5. Problem Solving Methods

Chapter 15 - Introduction to Problem Solving Methods
15.1 Greedy Method
15.2 Divide-and-Conquer
15.3 Backtracking
15.4 Dynamic Programming
15.5 Branch-and-Bound
Chapter 15 - Introduction to Problem Solving Methods
In this chapter we review the major problem solving methods used in the design of programs.
These methods are more general than any particular algorithm and are the basis of most applied
numerical and semi-numerical algorithms.
15.1 Greedy Method
The greedy method is a problem solving approach that makes the best immediate (i.e. locally
optimal) decision at each step toward the overall solution. When this approach results in the best
possible answer to the problem, we say that the problem is amenable to the greedy method. An
example of a problem for which the greedy method can give the best answer (i.e. optimal
solution) is the coin changing problem.
Coin Changing
The coin changing problem is to determine the minimum number of coins required to equal a
specified amount of change. There is a greedy optimal solution for the coin denominations
currently minted by the U.S. government, namely 50, 25, 10, 5 and 1 cents.
The greedy coin changing algorithm states, always deduct the largest coin denomination that is
no greater than the remaining change value until the remaining value is zero. A step algorithm for
this technique is,
Step 1: Set remaining_value = input change value.
Step 2: Find the largest coin denomination that is  remaining_value.
Step 3: Deduct the coin value found in Step 2 from remainin_value and increment
the coin count for the corresponding coin denomination. If remaining_value
is > 0 then return to Step 2 else continue.
Step 4: Display coin counts.
We can implement a more efficient algorithm for coin changing by using integer division and the
mod function, as shown in the code segment below.
coin_set : array(1..5) of integer := (50,25,10,5,1);
num_coins : array(1..5) of integer := (0,0,0,0,0);
for i in 1..5 loop
remval:=remval mod coin_set(i);
end loop;
So, for a change amount of 62 cents we would obtain a coin count of (1,0,1,0,2) for coin
denominations of (50,25,10,5,1) for a total of 4 coins. This is the minimum number of coins that
will total 62 cents.
It is interesting to note that this coin changing algorithm does not result in the minimum number of
coins for all coin sets. For example, consider the same change amount of 62 cents with the coin
denominations (50,26,10,5,1). Here, we have replaced the quarter with a 26-cent piece. The
greedy algorithm gives us a coin count of (1,0,1,0,2) or 4 coins, but we can make the same
change value with only three coins (0,2,1,0,0). As shown by this simple example, we have to be
careful about our claims of optimality with respect to our computer algorithms.
When the greedy method works it is the preferred problem solving approach because of its
efficiency. Since it only looks at immediately available data it never takes time to compute
alternatives. To get a better appreciation for the advantage of the greedy method, consider an
alternative algorithm for coin changing that would give the minimum number of coins for any coin
Minimal Spanning Tree
Another example problem amenable to a greedy solution is the minimal spanning tree problem.
In this problem you are to find the minimum weight tree embedded in a weighted graph that
includes all the vertices.
4 1
Figure 15-1: Sample Weighted Graph and Associated Adjacency Matrix
The answer to the minimal spanning tree problem is a subset of edges from the weighted graph.
There are a number of algoirthm that use the greedy method to find the subset of edges that span
the nodes in the graph and whose total weight is a minimum. This minimal spanning subset of
edges will always be a tree. Why?
To implement an algorithm for the minimal spanning tree problem we need a data-representation
for weighted graphs. For human analysis, the graphical representation is sufficient, but for
computer analysis an edge list or adjacency matrix is preferred.
Prims Algorthm
Given a weighted graph G consisting of a set of vertices V and a set of edges E with weights,
ek  (vi , v j , wk )  E and vi , v j  V
where wk is the weight associated with the edge connecting vertex vi and vj. Prepare a vertex set
and an edge set to hold elements selected by Prim's Algorithm.
