Name Ali O. Nejadat Title: Department: Address: phone: e-mail: Associate Professor /Head of journalism Dept. Journalism Yarmouk University 21163 - IRBID – JORDAN (962) 2 7211111 ext. 2666 Education Journalism 2000, University of Cairo, Egypt M.Sc. Journalism 1990, University of Colorado / Boulder / USA 1980, Yarmouk University- Jordn B.Sc. Journalism & Mass Communication Ph.D. WORK & TEACHING EXPERIENCES 2002 - Till present time Assistant Professor / Dept. of Journalism / Faculty of Mass Communication / Yarmouk University. 1990 – 2002 Lecturer / Dept. of Journalism / Faculty of Mass Communication/ Yarmouk University 1990 - Till present time Art Director - "Sahafet Al-Yarmouk" Newspaper. 1985-1988 Assistant Research / Dept. of Journalism & Mass Communication / Yarmouk University. 1985-1987 Essay\ Writers in "Sahafet Al-Yarmouk" Newspaper. 1990- till present time Training students of Dept. of Journalism & Mass Communication on News Writing and Reporting Through "Sahafat Al-Yarmouk" Newspaper. 1990- till present time Training students of Dept. of Journalism & Mass Communication on Newspaper Deign & Layout through "Sahafat Al-Yarmouk" Newspaper. 19990- Till present time Teaching the following in periodical (Every Semester): - J 101 Introduction to Communication. - J 110 Introduction to News Editing and Writing. - J 210 Introduction to Design & Layout. - J 211 Press News. - J 214 News Writing for Print Media. - J 315 Newspapers & Magazine Design. - J 316 Electronic Journalism. - J 399 Internship. - J 406 Applied Research in Journalism. - J 499 Graduation Project - Teaching the compulsory and elective subjects which the Dept. of Journalism introduces them in randomly (not periodical), in Mass Communication field. 2001- 2002 Editor-in-chief of "Sahafat AL-Yarmouk" Newspaper. TRAINING COURSES 4/4-11/5/2001 1/5-16/6/1994 Participating in training course in "Information Technology" for five weeks, held in Yarmouk University for the teaching staff of the University. Participating in training course on the AlNasher Al-Maktabi, and AL-Nashir AlSahafi programs (software) using Apple Macintosh computer. 1/2-12/5/1992 Participating in preparing the new teaching staff / Yarmouk University. 20-23/7/1991 Participating in training course on the software of Apple Macintosh at Ideal Systems Co.: such as Mac Skills, Wintext and al Nashir Al-Makatabi. GRANTS & AWARDS 1/5-30/7/1990 1988 MEMBERSHIP 1991 2009 Journalists League in Colorado State /USA Award amounting to one thousand Dollars under the patronage of Intermountain Color Company in Boulder City with training at the Company for 3 months. Repeated Annual Crown Prince Al-Hasan Award for studies the Master degree in Journalism & Mass Communication at American Universities. Member in National journalism honor society (Kappa Tau Alpha). Member in Jordanian Press Association. CONFERENCES 2-4 Dec. 2007 Participating in the First annual International conference held at Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, With a research paper entitled " The Future of the Traditional Papers under the information and Knowledge Revolution : Paper Press Versus Electronic Press". 2-4 May 2006 Participating in the 12th annual scientific conference held at Cairo University, Cairo, With a research paper entitled "The Image of Woman in the Jordanian Press as Reflected by the Daily Newspapers". 25-27 July Participating in the 2nd annual scientific conference held at Yarmouk University, Irbid, With a research paper entitled "The Treatment of Family Violence Issues in the Jordanian Dailies". 23-25 October Participating in the National Symposium held at "The Institute of Journalism & News" in Munnuba University –Tunisia, with a research paper entitled "The Newspapers Designer in the Jordanian Press and His Role in Determining the Identity of the Newspaper". SEMINARS & WORKSHOPS 29/12/92-4/1/1993 Participating in workshop entitle: "The latest techniques in Newspaper / Magazine production using computer technology for community women and youth newspaper / magazine production; which held at Yarmouk University cooperation with Dept. of Journalism & Mass Communication and UNISCO Organization. 14-15/8/1993 Participating in workshop organized by Jordan General Management Institute around performance public relationship department in Jordanian Governmental Sector. The paper which I introduced was entitled: "Principles of editing and layout public relationship publications". 