1 HEALTH SERVICES DELIVERY 1.5 PROGRAMME FOR VULNERABLE POPULATIONS 1.5.6 Improving the health of peoples in urban slums (as of March 2008) A Focal Point B Implementing Agencies C Target Areas & Beneficiaries Estate & Urban Health unit, Ministry of Healthcare & Nutrition Ministry of Healthcare & Nutrition, Ministry of Local Government and Provincial councils, PDHS, RDHS, Municipal MOH and the staff, MOH of the particular urban council areas. All the people living in the Municipality areas and the Urban council areas. Project Summary: The health problems of urban people are mainly related to their life style such as food habits, sanitation, etc and resource constrains. However, not much data is available. High risk groups specially the poor, living within the urban that need special care. As such we have to identify the major health problems, issues and presently available services and develop a policy and strategies to provide better health security to the urban population specially to those under privileged urban slum people. This project includes. Situation analysis and the health problems of those who live in the urban areas. Development of a policy and strategies for the Urban Health. Identifying Major areas and issues and factors influencing the health and health hazards in urban areas. Identifying mechanisms to implement remedial activities. 1. Justification: The proportion of the population living in the large towns, grown from 5% to 50% over the past 2 centuries. It is estimated that 50% of the city population lives in low-income settlements, therefore, the approximate population living in low-income settlement in Colombo is 321,000 or 77,612 families. 33% of those families have difficult access to drinking water, and only 33% of families have their own toilets. Only 12% have regular sources of employment, and 34% depend on self-employment activities. Urbanism potentate many changes in human health and wellbeing due to exposure to hazardous physical environment and risk taking behaviour due to stress and strains, resource constrains and lack of community support. Urban dwellers have better access to quality curative care services than in any rural setting. People’s health status is influenced not only by access to health services and quality of care, it is even more a reflection of their access to resources such as sufficient and nutritionally balanced safe food, safe water, clean air, protective habitat, community supports. The hazards to which they are exposed in society in general such as environmental pollution with refuse, petroleum products and stagnating water, loud sounds. In their occupations, their own life skills and risk behaviour such as drug addictions, smoking, trauma, obeycity and health seeking behaviour etc... Poverty in any society is a social as well as an economic phenomenon concentrated in “underprivileged groups”, who have higher health needs than the general population and are usually suffer impediments to access quality health care services. Therefore, it is important to address the needs of the urban slum poor as one of the key planning issues in formulating a master plan for health sector in Sri Lanka. Remedial activities for health benefits include improving housing and providing safe water, sanitation and waste removal. 2. Important Assumptions/Risks/Conditions: Health status of a population is dependant on the living condition, water supply, sanitation, access to other basic resources and community support. We have to have a multi-sectoral approach in health prevention and promotion strategies and it should be through appropriate technology in delivering the services. Most of the activities we have to work with Municipal council or urban councils. Also we have to use the existing systems and mechanism to implement the programmes. Also political factors are important. 3. Project Objective: Objective Indicators To develop strategies to Strategic frame provide better PHC services work available to the urban population with % Utilisation of PHC special reference to street services children, migrant workers, Selected health slum dwellers and home less indictor segregated for urban people. areas Means of Verification Records and retunes Periodic surveys 4. Project Output/Product: Outputs strategic framework developed for urban population based on identified service needs Indicators Records Periodic survey Periodic survey Changes in public policies in favour of urban health. Periodic survey No of programme / activities with high community participation Periodic survey Strategic frame work available Enhanced service accessibility at all % of population level. utilising basic public health services A proper refuse disposal system Amount of solid waste established for safe physical disposed currently and in the environment. past Target group becomes accessible to basic needs such as food, water, and shelter. Enhanced community participation in making decisions affecting their lives, health and wellbeing. Means of Verification 5. Related Projects: Project No. Project Title National programmes on environmental pollution, occupational health, communicable/ non communicable disease control programme, mental health programmes and other community health related projects. 6. Relevant Agencies to be Coordinated: Municipality and Urban councils and water supply and drainage board, Non-governmental agencies. Ministry of Social services, Ministry of Urban Development and planning, Ministry of Housing and Ministry of education, Local media, police and Local top political leaders. 7. Monitoring & Evaluation: 1. Who? Provincial, Central and local government health authorities. 2. When? Periodical monitoring and Evaluation of the programme 8. Activities: Activities Expected Results Process Indicators 1 Conduct a situation analysis to Needs identified find out the current status and GIS mapping of composition (by age, gender, education) of urban slum areas and also find out nutritional status and educational standards Develop TOR Recruit a consult team Compilation of baseline data 2 Develop a policy for urban health Policy document for services urban health developed Develop the TOR Identify the policy development team 3 Develop strategies to provide the services. Develop the TOR Identify the strategy development group 4 Conduct health promotional Increased service activities on sexual health accessibility for (substance abuse, weaning sexual health practices etc.). Identify training needs Design the training programme Develop Trg. materials 5 Carryout a programme for life Developed life skills skill development of street for street children children Identify training needs Design the training programme Develop materials 6 Establish proper refuse disposal Refuse disposal system for safe physical system established environment. Develop a TOR Hire a consultant group Design the system 7 Health promotional activities on Identify training needs Strategic framework developed Reduced Vector prevention diseases of vector borne Borne disease prevalence/incidence Design the training programme Develop materials 8 Develop advocacy programme to Developed advocacy facilitate basic needs of the urban programmes slums Identify training needs Design the training programme Develop training materials 9 Develop a mechanism to enhance Community participation community participation in maximized making decisions affecting their lives, health and well-being Develop a TOR Deploy a consultant group Design the system 10 Assessment of factor affecting Survey report on community Identify training needs community participation of people participation Design the training living in the urban slums programme Develop training materials 11 Train project enhancing participation mangers on Developed skills on Identify training needs community community participation Design the training programme Develop training materials