances that act as catalysts for all chemical reactions in the body.

Enzymes help maintain the body’s tissues, orchestrate its functions and digest food. There are three kinds of enzymes:

Metabolic Enzymes — spark many of the reactions inside cells, enabling our organs, tissues, and cells to work properly.


Food Enzymes — supplied by what we eat, they help break down food before our digestive enzymes are called upon. The majority of food enzymes are destroyed at temperatures above

118ºF, so nearly all c ooked and processed foods are devoid of them.

Indigenous Digestive Enzymes — secreted by the pancreas into the small intestine, they break down the nutrients in the foods we eat that have not already been broken down by food enzymes.

Garden of Life believes that enzymes are perhaps our most important and overlooked dietary component. Before the advent of modern food processing, we ate a diet that was rich in “live” raw and fermented foods. These foods contained many of the food enzymes that our diet lacks today.

Food enzymes aid in the digestion of food. Without them, the body must produce more digestive enzymes to break down the nutrients in the food we consume.

A great way to get the enzymes you need is to consume a diet high in “live” raw and fermented foods, and/or to supplement your diet with digestive enzymes su ch as those found in Ω Zyme™.

What makes Ω Zyme™ different from other enzyme supplements?

Ω Zyme™ is one of the most complex and comprehensive digestive enzyme products available, with 20 different digestive enzymes. Plus, it is formulated with one of the highest activity levels for individual enzymes.

What’s in Ω Zyme™?

Ω Zyme™ contains potent enzymes that support the digestion of a multitude of nutrients in the gastrointestinal tract, including:

Protease blend of five proteolytic enzymes aids digestion and utilization of dietary proteins*

Amylase digests starch*

Lipase digests fats*

Glucoamylase breaks down starch-like carbohydrates*

Malt diastase (maltase) digests maltose based carbohydrates or malt found in grains*

Invertase (sucrase) is an enzyme that breaks down sucrose into glucose and fructose*

alpha-Galactosidase helps digestion of difficult-to-digest foods such as beans, legumes and cruciferous vegetables*

Lactase digests the milk sugar lactose*

Cellulase digests fiber cellulose into smaller units*

Xylanase breaks down xylose, also called wood sugar*

Pectinase breaks down carbohydrates such as pectin, found in the pulp of many fruits*

Hemicellulase breaks down carbohydrates widely present in plant foods*


Phytase breaks down phytic acid present in many difficult-to-digest grains and beans. Research supports the view that phytic acid present in plant foods interferes with digestion of proteins and utilization of many important minerals, such as zinc, magnesium, and iron*

Beta-glucanase breaks down bulky beta-glucan molecules into smaller units*

Bromelain, derived from pineapple, breaks down a broad variety of proteins*

Papain, derived from papaya, also digests proteins into peptides and amino acids*

Suggested Use:

Ω Zyme™ is available in two easy -to-use forms: Powder and Caplets. Adults take 1-4 caplets/scoops with each meal, and 1-2 caplets/scoops with each snack.

Ω Zyme™ powder can be sprinkled directly on food that is room temperature or cooler at each meal or snack.





EarthGreens is especially recommended for pets that require more specialized supplementation due to cancer or immune-related disease processes. Preventative supplementation with EarthGreens can also benefit healthy pets and optimize their well-being.

Enzymatically alive, EarthGreens contains a comprehensive, nutrient-dense blend of concentrated fruits, vegetables, plant nutrients, prebiotics, probiotics and standardized herbal extracts.

EarthGreens provides: Antioxidant protection from carotenoids, proanthocyanidins (OPCs) and various phytochemicals - Cellular activation through vitamins, macro and micro minerals in their most bioavailable form - Immune support through standardized herbal extracts, live enzymes and cellular antioxidants - Probiotic and prebiotic enhancement replaces and generates healthy bacteria, using a complete blend of acidophilus, bifidus and synergistic cofactors.

EarthGreens is especially recommended for pets that require more specialized supplementation due to cancer or immune-related disease processes. Preventative supplementation with EarthGreens can also benefit healthy pets and optimize their well-being.

Enzymatically alive, EarthGreens contains a comprehensive, nutrient-dense blend of concentrated fruits, vegetables, plant nutrients, prebiotics, probiotics and standardized herbal extracts.

EarthGreens provides Antioxidant protection from carotenoids, proanthocyanidins (OPCs) and various phytochemicals - Cellular activation through vitamins, macro and micro minerals in their most bioavailable form - Immune support through standardized herbal extracts, live enzymes and cellular antioxidants - Probiotic and prebiotic enhancement replaces and generates healthy bacteria, using a complete blend of acidophilus, bifidus and synergistic cofactors.

Each Scoopful (1/2 tsp) contains: Pure lecithin, 97% phosphatides 333mg, Essential fatty acids 89mg, Phosphatidylcholine 78mg, Phosphatidlylethanolamine 68mg,

Phosphatidylserine 50mg, Phosphatidylinositol 48mg, Enzyme active concentrates 267mg;

Alfalfa grass juice powder, Barley greens juice powder, Buckwheat grass juice powder, Kamut cereal grass juice powder, Red beet juice powder, Wheat cereal grass juice powder, Hawaiian spirulina pacifica 250mg, Fiber blend 167mg; Apple pectin, Beet, Carrot, Oat, Tomato powder

(lycopene) 17mg, Sprouted multi-grains 67mg; Organic soybean sprouts, Barley malt sprouts,