Step 1: Choose an arbitrary starting vertex vj
Step 2: Find the smallest weight edge e incident with with a vertex in the vertex set
whose inclusion in the edge set does not create a cycle.
Step 3: Include this edge in the edge set and its vertices in the vertex set.
Step 4: Repeat Steps 2 and 3 until all vertices are in the vertex set.
The edge set is the set of edges that have been chosen as member of the minimal spanning tree.
The vertex set is the set of vertices that are incident with a selected edge in the edge set. In
Prim's Algorithm the test for cycles is simple since we only need to ensure both vertices incident
with the new edge are not already in the vertex set. As shown in Figure 15-2 we may be forced
to choose from two or more equal weight edges.
partial solution
4 1
5 3
a completed minimal spanning tree
Figure 15-2: Sample Execution of Prim's Algorithm for Minimal Spanning Tree
In the example above, the partial solution shows that we may select either edge E-F or edge H-F
to be added to the edge set. In either case the added weight will be 3. This is why we refer to
the solution as the minimal spanning tree rather than the minimum spanning tree. Figure 15-2
also shows a complete solution whose total weight is 14. A bit of visual analysis of this graph
(staring at it for a while) should convince you that the embedded tree is a minimal spanning tree.
15.2 Divide-and-Conquer
The divide-and-conquer method involves dividing a problem into smaller problems that can be
more easily solved. While the specifics vary from one application to another, building a divideand-conquer solution involves the implementation of the following three steps in some form:
Divide - Typically this steps involves splitting one problem into two problems of
approximately 1/2 the size of the original problem.
Conquer - The divide step is repeated (usually recursively) until individual problem
sizes are small enough to be solved (conquered) directly.
Recombine - The solution to the original problem is obtained by combining all the
solutions to the sub-problems.
Divide and conquer works best with the size of the sub-problems are reduced in size by an
amount proportional to the number of sub-problems being generated. When the reduction in
problem size is small compared to the number of sub-problems divide-and-conquer should be
avoided. Therefore, we should avoid divide-and-conquer in the following cases:
An instance of size n is divided into two or more instances each of nearly n in size.
An instance of size n is divided into nearly n instances of size n/c (c is some constant).
To see why this is so, lets look at a graphical representation of the problem spaces for two cases
of divide-and-conquer.
Case 1: Starting with a problem of size n, divide-and-conquer divides each instance of size k into
two instances of size k/2 until k=1.
Figure 15-3: Problem Space for an Efficient Implementation of Divide-and-Conquer
The first instance (size n) gets divided into two instances of size n/2 each. Then each of these
gets divided into two instances of size n/4 (a total of 4 of these). Then D&C generates 8
instances of size n/8. At the kth stage D&C will have generated 2k instances of size n/2k. The
binary tree below represents the problem space for this D&C example.
As we have seen before the depth of this tree is log2n. The complexity of an algorithm exhibiting
this behavior is proportional to the number of nodes in the problem-space tree. How many nodes
are there in a complete binary tree of depth k? A binary tree of depth=k has 2k-1 nodes. In this
case we know that k=log2n so the number of nodes in the problem-space tree is 2log n - 1. But
2log n = n so the order of run time of this D&C algorithm is O(n).
Case 2: D&C divides each instance of size n into two instances of size n-1 until n=1.
Now the first instance (size n) gets divided into to instances of size n-1. The number of instances
doubles at each stage just as in Case 1, but now the depth, k of the problem-space tree is
determined by n-k = 1, or k = n-1. The total number of nodes in this tree is 2n-1 -1. Therefore the
order of run time of this D&C example is O(2n).
Figure 15-4: Problem Space for an Inefficient Implementation of Divide-and-Conquer
In Case 1 D&C is shown to be of linear order and therefore is an effective problem solving
method. Applying D&C in Case 2 results in exponential order so it would be better to choose
another method for this problem class.
