Assignment 4: Health Education and Hypertensive Disease Scenario Linda Cervantes, of Puerto Rican ancestry, is a first generation HispanicAmerican who attends California State University, Northridge. During her sixth semester as an accounting major she required emergency transportation to the Student Health Center to address an episode of dizziness and severe headaches. During the examination it was uncovered that Linda had a blood pressure reading 145 mmHg over 110 mmHg. The attending physician wrote a prescription for an antihypertensive medication and recommended that Linda immediately return to her dorm room and that she spend the remaining portion of the day in bed. He further suggested that Linda have blood drawn so that an evaluation of her health could be further perused. A few days latter a Student Health nurse emailed Linda with a message that it was very important that she call the Student Health Center as soon as she had some free time. Upon calling the Center Linda learned that she had hypertensive disease and that she needed to change her life style. Specifically, she was told that she would have to make major modifications in her diet and exercise patterns. Linda was referred to the Student Health Center’s Director of Health Education. Since final exams and a number of term papers were due in the next two weeks Linda waited until after the semester brake to make her first appoint with a health educator. Linda’s visit with Jodi Watkins, a health educator, was pleasant and informative. She received a pamphlet to help her plan out her new diet and an exercise scheduler that laid out an activity program that would put Linda on what the health educator hoped would be a sure path to good health. In combination with the prescribed medications Linda was very optimistic that controlling her high blood pressure was only a matter of following the advice provided by the Student Health Center. Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth. 1 By the middle of the following semester Linda suffered a much more serious episode of dizziness and headaches landing her in Northridge Hospital for seven days. Question Given Linda’s experience, as a health educator, how would you design a health education program that would have had a greater probability of succeeding? Include the following specifics in a one to two page double spaced proposal; be sure to provide references from the current health education professional literature to support the details of your proposal (You must include an APA formatted Reference Page – Not counted as part of the one to two pages): 1. Name and describe a health education model/theory that underlies your approach 2. A measureable health objective 3. A measureable health determinant objective 4. Select one of the following four venues for the delivery of your health education program; school, worksite, hospital, or community, and provide explanation for your selection and a description of the people who will be included 5. A public health mode of delivery (i.e. legislative, cognitive, behavioral, attitudinal, etc.) and provide explanation for your selection 6. Name and provide a step by step health education methodology 7. Define the terms supports and barriers to a health education program and list what those supports and barriers would be for your proposal 8. The category/categories of evaluation you would build into your program with a description of how you would carryout the evaluation. 2 Grading Rubric Maximum Points 100% 80% 65% 50% Only Only demonstrates Only names describes a an a health health understanding education education of what a model/theory model/theory theory/model is. 25% 1. Name and describe a health education model/theory that underlies your approach Names and describes a 2 health education model/theory 2. A measureable health objective Includes the following items: Description of the behavior, Includes 3 how it will be three of the measured, four items criteria for success, and time frame Includes two Includes one of the four of the items foretimes Includes none of the four items 3. A measureable health determinant objective Includes the following items: Description of the behavior, Includes 3 how it will be three of the measured, four items criteria for success, and time frame Includes two Includes one of the four of the four items items Includes none of the four items 4. Describe and explain the need for an assessment plan you would conduct to help create a successful health education program Includes the following Includes the items: following items: Description of Description of the plan, the the plan, the need for the 2 need for the plan, the data plan, the data collected, but collected, and not the the method of method of data collection data collection 5. Select one of the following four venues for the delivery of your health education program; school, worksite, hospital, or community, and provide explanation for your selection and a description of the people who will be included Includes the following items: Description of the plan, the need for the plan, but not the data collected, and the method of data collection Selected a venue, but did not Selected a provide an Selected a venue, explanation venue, provided an for why that provided an explanation venue was explanation for for why that chosen, and why that venue venue was did not was chosen, chosen, but describe the 2 and a did not people who description of describe the will be the people who people who included, will be will be literature included, all included, references with literature literature were references references included for were included why the venue was chosen 3 Either fails to respond or is incorrect Includes the following items: Description of the plan, but Includes not the need none of the for the plan, four items or the data collected, or the method of data collection Selected a venue, but failed to provide literature references to support the selection Failed to include a response to this item 6. A public health mode of delivery (i.e. legislative, cognitive, behavioral, attitudinal, etc.) and provide explanation for your selection with supportive literature references Selected a Selected a public health public health mode of mode of delivery, delivery, provided an provided an explanation explanation for 2 for the the selection selection but and supported supported both of the one of the above with above two literature with literature references references 7. Name and provide a step by step health education methodology Named and provided a logical and objective step 2 by step health education methodological steps 8. Define the terms supports and barriers to a health education program and list what those supports and barriers would be for your proposal 9. Name and describe a category/categories of evaluation you would build into your program with a description of how you would carryout the evaluation. Total Points Earned Named and provided a logical and objective steps, but some steps were missing and/or out of order Defined the terms supports and barriers to a health education program but did not list what those supports and barriers would be for the proposal Described, Named and but did not described one name one or or more of the more of the following following evaluation evaluation categories: categories: Diagnostic Diagnostic evaluation, evaluation, formative 2 formative evaluation, evaluation, summative summative evaluation, and evaluation, included a and included description of a description how the of how the evaluation evaluation would be would be carried out carried out 20 Defined the terms supports and barriers to a health education 2 program and listed what those supports and barriers would be for the proposal 4 Selected a public health mode of delivery, but did not provide an explanation for the selection and did not support one of the above two with literature references Failed to include a response to this item Named and provided a logical and objective Named an steps, but educational some steps methodology were missing and/or out of order Failed to include a response to this item Selected a public health mode of delivery, provided an explanation for the selection but did not support one of the above two with literature references Failed to define the terms supports and barriers to a health education program but did list supports and barriers for the proposal Failed to define the terms supports and barriers to a health education program but listed only the supports or the barriers for the proposal Failed to include a response to this item Named and described how the evaluation would be carried out, but did not describe one or more of the following evaluation categories: Diagnostic evaluation, formative evaluation, summative evaluation Named one or more of the following evaluation categories: Diagnostic evaluation, formative evaluation, summative evaluation, Failed to include a response to this item