Wheat berry sprouts, Mung bean sprouts, Multi-Algae blend 67mg; Chlorella green algae, cracked cell wall, Dunaliella sali-red algae, Haematococcus pluvialis red algae, Kombu seaweed, Nori seaweed, Nova Scotia dulse, Phlorotannin extract of canary Island, Brown algae, Wakame seaweed, Non-dairy eight culture multi strain probiotic blend 42mg;

Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus


sporogenes, Lactobacillus salivarius, Lactobacillus caucasicus, Bifidobacterium longum,

Bifidobacterium bifidum, FOS (fructo-oligosaccharides) 42mg - Dahlia, Dahlulin PB Probiotic

Inulin, Chicory, Jerusalem artichoke, Royal jelly 25mg, Multi-floral wildflower bee pollen 25mg,

Acerola berry juice powder 21mg, Milk thistle extract 10mg, Licorice root standardized extract

21mg, Siberian ginseng root standardized extract 12mg, Ginkgo biloba standardized extract

4mg, Non-fermented green tea standardized extract 3mg, Flavone complex (isoflavone, ipriflavone) 3mg, European bilberry standardized extract 3mg, Grape seed extract 2mg,

Astragalus root 8mg.

EarthGreens is ultra finely blended, organic, wild crafted and all-natural; contains no yeast, dairy, flax, fillers, fructose, starch, colorings, flavorings or preservatives.

Suggested Serving: 1-10lbs: 1/16tsp 10-25lbs:1/8 tsp 25-50lbs:1/4tsp 50-100lbs: 1/2 tsp

Available in 125g zip-sealed jar $21.34


Supplementation should never make up for a poor diet. Still, a wholesome diet does not necessarily mean that your dog or cat is getting optimal amounts of nutrients needed. The nutrients in Earthorigins simply and conveniently enhance the healthy diet you feed your pet.

Earthorigins daily supplement contains a spectrum of naturally occurring nutrients; vitamins, macro and micro minerals, and phytonutrients from spirulina, sea vegetables and montmorillonite minerals.

EarthOrigins Contains:

Spirulina is rich in chlorophyll, contains all the essential amino acids, beta-carotene and its cofactors, vitamin B12 and other natural phytochemicals. Spirulina is the only green food rich

Gamma- Linolenic Acid (GLA), or essential fatty acid. This functional food provides beneficial bacteria which helps to maintain a healthy intestinal flora.

Sea Vegetables - Kelp, Irish Moss and Dulse are exceptional foods that are a valuable source for a variety of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, enzymes and phytochemicals. Sea vegetables contain iodine, which is essential for the production of specific hormones for glandular health. They absorb toxins from the bowel, increase and enhance metabolism and strengthen connective tissues, bones, nails and teeth. These foods promote healthy skin and coats; they restore and nourish the entire body.

Montmorillonite Clay binds fungal toxins, internal toxins, chemicals and bacteria and removes them from the system. Clay helps anemia because it contains both types of dietary iron

(ferrous and ferric) in an easily assimilated form. The benefits of clay to animal health have been known for some time. Clay may not only be a source for minerals, but an instinctive form of self-medication.




Spirulina is one of the most concentrated natural sources of nutrition known. It contains all the essential amino acids, chlorophyll, beta-carotene and its co-factors, and other natural phytochemicals. Spirulina is the only green food rich in GLA essential fatty acid. GLA makes helps make the coat shiny and acts as an anti-inflammatory, sometimes alleviating symptoms of arthritic conditions. Spirulina acts as a functional food, feeding beneficial intestinal flora, especially Lactobacillus and Bifidus. Maintaining a healthy population of these bacteria in the intestine reduces potential problems from opportunistic pathogens like E. coli.

Based on preliminary research, scientists hope the use of Spirulina and its extracts may reduce or prevent cancers and viral diseases. Bacterial or parasitic infections may be prevented or respond better to treatment and wound healing may improve. Symptoms of anemia, poisoning and immunodeficiency may be alleviated. It is clear that this safe and natural food provides concentrated nutritional support for optimum health and wellness.

What is Spirulina?

Spirulina is planktonic blue - green algae. It possesses an amazing ability to thrive in conditions much too harsh for other algae. As might be expected, it has a highly unusual nutritional profile. Spirulina has 62% amino acid content, is the world's richest natural source of Vitamin B-12 and contains a whole spectrum of natural mixed carotene and xanthophyll phytopigments. Spirulina has a soft cell wall made of complex sugars and protein, and is different from most other algae in that it is easily digested. Spirulina has anti-viral, anti-cancer and immune stimulating properties.

Several studies show Spirulina or its extracts can prevent or inhibit cancers in animals. Some common forms of cancer are thought to be a result of damaged cell DNA running amok, causing uncontrolled cell growth. Cellular biologists have defined a system of special enzymes called endonuclease which repair damaged DNA to keep cells alive and healthy. When these enzymes are deactivated by radiation or toxins, errors in DNA go unrepaired and, cancer may develop. Studies suggest the unique polysaccharides of Spirulina enhance cell nucleus enzyme activity and DNA repair synthesis. This may be why several scientific studies, observing experimental cancers in animals, report high levels of suppression of several important types of cancer.

Strengthens the Immune System

Spirulina is a powerful tonic for the immune system. In scientific studies of mice, hamsters, chickens, turkeys, cats and fish, Spirulina consistently improves immune system function. Medical scientists find Spirulina not only stimulates the immune system, it actually enhances the body's ability to generate new blood cells.

Important parts of the immune system, the Bone Marrow Stem Cells, Macrophages, T-cells and Natural Killer cells, exhibit enhanced activity. The Spleen and Thymus glands show enhanced function. Scientists also observe Spirulina causing macrophages to increase in number, become "activated" and more effective at killing germs.