Recursive Binary Search
The searching problems referenced in Chapter 13 were for both unordered and ordered lists. We
determined that, at most, n comparisons are needed to search for a particular value in an
unordered list of size n. For an ordered list, we presented an algorithm, called binary search, that
did not have to examine every value in the list to determine if a particular value was present. We
showed that the order of run time for binary search was O(log2n).
Now we will apply the divide-and-conquer problem solving method to the problem of searching an
ordered list. The function location( ) shown below is recursive. If the index lo is greater than hi,
the function returns 0 (i.e. this particular copy of location( ) did not find the value x). If the array
value S(mid) = x, then the index mid is returned. If x is less than the value S(mid) the function
calls itself with the index hi = mid-1. Finally if the value of x is greater than S(mid) then
location( ) is called with the index lo = mid + 1.
Analysis of Recursive Binary Search
We will now introduce recurrence relations as a method of analyzing recursive functions. The
recurrence relation T(n) below defines the amount of work done by the function location( ) in
terms n (the input problem size). If location( ) is called with n=1 (the termination condition) then
the amount of work performed (returning a 0) is constant which we label a C. Alternatively is n>1
then the function location( ) will perform some fixed number of operations plus it will call itself with
a problem size of n/2. We will label the fixed amount of work done as D (another constant) and
we will label the amount of work done by the additional call of location as T(n/2). So when n>1
we express the amount of work as T(n) = T(n/2) + D. In order to determine the complexity we
have to find a representation for T(n/2) as an explicit function of n. This is accomplished as
shown below.
There are a number of formal method for solving recurrence relations which we will not
emphasize in this course. It is important that you become familiar with the replacement method
shown above and, in particular, understand how to find the kth term for the recurrence. Notice
that since we define T(1) = C, we will be trying to replace T(f(n)) with T(1), which means we are
looking for the conditions under which f(n)=1. We then apply those conditions to the other terms
in the recurrence relation.
15.3 Backtracking
Backtracking is a form of exhaustive search that is used to find any feasible solution. For
example, we can use backtracking to solve a maze or to determine the arrangement of the
squares in a 15-puzzle. In order to implement backtracking we need a way to represent all
possible states of the problem or a way to generate all permutations of the potential solutions.
The possible (candidate) solutions or states of the problem are referred to as the problems state
Backtracking is a modified depth-first search of the problem state-space . In the case of the
maze the start location is analogous to the root of an embedded search tree in the state-space.
This search tree has a node at each point in the maze where there is a choice of direction. The
dead-ends and the finish position are leaf nodes of the search tree. The children of each node in
the state-space tree represent the possible choices from that node, given the sequence of
choices that lead to the node. In the maxe solving problem, the branches of the search tree are
the allowed alternative paths in the state-space tree.
As shown in the example maze above the candidate solutions are the branches of a search tree.
The correct (feasible) solution is shown in green. This search tree is represents the state space
of the maze since is includes all reachable locations in the maze.
In backtracking we traverse the search tree of the state-space in a depth first order. Consider the
state-space tree shown below. Moving down the left-hand branches first we can generate the
sequence of nodes encountered in a depth-first order traversal of the tree. The nodes are
numbered in the order of a depth-first traversal of the tree below.
The N-Queens Problem is a classic problem that is solvable using backtracking. In this problem
you are to place queens (chess pieces) on an NxN chessboard in such a way that no two queens
are directly attacking one another. That is, no two queens share the same row, column or
diagonal on the board. In the examples below, we give two versions of backtracking as applied to
this problem.
Version 1 - We solve the 4-Queens Problem below as an example of brute-force backtracking.
Place 4 queens on a 4x4 board, in such a way that no two are in the same row, column or
diagonal. First we label the 16 squares of the board with letters A through P. Until all queens are
placed, choose the first available location and put the next queen in this position.