9-20/4/1994 Participating in workshop entitled: "The regional women training course on Desktop publishing technique", which held at Yarmouk University cooperation with Dept. of Journalism & Mass Communication, UNISCO Organization, and European Union. Participating in workshop entitled: "The national training shop on Desk-top publishing techniques for women print journalists"; which held at Yarmouk University cooperation with Dept. of Journalism & Mass Communication and 15-29/11/1994 UNISCO Organization. 1-15/3/1998 RESEARCH EXPERIENCES 2000 Participating in workshop entitle: "Women journalists of the Mediterranean Sea"; which held at Yarmouk University cooperation with Dept. of Journalism & Mass Communication and UNISCO Organization. Ph.D. thesis -unpublished- entitled: "The effected factors in definition the layout attitudes in the Jordanian Daily Newspapers during the ninetieth, Faculty of Journalism - Cairo University / Egypt. 1990 Master thesis -unpublished- entitled: "Preferences in Newspaper Design and Layout Among Arab Students in the United States." 2001 Supervision on Design and layout the publications which issue by the National Population Committee / Jordan, cooperation with Jones Hopkins University / USA. Articles: 1996 2003 Common research entitled: "Page One Formats in the Jordanian Daily Newspapers " published in "Abhath AlYarmouk" Humanities and Social Sciences Series - A Quarterly Refereed Indexed Journal. Vol. (13) No. (2A), 1997. Common research entitled: " The Population and Reproductive Health Issues in the Jordanian Dailies: A Content Analysis" published in "Abhath Al-Yarmouk" Humanities and Social Sciences Series - A Quarterly Refereed Indexed Journal. 2004 2005 2006 2006 2006 2006 2007 Vol. (19) No. (3B), 2003 Research entitled: " The Newspapers Designer in the Jordanian Press and His Role in Determining the Identity of the Newspaper: A Survey Study" published in "Abhath Al-Yarmouk" Humanities and Social Sciences Series - A Quarterly Refereed Indexed Journal. Vol. (20) No. (2B), 2004 Research entitled: " Page One Formats in the Jordanian Weekly Newspapers: Analytical Study " published in "Abhath Al-Yarmouk" Humanities and Social Sciences Series - A Quarterly Refereed Indexed Journal. Vol. (21) No. (2), 2005 Common research entitled:" Political Development Topics in the Jordanian Dailies: "An Analytical Study" published in "Abhath Al-Yarmouk" Humanities and Social Sciences Series - A Quarterly Refereed Indexed Journal. Vol. (22) No. (2), 2006 Research entitled: "Jordanian Dailies in the Reign of the Emirate and Development of its layout 1921 – 1946 " Al-Jazeera as a model" accepted for publishing in "Abhath AlYarmouk" Humanities and Social Sciences Series - A Quarterly Refereed Indexed Journal. Research entitled: "The Treatment of Family Violence Issues in the Jordanian Dailies" accepted for publishing in "Abhath Al-Yarmouk" Humanities and Social Sciences Series - A Quarterly Refereed Indexed Journal. Research entitled: "The Image of Woman in the Jordanian Press as Reflected by the Daily Newspapers" accepted for publishing in "Abhath AlYarmouk" Humanities and Social Sciences Series - A Quarterly Refereed Indexed Journal. Common research entitled:" The Impact for the Use of the Internet on Media Students "Analytical & Field 2007 2007 Books: 2001 Study" accepted for publishing in "Abhath Al-Yarmouk" Humanities and Social Sciences Series - A Quarterly Refereed Indexed Journal. Common research entitled: " The Art of Caricature in The Jordanian Dailies " Analytical & Comparative study Between Al- Dustour & Al- Arab Alyawm" accepted for publishing in " Dirasat" Humanities- A learned Research Journal Published by the University of Jordan the Dean of Academic Research – Amman. Research entitled:" Jordanian Daily Newspapers Layout (1946-1967) "Analytical Study" sent to "The Arab Journal For arts" A Refereed Indexed Journal, Published by The Society of Arab Universities Faculties of Arts at Universities Members of AARU. Yarmouk University, Irbid – Jordan. "Newspaper Layout and design" Attitudes, principles, Effected Factors, and its Elements/ Hamada for University Studies, Publication and Distribution / Irbid – Telefax: (00962 2 7270100), P.O.Box(1284).