Spirulina accelerates production of the humoral system, (antibodies and cytokines), allowing it to better protect against invading germs. The cellular immune system includes T-cells, Macrophages, B-cells and the anti-cancer

Natural Killer cells. These cells circulate in the blood and are especially rich in body organs like the liver, spleen, thymus, lymph nodes, adenoids, tonsils and bone marrow. Spirulina up-regulates these key cells and organs, improving their ability to function in spite of stresses from environmental toxins and infectious agents.

EarthOrigins Contains: Spirulina, kelp, dulse, irish moss, montmorillonite clay: Vitamin A, B1 Thiamine, B2

Riboflavin, B3 Niacin, B6 Pyridoxine, B12 Colobalimine, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Folate, Vitamin K,

Biotin, Pantothenic Acid, Beta Carotene , Inositol, Calcium, Manganese, Iron, Chromium, Phosphorus,


Molybdenum, Iodine, Chloride, Magnesium, Sodium, Zinc, Potassium, Selenium, Germanium, Copper, Boron,

Phycocyanin, Chlorophyll, Carotenoids, Myxoxanthophyll , Zeaxanthin, Cryptoxanthin, Echinenone and other

Xanthophylls, Gamma Linolenic Acid , Glycolipids, Sulfolipids, Polysaccharides.

Sea Vegetables

Dulse is a sea vegetable that grows in the shore line between high and low tides, along North Atlantic and

Northwest Pacific coastlines. Dulse is a rich source of iron, potassium, iodine, and vitamin B-6 and dietary fiber.

It provides a complete array of minerals, trace elements, enzymes, and phytochemicals, as well as some high quality vegetable protein. The organic content of Dulse is composed of about 25% protein, 45% carbohydrates,

4% fat and 26% trace elements and mineral salts. Dulse is particularly rich in potassium, magnesium, iodine and vitamins B, B12, C and D. Dulse is useful as an antioxidant, as a tonic for skin problems, vitamin deficiencies and it is also traditionally used to treat worms.

Irish Moss is a red sea vegetable that has an exceptionally high content of nutrients. It supplies vitamins A, D, E,

F, and K and is rich in iodine, calcium, and sodium. Irish Moss also contains phosphorous, potassium, organic sulphur, plus iron. It is good for the bladder, intestines and glands. It aids in fighting bronchitis, cancer, tumors, and joint ailments. Irish Moss absorbs toxins from the bowels, increases and enhances metabolism and strengthens connective tissues (bones, hair, nails, skin and teeth). This food restores, nourishes, and supports the entire body.

Kelp is a valuable source for iron, sodium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, selenium, silicon, sulfur and calcium, as well as magnesium and potassium. It is a source of vitamins A, B1, B2, C, D and E, plus amino acids. Kelp supplies iodine, which is essential for the production of the hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine, which are required for the maintenance of metabolic rate, cellular metabolism, and the integrity of connective tissue. Kelp has been recognized for its anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, and immune enhancing properties and also for its ability to cleanse the digestive tract. Kelp has a unique detoxifying capacity to help remove pollutants. It improves digestion and promotes healthy skin and coats. Kelp increases the utilization of all the nutrients in the diet, which is important for maintaining the health of your dog.

Montmorillonite Clay

Montmorillonite clay is a product of Mother Earth named after its discovery locality, Montmorillon in France. An organic trace mineral, montmorillonite contains a combination of over 50 mineral compounds including silicon, aluminum, iron, sulphur, magnesium, titanium, potassium, sodium, calcium (as carbonate) and phosphorous.

Montmorillonite is a swelling clay. When it absorbs water and swells, it is stretched open like a porous sponge and toxins are drawn and bound into the spaces by electrical attraction. Montmorillonite can bind mycotoxins

(fungal toxins), endotoxins (internal toxins), toxic chemicals and bacteria. It protects the gut lining, acting as an antacid and it absorbs excess fluids, which is useful with cases of diarrhea. Clay may be helpful for anemia because it contains both types of dietary iron (ferrous and ferric).

The benefits of clay to animal health have been known for some time. Although clay eating is most common in plant eaters, meat eaters occasionally eat dirt as well. The feces of wolves often appear to have large amounts of earth in them. Domestic dogs frequently consume earth, and rocks suggesting that eating earth elements may not only be a source for minerals, but an instinctive form of self-medication.


Approximate Feeding Guidelines per day:

A small serving of EarthOrigins supplement is required to enhance a quality wholesome raw food diet:

1 - 10lbs -1/8 tsp

10 - 25lbs -1/4 tsp

25 - 50lbs - 1/2 tsp

50 - 100lbs - 1 tsp

EarthOrigins does not require refrigeration after opening and can be stored in a dry cool place. $16.48

Cold Water Fish Oil

Pharmaceutical grade omega-3 essential fatty acids Cold Water Fish Oil consists of sardine and anchovy. None of these fish are farmed. They are caught as they swim wild in the ocean water off the coast of Chile and Peru.

Your dog or cat requires a certain amount of fat for proper growth and functioning. The fats that are necessary for good health, but which cannot be manufactured by their body are called essential fatty acids. They are termed essential because, like vitamins and minerals, they must be provided by the diet. If your dog or cat is scratching, and it's coat is dry or lacks shine, he or she may be suffering from a dietary imbalance of essential fatty acids. The structure and function of essential fatty acids in relation to the skin, in addition to their ability to regulate inflammation, atopic dermatitis and other skin disorders has been widely demonstrated.