If queens remain to be placed and no space is left, backtrack by removing the last queens placed
and placing it in the next available position. Once all choices have been exhausted for the most
recent decision point, we backtrack to the next earlier decision point and choose the next
available alternative.
Starting with position A we find that the next position that is not under attack by the first queen is
G. In fact there are only 6 positions (G H J L N O) not under attack from position A. We place
the second queen in position G and see that there is only 1 remaining square not under attack by
one or both of these queens (position N). Once we choose N for the third queen we see that the
fourh queen cannot be placed. So we backtrack to the most recent decision point and choose the
next position for queen 2 (i.e. position H).
Continuing to traverse the state-space tree in a depth-first mode we find that queen two cannot
be placed at position H, J or L either. In fact we eventually exhaust all the alternatives for queen
2 and backtrack to the first decision. We have shown that the first queen cannot be in position A
(i.e. a corner of the board).
So we choose the next available location for queen 1. Notice that all the constraints for placing a
particular queen are based on the number and positions of the queens already placed. There is
no restriction on where the first queen may be placed so the next available position is B. From B
the six remaining positions are H I K M O P. We choose the first available position H for queen 2.
This leaves only I and O postions not under attack so we choose I for queen 3. Since O is not
under attack by any one of the first 3 queens we place queen 4 there, and the 4-Queens Problem
has been solved.
Notice that we did not have to traverse a large portion of the state-space tree before a solution
was found. This problem becomes much more difficult as the size of the board and the number
of queens increases.
Version 2 - Some analysis of this problem shows that, since N queens must be placed on an
NxN board, every row and column will have exactly one queen. That is, no two queens can share
a row or column, otherwise they would be attacking each other. Using this simple observation we
can redefine the state space of our algorithm.
We will associate each queen with 1 of n values representing the column for that queen. Now we
only have to find a row number, i for each queen Q j (the queen of the jth column). The statespace for this version of the 4-Queens Problem is much simpler.
We have 4 choices for the queen of the first column, three choices for the queen of the second
column, and so on. There are 4! = 24 nodes in the state-space tree for this version of the 4Queens Problem.
Hamiltonian Circuit
A Hamiltonian circuit (also called a tour) of a graph is a path that starts at a given vertex, visits
each vertex in the graph exactly once, and ends at the starting vertex. Some connected graphs
do not contain Hamiltonian circuits and others do. We may use backtracking to discover if a
particular connected graph has a Hamiltonian circuit.
Graph A
Graph B
Embedding a Depth-First State-Space Tree in a Connected Graph
A method for searching the state space for this problem is defined as follows. Put the starting
vertex at level 0 in the search tree, call this the zeroth vertex on the path (we may arbitrarily
select any node as the starting node since we will be traversing all nodes in the circuit). At level
1, create a child node for the root node for each remaining vertex that is adjacent to the first
vertex. At each node in level 2, create a child node for each of the adjacent vertices that are not
in the path from the root to this vertex, and so on.
Depth-First Traversal of Graph A
Hamiltonian circuit found
Depth-First Traversal of Graph B
no Hamiltonian circuit
Notice that the graph nodes may be represented by more than one node in the state space tree.
This is true since a particular graph node made be part of more than one path.
Implementing Backtracking
We have discussed a number of examples of depth-first search in the Backtracking problem
solving method. Now we will look at some of the details of implementing this method in a
computer program. We will use the Hamiltonian Circuit as our sample problem to solve.
Data Structure - First we will define a data structure to hold the graph representation. In this
problem, we will use an adjacency matrix W as shown below.
We will also define a one-dimensional array p of integers that will contain the labels of the
vertices in order of traversal.
We can now define a recursive algorithm hamiltonian(p,index) that performs a depth-first
traversal of the embedded state-space tree. This algorithm has the following form. We must
verify that the procedure hamiltonian(p,index) perform the correct operations for any stage in the
search for a Hamiltonian circuit.
For example, assume that we start with vertex v1. Let index be a location in the list p such that
p(index) is the most recent node entered. Let n be the number of nodes in the graph. The initial
call to hamiltonian( p,1) should be made with vertex v1 already loaded into p(1). The termination
segment of the pseudocode below is shown in red and the recursive segment is shown in green.
if index>n then
path is complete
display the values in p
for each node v in G
if v can be added to the path then
add v to path p and call hamiltonian(p,index+1)
end hamiltonian
Termination Segment - A Hamiltonian circuit has been created in p if the value of index (the next
position in the path list) is bigger than the number of nodes in the graph. If so, then this copy of p
must contain a path back the vertex v1. That is, p contains the indices of the nodes of the graph
in the order they must be traversed to complete a Hamiltonian circuit. If index is not greater than
n then there is still work to do.
Recursive Segment - The else part of the pseudocode builds all the children (if any) of p(index)
the node most recently added to the list p. The underlined phrase, v can be added to the path,
needs more explanation. A new node can be added to the path only under one of the following
1. there are less than n nodes in p so far and v is not already in the path p and there is
an edge connecting v to p(i)
2. there are exactly n nodes in p already and v is the first node in p and there is an
edge connecting v to p(n)
The Ada source code below is a working version of hamiltonian( ). The path list p is defined as an
in parameter (i.e. pass by value) so that each call to hamiltonian will carry with it, its own copy of
the path. We make a local copy of p called ptmp so that we can add another node to p to be
passed along in each recursive call to hamiltonian( ). This version of hamiltonian( ) generates
and displays all Hamiltonian circuits for the input graph. We could easily add a global boolean to
terminate the program as soon as the first Hamiltonian circuit is displayed.
procedure hamiltonian(p : in path_type; index : in integer) is
ptmp : path_type;
if index>n then
for j in 1..n loop
if add_node_ok(p,index,j) then
end if;
end loop;
end if;
end hamiltonian;
Typical of recursive algorithms, the real work is hidden in the recursive conditional. The boolean
function add_node_ok( ) returns true if all the conditions listed in (1) or (2) for the recursive
segment have been satisfied. This implementation is not the most efficient possible. You are
strongly encouraged to follow your own path (no pun intended) when encoding complicated
logical constructs.
function add_node_ok(p:
index :
j :
isok : boolean;
if W(p(index),j) then
if index<n then
for k in 1..index
if p(k)=j then
end if;
end loop;
if j>1 then
end if;
end if;
end if;
return isok;
end add_node_ok;
integer) return boolean is
--A. there is an edge
--B. path is not done
--C. new node has not
-been used already
--D. new node is not node 1
--E. there is no edge
The adjacency matrix W( ) has been implemented as a 2-D boolean array in which W(i,j)=true
indicates that there is an edge connecting node i to node j in the graph. This function is testing if
it is OK to add the node j to the path list p. We first check to see if there is an edge between the
node most recently added to the path p(index) and the new node j being considered (A) (the else
at E). If there is an edge then we check to see if we are at the end of a Hamiltonian circuit (i.e.
index=n). If index is less than n then we are not at the end of a circuit (B) and we then make sure
that the new node j is not already in the path p( ) (C). If index is equal to n then we just have to
make sure that we have returned to node 1
Reducing the Number of Computations in Backtracking - In those cases in which we need to find
any feasible solution to a problem, we could significantly reduce the number of computations
needed if we could develop some measure of the likelyhood that a particular path in the statespace tree would lead to an answer. Such measures of the merit of taking a particular path do
exist but they are problem-dependent.
In the n-queens problem, for example, we could use the number of open squares remaining as a
measure of merit. If a particular choice for placing a queen resulted in fewer open squares than
the number of queens left to place we could avoid following the branch in the state-space tree
altogether. Other more involved measures of merit could be devised to reduce the number of
computations even further.