The Urban Carnivore Cold Water Fish Oil contains two essential fatty acids called eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which are the active and most desirable forms of the omega-3 family. These essential fatty acids from fish have an advantage in that they can be used directly by your pet's system.

Cold Water Fish Oil

Premium Quality - Pharmaceutical Grade

Canadian pharmaceutical level Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) is a strict quality certification system regulated by Health Canada. It is designed to define how products are developed and produced, to ensure both safety and proper ingredient identification. This includes tests to guarantee active ingredient content, purity, clarity and homogeneity. With proof of ingredient activity and high quality, stability is assured. Every batch of The Urban

Carnivore Cold Water Fish Oil is sampled and thoroughly tested to meet these standards.

GMP is much more than just guaranteed ingredients. This certification means every step of every process involved in manufacturing our Cold Water Fish Oil must meet Health Canada's


stringent quality control standards. GMP regulates the manufacturer's equipment and facilities, standard operating procedures, quality control and quality assurance procedures.

GMP regulates raw materials testing, finished product testing and more. The Urban Carnivore

Fish Oil is protected from light, air, and oxygen during manufacturing. It is made from only the best raw materials and is third party tested to ensure purity. We guarantee every drop of our oil is free from pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals and PCBs. These standards meet or exceed those of the World Health Organization (WHO), the Pharmaceutical Inspection

Convention (PIC), and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations for pharmaceutical level GMP.

Under current U.S. regulations, dietary supplements manufactured in the U.S, such as

Essential Fatty Acids, are not subject to GMP. Companies that do choose to conform to GMP are only required to meet "current" GMP (cGMP) standards, designed for food manufacturers.

These standards primarily regulate sanitation practices. Unlike Canadian pharmaceutical level

GMP, cGMP is not designed to ensure active ingredient content or quality in dietary supplements. So unlike Essential Fatty Acids manufactured in the U.S., which may or may not meet any GMP standards at all, The Urban Carnivore Cold Water Fish Oil provides the very best quality available.

The Urban Carnivore Cold Water Fish Oil should be consumed within an eight-week period once opened and kept refrigerated to prevent spoilage. The flip-top cap should be firmly closed after use to prevent oxidation of the oil. Because of their sensitivity, EFAs need to be stored properly and used with care. They need protection from light, air, and heat. If this protection is not given, EFAs are damaged and they will not retain the health benefits they are meant to provide.

If the dominating ingredients in a dog or cat's diet contain high levels of poultry, other animal fats or grains, The Urban Carnivore Cold Water Fish Oil should be supplemented on a daily basis. Almost every pet will benefit from The Urban Carnivore Cold Water Fish Oil, especially if they show symptoms of stiffness or arthritis, allergies or require immune system support.

Dogs and cats that are itchy, display poor skin condition, or whose coats lack luster and shine will also benefit. Urban Carnivore Cold Water Fish Oil is critical to normal eye and brain development in the fetus and therefore essential for pregnant as well as lactating females.

Per 1 teaspoon (4.6g) serving

Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) - omega-3.................802mg

Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) - omega-3................524mg

Vitamin E (mixed tocopherols)...................................10 I.U.

Approximate Feeding Guidelines per day

10lbs-1/4 tsp

20lbs-1/2 tsp

40lbs-1 tsp

60lbs-1.5 tsp

80lbs -2 tsp


100lbs -2.5 tsp

250ml bottle with flip top for easy dispensing $12.59

OmegaBlend 3-6-9 Fatty Acid Powder

Omega Blend sets a new standard as the first multi-fatty acid supplement for dogs and cats in a convenient powder!

Omega Blend provides omega-3 essential fatty acids from fish oil, omega-6 essential fatty acids from borage oil and omega-9 fatty acids from olive oil.

The Omega-3's EPA and DHA, and the Omega-6 GLA, are necessary for the maintenance of cardiovascular, nervous system and skin health. Oleic Acid, an Omega-9, has been shown to promote a healthy vascular system.

Omega Blend is compatible with all pet foods and does not require refrigeration, making it ideal for travel! Keep cap tight and store container in a dry, cool place away from direct sunlight.

Omega Blend 3-6-9

Omega Blend sets a new standard as the first multi-fatty acid supplement for dogs and cats in a convenient powder!

Omega Blend provides omega-3 essential fatty acids from fish oil, omega-6 essential fatty acids from borage oil and omega-9 fatty acids from olive oil.

The Omega-3's EPA and DHA, and the Omega-6 GLA, are necessary for the maintenance of cardiovascular, nervous system and skin health. Oleic Acid, an Omega-9, has been shown to promote a healthy vascular system.

Omega Blend is compatible with all pet foods and does not require refrigeration, making it ideal for travel! Keep cap tight and store container in a dry, cool place away from direct sunlight.

Active ingredients per 1 teaspoon serving:

Omega-3 (Fish Oil)......................................................450mg

Omega-6 (Borage Oil).................................................225mg

Omega-9 (Olive Oil)....................................................325mg

Also contains: lecithin, mixed natural tocopherols, mannitol, rosemary extract.

Suggested serving: 10lbs -1/4 tsp 20lbs -1/2 tsp 40lbs -1 tsp 60lbs -1.5 tsp 100lbs -2.5 tsp


Available in 110g zip-sealed jar $29.11

Primrose Oil

Evening Primrose Oil contains gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). GLA helps to inhibit the body's production of chemicals that cause inflammation. The body can make GLA through conversion of linoleic acid found in fat in meat and vegetable oils such as safflower. Disease, low thyroid function, infection and inadequate amounts of certain nutrients can interfere with this conversion. Evening Primrose Oil circumvents conversion problems leading to a more predictable response.

Pets that suffer from arthritis usually experience joint pain due to swelling. Anti-inflammatory agents, such as Evening Primrose Oil may help relieve the swelling, thereby minimizing the pain.

Evening Primrose Oil is useful in the treatment of atopy (allergies to inhaled substances such as pollens and molds). Pets with atopy are very itchy. The areas most affected are the face, paws, lower legs, groin and less often, the ears and eyes.

Evening Primrose Oil may benefit pets with dry, dull hair coats, and dry, flaky skin. Since cats do not convert linoleic acid into GLA, supplementation with Evening Primrose Oil may be helpful in overcoming coat and skin problems in cats. It is also known for its stabilizing effect on hormone imbalances.

Evening Primrose Oil and Cold Water Fish Oil can be used together to improve certain conditions such as Atopy (allergies) and arthritis when Cold Water Fish Oil alone is not providing an optimum response. Evening Primrose oil and Cold Water Fish Oil can also be combined with the Urban Carnivore Joint Rejuv.

The Urban Carnivore Evening Primrose oil is cold pressed without the use of solvents and free from herbicides and pesticides.

Evening Primrose Oil contains substantial amounts of the omega-6 fatty acid linoleic acid, an essential fatty acid that is needed by the body to regulate a number of activities including insulin utilization and heart function.

In addition to linoleic acid, Evening Primrose Oil contains gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). GLA helps to inhibit the body's production of chemicals that cause inflammation. The body can make GLA through conversion of linoleic acid found in fat in meat and vegetable oils such as safflower. Disease, low thyroid function, infection and inadequate amounts of certain nutrients can interfere with this conversion. Evening Primrose Oil circumvents conversion problems leading to a more predictable response.


Pets that suffer from arthritis usually experience joint pain due to swelling. Anti-inflammatory agents, such as Evening Primrose Oil may help relieve the swelling, thereby minimizing the pain.

Evening Primrose Oil is useful in the treatment of atopy (allergies to inhaled substances such as pollens and molds). Pets with atopy are very itchy. The areas most affected are the face, paws, lower legs, groin and less often, the ears and eyes.

Evening Primrose Oil may benefit pets with dry, dull hair coats, and dry, flaky skin. Since cats do not convert linoleic acid into GLA, supplementation with Evening Primrose Oil may be helpful in overcoming coat and skin problems in cats. It is also known for its stabilizing effect on hormone imbalances.

Evening Primrose Oil and Cold Water Fish Oil can be used together to improve certain conditions such as Atopy (allergies) and arthritis when Cold Water Fish Oil alone is not providing an optimum response. Evening Primrose oil and Cold Water Fish Oil can also be combined with the Urban Carnivore Joint Rejuv.

The Urban Carnivore Evening Primrose oil is cold pressed without the use of solvents and free from herbicides and pesticides.

Active Ingredients per 1/2 teaspoon (2.3g) serving:

Linoleic Acid (LA)...............................................1,690mg

Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA) ...........................210mg

Oleic Acid (OA)..................................................166mg

Vitamin E (mixed tocopherols)...........................22.5 I.U.

Suggested Serving: 10lbs-1/8 tsp 25lbs-1/4 tsp 50lbs-1/2 tsp 100lbs -1 tsp

Available in a 250ml flip-top bottle. $25.22



As the public's interest in alternative healthcare and nutrition has grown, it has extended to their animal companions. offers fresh, raw food diets and natural nutritional supplement programs, which provide people an opportunity to seek out optimum health and well-being options for their cats and dogs. integrates scientific knowledge and clinical experience into diets and supplements, which have determined success in our own ten-generation breeding program. Our and supplements are processed according to the highest standards possible using natural whole food ingredients and are all human-grade quality.

VitaMineral Plus Feline Supplement and VitaMineral Plus Canine Supplement were designed by Celeste Yarnall, Ph.D., and Russell Swift, DVM, for the fresh, raw food diet as outlined by Celeste in her books, Natural Cat Care, Natural Dog Care and her latest, The

Complete Guide to Holistic Cat Care. If you make your own pet food, this is the supplement you need. It includes, bonemeal, vegetable powder (barley grass, kamut, carrot, parsley), trace minerals (ionic sea minerals) with alfalfa and kelp, vitamin C, bioflavonoids (from oranges, lemons, and grapefruit), organ and gland concentrates, and Taurine.

Although our and VitaMineral Plus supplements are designed to be used with our raw recipe, all of our supplements may also be used with commercial foods. However, when using with commercial food, simply divide the recommend amount of VitaMineral Plus in half.

Celestial Cats and Celestial Dogs Essential Fatty Acid Oil formulas were designed by

Celeste Yarnall, Ph.D., and Barry Sears, Ph.D. (author of The Zone). They each contain Light

Olive oil, Salmon Oil, Borage Oil, and Vitamin E.