In addtion to removing those branches in the state-space tree that cannot lead to a solution, we
can also arrange the order in which we traverse the tree by taking the paths most likely to lead to
a solution first. We will cover this issue in greater detail when we look at the Branch and Bound
method, alpha-beta pruning and relaxed algorithms.
15.4 Dynamic Programming
Dynamic programming is similar to divide-and-conquer in that the problem is broken down into
smaller subproblems. In this approach we solve the small instances first, save the results and
look them up later, when we need them, rather than recompute them.
1. characterize the structure of an optimal solution
2. recursively define the value of an optimal solution
3. compute the value of an optimal solution in a bottom-up manner
4. construct an optimal solution from computed information
Dynamic programming can sometimes provide an efficient solution to a problem for which divideand-conquer produces an exponential run-time. Occasionally we find that we do not need to
save all subproblem solutions. In these cases we can revise the algorithm greatly reducing the
memory space requirements for the algorithm.
The Binomial Coefficient - The binomial coefficient is found in many applications. It gets its name
from the binomial expansion. Given a two-element term (a+b) which we wish to raise to an
integer power n, we find that the expansion of these products produces a series with decreasing
powers of a, increasing powers of b and a coefficient
1a +4a3b+6a2b2+4ab3+1b4
The binomial coefficient is also the number of combinations of n items taken k at a time,
sometimes called n-choose-k.
The binomial theorem gives a recursive expression for the coefficient of any term in the
expansion of a binomial raised to the nth power.
Binomial Coefficient Function
Divide-and-Conquer Version - This version of bin requires that the subproblems are recalculated
many times for each recursive call.
function bin(n,k : integer) return integer is
if k=0 or k=n then
return 1;
return bin(n-1,k-1) + bin(n-1,k);
end if;
end bin;
Dynamic Programming Version - In bin2 the smallest instances of the problem are solved first
and then used to compute values for the larger subproblems. Compare the computational
complexities of bin and bin2.
function bin2(n,k : integer) return integer is
B : is array(0..n,0..k) of integer;
for i in 0..n loop
for j in 0..minimum(i,k) loop
if j=0 or j=i then
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
return B(n,k);
end bin2;
Applying the Dynamic Programming Method - Dynamic Programming is one of the most difficult
problem solving methods to learn, but once learned it is one of the easiest methods to implement.
For this reason we will spend some time developing dynamic programming algrotithms for a
variety of problems. Recall that the Dynamic Programming method is applicable when an optimal
solution can be obtained from a sequence of decisions. If these decisions can be made without
an error then we can use the Greedy Method rather than Dynamic Programming.
Shortest Path - Given a connected graph G={V,E} comprised of a set of vertices V and edges E
each with an associated non-negative weight w, find a shortest path from some vertex vi in a
connected graph to some other vertex vj. We define the set of vertices adjacent to vi by Ai. If vj is
in Ai and if the edge connecting vj to vi is the smallest weight edge connecting the set of edges A i
to vi then we know that the shortest path from vi to vj is the edge ei,j.
On the other hand, if vj is not adjacent to vi or if the edge ei,j is not the smallest weight edge
connecting vi to the members of Ai then we cannot be sure which edge to choose as an element
of the shortest path from vi to vj. Therefore, Greedy Method does not apply here. So, how do we
apply Dynamic Programming?
In this case we will attempt to solve the larger problem of finding the shortest path from v i to every
other vertex and, in the process, find the shortest path from vi to vj. Starting with the vertices in Ai
we note that the minimal weight edge connected to vi must be the shortest path from vi to the
vertex connected to vi (say vk) by this edge. We know this is true since any other path from v i to
vk not including ei,k would include an edge at least as large as ei,k. From the point of view of
finding the shortest path between two particular nodes, Dijstra's single-source shortest path
algorithm is an example of dynamic programming. For the problem of finding the shortest path
from a particular node to every other node, Dijkstra's algorithm is an example of the Greedy
The Principle of Optimality - When the Greedy method does not apply we can enumerate all
possible decision sequences and then pick out the best. Dynamic Programming can significanly
reduce the amount of work required by brute-force enumeration by avoiding the decision
sequences that cannot possibly be optimal. In order to implement dynamic programming we
must apply the Principle of Optimality. As stated by Horowitz and Sahni,
"an optimal sequence of decisions has the property that whatever the initial state and
decision are, the remaining decisions must constitute an optimal decision sequence
with regard to the state resulting from the first decision."