Feline Enzyme Supplement and Canine Enzyme Supplement were also designed by Celeste Yarnall, Ph.D., and Russell Swift, DVM, to be used not only with a raw food diet but also with all cooked, canned, and bagged foods as cooking diminishes essential and nonessential amino acids and enzymes. In addition to concentrated enzymes and probiotic bacteria, our feline formula contains taurine, fructoogliosaccharides, proanthocyanadines, and liver. In addition to the enzymes, our canine formula also contains probiotics, pancreas concentrate, and glucosamine sulfate

ProZyme® Feline

Your pet’s optimum health and good behavior is the biggest responsibility you have as a pet owner. And while high-quality foods, vitamin and mineral supplements do matter, it’s the level of food nutrients they are able to absorb that matters most. Cats and kittens have unique digestive needs and ProZyme® Feline is designed to uniquely meet those needs. ProZyme

Feline contains a blend of plant-derived amylase, lipase, cellulase and bromelain. These enzymes are responsible for the digestion of carbohydrates, fats, fiber and protein. Cats, as true carnivores, are inefficient at digesting carbohydrates. They require higher levels of


protein than dogs and may be susceptible to deficiencies when stressed or ill. A daily supplement with a blend of enzymes can help insure proper digestion under a variety of circumstances. ProZyme Feline also contains such important ingredients as vitamin E, taurine and omega-3 fatty acids in the form of DHA/EPA. All of these ingredients work together to help bridge the gap between processed commercial cat foods and the wild diet that cats crave.


Crude Fat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.0% minimum

Moisture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.0% maximum

Vitamin E . . . 29,000 IU/kg minimum (20 IU / 1⁄4 teaspoon)

Taurine . . . . . . . . . 14.5% minimum (100 mg / 1⁄4 teaspoon)

DHA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.725% (5 mg / 1⁄4 teaspoon)

EPA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.725% (5 mg / 1⁄4 teaspoon)

Alpha-amylase (Aspergillus oryzae) . . . . 2,950 DU / gram*

Cellulase (Aspergillus niger) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 CU / gram*

Lipase (Aspergillus niger) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 FIP / gram*

Bromelain (Pineapples - stem, fruit) . . . . . 12 GDU / gram*

*Not recognized as an essential nutrient by the AAFCO Cat Food Nutrient Profiles.


100 grams (3.5 oz)

INGREDIENTS: Rice starch, taurine, vitamin E supplement, fish oil, Aspergillus oryzae fermentation product dehydrated, pineapples (stem, fruit), Aspergillus niger fermentation product dehydrated.

ProZyme® Original

Many of today’s common pet ailments are triggered by nutritional deficiencies. While good health and behavior does start with what you feed your pet — it’s the level of food nutrients their body is absorbing that matters most.

Top veterinarians and breeders agree, adding ProZyme to your pet’s food helps them get the maximum nutrition possible. Most pet foods are processed for shelf life. As a result, many of the food nutrients become chemically trapped and pass through the digestive system.

ProZyme formula’s unique blend of plant-derived enzymes help unlock food nutrients and enhance metabolic absorption.

ProZyme is uniquely formulated to release nutrients where metabolic absorption takes place

— in the small intestine. ProZyme contains no added vitamins or minerals that could upset the balance of pet food nutrition or create a risk of excessive vitamin supplementation. In addition,

ProZyme does not get absorbed into the blood stream, making it safe to use with prescribed medications.

Experts have attested to the effectiveness of ProZyme in many best selling animal wellness books. Veterinarians have used the product successfully for over 30 years. Put ProZyme into your animal’s dietary plan and discover a noticeable difference in as little as 2 weeks!



Moisture............................................................... 6.0% Max

Alpha-amylase (Aspergillus oryzae) ...2000 SKB / gram*

Cellulase (Aspergillus niger) ......................50 CU / gram*

Lipase (Aspergillus niger) ........................... 30 FIP / gram*

Bromelain (Pineapples - stem, fruit) ........8 GDU / gram*

*Not recognized as an essential nutrient by the

AAFCO Dog & Cat Food Nutrient Profiles.

All-Natural Health Supplement

INGREDIENTS: Lactose, Aspergillus oryzae fermentation product dehydrated, Aspergillus niger fermentation product dehydrated, pineapples

ProZyme® Equine

Equine enthusiasts know that horses have low nutritional absorption rates. Adding ProZyme Equine to your horse’s dietary plan can help unlock the benefits of his feed and improve nutrient absorption.

Top veterinarians and breeders agree, adding ProZyme to your animal feed helps provide the maximum nutrition possible. ProZyme Equine formula’s unique blend of plant-derived enzymes help unlock food nutrients and enhance metabolic absorption.

ProZyme is uniquely formulated to release nutrients where metabolic absorption take place — in the small intestine. ProZyme Equine has no added vitamins or minerals that could upset the balance of horse feed nutrition or create the risk of harmful, excessive vitamin supplementation. In addition, ProZyme Equine does not get absorbed into the blood stream making it safe to use with prescribed medications.

Experts have attested to the effectiveness of ProZyme in hundreds of best selling animal wellness books.

Veterinarians have used the product successfully for over 30 years. Put ProZyme into your animal’s dietary plan and discover a noticeable difference in as little as 2 weeks!


Per 2 teaspoons (10 grams)

Moisture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.0% Max

Crude Protein . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0% Min

Crude Fiber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5% Max

Crude Fat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0% Min


Alpha-Amylase 2000 SKB/gram

Lipase 200 U/gram

Cellulase 50 CU/gram

Protease 8 GDU/gram


Stabilized Rice Bran, Alfalfa Meal dehydrated, Aspergillus oryzae (Alpha-Amylase) fermentation product dehydrated, Aspergillus niger (Lipase & Cellulase) fermentation product dehydrated, and Bromelain derived from Ananas Comosus (Protease) dehydrated.




FIRST CHOICE NATURALS http://firstchoicenaturals.com


-Whole Food Vitamin / Mineral Supplement

Using Filling N The Wholes is an easy and natural way to provide essential whole food nutrition to fill in the nutritional holes in your pet’s daily diet.