The difference between the greedy method and dynamic programming is that in the greedy
method we generate only one decision sequence while in dynamic programming we may
generate many. What differentiates dynamic programming from brute-force enumeration is that,
in dynamic programming we attempt to generate only the optimal decision sequences rather than
all possible sequences.
Fibonacci Numbers - As you probably recall, Fibonacci numbers are computed by taking the sum
of the the two previous Fibonacci numbers. This rule can be applied iteratively to generate all
Fibonacci numbers but it needs to be primed with the first two Fibonacci numbers,
Fibo(0) = 0,
Fibo(1) = 1, and
Fibo(n) = Fibo(n-1) + Fibo(n-2)
As with binomial coeffients we can compute Fibonacci number recursively or by applying dynamic
function fibo( n : integer) return integer is
if n<=1 then
return n;
return fibo(n-1) + fibo(n-2);
end if;
end fibo;
When we call this function for some value of n, fibo( ) calls itself twice. Once with a parameter
value of n-1 and once with n-2. This doubling of the number of calls at each level continues until
the termination condition n<=1 is reached. The binary problem-space tree that is generated is
not complete since half of the call have parameters reduced by 1 and half have parameters
reduced by 2 at each level
An exact complexity analysis of this algorithm is an exercise in solving recurrence relations. It can
be shown that this is still an exponential run-time problem O(n) where >1.6. What is important
to notice here is the large number of times the smaller values of Fibo( ) are recalculated.
Dynamic Programming comes to the rescue. We need to restructure the algorithm so that a table
of values is computed only once and then saved to be used to compute the larger values.
function fibo(n : integer) return integer is
type listype is array(1..?) of integer;
F : listype;
for i in 2 to n loop
end loop;
return F(n);
end fibo;
This is an incomplete function since we have not specified the upper limit of the array F. There
are methods in Ada for handling unspecified data structures as in most languages but in this case
we can see that we can trade a little speed to significantly reduce the memory requirements, and
still have an efficient algorithm.
function fibo(n : integer) return integer is
Fa,Fb,Fc : integer;
for i in 2 to n loop
end loop;
return Fc;
end fibo;
The two additional assignment statements in the for_loop would not be signficant compared the
the space (memory) requirements of the previous version when n is large. It should be clear that
both these functions have a linear (i.e. O(n) ) complextity.
15.5 Branch-and-Bound
The branch-and-bound problem solving method is very similar to backtracking in that a state
space tree is used to solve a problem. The differences are that B&B (1) does not limit us to any
particular way of traversing the tree and (2) is used only for optimization problems. A B&B
algorithm computers a number (bound) at a node to determine whether the node is promising.
The number is a bound on the value of the solution that could be obtained by expanding the state
space tree beyond the current node.
Types of Traversal - When implementing the branch-and-bound approach there is no restriction
on the type of state-space tree traversal used. Backtracking, for example, is a simple kind of B&B
that uses depth-first search.
A better approach is to check all the nodes reachable from the currently active node (breadthfirst) and then to choose the most promising node (best-first) to expand next. An essential
element of B&B is a greedy way to estimate the value of choosing one node over another. This is
called the bound or bounding heuristic. It is an underestimate for a minimal search and an
overestimate for a maximal search. When performing a breadth-first traversal, the bound is used
only to prune the unpromising nodes from the state-space tree. In a best-first traversal the bound
also can used to order the promising nodes on the live-node list.
Traveling Salesperson B&B - In the most general case the distances between each pair of cities
is a positive value with dist(A,B)? dist(B,A). In the matrix representation, the main diagonal values
are omitted (i.e. dist(A,A)?0).
We can use the greedy method to find an initial candidate tour. We start with city A (arbitrary)
and choose the closest city (in this case E). Moving to the newly chosen city, we always choose
the closest city that has not yet been chosen until we return to A.
Our candidate tour is A-E-C-G-F-D-B-H-A with a tour length of 28. We know that a minimal tour
will be no greater than this. It is important to understand that the initial candidate tour is not
necessarily a minimal tour nor is it unique. If we start with city E for example, we have, E-A-B-HC-G-F-D-E with a length of 30.
Defninig A Bounding Heuristic - Now we must define a bounding heuristic that provides an
underestimate of the cost to complete a tour from any node using local information. In this
example we choose to use the actual cost to reach a node plus the minimum cost from every
remaining node as our bounding heuristic.
h(x) = a(x) + g(x)
a(x) - actual cost to node x
g(x) - minimum cost to complete
Since we know the minimum cost from each node to anywhere we know that the minimal tour
cannot be less than 25. Now we are ready to search the problem space tree for the minimal tour
using the branch-and-bound problem solving method.
1. Starting with node A determine the actual cost to each of the other nodes.
2. Now compute the minimum cost from every other node 25-4=21.
3. Add the actual cost to a node a(x) to the minimum cost from every other node to determine a
lower bound for tours from A through B,C,. . .,H.
4. Since we already have a candidate tour of 28 we can prune all branches with a lower-bound
that is ? 28. This leaves B, D and E as the onlypromising nodes.
5. We continue to expand the promising nodes in a best-first order (E1,B1,,D1).
6. We have fully expanded node E so it is removed from our live-node list and we have two new
nodes to add to the list. When two nodes have the same bounding values we will choose the one
that is closer to the solution. So the order of nodes in our live-node list is (C2,B1,B2,D1).
7. We remove node C2 and add node G3 to the live-node list. (G3,B1,B2,D1).
8. Expanding node G gives us two more promising nodes F4 and H4. Our live-node list is now
actual cost of getting to G=11
9. A 1st level node has moved to the front of the live-node list. (B1,D5,H4,B2,D1)
10. (H2,D5,H4,B2,D1)
11. (D5,H4,B2,D1)
12. (H4,B2,D1)
13. (B2,D1)
14. (H3,D1)
15. (D1)
16.We have verified that a minimal tour has length >= 28. Since our candidate tour has a length
of 28 we now know that it is a minimal tour, we an use it without further searching of the statespace tree.
5.1. Write an Ada program to find an arrangement of queens for the 8-Queens Problem.
5.2 Answer the following questions concerning Exercise
a. How many arrangements are possible for the 8 queens whether or not an arrangement is a
b. How many arrangement are there if each queen must be in its own row and column?
c. As the problem is made larger, do you think that the number of solutions increases or
decreases? Why?
d. Is there a solution for all n queens problems n>3? Argue for or against the conjecture that there
is always at least one solution for n>3. If you argue agains the conjecture you should try to
provide a counterexample.
5.3. Implement your own version of the Hamiltonian Circuit Algorithm.
a. Use your program to generate all Hamiltonian circuits for the sample graph shown below.
b. Modify your program to generate only one Hamiltonian circuit and then terminate. It is not
enough to simply block the output. You modification must actually force the program to terminate
normally (i.e. without a runtime errors or exception being thrown.)
Homework 4.1: You have seen two methods for computing binomial coefficients based on a
recurrence relation. Using the recursive expression for binomial coefficients provided create
another version of this function that has a lower order of complexity than either bin or bin2.
Develop, implement and test your version of this function and then derive its order of complexty.
Hint: simplify the factorial terms algebraically and capture their essential computations in a single