" Filling N The Wholes " should replicate the living components found in diets in the wild.

Unlike other nutritional supplements, it helps support digestive, heart, joint, ligament and immune functions all in one supplement through the use of green foods vitamins/ minerals, phyto-nutrients, antioxidants, l-carnintine, colostrums, micro-minerals, amino acids, omegas, probiotics (beneficial flora) and digestive enzymes.

" Filling N The Wholes " is suitable for any breed, size or age of dog, and is compatible with any diet: raw, home cooked or commercial kibble. Filling in the wholes is a maintenance level supplement and should be compatible with other therapeutic supportive nutrition and should not unbalance your current feeding program.

INGREDIENTS : Cereal Grass (Barley), Organic Sprouted Flax Seed, Dried Whey, Ascorbic

Acid (source Vit C), Arabinogalactin, Dried Milk (source of Colostrum), MSM, Brewers Yeast

(Saccharomyces Cerevisiac), DMG-L, Carnitine, Humic Shale (source of extracted trace minerals), Lethicin, Chicken Cartilage (source of Glucosamine Sulfate),Type IV Collagen &

Type II Collagen, (Direct Fed Microbials) & Digestive Enzymes) Aspergillus Oryzae

Fermentation Product, Dried Aspergillus Niger Fermentation Extract Product, Dried

Aspergillus niger Fermentation Extract Product, Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Bifidobacterium

Thermophilum, Enterococcus Faecium, Bacillus Subtilis, Silicon Dioxide, Dried Yucca

Schidigera.*Ascorbic Acid (Vit C) min 25mg/lb

Filling In The Wholes is available in a - 1 lb container (128 scoops) and a 1/2 lb container (64 scoops).

Key Benefits to Pet:

 Supports Digestive Function

 Supports Joint and Ligament Function

 Supports Immune Health


 Supports Heart Health

 Anti-Aging Properties

 Phyto-Nutrients / Antioxidants

Feeding Directions:

As a dietary supplement, administer daily according to the following scoop / weight recommendations:

Number of Scoops




1 1/2


Weight Range

1 - 10 lbs

10 - 25 lbs

25 - 50 lbs

50 - 100 lbs over 100 lbs

Suggested Use: Once a day on food and when feeding several times daily, divide recommended amount over each feeding. Sprinkle over moistened food under 115 degrees.

Store in Cool Dry Place.

4 in 1 Probiotics is a combination of beneficial yogurt-like micro-organisms (flora) and digestive enzymes. Research shows beneficial/friendly bacteria is critical to keeping the environment of the gut in top condition. Digestive enzymes are the key to getting the most out of your pet’s diet by assisting in the digestion of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

These two supplements in combination with vitamin C and organic wheat/barley grass , provides great digestive support and spectrum of fruit and vegetable nutrients normally missing in most commercial and homemade diets. Top breeders and pet owners have used 4 in 1 Probiotics with great success over the past 13 years, proving it is essential for life long wellness for your pet.

Note: organic barley grasses will vary in color depending on the time of year it has been harvested. This does not effect the nutritional anaylsis of the product .

Key Benefits to your pet:

 Helps keep the digestive system working properly

 Enhances immune system

 Proper collagen synthesis (from the vitamin C), helpful in the treatment and prevention of stress related diseases such as hip dysplasia, ligament and tendon diseases, and joint disorders

Increased stamina and endurance

Helps reduce likelihood of illnesses such as systemic yeast and bloat/torsion by keeping the gut health.

Dosages: 1/4 scoop - 1-10lbs


1/2 scoop - 10- 25 lbs

1 scoop - 25-50 lbs

1 & 1/2 scoop - 50 - 100lbs

2 scoops - over 100 lbs

Use once a day sprinkled on food and use AM and PM during times of stress or on antibiotics.

Container holds 128 scoops of product

Ingredients: Vitamin C, organic Barley/Wheat Grass,

Dried Lactobacillus acidophilus Fermentation Product, Dried Streptococcus

Faecium Fermentation Product, Dried Bacillus subtillis Fermentation Product, Dried

Saccharomyces cerevisiae Fermentation Product, Lecithin, Natural Flavors, Dried Whey,

Sucrose, Sodium Silicate Aluminate. Guaranteed Microbiotic Analysis not less than 85 million colony forming Units/Gram.Guaranteed Enzymatic Analysis; Amylase 110 Units/gram,

Protease 110 Units/gram,Lipase 8.8 Units/gram.

Note: There is 500 mg of C per scoop so this combined with the Vitamin C in your natural/holistic dog foods gives you ample Vit C without over doing it.



Container (128 1/8-oz doses)

Bonus Offer:


16 ounce container

Buy 2 containers - get second at 50% off



NZYMES®Fortified Bac~Pak Plus uses a powerful blend of "encapsulated" live naturally occurring beneficial bacteria and digestive enzymes.

This product is ideal for very sensitive or difficult digestive problems such as systemic yeast infections,IBS, IBD,Giardia and chronic diarrhea which requires a specific blend of many beneficial organisms to get the digestive system back on track and Fortified BacPak Plus is the probiotic of choice. It is also ideal to use on newborn puppies and kittens since they are born with a sterile GI tract.

The "micro encapsulation"process provides key protection against heat and stomach acid and insures that 95% of the viable bacteria reach the GI tract. This blend promotes proper digestion and improved assimilation of foods.


Mix the


powder with your pet's daily meal (see amounts below). Adjust levels to the individual animal's needs. During periods of increase stress it is suggested to double or triple the daily maintenance levels shown below. Remember: Always


provide fresh water in a clean container for your pet daily.


Pets Size

40 Lbs. or Less

40 to 200 Lbs

200 to 400 Lbs.

800 to 1000 Lb. Horse

Regular Daily Use

Mix 1/4 gram with daily meal

Mix 1/4 to 1/2 gram with daily meal

Mix 1 gram with daily meal

Mix 1 1/2 to 2 grams with daily meal


Dried Whey, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Silicon Dioxide, Flax Seed, Yucca Schidigera, Dried

Aspergillus oryzae Fermentation Product Extract, Dried Aspergillus niger Fermentation

Product Extract, Dried Lactobacillus acidophilus Fermentation product, Dried Bifidobacterium thermophilum Fermentation Product, Dried Enterococcus faecium Fermentation Product and

Bacillus subtillis Fermentation Product.


Lactic Acid Producing Bacteria

Protease (A. oryzae) a-Amylase(A. oryzae)

Hemi-Cellulase (A. niger)

Phytase (A. niger)

Cellulase (A. niger)

Lipase (A. oryzae)

Pectinase (A. oryzae) beta-Gluconase ( A. niger) at least 1 Billion per gm

475 µg amino acids hydrolyzed/minute/gm

3560 µg starch hydrolyzed/minute/gm

410 µg hemicellulose broken-down/minute/gm

240 µg of phytate hydrolyzed/minute/gm

190 µg cellulose broken-down/minute/gm

140 µg fatty acids hydrolyzed/minute/gm

95 µg pectin broken-down/minute/gm

70 µg beta glucans hydrolyzed/minute/gm

200 gram bottle -400 1/2 gram scoops per jar

400 gram bottle - 800 1/2 gram scoops per jar



Our Breeders Pack Probiotics is a powerful blend of " live naturally occurring beneficial bacteria and digestive enzymes. This product is ideal large kennel situations where dogs are often under stress or breeders/handlers that are on the road showing many dogs. This probiotic is ideal for very sensitive stomachs, changing foods or waters or difficult digestive problems such as systemic yeast infections, IBS, IBD, Giardia, Coccidia, Colitis and chronic diarrhea. All of these problems require a blend of many beneficial organisms to get the digestive system back on track. It is also ideal to use on newborn puppies and kittens since they are born with a sterile GI tract. Two of the beneficial bacteria are specifically "micro encapsulation" which provides protection against heat and stomach acid and insures that 95% of the viable bacteria reach the GI tract. This blend promotes proper digestion and improved assimilation of foods.


1 – 40 lbs – ¼ gram daily on food

41 – 200 lbs – ¼ - ½ gram daily on food

Use once a day unless under stress or on antibiotics then you need to use at both feedings

AM and PM


Dried Whey, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Silicon Dioxide, Organic Flax Seed, Yucca

Schidigera, Dried Aspergillus oryzae Fermentation Product Extract, Dried Aspergillus niger

Fermentation Product Extract, Dried Lactobacillus acidophilus Fermentation product, Dried

Bifidobacterium thermophilum Fermentation Product, Dried Enterococcus faecium

Fermentation Product and Bacillus subtillis Fermentation Product. 1 billion units per gram scoop.


Dried Whey, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Silicon Dioxide, Flax Seed, Yucca Schidigera, Dried

Aspergillus oryzae Fermentation Product Extract, Dried Aspergillus niger Fermentation

Product Extract, Dried Lactobacillus acidophilus Fermentation product, Dried Bifidobacterium thermophilum Fermentation Product, Dried Enterococcus faecium Fermentation Product and

Bacillus subtillis Fermentation Product.


Lactic Acid Producing Bacteria

Protease (A. oryzae) a-Amylase(A. oryzae)

Hemi-Cellulase (A. niger) at least 1 Billion per gm

475 µg amino acids hydrolyzed/minute/gm

3560 µg starch hydrolyzed/minute/gm

410 µg hemicellulose broken-down/minute/gm


Phytase (A. niger)

Cellulase (A. niger)

Lipase (A. oryzae)

Pectinase (A. oryzae) beta-Gluconase ( A. niger)

240 µg of phytate hydrolyzed/minute/gm

190 µg cellulose broken-down/minute/gm

140 µg fatty acids hydrolyzed/minute/gm

95 µg pectin broken-down/minute/gm

70 µg beta glucans hydrolyzed/minute/gm


Alaska Naturals is your source for natural, USA-made, chemical-free salmon oil pet products.

Our quality-assurance team is involved from the source to the shelf using our sophisticated processes and our genuine concern for producing the very-best pet supplements and snacks.

Enhance your pet's health and well-being by simply adding a measured amount of Alaska

Naturals Wild Alaska Salmon Oil to your pet's food each day.

Dosage: 1 pump per 10 lbs of body weight. (1 pump = 1/2 teaspoon)

Provides a rich source of natural Omega-3 essential fatty acids that supports and promotes healthy skin and glossy coat, a healthy immune system, cardiovascular health and healthy brain development. And, our oils are stabilized with natural rosemary extract to maintain freshness and taste.

Price: $19.95



Antioxidants, good guys, are the bodies scavengers, they clean the body of any free radical toxins. I think of an antioxidant as “filters” for the body and they decrease in our bodies as we age.

Where can we get antioxidants? Antioxidants are found naturally in foods in the form of:

Antioxidant Vitamins - A, C, E

Antioxidant Minerals - Selenium, Zinc

Antioxidant Enzymes - in the form of dietary enzymes found in certain foods, herbs, amino acids, hormones, botanical sources etc..

